An analysis of MLR and NLP for use in river flood routing ... · An analysis of MLR and NLP for use in river flood routing and comparison with the Muskingum method Mohammad Zare Manfred

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An analysis of MLR and NLP for use in river flood routing and comparison

with the Muskingum method

Mohammad ZareManfred Koch

Dept. of Geotechnology and Geohydraulics,University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany



Literature review

Study methods

Study area and flood events used

Results and discussion

Conclusions 1


occurrence of floods has resulted in tremendouseconomic damages and life losses.

the correct prediction of the rise and fall of a flood(flood routing) is important.

The fundamental differential equation to describeone-dimensional unsteady river flow is the Saint-Venant equation.



Because of the nonlinearity of the convectiveacceleration term in the Saint-Venant equation, inits most complete form it can only be solvednumerically.

Nowadays, dynamic wave, diffusion wave andkinematic wave method are widely used inpractice.



The numerical implementation of the kinematicwave approximation is usually the Muskingum orthe Muskingum-Cunge method.

Although Muskingum method is not a very accurateMethod, this routing method is alive and well andby no means exhausted.



the determination of the routing coefficients in theMuskingum model is solved by trial and errormethod and graphical method.

In this study, two new parameter estimationtechniques, namely, nonlinear programming (NLP)and multiple linear regression (MLR), will beapplied to the routing of three flood events in a riversection.


Literature Review


Year Researcher Description

1951 Hayami Firstly, presented Diffusive wave theory

1955 to


Various researcher

There have been a lot of investigations since thento what extent the various simplifications in theSaint-Venant Eqs. are valid for routing in aparticular channel

1978 Gillused linear least squares to determine the twounknown parameters in the prism/wedge storageterm which is the basis of the Muskingum method

Literature Review


Year Researcher Description

1997 Mohanapplied a genetic algorithm to estimate theparameters in a nonlinear Muskingum model

2004 Das

estimated parameters for Muskingum modelsusing a Lagrange multiplier formulation totransform the constrained parameter optimizationproblem into an unconstrained one

2009Oladghafari& Fakheri

determined the routing parameters of theMuskingum model for three flood events (whichare also at the focus of the present study) in areach of the Mehranrood river in northwestern Iranby the classical (graphical) procedure

Study methodsKinematic/diffusion wave / Muskingum wave routing method

One of the most widely used methods for river flood routing is the Muskingum method.


Using the concept of a wedge-/prism storage for a stream reach, whereby the total actual storage is written as a weighted average of the prism-storage Sprism=KQ and the wedge storage Swedge=KX(I-Q)

Eq.2 8

dS/dt = I(t) – Q(t)


Study methodsKinematic/diffusion wave / Muskingum wave routing method

where K is a reservoir constant, (about equal to thetravel-time of a flood wave through the stream reach),and X a weighting factor, both of which a usuallydetermined in an iterative manner from observed input-and output hydrographs, the discrete Muskingum-equations are directly obtained from the time-discretization of Eq. 1


where j = (1,…,m) indicates the time step and C1, C2 andC3 are the routing coefficients, which include the twoconstants K and X , as well as the time step ∆t 9

jjjj QCICICQ 32111 ++= ++

Study methodsGeneral formulation of a constrained nonlinear programming problem (NLP)

The main purpose of nonlinear programming(NLP) is to find the optimum value of a functionalvariation, while respecting certain constraints.

The NLP-problem is generally formulated as










=== 0)(,...,0)(,0)(:.



Study methodsGeneral formulation of a constrained nonlinear programming problem (NLP)

There are lot of methods for solving the NLPproblems.

One of these methods that is used by WinQSB-software is penalty function method

Penalty function method is transformedconstrained problem into an unconstrained one.


Study methodsGeneral formulation of a constrained nonlinear programming problem (NLP)

In penalty function method the constrained problemchanges to


for each stage k, where x(k) is the solution at thatstage; µ(k) is the penalty parameter; and E(x(k)) is thesum of all constraint-violations to the power of ρ

Iterations k=1,2..kmax continue until µ(k)*E(x(k))ρ <δ,then x(k+1) is the optimal solution, otherwiseµ(k+1) = β*µ(k), with β a constant


[ ] max,....,2,1))(()()(min kkkxEkxf =+ ρµ

Study methodsNLP-formulation of Muskingum flood routing

The NLP -problem for flood routing is formulated here as follows

under the constraints

for the input and output discharges measured atthe discrete times j=1,2,…,m.


VVxf ˆ)(min −= tV QQi




=∑ )(5.0


mjQCICICQ jjjj ,...,2,1,32111 =++= ++

Study methodsMultiple linear regression (MLR) method

In the multiple linear regression (MLR) model, theMuskingum equation is read like a linear regressionequation for the dependent output variable Qi+1 as afunction of the three independent variables Ii+1, Ii(measured input hydrograph) and Qi. (measuredoutput hydrograph). With this the MLR-model can bestated as:

14mjQCICICQ jjjj ,...,2,1,32111 =+++= ++ ε

Study area and flood events used

The study area is located along the reach of theMehranrood River in the Azarbayejan-e-Sharghi province innorthwestern Iran between the two hydrometer stationsHervi (upstream) and Lighvan (downstream). The streamdistance between these two stations is 12280 meters

Three flood events that occurred on April 6, 2003, June 9,2005 and May 4, 2007, respectively, were selected for theflood routing experiments. Input hydrographs for thesimulations are the observed dis-charges at Hervi gagestation and the output hydrographs those at station Lighvan


Results and discussionGeneral set-up of the flood routing computations

The NLP- and the MLR- flood routing method have been applied to the three flood hydrographs

the optimal calibration of the three routingcoefficients Ci=1,2,3 (the decision variables in NLP,or the regression coefficients in MLR) have beendone with the observed input and the routed outputhydrographs of the April 6, 2003 flood event

After calibration, these routing coefficients havebeen used in the subsequent verification of theother two flood events. 16

Results and discussionOptimal calibration of routing coefficients using the April 6, 2003 flood event

Parameters used in the NLP-penalty function method:

Optimal NLP-, MLR-, and classical Muskingum(Oladghaffariet al. (2009), who used a classical graphical procedure)routing coefficients for the April 6, 2003 flood event


X(1) µ(1) β δ ρ Parameter 0 1 0.1 0.0001 2 Value

C3 C2 C1 Method

0.6239 0.2886 0.0877 NLP

0.6612 0.2347 0.1043 MLR

0.6636 0.0758 0.2606 Muskingum

Results and discussionOptimal calibration of routing coefficients using the April 6, 2003 flood event


Results and discussionVerification of the flood routing methods with the June 9, 2005 flood event


Results and discussionVerification of the flood routing methods with the May 4, 2007 flood event


Results and discussion

Observed and calculated peak discharges and errorsfor NLP, MLR and Muskingum flood routing


Muskingum-error (%) Muskingum MLR-error (%) MLR NLP-error (%) NLP Observed Flood event

0.47 4.19 0.47 4.19 0.47 4.19 4.21 April 6, 2003

8.01 2.87 7.37 2.89 8.33 2.86 3.12 June 9, 2005

2.65 3.31 2.35 3.32 2.35 3.32 3.40 May 4, 2007


Based on the results it can be concluded that the NLPand MLR methods proposed here for the automaticcalibration of the routing coefficients in the widely usedMuskingum flood routing method, are powerful andreliable procedures for flood routing in rivers.

These two methods may be more conveniently usedthan Muskingum, where suitable routing coefficients(usually the storage parameter K and the weightingfactor X) are often obtained only after some lengthytrial and error process


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