An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 5

Post on 08-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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A Sims 2 Boolprop Challenge. I've made it to chapter 5! More kids to add to the first generation... Lots of baby fun. =D


Hi! Thanks for reading. I take comments! <3Or not. I really hope you enjoy just reading and catching up.

My family, the Fitzsimmons, are up to baby 2 of the first generation. I’m playing the Base game, Seasons, and Bon Voyage bonuses. for more info. =D

This is Bendi, my Bad Apple. She’s uncontrolable right now.

It was her first day of school. =]

There will be many pictures of her because I’ve never NOT seen a Sim’s wants/needs -it makes me nervous so I watch her.

Her plumbbob indicates school was hard for her so I figure she needs some fun.

I’m not sure if they can get the kids into private school and I forgot about it, too.

Once her plumbbob color looked green again, it was time to teach her to study.

Dinner time…


“This is good, Mom.”

We now know Binty doesn’t have many neat points.

This is a walkby we invited in to see if Binty will talk to someone.

~I hope she doesn’t like you~

“Come on in and play some darts.”

He didn’t play darts and she didn’t talk to him. She totally ignored him.

“Sweetie, don’t you want to have some of your sister’s birthday cake?”

Totally ignores her mother.

Jim is working on a new friend but that’s okay, this isn’t a party.

They had their Winter party and it’s too soon for a Spring party.

The flamigo kicker was still there to help celebrate.

This is Olympia, nicknamed Imp, the second child of the 1st generation.

“Blow out the candles with mommy.”

“How much longer until we can eat the cake?”

“She should grow up any second…”

“Let me get another cake and try again.”

“I’ll take it with me if you’re not going to eat it.”

Yay! The next cake worked and Imp was tossed into toddlerhood.

Now isn’t she just the cutest? Love the hair- it’s new for me too. Yay- XD

~Okay, it’s time for you to go home~

“Thanks for visiting. Hope you can come to our next party.”

“Maybe I will.”

~Pfft; he probably won’t~

“Who’s mommies little angel?”

Toddler spam XD

~Sqeee! Awesomeness!~


~Just Let Go!~

I checked and I don’t have an abduction mod. It didn’t take too long for this so I had to check~

After climbing out of bed to check on all the noise, Bendi took a shower… with her hat on. XD

“Is it like a plane? We saw a plane on TV at school.”

“No, Bendi, dear. It wasn’t a plane, it was a spaceship. Mommy is just very nervous for daddy.”

“It’s something very different than a plane. It travels all over Simspace.”


“Your tummy just popped and now it’s bigger.”

“We’re going to have another baby in the house soon.”

“How did that happen?”

“Mommy needs you to go to bed soon. We’ll have a talk about Mother Nature another time.”

After agonizing hours, the spaceship was back.

(I’m so terrible- still no roof on the house *sigh*)

“I want a turn! Take me, take me!”

“Keeping my eyes closed.”

They played a little red-hands to hopefully get Jim’s mind off the baby chimes we all heard.

Bendi picked up the flamingos.

“There you go, Pebbles.”

“Sweetie, can you go give your sister a kiss? Maybe talk to her?”

“I don’t want to. She’s a dumb baby.”

“Bendi! You’re her sister.”

Nope, Bendi couldn’t be influenced to interact with her sister at all. =[

She did play with the table once it was moved near her. Then little Imp could play too.

“Oh, Great Grilled Cheese! I don’t want to think about it.”

~ You could garden then~

“Slow down, Bendi. You should chew your food.”

“The bus is almost here.”

“Hi, Everyone!”


~Poor Jim. You’ll be okay soon~ XD

Lol! Now he understands his wife more.

“Ahhh, I didn’t get an A.”

~Oops. I forgot to have her finish her homework~

Yay! She used her bed upstairs. But I can’t let her sleep long… Stereo to the rescue.

“Let’s go finish your homework so you can get an A at school.”

“That’d be perfect, dad.”

With much grumbling and sighing, dad made sure Bendi did most of her homework.

She didn’t get them all done but she did get one finished.

Angelica worked on her book. The family Story, “Generation Zero- It Started with a Map.”


I’m so excited! It’s been a long while since I’ve had an alien baby in The Sims =D

“Jim dear, can we go on a date?”

“Sigh… after my shower. I’m feeling a little strange right now.”

~He’s all hormonal~ XD

“What a wonderful job, Bendi. You’ve finished all your homework.”

“Morning stretches are good for you. Now go have a wonderful day at school.”

Picture time of Imp. She’s so good and quiet…. and she’s learning her skills.

“Spring bugs are getting bad.”

“Yes! Sweet…”

“Mom, Mom! I got an A in school.”

Bendi brought a friend home from school and then promtly ignored her. . .

“Want to watch TV?”


“Want to play Cops & Robbers?”


“She woke me up, mom.”

“Bendi, your bed is upstairs. This is mom and dad’s bedroom.”

“I like your bed better. Why can’t I sleep with you?”

“You’re a big girl now, you get your own bed upstairs.”

Lest we forget, here’s adorable and quiet Imp.

“Mine. ZzzzzZ”

She even sleeps in her hat.

Angelica and Jim are on a date. It might not look like it but they are…

She dances, he goes out and digs up some more bones and rocks…

They finally have enough money to buy a business plot. Not enough to build or furnish it yet.

They both work a little in the garden on their date.

“Sweetie, we need to get raises at work. Hopefully one of us will be able to work again soon.”

“I agree, that would be great. I’ve never been home this long before.”

History seems to repeat itself. Angelica wakes the baby while in labor.

Jim protects Imp’s young ears while the 3rd child is born.

This is Ohnie. Named after Apolo Ohno – but she’s a girl so it’s Ohnie. XD

(because the Olympics commercials are all that’s on at night)

~You’re only at the second bump… you’re dragging it out, Jim. Come on!~

We’re doing our best to let it go but in a good way. Lol!

No one has gone to get Curly back. He’s all alone in a strange yard.

*Sheeee is… Shheee!* a breeze says

Yes, Bendi loves to dance. :D

I had to turn it off hoping she’d go play with her sister… but she doesn’t.

Next- a ballet bar. She took right to it. Hopefully it builds body.

I wish I had some career rewards to train her on.

“Good evening, sweetie.”

I built the house way to big but since there are only girls so far, they will get one big bedroom.

With a big bathroom to share.

The radio was employed again…

There was a Birthday party going on but Bendi didn’t care.

“Are you ready to be a big girl, Imp?”

“Yes, daddy.”

More people showed for Imp’s party. It was nice to see. =D

Spam…How cute is she?

Now Imp can talk to her sister..

“We can play together now.”

“uh…maybe later.”

Dang it- Everyone was eating snacks because I forgot to turn the fridge.

*turns fridge*

… but then….

“There’s too much noise here. Break it up now!”

Yes, a child’s birthday party with only cake and a small radio is way too loud.

Oh, well- it was still a Not Bad rating for our Spring party. =[

Jim called Bendi upstairs to try and get her to sleep in her own bed. Imp was already asleep.

He might have locked the doors as he left. =D

Bendi did take a shower first.

Then she stood there complaining that she didn’t have a bed.

“I want it here.”

I bought her a new one and she finally went to sleep… at 2am.

Leftovers were put out for any hungry child.

Which it seems Bendi was hungry. She didn’t grab a slice of cake before bedtime last night.

With two of Bendi’s leftover homeworks, Mom and Dad both helped the girls study.

Until dad decided now was the best time evar to go into labor.

~Good job, Jim. Now Bendi won’t finish her homework again~ XD

Aww- We have a little alien baby girl… So cute!

“Babe? Where are you going?”

“To work. I thought I could earn a raise today.”

“I need your help right now…”

“Hold her while I have another baby girl.”

Twin Alien Girls!

*Saves game and Turns it Off for a few hours*

…..Headdesks for a few minutes…..

Remember when twins were rare? I don’t have the triplet/quads hack or anything like it. lol

Okay… back to the family…

They already had the last baby of the 3 required pregnancies per generation. That means these two don’t have to be part of the naming Rule.

**I checked and I did give Jim Family as a secondary aspiration but that doesn’t get the Twins boost**

~Angelica, meet your new best friend~

No, not the dog, the energizer. XD

Still no Curly to do the rollcall and protect my flamingos. =[

What? You want to know what I named the two alien girls? I’m not hiding from them. O.o

The new twins are Celle and Stial. You see what I did there? XD

One has a Sim nose and one has the alien nose. =D

I have a default Alien replacement Skin I’ve never seen before- had it for years, too.

This is where I’ll take a break from playing. . . to catch up on writing all these chapters. They’ve done the 3 pregnancies for first generation children; Now to get Club Boolprop going.

Thanks for Reading! <3

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