Americans Move West Chapter 18. Vocabulary Words Boomtown… Communities that grew up quickly when mines were discovered Cattle Kingdom… Great.

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Pony Express  Pony Express… 1. System of messengers traveling east to west in the 1860’s


Americans Move West Chapter 18 Vocabulary Words Boomtown Communities that grew up quickly when mines were discovered Cattle Kingdom Great plains from Texas to Canada, Many cattle raised. Pony Express Pony Express 1. System of messengers traveling east to west in the 1860s Transcontinental Railroad Transcontinental Railroad Railroad system that crosses the continent (North America) connects the east to the west United States What were some effects of building the Transcontinental Railroad? Give at least 2 Able to travel to different locations in the U.S. Railroad companies became wealthy Telegraph lines built next to Railroads Large land grant taken by the RR People are able to travel West faster. Goods Ship faster Increase in economic growth and population Reservations What do you think about the Reservation system created by the United States? The Reservation system is not fair. Native Americans should have the choice to live where they want. Reservation land was not fertile, lacked water. Created Tension between the US and Native Americans Reservations Would you have chosen to live on the reservation system created by the United States? What would you have done? Yes, that is where they were told to live and the rest of the tribe was there. Not happy about it. Could protest, demonstrate. Or No, I would have lived where I wanted to. Not being a part of the tribe. May have to fight the US Army. Vocabulary Buffalo Soldiers- African American Cavalry Battle of Little Big Horn- Sioux forces led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull surrounded and killed all of General Custers Troops. Massacre at Wounded Knee- Last major battle on the plains, many innocent Native Americans were killed. Vocabulary Long Walk- Navajo forced to march across desert, many died. What event that you studied in 7 th grade is similar to the Long Walk? Hint- Think Cherokee and Andrew Jackson. The Trail of Tears the forced movement of the Cherokee Vocabulary Homestead act- Gave government land to Farmers Sodbusters - Farmers that broke the sod. Dry Farming- Farming crops that needed little water. Deflation - Decrease in the Money Supply, lower prices. What did people that supported the free Silver movement want? To allow unlimited coining of Silver and to back paper currency with Silver instead of just Gold. What are 3 issues that the Populist Party wanted addressed? 1. Government owned railroad, telephone, and telegraph systems to keep prices down. 2. The free and unlimited coinage of Silver to increase money supply. 3. An 8 hour work day and limits on immigration to gain support of workers. What factors caused the Party to gain support in the 1890s? The appeal to workers The panic of 1893 caused people to support provisions of the Populist Plan. What were the three pull factors that convinced people to move West? 1. Mining of Silver and Gold, they could become wealthy 2. Open range allowed them to become part of the Cattle Kingdom or Farmer. 3. Transcontinental Railroad made it easier for people (Immigrants) to move West. What was a negative consequence of mining? Dangers associated with it Lung disease due to dust Cave-ins Unsafe equipment What was a positive consequence of mining? Opportunity to become wealthy quickly More gold available Jobs Do you agree that the invention of barbed wire caused the end of Cattle Kingdom? Explain. Yes, the cattle could no longer roam the open range so this had a negative impact on the Cattle industry, lack of food for the cattle. No, the cattle would run out of food anyway, there was also a drought. The Transcontinental Railroad connected the Eastern and Western states in the United States. Important details. Transcontinental Railroad Connected East to West Telegraph lines were built next to the RR Used immigrants, Irish from the East and Chinese from the West to build. Mail carried at a faster rate and cheaper cost Connection of two Railroads The Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad met in Promontory Point Utah on May 10, 1869.They used a golden spike to connect the two rail lines. Relations with Native Americans What can you infer about how whites felt toward Native Americans based on the information in section 2? Give Details that support your answer. Whites did not like Native Americans. They felt superior. They took land from them and forced them to live on reservations. The whites did not honor the treaties they signed with the Native Americans. The US built forts on their hunting grounds. Native Americans were not considered citizens. Describe how the Battle of Little Bighorn is linked to the Massacre at Wounded Knee. At Little Big Horn the Sioux led by Sitting Bull defeat the Americans lead by General Custer. All of Custers troops are killed. The Americans then go after the Sioux and kill all of them at the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Living on the Plains List 3 groups of people that decided to move west 1. African- Americans 2. Single Women 3. Farmers from the east that wanted land (Immigrants) Describe what pulled them westward. Land was less expensive Homestead Act African-Americans could avoid discrimination. List 3 problems that farmers faced on the plains. 1.Poor soil/climate was hot and dry 2.Overproduction caused prices to go down 3. Money issues, deflation not enough money in circulation List 3 ways that people tried to solve the problems the farmers faced. 1.New farming methods like dry farming, sod busting 2.National Grange and political party Populist 3.Government help like the Homestead Act

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