AMORE magazine

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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from school


Words can

be so deceiving – and your words were very de-ceiving. I wasn’t really what you were looking for. In fact – I wasn’t what you wanted at all. So instead of finding what you really wanted, you tried to make me into someone I wasn’t. You wanted to make me into who you wanted me to be. I wouldn’t let you do it a n d

“ I swore I’d

never be broken down like that ever again. But life is full of twisted events

and you don’t always have

control of it. You made it seem

like you really wanted me.

W o r d s c a n

According to the “World Book Dictionary” by Thorndike Barnhart (Copyright 1951), a, n. is a connection. Believe it or not, that is all that is stated on a relationship: simply a “connection.” But how many times will we experience these connec-tions throughout our lifetime? Ten, twenty, or even thirty times? When does a person feel so secure about a relationship that they know it is the last one they will encounter in throughout that life? Is it really a fantasy to believe that ’oh this re-lationship is going to last forever’? Or can it be real?

Not to say that I’m against relationships, because first off I’m in one myself. I believe a strong relationship has the ability to sur-pass the pandemoniums that come along with it. Even if a couple parts, a strong relationship never dies and can rebuild itself again. Pain is accompanied by love people… get it right. Is it really a coincidence when a couple falls apart? Can we, as individuals, actually be shocked if something goes wrong? Um, no... Expect the unexpected! All rela-tionships hit branches; it is up to the two lovers to add that cushion before you hit the ground! I especially hate it when a person simply walks out on someone with no explanation, no reasoning behind the matter. Don’t you know it hurts? Do men/women have a conscience at all? If you see a relationship is going nowhere, you talk about it! Don’t cheat, because it is simply karma.

And don’t get on me with trust, because that whole shit is bull. You get into a relationship you must have trust… or else, where the fuck are you going?! I hate it when a person constantly tests to see if the woman/man is faithful. Hey, let’s create a fake myspace or screen name to see if they would cheat. Let’s have our friends call them up and act like someone else… I HATE IT. You got issues? Solve them on your damn own accord, don’t run around shit… it makes the other person feel unappreciated and virtually disgusting. And ugh with the facebook and myspace! Myspace, myspace, mys-pace…. how many here reading this blog have had issues because of the internet? How many?!? Come on raise your hand!! BUT WAIT: before you fully extend that arm just a reminder: its just a comput-er people. Don’t let it take over your lives. (But then again some people do some fucked up shit online, so eh I have no comment.) But for now people, let us be financially situated before having ba-bies… let us finish school and get clothes on our backs before signing that marriage certificate. I mean I am not one to converse, I make the same mistakes as much as anyone else here, probably even worse… but hey you live and you learn. Soak up the damn tears because every-thing in life happens for a reason. If its meant to be or not, you can’t force love… love will find a way on its own.…

On the Left: Paul Morris and Kyrstina Adamski

| Photography by PAMELA GREEN |



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