All About th' Booty

Post on 13-Mar-2022






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All About th' BootyA Role Playin' Game o' Piratin'!


Charlie Fleming

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All content is copyright 2013 by Charlie Fleming and Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing.Content can only be reproduced for personal use or review purposes.

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Shiver Me Timbers!

Ahoy ye scallywags. So ye wants t' be doin' sum piratin' ay? Well ye come t' tha right galleon Me Hearties. Now first thin's first, ye gonna needs t' gather sum stuff afore ye get started. Ye're goin' t' needs some pencils, paper, 'n a few 6 sided bones. Oh yeah, 'n jus' t' be clear when us pirates refer t' a furl, that's wha' ye land lubbers would call rollin' or a roll. Furlin' dice simply means t' roll them. Savvy?

Next ye be goin' t' 'ave t' decide who's goin' t' be th' Captain, th' game master who runs th' adventure. Th' Captain be th' one who decides wha''s wha' 'n how thin's are goin' t' go, like a referee. Th' Captain puts th' adventure together 'n all o' thar decisions are final. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Once all that's done, now 'tis time t' create th' pirates that shall be playin' th' game.

Creatin' A Pirate:

So th' first thin' ye needs t' do be give yer pirate a name. Reckon o' one 'n write it down on a piece o' paper.

Since this game be all about one thin', Piratin', then thar be only goin' t' be one statistic...Piratin'! All pirates start wit' a Piratin' stat o' 1. Write Piratin' down under yer pirate's name 'n mark a 1 next t' it.




Now a thar has t' be a way t' see how much yer pirate can take afore he or she be dead. Under Piratin' write Vigor. Next furl a six sided die 'n add 6 t' it, then write that next t' Vigor.

Black Johnathon(don't call 'im Johnny) wants t' be a pirate. He has a name already 'n his Piratin' score be 1 since he's a brand new pirate. He furls 5 on a six sided die. Addin' 6 t' that gives 'im a Vigor score o' 11. Now he's good t' go lootin' 'n plunderin'.

Now ye 'ave basically everythin' ye needs t' know about yer pirate.

Piratin' S kills:

Ok I lied, thar be a wee more t' yer pirate that Piratin' 'n Vigor. They can 'ave a few skills t' start wit' too. 2 skills as a matter o' fact. Here's th' deal wit' skills, rather than 'ave a long list o' specific 'n finite skills that yer pirate can 'ave. Ye get t' make up yer owns. Now listen, they 'ave t' be fair 'n 'ave somethin' t' do wit' bein' a pirate, like knife throwin', regional lore, a language, figurin' out wha' loot be worth, etc. Th' Captain can o'errule or disallow th' skill if 'tis nah appropriate. So write th' word Skills under Piratin' 'n Vigor then write down wha' ye picked.

How t' make a better Pirate:

Piratin' Points(PP):

Fer every opponent ye scuttle, ye get 10 time thar Pirate score. Larry th' Red has a Pirate score o' 4 'n ye scuttle 'im, then ye get 40 Piratin' Points. Same goes for the Beastie score of Beasties.

Fer every Save Furl against yer Piratin' score ye make, pass or fail, ye get 10 times th' level o' th' save furl. Intimidatin' a townsperson was a level 2 Save Furl, ye get 20 PP regardless o' succeedin' or failin'.

Wha' t' do wit' Piratin' Points:

Ye can "trade in" Piratin' Points t' advance yer Piratin' score, Vigor, or a skill level. Th' cost fer doin' that be 100PP times th' next score or level ye wants t' raise




t'. Raisin' yer Piratin' score from 3 t' 4 would cost 400 Piratin' Points. Raisin' yer Vigor from 10 t' 11 would cost 1100PP

Sames goes wit' raisin' a skill t' a new level. Ye 'ave Lock Pickin' skill thats at level 2 'n ye wants t' raise it t' 3? 'tis goin' t' cost ye 300PP t' raise it t' level 3. Now if yer pirate wants t' learn a new skill 'tis goin' t' cost 200PP. Thar are a few rules t' gainin' a new skill. First 'tis goin' t' start at level 1. Ye can nah spend 400PP 'n get a new skill already at level 2. Also, it can only be learned between adventures 'n mustbe approved by Th' Captain.

Outfittin' Yer Pirate:

First ye be goin' t' needs gold pieces t' buy yer equipment. Pieces o' gold aren't th' only currency a pirate knows but 'tis th' most common. Roll 1 six sided die 'n add 6 t' it t' determine how many gold pieces yer pirate starts out wit'.

First thin's first, ye be goin' t' needs a good weapon. Ye can buy wha' ye needsfrom th' lists below.

Hand t' Hand Weapons:

Here's a list o' weapons that yer pirate might wants t' 'ave on hand fer fightin' up close, scallywag t' scallywag like.

Belaying Pin : These are usually used t' secure lines but that doesn't mean ye can nah use it t' bash a blokes head in wit' one. Damage: 1d6-2 Cost: Free if ye can find one layin' around.Boarding Ax: Hand ax that has a blade that curves into hook at th' bottom. Used ferhackin' 'n climbin'. Damage: 1d6. Cost: 5 pieces o' gold. Boarding Hook: A three pronged hook on a length o' rope. It can be deadly if aimedat a scallywag. Range: 20 feet Damage: 1d6-1 Cost 2 pieces o' gold.




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