An Inquiry Group Investigation: Are We Teaching Critical ... GroupInvestigation.pdf · An Inquiry Group Investigation: Are We Teaching Critical Thinking Skills? General Education

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An Inquiry Group Investigation: Are We Teaching Critical Thinking Skills?

General Education ConferenceMay 2, 2008

Gina Cicco, Ed.D.Hostos Community College


The Inquiry Group▫



Critical Thinking Skills▫

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Anderson’s Revision

Checklist ▫

Faculty and Student Assessment


The Future of the Inquiry Group

Questions and Comments

The Inquiry Group

How did it begin?

What is it?

What do we do?

When do we meet?

How has it evolved?

The Inquiry Group and General Education

Thematic Foci within General Education▫

Academic Inquiry and Literacy Skills

Item 15…

“Utilize higher-level critical and analytical skills in reading and in personal and professional settings.”


Three: “Teach the Arts of Inquiry and Innovation”

Five: “Connect Knowledge with Choices and Action”

Seven: “Assess Students’

Ability to Apply Learning to

Complex Problems”

The Inquiry Group Goals•

Departmental Participation

Vehicle for Addressing “Big Questions”


Assessment of Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning

Improve Faculty and Student Practices

Increase Student Involvement in General Education Discourse

Utilize Quantitative and Qualitative Data for Syllabi and Program Revision

Defining Critical Thinking Skills

What is critical thinking?

Can it be taught?

How can it be assessed or quantified?

Bloom’s Taxonomy▫

Learning Domains

Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy Benjamin Bloom, 1956•

Knowledge: Drawing out factual answers, testing recall and recognition

Comprehension: Translating, interpreting, and extrapolating•

Application: To situations that are new, unfamiliar, or have a new slant for students

Analysis: Breaking down into parts, forms•

Synthesis: Combining elements into a pattern not clearly there before

Evaluation: According to some set of criteria, and state why

From Maynard (2004)

Anderson’s Update

Anderson’s Update (Lorin Anderson, 1990s)•

Nouns changed to verbs

Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information?

Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts?

Applying: can the student use the information in a new way?

Analysing: can the student distinguish between the different parts?

Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision?

Creating: can the student create a new product or point of view?

(From Overbaugh & Schultz, 2008)


Likert scale of 0 to 5▫

0= Never

1= Rarely▫

2= Sometimes

3= Often▫

4= Very Often

5= Always

Artifacts to be supplied

Assessment #1, For Faculty

Assessment #2, For Faculty

Our Progress•

Regular Meetings

Departmental Participation

Mission Statement

Consultant Advice

Informal Inquiry of Critical Thinking Skills▫

Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Bloom’s Taxonomy Model



Syllabus Revision

Student Participation▫


Brown-Bag Lunches

The Future of the Inquiry Group•

Greater Dialogue Among Faculty and Students▫


College-Wide Assessment/Rubric

In-Depth Course Assessment•

In-Depth Student Assessment of Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Continued Emphasis on Teaching and Learning•

Ongoing, Periodic Assessment and Revision

Improving Online Courses▫

Discussion Boards

Web-Enhanced Courses


Summary of Progress and Expected Outcomes•

College-Wide Participation▫

Inter-departmental dialogue



Thank you!

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