Alphabets Scripts Ciphers & Gematria (v1.0)

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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a collection of magical alphabets scripts ciphers and gematria methods - both historic and modern


Alphabets Ciphers & Scripts:

The Alphabet of Arrows

Alphabet of Daggers (Dagger Script)

Alphabet of the Genii - (aka. Alphabet of the Celestial Language, Alphabet of the Angels, Celestial Writing )

Alphabet of the Magi

Angelic/Celestial Script






Enochian (John Dee, Edward Kelley)

Enochian (Johannus Pantheus)

Eva Hand A (Voynich)


Greek (Early)

Greek (Classical)

Greek-Hebrew Numeration

Hebrew (Ancient)

Hebrew ( Paleo-Ugaritic)

Hebrew (Letter-Family Tree)

Hebrew (Script Comparison)

Illuminati Ciphers

Linear A

Linear B


Masonic/Rosicrucian Cipher - (Royal Arch Cipher, AIQ BKR)


Passing of the River (Transitus Fluvii)

Pictish Swirl Script


Runic Alphabet:




Elder Futhark (Denmark)



Pictish Swirl

Theban (Honorian Script, The Witches' Alphabet)

Trithemius's Angelic Cypher

Ye Alphabet of Nug-Soth

Celestial Script Comparison

Magickal Alphabets (Barrett - The Magus)

Enochian-Hebrew-Greek Comparison

Alphabet Charts:

Numerical Values of Greek Alphabet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x 1 A B (G) (D) E *1 Z H (Q)

x 10 I K (L) M N (C) O (P) *2

x 100 P (R) (S) T Y (U) (F) (X) (Y) (W) *3

(Betacodes follow in parentheses) Notes

1. digamma (archaic Greek letter, shape similar to an F) 2. qoppa (archaic Greek letter, shape similar to a Q) 3. sampi (archaic Greek letter, shape similar to an M)

Numerical Values of Roman Alphabet

Genetic System*1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x 1 A B C, G D E F Z H

x 10 I, J K L M N O P Q

x 100 R S T U, V, W, Y X*2


1. There does not seem to have been an ancient system of "Roman gematria." This system is genetic (rather than phonetic) in the sense that it assigns numerical values to Roman letters on the basis of the Greek letters from which they were derived.

2. This system is the same as the Golden Dawn system, except that the latter assigns X=60. The correct value is X=600, since Roman X derives from Greek chi (which has the value 600), since chi had the phonetic value "ks" in the Western Greek alphabets.

Beatus of Liebana System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x 1 A B C D E F G H I, J

x 10 K L M N O P Q R S

x 100 T U, V, (W)* X (Y)* (Z)*


* Beatus' System is based on the 21 letters of the Medieval Roman alphabet, which did not include W, Y or Z. For convenience they have been assigned values here.

Common System of 10th and 11th Centuries*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x 1 A B C D E F G H

x 10 I, J K L M N O P Q

x 100 R S T U, V, W X Y Z


* This system is found in several manuscripts of the tenth and eleventh centuries. It seems to be modeled (not entirely successfully) after the Hebrew assignments.

Numerical Values of Hebrew Alphabet*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x 1 Aaleph









x 10 Iyod









x 100 Qqoph





* The Hebrew alphabet is represented here by the Roman letters: ABGDHVZXJIKLMNCOPFQRST; W may also be used for V (vau), and Y may be used for I (iod).

Order of Nazorean Essenes:

Upper or lower case is okay, blanks and punctuation are ignored. O:N:E: Gematria uses the following values for the English alphabet:

A(1), B (2), C(3), D(4), E(5), F(80), G(3), H(8), I(10), J(10), K(20), L(30), M(40), N(50), O(70), P(80), Q(100), R(200), S(300), T(400), U(6), V(6), W(800), X(60), Y(10), Z(7).


A L W H S D O Z K V G R C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

N Y J U F Q B M X I T E P14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Tolvotea Key:Discovered 1/26/03 by John Farthing II (Frater O.R)

A-1 Z-0I-4 G-2Q-6 O-3Y-8 W-5F-10 E-7N-12 M-11V-14 U-13D-16 C-17L-18 K-19T-20 S-23B-22 H-29J-24 P-31R-26 X-28

AlphaNumberValue (ANV)

AlphaNumber Alphanumeric Value Reduced Value Set Identification

ZERO 64 1 (Stand Alone)

ONE 34 7 3-Letter Set

TWO 58 4 3-Letter Set

THREE 56 2 5-Letter Set

FOUR 60 6 4-Letter Set

FIVE 42 6 4-Letter Set

SIX 52 7 3-Letter Set

SEVEN 65 2 5-Letter Set

EIGHT 49 4 5-Letter Set

NINE 42 6 4-Letter Set

Gematria For Latin Characters & Ciphers:

Ciphers and codes came into fairly widespread use in the 16th and 17th Centuries, significant exponents being Trithemius, Agrippa, Dee, and Bacon. "…Henry Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, '… may be considered as the text book of the old Rosicrucian philosophy.' It is in Agrippa's esoteric compendium, published in 1531, that we find the key. The second book of this tome is devoted to numbers and mathematical magic: the eighteenth chapter gives the gematria code of Greek, the nineteenth chapter gives that of Hebrew and the twentieth gives the code of Roman script languages, such as English." The authorship of Shakespeare's works has been debated for many years. It is believed by many that Francis Bacon was their actual author. The champions of this belief rely heavily on evidence of encrypted messages they say is buried within the original editions of Shakespeare's works. The "Simple", "Reverse", "Short", and "Kaye" ciphers are known as Baconian.


B 2 2 23 2 28C 3 3 22 3 29D 4 4 21 4 30E 5 5 20 5 31F 6 6 19 6 32G 7 7 18 7 33H 8 8 17 8 34I 9 9 16 9 35J 600 9 16 9 35K 10 10 15 1 10L 20 11 14 2 11M 30 12 13 3 12N 40 13 12 4 13O 50 14 11 5 14P 60 15 10 6 15Q 70 16 9 7 16R 80 17 8 8 17S 90 18 7 9 18T 100 19 6 1 19U 200 20 5 2 20V 700 20 5 2 20W 900 21 4 3 21X 300 22 3 4 22Y 400 23 2 5 23Z 500 24 1 6 24

Genetic Correspondences (Hebrew-Greek-Roman)

In an effort to translate into the Graeco-Roman Tradition some ideas from the Western Magical and Hermetic Tradition, including Qabala and Tarot, I've developed the following table of correspondence between the Hebrew alphabet and Greek and Roman alphabets. There are no deep secrets here; this information can be found in any history of the alphabet. Indeed, the correspondences are the same as those given by Regardie (Complete Golden Dawn System of Magick), with the single exception of X; this correction of the Golden Dawn assignment is explained in note 5 below. What follows is a table of genetic correspondences rather than phonetic correspondences, the latter being much less exact and more changeable. Systematic genetic correspondences are possible because the Hebrew, Greek and Roman alphabets derive from a common source, the North Semitic alphabet of c.1700 BCE. The Roman comes to us via Etruscan and Greek c.800 BCE, and the Greek comes via Phoenician, c.1000 BCE. In this sense Aleph, Alpha and A are in essence the same letter. It's worth noting that the Modern Hebrew alphabet, which is commonly used in esoteric work, is no closer in form to the original alphabet than are the Greek or Roman alphabets. Indeed, the Old Hebrew alphabet (c. 900 BCE) looks much more like the Early Greek alphabet than it looks like Modern Hebrew. Therefore I see no reason to believe that the Modern Hebrew alphabet has more "magical potency" than the Greek or Roman alphabets.

Table of Genetic Correspondences

No Hebrew Greek Greek Roman Letter Letter Number Letter----------------------------------------------------1 aleph alpha 1 A2 beth beta 2 B3 gimel gamma 3 CG4 daleth delta 4 D5 he e-psilon 5 E6 wau wau *1 6 F7 zayin zeta 7 Z8 heth eta 8 H9 teth theta 9 *310 yod iota 10 IJ11 koph kappa 20 K12 lamedh lambda 30 L13 men mu 40 M14 nun nu 50 N15 samekh xi 60 *516 ayin o-micron 70 O17 pe pi 80 P18 sade san *2 -- *419 qoph qoppa *1 90 Q20 resh rho 100 R21 sin sigma 200 S22 tau tau 300 T------------------------------- u-psilon 400 UVWY phi 500 chi 600 X *5 psi 700 o-mega 800 sampi *1 900


No: This is the numerical position of the letter in the Hebrew alphabet as used in various magical systems. It also essentially the order in the Phoenician and the earliest Greek alphabets. Hebrew Letter: The name of the Hebrew letter. Greek Letter: The name of the Greek letter; letters after the horizontal line below the 22nd letter are later additions that do not correspond to Phoenician or Hebrew letters. Nevertheless the numerical assignments to the Greek letters predate the assignments to the Hebrew. Greek Number: This is the numerical value of the Greek letter in the usual Greek number notation. With the possible exception of San, it corresponds to the Hebrew/Phoenician order (see note *2 below). Roman Letter: This is the Roman letter genetically related to the Greek. No Roman letters are derived from Xi.

Notes to Individual Letters:*1 Wau, Qoppa and Sampi are obsolete Greek letters, which in the classical period were only used for writing numerals. Wau looks like an F, Qoppa looks like a Q with a vertical tail. *2 San, corresponding to Sade, was used in some early Greek alphabets for an S sound. It is often taken to be equivalent to Sampi (also an obsolete S sound), and so it's reasonable to assign it the numerical value 900. *3 There is no Roman letter genetically related to Teth/Theta. *4 There is no Roman letter genetically related to Sade/San. *5 The Roman letter X derives from the Greek letter now called Chi, which is identical in shape. This is because the Roman alphabet developed from an early Greek alphabet in which the letter shaped X (with numerical value 600) had the sound /ks/. In the classical Greek alphabet this letter had the sound /kh/, whence its name Chi. The Greek letter Xi, which had the sound /ks/ in the classical alphabet (but not in the alphabet from which the Roman alphabet derives), is unrelated to Roman X, and in fact looks nothing like it.

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