All about Tea Jenna

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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This is my tea booklet.


Tea processing..................................................... 2-3

Ten fun facts about tea...................................... 4-5

Guess what tea?.................................................. 6-7

How to read tea leaves........................................ 8-9

Glossary............................................................... 10-11

References........................................................... 12

1. First leaves are brought in from the plantation centre2. Second they are weighed.3. Third, they get transported to tea factories so that they can be processed.4.Then the tea will go through a withering process (depending on what type of tea.)

5.After that the tea goes though a process called fermentation (again depending on the type of tea it may go thought a different process.) 6. Next the tea will go through a firing and drying process.7. Finally the tea is packed up in boxes and send to other shops and markets.

1. Tea was discovered by Emperor Shen-Nung. “He was known as the divine healer”

2. Teas that contain caffeine help you stay awake.

3. Water is the most popular drink in the world followed by tea.

4. The 4 most common types of teas are black, oolong, green and white tea.

5. Approximately 85% of the tea consumed in America is ice tea.

6. Much of the world’s tea is grown in mountainous areas - 3,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level.

7. Recent research has shown that drinking 3 to 5 cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of a heart attack.

8. Dried tea loses lots flavour quickly when exposed to air.

9. Africa produces 25% of all the tea currently sold in the world.

10. Only the top 1 to 2 inches of mature plant are picked.

Results of blind tasting this tea:This tea is sometimes enjoyed with milk and sugar. But to really enjoy its delicate, sweet taste and flavour, no milk and sugar should be added. Adding a small amount of honey will enhance the flavour of the herb in this tea. Descriptions of the flavour include hot apricot jam, floral honey and dried fruit mix. Most people say it has a mildly sweet flavour.Health effects:This tea has no caffeine which makes it suitable for night time drinking. It is also known as a calming beverage. It has been used as a traditional medicine in Africa for healing coughs and sore throats.Origin:International interest in this tea can be traced back to the sea trade of the Dutch and the British at a settlement which eventually became known as Cape Town.The traders became interested in the tea after watching the Khoisan tribes drinking the tea.In 2001, South African farmers started farming the tea and exporting it to England, America, Singapore and Korea.Are you smart enough to guess which tea I have written about?

Put a pinch of tea leaves in a cup and pour boiling water over them . Allow the cup to stand for three minutes . The person

whose future is being told should then drink the tea, leaving the tea leaves and a small amount of water at the bottom. Then you have to use your imagination for the next part! Pour the excess

water out of the cup and look for the following pictures. Hint: It is the same as making pictures out of clouds!

If you see the following:Acorn – continued and improved healthAnchor – success in business and loveHeart- A lover. If close to a ring, marriage!Sun, moon and star – great happiness and success.Owl – Indicates sickness or poverty.Palm tree – prosperity and fame.Elephant – good health and happiness.Triangles – Unexpected good fortune.Birds – a fortunate journey.

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