Alcohol finish

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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A silent drug

Why people drink alcohol? Make people feel more relaxed

Make people release their inhibitions

Make people enjoy themselves

Mix and interact with other people

Alcohol is quickly absorbed through the wall of the stomach, then is carried all over the body in the blood

It is broken down by the liver which takes a very long time

Alcohol does have many effects on the body which can be very dangeorous if

care is not taken.

Effects of alcohol drinking

It is a depressant

Lengthens reaction time

Increase agression in some people

Can kill

Damages the liver

Social implications

It is Depressant Alcohol is a depressant, which

means that even small amounts of alcohol slow down the actions of parts of the brain.

Lengthens reaction timeMany road accidents are caused by drunk people that’s

why we shouldn’t drink alcohol if we are going to drive


Aggression in peopleAlcohol increases people’s feelings of aggression, and

releases their inhibitions so that they are more likely to be violent.


Can Kill

Every year people die as a result of drinking a lot of alcohol over a short period of time, this can result unconsciousness, coma or even death.

Damages the liver

Parts of the body Damaged

Liver , because its job is breaking down drugs in the body. This liver disease resulting from alcohol damage may finish in CIRRHOSIS

The brain, it can cause a loss of memory and confusion. One way in which the damage is done is that alcohol in the body fluids draws water out of cells by OSMOSIS.

Dangerous DiseasesAlcohol is a disease in which a person cannot manage

without alcohol.

Probably, there are many factor which decide whether or not a person becomes alcoholic or not

Drinking large amounts causes many parts of the body to be damage because It is poisonous to cells

ToleranceThe body’s response to prolonged exposure to liquor

Its ability to both metabolize liquor, as well as its ability to rebound from its effects.

Tolerance increases incrementally as consumption of liquor continues over a period of years.

Dependence: the body simultaneously requires larger and larger quantities of liquor to achieve the desired effect.

Typically tolerance leads to dependence


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