
At the beginning of the film, Ash is depicted as quiet and logical, greatly adherent to company regulations. However, he breaks quarantine protocol (disobeying Ripley, the ship's ranking officer, in the process) and allows the infected Kane aboard the mining ship, seemingly out of compassion, and is later seen marvelling at the creature attached to him. At one point, Ash assaults Ripley, attempting to kill her by forcing a rolled-up pornographic magazine down her throat.[1] But it is Ash himself who is killed, as two other crewmembers arrive and rescue Ripley.[4] He is struck over the head twice with a canister, the first time causing him to malfunction and the second decapitating him; and he is then, when even that fails to kill him, electrocuted with a cattle prod.[4] His severed head is reactivated to provide the crew the truth about the creature. Ash complies, revealing that the company installed him to ensure that the creature was brought to them, with the crew's lives being expendable. After informing them of all he knows about the creature, Ash tells the crew, "You have my sympathies," regarding their chances of survival. Ripley then unplugs him and Parker incinerates his head with a flamethrower.

The films centres around finding alien life out there in the universe but one seen in particular that helped inspire me with my design is the part in the film where the synthetic malfunctions and attacks the main character Ripley, this is very disturbing as it gives you the feeling that is the technology we are making safe for use and how do we know if it want turn against humanity like it has hear.

Target Audience

The target audience for alien are fans that sci-fi films but also enjoy tense and jumpy moments that this film certainly has to offer. The age rating is 18+ [plus which is understandable for this film as it has bloody and violent scenes throughout the film with big scares and a tense feeling of where is it throughout the film.

These are some comments that I have found on the internet that give a short description of the film that you want to see. If you want to see more here’s the Link-


The alien film on release was a very successful film and pulled in around 3.5 million dollars in the box office on the first weekend of its release and grossed to 203 million dollars worldwide and for a film released in 1979 it is a very good sales tally, with the fact that it only cost them 9 million to make it was a very profitable movie.

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