An Act of Contrition : My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my … · 2020-07-05 · An Act of Contrition : My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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St. Colman`s with St. Paul`s Parish— Cosham & Paulsgrove

( Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth- Reg Charity No : 246871 )

The Presbytery, St. Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth PO6 2JJ. Tel: 023 9237 6151, E-mail:

Fr.Innaiah Maddineni, Parish Priest, St.Paul`s Catholic School, Bourne Rd, Portsmouth PO6 4JD , Tel: 023 9237 5488

Don’t forget you can sign up to receiving the weekly newsletter electronically by dropping an e-


An Act of Contrition : My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK : Please pray for the sick in our parish here at St.Colman`s with

St.Paul`s- Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley, Angela Day, , Nora Bryant,

Verena Wright, Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Battisa, Chelsie Whibley, Joe and Pat

Charlton , James Maguire and John Cox.

Job Opportunity – Oaklands School The Governors are seeking to appoint an Assistant School

Business Manager to join our hardworking, committed and enthusiastic team and to assist the

Director of Business and Finance in the smooth running of the support functions of the Acad-

emy. This will be a key position within the School, which will bring the opportunity of further

development into the full spectrum of School Business Management responsibilities. We are

excited to offer this new position. The Governors are looking for someone who either already

has Finance, Administration and Facilities management experience or who has experience and

already have a Level 3 qualification in Finance or Facilities management and is looking to obtain

qualifications and build experience in the other areas of School Business Management. The

school is happy to provide the required training and development opportunity for the right

candidate leading towards completion of a Level 4 or 5 qualification in School Business Man-

agement. This will be dependent on previous experience and the level of qualifications already

held. Closing Date: Friday 17th July 2020 at 12pm Proposed Interviews: week commencing

20th July 2020 For more information or to apply please visit our website: https://

Bible study group at the South down`s Awakening : The leaders of the South Down`s

awakening had a vision to gather churches in prayer, to walk the south Downs Way in unity, to

see revival in every church and an awakening across the land. The original plan was for all

churches to come together over a week and walk the land. With Covid-19 this is now not possi-

ble. However they are still individuals and families to walk the South Downs and pray at the

same time. More details. Htttps://

Mass attendance booking :Please call this number to book: 023 9237 6151. Please Give your name 2.

phone number 3. which mass you wish to attend 4. the number of people you wish to book. Also: If you know

anyone who needs to know about the opening of the church for private prayer or about the arrangements for

attendance at Mass who does not have access to the or receive the newsletter, please would you help by call-

ing them. If you have no COVID symptoms you could print out this newsletter and then post it through the

door. Thank you

Church is Open for Private Prayer : St.Colman`s Monday to Thursday 10am to 5pm, every week.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4/5 July 2020

Saturday 4th July, —People of the Parish , St.Elizabeth of Portugal—Mass in Private

Sunday 5th July, —People of the Parish - St.Colman`s Mass at 9.15am FOR STEWARDS only

Sunday 5th July Mass at St.Colman`s at 6pm & (11am to 12 noon—Prayer—People of the Parish—St.Paul`s

- 50th Anniversary of Dedication of St.Paul`s Church , Paulsgrove.)

Monday 6th , Aleykutty Abraham R.I.P Mass at 9.15am at. St. Col-


Tuesday 7th Mass at 9.15am St.Colman`s—Fr.Bernard Medd R.I.P

Wednesday 8th Private Mass, People of the Parish

Thursday 9th Mass at 9.15am, Mrs.Gales`s Intentions

Friday 10th Private Mass, Renee Burton R.I.P

Saturday 11th Mass at 9.15am St.Colman`s, People of the Parish

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12.07.2020

Saturday 11th Mass at 6pm St.Colman`s ,People of the Parish

Sunday 12th Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am,People of the Parish

Sunday 12th Mass at St.Paul`s at 11am,People of the Parish

Sunday 12th Mass at St.Colman`s 6pm,People of the Parish

Monday 13th Mass at St.Colman`s ,9.15am Anne & Tom Renshaw


Tuesday 14th ,Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am, People of the Parish

Wednesday 15th at St.Colman`s—Private Mass, People of the Par-


Thursday 16th ,Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am

Friday 17th Mass at St.Colman`s Private Mass,Elizabeth Vera Langston R.I.P

Saturday 18th Mass at St.Colman`s 9.15am &

Saturday 18th 6.00pm, Mary Veronica Germain R.I.P, Sunday 19th Mass at St.Colman`s at 9.15am, and


Ordination to Priesthood :In St John's

Cathedral, Bishop Philip will be ordain-

ing Matthew King to the Sacred Priest-

hood (this was due to happen on Satur-

day 18th April). Bishop Philip will also

be ordaining Anthony Fyk to the Di-

aconate. During the Mass, Edward

Hauschild will be instituted as an Aco-

lyte and Ambrose Chou as a Lector. Af-

ter the Mass during Vespers, Paul

Nwune & James Lewis will be admitted

to Candidacy and the new students

Tom Hiney, Francis Ezeani & Yipeng

John Ni will be given a special blessing

as they begin their seminary formation.

Please pray for Paul and all these gen-

erous men. For health and safety rea-

sons, the liturgies will be closed to the

public and limited to the participants,

but you can watch on-line on the cathe-

dral’s live streaming facility.



PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick in our parish -

Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy Dibley, Angela Day, Rosemary Fitzgerald, Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Battisa, Chelsie

Whibley, Joe Charlton & James Maguire Jo-seph Maguire and John Cox.

Parish News Letter : Parish News Letter is available on website, email ONLY. On Sun-

days and during the week , when you are around you may collect your copy from the


OFFERTORY COLLECTION : There will be no offertory collection at the Private Prayer/

Masses until all restrictions are lifted. A collection box is provided for your dona-

tions next to the altar and exist. To donate directly into the Parish Account– details

below: You can make a payment online (or in branch) to PRCDTR PORTSMOUTH St

COLMAN, Sort code 309304, Account number 00884554. It is important that you

add a reference eg 'offertory donation'. All cheques for the Parish should be ad-

dressed as: PRCDTR PORTSMOUTH St COLMAN. Thank you and May Good Lord

continue to support us.



up a prayer and listening service for the period of the coronavi-

rus lockdown. Trained DBS cleared Prayer Ministers will help and pray with people affected by

the virus and the effect of the lockdown and listen to their story. The service is for people over

the age of 18 and there is special provision for key workers who may need to process some of

the issues they are experiencing on the front line. Here is the link on the diocesan website:

CHURCH STEWARDS: To ensure the health and safety of all parishioners, and keep the church open for prayer,/Mass we need volunteer ushers present in 1 hour slot at certain periods of the day. If you are able to volunteer please send an email to Many thanks to all who have volunteered so far .

Thought for the Week: “Maintaining the flock that God has

entrusted to us means feeding the sheep. According to Jesus and His apostles, feeding the sheep occupies a high pastoral

priority. It is something that we must do. And it’s not easy. If

you are seeing some success in maintaining the flock, then congratulations. We are living in a decidedly anti-faith cul-

ture. Wolves are circling the flock and people are being picked off left, right and centre. Keeping the flock together in any

way is a real achievement. While maintenance focuses on feeding the sheep we do have, mission focuses on reaching

those outside the flock.

A mission-focused Church is concerned with the needs, hopes, sorrows, joys and eternal destiny of all men and

women, especially those furthest from Christ and His Church. The posture of a mission-focused Church is fundamentally outward towards the world.” (Fr. James Mallon Beyond

the Parish)

Bishop Philip writes... 29th June 2020 Here is the homily Bishop preached on Sun-

day 28th June 2020, the Solemnity of SS. Pe-ter and Paul.

In 1939, engineers in St. Peter’s in Rome were

creating a new tomb for the late Pope Pius XI, when accidentally they broke through the floor

into a hitherto forgotten lower level. A team of ar-chaeologists went in and to their surprise, they

uncovered beneath the basilica an extensive Roman cemetery, with the graves arranged in concentric circles down to a central point. At that point was a rough stone sarcophagus with

an inscription: PETROS. It was then they realised what they’d found. For that grave was di-rectly beneath the low altar of the church Constantine built in 4C, which is beneath the crypt

altar of the church Charlemagne built in 8C, which in turn is exactly beneath the great high altar of St. Peter’s today. Amazed by their discovery, they asked permission of the pope to

open the tomb. What they found inside were the bones of a 1C Palestinian male, aged in his sixties, who had died by being crucified.

Today we venerate the two princes of the apostles: St. Peter, the Rock on which the Church was founded, and St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles. They were very different characters.

Peter, slow to believe, often vacillating, denied the Lord three times. An ancient tradition re-calls how as Bishop of Rome, he nearly gave up. He decided to flee Nero’s persecution but, on

the Appian Way outside the city, he met Christ carrying the Cross. Domine, quo vadis? Peter asked: Lord, where are you heading? To Rome to be crucified Jesus replied. Peter got the

point and returned to the city. Later, he was indeed crucified, upside down in humility. St. Paul, on the other hand, only met Jesus later in life. A Pharisee, he fiercely opposed Christian-

ity, until his famous conversion on the Road to Damascus, where Jesus met him: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Paul was the greatest missionary of all time: it was thanks to

his fiery preaching the Gospel spread across the Mediterranean. He too met a martyr’s death in Rome, by beheading.

You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Rome? There are few sights more awesome than to stand in St. Peter’s Basilica looking up at

those words in gold letters encircling the ceiling. Pilgrims have visited Rome since the 2C to pray to Peter and Paul and to be close to the Holy Father. Pope Francis is the 265th successor

of Peter, to whom Jesus said I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. This power of the keys is the authority to bind and loose, to teach true doctrine, to make decisions for the

Church in persona Christi capitis, in the person of Christ the Head. Jesus never promised his Church would be impeccable, free from sin. But He did promise it would be infallible: that its

teaching on faith and morals would be free from error. It’s this certitude that characterises our Catholic faith, which is why we should thank God today for the gift of the Church. The

gates of the underworld can never hold out against it. Today, we rejoice to belong historically to the Church Christ founded.

I have fought the good fight; I have run the race to the finish. Peter and Paul were not prom-

ising material, but then neither are we. Like them, we are ordinary folk called to an extraordi-nary mission: to spread the Gospel in our own time and place. To do this, we need to know

Jesus and His teaching intimately. In this Mass, let’s ask the prayers of Peter and Paul. Let us pray for the Holy Father and for ourselves too, that we will be holy and missionary. Indeed, let us pray for the grace to persevere in faith and so one day to be found worthy of Paradise.

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