
Visual Influences

Amy WrightsonN0382330

Here displays a fine image of what I am combining my interpretation of the tempest with, the caveman era.

Half Man, Half Ape ? Natural Nature

This image really interests me, in the way it has been used within the community. - This could be put into perspective in my interpretation, displaying within the community.

This image shows possible costume designs in which i could look at in more depth later on in the project, as well as setting the scene for my historical context.

Caves: Natural underground space.Another idea for a performance space.

Natural environment. ( ties in with concept) Texture Forms, Shapes, Shadows.

Rambert Dance Company: An example of Contemporary dance which I wish to include as part of my focused research, as it interests me and i

feel that i could relate it well with my ideas.

Also this image again looks closely at possible different costume idea as well.

This image indicates a strong understanding of the appropriate colour scheme, and 3D technical aspect of my interpretation.

Bold Striking Dark


Another piece of dance representation . I believe the colours/ mood well. I chose to show these kinds of images to reflect the different forms and figures which can be made.


With having to combine today, the modern day within my interpretation I believe this image is a good visual aspect to my project. It helps show the connection between my ideas within the two

different era’s. Showing the progression through the years.

Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem :i discovered this pub in Nottingham and found it really interesting for a space where a performance may take place.

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