An Operating System for the Real World

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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My keynote at the Concur #PerfectTrip Devcon on October 2, 2013. I talk about the "internet operating system," and how sensors are turning it into a real world operating system, with "context aware programming." I use this metaphor to give lessons from some projects and startups putting these principles to work, including Tripit, the Google Autonomous Vehicle, Square, Uber, and Google Now.


An Operating System for the Real WorldTim O’Reilly@timoreilly

Concur Perfect Trip DevconOctober 2, 2013

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.”

-Edwin Schlossberg

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

The Internet as a Platform

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

2004: How can you call the Internet an operating system?

No kernelNo memory managementNo processor

Photo: Patrick Tufts

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

An application that depends on cooperating cloud data services: - Location- Search- Speech recognition- Live Traffic- Imagery

What Is the Operating System for Google Maps?

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Managing access not just to devices or hardwarecomponents, but to online, real-time data

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #1: Be Creativein Finding and Integrating Data Sources

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

An Operating System for the Real World

In thinking about the internet operating system,I didn’t go far enough

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

It’s Not Just the “Internet”

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

The Google Autonomous Vehicle

“We don’t have better algorithms. We just have more data.” - Peter Norvig, Chief Scientist, Google

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

AI plus the recorded memory of augmented humans

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson 2: Enrich Online Datawith Knowledge of the Real World

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #3: Do Less

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #4: Get creative with hardware, not just software

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #5: Build “software above the level of a single device”

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #6: Harness network effects in data

@timoreilly #perfecttrip


Lesson #7: Rethink workflows and experiences

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

The Apple Store

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Imagine Google Glass at Hotel Check-in

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“Uber is a $3.5 billion lesson in building for how the world *should* work instead of optimizing for how the world *does* work” - Aaron Levie of

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Taxi Magic

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Uber and Taxi Magic Rely on that “Internet Operating System”

Real Time Location SensingReal Time CommunicationsIdentityPaymentReputation

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #8: Close the loop

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“What I learned from Google is to only invest in things that close the loop.”- Chris Sacca

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #9: Anticipate User Needs

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“You shouldn’t have toask for a taxi. One should show up”

“You shouldn’t have to call to change connecting flights. The app should know that the flight’s been delayed, and even rebookthe flight for you.”

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #10: A Platform Beats an Application Every Time

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Keep in Mind That There are Two Types of Platform

One Ring to Rule Them All

Small Pieces Loosely Joined

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #11: Create More Value Than You Capture

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

There’s a wonderful section in Les Miserables about the good that Jean Valjean does as a businessman (operating under the pseudonym of Father Madeleine). Through his industry and vision, he makes an entire region prosperous, so that “there was no pocket so obscure that it had not a little money in it; no dwelling so lowly that there was not some little joy within it.”

And the key point: “Father Madeleine made his fortune; but a singular thing in a simple man of business, it did not seem as though that were his chief care. He appeared to be thinking much of others, and little of himself.”

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

I call it “the big lie” of modern business

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Lesson #12: Work on stuff that matters

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Bonus Lesson: Idealism is the best marketing

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Open SourceWeb 2.0

The Maker MovementOpen Data

Open Government

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Why I love hackers

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Show Twilio related projects

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Text My Bus

Sadly, that’s not an uber-like timeframe. But at least knowing is a big help.

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Government as a platform

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Government as a platform means an end to the design of only complete, closed “applications.” Instead the government should provide fundamental services on which we, the people, (also known as “the market”) build applications.

Government as a Platform

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956

Dwight Eisenhower

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

google home page / information age

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“We’ve opened up huge amounts of government data to the American people, and put it on the Internet for free....  And what’s happening is entrepreneurs and business owners are now using that data -- the people’s data --to create jobs and solve problems that government can’t solve by itself or can’t do as efficiently.”

Barack Obama

@timoreilly #perfecttrip

“The legitimate object of government is to do for the people what needs to be done, but which they cannot, by individual effort, do at all, or do so well, for themselves.”-Abraham Lincoln, July 1,1854

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