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(A Descriptive Qualitative Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Part Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

of Education of English Department














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Makassar, November 2019

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NIM : 10535 6408 15

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Makassar, November 2019

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Berhenti Jadi Baik.




Dian Ekawati. 2019. An Analysis of Teachers’ Questioning Strategies During the

Classroom Interaction at SMAN 4 Makassar (A Descriptive Qualitative

Research), Supervised by Andi Tenri Ampa and Awalia Azis.

This research was aimed to find out the questioning strategies that the

English teacher used and the reason why the English teacher used their

questioning strategies during the classroom interaction at SMAN 4 Makassar.

This research applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were

collected from the observation by video recorder and interview by audio recorder.

The data was taken from three English teachers at SMAN 4 Makassar in order to

find out what the questioning strategies are used and the reason why the English

teachers used their questioning strategies during the classroom interaction.

The results of this research showed that the teachers employed Question-

Planning Strategies and Question-Controlling Strategies. The English teachers

actively using questioning strategies in the classroom interaction that they were

asked the question to check about the students understanding about the previous

material, to attract the students‟ attention, to support the students to contributions

in the class and also to motivate the students to learn. And the reason why the

English teacher used their questioning strategies is according to the function of the

questioning strategy types.

Keywords: questioning strategy, classroom interaction



Dian Ekawati. 2019. Analisis Strategi Pertanyaan Guru Selama Interaksi Dalam

Kelas di SMAN 4 Makassar (Penelitian Kualitatif Deskriptif), Dibimbing oleh

Andi Tenri Ampa dan Awalia Azis.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pertanyaan yang

digunakan guru bahasa Inggris dan alasan mengapa guru bahasa Inggris

menggunakan strategi pertanyaan mereka selama interaksi dalam kelas di SMAN

4 Makassar.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data

dikumpulkan dari observasi dengan perekam video dan wawancara dengan

perekam audio. Data diambil dari tiga guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 4 Makassar

untuk mengetahui apa saja strategi pertanyaan yang digunakan guru bahasa

Inggris dan alasan mengapa guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi pertanyaan

mereka selama interaksi dalam kelas.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru yang digunakan adalah

Strategi Perencanaan Pertanyaan dan Strategi Pengontrolan Pertanyaan. Guru

Bahasa Inggris secara aktif menggunakan strategi tanya jawab dalam interaksi

kelas sehingga mereka ditanyai pertanyaan untuk memeriksa tentang pemahaman

siswa tentang materi sebelumnya, untuk menarik perhatian siswa, untuk

mendukung siswa untuk kontribusi di kelas dan juga untuk memotivasi siswa

untuk mempelajari. Dan alasan mengapa guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan

strategi pertanyaan mereka adalah sesuai dengan fungsi dari jenis strategi


Kata kunci: strategi bertanya, interaksi kelas



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the

universe, master of the day of judgment, God almighty, for all blessings and

mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled An Analysis of

Teachers‟ Questioning Strategies During the Classroom Interaction at SMAN 4

Makassar. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good

inspiration of world revolution.

I would like to express my highest appreciation and my deepest thankful to

my beloved parents who always be my best parents in world, my father and my

mother for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed. And all of my family

for the attention, support and their love.

The writer would like to say thank you so much for the people who gave

spirit, advice, suggestion, and helping to write as follows:

1. My highest appreciation and my deepest thankful to my beloved parents,

who always be my best parents. And all of my family for the attention,

support and their love.

2. My highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah

University, Dr H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM.

3. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful are due to Dr. Hj. Andi

Tenri Ampa, M.Hum. as my first consultant and Awalia Azis, S.Pd.,


M.Pd. as my second consultant who had guided me very well during my

proposal until my thesis.

4. My highest appreciation also is due to Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd.,

M.Pd as the Head of English Department.

5. My deeply and most great full to Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D as the Dekan

of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

6. The last gratitude also goes to all my friends and especially for E class in

2015 that cannot mention one by one.

The words were not enough to say many appreciations for their help and

contribution in finishing this proposal. I realize that this proposal is still far from

perfection. I highly expect criticism and suggestions from all parties to perfect this

report. Only Allah SWT who can provide a worthy reward. Hopefully all our

activities will always be worthy of worship at His side

Makassar, November 2019

The Writer



COVER ....................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................. ii

COUNSELLING SHEET .......................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ........................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN .............................................................................. v

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xiv


INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Statement ................................................................. 2

C. Objective of the Research ...................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research ................................................. 3

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................ 3


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................... 5


A. Questioning Strategies ........................................................... 5

B. Classroom Interaction ............................................................ 16

C. Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 19


METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 21

A. Research Design ................................................................... 21

B. Research Subject ................................................................... 21

C. Research Instrument ............................................................. 22

D. Data Collection ..................................................................... 23

E. Data Analysis ........................................................................ 23


FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................. 25

A. Findings ................................................................................ 25

B. Discussions ........................................................................... 37


CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................................. 63

A. Conclusions ........................................................................... 63

B. Suggestions ........................................................................... 64

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 65

APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 68



Table 2.1 Questioning Strategies by Xuerong ............................................. 10



Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework ............................................................... 19



Appendix A. Transcribed Observation ........................................................ 69

Transcribed Observation Teacher A ...................................... 69

Transcribed Observation Teacher B ....................................... 78

Transcribed Observation Teacher C ....................................... 83

Appendix B. Transcribed Interview .............................................................. 88

Transcribed Interview Teacher A ........................................... 88

Transcribed Interview Teacher B ........................................... 92

Transcribed Interview Teacher C ........................................... 95

Appendix C. Documentation ........................................................................ 97




A. Background

A good teaching learning process does not only put the teachers as

a single main source but also involve the students in that process. The

involvement of the students is an important thing in every teaching

learning process as there will be an excellent interaction among the

teachers and the students. In creating an interactive classroom, teachers

need to provide supports, which can be in the form of questions, to

students by interacting and involving them in order to train their speaking

skill also to ensure that the students master the concepts. The support

given by the teachers and the result of them will clearly be seen in a

spoken cycle through teacher‟s talk and students‟ talk or students‟

speaking performance.

In fact, the students are still feeling confused in understanding the

teacher‟s explanation in English. Consequently, the students do not keep

attention to the lesson because they feel English is difficult to be

understood. Thus, the teachers have to improve teaching strategy to help

the students to understand the materials easily and attract students to pay

attention for teachers‟ explanation. In English lessons, According to

Bernausand Gardner (2008:12),Teaching English focused more directly on

the relations between students‟ motivation, language achievement and


teacher‟s didactic strategies used in the EFL class in Spain Allen (2010: 2)

has found that classroom management is complex set of skills that

includes much more than being able to influence and control student

behavior, there remains an overall impression that classroom management

is primarily about discipline.

Teaching and learning process between teacher and student in the

classroom need a strategy. Teachers have to apply strategy to make student

enjoy and active in teaching learning process, unfortunately sometimes

student do not understand whether topic was given by the teacher. This

study thoroughly examined the teachers „questioning strategies during the

classroom interaction.

This study aims to describe the teacher's questioning strategy

during interaction in the classroom. In this case, students are still confused

about the topic given by the teacher, students are embarrassed to ask

questions and sometimes students feel very silent when the teacher

explains the topic. Based on the background of the problem above, we

need to analyze the teacher's questioning strategy during interaction in the


B. Problem Statement

Related to the background above, the research questions are

formulatedas follows :

1. What kinds of questioning strategies are used by the English teacher

during the classroominteraction at SMAN 4 Makassar?


2. What are the reasons of the English teachers in the use of questioning

strategies during the classroom interaction at SMAN4Makassar?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem above, the objective of the research is

formulated as follows :

1. To find out the kinds of questioning strategies that the English teacher

used during the classroom interaction at SMAN4Makassar.

2. To find out the reasons why the English teacher used questioning

strategies during the classroom interaction at SMAN 4 Makassar.

D. Significance of the Research

The results of this study are expected to be useful information for

many people in the learning process. This research is expected to be able

to add information and encourage English teachers in their teaching.

Researchers hope that students need to be active, creative and innovative

to solve the problems they face in class and also researchers are expected

to provide information and as a source of information about questioning

strategies used by English teachers in class.

E. Scope of the Research

This research focuses on how the English teacher uses their

questioning strategies to make students interactive in the teaching-learning

process during the classroom interaction at SMAN 4 Makassar for English


subject. The researcher purpose to look at the strategy of questions that the

teacher used during the classroom interaction.




A. Questioning Strategies

In the context of teaching, the strategy is intended as the effort of

the teacher in creating an environmental system that allows the teaching

process to occur, so that learning objectives can be achieved. The teacher

is required to have the ability to generally manage the components of

learning in such a way that there is a connection between the learning

components in question.The question strategy that will be used by the

teacher in the learning process must be oriented towards the learning

objectives that will be achieved and adjusted to the material

characteristics, characteristics of students and the situations and conditions

in which learning will take place.

One thing that teachers should not ignore and pay attention is the

role of teachers‟ questioning strategy in English teaching process because

questioning strategies are very important in order to affect the students‟

learning process. That is why in achieving the goal of teaching, teacher‟s

questioning strategies must be viewed and applied because teacher‟s

questioning strategies in interaction is one of the factors that should be

considered by the teaches to make an effective process of teaching and



Questioning according to Wojowasito and Poerwadarminta

(1990) is a separate skill in teaching. Asking is a skill used to get answers

from other people. Almost the entire process of evaluation, measurement,

assessment and testing is done with questions.In essence learning is asking

and answering questions. Asking can be seen as a reflection of each

individual's curiosity. While answering questions shows a person's ability

to think. In the teaching and learning process the role of asking is very

important, because through questions the teacher can know what is

expected and needed by the student, so that the teacher can guide and

direct students to find every material they learn. Both the questions raised

by the teacher and the questions that come from the students themselves.

According to McMillan, in a productive learning, asking questions

will be very useful for:

a. Engaging students in lessons

b. Encourage students' understanding and thinking

c. Review the contents of important lessons

d. To control students

e. Assess student progress

The use of questioning as a tool for placing great emphasis on the

lead-in stage for a students which is students are encouraged to become

interested in the subject matter of the text, encourages students to predict


the content of the text, and gives them an interesting and motivating

purpose in the classroom, as cited in Kurniawan, in Prasetyawati (2015)

said that questioning is very good and pervasive teaching technique which

is relevant to most learning experience especially for young learners.

According to Harvey (2000) in Sujariati (2016) said that

questioning strategy is most effective when it allows pupils to become

fully involved in the learning process. He states that while the lesson is

planning, it is absolutely vital that teachers think about the types of

question will be asked to students. So questioning strategies will help a

teacher to plan questions and answers session effectively when the teacher

plays the questions effectively based on the students need and the question

types to be involved fully students‟ interaction.

Guest (1985) in Sujariati (2016) stated that “Questioning strategy

is one of the important tools to extending students‟ learning which can

help teachers develop their own strategies to enhance the students work

and thinking”. In the other hands, teacher questioning is very important for

teacher and students, because teacher questioning is part of the learning

process. By asking questions teachers can gather a lot of information, as a

cited from Lathan (1957) in Anderson (2001) stated that Appropriate

questions help "teachers and students learn from one another". So that is

one of common techniques used by the teachers as the way in controling

the classroom.


The most effective questioning strategy when allowing students to

be fully involved in the learning process. Where when the lesson is

planned, it is very important for the teacher to think about the types of

questions that will be asked to students. So the questioning strategy will

help the teacher to plan a question and answer session effectively when the

teacher plays questions effectively based on student needs and the types of

questions that will be fully involved in student interaction.

Adibah (2012) it was found that the teacher performed six out of

seven question types proposed by Brown (2007), including: knowledge,

comprehension, application, inference, analysis, and synthesis questions.

Each type of question has its own functions. In this study, knowledge

questions were used to elicit factual answers, recall tests, recognize

information, and check students‟ understanding. Comprehension questions

were utilized to translate words from Indonesian to English, and vice

versa. Application questions were employed to ask the students to spell

and pronounce some words in the target language. To form conclusion that

was not clearly stated in the material was the function of inference

questions. Analysis questions were used to distinguish two similar words

so that the students understood the differences. Finally, synthesis questions

were employed to make prediction or give opinions of certain situations.

Teachers should be aware that their questioning skills would have

an impact on improving students verbal responses in the classroom

interaction. Which is the student's verbal response is the process of


conveying one's thoughts, messages or feelings to others by using symbols

that use one word or more as a medium. Thus the teachers can apply

comfortable and appropriate questioning strategies that are suitable for

students and the class context of situation. Therefore, some pedagogical

purposes of questioning can be achieved, including developing students‟

English proficiency, measuring their abilities, and motivating them to

speak the language.

The key to effective questioning strategies is asking questions that

allow us to achieve the teaching goals or facilitate a standard in the most

effective way. Not all questions are effective for all situations. This means

that the teacher must really understand the types of questions that will be

conveyed to students in a condition of the learning process. At certain

times, questions are needed that can build knowledge about basic

information memories, while at other times, the teacher wants students to

be able to connect information and apply it to daily life.

Strategies in questioning are used to give guidance for teachers in

giving questions to students. Kerry as cited in Tekene, (2006) states that

types of questions which are used and formulated by teachers are very

important processes for students‟ achievement and their level of

engagement in teaching and learning.

Xuerong (2012) classified questioning strategy into question-

planning and question-controlling strategy. Question-planning strategy


refers to types of questions used by the teachers in the classrooms. The

functions are to elicit response and identify problems, better understand

students‟ knowledge, and invite for further discussions. Question-planning

strategy consist of asking question relevant to students, asking open-ended

question, and follow-up question. This also includes asking for supporting

data. Meanwhile, question-controlling strategy refers to ways or

procedures used by teachers to ask question in the classroom. The function

to distribute turn-taking and encourage participation.

Table 2.1 Questioning Strategies by Xuerong

Questioning Strategy

Question-planning strategy Question-controlling strategy

Ask question relevant to students Phrase the question, then call on

the students

Ask open-ended question Call on specific students to answer


Ask follow-up question Call students‟ name when asking a

student to answer question

Ask for supporting data/ask for

evidence to support a particular


Select students to response

randomly instead of following any

set pattern when calling on


Ask different types of question Beware if the students who


dominates in class by asking or

answering all the questions.

Give students enough time to think

about before answering the


Ask questions of the entire class

and try to encourage all students to


Encourage students to consult with

classmate before answering


Encourage students to initiate


Move closer to students when

asking questions

Nominate non volunteers

Repeat the question when there is

no response.

Modify the question when it is not


Using strategies in giving questions for students is important to

help teachers to know how the students' responses and it can make the


students attentive the lesson and engaged the students in the teaching-

learning process. Questioning strategies provide way show to make

students clear about teachers' questions. Sometimes students are quiet

because they probably do not understand what has been asked by the

teacher, how to answer it or feel shy. So, by applying questioning

strategies, teachers can solve these problems. It can encourage students to

answer and help them to arrange utterances, so they are motivated to speak


a. Types of question

Some experts had investigated the types of questions. Questions

can be classified into many types of question, but in this study the focus

will be on the following a few types of question. The questions have

categorized more than one number of types question, namely:

1. Open-ended question

An open-ended question is a question that cannot be

answered with a "yes" or "no" response, or with a static response.

The type of these questions is phrased as a statement that requires a


Open-ended questions are ones that require more than one

word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, a few

sentences or something longer such as a speech, paragraph or



although open-ended questions require lengthier responses

than closed-ended questions, open-ended questions are not always

more complicated. For example, asking "how about your task? it

has been checked?" may simply require the students to response

the teachers question to say yes is done or not yet.

2. Focus questions

Peavey Fran (1997) identify the situation and the key facts

of these questions necessary to an understanding of the issues at

stake. When using questioning with an individual, this is the time

when the facts of the situation are presented. Questions here focus

on understanding the relevant parts of their story. When using

strategic questioning in a community polling process, questions

focus on how they think about the particular issue at stake.

3. Display question

Tsui in Yang (2010) defines the display question as one

designed to test whether the addresses has knowledge of a

particular fact or can use because they are interested in the answer,

but because they want to get their learners to display their

knowledge of the language.

Display questions refer to those questions for which the

questioner knows the answer such questions are usually asked for

comprehension checks, confirmation check, or clarification


requests. Display questions are questions that asked to see if the

person is speaking to know the answer. In an ELT classroom, this

normally means that teachers ask learners to see if they understand

or remember something.

4. Referential question

Referential question are those questions for which the

answer are not already know by the teachers. Even though research

concerning teachers‟ question has been done, this research is still

worth conducting. Long & Sato (1983), and Brock facilitating

classroom interaction. Referential questions attract the typical of

content classrooms and high proficiency language classrooms, and

usually requiring long answer and syntactically complex answer

contain. In fact, referential questions involve important points such

as interpretation, elaboration, ideas, giving opinions, etc.

Lynch (1996) argues that teachers should ask referential

questions because learners tend to give longer answer than they do

to display question and learners will be less willing to answer

questions if their purpose is always to test knowledge.

5. Prompting

Prompting question means directing or demanding.

Questions that are asked to give direction to students in their


thought processes. The form of prompting questions can be divided

into 3:

1) Change the order of questions with simpler words that bring

them back to the original question.

2) Ask questions with different or simpler words that are tailored

to the students' knowledge.

3) Provide a review of information provided and questions

which helps students to remember or see the answer. (E.C.Wrag

and George Brown, 1997: 43).

6. Probing

Probing has the meaning of digging or track. Probing

means trying to obtain clearer or more in-depth information.

Definition of probing in classroom learning is defined as a

technique guiding students to use existing knowledge in

themselves to understand the symptoms or circumstances that are

being observed so that new knowledge is formed (Wijaya, 197).

This probing technique can be used as a technique to improve the

quality and quantity of student answers. The question is intended to

guide students so that their content can find more correct answers.

Probing technique begins by exposing students to new situations

that contain puzzles or tangible objects. The new situation makes

students experience conflict with the knowledge they already have


so as to provide opportunities for students to conduct assimilation,

this is where probing begins to be needed.

The advantage of this classification system is that the question

types are specific and it is also flexible in that instructors can design

questions with various roles based on educational objectives to be

accomplished. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

there are several of teacher‟s questions types can be employed during the

teaching learning process in the classroom interaction. Teachers have to be

more selective in choosing the appropriate questions‟ types will be asked,

so that questioning as the teaching strategy will be more effective during

classroom interaction.

E. Classroom Interaction

A classroom is a room in which teaching or learning activities can

take place. Classroom are found in educational institutions of all kinds,

including public and private schools, home school, corporations, and

religious. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space where learning

can take place uninterrupted by other distractions.

Interaction is the heart of communication and communication

itself. Whether it is oral or written, is the central goal of the foreign

language learning. In order to achieve that goal, the learners or the

students need to coorperate and interact among themselves, between them

and he teacher, or between them and someone else who are aware of


language learning. In short, communication is derived from interaction

since in communication there must be interaction between people who

have something to share (Rivers, 1987) in Musdalifah (2016)

Classroom interaction is about the students having an active

discussion during the class. Interaction occur both between students with

lecturer present, and with the lecturer who probes student thinking among

the whole group. There are many ways on how to communicate with

students, especially in the classroom.

Rain S. Bongolan (2009) stated cooperative learning, problem-

based learning, the use of case methods and simulation are some

approaches that promote active. Classroom interaction requires that

students are engaged and active in the learning process. The instructor

serves a coach or facilitator, guiding students through activities, but letting

the students take control of the learning event itself. Classroom interaction

is a teaching method that involves students in learning process rather than

seeing them as passive recipients.

Classroom interaction covers classroom behaviors such as turn-

taking, questioning and answering, negotiation of meaning and feedback.

Chaudron(1988) stated that Interaction between students and teacher is

fundamental to the learning process. Related from the statement before we

know that interaction in the classroom is fundamental , because without

teaching and learning process in the classroom will not exist. As we know


a good interaction will make messages transmission success and create a

good interpersonal relationship between the teacher and students, so the

students' achievement in language acquisition can be increased.

Kumpulainen and wray (2002:4) stated although teacher and

students interaction also plays an important role in contemporary

classroom, collaborative working models with small groups of students

have increased in many classrrom as the result of the new conceptions of

learning and their pedagogical implications.

Classroom interaction focused mostly on whole class interaction

between the teacher and the student. Among other thing, typically

classroom interaction patterns, of which the most widely known is the

initiation, response, and feedback/evaluations.

1.) Initiation

The teacher controls the structure and content of classroom and

initiation the discussion by posing question

2.) Response

The teacher gives the student a question and the student give a

response to the question

3.) Feedback/Evaluation

After the student has responded to the question, teacher finishes the

interaction sequences by giving feedback on student's respons.


F. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

In the conceptual framework, the teacher and students have

significance relationship, especially in classroom interaction. During

teaching-learning process teachers and students interact in the classroom.

Classroom interaction is defined as the way of teacher used to make an

interactive between teachers and students by questioning. In this case, a

role model of class, the teacher have questioning strategies for direct their

students in order to express their opinion. The class is more interactive and

effective when there are communicate between them. The use of

questioning strategies also to balance the interaction between

communicant and communicator.

Classroom Interaction

Questioning Strategies

Teachers Question

The reason why the teacher

used the question

Types of questioning









A. Research Design

The researcher used descriptive-qualitative research in this study.

Qualitative research refers to process-oriented methods use to understand,

interpret, describe and develop a theory on phenomena or setting. It is a

systematic, subjective approach will be used to describe life experiences

and give them meaning.

Descriptive qualitative research is mostly associated with words,

language, and experiences rather than measurements, statistics, and

numerical figures. In the other hand, qualitative research is concerned at

how opinions are formed. The researcher will adopt a person-centered to

understand the sample experience and to obtain and generate their ideas.

In this study, the researcher investigated the teachers‟ questioning

strategies, it was along with the objective of this study was to know the

strategy of the question that the teacher used.

B. Research Subject

The subjects of this research were the English teachers at SMAN 4

Makassar. The subjects of this research consisted of three English

teachers, and the researcher took all of the English teachers as a sample of

this research. There were three English teachers at SMAN 4 Makassar and

every English teacher handled one generation consisting of 11 classes, that


Teacher A as the first teacher who teaches on grade X, Teacher B as a

second teacher who teaches on grade XI and Teacher C as a third teacher

who teaches on grade XII. So, each teacher taught a different class.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument were observation and interview. The techniques for

analyzing the data was descriptive. The way it could be use observation

and interview as an instrument of the research to collect the data and

validate the result.

1. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, firsthand

information by observing and places at a research site. The researcher

only observed the teacher questioning strategy during the learning and

teaching process in the classroom. In this research, the researcher used

non-participant observation in which the researcher didn‟t participate

in the activity being observed. Using non-participant observation was

easier to record information and observations if the researcher didn‟t

participate so that the researcher could record the data more easily. So,

a recorder was placed in the classroom while the class is in the process.

2. Interview

The interview is a further instrument to gather the data in this

research; the interview adopted semi-structural interview technique

which utilized the question guideline but allows the interviewee to


provide clarification and elaboration based on the question that given.

This kind of interview was also known as an in-depth interview,

wherein technically it was more flexible than the structured interview.

The interview was a tool for the researcher to add data deeply about

the reason of the teacher.

D. Data Collection

There were two steps in collecting the data, the first one was

observation in the classroom by video recorder, the researcher could get

the data from the real situation. In the observation process, played the role

of the observer as a participant in which the role of the researcher was

known by the participant. Then through the interview, this interview

process conducted after finishing the classroom observation by the audio

recorder. The use of an audio recorder intended to help the interviewer to

gain more detailed data during the interview.

E. Data Analysis

In qualitative research, the data analysis technique used was clear,

which was directed at answering the problem statement. In the process of

data analysis to obtain the result from observation and interview, there

were some steps that must be taken by the researcher to analyze the data.

The first began with a video recording of the observations and then the

audio recordings of the interview transcribed and coded. Because of the

large amount of data obtained, only the transcription of teacher talks


consists of the types of teacher questions to be analyzed. This was part of

data reduction. Miles and Huberman (1994) explain "Data reduction refers

to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or

transcriptions." Not only the data needed to be condensed for the sake of

manageability, they also had to be transformed so they could be made

intelligible in terms of the issues being addressed.

The results from the transcription of a video recording, the

transcription of the teachers' talks was given a T code, while the students'

talk was given an S code. Then, the researcher could identify the types of

teacher questions posed in the classroom employed the questioning

strategies by Xuerong (2012). Then from the results of the transcription of

the interview, the researcher was given the different code while

transcribing and coding the data from the interview. The researcher given I

symbol as the code of the interviewer and T symbol as the code for the

interviewee. After that, the researcher analyzed the data in order to find

out the answer about the teacher reasons in uses the types of teachers

questioning strategy in teaching learning process during the classroom





This chapter discusses about finding and discussion. The findings describe

about the result of the data collected from the observation and interview. And

discussion explains and interprets the findings. The data were taken from

classroom observation by using video recorder and interview by audio recorder.

A. Findings

The findings of this research are to identify the answer from the research

question as obtainable from the instrument which aims to find out the kinds of the

teachers‟ questioning strategies during the classroom interactions and the reason

why the English teacher used their questioning strategies. The researcher has

conducted this research in SMAN 4 Makassar from 20 August to 09 September,

2019. SMAN 4 Makassar, is one of the State High Schools in Jl. Cakalang

Numb.3, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. SMAN 4 here it is the same as the

general high school in Indonesia. The period of school education at SMAN 4

Makassar is taken in three years period, from Class X to Class XII. Founded on

February 5, 1964. There were three English teachers and each teacher handles one

generation, that Teacher A as the first teacher who teaches on grade X, Teacher B

as a second teacher who teaches on grade XI and Teacher C as a third teacher who

teaches on grade XII. The data were collected from the observation transcribed by

video recording and the interview transcribed by audio recording.


The researcher had observed 3 classes with different English teachers

at SMAN 4 Makassar. The data was recorded on the video using observing

techniques with a questioning strategy by the teacher on the learning process

in the class. In this observation, the researcher acted as the non-participant

observer in which she did not participate in the learning process on the class.

So, the recorder was placed in the classroom when the class was running.

After that, the researcher transcribed the video record to get the data and

analyzed it.

Teacher‟s questioning strategies are the technique where the teacher

uses questions to the students. The questioning strategies were found by the

researcher, namely, question planning strategies and question controlling

strategies as focused on this study proposed by Xuerong (2012).

Question planning strategies are referred to as the types of questions

used by English teachers in the classroom, which is to elicit the response and

to identify the problems. While question controlling strategies refers to ways

or procedures used by the English teacher to ask the question in the classroom


1. The kinds of Teachers’ Questioning Strategies used by the English

teachers during teaching learning process.

There are two kinds of questioning strategies were found by the researcher,

namely, question-planning strategies and question-controlling strategies as

focused on this study proposed by Xuerong (2012)


a. Question-Planning Strategies

In question-planning strategies there are several indicators would be

focused by the teachers in giving some questions, namely:

1) Asking question relevant to students

In teaching-learning process the teacher started their class by greeting

all the students and then asking about students‟ condition. Then, after

the students gave the response from the teachers‟ greeting, the teachers

also asking the students that were relevant to the students, it can be

seen from the sentence if the teacher wanted to know about the

students‟ condition and the students‟ problem. And also, usually the

teacher asked twice for make sure there were no problem with their

students for students‟ daily life apart from the problem in the school,

then also usually the teacher wanted to check the students‟ presence

and the students‟ homework. Seen from the explanation above shows

that teacher asking students related with the students‟ personal

experiences or personal life activities, so that each of them was able to

give response.

2) Asking open-ended question

Asking open-ended question are requiring more though and more than

a simple one-word answer. Open-ended questions are broad, can be

answered with detail, and can be answered in-depth and allow for

original, unique responses, without being limited by multiple-choice or

a „yes‟ or „no‟ option. So, the types of this question help you to see the


things from the students' perspective because you get feedback in their

own words.

3) Asking follow-up question

The follow-up question is something that is done to continue or adds

something done previously. Follow-up questions support questions in

the context of the previous questions, so students can dialogue with the

teacher. A good follow-up question will build a flow of conversation,

ask deeper questions or answers given to students. This follow-up

question will not only measure students' knowledge and qualifications

but also provide further insight into students in understanding overall

learning material. The students need to listen intently the question that

was given by the teacher when got some follow-up question in order to

effectively engage with the conversation about the material. Engage

with the conversation will avoid the closed answers from the teachers'

asked, while also making the students understanding the material. It's

important to make the students understand, listen carefully and follow

up on important points. this not only makes students understanding but

also will show that teachers are also involved. This connection will

allow the teacher to really get to know how to explain to students to

elicit the students involved with the conversation.

4) Asking for evidence to support a particular point

Asking for evidence means that the teacher may ask the student to

explain the reasons for the author uses to support particular points in a


text. The teacher should not exclusively ask the student to identify the

points made by the author. In these types of questions, the texts may

vary in complexity because needed to be more than an explanation but

need to give an example. These questions require the student to select

words or phrases from the text that are used to support a particular

point. Then also requires the student to select a correct explanation of

how the author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points

in a text.

5) Asking another type of question (probing)

Probing means trying to obtain a clearer information or more in-depth

information. Understanding probing in classroom learning is defined

as a technique guiding students to use existing knowledge in

themselves to understand the symptoms or circumstances that are

being observed so that new knowledge is formed. In teaching-learning

process probing defined as a technique that can be used to improve the

quality and quantity of students answer. This question is intended to

guide students so that their content can find more correct answers and

the technique begins by exposing students to the new situations that

can make students experience conflict with the knowledge they already

have so as to provide opportunities for students to explain their answer,

this is where probing begins to be needed.


6) Asking another type of question (display question)

A display question is a type of question requiring the students to

demonstrate their knowledge on a subject matter when the teacher

already knows the answer. This question aims to put knowledge or

information on public display. In the classroom, this is an important

way of transmitting and testing knowledge for teachers and students.

In these display question situations such as classrooms and quizzes, the

teacher follows up the answer by stating whether it is the correct one

or not.

7) Asking another type of question (prompting)

Prompting questions are questions created to elicit the students'

participants. This type of question means directing the intent of the

learning material to get answers where asking things in a demanding

way to get responses from students. In other words, the prompting

learning model is learning by means of the teacher presenting a series

of questions that are both guiding and exploring so that a thought

process occurs that links each student's knowledge and experience with

new knowledge being learned. According to Jacobsen (1989),

prompting is a condition when students cannot answer questions

teachers do not directly throw questions to other students but gives

students the wrong opportunity to answer simple questions as a form

of help from the teacher.


b. Question-Controlling Strategies

In question-controlling strategies there are several indicators would be

focused by the teacher in giving some question:

1) Repeat the question when there is no response

The teacher repeated the question when there is no response from the

students. For instance, it can be seen when the teacher instructed the

students to open the book then asking the students about it and

reconfirm until twice whether the student has found what the teacher

instructed, because at the first time there were no students gave

response. Another example it can be seen when the teacher wanted to

know about the students‟ knowledge with asking a about the material

then there is no response for the teacher asked, so the teacher repeated

again to elicited the students‟ response with the same words.

2) Modify the question when it is not understood

Modify the question is the way the teacher uses to elicit the students'

response when the students do not understand the teachers' question. It

looks the same as the type of repeat questions like the previous

explanation, but in this type of question, it can use different ways such

as changing words or giving other examples when the teacher gives

their questions. The teacher repeats the question with other words, but

the same purpose, or it also could be the teacher repeating questions

with different content, instead of giving different examples to gain

students' understanding.


3) Call the students’ name when asking a student to answer question

In classroom interactions, a good teaching-learning process can be

seen from active interactions with students and teachers. interaction is

the heart of communication. to achieve that goal, students need to

work together and interact among themselves, between students and

teachers. communication comes from interaction because in

communication there must be an interaction between people who have

something to share. Call the students' names when asking students

questions to answer are the types of questions that require

communication between students and the teacher. Using this type of

question can be better to help students quickly understand the learning

material and also make students feel curious about the material.

4) Asking question of the entire class and try to encourage all

students to participate

Asking a question of the entire class is the way the teacher to elicit the

students‟ attention to be active during the teaching-learning process.

this also the way the teacher uses to encourage all students to

participate in the teaching-learning process during the classroom

interaction. Classroom interaction covers classroom behaviors such as

turn-taking, questioning, and answering, negotiation of meaning and

feedback. Chaudron (1988) stated that Interaction between students

and teachers is fundamental to the learning process. Related from the

statement before we know that interaction in the classroom is


fundamental because without the teaching and learning process in the

classroom will not exist. As we know a good interaction will make

messages transmission success and create a good interpersonal

relationship between the teacher and students, so the students'

achievement in language acquisition can be increased. so that's why to

elicit the students' response by asking some question of the entire class

can encourage the students' participation in the teaching-learning

process during the classroom interaction.

Based on the observations, it‟s found that most of the teaching and

learning activities of teachers always use strategies in asking questions. That is

why it is said that the teacher uses question strategy because he fulfills the

criteria in this questioning strategy, which is question-planning strategies and

question controlling strategies. Sometimes, teachers need to repeat their

questions when there are no answers or they need to modify their questions to

make students easy to understand about questions, teachers also need to use

several types of questions in asking.

2. The reason why the teacher used questioning strategy during the


The researcher had observed 3 classes with the different English

teachers at SMAN 4 Makassar. The findings of the teacher‟s reason for using

questioning strategies were taken from interview. The researcher got the data

about teacher questioning strategies from the interview by the audio recorder.


Every single teacher had been interviewed once. The findings of the reason

above can be proved by the teachers‟ arguments and their perception in the


Teacher A

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference in

using her question. Actually, the teacher never classified how many kinds she

gave the students question and what kinds of the question have been asked.

She just asked related with how the function of that question itself. The

teacher used their question it‟s also related with the condition and material.

She never clearly classified the types of questioning strategy, it just run based

on the condition of the classroom interaction and also based on the students‟

responses. She just asked the students to follow up the material that how far

the students‟ comprehension. And asked the students about their knowledge

and understanding.

The teacher also said the best measurement was understanding the

question based on the written task. Then, when she asked them to their

speaking, she can‟t catch their speaking by when they perform in front of the

class by doing speak up in dialogue role play. Not only in the general

question but I sometimes ask the students the detail of the material, not only

the globally. She wondered to know how far the students understand. But she

always faced with time allocation, so they to do their exercise. Time allocation

to ask them question about the material is difficult because the students have


to do their exercise in written. But the question orally, the teacher guess it was

difficult to students, because time allocation. And, many questions from

exercise the students do, so that‟s why in the students‟ answer from the

exercise question the teacher can understand how far the students can

understand about the material from the students answer. And also, when the

teacher asked the students orally, she guess it was not too difficult to measure

their understanding.

Teacher B

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference in

using her question. Actually, the reason why the teacher gave the question to

know the comprehension of the students about the lesson, the teacher guess

that it was easy to measure how the students understand and pay attention to

the teacher explanation. The gives questions with other reasons so that they

can listen, because sometimes there are students who play around. So, the

teacher thinks they as teachers must understand the class situation, so that

students can focus on listening to today's learning material.

So, it can be concluded that the teacher asked the question to measure

the students‟ comprehension, she used the question to know how far the

students can get the meaning of the lesson. Here, the teacher used the question

also to measure the students‟ focuses, so the teacher can conclude that what

has to do during the class after seeing the condition of the students in the class.

The teacher really assesses how students listen to the learning material in


class, so that the teacher knows how to position himself how he should be able

to attract the attention of students to learn. So, the second teacher also does not

classify the types of questions he uses, it appears based on student responses,

the student's classroom learning atmosphere. So, it can be concluded that the

teacher never clearly classified the types of strategy, it just runs away based on

the condition and also related to the material of the lesson.

Teacher C

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference in

using her question. Actually, the reason why the teacher gave the question for

the students, because he thinks the questions asked can be used as one to

stimulate students' minds in communication and can function to encourage

students and also be involved directly as discussed at the time. The types of

questions that teachers often use are questions that ask for examples or facts in

order to develop or train students' thinking power towards learning material.

And also questions that ask students to compare with a view to practicing

students' reasoning power in a case, and also questions classically, personally.

According to him the questions raised by the teacher are very important in

order to create a more meaningful learning atmosphere. Therefore, in every

learning, whatever learning model he uses, asking is an activity that is not

separated from each other.

So, it can be concluded the teacher thinks an educator who asks

questions effectively will educate students positively to think actively in the


learning process and the teacher also never clearly classified the clearly types

of strategy, the teacher asked the question related to the material and to

stimulate students' minds in communicating and can function to encourage

students and also be directly involved as discussed at the time.

B. Discussions

The discussion of this research deals with the interpretation of the

findings derived from the result of the script and the researcher‟s notes during

the interaction or the conversation of teaching and learning process, it also

deals with interpretation of the findings in interview process. In this discussion

part, the main points that will be explained are question strategies employed

by the teacher and the reason of using questioning strategies during the

classroom interaction.

1. The questioning strategies employed by the teacher

The researcher had collected and analyzed the data and elaborated

them in findings point. The data of the research were collected at SMAN 4

Makassar. There were three English teachers as the sample of this

research. After getting data of the research, the researcher analyzed it by

using qualitative analysis. The data was collected by video recorder

through classroom observation and audio recorder by interview.

From the data collected through the recorder and one meeting

teaching class for each teacher that the researcher had done, it is indicated

that all the English teacher actively using questioning strategy during the


teaching learning process in the classroom. When the teacher started the

class, they always said greeting to all the students and asked about the

students condition the checking the students‟ attendance list. The teacher

also asked about the students‟ previous knowledge in order to check about

the students‟ understanding about the previous material.

This is in line with Eble‟s statement (1988) that question in the

beginning of the class is essential to remind the previous lesson before

entering to the new material so it will be easier for students in learning and

getting the purpose of the course. Question can also be motivational for

encouraging the students‟ motivation to learn and increase the students‟

curiosity with the lesson is going. The teachers also always asked the

question in order to check about the students‟ understanding about the

material, to attract students‟ attention, support the students‟ contributions

in the class, and also can be as confirmation check and clarification


In asking question, the teacher did not only address their question

to all students, but they also addressed the question only for some students.

Sometimes the teacher called on specific students to answer the question.

The questioning strategies that mostly employed by the teacher in the

classroom were Question-Planning Strategies and Question-Controlling

Strategies which was proposed by Xuerong (2012). Those strategies

almost appeared in each extract. Question-planning strategies applied by

the teacher, which the teacher asked the question relevant on the students,


ask for the evidence question, then asked the question by using closed

question, display question, follow-up question, probing question and

prompting question. Furthermore, Question-controlling strategies applied

by the teacher in which they asked the question by call on specific students

to answer, ask the question with give the students enough time to think

before answering the question, ask the students to the entire class to

encourage all the students to participate, repeat the question when there is

no response, and they modify the question when it is not understood.

Teacher A

The first English teacher who teaches on X grade and was

observed by the researcher on August 21st, 2019 and interviewed in the

school office on September 3rd, 2019. The first point that the researcher

analyzed was the questioning strategies that were used by the English

teacher in the class. Based on the observation during teaching and learning

activity, the researcher found that the teacher used some strategies in

questioning in the classroom, and elaborates the example in the following


Extract 1

T : Masih tentang talk about self yah. Yah now stop writing, please take

it you book. Naikkan buku catatannya. Now we are going to write

kompetensi dasar yahh. KD berapalagi? 3.1 berapami sekarang?

Ss : 3.2 / 3.5(chorusing)

T : Kemarinkan KD 3.1.2 yaitu membedakan, Jadi sekarang kita belajar


Ss : 3.1.3 (noisy)


Extract 1 shows that the teacher asked the students to know do the

students still remember what they have learned in the previous meeting.

The teacher asked the students with a deeper question about the material

last week, the teacher asked a question of the entire class to encourage all

the students to participate during the discussion about the material last

week with feedback.

From the extract shows it can be concluded that the teacher posed

Questioning-controlling strategies in which the teacher asked a question

relevant with the function of the strategy, in which the teacher asked a

question to the entire class and the teacher want to try to encourage all the

students to participate in class.

Extract 2

T : Okay jadi apa yang akan kita pelajari hari ini?

Ss : Fungsi social (noisy)

T : Fungsi social, apalagi?

Ss : Unsur kebahasaan, struktur teks (chorusing)

Extract 2 shows that the teacher wanted to know the students‟

knowledge and understanding about the material, the teacher also wanted

to know the students‟ readiness to studied. The teacher asked the students

to encourage all the students to participate and also to encourage the

students to consult or discuss with the classmate to answering the teacher

asked, it means the teacher posed Question-controlling strategy to the



Extract 3

T : Sekarang I need, stop writing. Ada tugas memang dih?

Ss : Ada (chorusing)

T : Tugasnya itu apa?

Ss : (noisy without a clear answer)

T : Bagaimana? Sudah di periksa itu? Tugasnya sudah selesai?

Ss : Sudah mom

Extract 3 shows that the teacher wanted to know the students‟

assignment that had been learned last week, the teacher checking the

students‟ assignment by asking a question. So, from the extract above it

can be concluded that the teacher posed Question-planning strategy in

which the teacher asked the students by using the types of question is

asking open-ended question and it‟s also relevant with the students‟ have,

the students‟ assignment of the previous meeting.

After the teacher asked about the students‟ assignment, then the

teacher instructed the students to open the book. The following is the

extract of the conversations:

Extract 4

T : Okay, now open your book on page 11. (while the teacher going to

look the student’s book one by one)

S : Ini mom?

T : Halaman eleven. Got it?

Ss : (silent)

'T : Sudah adami? Sudah dapatmi?

Ss : Yes mom!


Extract 4 shows that the teacher instructed the students to open the

book, after that the teacher asked that the students already have done or

not, the teacher repeated the question because at the first time the teacher

asked there were no students gave response, it means that the teacher

posed Question-controlling strategy.

After the teacher asked about the instructed the students to open

the book, then the teacher gave the students a question related to the

material. The following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 5

T : Ada yang sudah tau? Who one? Anyone? Lisa? Ega?

S : Kata kerja

T : Yah menurut Ega kata kerja, do you know what the meaning of

pronoun Lisa?

S : No

T : What is the meaning of pronoun? Anyone know, what is the meaning

of pronoun?

S : No

Extract 5 shows that the teacher asked the question to know about

the students understanding about the material. The teacher asked the

question based on the material. The teacher asked the students to answer a

question with call the student's name when asking a students‟ question and

also the teacher repeated and modified the question to elicit the students‟

response, it means that the teacher posed Question-controlling strategy.

And also, in these conversations, this strategy can be classified into posed

Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked display question


that the teacher has known the answer but wanted to check about the

students understanding.

After the teacher asked about the students understanding about the

material. Then the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge and

understanding. The following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 8

T : What is the English kata dia? Siapa itu dia? Laki-laki atau


Ss : Perempuan (chorusing)

T : Apa Bahasa inggrisnya?

Ss : She (chorusing)

T : Good! Next kalo dia pake laki-laki?

Ss : He (chorusing)

T : Kalo saya?

Ss : I (chorusing)

T : Kamu?

Ss : You (chorusing)

T : Mereka?

Ss : They (chorusing)

T : Kami?

Ss : We (chorusing)

T : Kalo dia untuk benda?

Ss : it (chorusing)

T : Nah kalimat itu untuk kalimat pernyataan terdiri dari?

Ss : Subjek, predikat, objek. (chorusing)

T : Misalnya saya bilang gini. Reka adalah siswa SMAN 4 Makassar,

Reka posisi dalam kalimat ini?

Ss : Subject (chorusing)

T : Jadi kalo saya mau ganti kata Reka itu menjadi dia?


Ss : She… He…. (chorusing)

T : Nah dia letaknya diganti di subject, maka kalimat kata ganti yang

berada didepan disebut?

Ss : Subjective… (chorusing)

Extract 8 shows that the teacher wanted to know the students‟

knowledge and understanding of the material which gave some example to

answer. So, from the extract above it can be concluded that the teacher

posed Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked the students

by using follow-up question to recall the students‟ knowledge and

understanding the material that the teacher has been shown. The teacher

also posed Question-controlling strategy in which the teacher modified the

question in order to make the students understand about the question and

encourage all the students to participate during the teaching-learning

process in class.

After the teacher asked about the students‟ knowledge

understanding about the material. Then the teacher wanted to know the

students‟ knowledge and understanding sees from the students‟ answer.

The following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 9

T : Maka kata ganti yang letaknya berada pada subject, nah itulah yang

disebut subjective kalo saya bilang begini “Reka mengajak Reas pergi

ke taman” kalo saya mau ganti kata Reasnya itu dengan kata ganti

orang bagaimana?

Ss : They (chorusing)

T : Jadi Reka pergi ke taman dengan siapa? Reka mengajak siapa?

Ss : He… She… (chorusing)


T : Dianya laki-laki?

Ss : He… (chorusing)

T : Siapa bilang selain he?

Ss : Him (chorusing)

T : Kenapa kita bilang him?

Ss : Karena laki-laki (chorusing

Ss : Karena subjective (chorusing)

T : Kenapa bukan he?

Ss : Karena objective (chorusing)

Extract 9 shows that the teacher wanted to get clearer or deeper

information. The question is intended for digging the students'

comprehension so that their content can find more correct answers. So,

from the extract above it can be concluded that the teacher posed a

Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked the students by

using the probing questions to get clearer answers. Where this type of

question uses a technique of digging the students viewed from the

knowledge that already exists on their mind to understand this material.

After the teacher asked about the students‟ comprehension through

their responses. Then the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge

and understanding to get the clearer answer. The following is the extract

of the conversations:

Extract 10

T : Yah karena dia posisinya bukan pada subject, tapi pada object.

Sehingga kata he itu bukan he lagi tapi menjadi?

Ss : Him (chorusing)

T : Jadi kalo dia perempuan menjadi?


Ss : Her (chorusing)

T : Kalo I berubah menjadi?

Ss : Me (chorusing)

Extract 10 shows that the teacher wanted to get clearer answer. The

question intends to lead students so that their opinion can find more

correct answers. So, from the extract above it can be concluded that the

teacher posed a question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked the

students by using the prompting question to get clearer answer. In other

words, prompting is another way to direct students to understand learning

material by asking simpler questions whose answers can guide students to

find the right answers. This question guides the students so that the

thinking process occurs that links student knowledge. Thus, with these

learning models, the question and answer process done randomly. So, this

encourages the students to participate in the learning process.

Teacher B

Next, the following is the second English teacher who teaches on

XI grade. Teacher B was observed by the researcher on August 21st, 2019

and interviewed in the school office on September 3rd, 2019. The first

point that the researcher analyzed was the questioning strategies that were

used by the English teacher in the class. Based on the observation during

teaching and learning activity, the researcher found that the teacher used

some strategies in questioning in the classroom, and elaborates the

example in the following extracts.


The teacher started the class by asking a question about students‟

condition. The following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 1

T : How are you today?

S : I’m fine.

T : Tidak adaji masalah?

S : Tidak ada.

T : Kemarin-kemarin aman?

S : Aman.

T : Ada teman mu yang tidak hadir? Dalam satu minggu ini?

S : Rahmat.

Extract 1 shows that the teacher started her class by asking about

students‟ condition. Then all students yelled the same response, after that

the teacher asked question that were relevant to the students, it can be seen

from sentence „tidak adaji masalah?‟, the teacher wanted to know about

the students problem at the school, the teacher asked twice for making sure

that there no problem for students daily life. After that, the teacher

checked about students‟ attendance.

Based on the extract above it can be concluded that teacher used

Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked the question related

with the student‟s personal experiences or personal life activities so that

each of them was able to give a response. Then, the teacher also posed

Question-controlling strategy in which the teacher asked the question to

the entire class to encourage all students to participate.


After the teacher asked about the student‟s condition, the teacher

wanted to know about students‟ knowledge about the material. The

following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 2

T : Apa offers Erik? Erik..Erik…

S : eeee… (answer vaguely)

T : Apa?

S : (silent)

T : Ungkapan men-?

S : Menawarkan

Extract 2 shows that the teacher asked the question to know about

the students understanding about the material. The teacher asked the

question based on the material. The teacher asked the students to answer a

question with call the student's name when asking a students‟ question and

also the teacher repeated and modified the question to elicit the students‟

response, it means that the teacher posed Question-controlling strategy.

Then, in these conversations, the teacher also uses the strategy that

can be classified into posed Question-planning strategy in which the

teacher asked display question that the teacher has known the answer but

wanted to check about the students understanding.

After the teacher asked about the students understanding about the

material. Then the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge and

understanding. The following is the extract of the conversations:


Extract 3

T : Yah jawabannya ungkapan menawarkan, jadi suggestion apa?

Ss : (silent)

Extract 3 shows that the teacher wanted to know how far the

students understanding the material. The teacher asked the students to

know the students‟ knowledge. The teacher asked the question of the

entire class to encourage all the students to answer the question, it means

the teacher posed Question-controlling strategy.

After the teacher asked about the students understanding about the

material. Then the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge and

understanding. The following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 4

T : Oke, jadi apa artinya itu yang di papan tulis?

Ss : (silent)

T : Jadi temannya mengajak untuk?

Ss : (students answer with the same time so that it sounds unclear)

Extract 4 shows that the teacher asked the students to know the

students‟ ability and understanding in order to get the clearly answer. The

question aims to practice the students‟ English language ability. This

strategy question intended to lead students so that their contents can find

more correct answers. So, from the extract above it can be concluded that

the teacher posed a question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked

the students by using the prompting question to get clearer answer. This

question intends to train the students so that the thinking process occurs


that links student knowledge. Thus, with these learning models, the

question and answer process done randomly. So, this encourages the

students' knowledge to practice in the learning process.

After the teacher asked about the students‟ ability and

understanding about the material. Then the teacher wanted to know the

students‟ knowledge and understanding. The following is the extract of

the conversations

Extract 5

T : Yahh jadi it disitu menggantikan apa? Yang than it

Ss : Bentley

Extract 5 shows that the teacher wanted to know the students‟

knowledge and understanding about the lesson of the material. The teacher

asked the question related to the lesson. In this conversation the teacher

posed question planning strategy in which the teacher asked display

question that the teacher known the answer but wanted to check about the

students understanding. And also, the teacher asked question of the entire

class to encourage all the students to participate in answering the teacher‟s

question, it means the teacher posed Question-controlling strategy

Teacher C

The last following is the third English teacher who teach on XII

grade and was observed by the researcher on August 21st, 2019 and

interviewed in the school office on September 3rd

, 2019. The first point


that the researcher analyzed was the questioning strategies that were used

by the English teacher in the class. Based on the observation during

teaching and learning activity, the researcher found that the teacher used

some strategies in questioning in the classroom, and elaborates the

example in the following extracts.

Extract 1

T : Okay class, Good morning, how are you this morning?

Ss : I am fine, sir. (chorusing)

T : Once again, how are you this morning?

Ss : I am fine, sir. And you? (chorusing)

T : I am fine too. Well, listen to your name…

Extract 1 shows that the teacher started his class by greeting all the

students and then he asked about students‟ condition, at the first time the

teacher asked only several students gave response, then the teacher asked

again with the higher voice to attracted students attention, then all students

yelled the same responses and they also asked about the teachers‟


From the extract above it can be concluded that the teacher posed

Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked a question relevant

to the students‟ condition. The teacher also posed Question-controlling

strategy in which the teacher asked the question to the entire class and try

to encourage all students to participate by repeated the question when only

several students gave a response.


After the teacher asked about the student‟s condition, then the

teacher wanted to know students‟ knowledge about the material. The

following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 2

T : Engineer task, group 2 what about you? Group 3, what about you?

Finish? What about you? And the last my beloved one? Do you have

problem? We start from group one? Finish?

S : Yes sir.

T : Okay, finish? Read!

T : Listen to the response from group 1. Okay? Please group 1, come

here please…

Extract 2 shows that the teacher asked the students to know the

students‟ knowledge and understanding of the material, the teacher also

wanted to know the students‟ readiness from their task. The teacher asked

to encourage all the students to participate and also to encourage the

students to consult or discuss with the classmate before their answer the

teacher‟s question, especially for each group to answer the teacher asked.

And also, the teacher repeated the question to elicit the students‟ response

during the teaching-learning process in the class, it means the teacher

posed Question-controlling strategy to the students.

After the teacher know the students‟ understanding about their

task, the teacher also wanted to know the students‟ understanding about

the material. Another example following is the extract of the



Extract 3

T : Any problem?

S : (silent)

T : Not? Well done.

T : Okay group 2, see this is the response from group 1. What about you?

Can you give response about the duty of engineer? Group 2 please…

S : Yes sir.

S : The duty of engineer is fix broken items. (the student from group 2

gave explanation about their answer)

Extract 3 shows that the teacher asked the students to know the

students‟ knowledge and understanding about the material of their task,

the teacher wanted to know the extent to which students understand the

assignments given, the teacher also wanted to know whether the students

have difficulty in doing their assignments. Then the teacher asked the

students to encourage all the students to participate and to consult or

discuss with the classmate before answer the teacher‟s question, especially

for each group to answer the teacher asked. The teacher also repeated the

question to elicit the students‟ response during the teaching-learning

process in the class. So, it means the teacher posed Question-controlling

strategy to the students.

In the conversation the teacher asked students to explain the

answer from the text book about the duty engineer, it means the teacher

asked the students that can be answered in-depth with the detail

explanation more than just yes or no answer. From the conversation above,


it can be concluded that teacher posed the Question-planning strategy in

which the teacher asked open-ended question for the students.

After the teacher asked about the student‟s knowledge and

understanding, then the teacher asked about the students‟ perception. The

following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 4

T : Okay my beloved one, this one of the responses from group 2. My

beloved one let see and analyze the duty from the engineer from

group 3. I have one problem from… okay let see, group 1, here the first

and second analyze and designing. Here, used verb 1 and the second

uses verb-ing. What is the different between analyze? Why you don’t

use analyzing for example like that (analyzing)?

Ss : (silent)

T : Okay, who can give what is the different from analyze and designing?

Why we use analyze not analyzing?

Ss : (silent)

Extract 4 shows that the teacher wanted to know how far the

students understanding their work or their task they do. The teacher asked

the students to gain the evidence why the students say or answer the

question like that. The teacher needed the clearly detailed answer to the

student‟s reason for understanding the task being discussed, it means the

teacher posed the Question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked

for evidence to support a particular point.

Then, the teacher also posed Question-controlling strategy on the

conversation above, in which the teacher gave the student time to think

about the teacher question before they answer the question, asked the


question to the entire class to encourage all students to participate and also

repeated and modified the question to elicit the students‟ response.

After the teacher asked how far the students understanding their

task, then the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge and

understanding to explain their opinion about their task. The following is

the extract of the conversations:

Extract 5

T : Okay, who can give what is the different from analyze and designing?

Why we use analyze not analyzing?

S : (silent)

T : Dafa what about you Dafa? Can you give explanation about it?

Analyze and designing? Okay, please stand up.

S : I think structure, sir?

T : No. what about you? Analyze and analyzing, what is the different

from you are? In your mind?

Ss : (silent)

T : The others? You can say in Indonesian language. What tenses does

someone use analyze? Verb 1?

S : Kalo analyze itu tugas yang sering dia lakukan, kalo analyzing itu

tugas yang sedang dia lakukan.

Extract 5 shows that the teacher asked the students to explain their

opinion about the material and the teacher phrase the question and call the

specific students to explain their opinion to training their knowledge and

understanding. The teacher asked them individually to one student to make

sure their opinion about what has been taught before. From the extract it

can be concluded that the teacher posed Question-planning strategy in


which the teacher used asking for evidence to support a particular point

about students understanding about material.

Then, the teacher also posed Question-controlling strategy in

which the teacher called students‟ name when asking a student some

question to answer, gave the time for students to answer and modified the

question to elicit the students clearly response.

After the teacher wanted to know the students‟ knowledge and

understanding to explain their opinion about their task, then the teacher

wanted to get the clearly answer from the students‟ understanding. The

following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 6

T : Okey, pertanyaan saya my students, analyze is what verb?

S : Verb 1

T : What about designing?

S : Verb-ing.

T : Yeahh.. verb -ing. But, designing is verb or noun?

S : ehh… (haltingly)

T : For example, listening to the music is my habit, like writing

application job is my activity. Apakah itu dikategorikan sebagai job?

Or singing is my hobby, writing is my hobby. Itu writing berperan

sebagai apa disitu? Apakah dia verb atau noun?

S : Noun

T : Okay, noun… itu namanya gerund kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai

kata benda. Okay thank you, tepuk tangan dulu…

Extract 6 shows that the teacher wanted to get clearer answer. The

question is intended to lead students so that their opinion that can find

more correct answers. So, from the extract above it can be concluded that


the teacher posed a question-planning strategy in which the teacher asked

the students by using the prompting question to get clearer answer. In

other words, prompting questions is another way to direct students to

understand the learning material by asking with gave the example and then

asked the question. Asking with gave the example can be the guide for

students to find the right answers. Then, this question intends to guide so

that the thinking process occurs that links student knowledge.

After the teacher wanted to get the clearly answer from the

students‟ understanding, then the teacher also wanted to know the

students‟ understanding to explain their opinion about their task. The

following is the extract of the conversations:

Extract 7

T : Okay my beloved one, why do you said that the duty from of the

engineer is the decorating, why do you say? For group 5, why?

S : Because the duty of engineer after they great the building they also

decorate the building not only create the building but also decorate.

T : Why?

S : Yeah, because they… I mean…. (haltingly)

Extract 7 shows that the teacher wanted to get clearer or deeper

information from the students‟ task. The question is intended for digging

the students' comprehension to explain their reason from their task, so that

their content can find more correct answers. Thus, from the extract above

it can be concluded that the teacher posed a Question-planning strategy in

which the teacher asked the students by using the probing questions to get

clearer answers and deeper information. Where this type of question uses a


technique of digging the students viewed from the knowledge that already

exists on their mind to understand this material.

2. The teacher’s reason in using Questioning Strategies

In the interview, the teachers explained in general reason why they

need to use questioning strategies in teaching learning process. The

teachers argued that they gave the question to the students based on the

students or the class condition, and how the students can got the teacher

explanation. The teacher also used question to measure the students‟

comprehension, because the teacher wanted to know how far the students

can got the meaning of the lesson. Here, the reason why the teacher used

the question it‟s also to measure the students‟ focuses, so the teacher can

conclude that what have to do during the class after see the condition of

the students in the class.

The reason also was supported by Sadker (2011) that questioning

strategy is one of the most important dimensions of teaching and learning,

it gives tutors the chance to find out what students know and understand,

and it allows students to seek clarification and help. It means that through

questioning, the teachers able to know what the students know and what

they do not know.

Another explanation the reason why the teacher gave questioning

before entering a new material because they wanted to review the previous

lesson, how far they understand to the material, all at once to refresh the


students mind before entering a new lesson. It was used to attract the

students‟ attention. Furthermore, it was also used to know whether the

students learned it back at home or not.

The teachers said that they need to used questioning strategy in

order to measure about students‟ comprehension and to check about

students‟ understanding. Relation with this supported by Nunan and Lamb

(1996) that the teachers‟ question function is to check learners‟

understanding, to elicit information, and to control their classroom. So, the

researcher found that the teachers‟ reason for using questioning strategies

in teaching learning was for check about the students‟ understanding, and

the teacher also need to know whether their class went well or not,

whether the students understand about the teachers‟ explanation, about the

material or not.

Teacher A

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference

in using her question.

“Actually, I never classified how many kinds I given question to the

students. I never classified how many kinds, I just give the students

question when I ask their condition. That is the first question to them

when the teaching learning process. And after that I ask them about their

learning before how far they can understand, how far they know about

the lesson before, the material before. After that I ask the students

understanding about the lesson after I teach them. And the last when I

ask them again how far their understanding the lesson after giving them


Based on the data from the interview, it can be concluded that the

teacher asked the question based on the condition. She never clearly


classified the types of questioning strategy, it just run based on the

condition of the classroom interaction and also based on the students‟

responses. She just asked the students to follow up the material that how

far the students‟ comprehension. And asked the students about their

knowledge and understanding. So, it can be concluded that the teacher

never clearly classified the types of strategy, it just runs away based on the


“Oh yeah, related with I always ask them related with the material. Not

only the general question but I sometimes ask them the detail of the

material, not only the globally. I wonder to know how far they

understand. But we always face with time allocation, so they to do their

exercise. Time allocation to ask them question about the material is

difficult because they have to do their exercise in written. But the

question orally, I think is difficult to give them, because time allocation.

Many questions from exercise they do, so that’s why form they answer

the question from the exercise, the teacher can understand how far they

can understand about the material from the answer their exercise. And

also, if I ask them orally. I think is not too difficult to measure their


So, the teacher concluded that the best measurement understanding

the question based on the written task. The teacher said that when she

asked them to their speaking, she can‟t catch their speaking by when they

perform in front of the class by doing speak up in dialogue role play.

Teacher B

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference

in using her question.

“The reason I give that kinds of question to know the comprehension of

the students about the material and about the lesson of the day. Because

itu jadi lebih gampang ditau kalo yang ini mengerti dan yang ini

memperhatikan jadi diberikan pertanyaan biar yang lain itu bias

menyimak karena kadang ada siswa yang main-main. Jadi kita sebagai


guru harus mengerti situasi kelas, biar siswa itu bias focus menyimak

tentang materi pembelajaran hari ini.”

Based on the data from the interview, it can be concluded that the

teacher asked the question to measure the students‟ comprehension, she

used the question to know how far the students can get the meaning of the

lesson. Here, the teacher used the question also to measure the students‟

focuses, so the teacher can conclude that what has to do during the class

after seeing the condition of the students in the class. The teacher really

assesses how students listen to the learning material in class, so that the

teacher knows how to position himself how he should be able to attract the

attention of students to learn. So, the second teacher also does not classify

the types of questions he uses, it appears based on student responses, the

student's classroom learning atmosphere. So, it can be concluded that the

teacher never clearly classified the types of strategy, it just runs away

based on the condition and also related to the material of the lesson.

Teacher C

In the interview, the teacher gave her reason and explain preference

in using her question.

“Pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang sedang di ajarkan

dalam pembelajaran, pertanyaan yang diajukan dapat digunakan

sebagai salah satu untuk merangsang fikiran siswa dalam berkomunikasi

serta dapat berfungsi untuk mendorong peserta didik dan juga terlibat

secara lansung sesuai yang dibahas pada saat itu. Jenis pertanyaan yang

sering digunakanya itu pertanyaan yang meminta contoh atau fakta

dalam rangka mengembangkan atau melatih daya pikir peserta didik

terhadap materi pembelajaran. Dan juga pertanyaan yang meminta

siswa untuk membandingkan dengan maksud untuk melatih daya nalar

sisswa terhadap suatu kasus, dan juga pertanyaan secara klasikal,

personal dan ect. Pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh seorang pendidik


merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam rangka menciptakan suasana

pembelajaran lebih bermakna. Oleh karena itu dalam setiap

pembelajaran, model pembelajaran apapun yang kita gunakan, bertanya

merupakan kegiatan yang tidak dipisahkan satu sama lain. Seorang

pendidik yang mengajukan pertanyaan secara efektif akan mendidik dari

pada yang positif bagi peserta didik untuk berfikir secara aktif dalam

proses pembelajaran.”

Based on the data from the interview, it can be concluded that the

teacher asked the question related to the material. Here, in the material, the

specific types of question that the teacher used are questions that ask for

examples or facts in order to develop or train students' thinking power

towards learning material. And also questions that ask students to compare

with a view to practicing student reasoning in a case, and also questions

classically, personally and ect. So, according to the teacher said that asking

questions are activities that are not separated from each other. So,

according to him an educator who asks questions effectively will educate

students to think actively in the learning process. So, it‟s also can be

concluded that the teacher never clearly classified the clearly types of

strategy, the teacher asked the question related to the material and to

stimulate students' minds in communicating and can function to encourage

students and also be directly involved as discussed at the time.




A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous section, the

conclusions are made as follows:

1. The questioning strategies that the teacher employed were Question-

Planning Strategies and Question-Controlling Strategies. Question-

planning strategies applied by the teacher in which the teacher asked the

question relevant to students, asked a question for evidence to support a

particular point, asked questions using open-ended question and follow-up

question, and they also asked another type of question there were probing

question and prompting question. Furthermore, Question-controlling

strategies applied by the teacher in which they asked the question by call

on specific students to answer, ask the students to the entire class, repeat

the question when there is no response, and they modify the question when

it is not understood.

2. The English teaches actively using questioning strategies in the classroom

interaction that they were asked the question to check about the students

understanding about the previous material, to attract the students‟

attention, to support the students to contributions in the class and also to

motivate the students to learn. And the reason why the English teacher


used their questioning strategies is according to the function of the

questioning strategy types.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions that have been put above, the following

implication and recommendation for further related research are suggested by

the researcher. Those suggestions are draws as follows:

1. Realizing on the findings, the researcher suggested to the teacher to

applied more questioning strategies in the classroom to engage more

students‟ response and should apply questioning strategy in the

classroom from the beginning of the lesson until the end section of the

lesson in order to make the classroom situation not passive, by

questioning the students actively answer the question and the teacher

can check about the students‟ understanding.

2. The teachers should be aware of and understand in delivering the

question in a good way to minimize the negative effect of students‟

responses. The teacher should know the right time for asking a

question and they also should know the right question to ask. More

research subject about this topic needs to be involved in the future

study so that we can come to the general conclusion that teachers‟

questioning strategies can be used as a teaching strategy in the




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Appendix A

Transcribed observation

(Teacher A)

The teacher starts the class by checking student attendance.

T : (sembari mengabsen guru memberi tahu siswa materi hari ini) Now

talking about.. talk about self yaa..

Ss : Apa ibu? (chorusing)

T : Masih tentang talk about self yah. Yah now stop writing, please take it

you book. Naikkan buku catatannya. Now we are going to write

kompetensi dasar yahh. KD berapa lagi? 3.1 berapami sekarang?

Ss : 3.2 / 3.5(chorusing)

T : Kemarinkan 3.1.2 membedakan, Jadi sekarang?

Ss : 3.1.3 (noisy)

T : Kemarin we talk about expression of self yaa, kemarin kita sudah bahas 2

teks yang kalian membedakan teks 1 dan teks 2 ya? Tentang jadi diri. Nah

sekarang come to new indicator, sekarang teks lanjutan dari 3.1.2

The teacher dictates the students to write the material

Comment [L1]: Question-controlling Strategy : asking question of the entire class to encourage all the students participant

Comment [L2]: Question-controlling Strategy : asking question of the entire class to encourage all the students participant

T : 3.1.3 memahami struktur teks, memahami fungsi social (guru

mengulangi bacaan teksnya dengan menambah volume dan membacanya

lebih jelas) Fungsi sosoal, struktur teks

S : Janganki dulu mom (suara mengeluh)

T : (merespon dan tetap melanjutkan bacaan dengan pelan) Struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasan yang terkait dengan ungkapan jati diri, serta

hubungan keluarga yang sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (masih


T : Okay jadi apa yang akan kita pelajari hari ini?

Ss : Fungsi social (noisy)

T : Fungsi social, apa lagi?

Ss : Unsur kebahasaan, struktur teks (chorusing)

T : Sekarang I need, stop writing. Ada tugas memang dih?

Ss : Ada (chorusing)

T : Tugasnya itu apa?

Ss : (ribut tanpa jawaban yang jelas)

T : Bagaimana? Sudah diperiksa itu? Tugasnya sudah selesai?

Ss : Sudah mom

T : Iya jangan lambat, karena nanti kalo lambat nilainya pas-pasan.

Comment [L3]: Question-controlling Strategy : asking question of the entire class to encourage all the students participant

Comment [L4]: Question-planning Strategy : Open-ended question

Ss : Ai mom (nada sedih)

T : (guru memberikan pengertian kepada siswanya ketepatan

mengumpulkan tugas)

After the teacher talk about the students homework and give the students

comprehension, like approach with lecture method.

T : Well students, don‟t be noise please.. Now pay attention! Stop writing!

Sekarang metode yang saya gunakan itu bukan lansung memberikan tugas

seperti kemarin, sekarang kta akan belajar metode ceramah. Jadi apa itu

metode ceramah? Ya sebentar saya akan menjelaskan, I‟m going to

explain pronoun, unsur kebahasaan yang terkait dengan jati diri yaitu

adalah pronoun.

T : Saya sudah bagikan buku dih? Adami bukunya? Ada coba angkat

tangannya yang punya buku? Saya sudah suruh fotocopy.

Ss : (sebagian siswa mengangkat tangannya, dan ada juga beberap siswa

yang tidak mengangkat tangannya)

T : Jadi pekan depan semuanya sudah harus miliki seperti ini ya tidak boleh

tidak, karena kita akan selalu menggunakan buku ini tidak boleh tidak

punya. Fotocopy meki kalo tidak mau beli bukunya. Because, this book

guide you to study the lesson

T : Okay, now open your book on page 11. (while the teacher going to look

the student‟s book one by one)

S : Ini mom?

T : Halaman eleven. Got it?

Ss : (silent)

T : Sudah adami? Sudah dapatmi?

Ss : Yes mom!

T : Okay sudah lihat bukunya, ok now we study about? Apa disitu


Ss : (ribut tidak jelas)

T : Judulnya, tittlenya, apa itu dibawanya? Review apa?

Ss : Pronoun (ribut tidak jelas)

T : Pronoun ya pronoun

T : Before we start, sebelum kita masuk pada intinya saya mau tanya dulu ,

who know what is the meaning of pronoun?

T : Ada yang sudah tau? Who one? Anyone? Lisa? Ega?

S : Kata kerja

T : Yah menurut Ega kata kerja, do you know what I the meaning of

pronoun Lisa?

S : No

Comment [L5]: Question-controlling Strategy : Repeated question

Comment [L6]: Question-controlling strategy : Call students’ name when asking a students to answer question

Comment [L7]: Question-controlling strategy : Call students’ name when asking a students to answer question

T : What is the meaning of pronoun? Anyone know, what is the meaning of


S : No

T : No! According to Ega kata kerja, How about the others?

Ss : No mom

T : Jadi pronoun itu artinya kata kerja (while the teacher ask the other

students about the students knowledge)

S : No mom!

T : No one? No comment? Ok! Jadi pronoun itu kata ganti kata kerja.

Sekarang silahkan baca, sekarang coba baca bukunya dulu halaman 11.

Eka coba baca nak.

While the students want to read the book, the teacher ask the student “Raise your

voice please!!”

After the students read the book, the teacher explain about the text and make a

discuss about the text.

T : Kalimat yang dibaca Eka yaitu “Aliah ingin memiliki sahabat pena

karena dia memiliki banyak teman….ect

T : What is the English kata dia? Siapa itu dia? Laki-laki atau perempuan?

Ss : Perempuan (chorusing)

T : Apa Bahasa inggrisnya?

Comment [L8]: Question-planning strategy : Display question

Ss : She (chorusing)

T : Good! Next kalo dia pake laki-laki?

Ss : He (chorusing)

T : Kalo saya?

Ss : I (chorusing)

T : Kamu?

Ss : You (chorusing)

T : Mereka?

Ss : They (chorusing)

T : Kami?

Ss : We (chorusing)

T : Kalo dia untuk benda?

Ss : it (chorusing)

T : Nah kalimat itu untuk kalimat pernyataan terdiri dari?

Ss : Subjek, predikat, objek. (chorusing)

T : Misalnya saya bilang gini. Reka adalah siswa SMAN 4 Makassar, Reka

posisi dalam kalimat ini?

Ss : Subject (chorusing)

Comment [L9]: Question-planning strategy : Follow-up question Question-controlling strategy : Modified the question in order to make the students understand

T : Jadi kalo saya mau ganti kata Reka itu menjadi dia?

Ss : She… He…. (chorusing)

T : Nah dia letaknya diganti di subject, maka kalimat kata ganti yang berada

didepan disebut?

Ss : Subjective… (chorusing)

T : Maka kata ganti yang letaknya berada pada subject, nah itulah yang

disebut subjective kalo saya bilang begini “Reka mengajak Reas pergi ke

taman” kalo saya mau ganti kata Reasnya itu dengan kata ganti orang


Ss : They (chorusing)

T : Jadi Reka pergi ke taman dengan siapa? Reka mengajak siapa?

Ss : He… She… (chorusing)

T : Dianya laki-laki?

Ss : He… (chorusing)

T : Siapa bilang selain he?

Ss : Him (chorusing)

T : Kenapa kita bilang him?

Ss : Karena laki-laki (chorusing)

Ss : Karena subjective (chorusing)

T : Kenapa bukan he?

Ss : Karena objective (chorusing)

T : Yah karena dia posisinya buka pada subject, tapi pada object. Sehingga

kata he itu bukan he lagi tapi menjadi?

Ss : Him (chorusing)

T : Jadi kalo dia perempuan menjadi?

Ss : Her (chorusing)

T : Kalo I berubah menjadi?

Ss : Me (chorusing)

T : Kalo saya mengajak kamu?

Ss : You (chorusing)

T : You atau your?

Ss : You (chorusing)

T : Kenapa your?

Ss : You.. your (chorusing)

T : Yang tepat adalah you. Nah kalo kami mengajak mereka?

Ss : Them (chorusing)

T : Kalo mereka mengajak kami?

Comment [L10]: Question-planning strategy : Probing question

Comment [L11]: Question-planning strategy : Prompting question

Ss : Us (chorusing)

T : Ya inilah disebut dengan objektif, karena apa? Karena posisi kata

gantinya itu berada pada objektif.

Ss : Yes mom. (chorusing)

T : Nah sekarang ada lagi yang dikatakan kata ganti possessive adjective

(kepemilikan), misalnya saya punya pulpen berarti untuk saya

menggantikan kata saya punya pulpen apa?

Ss : My (chorusing)

T : Berarti harus ada kata benda didalamnya, apa lagi kata benda yang lain?

Ss : Eraser, book, bag (chorusing)

T : Jadi disebut?

Ss : My bag, my pen (chorusing)

T : Kemudian kalo pulpen mu?

Ss : Your pen (chorusing)

T : Good!

Then, the teacher ask the students to make a group and want to give the task for

all the students, the teacher show the exercise then ask the students perform in

front of to write the answer on the whiteboard with their own group.

Transcribed observation

(Teacher B)

The teacher starts the class by checking the attendance list.

S : Say greeting to our teacher

Ss : Good morning mom… (chorusing)

T : Morning students

S : Sit down please

Ss : (sit together)

T : How are you today?

Ss : I‟m fine.

T : Tidak adaji masalah?

Ss : Tidak ada.

T : Kemarin-kemarin aman?

Ss : Aman bu

T : Ada temanmu yang tidak hadir? Dalam satu minggu ini?

Ss : Rahmat bu

Comment [L12]: Question- planning Strategy : Asking question relevant to strudents

Comment [L13]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking question relevant to students

Then the teacher begins the lesson with give the example of a problems then ask

the students to find a partner and do the task like the example.

T : Jadi buat dialog yah dengan menggunakan ungkapan offers and

suggestions, ungakapan men? (while the teacher asked the students with

call their name)

Ss : (noisy)

T : Apa offers Erik? Erik..Erik…

S : eeee… (answer vaguely)

T : Apa?

S : (silent)

T : Ungkapan men-?

S : Menawarkan

T : Yah jawabannya ungkapan menawarkan, jadi suggestion apa?

Ss : (silent)

T : Saran yaa, berdasarkan situasi. Jadi situasinya ini dipapan tulis, coba

akbar baca

S : (student read the example on black board)

T : Oke, jadi apa artinya itu yang di papan tulis?

Ss : (silent)

Comment [L14]: Question-controlling Strategy : Call students’ name when asking a students some question

Comment [L15]: Question-planning Strategy : Display question

Comment [L16]: Question-controlling Strategy : Asking question of the entire class and try to encourage the students participant

T : Jadi temannya mengajak untuk?

Ss : (chorusing)

T : Coba tahir, tahir

S : Panji menawarkanmu untuk menonton pertandingan antara MU dan

Chelsea di Trafford pada hari sabtu dan kamu menerima tawarannya

T : Jadi Wall Trafford itu nama stadion MU yah

Ss : Stadion MU mam

T : Okay jadi yang pertama ini ibu buat dialog menggunakan ungkapan

offers menawarkan and then dia accept menerima, jadi dia terima

tawarannya temannya untuk menonton MU versus Chelsea. Jadi masukkan

ungkapan offersnya and then responsenya, ungkapan acceptingnya yah,

ungkapan menerimanya. And then underline kih ungkapan-ungkapannya.

Ss : (pay attention to the teacher explanation)

T : Terus yang kedua apalagi? Sakila… read the situation

S : (Sakila read the example of situation on black board)

T : Jadi Sakila mengerti maksudnya?

S : Iya mam

T : Yes please

S : Teman kamu menyarankan kamu untuk membeli.

Comment [L17]: Question-planning Strategy : Prompting question

T : Bentley? Who knows?

S : Mobil sport

T : Bukan yah bentley itu bukan mobil sport, dia tidak sama dengan

lamborghini, memang mobil mewah tapi bukan

S : Yes mam! Classic mam

T : Yahh.. lanjut jadi temannya menyarankan ini membeli mobil Bentley tapi

tidak mauji dia lebih senang mobil Land Cruiser

Ss : Land Cruiser

T : Yahh jadi it disitu menggantikan apa? Yang than it

Ss : Bentley

T : Yah jadi dia lebih senang menggunakan Land Cruiser, karena why Land

Cruiser lebih maco kih. Lebih maco‟ kih Land cruiser dari pada Bentley.

Yeahh so any question?

Ss : (silent)

T : Jadi buat dialog yang seperti itu yaa, masukkan ungkapan suggestion and

then masukkan juga responnya

Then the teacher go for a walk and take the students book then explain the

example of the material in the book

T : Ada disini yah ungkapan menerima dan menolak (while show the content

of the book) ungkapannya jelas disini yahh jadi kalian kerjakan then

Comment [L18]: Question-controlling Strategy : Asking question of the entire class to encourage all the students participant

underline ya, Jadi minimal 10 yah Asma 5 Lisna 5 jadi 10 yahh seperti

biasa. Buat kalimat yah gonta-ganti sama teman pasangannya, jangan buat

satu-satu, jadi buat dialog.

Ss : Yes mom

Then the students do the task, after that the students who finishes first goes to the

front of the class to perform their work

Transcribed observation

(Teacher C)

The teacher starts the class by asking the students’ condition and checking the

attendance list.

T : Okay class, Good morning, how are you this morning?

Ss : I am fine, sir. (chorusing)

T : Once again, how are you this morning?

Ss : I am fine, sir. And you? (chorusing)

T : I am fine too. Well, listen to your name…

The teacher begins the lesson with gave the task then ask the students to make a

group and do the task.

T : Engineer task, group 2 what about you? Group 3, what about you?

Finish? What about you? And the last my beloved one? Do you have

problem? We start from group one? Finish?

S : Yes sir.

T : Okay, finish? Read!

T : Listen to the response from group 1. Okay? Please group 1, come here


Comment [L19]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking question relevant to students

Comment [L20]: Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the students participant

Comment [L21]: Question-controlling Strategy : Repeated question

The students come in front of the class to do their answer one by one.

After the students’ response the teacher ask, next the teacher continue the lesson

and go for walk and ask the students one by one about their assignment.

T : Any problem?

S : (silent)

T : Not? Well done.

T : Okay group 2, see this is the response from group 1. What about you?

Can you give response about the duty of engineer? Group 2 please

S : Yes sir.

S : The duty of engineer is fix broken items. (The student from group 2 gave

explanation about their answer)

T : The second one?

S : Build object

T : Okay, the third one?

S : Creating the new project.

T : Okay, four?

S : Producing and implementing design / designing

T : Okay my beloved one, this one of the responses from group 2. My

beloved one let see and analyze the duty from the engineer from group 3.

Comment [L22]: Question-controlling Strategy : Asking question of the entire class and try to encourage all the students to participate

Comment [L23]: Question-planning Strategy : Open-ended question

I have one problem from… okay let see, group 1, here the first and second

analyze and designing. Here, used verb 1 and the second uses verb-ing.

What is the different between analyze? Why you don‟t use analyzing for

example like that (analyzing)?

S : (silent)

T : Okay, who can give what is the different from analyze and designing?

Why we use analyze not analyzing?

S : (silent)

Then the teacher asked the students one by one, by call their name to ask the

students opinion.

T : Dafa what about you Dafa? Can you give explanation about it? Analyze

and designing? Okay, please stand up.

S : I think structure, sir?

T : No. what about you? Analyze and analyzing, what is the different from

you are? In your mind?

Ss : (silent)

T : The others? You can say in Indonesian language. What tenses does

someone use analyze? Verb 1?

S : Kalo analyze itu tugas yang sering dia lakukan, kalo analyzing itu tugas

yang sedang dia lakukan.

Comment [L24]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking for supporting data/ Asking for evidence to support a particular point

Comment [L25]: Question controlling Strategy : Call students’ name when asking a students some question

T : Okey, pertanyaan saya my students, analyze is what verb?

S : Verb 1

T : What about designing?

S : Verb-ing.

T : Yeahh.. verb -ing. But, designing is verb or noun?

S : ehh… (haltingly)

T : For example, listening to the music is my habit, like writing application

job is my activity. Apakah itu dikategorikan sebagai job? Or singing is my

hobby, writing is my hobby. Itu writing berperan sebagai apa disitu?

Apakah dia verb atau noun?

S : Noun

T : Okay, noun… itu namanya gerund kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata

benda. Okay thank you, tepuk tangan dulu…

T : Okay sekarang group 3, what about the duty of engineer?

Then the student from group 3 explain their answer…

After group 3 explain their answer next to group 4 and 5 also explain their

answer too…

After all of the group explain their answer the teacher continues the lesson.

T : Okay my beloved one, why do you said that the duty from of the

engineer is the decorating, why do you say? For group 5, why?

Comment [L26]: Question-planning Strategy : Prompting question

Comment [L27]: Question-planning Strategy : Probing question

S : Because the duty of engineer after they great the building they also

decorate the building not only create the building but also decorate.

T : Why?

S : Yeah, because they… I mean…. (haltingly)

T : Why?

S : (silent)

T : Okay! what about the other group? Why?

The other opinion… okay! Firman what about you Firman? Why does the

engineer usually decorate the building like the statement from group 4? I

think you can add?

While the teacher explains and ask the students, all the students keep discuss with

their group about the teacher ask.

Appendix B

Transcribed Interview

(Teacher A)

I : Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, let me intoduce my self,

my name is Dian ekawati. I would like to give you some interview about

teacher questioning strategies during the classroom interaction. So, may I

give you some question about your questioning during teaching learning

process in you class?

T : Yes, please

I : Okay, the first question is what kinds of question that you use in teaching

process in your class? And the reason why you use that question?

T : Actually, I never classified how many kinds I gave question to the

students. I never classified how many kinds, I just give the students

question when I ask their condition. That is the first question to them when

the teaching learning process. And after that I ask them about their

learning before how far they can understand, how far they know about the

lesson before, the material before. After that I ask the students

understanding about the lesson after I teach them. And the last when I ask

them again how far their understanding the lesson after giving them


Comment [L28]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking question relevant to students Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the students participate

Comment [L29]: Question-planning Strategy : Follow-up question

Comment [L30]: Question-planning Strategy : Display question Question-planning Strategy : Asking for supporting data/Asking for evidence to support a particular point

Comment [L31]: Question-planning Strategy: Probing and Prompting question

I : Oh yeah, okay next the second question is did you find difficulties when

ask students some question?

T : Sometimes when I couldn‟t answer the question related the material if I

don‟t understand but just rarely.

I : I mean did you find difficulties when ask students some question? Like

students cannot understand your question?

T : Oh yeahh, ok actually they always understand because my question not

only for one student but for all of the students, in orally I ask for example

one students who can‟t understand but another students understand the

answer. So, I think is not difficult to give them question.

I : Well, next what kinds of question that frequently you use?

T : Oh yeah, related with I always ask them related with the material. Not

only the general question but I sometimes ask them the detail of the

material, not only the globally. I wonder to know how far they understand.

But we always face with time allocation, so they to do their exercise. Time

allocation to ask them question about the material is difficult because they

have to do their exercise in written. But the question orally, I think is

difficult to give them, because time allocation. Many questions from

exercise they do, so that‟s why form they answer the question from the

exercise, the teacher can understand how far they can understand about the

material from the answer their exercise. And also, if I ask them orally. I

think is not too difficult to measure their understanding. So, the best

Comment [L32]: Question-planning Strategy : Prompting question Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the students to participate

measurement understanding the question based on the written task. When I

ask them to their speaking, I can‟t catch their speaking by when they

perform in front of the class by doing speak up in dialogue role play.

I : Well about your question, how the students‟ responses?

T : Because I ever teach in 2 location, I see there is a different. Saya liat

memang ada perbedaan antara saya dulu mengajar di malino dan di

makassar, di malino itu ada beberapa siswanya memang dari kampung.

Jadi itu siswa disana banyak malu mengungkapkan/mengekspresikan

pengalaman mereka. Tapi kalo di kota itu mereka expression, aktif, antusis

yah mungkin karena mereka sering melihat Bahasa inggris jadi tidak malu-

malu, tapi mereka memang orang open kalo anak kota, karena kalo anak di

daerah itu masih agak malu-malu karena memang mungkin fasilitasnya

yang kurang, jadi itu yang saya liat. Jadi enak sekali ngajar di makassar,

karena saya liat asik ini di ajar karena anak-anaknya berlomba-lomba

dalam belajar, dan juga antusias dalam belajar. Karena interaksi pada

aksesnya memang besar, hp saja tidak timbul tenggelam. I always

combined, because I teach in grade X, so I combine Indonesia and

English, even though I speak up in English, I look at some of them

understand when I ask them the question slowly. Sometimes, maybe they

only predict what I say. So I look at some of them from their face, they

already understand, even though I ask them in English.

I : Next maybe the last questions, how effective are the question that you


T : The best measurement to give the question, to know the students

understanding in understanding the material. My question only from the

exercise. That is the best measurement. In orally when I ask students, I

think is not effective.

I : Okay mom, thank you for your time.

Transcribed Interview

(Teacher B)

I : Let me introduce my self my name is Dian ekawati I‟m from

Muhammadiyah university of Makassar, now I‟m going to give you some

interview about teachers questioning strategies during classroom

interaction. So, I would like to give you some question about your

questioning strategy during the teaching learning process in your class?

T : Yes

I : The first question is what kinds of question that you use in teaching

process in your class? And what are the reason you use that question?

T : I think saya senang itu kalo I came to class I prepare the class and

mengecek kehadiran siswa the attendance list. After that feedback about

the lesson before/last week with a few question about the material last

week. And then explain about the lesson today then give students some

question about the material today.

T : The reason I give that kinds of question to know the comprehension of

the students about the material and about the lesson of the day. Because itu

jadi lebih gampang ditau kalo yang ini mengerti dan yang ini

memperhatikan jadi diberikan pertanyaan biar yang lain itu bisa menyimak

karena kadang ada siswa yang main-main. Jadi kita sebagai guru harus

Comment [L33]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking question relevant to students Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the student to participate

Comment [L34]: Question-planning Strategy : Follow-up question Question-planning Strategy : Asking for supporting data/ Asking for evidence to support a particular point Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the student to participate

Comment [L35]: Question-planning Strategy : prompting question Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the student to participate

mengerti situasi kelas, biar siswa itu bisa focus menyimak tentang materi

pembelajaran hari ini.

I : Okey mom, the second question is did you find difficulties when ask

students some questions?

T : Yes, of course. Karena tidak semuanya anak-anak itu senang Bahasa

inggris, mungkin yang mudah kita ajar itu yang senang juga dengan

pelajaran Bahasa inggris. Jadi siswa itu susah menerima pembelajaran

karena memang tidak senang. Kadang siswa itu bilang „susahnya mom‟ ,

„ih susahnya mom‟ .jadi saya kadang bilang kepada siswa belajar saja

pelan-pelan yang penting kalian mau belajar, karena kalo kalian tidak tau

dan tidak mau belajar itu yang susah.

I : Okay, next. Is the question that you use can be a tool for measure the

students understanding?

T : Yes, of course. Bisa ditau kan kalo lansung ditanya mengerti atau tidak

tentang pembelajaran. Dan saya lebih suka lansung bertanya ke siswa jadi

saya bisa melihat dan lansung tau mana yang benar-benar paham dan

memperhatikan pembelajaran. Tapi kadang anak-anak lebih senang

diberikan tugas tulis.

I : How about the responses of the students?

T : Campur-campurmim ada yang welcome, antusias memang untuk belajar

karena memang senang dengan Bahasa inggris dan ada juga yang takut-

takut. Kadang juga dia mau jawab tapi takut-takut karena katanya tidak tau

Comment [L36]: Question-controlling Strategy : Call students’ name when asking a students some question Question-planning Strategy : Display question

kalo Bahasa inggris jadi kadang tidak berani bicara. Dan terkadang itu

yang menjadi kendala siswa disaat mereka mau bicara tapi mereka bilang

„tidak ditau mom Bahasa inggrisnya‟.

I : Okay. The last question mom, how effective are question that you use?

T : Itu tergantung juga siswa, seperti yang tadi kita bilang kadang ada anak-

anak yang tau tapi karena mereka merasa takut jadi meraka tidak berani

bicara, makanya kadang anak-anak itu lebih suka menulis.

I : Baik ibu mungkin hanya itu, terima kasih banyak atas waktunya ibu.

Transcribed interview

(Teacher C)

I : What kinds of questions that you use in teaching learning process in your


T : Pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang sedang diajarkan dalam

pembelajaran, pertanyaan yang diajukan dapat digunakan sebagai salah

satu untuk merangsang fikiran siswa dalam berkomunikasi serta dapat

berfungsi untuk mendorong peserta didik dan juga terlibat secara lansung

sesuai yang dibahas pada saat itu.

I : Did you find difficulties when ask students some questions?

T : Tidak

I : What kinds of questions that frequently you use?

T : Jenis pertanyaan yang sering digunakan yaitu pertanyaan yang meminta

contoh atau fakta dalam rangka mengembangkan atau melatih daya piker

peserta didik terhadap materi pembelajaran. Juga pertanyaan yang

meminta siswa untuk membandingkan dengan maksud untuk melatih daya

nalar sisswa terhadap suatu kasus, dan juga pertanyaan secara klasikal,

personal dan ect

I : Is the question that you ask can be a tool for measure the students


Comment [L37]: Question-controlling Strategy : Asking of the entire class and try to encourage all the students to participate Question-planning Strategy : Follow-up question or Display question

Comment [L38]: Question-planning Strategy : Asking for supporting data / Asking for evidence to support a particular point

Comment [L39]: Question-controlling Strategy : Call on specific students to answer question Question-planning Strategy : Probing question

T : Ya, sebagai salah satu alat untuk mengukur pemahaman peserta didik

I : How do the students‟ responses to the types of question that you used?

T : Respon siswa dari pertanyaan diajukan itu bervariasi, karena sejatinya

siswa mempunyai Tingkat kemampuan yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karena

itu sebagai seorang pendidik perlu menggunakan metode mendidik yang


I : How effective are question that you used?

T : Pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh seorang pendidik merupakan hal yang

sangat penting dalam rangka menciptakan suasana pembelajaran lebih

bermakna. Oleh karena itu dalan setiap pembelajaran, model pembelajaran

apapun yang kita gunakan, bertanya merupakan kegiatan yang tidak

dipisahkan satu sama lain. seorang pendidik yang mengajukan pertanyaan

secara efektif akan mendidik dari pada yang positif bagi peserta didik

untuk berfikir secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.

I : Okay sir, maybe just it. Thank you for your time

Appendix C


Take a picture with the headmaster of SMAN 4 Makassar

Interview process with the second teacher who teaches on grade X

Interview process with the second teacher who teaches on grade XI

Interview process with third teacher who teaches on grade XII

Classroom Interaction

Curriculum Vitae

Dian Ekawati was born on October 04th, 1997 in Pinrang,

South Sulawesi. She is the last children from two siblings

from the marriage of Drs. H. Bardi Paruasi, M.Si and Hj.

Hasriah. She graduated her elementary school in 2009 at SDN

16 Pinrang. She continued her study at SMPN 1 Pinrang and

graduated in 2012. Afterwards, she continued her study at SMAN 1 Pinrang in

2012 and graduated in 2015. At the same year in 2015, she continued her study at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as a student of English Educational

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. And at the end of her

study, she could finish her thesis by the title “An Analysis of Teachers’

Questioning Strategies During the Classroom Interaction at SMAN 4 Makassar”

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