An algebraic approach to higher-order theories and rewriting€¦ · Introduction Here: A categorical semantics for I higher-order rewriting (Klop, Nipkow, Wolfram), and I permutation

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Introduction Rewrite systems as 2-signatures 2-categorical semantics Cartesian closed case Conclusion

Laboratoire de MathematiquesUniversite de Savoie UMR 5127

An algebraic approach to higher-order theoriesand rewriting

Tom Hirschowitz

Brno, August 2010

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Introduction Rewrite systems as 2-signatures 2-categorical semantics Cartesian closed case Conclusion

Original motivation

Understood from a talk by Fiore in Lyon:I will to explain variable binding by a λ-calculus limited to 2nd

order;I complex categorical picture.

Alternative point of view:I the λ-calculus perfectly explains variable binding;I simple categorical picture: cartesian closed categories.

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A categorical semantics forI higher-order rewriting (Klop, Nipkow, Wolfram), andI permutation equivalence (Bruggink).

In cartesian closed 2-categories.

Corollary: a semantics for variable binding in cartesian closedcategories.

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Introduction Rewrite systems as 2-signatures 2-categorical semantics Cartesian closed case Conclusion

Related work

Cartesian closed sketches (Kinoshita, Power, Takeyama andWells).

Bruggink’s permutation equivalence, Hilken’s 2-λ-calculus,Jacobs’ book.

Capriotti’s semantics for flat permutation equivalence insesqui-categories.

By extension, Fiore et al., my father and Maggesi.

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1 Introduction.

2 The known case:I rewrite systems as fp 2-signatures,I their fp 2-categorical semantics.

3 Sketch of the cartesian closed case.

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Given a set X , let L0(X ) be the set of formulas, as generated bythe grammar:

A,B ::= 1 | x | A× B.


This extends to a monad on Set with substitution as multiplication.


Let S0(X ) = L0(X )∗ × L0(X ) be the set of sequents over X .

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A 1-signature Σ = (X0,X1) consists of:

a set X0 of sorts,

a map X1 → S0(X0) of operations.

The latter amounts to a set indexed by sequents in S0(X0).

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Example: combinatory logic

One sort X0 = {t}.Three operations X1 = {K ,S ,A}:

I K ,S : 1→ t,

I A : t, t → t,i.e.,

I K ,S 7→ ([], t),

I A 7→ ([t, t], t).

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Non-example: the λ-calculus

Arity of λ: “tt → t”.

Not expressible by our arities.

Workarounds do exist.

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A category of 1-signatures

Consider 1-signatures Σ = (X0,X1) and Σ′ = (Y0,Y1).A morphism Σ→ Σ′ consists of:

a map f0 : X0 → Y0,

a map f1 : X1 → Y1 making

X1 Y1

S0(X0) S0(Y0)




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A category of 1-signatures


This yields a category Sig1 of 1-signatures.

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The term monad

Given a 1-signature Σ = (X0,X1), let L1(Σ) be the 1-signaturewith:

sorts X0,

operations A1, . . . ,An → A the termsx1 : A1, . . . , xn : An ` M : A in the language generated by Σ.


L1 extends to a monad on Sig1.

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Parallel operations

For a 1-signature Σ = (X0,X1), let Σ|| be the pullback:

Σ|| X1

X1 S0(X0).

Example: L1(Σ)|| is the set of parallel terms over Σ.


This extends to a functor (−)|| : Sig1 → Set.

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Rewrite systems = 2-signatures


A rewrite system, or a 2-signature, X consists of:

a 1-signature Σ = (X0,X1),

a map X2 → L1(Σ)|| of rewrite rules.


The rewrite relation generated by X is the smallest congruencegenerated by the rewrite rules.

A bit more general than the original definition.

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Example: combinatory logic

Remember K , S ,A.

Two rewrite rules (with usual shorthand):

Kxy → x Sxyz → xy(xz).

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A category of 2-signatures

A morphism X → Y of 2-signatures consists of

a morphism (f0, f1) : (X0,X1)→ (Y0,Y1) of 1-signatures,

a map f2 : X2 → Y2 making

X2 Y2

L1(X )|| L1(Y )||




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A category of 2-signatures


This yields a category Sig.

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Reductions and permutation equivalence

We now define a monad L on Sig.

We then use L to construct adjunctions

Sig ⊥ L-Alg ⊥ 2FPCat.





Reminiscent of multigraphs a monoidal categories throughmulticategories.

Though missing the language for representable L-algebras.

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Reductions and permutation equivalence

L preserves underlying 1-signature.

The rewrite rules of L(X ) are the reductions, modulopermutation equivalence, which we now define.

Along the way, we sketch:I how L(X ) yields an fp 2-category,I how any fp 2-category yields an L-algebra.

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First, for (r ∈ X (G ` M,N : t)), we have the formation rule:

. . . Γ ` Pi : Mi → Ni : Gi . . .

Γ ` r(P1, . . . ,Pn) : M[M1, . . . ,Mn]→ N[N1, . . . ,Nn] : A·



∏G A,

(M1, . . . ,Mn)

(N1, . . . ,Nn)



rP with P = (P1, . . . ,Pn).

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There is a rule for sequential composition:

Γ ` P : M1 → M2 : A Γ ` Q : M2 → M3 : A

Γ ` P ;M2 Q : M1 → M3 : A·


∏G A.





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Plus a few other rules:

for empty reductions, i.e., identities,

for reductions in context, i.e., making reductions into acongruence.

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Permutation equivalence

We then quotient out reductions by permutation equivalence.

Also inductively defined.

Permutation actually happens in the rules equating

C B A,r with C B A

C B Ar

and the other way around. Namely:

r(P ;N2 Q) ≡ M1[P] ;M1[N2] r(Q).

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The monad


This defines a functor L : Sig→ Sig, which is a monad withsubstitution as multiplication.

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The adjunction

We use L to construct an adjunction

Sig ⊥ 2FPCat



as the composite

Sig ⊥ L-Alg ⊥ 2FPCat.





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Soundness and completeness


Given a 2-signature X , form the fp 2-category X ∗ with:

objects: tuples of sorts,

morphisms: tuples of terms,

preordered hom-categories:I X ∗(M,N) = 1 iff M →∗ N,I X ∗(M,N) = ∅ otherwise.

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Soundness and completeness


For all sorts t1, . . . , tn, t, there is a functor

H(X )(Πti , t)→ X ∗(Πti , t),

which is full and identity-on-objects (to a preorder).


If P : M → N in H(X ) then M →∗ N in the standard sense.


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Cartesian closedness

Up to now: first-order rewriting.

2-categorical semantics known, or at least folklore.

New presentation as far as I know.

Now, sketch for higher-order rewriting.

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Types: A,B ::= 1 | x | A× B | BA.

L1(Σ): simply-typed λ-calculus on Σ.

2-signature: set indexed by pairs of parallel λ-terms inβ-normal, η-long form.

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Signature Σ: ` : tt → t a : t × t → t.

Pure λ-terms with variables in n in bijection with

L1(Σ)(t, . . . , t︸ ︷︷ ︸n times

→ t).

One rule β : a(`(Mtt),Nt)→ MN, i.e.,

t × t

tt × t t.

`× t a



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Reductions and permutations

As before, plus formation rules

Γ, x : A ` P : M → N : B

Γ ` λx : A.P : λx : A.M → λx : A.N : BA

Γ ` P : M → M ′ : BA Γ ` Q : N → N ′ : A

Γ ` PQ : MN → M ′N ′ : B

with equations for βη.

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Soundness and completeness

From any 2-signature X , higher-order rewriting yields a reductionrelation between terms on the underlying 1-signature.


M →∗ N iff there exists a reduction P : M → N.

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Cartesian closed categories are locally discrete cartesian closed

2-categories: 2CCCat ⊥ CCCat.

Composing with the above: Sig ⊥ CCCat.


Fiore and Hur’s syntactic category on X is a full subcategoryof K(X ).

More objects in K(X ), e.g., ttt.

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The π-calculus (and all calculi with a structural congruence).

Would need to incorporate equations between reductions.

Even with that, no efficient presentation of π yet.

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