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October 2015





Career portfolio of

Dreamer. Leader. Doer.


Allen Weaver



03 04 05

07 08

12 13

tableof con -tents

03 Background

04 Education

05 HR & RetailExperience

06 Call Center OEExperience

07 India & LeadershipDevelopment

08 Influencing the TargetTransformation

09 An Entrepreneur atHeart--Peaks WithinReach


Personal Interests,Passions, & Aspirations

13 Current Work in Flight

14 Traditional Resume

Los Angeles, CA615-653-2869






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’ve never been one to choose theroad most traveled. In fact, bygrowing up with few financial &family resources, I made a lot ofmy own roads. I’ve got east coastheart with a global mind. Born inPennsylvania, I’ve had easy accessto some of the most urban &culturally diverse cities in the U.S.

I grew up with a single-motherwho did the best she could withwhat she had. With her workingsometimes three jobs at time, Iwas left to figure out a lot ofthings on my own. That probablyexplains where my value ofindependence & autonomy comesfrom!

Coming from so little has taught me so much


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Hanover, Pennsylvaniais in the heart of CivilWar & Americanhistory. A few milesfrom the Marylandborder, it has becomean extended suburbof Baltimore, but alsoclose to Philadelphia,DC, & NY.

Ironically, I didn't have much of a passionfor school growing up. Grades weresimply something that kept me eligible toplay sports which I devoted every hour Icould to. Basketball was my love, butfootball, golf, & baseball were in the mixtoo.

Life Beyond Hanover

I didn't venture far from home for college.In fact, I commuted to York every yearwhile I also found myself working 2-3 jobsat a time. College wasn't an expectationin my family & was actually discouraged.Luckily, I saw it as my way out! Initially, Ijust did it so I could be a high schoolbasketball coach, but suddenly foundmyself loving learning!

My mantra is:Elevate performance.Enhance results.Enrich lives.

Spending a portion of myundergrad years abroad, Ideveloped a love for worldlyperspectives & new experiences.As a life-long learner, I’m equallypassionate about helping othersdevelop, grow, & transform. I lovehelping others in need.



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I met my doctoral advisor whileattending a sport psychologyconference during my last year atMiami. Originally, I was supposed tointern with him in the CorporateAthlete program he was coaching in atHPI in Florida. However, prior to thatsummer, he'd accepted a new role atMTSU to launch a doctoral program inHuman Performance. I changed courseagain & went to MTSU wherefortunately I was able to coach in &research the effectiveness of CorporateAthlete. Part of my dissertationinvolved creating a scale to measureleadership self-efficacy & potential. Itwas also during this time that Ilaunched Peaks Within Reach to provideperformance coaching to athletes,executives, & small businesses.

"It's almost an overused word right now, but Ilove getting people to a place of transformation.There's room for people to be more daring inthis space...really shake things up. That'stransformational."


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My mentor at York Collegeencouraged me to think aboutgrad school at his alma-mater inOxford, OH. Initially, I was hopingto be a graduate assistant withthe basketball team but quicklylearned that wasn't as glorious asI had hoped. Luckily, I found theSport Psychology program whichhappened to be the best in thecountry at the time. I realizedthat beyond x's and o's, I lovedhelping the athletes, teams, &coaches realize their individual &collective goals, then helpingpiece together the strategies &mindsets to achieve those goals. Iwas also the first sportpsychology intern in our clinicalpsychology office on campus.

“I love knowing what's current & trending. I likebeing able to form a point of view based onwhat's working & what's not, then be original.”

Allen opens up about his academic meetsapplication mind.

“For me, research is about applying findings tomy work or coaching & learning methodologies.Having an idea or theory is not enough...showme what it looks like in action.”

"99u does an amazing conference every Springin NYC. The entire concept is about how to putcreative ideas into action."

I honestly thought that I wouldbecome a middle school socialstudies teacher in a schooldistrict where I'd be the head ofthe basketball program. But,college expanded my view ofwhat I had potential to do. I wasfortunate to be accepted intoour study abroad program whichallowed me to live in York,England for a semester. There Idiscovered my passion for travel& exploring new cultures. Afterthat experience, I was involvedwith our Model UN team thatspent time at the actual UnitedNations in NYC. Following aJanuary graduation, I did teachfull-time prior to startinggraduate school in the fall.


OVERV IEWLed a small team of HR specialists & interns whilemanaging all aspects of Human Resources within aTarget retail store. Also assumed responsibility asinterim Store Leader with accountability for overallsales, expense budget, forecasting, & performancemanagement of Store Executive Leaders.


As the interim store leader, I led ourstore to top 5 in the company for overalloperational performance metrics. With avisit from the CEO to declare, "this is howa Target store should look, feel, &operate."


Reduced headcount by 50% as the storetransition from high volume sales to asmaller volume format. While our teamgrew smaller, they grew more efficientthrough a cross-training program Iestablished. I was also able to promotemultiple part-time team members to full-time leaders in our store & throughoutthe district.

3 TRA IN ING DEST INAT IONAs word caught on of our operationalexcellence, as well as the culture of ourteam learning to achieve more with lesspeople, we became the go-to trainingstore for new leaders throughout thedistrict. The cross-training program &other "lean" methods I implemented alsoearned us the badge of the "pilot" storefor the region allowing us to influencecompany-wide best practices.


Nashville, TN

INFLUENCERI spent a lot time out of my store too. Iwas the primary trainer for our NewExecutive onboarding program, as well asgeneral development courses. I alsotrained & mentored new HR Generalists& new Store Leaders.

BU ILD ING COMMUNITYOne of my favorite assignments was tobe the District Volunteer Captain. In lessthan a year under my lead, ourNashville district provided the localcommunities over 1,000 hours involunteerism & more than $3,500 incharitable donations

I often refer to my HR and store leadershiprole at Target as my 4th degree. For me, thiswas the epitome of applying everything Istudied in a high-stress, high-performance,people-focused environment.




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OVERV IEWAs a Business Partner for OrganizationalEffectiveness, I supported Financial & RetailServices (FRS) in the areas of leadershipdevelopment, new-hire classroom facilitation, vendor training & global launchsupport, cross-functional mentor programs, &building an inclusive culture.


Served as the primary consultant &facilitator for leadership development. Ahighlight was working with senior FRSleadership & HR to build a High PotentialLeadership Development Program with apurpose of driving talent mobility.

2BU ILD ING CULTURE was being rebuilt from theground-up which meant a need for a newtype of Guest contact center. I partneredwith executives to establishthe desired culture & onboardingprogram for new leaders, team members,& vendors. Separately, I was alsoconsulting FRS VPs on a diversity-focusedinitiative for building an inclusive culturethat resulted in increased representation& retention of diverse leaders.

3 DES IGN , DES IGN , DES IGNAs an extension of the culture& onboarding work, I also influenced theoverall design of the new-hirecurriculum. It was somewhat revolutionaryfor the FRS call center environment. Imoved them from a remember-it-allapproach to a know-how-to-find-itapproach with an emphasis on practicerather than lecture.


Tempe, AZ


The work also took me away fromArizona for an entire summer. I spent 5 weeksin Minneapolis onboarding our new globalcontact center vendors & facilitating the train-the-trainer for the innovative new-hirecurriculum. Then I went with my vendorgroup to their contact center in Manila toobserve & coach their training teams for 6weeks. In the Philippines, I played a key role inarticulating what U.S. retail culture & theTarget brand looked & felt like. It was anincredible experience that further ignited mypassion for international work experience.

I appreciated the exposure to multiple new areas of the business in thisrole. It was also a great opportunity for me to demonstrate how I'm ableto move fluidly across levels within a hierarchical organization--beingwith hourly phone agents in class to consulting VPs to coaching globalvendor partners overseas.



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OVERV IEWBased on the international work & mywork for building inclusive culture, I was asked tobe an experimental expat for the TalentDevelopment team. The mission was to establish aleadership development culture & curriculumsimilar to the U.S. structure at our Target India HQ.It didn't exactly work out that was better.


The project for India was estimated bymy leadership team to take 2 years, so Ihad my visas all set. The plan was that Iwould go back & forth between India &Minneapolis every 6 weeks for 6-weektrips each time. Once I arrived to IndiaHQ, surveyed the culture, & met myteam, I realized that it was going to beimportant for India to own the project & Iwould be the guide. Turned out that Iwas only needed for 2 extended visits toBangalore, & in 6 months the team & Ihad a new leadership developmentcurriculum model in place which wasgoing to serve as a pilot for the entireTarget organization.

2 DR IV ING CHANGEBased on the pilot in India, I took it uponmyself to change how we thought leadershipdevelopment at Target. Learning needed to bemodernized. It needed to be shorter, but moreinspiring. It needed to be accessible &transparent. It needed to be credible but lessacademic. Leveraging some of the webdevelopers in India, I designed an innovative,web-based, personalized, mobile-readylearning site across all corporate locations.


Minneapolis, MN & Bangalore, India

LEAD ING CHANGEThe new learning website was only part of theequation. I also created an overall strategy forhow we develop the capability of leadershipat Target. The strategy helped tie ourcurriculum back to Target's businessobjectives rather than just jumping onbandwagons of popular trends.


When Target announced they weregoing to open stores in Canada, I wasbriefly pulled away from my day job inTalent/Leadership Development. I wasasked to help design the curriculum fortraining the Store Leaders & HRpartners. I was able to combine mystore experience with the Target.commethodology for curriculum. I traveledto most regions of Canada to get ournew team members onboarded & readyto go!

My India dream team! India was another life-changing experience for me. Living in Indiagave such great insight to the culture &helped find more of my inner-peace.




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OVERV IEWIn this role, my scope in leadership developmentwas was officially broadened to include the entireTarget enterprise. Driving & guiding our strategy &how the larger Leadership Development teamstructured their work around that strategy becamethe primary focus.


I worked with my leaders to determinehow we best structure the LeadershipDevelopment team to carry out theoverall strategy that would tie directlyback to Target's business objectives.Research & Measurement became acritical component along with curriculumremapping & design, externalpartnerships, & branding/marketing. Ihelped those teams understand theirpurpose & consulted team leads in takingaction.


I led the Research on what the organization'slearning agenda was going to be. I interviewed HRpartners across the organization, connected withmy personal network of senior leaders whom Ihad established relationships with, & went back tomy friends in the field to hear what theirbusinesses were seeing development gaps. I alsospent a lot of time reviewing the most currentliterature on the future trends of leadershipdevelopment, the retail industry, & globaleconomics. From that research & by dissectingTarget's business objectives into tangiblecapabilities, I was able to create a learning agendaof topics that were Foundational, Critical & Urgent,& Future-focused for the organization. I thenworked with the Curriculum team to highlight theresearch & trends within each of those topics.


Minneapolis, MN

TRANSFORMAT IONI had been at Target long enough to see thecompany go through a whirlwind of change.There was an overwhelming sentiment that thecompany would need to significantly shift gearsbefore becoming irrelevant like many otherbrands & retailers. A part of my strategy was tohelp the company land on a singular philosophyof how we were going to lead that change. Theresearch & the then current circumstancespointed us toward Transformational Leadership.I led the effort in how we develop teammembers to be a part of the transformationbeginning with themselves & work that wouldlater lead to larger organizational transformation.A side-project of that effort was to assist theCHRO & CMO in influencing the CEO to rethinkthe company vision, mission, & values. It wasexciting to see that based on my research,consultation, & recommendation that Targetnow has a Purpose-focused vision & a set of corebeliefs that is moving the company in a newdirection.

One of my favorite contributions to Target outside of my dayjob was being on the Advisory Board for the LGBTA BusinessCouncil (ERG). We were awarded Out & Equal's Best ERG of2013. This group truly had an impact on marketing, branding,& merchandising for the LBGT market, as well as nationalsocial issues.



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OVERV IEWProvide services & consultation for individualperformance & leadership coaching, teamdevelopment, strategic business planning,company culture, employee engagement, generalhuman resources practices, & changemanagement.


My most recent client was a $90m privatestart-up that I consulted from 2012-2014while still living in Minneapolis. Whatstarted as 1-1 executive coaching for thefemale head of operations, quicklyevolved to helping the entire companygrow strategically. I consulted thecompany leaders on establishing apurpose & vision, identifying strategicpriorities, & key business initiatives,providing talent feedback models & bestpractices, & enhancing overallcommunication flow within the company.I also consulted leadership onorganizational realignment of resources& responsibilities, as well as revisingtheir performance review measurements& process.


Over the last 10 years, my services been obtainedvia word-of-mouth by 25+ individuals acrossvarious industries including public corporations,private start-ups, insurance & risk management,all levels of athletics, higher education, cardiacrehabilitation, retail, law enforcement,government, & the FBI. The majority of clientshave been focused on 1-1 coaching, but I havealso conducted workshops for smaller teams &companies.



I T 'S A PASS IONFor me, PWR has been more about my continuedlearning & practice as a coach & a consultantthen it has been about being a profitablebusiness. It's also been about learning how toestablish a brand & provide self-development forthe larger community of followers. I like curating& sharing content that might help others &strengthen my network. Through the network Icreated with PWR, I've had access to industryleaders in learning & development that I've beenable to leverage a Return on a Relationship withprofessionally. Someday when the stars align, I'dlove to also be recognized as a successfulthought leader & influencer in the learning &development industry.

I like to secretly think of myself as a "creative."Someone who takes ideas, visions, & dreams &then designs them into real-life, actualizedbrands. Maintaining PWR over the last 10yrs hasalso give me great insight to the business-side ofpeople development.



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OVERV IEWI was hired by DIRECTV to help expand & shape aculture of learning. I was excited for the challengeof starting something that was relatively new fromthe ground up. It was also exciting that I would beable to blend of team of technical expertise &creative design to develop a unique & innovativeuser experience & brand.


I leveraged my experience of designing aleadership development strategy atTarget to establish a vision for whatlearning could look like at DIRECTV. Ispent the first couple of monthsreviewing the curriculum, then startedtaking the team through vision exercisesas we started to think about a brandrefresh & updated user experience.

2 MY DAY , MY DAYAlmost immediately when I arrived, I was asked tojoin a project team that was just formed to launcha day dedicated to development for the generalpopulation of enterprise DIRECTV employees. Isaw this as a great way to re-invigorate our brand& to provide something that was out-of-the-boxfor how learning usually occurred at DIRECTV.Through this conference-like event across 3different locations, we have reached almost 2,000HQ employees & have highlighted our team'sexpertise in facilitation, coaching, & collaborativepartnerships.


Los Angeles, CA

CONSULT & COACHA large part of my role has been providingtraining consultation & coaching to ourEngineering, IT, Product Design, & Latin Americabusiness units. I've helped Engineering launch aTalent Card that recommends training based onthe employee's career path, & I've beenconsulting IT on strengthening a culture &curriculum of Innovation. I've also provided 360assessment coaching to almost 50 employees inthe last year, as well as 1-1 coaching forparticipants in our HIPO Leadership Program. Iam also currently co-leading a cross-functionalteam of Directors & above focused on defining &developing the company culture for AT&TEntertainment & Internet Services.

It didn't take long for my newteam to feel like family.



CHANGE LEADERSH IPPartnered with an external vendor,Conner Partners, to design, develop, &facilitate a Change Leadership &Resiliency program & follow-upcurriculum to 2,500+ leaders


5CREAT IVE & TECHI manage a learning technology teamresponsible for operating & supportingthe LMS across all business units, as wellas administering required compliancetraining & reports. I also manage alearning design team responsible for theoverall learner/user experience of theLMS interface, as well as LEARN atDIRECTV brand marketing,communications, & content. 1 0 | a l l e n

MORE ABOUT ALLENI believe everyone is capable, creative, & whole. I thinkeveryone has capability to learn or do just aboutanything. I also think that creativity is a skill not a giftthat anyone can practice & develop. Often people donot give themselves enough credit for just how creativethey can be. And I think that there's a lot more topeople than just what they do for work. There's a lot ofvariables that makes us each who we are!

I value autonomy, diversity, & learning. I spent most ofmy life figuring out things for myself. I like the pressureof owning ideas, strategies, & the responsibilities thatcome along with it. I don't tend to follow the path thatmost others might take. I also love how diverse theworld is. I like thinking of problems & solutions frommultiple angles, & I love learning about cultures &assimilating into the cultures so that I betterunderstand those perspectives. Learning has alwaysbeen a piece of who I am. I didn't always think oflearning in only the academic sense. The most valuablelessons I've learned didn't happen in the classroom.

I've learned a lot by having freedom to experiment & fail,by challenging conventional wisdom, & exploring whereothers might not be looking.

I've applied a zen approach to my career moves. I tend toevaluate less on the position & focus more on theexperience I'll gain. I have three basic criteria I've used todetermine if a new role will keep me engaged & happy.1) I need to lead. I want to be the one establishing avision, rallying & developing others, & making toughdecisions. 2) I need global interactions. I want to beinvolved in work that is inclusive of global perspectives& allows me to keep exploring & learning. 3) I need tobe creative. I want to do or be involved with work that issolving problems in new ways with an emphasis on theend user.

I see my career evolving more & more as a thoughtleader in the world. Whether it's leading a business unit,a company, or my own start-up, I think I'll have aninteresting perspective & voice to share broadly.


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Leave it toWeaverI M P A C T A R E A S

If you're looking new, creative, & disruptiveapproaches to learning, I'm your guy. I'm notmuch for catching up to or being in the statusquo. I like looking far enough to future to goafter what others will want to copy from us.

Learning Strategy

02Everything I do or have done comes from aplace of helping others get better...inwhatever context that might be. I don't justlead teams, I love them...much like a parentloves their children. I invest in knowing whoreports to me & who I work with so that I canhelp them achieve their goals, be engaged, &recognize their value,

Developing Others

03Like many creative people, I have lots of ideas.Where I'm different is that I can & will actuallymake ideas happen. Even if it's just a quicktest, prototype, or pilot, I will take action tomove from idea to reality. I believe in learningby doing even if the learning comes throughfailure.

Ideas to Action

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Consultant, Leadership Development 10 / 2013 – 10 / 2014Target Corporation

Researched, measured, & designed strategy & curriculum for how managers & teammembers developed leadership skills & behaviors throughout the global Target enterprise.* Designed a leadership development strategy aligned to Target’s long-term strategicbusiness priorities* Influenced CEO & Executive Committee to revise company vision, mission, & values* Researched foundational, urgent, & future leadership skills & behaviors needed for theenterprise* Proposed & implemented measurement strategies to evaluate interventions & change inleadership behaviors* Determined curriculum structure & analyzed content gaps* Coached & developed peers in curriculum design* Identified & co-manage external partnerships for leadership development* Consult Sr. Leaders on change management relating to leadership curriculum* Explore & recommend innovative technology solutions for cross-platform & mobilelearning* Design & develop new leadership development content* Influence enterprise content management strategies* Serve on the Advisory Committee for the LGBTA Employee Resource Group which wasawarded Out & Equal’s Best ERG of 2013

Sr. Business Partner for Talent Development 08 / 2011 - 10 / 2013Target Corporation

Analyzed, created, curated, designed, implemented, & facilitated innovative leadershipdevelopment programs & learning solutions.* Designed & launched an innovative, web-based, mobile-ready learning solutionaccessible to all corporate locations* Served as an extended business traveler to India HQ to design & implement a location-specific leadership development strategy* Proposed leadership development strategy for the entire organization* Provided change leadership coaching across the organization* Analyzed leadership development needs across the organization* Facilitated nomination-based leadership development programs* Designed & facilitated sales forecasting & scheduling training for Canada Store TeamLeaders & HR Generalists* Mentored Sr. Leaders in areas of digital acumen & social media* Mentored peers new to instructional design -Designed & developed new leadershipdevelopment content* Curated & recommended external learning & development resources* Consulted other business areas on content design & facilitation


Allen A. Weaver, PhD3425 Motor Ave #405, Los Angeles, CA 90034615-653-2869 allen.weaver@peakswithinreach.com

SUMMARYI help leaders & teams recognize their potential & elevate their performance. I foster strongpersonal relationships & collaborative partnerships, & have traveled domestically &internationally to create & implement key talent development initiatives.

SKILLSLeadership Development; Consulting; Coaching; Organizational Leadership;Organizational Development; Organizational Effectiveness; Talent Management Change;Management; Thought Leadership; Strategic Planning; Training; Human Resources;Team Building; Digital Strategy; Innovation; Curriculum Design; Diversity & Inclusion; Staffing; Data Analysis; Research; Instructional Design; Onboarding; PerformanceManagement; Employee Engagement; Career Development; International Relations;Design Thinking

EXPERIENCEFounder & Chief Coach 01 / 2005 - PresentPeaks Within Reach

Provide services & consultation for individual performance & leadership coaching, teamdevelopment, strategic business planning, company culture, employee engagement, generalhuman resource practices, & change management.* Consulted senior leadership in a $90m private start-up resulting in deliverables of: Company purpose and vision statements Identification of strategic priorities & key business initiatives Talent feedback models & best practices Enhanced communication & employee engagement strategies Organizational realignment of resources & responsibilities Revised performance review measurements & process* Coached 25+ individuals in various industries including public corporations, private start-ups, insurance & risk management, athletics, higher education, cardiac rehabilitation, retail,law enforcement, government, & the FBI.

* Researched & evaluated external partnerships for officer development* Identified innovative & learner-focused development platforms* Served on the Advisory Committee to the LGBTA Employee Resource Group

Business Partner for Organizational Effectiveness 10 / 2009 - 08 / 2011Target Corporation

Supported Financial & Retail Services (FRS) in the areas of leadership development, new-hire classroom facilitation, vendor training & global support, cross-functionalmentor programs, & building an inclusive culture.* Served as primary facilitator of leadership development events* Collaborated with FRS Sr. Leaders on the creation of a High Potential Leadership Development Program * Partnered with Sr. Leaders for establishing a leadership culture & onboardingprogram for a new contact center* Designed & developed technical training for contact center* Facilitated train-the-trainer for global vendor partners* Evaluated global training partners through 5-week onsite visit at vendor location in Manila* Consulted FRS Sr. Leaders on diversity-focused initiative for building an inclusive cultureresulting in increased representation & retention of diverse leaders

Human Resources Generalist 05 / 2007 - 10 / 2009Target Corporation

Led a small team of HR specialists & interns while managing all aspects of Human Resourceswithin a Target retail store. Also assumed responsibility as interim Store Leader withaccountability for overall sales, expense budget, forecasting, & performance managementof Store Executive Leaders.* Led store to top 5 in company for overall operational performance metrics* Optimized headcount by 50%* Transitioned store format from large volume to ultra-low prototype* Developed & promoted multiple part-time team members to FTE leadership roles* Facilitated & coordinated New Executive onboarding & training for 14-store district* Coordinated community volunteerism for entire district resulting in 1,000 volunteer hours& $3,500+ in charitable donations

Graduate Teaching Assistant & Doctoral Candidate 07 / 2003 - 07 / 2006Middle Tennessee State University

Supported the Human Performance department by designing curriculum & facilitatingundergraduate courses in areas of pedagogy, health & well-being, & personal fitness. Alsofulfilled faculty roles on university cross-functional committees.

* Chosen to improve & teach a course instructing future teachers how to teach* Increased efficacy of future teachers through development of simulated classroomscenarios* Awarded the honor of Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in 2005 -Initiated theimprovement of & led departmental training for newly hired Graduate Teaching Assistants* Collaborated with colleagues & experts in developing content for specialized training workshops* Enhanced confidence, collegiality, social awareness, & preparedness for university-levelteaching as indicated by post-training participant evaluations* Successfully worked with fellow graduate students campus-wide to create the Graduate Student Association (GSA)* Elected to the position of Vice President for External Affairs & Relations within the GSA* Established relationships with 6 universities/colleges through my own dissertation datacollection process* Achieved a 228-person sample for the dissertation in 3 weeks* Completed & defended doctoral dissertation in less than 3 months


Middle Tennessee State University 2003 - 2006Ph.D., Human Performance

Miami University 2001 - 2003M.S., Sport Psychology

York College of Pennsylvania 1996 - 2000B.S., Education

al lenS T R A T E G I C L E A D E R I N P E O P L E D E V E L O PM E N T

Allen issue Vol. 1 Issue 1

October, 2016

Cover ImageAllen with Target india team

EditorialAllen Weaver EditorBuddha weaver (the dog) Deputy Editor

Contributorsallen weaver


Advertisingallen weaver

Subscriptionsleave it weaver blog coming to anintranet near you soon!


Phone: 615.653.2869 in/

Published monthly by Allen Publishing Inc.All Rights Reserved.



And a funny, hip, authentic, candid, transparent, sincere, stylish,goofy, creative, thoughtful, polite, educated, well-traveled, inventive,

ambitious, competitive, self-made, independent, adventurous, risk-taking, dog-loving, sport-watching, humanity-minded dude.

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