Amazona oratrix Ridgway, 1887

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Order Psittaciformes / Family Psittacidae / Subfamily Psittacinae APPENDIX I

Amazona oratrix Ridgway, 1887 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Code A- 2002 (1)

Common names: engl.: Yellow-headed Amazon, Yellow-headed Parrot, Double yellow-headed Amazon esp.: Loro cabeciamarillo fr.: Amazone à tête jaune de.:

Scientific synonyms: Normally considered a subspecies of Amazona ochrocephala (sheet. A-

Amazona tresmariae Amazona oratrix


Measurements: Total length from tip of bill to tip of tail: 35-38 cm. Length of wing from bend of folded wing to tip of primaries: male 222-244 mm, female 206-233 mm; length of tail from base of central tail-feathers to tip of longest tail-feather: male 104-135 mm, female 105-126 mm; exposed culmen as straight line from tip of upper mandible to anterior edge of cere: male 30-37 mm, female 30-36 mm; tarsus length as length of tarsometatarsus: male 25-28 mm, female 25-27 mm.

General appearance: Mediums sized parrot.


Head: Entire head and throat yellow.

Upperparts: Green.

Underparts: Green, more yellowish than upperparts. Thighs yellow.

Wings: Primaries and secondaries green, becoming violet-blue towards tip. Carpal edge yellow. Red speculum on base of outer five secondaries. Bend of wing pale red, with some yellow.

Tail: Green, tipped with yellowish green. Lateral rectrices basally marked with red on inner web and outermost feathers edged with blue.

Legs: Pale grey.

Eye: Iris orange.

Bill: Horn coloured, grey towards base of upper mandible.

Cere: Dark grey.

Immature: Head entirely green, except for yellow patch on forehead. Bend of wing green. Carpal edge yellowish green.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Text: Jean-Pierre Biber, Basle Illustration: John Cameron Yrizarry Submitted by the Management Authority of Switzerland

Distribution: Pacific and Caribbean slope of Mexico.


Wild population: Not globally threatened. But declining rapidly.

Captive population: According to ISIS International Species Information System ( species holding list of May 2002: 176 specimens in 56 zoos; 2 births in past 6 months.

Trade: According to the statistics of the World Conservation Monitoring Centre no trade in 1999 and 2000.

Intraspecific variation: Monotypic.

Similar species: See Amazona ochrocephala (sheet A- paragraph on intraspecific variation and colour chart (A-

Bibliography: Del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. eds. (1997) Handbook of Birds of the World. Vol. 4. Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Lynx Editions, Barcelona.

Forshaw, J.M. (1989) Parrots of the World. Cassell Educational Ltd, London.

Olney, P.J.S. & Fisken, Fiona A. (1998 & 2000) International Zoo Yearbook. Volumes 36 and 37. Zoological Society of London, London.

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