
BEFORE YOU ENTER THE STORE Actually the front view of the store attracted me in the first place, due to that i entered the store .The door was closed but immediately i approach the door it opened automatically due to the electronic sensitivity software that was used to programmed the door.I felt very comfortable and it was interesting too .The lettering sign was medium in size and digitally written.The font sign of the store tells me that i can get everything i can think buying in the store. ENVIRONMENT The colour of the scheme of the store is painted in rainbow colours and it was very beautiful. The store have tile floor it is somehow rough and smooth which makes walking easier and comfortable.The lights are brightly colourful and good for eyesight as well as bright enough to see every product in the store. The was very noisy because of the cars passing at the road side.Yes, there was music playing inside the store a music by westlife ‘coast to coast’. The The music really fits into the environment. The store was cold due to the aircondition in the

store.No the store is not crowed with merchandise or is it sparse. The store has very nice distinctive smell.The cash register is located at the right hand side immediately you enter the store.The store security is located in front of the main entrance. For as long as i can stay in the store because the decorations inside. The environment is attracted to viewers and buyers as well. PERSONNEL Immediately you enter the store the sales person attends to you.Yes the sales person have a script to follow with the each customer.Actually no they treat each customer with the same respect.The salespeople are friendly to the customers.The sales people normally wear a T-shirt made of the name the store to advertise the their products to the customers. PRODUCTS The first product i noticed was the sound systems which will also be found in my pictures uploaded with my reports.Not actually but mainly found in the various stores inside. They are located on the shares in the various stores.Yes the products are arranged by function,price, and colour as well.Yes there free samples of the products in front of the various stores for customers to go through before buying any products.One of the most attractive products was the front view of the jewelry shop found in the pictures attached to it.The electrical store is the least accessible in the stores.The most expensive products is located in the sound system store and the least expensive is located in the bread and the drinks store.The price of the product are easy to find based on what you want to buy. CUSTOMERS Most customers came with their family and friends to have fun at the game centre which is also found in the pictures.Some of the customers are young while others are old and both male and female.When customers enters the store they seem to walk in the same way until they get to the entrance of the various stores they want to enter.Some customers do stay long in some stores but others don’t.Customers are allow to touch the products but with care. Some of the customers are there for browsing and others are there for buying the products. About fifty percent of the customers products in the various stores. OTHER OBSERVATION There are other observation such as the luxury cars packed outside shopping mall. Beautiful trees planted in front of the shopping mall was also attractive viewers.

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