Alcatel 1000 S12 Easy Migration to Broadband - M. Pö to broadband_E.pdf · The same Alcatel 1000 S12 future-safe characteristics that allowed

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Alcatel 1000 S12Easy Migration to Broadband


ABCE ATM Broadband Control ElementADSI Analog Display Services InterfaceALMA Alcatel Management ApplicationARCU Alcatel Remote Concentrating UnitAS Access SwitchASM Analog Subscriber ModuleATM Asynchronous Transfer ModeATOM Advanced Terminal for Operations and

MaintenanceBB BroadBandBSC Base Station ControllerBTS Base Transceiver StationCLASS Custom Local Area Signalling ServicesDCN Data Communication NetworkDDF Digital Distribution FrameDSN Digital Switching NetworkDTM Digital Trunk ModuleGS Group SwitchIBC Integrated Broadband CommunicationsIMM Interactive MultiMediaIPTM ISDN Packet Trunk ModuleISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkISM ISDN Subscriber ModuleJSSA Small Stand-Alone Exchange (J-Rack)LTE Line Terminating Equipment (Transmission)MD Mediation DeviceMPSR Multi-Path Self-RoutingMSC MultiSlot Cell /

Mobile services Switching CenterNB NarrowBandNBCE NarrowBand Control ElementNE Network ElementOPS Operator Position SystemRSU Remote Subscriber UnitRTSU Remote Terminal Sub UnitSBCE SDH Broadband Control ElementSCE Service Creation EnvironmentSCP Service Control PointSDH Synchronous Digital HierarchySLK SDH Link Termination BoardSMP Service Management PointSPP Service Provisioning PointSRT SelfÐRouting TagSSP Service Switching PointSTM Synchronous Transfer ModeSTMÐ1 Synchronous Transport Module, level 1 (SDH)STP Signalling Transfer PointVC Virtual ContainerVOD Video-On-Demand

With more than 100?millionlines in operation world-wide,the Alcatel 1000 S12 switchingsystem, day after day, continuallyswitches a very large portion ofthe telephone traffic of the worldÕs700 million telephone lines. In thenear future, telecommunicationstraffic will soar exponentially asan ever increasing avalanche ofnetworked multimedia applicationswill hit the telecommunicationsinfrastructure.

The Alcatel 1000 S12 switchingsystem has a proven record ofbeing a truly future-safe switchingsolution. During many years, itsmodular architecture allowed itto easily incorporate technologicalimprovements as they emerged.Therefore, operators using theAlcatel 1000 S12 switch fully enjoyedthe benefits of these technologicalimprovements as they occurred.Those benefits ranged from lowpower consumption and small floor-space requirements, to ahigh level of maintainability andreliability and a full complementof versatile revenue generatingfeatures and services.

Alcatel 1000 S12a truly Future-Safe System

From Trickle ChargeConventional Traffic?...

The same Alcatel 1000 S12 future-safe characteristics thatallowed operators to reap the benefitsof technology, will now once moreallow operators to switch the soaringtraffic that threatens to inundatethe telecommunications network.

Operators that have consistentlyinvested in the Alcatel 1000 S12switching system, will findthemselves in a favourableposition, because they will beable to see the new traffic demandsas an opportunity rather than asa threat. Indeed, based on theÒFuture SafeÓ characteristics ofthe Alcatel 1000 S12 switchingsystem, Alcatel Telecom has aclear strategy for the migration ofyour Alcatel 1000 S12 narrowbandswitching machines into machineswith broadband switching capability.

Read on and discover howAlcatel Telecom will migrate theAlcatel 1000 S12 switching systemto the broadband era and how thiswill make of you an early playerin the market of the IntegratedBroadband Communications (IBC). abundant Information Superhighway traffic

The Alcatel 1000 S12Switching Strategy

It is Alcatel TelecomÕs strategyto provide an evolution of theproduct portfolio from narrowbandto a fully integrated narrowband/broadband product covering allnetwork segments. The evolutionwill allow a seamless upgrade of aninstalled network infrastructure, as such making the best possiblereuse of investments already madein your narrowband switches.

It will be possible to connectbroadband links to any existingAlcatel 1000 S12 switching system.The interfaces will be integratedinto the switch architecture withoutany impact on the already existingnarrowband services. In this way,your Alcatel 1000 S12 machine willbe able to serve as a platform forbroadband services.

The interworking of narrowbandand broadband services as anintegrated functionality will makethe Alcatel 1000 S12 switchingsystem the most suitable systemfor the networked multimediaenvironment, supporting all typesof future applications.

It is clear that implementing allthis, at once, in a live exchange,holds a considerable risk forthe operator. That is whyAlcatel Telecom has opted for anapproach in three phases.Every phase will have to proveits performance and reliabilityunder live traffic conditions.

In the first phase, the existingnarrowband group switch willbe replaced with a broadbandswitch, while at the same timeSynchronous Digital Hierarchy(SDH) links will be directlyterminated at this switch. In the second phase, it willbe possible to also connectATM links to the switch. And finally the third step willbring full integration betweennarrowband and broadbandwith full interworking betweennarrowband- and broadbandservices.

The migration to broadbandcapability will not only apply fornewly installed Alcatel 1000 S12switches of the latest version.Each and every existing systemin the field can be upgraded toaccommodate broadband traffic.This broadband upgrade canbe done during the busy hourwithout affecting live traffic.

Broadband enabling Technology

The MultiPath Self RoutingSwitch

The cornerstone of Alcatel TelecomÕsstrategy for the evolution of theAlcatel 1000 S12 switching systemto broadband capability is thereplacement of its narrowbandDigital Switching Network (DSN)by an advanced, cell-orientedbroadband switch: the newMultiPath Self-Routing(MPSR) switch.

The introduction of the MPSRinto some of your narrowbandAlcatel 1000 S12 switches willallow you to design your futureIBC network with confidenceinside your Alcatel 1000 S12installed base.

The MultiPath Self-Routing switchis a cell-oriented switching fabric.The switch consists of a numberof 155 Mbps input ports and thesame number of such output ports.The information units that arecarried on any input port consist ofmulti-slot cells (MSCÕs), which canbe switched by the network to anyof the output ports.

An elementary slot is eight byteslong and the number of such slotscontained in one MSC depends onthe type of information that isbeing carried, such as ATM traffic,SDH VC12 traffic, ... Using suchvariable cell lengths achieves theinternal switching mechanismÕsindependence of external transferprotocols.

The network has a multi-stageand a multi-plane architecture,in which the same identicalswitching element is repeatedover and over again. This basicswitching element is an applicationspecific integrated circuit (ASIC),a silicon sliver of 14 by 15 mm,switching MSCÕs from any of16 input ports of 155 Mbps to16 such output ports.

Eight of these ASICÕs are assembledon one printed board assembly(PBA), constituting a basic switchmodule: a switching matrix with64 inlets and 64 outlets, eachcarrying information streamsof 155 Mbps.

A number of identical basicswitch modules are assembled ina network comprising up to4 planes and up to two switchingstages. Traffic is distributedrandomly over the differentplanes and over the differentswitching elements of each plane.Hence, the failure of one switchelement or even of an entireswitching plane will not disrupta connection.

Depending on the number ofboards used, the capacity of thenetwork can grow to a compoundinformation throughput of up to210 gigabit per second. This is equivalent to the trafficof approximately 3.3 millionsimultaneous telephoneconversations.

From Silicon Wafer to Equipment Rack

Substituting the DSN for theMultiPath Self-RoutingSwitch

In a classical Alcatel 1000 S12exchange, the Digital SwitchingNetwork (DSN) consists of theaccess switch stage (AS) and thegroup switch stages (GS).To upgrade an exchange tobroadband switching capability,the group switch stages of theDSN must be replaced by themore powerful MPSR. The accessswitches, though, will remain inplace as before, they will nowconnect the existing narrowbandcontrol elements to the MPSR.

Therefore it is required that thecurrently used internal 4 MbpsDSN transfer protocol is properlychanged to the 155 Mbps protocolat the input ports of the MPSR.This is done by a module namedInterWorking LinK (IWLK).

This module translates the 64 kbpschannels carried by the 4 Mbpsoutput ports of the access switchesinto multi-slot cells and puts themon the corresponding 155 Mbpsinput ports of the MPSR.

Original Configuration with Narrowband Switch



DTM, IPTM SubscriberLines









Access orInter-office

2 Mbps

The new MPSR and IWLKmodules are housed in a newrack which is rolled in next tothe existing equipment racks. On-line replacement of the Groupswitch (GS) by the MPSR and theIWLKÕs is possible by changingthe cabling between the accessswitches and the GS to theInterWorking LinKs plane byplane. The new network is putinto operation and the old groupswitch network is decommissioned,without interrupting your revenuestream.

After this surgical transplanta-tion the good old narrowbandAlcatel 1000 S12 exchange hasbeen made ready for a new lifein the Integrated BroadbandCommunications era.

Replacement of Narrowband Switch by Broadband Switch




DTM, IPTM SubscriberLines









Access orInter-office

2 Mbps

Phase 1: SDH directlyconnected within theAlcatel 1000 S12 Switch

Just as the InterWorking LinKconnects the Access Switches to theMPSR, another new building block,the SDH-STM Link termination(SLK), connects up to four opticalor electrical STM-1 interfacesdirectly to the MPSR. The SLKadapts the external SDH formatto the internal MPSR protocol.Traffic coming in via the SDH link,is sent to another new buildingblock, the SDH Broadband ControlElement (SBCE). There the traffic(n x 64 kbps) is reflected and switchedto the appropriate InterWorkingLinKs, from where it is deliveredto the destination narrowbandtermination. Or, alternatively,the traffic can be switched backto an SBCE in order to be switchedto an STM-1 Link. The total capacityof an SBCE is 1,560 channels andthe module can therefore be seenas a Ósuper digital trunkÓ.

Owing to the powerful technologyused, it is no longer necessary tomultiplex and demultiplex theSDH streams externally from theswitch, everything is done inside.It is clear that this techniqueresults in very important savingsin overall equipment cost whencompared to the classical situation.Indeed, one does not need theexternal multiplexers/demultiplexersanymore, neither does one needan elaborate set of digital trunkmodules (DTMÕs), nor is there anylonger a need for the intermediatedigital distribution frame and itsexpensive cabling arrangements.

Use of these advanced technologiesfurther leads to a number of indirectsavings, such as floor space andpower consumption savings andsavings in switch management andmaintenance owing to increasedreliability.

Aggressive use of our technologywill make you a champion in totalcost-of-ownership reduction

Three Phases to full BroadbandCapability

SDH Termination integrated in Alcatel 1000 S12




DTM, IPTM SubscriberLines





Access orInter-office

2 Mbps


Phase 2: Introduction ofATM Interfaces

In a next step, ATM interfaces andservices can be directly introducedwithin the new system organisation.

The SDH-ATM Link terminationbuilding block connects several155 Mbps ATM links directly tothe MPSR. This allows for semi-permanent and switchedATM services. At this stage,ATM cells can be switched fromany physical ATM input stream toany physical ATM output stream.

The user perceives the systemnow as offering narrowband andbroadband services on separatesets of physical interfaces. In other words, at this stage,there is as yet no interworkingbetween the broadband andnarrowband portions of theexchange.

Combined Alcatel 1000 S12 NB/BBÐSwitch without Interworking




DTM, IPTM SubscriberLines





Access orInter-office

2 Mbps



Phase 3: Full Interworkingof Narrowband andBroadband SwitchedServices

In the last step, Alcatel Telecomwill realise the full interworkingbetween narrowband and ATMbroadband switched services.A device, called ABCE(ATM Broadband Control Element)will allow the full interworkingbetween ATM-transport and64 kbps STM transport.

The introduction of the ABCEwill allow the use of an ATMbackbone to carry broadbandtraffic as well as narrowbandtraffic. Furthermore, at this stage,full service interworking betweenmultiÐfunctional terminals of bothnarrowband and broadbandsubscribers can be realised.

Combined Alcatel 1000 S12 NB/BBÐSwitch with Interworking




DTM, IPTM SubscriberLines





Access orInter-office

2 Mbps



It is clear that with this strategyAlcatel Telecom will lead youseamlessly into the world ofthe integrated broadbandcommunications while fullyexploiting investments alreadymade in the narrowbandAlcatel 1000 S12 switchingequipment. The narrowbandswitch will gradually grow intoa high capacity switch, supportingall transport services.

Under an integrated management,the Alcatel 1000 S12 switch willfully support the interworking ofall required switching services.

Your past, current andfuture investments in theAlcatel 1000 S12 SwitchingSystem family are your sure wayinto the era of the integratedbroadband communications.The conclusion is easy: if you have invested inAlcatel 1000 S12 switching gear,you have invested safely.

Alcatel 1000 S12 Investment:Safe Investment

Networked Multimedia

The information in this brochure is generally applicable to the equipment described. However, Alcatel nv. Is committed to continuous researchand development. Therefore changes may be made in the future without notice. Copyright Alcatel n.v. 1997. Designed by Alcatel Bell G&C.Printed in the European Union. The pulp used for the paper in this brochure comes from managed forests which practise extensive reforestation.The process involved in manufacturing ensures careful control of waste and minimum use of chlorine bleaching.

3CL 00326 0002 TQZZA Ed. 01


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: P. V







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