Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 03-12-1904

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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 03-12-1904T. Hughes

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Recommended CitationHughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 03-12-1904." (1904).



Mikzim Um9kt Mi Bali w

Sutw-St- wk Ratssrs

Hitting Wills,


Mperlal CertMoMdetM.MoouUlMlr, H. M.. Marea 1 Work

wW Mt begin oa the eat e mbUI Martad poaetbiy ant before Jane. MtMm

work la Aho caajroa amy beala Mritor.Tha work on tbe Rio dread bridgevrtli Im pobd m foot m peaeibt lor(Mr o hih ter. Hhere ar bow

about 100 mm implored oa to brtawhich aumber It art aU that oaa Motaployed to edvMtane. Whoa UM

worn along thi UM roMUNOt K Wttl

be pwsfeot repM. TMa lafemettoni reltaOM.

.u praoM. drouth M wioroaoaoL.-r- j

la ikta aecttoe Tkere kaa boa aodu tbla winter aad bat little rata

mat .uainn but In eplle of dry woabk.r anu abort irasa atoek a tot looked

better at thta tlaM ot year Tbli la

dut largely to to lacraOM In th aem-i- r

of wella. Sloekawa art ataklaa:nu at dlftorMt potato la order to

otllite tha araaa tomovod from aorf wrter nod tke roaalta Juttfy tk

xpeneeW J l.tghtfoot. aovtrnamat Imuoc-to- r

o( Unit ad SUtoa eunreys, boa Ha

ihd tha laapectloft o( tb tbt Iowa-ablp- a

iurveyd by Waadall V. ItaN,United HUln deputy aurreyor of Mail'

ta r, laat aummer. Tat iMpoettotmonetrald tbat Mr. I tall did goodwork

A. H- - l.itcby baa returaed troM a. utlnea trip to Httoa.

ff M. Brown waa In Mataeem ooo'lay laat weak.

Rebau Iiocka waa up ft HeM oacompear butiucM tbla woe.

r. D. Carpoator la enjoyr a rlaUI rota hla father waoto same t toCouth DehoU.

W. K Orean wrltoa from Alaua,utr-i- u

tbat he eipect to boat Improv-In- c

bit lalm near here la k rawtay

A change haa beea mad la tM alarrout plaaa for tbla aootkm. Uador tataaw arrawgamaat MaBatoiaatr WW ateoppltod from WMtord a4 TaJIqua,Mobmbo aad Maetvfew from Wttaaata,tbt ebaaiM to toko iM Marok SI.The poatoMea at Torroon baa btoadiMontiaitad aad Puata A Aaoa aMuran rw Hara apollad for poatot-nre- a.

lxitt to be auppHad Irom

John W t'orbett will ooaa a real oa-- i

ate and abatraet etHM la tat aawtown of Mataocla la tat noar tutor.II baa ufferod a eaah priaa ot ? tatibe two boat watormotoaa arown labe aaw eoaaly of Torraaoa Um aoa-oa- .

The mekma ar to bo dtHraradat tba Nataacla uWeo UffkL, 1

and It la exported tbat OROWftk Wttt-.r- e

win become latoroetod to mahok event rival melon day at Rooay

ford. Colorado.On aount of tha mud la lb a

valley M twaarvayod, tbenew aettlera ar harlot all klada oftrouble, raoae aaar Bttaacla locatetheir rlalma with tko railroadiaay'N nnee,new giveramat aurvey la tb towa

kip aouth aad oaat ar not correct Aa

reault but few of tkom ar oa tblattd they claim aad la maay laatAaoaai wo are the eamt claim. Thoy artiiotag a wit thlag In algalag aa

ofeuvlena Mr. stoae

it ret dtapute of tko klad kaa Juat booaacttled by arbltrattoa aad aatoaa aomtef them aot contrary tko taagie may

come out all rtaat and vryuot hla of mad without Ntktlaghir It





A amall alitd riot occurred oaSonoad atroot about ItW tkw

aftornoon. Jim Larrifaa aad TomoKourt., two dltobaraod omphayia

th automatic tolaphaat pol aadi ia gang, aaaaultod Obarlta bHama,i heir former foreman, btotiag himaver tbe head with hoary ati wireoaarrtore. Stamp' bond waa eat op-e- a

aad he wa otkorwle braiMd aadInjured. Lorrlgaa wa ar--

raaiad, but O'Roarko Thaaamoalty tb aalalia bor agalMtMump grew nut of a MlouadoraUad-in-

over wag, which occurred aomttime ago. The moa clalmod thoysd utora comtag tkom tkatheir ekeek woro mad oat for. ThOMtputt aroa over doa oa tkonahbatb day.

ium this mmm



A at 1j4 South Mdttb atroot talimaralag tkortly bororo k o'etoeeroyo.i property atIt.uov Th bouM wm watd by

imarlne Hopping, aad was occupmdwr W H Pratt, of in Albuquerque


py or m.

lb , over iMaeetor Santa lookby il,MW .lata mttr aad M inveotignUod

InAt oum

lowroaOLtod bur by toe J. M. Moot that aat waa proponag to go Call- -

aampaay. Tha rural tar waa laaarod , foram aad that ah latemiod to tabm tko omotet, aad waa rotty badly itbe artielea aa preooata. A ekara ofaamagod by walor. amamllac waa placed aaotatt bor.

The Ar ooearrod at a Um wkoa , aad hor prllmimry hoartagtko ettf iro impartmoat waa out for . waa pootaoaod till .,

bat evta tkotegk ta toam atttaat Called tutoa dmtrlct attor-wa-a

two btoeka away from aey. rotaraa from Waco,

mwat wkoa tb alarm waa taraod m, I iMt valN ta warraat waa

tke dapartnoat roapoadod prompuy, aervod aad tko dafoaaaat gav boodaad attor waa tkaa botir'i Mroaale for bor apoaaraae wkoa waatod.had tbt fir Mttaraltbed. - -

TAYLOR IS APPOINTEDooaa aad It luppoeed to have origi-

nated fron u dofootlvo Hot. Taorowor ao owetrt wiroa m umt an . u. MADI AQTINB OFtko bouoa where tb ar waa dlaoevor- -

gialiwtid fr Cfkt Yaart. a viroaUtr waa rooelvod at ta wealJudaj W. M. Poo, aooompaalod by , iaau Ft omca yaotordoy aaaoaaola

Clerk W. . Mortta and Proottatlag , tko aoaotatmmu of W. 0. Taylor toAttoraoy i. Nortor eaato ap from , the poottioa of aeUag aadltor of Um

mot Baturdoy aad bold ooart SaaU ro ooaat liaea, with aitjaar-l-a

tb aaoralag. aayt tko Hoc-- j ter at Loa Aaglt. Oal , tolater Tko Natk Hoadrloka caa waa A. H. Jeaalaga, decmuod. Word tobrought op, aad Ik motion for a nw tkla elfoct waa received la tbla citytrial waa overruled. Judge Pop tko acveral daya ago by Agoat my ere. battontenced him to a term of eight yaora tbla la the aret ftU.temeot ro-

ta taa pMHeatlary. U. S. Botoama gardlag Taylor'a appointmentfor tb dfaa ppmtld tb eao to that bo beea 1rB oat.the auprom court, aad tbe appeal Loos! ofllclala of the Santa P arboad blag d at of the oplaloa that Mr. Taylor will la

Hewdrteka killed Holakott ,,m, rv l" 'wlV,t p'fl "l"

about lour yoare m. aad aaoapail m ' l J" l",, 1but waa capturtM tvral )ara later ",t " 'rYOM 'T,eytea 1mlta4a H mtaalaft ia waa a Am. VoMMI M lOllWaJl Ottt IH teMll 0A9ttil aavea; timnmn, nwtawvn rrwwm a -

puty abrlff at tb Um of tbo klllmand attomptod to arrut Oliver Men-drl- r.

a brother of Katlt, Math HonJrlckt ao be haa clalmod. latorforoitto eavo hla brother's life aad klltodKalaboH. lilt pma baa boon that beactd la dofoato of bw





If you look on Pint alrott Monday

nurnlnx you will a arouad brokoafor tb ooaatractloa of tko Alboajuor-qu-o

Strcot railway. Two oaraof ateel have arrived aad aro la tb to.oal yard. The oara wot ah! peedfrom Jot lot, IB.. Marok 2. Tb atx eartklppod oa Um Sdtk of Potiauary baruadoubtodly booom loot torn awoea root, aa aoiklag aaa bea board(rom thorn tlace they loft Ik atooiworka at Jottot.

Tko bulldta: of tbo road willwatehod with latoaa wtorott.





0000000000000909)0w Special to 'lb Oltlaoa. OO Lae Orueoa, M. M., Marea U O

O Col C. W. Stoat, of U. lrlral OO rTavjtkorbood. it not thoO 1 waatod. Ootontl kMoa waa at oO oarc laltootd, aa a groat mietako OO waa made O


which aoaoraiag to ine,wwwwwwwwwwwww.- -




Tbe above waa receivetnw from um urueot, aadfully coatrma what Tho Oltlwm tlortb recant ma Ool. C. W

aubmlt all atoae'i arroaL Tb doacrtpUoa of thontaputp relative to their to ar-- 1 badly waatod did aotnitration ratber go to law. raa , ullr B tbt loaot wttk that of cm.








valaod aoar


lb Mr



Mtalaken IdeoUty.telegram


veaterdaraareemut quaotloaa

Stoao. who waa so aaedtoaaly pat

waa quiu the

loo aad wltbla atrlklag dtotaaoDoaa Aa oouaty oWoora.wko eotuatnted tko foraory waa

aad way tlmttar

moa. Ooloaat StoaoIjh Aaaoloa.




day warraat wasout bofbro Ualtod Stats

ooeMluloar Mr. MtOarthjr. wotl oatdMt aadprertrty owner tbla city, obargtaghor wlU aaytTiatt

IUo defeadaat eld reelewatami aaid own ottoto

varasd ft .sou atatadartiolot woro foaaa ear-riao- e

two amall cklldrto. '11marttolog coaalotod tevea ploot

fan. tiik haadber-cblof- ,

allvtr and rtmrn drawa-work whaett.

She made teve-a- ldate the river, uthlBg

ihi-k- i two rarrtago.yeeterday morning tbe ram

reMtted herthe cuttom



Roowoll tucoood





Until that tlmo Mr. I'aylor win Mrvroad wader title acting

auditor.W. Taylor well known bore,

horlBg ompk- - tboBunt for great many year. At

Um doata Janlaa. Mr. Taylor waa hotdlag tbopoatttoa chief clerk aadltor

roaet llaot




iwuaad Oroama. Marok Via-

naval wootkor eoadlUoaa bar prveall- -

od Utrowakout atato waaaiag-ton- ,

Orogoa lor paotivroaty-na- r boor.

wtad Btormaaeamanalodmeooud yottorday moraiag amogeoaat aad tb day atoaitaaad ftmad

way lalaad, Wowlag dowa foaotaad uproot! trot maay ateuoo- -.

Klvaro torn roe ovoraowlow lend

Tho only eerlour roaulU roportoJfram Hodobwg, Or. Daa Can.

mmor who oamplaxBMaatalaa ntar KWdlo, with two oata- -

paatoaa. klltod by tro wweafall aoroaa tb tat. Th othercatwd lajury.

Sweeping Inland.Salt Uko City, Th bur

rloaaa alaoa Wodaoaday akjbtkm been ragtag Poolseoaat all tho way from Ban go

British Columbia groatly moderat-ed morning accordingroBorta which gatkorod frommoat totally prootratod Udtgrtph

Baa Pfaaetaoo again cut off fromteleatraahk) commuaWaUoot.

Tko atom aow awooptag overNevada aadaad rain and wind bthnard Ilka via--


Htavy 0lt Prvlltd.Taootaa. March 11. teavy gal

laat alakt. Maay la wortha inanavanleaea aad emharrtta. ' blown dowa aad aloetrio

moat of going I cruet to prow ' adod. report from north boadIdeality la Oommbla rivr, aayt the gal

It ctoar Ini'i mono m








reaahod eighty mMoa par tbor.

qa that baa committed JUDGE CROLLOTT RE--gory U Omcea, ho woaat aot itthis bar returned lo Mow Moa- - TIIDNK PDflM MAfiDAI PNA

oft a BUM

sixtoot tall, la ao laphyalque to Ool. C. W. Btoao. waaa sk Paao tafrom



Tatter afternoon aawer tk

agalast M. S.a kaowa

ofimuggllag ta Ml pade

la aa ofM PtHO, la to rati

at ft la tbatth la a baby

boaaathof ot

drawawork,a rui a

baa Irlya ofacroaa

la a aadwan


tb tb of

0. latoon In th of

a p atb of th of A. B.

of to thof th




ta ofaad Idaho th



ina la


ara wa la t

wa aaa- -

Marea nwhich

hat oa tbto

wathta to moagr

ar wy- -


laUUk la ml it re of ibow



to At A thof


l( aIn



a a





Jadge Beferlno Croltott, wao vwttodtho Magdalen rouatry tor tk parpnoo of IstroductBg to tke akoop moathtraabouU a aw abosp dip, utmaaafMtared by Parke, Uaela Oo.,

of Detroit, Mick . haa rotaraod to tkcity Ho waa accempaaiod to Mat--

daJeaa by r. H. Palmer of Dot roil.The geetlente had a apltaaid tripaad woro aucrotaful ta laadlag tov-or-

good ordera Judge Orollott toyMattdaleaa ta a Sne bualaooi towa.sod that tbe ll com-pany, of wblcb J d Mactavian itmaaager. oajoyt an immtntr trait.

Toalgbt Han. Hi r romodltna preaoat Frederick Miillaga' hilarlouafaro comedy. 'Two Married Woaaea."Tbla fare it well kaowa la th oast,aad thla la the Brat time west of too

oao rapluly durtag Mttoaof Uilt and tbt tutelar gotr whoeajoya citaa rtflaed fun It ture ot atreat tonight.


lowaorablaa a fow moatka ago awl k)FWATERWAL MOTHBIlHIKr Oft-- , nw wwtd by a eompaay cmpoatd

ANIZI1R WILL UK TAKIN TO of Ohtaogo mea. To orlgt jwlll ba highly atorttg. Tb Ooo-LA-4

OnUOia TO POi ! aal objort of preatot work waa to e Uneatal rtamlo Mtaotrtkt wiu aaaaarOBRY OHAMt

C. W. gtoae, dtpoty oraaaiaar forthe Prateraal Mrotbiraoid of Ug Aa--

ekaravid wttk having oowmrtfg a for-gor- y

at m Oraoao a yoor ago, wiu botaken to tko acoao otalgkt by Deputy oarUf Unn, who ! j" V"????earn ap from Ia Oraeoa tkla moratag for that purpooe.

Mr. lAoaro waa aor a taw daft agonit oa looklag over tha pergon of Mr.Atone rotarned to Loa OrOcea mymuch la doubt aa to whether Mr. 0.W. Stone waa tko right Mr. Smo.

After eoaaultlag with Urn Ooaa Aaaouety anerlff tb dofOtf ooctdad torder Mr gloao'a arreot, M to tow-graph-

laat night.Deputy Lueoro arrived tblt ajoralag

nd Mr. Bioae will retura to La Cruoet him.

Mr Stoat kaa la tkaetty , 7. ZT, .Z,?,r ' .irZZ. 1um aad ao far aa lat luted aiatanlf la aumper maaar Hlaeea oatlrely at

tbla afternoon la aa I

Flib aa

itjalagi barraigMrarrar aad

atarrtf b gavvery plauaiule aceouat Sf the

which bee ouetd himtomo little tmbarroMmaat .

II aatd: "I waa very much aar-arlae- d

wboa aa offcor taffrawd m'bat I wa uador arrojt nd woubtHave to o to I m Orwaaglo atwworfor a fBraory I eemmHtod tBert a roar

o"1 never waa la Lag Qniree m my

ill, aad tkla caa Ur b abowa by

it April aad mj numbora of tkoKratoraal Mrotaorhoed KOWt that l

waa la Portlaad. Oreaoej, daMat; tbotmoatka. I

"John Baumgartaor, tfcofcomplala-ta- g

wMaete. kaa tb wiamg Idf by tbttar. Tko uprm todaa ka farvrard.ed aaldavlta that win tkbw that I

waa la Portlaad frora, JaBaary T toBeptomber It, IX)I

The man referred o aad who did' he (mage hlrh ja fauHng m ao

I much trouble, worked for a man byi bo aame of rtendwada had abouta year ago waa at Los Onattt. ThatC. a. ttont waa irom M Paao."

It ta not thought her laoi r. Cbao,W. SkMO la Mm itMnot aaa war th tmil$imKrtMt"WIoka Baumajartatr. Loo Cruoatrnmptalatag wttntet.






Bkarip: footer, of Loaa touwty, whobat baoa la tb dty havlag a Mgk oW

Um, wa poUtioaad by tk vory boatpeople of Domtas, ooatpooad of rtpuhlleaaa aad demoerata, to roaimt tkooalco to which he waa tltatod at thgeneral election two year ao. Tbpttttioat woro aoat lo Oovomor Otoroaad the latter, la reapoBsa to thowlahee of tko petltioaar, aetodpromptly aad aaaad Dwlght B. Slov-ene , of Doming, to on r lata aa tberiirof Luna county uatll tbe goaoral eleo-tlo- a

la tbo comlag Novomhor wkaa ahoriff will bo elected, tho appolat-mea- t

effooUve March II. Prom hUactlona hare, It la preeuatod SheriffPoator atlll bellva thla city yet a


a frontier town. Meabet MoMUUa aaipolio fore, however, baa latormedtko cowboy tkorlff that thoy wilt aottolerate aay froaUer arte ta thla olty,tbat while ho (Pooler) oarrtoa thhoys of tko Luna oounty Jail, wktobao aatuaeod yeoterday, that thoy (thobbMoo) earry tho keyt of Um kmal M

Jail aad tha roawtrk from Um loeal





Speotal Oorrttpiadoao.Oktortdt, Ari4 Marok

Maaaaalt miao, apmattomIS. Th

toaaa about Um aUddtt gc PtBtaarytor water aad ore haa ataek a kaevein of water about ttgfcty fast be-

low. Work waa oogua sa this bowaroiirtr tot double pariaai ofdvloplag the ttroog ttroak of told '

aad corner eoaialned la Um lime aadporphyry ronton an.l for the acquire- -

meat or an additional aapply of water i

for operatlag tbo big concentrating j

plaol ai i hi- - MiiiiM-wii-a mine a mileabove

The vein of rlrh ore ha pinched aad j

wMoaori on the way dowa la the workof tlaklag tha than until now It la

Mttaleeippt river. Mr Arllsg Alelae.loml lachea In thl a toon atth popular wettrrn artor, la aeea la w fully eeaioaatrotoa taat too aaw

tbe leading rote, whlrh baa woa blm I bow of water la or auflkteat volumemurb iirali" from thr thtater goort and permaaoart a plpollao will be laidtbla The aMclaitlaa foUow from tbe mine to the mill to aid la j

anothtr theplay,




raaalag that pleatThe work of cleaning oat tk two

Id drlfta In tht Altau mine Uquite hrlakly sftkoagk rhr

aro hot two ablfta mlaora at wotic.Tbla oid property ohaagod beads aad


at tko eoiM breaota of tb old work-- 1 at tar Waa tkoate. April T.

mga aad toot laa doeowpmaata aloag I

tboto llaoa. Wkoa tko laat work waa Taa fuatral of Mkw Molla. Me

I of tko two drttta wore email but oar- - terdayriod over m oaaeoa tllvor to tbe oi A

ton aad abo.ii twenty per eoat cua- -

nmr. Until tha aw ft aul Alreotara O rlock



lag up now aad Mg or fool onaMdomibat whoa work It oaoo atartod uadorIbee ploaa aad aarrlod forward thattheir bopoa will b roallood.

J. H. Pyao kaa tko maklaic of klaaaw wagoa roa I down tko mouatalafrom kla Mager Hoy mla to tko raltoy

ll aador aad It la llkoly A 1 1 H ! 1 F: C? Oil P C.FYSof tko aUtoa that have to x

will ba doa by the ead of tboth. Ta abtoot la tko bulldlag of

tko road, "rat aad ptiaci pally, la togot tko aow aaanNao motor hoiat from

beea torn " L



work. The ikift It alaty-thr- feetdeep with a foartooa tneh vla of orat th bottom that will mill Ml ouncellvr to tho toa aa It It brokoa aad

bobrted. Oa th way down alnklngtko akaft two toaa of tho ore taktaout aad tonl to tko amoltor at B.Paao whkh (ullv damnwatrafa Itatoorlor vain- - Pva vonr on- - a Bernardino will

tkaamatm huootul of havlt.g force, aivlag Wgood mla wr-e- work la bogun, Inwbtoh ho ha thr coararrmt belief ofetbert who haow tko property.

Tk into aad traa-ife- r of th Mk- -

mrt miao, which kaa boon upponaottbefore tko pooplo for quite a while, l

reported to have boon roaludod by tbma buyer aad all aogotlattoaa forth torn brought to a itaadettll. Thltla another oao of tho oid mlaoa ottbo oamp tbat bar prod need theirtoa of thoutaad, bat tbo plaoklaor lotlag trarh of tho or volat oauaoda c toaatlent of work by tbo owner,but baa alne booa taken hold of aadoperated with more or loot tuoeeotby other. It had booa dbmloood thatthe run purrhaaera woro to have auaktht o.d MO-fo- akoft IM foot dooporvo catch up with tk ore body, hadthoy worbod It, Tkla waa tbo motlfeasible itad plaoalhlo plan of Sadiagaow or that oould have boaa adopt 1.

The PBaytk Marok mini, own--bBI taamaal aiUaamtl aaa taWak a'TaBammamliAaL. AjAal

PH eVBlfJI VSmmHBrjmBB pTf Hfaw afW!SitWOywaBjBmj(

Mratag otmaMoy la paokbtg or la tkdepot for aklpmeal. It baa oaty bea fow day alaco a Nfty-av- e toa aktp-aao-

of or wa mod from tkmarta to tho M I'aao amollor aad bowaaothor aktpmoat folly aa largo la

roady to go oat Tko rooorda ofproduct km la tbla mla ocoaoat thatkaowB of by aay othor mine In camp,either past or proaoni, and Uotoomt to be ao flllBK off la th titaad quaattty of or a tk Wir uador--

groaad drift It boiatc drivoaTkla by ao mooat la a thowtag f

all or half tbo work la eamp bat, aorertbeleot tharo la a ipoll of hard llmtbotax umarlaaaod bore aovor Vmowa

of bofam. aad maaty are miB torother parte.





Dr. Imtmaral. of Beat Poaa, N. M

who tbo fore part of Um weak atten;ptod tolf dettructlo by eattlagbla tkroat with a pea kaJfo, paotodtk rough tko city thla morning oarouto to Laa Vogaa. Ma waa toooavDaatod bv Cltoiea Womara. akriff ofSaa Maguol oau- - ty, at wboao bom howill atay uatll hi leoovtry. Dr. Dotmarlag la a prominent pkyattsiaa ofSaau Booa aad dlrtatoa pkyotolaa tortbt Nook toitmd railway. At ta Umof hi altimpt at aoif OottreUoa s


waa twBartag tomporary latoafty,broaght oa by rlr drlak aad



Watte aa a periodical trip to rl

be btgaa a proloagad tproaad oa booom lag dellrtoaa Imagtaedthat ssfss ot tke Hoary Mawtla Maag

of tuptradom woro trying to hill himHo rotaraod to Boat Keen aad eea-Unuo-d

to drink In a ft of doopoad-ae- y

he took a pen kalft aad by oec- -

Ubom outting aad gaaklag leveredUm skia aad wlad pltm. However,Um Jagumr vow eeeaaed sad tk dee-to- r

Is sew oa a fair road to reoovory.He will leaaota at Um boaa of klaBotoe, Mr. Roaaere, ef Us Vogaa,


Prabtli Court Not.tteraaWlle oouaty probatt ooart waa

la ililtr ytettrday aad traaaaetedbuoiaeea as foliowi.

Tat repart of U paroloor la tbof liaojitvttl Romaurer wa

The property of tb do.cMaed waa agpiakTUd at aaoat imuo.

l be ostau of Rooo BMbert wag pro-bate- d

aad Jem Mtebert wm appoiatedadmlawtrator to aorve without boad

Tk report of tko appratoari n tbHoaoawaid oetat waa reraived aad

The wUI of Joba tmi.or wm Bmfor proUto aad Monday. May I, wmtot to hear the caM

Hi wkMh tH will bo




teraH ajba aaaa



held from tb abapaluadortahtaK aatab--1

aoturday eroaiag at :!'Tbe rtmolaa will b takoaf

tkn family horn A Wlaefcaotor.for laiermeat. aad will b repabilera eaaaty ooavmruo

accompanied by th bormarod atotber, ef Cbavea eotmty mot at Um toonMrt William MeRomey. raa bouoo at Hoawall oa atarOay. Marokreaaeu cam to AfbuMoraao bmt Im- - Mb Tko ooaveaUoa waa well attorn,rember, aad waa a togoiti from eoa- - ad, all prorlaet botag rtprtetattil.tumptloa. Tko fatlawlag poramaat oraawltatlaa

way. tlwt Ithalf tkroo






Bon Beraardlao kmaa lbbraaa foaadry works aadgot them Tkla ba boaa Hoewo- - ty of prtmObo aad afotptr-hoaato- a

of local bmaU oOMmkj Mr uattrtag teltmt aktiitime.


aod i l


not uaol we ttveu to in ap. imia taB's mea employed at

added tn theO. Peek,

aaooooda Tboe. laberwood, formercal foreman, a force of Sftora


"cr bia MMgaHlvo up diotrtot man- -

agar of tko braaa doimrttaoat of thoBABla I" toaot Haoa. with In AWaqarqut.

Herman 0atrit, who haa booaforomaa at Saa Mwatrwtao, will ooaitto Albaqoorque aad Join Mr. Paok'afore.

Tbeoa. rbaagea were brought aboutby a ronoat vielt Atkuqoorqae of WH. Oroft, a atotkboidor aad ropre-tentativ- e

of tko Hewitt MaaafaotHrlagcompear of lea, which companyroatrol th tmata Po braaa ooatraot.

It t.i aoothor booet fcr tk DakCity




"A Maa of Myatory. produaM fiHaadmr'i comodlaad at lo Mroptra houtt laat BigBt, it traty a moio- -

orama oi maay tiatsitsg, aad t aotwithout a few pretty cttmaie

Cool bad aaaeUmealaaa, BrtfBI aaddwmlvlBg. fJoorao L!r .rIMt, umt

to wHkataiia bOU to BSdchief dotril'i timarrmp v

the heavy roll of tho vllltaa. aad Mr.

atortlmer la aot halfOatria Dorothy, aa Nod the

detective, with more aad oartagthan "Nick Carter" of dime aovtltame, aad Artag AIcIbo, Dr. Otoa

woro gaad, tko may mom-o- f

tke comaay woro aiao goadBBptewlly did Mlaa Caawoa, as thMatt atroot Moll, mak a with thasdloaee with her Bowery glib. Laatbat aot tenet, 0b Roger, a NoahLotl, tk tnwtod sad pompoua aar-va-

of the Oioawoad hem, wascldodly at home tbe rua awkor.Hit llaoa woro huaoroua aad lost allttlt light comoay tb heavy, dulldramatiam of pmy.

Too perfonaaaoa waaat good aay over prodottd m thlacity by a amall oompaay phtyiagat popular prleoa.

Toatflht th MU wttl t MarWooaoa," a




A romaara of loo?" iatersst. wklehmay oulmlaat la a rather ttattMoaal

for breaes of promkw, wm ea-aot-

la AlbaqseraM dBrtax UM

weeka botwoM tb mltVII ofary laat Baa day aigat.

Tbe wr a "avtitaa awawho haa haadqaarter at RaaMt OltyMd a dasatBg youag widow who Isreputed to be werta Maslderabltmoeey, aad the ssasatloailproceediaga, wktob Kmor sayi will

tke trevetiag maa be thepiaieirtT. If 4 yoaar maa athla frtoads say will Aibaquer- -

forIII have


B Wilton and H V Bterliagtottal agenta tbt lateraataaaaj Cor

Uakooa. B.

ihMal, hV uttUeed tkeef Mamtomir't book

and art ttore to dangler the worka ofankooia thoy Bttllii

th ured tbo


6j)im IrfMHi KiwfllnM MttiimJ wi S1hI


a offortedMMhan Jaffa.M W MamlltoB.

Tm Mtotnaa


i d to laaaty at the tor- -

i mortal at La Vtaja: K.

LINVB MooomII; w.






The folkiwiar toaolutloa

Ba It Beoolvad, By taa ropubltreaaof Chaved aoaaty la atavonttoaa mbled. That we roBw our allagltorn

tkof ' m

bat rtaitdar ' ot party

p T


a cbva cooaty.That we moot heartily luaorae tk

iiaiiiotle adaUamtntlo of letdotMooaovolL aad torn mead for hilateaoa Amrtaaatm aad toarl

Mr Itkorwood to la all










rnai w ugav f7 toe (the Into Bona tor Mareae A. llanaa,waoa loyally to the roptwUoaa partyaad love for hie rouatry mode blm one

th foroatott In Amertoaa etate- -

MA'MM.p.That w uaaaimouaiy uadortn the

wiae admlaltiroUoa Oovutaar Ml-au-

A. Otoro, who eadoaven barbrought erodlt to oar MrrHoryfrom Saaaelal dwropat up to a Maptaa Srm fooUag aad ha d

tho ataadiag aad laoroatod lhcapacity tor good of ail our torrttoriailaeUtatloat.

That wa commend our delegate tncoagito. the Hoaorabli. H B. Modey.

km aatlrlM kgbt for aUtrhoog forMow Mralco, aad epec laity far kto offort la oar hobaif la aotttag Um Milpravldlag tor a aUth JadMlal dmtrictUaramgh tho boaao of reavaata4rrea

That we rom moo tb aettoa ofijtaarabia Boloaoa Laaa, oar nation

committeeman, la hla auoooaufulttTorta oa bohaif of tb tori'hmrita be-

fore tht) aattoaal eomattttoo aad ao-ea- r

him tk roatlaaod awafBrt otChaves ooualy.

That w laortt upoa tingle tlatakotil. ...a tajt eLj a ea .m - -

t. Mirihwar, a mHtAMrtt niHwaaa uia ranrtatnd aaa a JO miowtac w aro awa

of Dr. Oloawood, aad tho eVw aad "f41" avirameaitof Mtakaai OlOdK OoraelVOt to the












follow, w'll

a do.








ItBifd Statoa

Mora tVaunty Rtpwbitotnt.Tb reawblleaa ot Mora aeuaty


tk ooart boaa la tko towa Of Mora.Batarday, Marok Sth. Tkere wa aatroag roprteoatatkia an athaskiimaad harmony prevailed K. ht Siira-hao-

wan rboaea prealdoat aA ortatoval Boaeboa aad Jaaa R-- hwftiaetvie prealdoat; Victor Oallagot aadTito Mtltadtt teerotaxist. Tb totlowlag Soiegatei to UM La Vega cotvveatloB were ttoottd: Jaaa Navarro.Crtttoval Baaehos, (:roBto Paranadoa, Juaa B. Martiaet. Tito Meioaaes.Juan Csaadoa, . H Htorsbaam andHivardo Martiae

Ta delegatot were inotrueUd tovot for Ohsrla A. Bpltoe of Lao Ve-

ga aa a dslggjst from the territoryto Um repatdtoaa aattoa

Th rtiniatlaag ttroagiy

ttoa. saBto atatohoed wttht

Mastoo, aad spgwn sad isserat thprtaaal coaaty atfnalaMtrattoa of Maracooaty.

mlatBaRkamOllal utMkgUaVjaaVamalawlPYVfymf BP tRBSBmmftmmpjaajtat

Bm PraaclBM. Oat., Marokto the call of Ohalnaaa M.

Oattr, Um mitabtri of th otoeatlftromflatttoe of the itpuhrtoan tatMauatttM iMaaaBbJed at tb UuaealeagM ekab today to dtirmm arvtvaaaMBto far the atato coaveatloa to

dtlitprUi to UM aattoaal toavM-ilo-

al Ohiaaao. Th doetatOM of Um

eaecutlve aoaUBHtM will be aaaMadfor tadarMtosat to maetlag of Um

full itste nmam Ittee bor tomorrowWa laaadiy, May aprt to be thdate moat favored for rheatateooavMttoo tacraaoato and Baal One ar

que goMlp. m well a boat Pe gwo- - contacting for coaveatloa,










Umfavoriag the Irat Baatod eity Smt i meat aaaoag the coaaltuemen Md4her party ieaaor at th mtttlatniai to bo tiMBtBKm far tko roaom-inatto- a

of ItMldMt Rooeeveit, Utoagba falet rawer Is aSaat to tha Beet

tho Harrison later ta win aaa-a-a

eaatoavor to aar tk OktMsrala - sattoa teat to tho Choose oaa.vtmttoa uaakitgod

amdeata, la the wladow ar tag of i -dttrBt aal loaa aad on ear i Bag si ; o c Mall, who bm mm la the dtynguret abowiag tho aumbor of pupua tbe pott tew day, will teat tawtkaM

of Um aehoola la that reopeotlv mm- - for hi home ta Matrmkt, Oat. Mrtry lb Ruaawa Bag taowt II Ma ' Hall riggaMBt th BtKtna Prtotondealt Md Japaa W. while Ouba hat Oroeery company of Aagelet lasovoa nmw tae latter auatuor, aoutbera fmHaaVBla.

lotmuriquc V' it n i) v..

.uHU .eCHEIOHT I'ublMbat

Meeiet Rate.WeOhr f n r 111 : no

0e' ,ttl-- per I 00

mdBjjBBBBBBBarO C BaanaaBBarvY

Oiaawtah from Washington yaDelegate Rodey bM tatrodaeed

tm the bOUM the toitoWBM IWMitUm:Par 'he prtntlaf of MM etei

with neoaiimBaylBt aiaam Md IHuatnt.bto, of Um report of Um geveraor fMew Mk to too eretary of thebtterter for tho year and lag Jom JO.

tM, aad Um prtatlag of l,OM ocplatef Um leteet mop of said territory.

MtHNrt'W4( taVoJ apwttMaj) Attoa httwaf raarceMtaiivea of Um UnitedState of America lo coagrea aaaem-Mw- l,

Ttot there bo pnated ft.M0 oop-le- a

of the report of the govorsur atthe territory of Now Mottoo. wtth

mop and lllaatratlon. toUm eeeretery nf the latertor for Ikoyw eedteg Jn M. lM, lot thereoftor Um mo of me totegate Is eoogrooi

d 4.M0 thereof fur Um mm of UmmM governor, aid Im that there Ho

Mojo I .Mi copies of Um latent MMef Um torHtory of Now Moattao torMm oao of tho delegate Infrom Mid territory.

(mMMCE w rnn mcs

rnrte Rtoo1 commerce wltk foreignamooatrd In IMS to fMUv

Kv, of which tl.UI.MI wm lattwrteand $JMn,l10 domestic MBorta, Umreatulalag tUT.MI being 10 wairte-ttea- a

of toretga projects. Tko largaatImpact ra 1PW woro from Spoil.ImI.MI. agaiMt M7,M in itvi;

Nova Scotia nod Now Btwm- -

irr,m. offuaot mIMS; troai the United Klaaom. MOT,-Pu- t.

ogoloat to tho procediMyear; from (tormany. agate:IIP7.4M In I MI. Md from Untguny,IH4.4N, agalMt Ma.M4 la the pre-cedl-

year. Tko domestic ax porta ororotaa coaatrtea were, In IMS. .

against M70.a7 In 1MI, ifcolacaeot exportation being to rmnoo,11.71,710, against U.WH.tlM It lPUl;to Spate, ITOf.lll. agalMt fTM.niIn tko pracedtag year; to Nov Scotiaad Now Bruaawlrk, I7,1M, agataet 1

IU0.7I1 la I Ml; to Austrta-lluagar-

UIUN, agalMt IM.IU in 1MI, aadt Oaaa, !M.7I. agaiaai tl.74 inilHi prooodlnc yonr.

MDXICAN WH.MY.EtttrWLA'TOaa of tka nmoI iwaaarkabta aatloa-a- l

wovamaau of tba paat caatary kaahom tko toap of Motlco frM aJaaoatatawlural Igaoraaca aad mparatlttoatw Um oallgkUBMaat Md prograaa ofibo twUotb caatary With tba aa.ranUaa of Japan It kaa adtaaood moraraaWly tbaa aay otkor aatloa, aadNkw Jaawa Ka atfraawa kaa booa largc-l- y

aa to Amariran caphal and

Haoaatly publlabad atatlatlca oaMwatooHi railway davatopmoat give aaaaoaralu Idaa of tbo prograaa aaaoa laUaa laaportaat ilaa. In 11TI Mosmobad A mllaa of railway. Ofar tbaawant 7tt.4 paaaaagara and 1M.471tana of fralght, aad tha rocotpta waraUJMjn Ib 100 tboro woro 1,400mMoa la uporaUoa, lO.PPT.ral aaiiaa-par- a

4 T.IM.Mt too of froigfct wararacriod, aad tba roeolpta war 4V406.478.

84aoa 1M0 tba milaaga, fralgkt.Miuior of paaaONgera, ate., bava ooa

UbihnI tu laoraaaa and at tbo aaraatlraa tha ataadard of aorvtoo baa booagraaUy lmprood aatll now aoaaa ofIbo boat iiNaa eoaapara faTorabty wtthAmoriaaa roaaa. ttool briagoa havaba aabatltatod tor Iron aad wood,ataol ralla kara raplaead tboaa of Iroa,aa4 roek ballaot la balaa: goaarally

Abowt Hjmjmjm of AatorleaaaapHal la now lavaatad la Mosleo, aaltiw rotwraa aaom to ba ao pro4MaH

that mora U ooaataaUy bolK lairdaaad. Amariaaa oapMallaU aro )aatrHrfag Um opportwaKloa la thooaUiara ropwblle and the raauK of

Ibolr awtorprtoo la aara to ba baaokrial to both aldaa.


Tbo OtUaoB kaa roc4od a bau b ofb4Ma batroducad In the aaUoaal boaaa.Mara aro aovaral of kwai latoroot :

A Mil to Ik Um cocapaaoattoB jfamaora aad balllaTa la the (TnltaliMatao ooarta.

Ma k. awaotad by tba aoatata aadbaaaa of roprtHMBtattvoa of tha Unit-a- d

Htataa of Amorloa la coagraaaTkt oa aad after tha paaaag

at Vaia aot tha par dlom par of altanranaa taiployad la any court of thaVaHod Mataa undar aoaMon aoraaaaaatrad ad tftaaa of Um ravlaodatettrtaa aball ba thrao dotlara a daylaatead of two dollara a day. an nowforMod by law.

Oboaiata Oranaaaa.A bill aathorlalBg tha laaaa uf

ordBaaea aad ord aaaoa atoroator aao of atata and tarrttoHal aducav-Maa-

hwUtatlMaHa h aaaotad by tha aoaata aad

kaaoa of raproaoatailroa of tha Unitad State of Awartea la eoaajroaa aaumlilad. That tho aoorotary of warh haroby autbnriaod to laaaa, at hlid4aaratl u ami mdar propor rogala-Haa- a

U i pm ribad by htm, wfthoat '

oaot of Iraaapirtatloa to tha UaltadMaaoa urb obaoloto ordaaaea andardaaai atoraa aa aay ba arallablata atata aad territorial adnoatloaal

for parpoaaa of drill aadof atadooU. Aad tha aaora-(ar- y

of war aball roqniro from auchlaaMMtloaa a boad In aaoa oaoa douVia Um valaa of tho prop arty laauil.tor UM nara aad aafa-haapln-g tbara-af- t

aad tor tba rattans of tba aama toMm Ualtad aXataa whaa raqulradfrorldod, That tha laaaaa horala pro-vbla- d

tor aball ba at4a only to inHtaatloaa apoa rarnmmiBdaflnn oftho ororaora of ateie Md terrltor

auvlargaraaai of ltrt bliss.Mil to prerWo tor tho Miargo- -

of rrnt Ruaa, near Ml Peeo,Taaaa.

Me It eaaoted by the achate aulkoM of repreuMtMlve of lha Unitad ttetea of America iu ooMgrae w--

upmhlrd, That ihm rjurtopMtr-fi- "

ral of tbn I!nll4 8Utt army bf.ami h i horoby. autborltod ad d

to eauto to bo onlariiod. In nektorn aa to h'm May aaant boot, ltortniia on tho tJnttod Statoo gorommni army rcrritioa noar 1 be ut of Tarn. 80 aa to pravMouliabla ftvouimodMoiia for koM-qiiartcr- a

aad two hatulkiaa (otgttpoBMonlaa) o Infanuy. twoof raralry. and one batiary ofartlllary. aad for thli pwrpooo tktmm of alt hun ircl thouaaad doltanita haroby appraprlatod ont of aayfund In tko traaaary of tka UnitedHutea not otborwtaa approprkHod.

At tha yoang pooplo'a iraioaarjrpoafaraara bald la UnroM a fow dagalaca, a lAaalag mlnlatar propooaumi Irnnvatloa tbat. H It tald, not oatyaiartlad all tka da.ogatca proooat, battoarbad tho ratlgiooa 0fHIBMBt ofall lb papara of that ctty.

Tho prapoalUoa wan aotblag Moranor Icaa (baa laat tka Mbla afcoBld

ia llablaalod aa a taat book la Umdaadar aokoula for obo roar, aad dar-ta- g

that Ubm JM atudy of Ualtodtttataa blatory ba aaatitaiad tor tkopara- - of llraatmtlaf Um work ofdod la tba world today ia tka world aklatory.

ib now of tka torn tbat tko tfaadararaool waa piiaianiy laatrtatad lor Umaula parpoao of atadytag tka Btbla, Itwaa not aarprlolag tbat tba laaova-iio- a

propoaad by tko leaning Mlalatarihould hare nroMad coaatcraatlaa.tnd yat Um mlBMtor la riskt, tor Umiilbla toaekaa Uwt Um AlaaUdMy atakoanota traa of ao trivial a BUittor aiika falllag of a aparro

If that ba ao, tbta how aiBok morarotable la It that Ho koapo ok

tracb of tbo atfaita of Iniilrldoala, aad"apwlally aatloaa.

If of aatto'.;, wky aot roBforai tkahlatory of tko gmataat bbUob ob oartkwith tba Mbla, wltk tba parpoao oli. atiaa tka traa of tka lattar.

Tke LAaalig mlaiaUr la only, poaai-i.iy- .

a little praaaatara. aau ka eaa ooa- -

wlp klmaelt wltk tna kaowladge tbatall trva ratormar lavarlablrwith a chilly racoptwn.

ooatr or later It will aa rvallaadbat If tka MMo la baaad upon taaabla

praa laao it baa aa lauajato coanaclor not only with tko blatory of tko

ualtad aXataa, bat wltk that of allotkor naUow.


Tha Laa Vagaa Optic Myo that theKaw Maaieaa aroma to bo groaUydlaappolBtod that Oovaraor Otora itadttocratary Majraolda hara daclarod Ibfaror of lolat atatehood oa llboraltarma. bow that aoparate atatehoodhaa provaa an Impoaalblllty Tha a

04 tbo omclala on Ibla matter lato ba ooMMoadad. Aa lona aa tharawaa tha fatniaat hope for aaparataatalahood thay fought maafwlly foraach a moaaara of juatloa. Now thatthe bopa baa raalabad, thay will workaa aaalduottoty to aaeura tha boat poa-albl- a

tarma aa thay hava althartoworkad for aaparata adaaJaatoa, 80will avoir good Mood of tba territory

The people are aoaad to hava atatehood if thmr nan mat It 1 llai. I

a tba naootton will hare the affaci.not of iOPMtlng tba ntaaaura. bat of


preveaUng ua from eecarlag aa favarablv tarma aa we might otberwlaeaecura. If all our InHaeaUal mea, ourogfclala. our profeaaioBal ana huelBoeemvn. unite In auppurtlnK Mr. Kodey Inaia Mgbt for a liberal and equitableDill, wa aball fare batter than aa Ifaom of oar uapora aad our peoplehang aulkllr haek In a coraor or open-ly oppoae tba atatokood gkt. Thlawe uttojerateMd to be the poaltkm orthe govwrnor and aocratary. and Itdoea tham credit. It It time for allpapera and all people to eoaaa tbolrfaille oppoaHioN to tha InerttabM aadJoin koartUy la tha moremettt to getail the favwre we eaa tor the newatata. II la wall enough naderetoodby ovary national laglalator that NowMoalco aad Arleoaa wore heart aadawl In favor uf aaparata atatehood.Rut it boou aotblag now, In fact Itlajuree oar oaaoa to aaaame tho attitude of tko whipped boy in tho comer.Ut ua manfully accept oar bofoat aadhoBooforth pot forth oar united afforte to aaeura the moat favoi-ab- l

terma of aurraadar

... M0 Reward. KM.Tbt readers of taia paper win he

pleaned to leant that there la at laealone dreaded dleeaee tbat aeieace haaMea atria to cure in all tie atagoa. and

ia oatarrb Haifa Oatarrh Uvrela tea oaly positive cur bow knownto tke medical fraternity catarrhbeing a oonatltutiouui dtaeaae, r- -

quires a eoaatttuttoeei treatment.Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken interBally, acting directly upon tb bloodaad atueous aurraoa ot tb system,thereby deotraylag tba touadatloa oftba dlaaaae, ad giving the patientatraatgtb by building up tb coaetltui.oa aad aaaiatlag nature la dotBg IUwork, 'i he proprietors bar so muchfaith In It curative powers that thayoffer Oa Hundred itotiara far anycaa that It Ialls to our. Mead forHat ef laatiawalali.

Addrett f J OU10KM1 k cu ,

O.old by druggiate, Tte

Hatl'a family 1111 are Htr tail,a

Mr . aad Mr. C. R itolaerl of Rowbar arrived in aaaia Pa oa a fowdaya' vlalt te frteada la tbo city. Mr.Rvlnart waa formerly telegraph oper-ate for the Raate fa railway at thacapital Oily and la now agent for thesame rompany at Howe.

Nasatla sll IU alssm

Ely's OrtMi Bitisleswm, ssatbtssiHl Mu aistuKlIt cwessslsnb ss4tMy s tM ut tbektMd

Oecwmt Mstet H tasestl Isto Uw xxttiU, iptssaiWW Mt swaswin se4 U sbanrtei, helMtol-a-i- i

B 1 u s sum fatts'ni. liltnet tbrtas umMM SI lies msielsg. lars ls, ta essls si iru(WM 1 tf suit J TMtl Bias, It tests

sly bavntma, ct w.r u. ,.wi .k

DITORIAL NOTKfta a'ar''KftpahlHaa ariaMtoa will ko koM lahia dty aot WidBBdn avontog.

It la nmowkat aatawadrM bowood all at oaoo eanato paopla ki.rokwdii to tba labor bmmmm of tbtaMty

Tho St. Lobm iwrM'i fair will opoaprll M. IMi, t4 wUl tm to Dooa-- t

l. Tho fair will aot k opaa oadaaday.

Thla city baa baoa aadar fMbhlleaaiintrol tho paat two foara, aM It M

'ha beat gaforaod oitr of rU ataa laha Ualtod Mntaa.

Tba aatahrlMM w later baa baft tbaomoa waatialam aad aatrttlooa, boaraha good coadltloa of atook la thla

Tkt aoeialtata of thla city htvo thaoaraHa of thotr coavinttoaa and do

not lataad to bo awallowod ay raotoawith ahy othar paMtMaJ party.

Tha Japaacaa ar bow ib aadiapotadoatro of tba oeooa oa Um Aotatleoart, aad bar warablpa aro ttonatagho oaly two Waialaa tortraaaaa oa

that roaat.Mr. OarBagM'a aaabMloa to dla poor

baa rotMlvod at0Ma ehooh. Kla oCorif 17M.M0 to Dotrolt tor tho orootloaf a library balMIng kaa bat a do--

Paul Morton, ae of the big railmagnate, anya that laally all

he roada of '.hta ooaairy wtll bo ua-lo- r

one raangmoat How much dothey lack of it now?

Tko repablicaaa of baa Mlgaal roaa-- y

a ooaveatioa aoaaasMod ladoreadbo adalBlotraltoa of Onvemor Otero,ted tao party la that rouaty la moratrohgly aalted than la many yeara.Delegate Wllaoa haa written a lattar

0 tho Arltoaa preaa aaaerttag thatMlegate Roday falaiked tho poBtUoat Prooiuent RooaovrK. ilate will p

the fact that Mr. Roday kaatated tke aaact truth la tha matter.The New Meal oaa will bo doubt bo

ileaeed to learn that Ool R. R. Twit-hl- l

of Laa Vegaa te aadoraad by theBure taa Miguel eouaty aelagatloB

aa obo of tho delegatea to tho an--Io-

a I ropubHcaa convention.The republloBM of thhj rlty are wili-

ng to trado off at bargai- - prleaa aloeea or 0 "Ooo-Oo- oatea aeakara1 hoy duKlaim kuMiy abnot booaoa aadtra never In peed huaftor ualaaa theyre boaalag aome obo.Comlag from tho boumc It doea

bo Oemlng Headlight K ta Kto totaaart that there la noUiBg Ib tbatdlhror CMy aonaatlOB about eorrap-Io- b

la tha building ot a dam to proeat the toodlag of the otty.Delegate Rodey never in hia lite fal-tile- d

hlmealf, aad ha haa not dona aon tha atatehood matter. Ha foughtor alagte atatekood whtl there waa

1 gkoat of a rhaace of auccoaa, aadmly accepted the joint itate propoai-Oo- a

aa a laat reaortThe republican territorial coavea

'km to elect delegatea to the naMoaalonrent oa will bo hold at Laa Vagaaam Saturday and It promieea to be aaarmoaloua gatherlag. Oovaraor Oterowill be rhooen from tke territory attarge 10 kaad tka delegation.

1 nv um Mw t imwm wkbjui tuknow why paopla win pay IC, f 10aad 111 a eeet to aeo Ulllaa Kuaaall,wbea prettier artreaaea can ba aooator two bite. Well, the twoWt glnabare never had any cigar, ahooa orOf named tor them.The rouny convention of sandovat

maty repubiicaaa waa hold at NoraallRo, up tho road, today, beta oall4 te meat at 10 o'clock a. m. A nam

bar uf prtelaet delogatea loft Uta eltyMtla moralag for Meraallllo, aad allwore under the latpraaatoa that theaouaty would be ell. of coarae. bar- -

At the laat elty election tha rupub-IteaB- a

cent all votea, tba daataoraUMt aad UMjettMeta Ml. Thla yearthere will prlwabty ba 1.4M TOtea eaMaad the aortal lata expect to laoraaaatheir rote. Thla la why tba democrate are wanting to fuee with aomooa.

At tba laat election in thla JuJtewlautrlet Um rorublMaB eaet IJMMTotoa and the domaerata oaot Mlrhla doea aot aire Um uomoeraUmawh hope of wtaaln thla year ualaaaUavy can divide up Um republicanrote, which at thla time aeema tm- -

poaalbleThe repubiicaaa of Arlnoaa will do

well to act coBeervatlvoly In tha atata.hood matter, aad not allow thenmelveete be led around by a taw democrat tcpolttirlane, who would uaa them tefur,B,,r 'r w" lraoBal tobamoa

a!nt the boot iatereeu of tke peoOla ef tka territory

The time haa arrived for the annualhowl to be raised atjout the eouaty re-pu-b'

leant mixing la dty affair Thecry Ir somewhat of a ebestaut, but It

about tba only tblag thz oppositionto the republicans cm uaa. ft hisauTer affected a vote la thla city, aadwill have no vlelbte effect at toe ap--preaching rlty eleatloa

It npeaara tbat Mr. Ham, the wan tic-ma- a

of Roetoa, who default H in eowe--'

thteg Ilka lto.0M, eajoyod a wideropatailoa for honesty aad Integrity

l aad wa sn earneat church worker.Tna faat ICNMn't dlaciedlt allhor bob-eat- ?

0r the chuirh, but IllueUaUa lbtoot that Mm poet knew vhat aa waatalkl'tg about aad had a pretty aaeibold 1 u hi. kncwlodgc of huwan m- -

tore whi n ho wrote that "All that I

riit'er la aut gote."rroeioeBt mm i like Mother ceio--

brnted hMterlcal character you'vegot te show him. After that there tano lack of actMa oa kla part. Thar,mr. tke MoatoM board of health lato have 17,000.ow0 ml Autocraticpower, aad ba Inatruoted to free veraCms of yellow fevar. There werethree mam abiding place tor YellowJack Havana, Vera Cru and Hlo Ja-neiro We have clOMcd up the Mrt.Meairo I cteMlng up tha aacMd Mdit la BtmII'i day to got bMay- -

There la little need of a oaatocratlc111 newspaper In thla dty. While It

i true that Ua morulag paper baselydeserted that party a few year ago.laat vear It left the republican party

mt hubouik h! that It wm "Indepena

aaL" tiaeo tbat Uma tho abaat baaaarar miaiad aa opportaaHy M ataatha rarwlloaa party, u aow trylagto work ap a fualoa Uokot to bo eowa-pooo- d

of tba OooOoo ' etwwH of of-o- a

aoohara aad tha ioawwrau. fhtwavar, It ia aald that tho dowowata doaot taka kladly i tha wator oompaayaehom aad lataad 10 oalMMa aatfotght party ticbat Thay argvathat tha domorraUe party baa baoawoahohod In thla elty by fuiwawa with

aad rapabileaa odaoa raady to rogiotor for laa ony

county repwbtloaai arearatUte ta the reaoluttoa Ntw,

Tbo MornlBg paper haa dMoajvorod

that Tbo Cltlaea la tko oaMtal paporaf Brvmllilo eouaty.

Repabricaaa of ibU etty are urged bettosd the primary mootlBga to babe hi tgaguirow evaalag.

rho Proocott, Ariaoaa, Dally Her-

ald ahowi many algaa of Improveraeat The paper la oae of the Boatactia Um territory of Arlnonn.

la Vho elgat wara of Impcrtaaeeetaca IBM bo groat power Bet eagerd m amy of thorn at the bagiaalag

aaa oeoemo lavolved afterward.Olavataad haa found aa laaaa upna

which ho la eligible to tho damoorattcaimlBhllan He wrltea that ho aovereaterteiBod a negro at Um KhlteHoaee.

Tha aggregate weight of aaag cobtamed la tba Uaitod httttea for oaaear la pouada. gT

tahlag la inrronalBg at Um rate of alfc

par aat per aaaum.Tkroo-fourt- b of the paopla of Uhlaa

mvo aarar Iear aad of tko Ohhaa t ap-wo-

war ten year ago. Naturally:hay are aot tahlag much toteroot totho preheat eongtct.

tt h Mated la Now York that IterOO.uM caa hr raited to defeat rraal-len- t

Rooaeveit, aad yt the hlghoattfer than far made for a aatlafactory

leBMcratlr platform la oaly 1100.The tret typewriting macblae waa

patented In 1I y William Aua'laBurt of Detroit. It waa impracticable'or gcBaraJ uae. ibo geaeral aaa) of'he typewriter did aot oogta aatll 1074.

Tha populatkM of the baited aXateetea tor forty yeara been abowt twelveilme that of Canada. Tho numbif divorce in the Ualtod Rtatee ibhat tlw baa been lO.owi time tho

aamber In raaaaV.StMwtira compiled by the depart-aoa- t

of commerce aad labor ahewhat trade between tho United aXateotad Rico haa lacroaood are toldn eevua yara, or from 4.1U,1( laMl, the year prior to annotation, to

tmiNou in 1MI.Dal agate Itodey kaa iBtrodueod aa

moadmni to the IrrlgaUoa act, antaorlateg tb ecretary of Um Interioro escbaai laada of ogual value tor

laada relinquished or depreciated inralao by reason of tho buiMiag of aayreaorvofr or caoal la connection withirrlgaitoB project.

Accerdl.-i- to the teoUmoay ofSmith, ibe head of the atoraburch, he himself haa married three

nor wive alace 1M, Um data awhich lb Mormooa aolemnly agreedo elmaeB polygamy, from him wawruag Mt the wrtaee ataad tba fartbwr tetlptoay that practically all Umapoatiea of the Mormon church areIvlng in the ytmalc. practice of



la lti'--j eouaty aad adtolalaR tarriterylor bMtaa of aoild Naaaetai aundiagIM.00 atralght auk aalary and expeatee pate each Monday direct fromoaiouartorR. awpatuH) money ad

vaacod: paeltkm parmaneat. AddreMaaager, Ma Ma aaa MMKm Okleago



M si tin Ieaa. tha It months olddaughter of Mr. aad Mrs, Fidel Marrte,of La Mean, while ptaylag la a room laher (athera bouse In which there waca loaded ahot gua, In aomo maanerpulled th gun down aad It waa d,

tho load entering tha liuieone limb at tke kaee, terribly maaglln tu member Thla occurred oamday laat Md the child waa Immedtately brought to Laa Cruoca for modical treatment. Dro. MoCoaaell MdOerber performed an op ratlota, amp-utates 1 ha Injured limb at tha kaee,but tb. little oaa wm box atroageaoagb to rally from the operation.

The funeral occurred Monday morn-ing from Ute Catholic church Md wmlargely attedd by the friend aadsympathiser of the bereaved parents

La rrucea Ropuullcan.

TO CURX A OO LB IN QNK DAYTaka Laftroe uroute Qulalar Tab-Iot- a.

All aruMlaU rafaad tha mo ayir it rail bo aurra. R. w Orovva stnature It oa aeah boa. lie

New SltalarMp fer Seheel ef MintThr Alllc-CbalM-er Co.. tbo large

maaufatiurora of mlalag machlnrryIn the world, with Immeneo works atChicago. Mllwauroe aad oraatMIa , bavr. through the effort of Pre!unt Kryca. astebUabed la the NowMexico Hchaol of Mine a graduatescholarship to be known as Um "AIMChalmers scholarship Thli acholar-ahlp ia offered yearly to Um beat atudent In the graduating cbtaa dotlrtngto man a apoetol etndy of mining andm talluiKlcal uuHhiaery. a oil tkemethod of "-- -

The acbahiMMp aire the boldertha opportBBity of four month unlimited et.'dy aad practice la My ofthe large ptoaU of tha company laChU-Mo- . Ul ; Milwaukee, Wta., or

Ph., aad carrlea wtth iteBMiliinu ut of fleo Socorro Chieftain

flofc Bjcgl Firi awYaMlaT9vW4"M

sttr Dftf IMm.

Bsdaae! MoslUSJbBBBBdaaWggvVJ larTCBruaBBsnbM7 lltffr THE KEELEY

Itrtl'l'l" .amm war ItlCTITHTPniiitaMiM. Bk aai It


Maaaretn aMMlTWa taavd wtllA ho paw m aay of tha aeok

hooka, bat It m voBOhod tor beta; ex--

Beedragly mom: OhopmroBl la rathor aweall

mix It with chopped white cabbage.The macaroal akoahl aot have

mod with eheoaetaace. Too la a mayoBBalao aad eorva

lettuce 4eavea. Thai taste verymuch Una tweet bread.

Cent oartrnd Thla bj a aawway to aerve 00M corned hoof: OatIt In very aaall enbaa or chop ttooaraely. Moko a white aaa of aaacap of milk, two level UbleapooofuWeach of Boar aad nutter aad aoaaonwith oaloa Jutea aad pepper aad moraall If Um hoof waa aot allghUy aalt

ed Put In tha aaat aad a aooa aa J

11 is naewM wnraji lam m n not,1lah aad aprlahl wtth broad crumbbrowaaa Ib bultor. Thla tMahgood without tho crambo.

BrS, Batter anal rrurt PueMlnaTaka aay apar piece of thla br.utlaad butter, aad Ha a ate dice, at Umbottom and round Um aide In thofaahkm of a paeiry. nil ap Ua dlkwith applea prevleualy cooked. Tinvor with a grated rind of obo teaun,tddlag a lltt'x butler aad sugar to

10. Oover Um whole with thinbread aad hotter atop id Ib milk aadprtakle wltk broad cruatb Rake'II ateaty browned to a atorlarata

A Ohaftag Blah for those whoHave rhnffng dlsha ohrchM a laVewberg will he ajsavaotated.'be yolka of four hard-boile- d

brcugh a aalva. Mia them wtth oaw- -

'ourth cup of cream. Put obo tablepooaful of butter and two of lour

1 a cbalog dlsb Whm mattedtd the egg and threo-fcurth- a of a

of cream Wbea aaooth Mdhick add oa plat of cold boiledhlchen. a grating of netaaeg. oa MHoBapooBful of salt aad oao-toart- h oflaptika. Whao ready to aerve addfour tableapootiftsii of ahorry..

RahMt I Very H4 47jttot youag rabbit la halve aad ptooohem la a baking pu, praaalBg tham

wall wltk hotter aad dueXfat withalt aad pepper. Rah m hour la atulck oven. Whoa demo take apoa atot blatter MeaMro tho fat Ib theuta and to two tableapooaful add twou flour Stir uatil tmooth and then

let a cup nf stock or water, leaaoao suit the teate with Mlt aad pep- -

wr. Md ccok mm It boll. Poortrouad tb rabtrlt aad aerve With curTtnt jelly on the side.

Cream Tapleaa PuaeHrtg Scab halfcupful of Ufloca for thrao boon

Pour off most of the water Md comhe tapioca In one quart of milk tea

minutes. Real the yolk of two eggswith a email cupful of coeoMut orhopped aimaada Md boll two Mia- -

He longer. Whm egga aro ptoatMultour or ire may ho aad tor thla padHag. bat Just now whan searee twowill BMwer, aad a half cup of crack orerumbe may ba uuod to gtva gratao the pauMlaa; Pour late pudding dlah

Md oover with marlague made ofwhites of two ogga and two tebtoiwoaaful of aagar. Purer wtth a tow

drop of almond and sllrjbtly brown

Carpet Saving A good carpet I Mojrpeaaive arUele aad ahould ba oaredfor properly If the taoet wear poaerbleI gotten out of It. Do not bay a halfcotton Ingrain eecauee m all woolcarpet will oot a HtU more. Thedifferenoe In the wear of the twiPMcas will mora than make up for thadifference In price, and tko alt woolcarpet will not fade white the otherloeea Its beauty In a abort lime. Wehava never found Mythlng tbat wouldstead more hard wear tkan a goodguarlty of UruMel and tka oaly objection that cm bo urgod again It Isthat It la htavy to hamMe. Pat plentyof paper or carpet lining natter thacarpet, tnneilally If lha goer Is roughaad It will not wear out so oaaily.WhM buyiac stair carpet always gota little wore than Is Beaded to coverthe


There wm a Jumble of ooafualngaoteaa. Jolly soag nad merry rag-tim- e

iMtcho of humor aad livelywltk iBtormmstoaa of coat

lag al Orcheatrion hall laat night. Itwm the aral full oMt rehearsal uf"Naughty Mtaa Chryaaaihomam," MrsRom Barry's uw opera, which willbo put oa at Bike' theatre March IInatter tho aueptcea of tha local Mrloof Ragle, aad frotr a point of viewof aasateur taeetrtcalt, wm lha proaalmag begtealag of a toltarlag endlag. Mm. Rerry, who la atao steal ngMm play, said altar the reaaareal teataight tbat she wm vary wall pteaaodwith Ui Aral full caat ruheareal anaU eoaSdeat that by tha data of givlagIt to the public, Um whole vaat willbe la perfect tralaiag.

m Um play, "NaughtyMia OhryaanUMMum." ia new te theuwatrteal world aad te the yoapi. itwill be well to any a word In It lairoa notion, it is a comic opera,

with catchy aoag. spicydancing and humorous te tha extentof farce comedy. It wm composed byMr. Rum Barry aad shows much

lu Ita maay pretty dlvlatlocfrom tbo diag-4o- g rtyle of Ut oldechool oompMora. Naughty Mlaa

hi bouad to meet withmaay suooMweu. The oast Includemore Uuva a huadred people.

The following is too oaot, tb soniaad iMclalkUes Md a complete synop-a- l

of the play;Ooo Bhla, aa Amartoaalaad Jaaaaaae

mjr J. W. BarnesOat. Oreebr, U S. ItegaUr

KeMOth iMBtucOhoag Laa, CbryoMthemurn's Path

ar Oh ThellnLieut. W. Summer A. L. MitehellCol Nell H R Dlion

U. feV ftoW eW. rw.i, 0. Raaerta, 0. Rkhtrt, T.H. Lever, J. Mngor, J. Hreenaa.

Ooa Oaa, Ooo Shla'a atlvworoaMistAi' Tt fatwf'vfv nvvi v

Mam M. aw red, aa Inaceaat youngaMll Hlllaf &QfT

Mhw MTMred Neil Aitea Lammmane Mag Mm Mrs. U J hawoaOar Raa. Ohircaalhomaw 's doaroot

fl"a40Bst MtoJI MWttMt tjtfOeM

U la rtea IrloaTao Boo Kitty OoreoraaMalm aht (Itonato WltoMLe Oesg Rtrwfe MMbow

flaBBuhhjraBBBUBW gnsuMaBHBal fdP&aBMaaeLatJWmwumUW1 eraxajgaaaamj gcTtnTOarfmajl

Mhw Ohryaaathamuaa . .

IaOsmflllgti, FpVWuV CHftrn

eta.lao-T4- ito.

Time -- ahatore haa RbmIm Jap 1111wm.

Aot to'a Mm gardaai u1Act t-.- Bna

assaasiHasa- -Ptowor daaoe. aot 1, Klaa Nbrlnc

wttaar. Mtaa Clara Wttooa, Mtao burntrfce btaaaay. Miaa Porn Cramer MdMia Maaele

JapMcee too daaoe, art 1, MlLola Maker. Mica Bdltb kida worthMlaa Hearten a Loeb, Mr. Henry Loob.HbM Uortrad Wrtrat, Mr. T. OoreorMtad Mr. W. ItortMaa.

The eoauotte awaco, act. I, MiaR. Mcawavas, bMaa R. Lcmba, Mtoi 0.Sddombrldga, Mtoa U awldombridgv,Mlaa Re Price, Mtoa Violet Seldom- -

brMgoTke Umbrella Danoa Mtoa Laaal

Ktetb. Mlaa M. OareerMt. Mtoa MaaalOohrlag. Mlaa Alvarte atatcw. MtoaMottle r.ooec. Mtoa Hortataao arwttaet'Klaa NorlM aVwHavr. Mtoa aMNh Cre--

ater, Mtoa Whlrma Kllen worth.tajartlsh Daace Ml Violet a

rlom bridge, oaalated by the dancingglri.

Mtaa Lola Naher will whist le a ante,IPatdruVCtcsNl .

Aot I.Opaatog RiiiimbU Ry Oorapany"Happy WW Be

Day" tt. ThollB"Hero omawo Um Prtooe .

"I Am the Prtace Mtoa L. Johaaon"Swa the Duet"

Qua Thalia"Ltetca 111 Tatl Tou"

Mr. W. Barnn."To TMah t Awohe'' Mr. W. BareN

aaad Ckam

"I Am Only a OMH . . . . .Roan darrv"Praama" . Raaai RdVry

" Under tha Runay Rtue of Ja- -

PM" . . . CoatpaayThe nVnagtlful Ortoat". A lie Itmrsv"The Roya tor Ubc Sot

R. Lacsme'tnldler Boy . Company"Mia OhrysMUiemum

K. Lamm aad Roaa Berry"A Little MaMM" H. Dteon I

"Noble Prteaw Bias tee" . . . Oampaav"Rata ia tbo atomr Billy hwrryCteaiaa; okora company

Aot .Opeoiag ehoras Compaay"Thla Bad aatperteat". . . . W. Raraaa"Only Har ' K

Doll"mt Itoar Ltttta Ladtea

"Think of Oar Patera--K. Laauae aad Koaa Rorry

"Love Lo, 0. 0."Roan sterry. K. Laming aad Obortit

"A Poor OM MaM"BUly Barry. W. Raraaa, Bpot

Moor ami Oompaay."Mawata Wtll Mag Iter Raby fHrt

to Htoefi" Altoa Imme"Mllly Dear"

. . . .Artec La mm aad , L. MlteheU"The AinaH'wa Japaacia" .OampMy"Oo Way Prom Ua" Oompany"Oloaiag OhorHa1 Cempaay

Synaptlt.The paMMta are aathared at Ohong

Lu' Imm. ratebraUne the event ofObrytMathuMamri Mgagamawt, to awealthy prince. Their merry-makin-

la laterruptad by tha ea trance of OooBhla, a bewtptr, who raoogalaaa ChoagLu, Chryeaathemum' father, m hitpal In crime Chang Lu brfbeo Ooothin to beep quiet. Chrysanthemum'chuma come m Ohong Im' manatoateuhlng for Chryaaathacnuie Thay

h. 1.AmWcUranTM shT .7lag with an Amerteaa ofltoer While

to telllag Ute gtrta tho atory of bareeoapad tho AMOiiean appear oa Ut

auMe. Oantala Oroaby fall la rovewith Cbryaanthenvan oa grot sightaad Mka her to marry Mm. Bba

telling him she la engaged tothe prince. While OkryMatbamam I

(peaking to the Amarloaat. PrinceMag See aater aad torbMa OhryMBthamutn to ooavorM with tho Acnart-caa-

She tells him tbat aba doesn'tlove him aad will not marry Mm. A

mom take plac botwaoa tether Mdttoughler Md the final a ot tho SntMt Imvm tham quarreling. Tha aac-Md act Sada Coo Bhlag with a badheadache, the result of yesterday'sproceed! ag. Lteut. laminora anilOapt Oroaby are Mgagod to a heatedilktcuealoa over OhrysMthamum aadtoil te M Ooo Shin. LtouL Summertttea to disgust Oapt Oroaby withOhryMntkemuM, but Oapt. Oroabyaye he cannot picture her m a Jagg- -

aasa. wm aaia laagw bm taey nu i

dtewer they have been overheardOoo Shin leihi the captain ha haa baoa ,

drowning his sorrows aad Iceta bin.Ihiba ir hh laseThn MM fafM 111 KaVIl PJ II '

about OhryaMtbemum'a true hltoryThe Mptaia glvM him the money andOoo Skin) rave hi OkryaMtkomam'aIran nnme aad prove aha la aa Am-

erican. Mverythlng la aot MightCbottg Lu 1 proven a vlllaJa, Oapt- -

tgvne Imm ALL TW.

NREDBKtpsrleaoe baa establlebed U an bui. Bold by all aeslers, Tea BBtow lb. r tfuw. M BBI pRssuU.

10 H


LhTTTfeR LISTo--a4pe4eecaRomalnmg la lha peat etne at Al

buguerque, N. U.. March I, 1WI:Pocmm calllag tar or BMdlag r

these tetter pteMa state where thayaad bona reeclvlag mall, eWo mcatloalata of Mreritotog.

Pre deHrary af tettert. at the realaaaoa of ddraia may ba accttrad byabaarvlag the following rate:

fwreat letters ptalaly te sirect nam.bor.

Olve writer name, and rogueat aaawor to be tHroctod acoordlaptr

Advert laed matter I previously heldaaa weak awattlag deliver

Advsrtleod matter la bald two weehdhefore It go te Uia dead letter officatt WashisiuMB D. C.

Ladtea t ltArmljo, Mtoa L M Ieahy, Mr Mteh- -

htoejtova. Mrs RU- -

Rrawa, Maffgds baCtsawea, Maraarlta Mckeiey, Mr W j

TrmJIIlo y Naylor, Mrs UmiCllftea, Mhw Hit MObaatptoa, Mr Mr PraaR

sh A Pino, Dona bmvo- -Rarp. Nollo hurtlcaOoeaates.Mr Maa-Philli- Mabte

May, Mrs UaateMaria Bwnrthout. Mr Al

bertOurate, Meatrte Rhafer, Mrs AaaieMail. MM Mary M Smith, Mrs W I.klMffOr, Whm- - Wilcox Mrs Carrie

Ra Wen'ionrie, MiMrs Ola- - Milli

Men' Llat.Adauo, Oharll Lobatn, Meaoei

A MoaUiys, JuaaAalM. ttaalaetdo Moatoyn. JeaArobateta, TorlMo RtaaisladoArcher, W H Mereadel. JuaaAatlll, Carl Maerer, I. wArmljo, Aatelto Moatano Naltbi

oeimo dadgj M Mares, PrudaaraoWouterlo Meoamer, Arnold J

Mtoa, OoraM Mor-- Martlaes, Baalllo S

tea Martlaes, JuliasMaawalaao McCartney, A It

Pedro Pals McKay, Herty MoCoaaell. Willie

Rftraay, T A Olmatrad. ttecriRarrcu, awaphaa R RRttaamrtl, Dr T L Pratt. t'haOOlamaa. John 0 Proctor. Ndw&rdOhavlra, Juan Padla, PrnnclacnOhavaa. Matello Itoden. WmCbavM, Tria'da Iteyaulds. MasterOoatrerM, Ambro-- Rimer

ato Romero, MplfaaloCarvMtoa. David Nuiaell, J OOharua, ISarwiues Rael, Maauel 1

Cornea. RatoVM Ho, Mr Md MrsV. y Rarnaay. W M

r4atoaa, Pell Relaa, C T 4

Cohen, Q Bataora, Perfectsolarh. Harry BMches. Luisitewhwarth. A S Bchulti, Hertpotagu, A atea-Sheldo- Arthur u

to Bchalta, AntMyIMwatM, Praak Bteatea. P HDewey, Dr J H Btoae, hwwardDanta, Nepnmwe Schuster, Jr. Jo

aa Balva, JDavte, Wm Stoae, JulteaDarlitoa. Dr aVdtoabeck, LloydjwBwctai slaw H VL

Bra eat. N O BalgMta. TrlaldJ

ftooaaoh. Pntak H Scaaloa, W JOarvla, Mlal Btaatey, Wm M

OtUaaai. N Htahk. J 0Oauhl, RalMa Smith, J MGarcia, Itudalfo Tucker, J DOablo, Tbas II Truda, LcwtaOurule, HlsMte Towaley, Le Ka$OeodwlR. Dr II M Terra, I'erflltelteuk. II L Tattea, IUhHardin. H 0 Velton, PrcdJamercea, H W Vetter, WillieJuhMteB, H Wagner, MtuttJohMes, J J Ward. MrJe, J V Weoaa, O VlePfMa 84"bM4 Whobroy, 0 0Luooro, PraaateM Wood. J AiAteara, reileteM White, J ALeeaa, llttarto Yard. W I.

is A'. HOPKINM.iotmater


INOWhan you take Orv" TntUl OMflTenia because tba formula Is plahthj;prlated oa very bottle, thowing thaiIt la simply Iron Md quinine a 4tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Me,

cBetween Parker aad He rat.

Albaay. N. T., March 7 -- Pursuantto the call lasued teat WMk by Chairmau CMtnaall. tba member e( Sacdomocratlo atata committee af NiTurk met at tue sta a headqaarterghere at aooa Uway tu dlat uaa Ik- - mat-ter or time Md plaee for holding tedslate OMVeattoa. Prom all ladlelions It appears probable that tba aoventloa will ba bold In New York OttgImmediately following toe aajountmeat ot tho legislature rrom atetameats made by member of the cawmlttM aad by other leading deaMMratgwho are her tor the meet lag, it

to b tho general piate:jtntoar them that the eoatet tor IhidemocraUc aomiMllon for KeeiaMfa narrowlag down 10 Judge Park

aBU wulUm HmuwtTb uadarataadlBg la tbat term

aaaator David B. Jllil, Mayor UeOfetlaa of Mow York, Senator MeOarraxof Mrooklya, aad either hWward Uarphy. Jr.. of Troy, or some weatarxNew York democrat, will comprtefthe Big Pour" that New York vriljaoad to tho St. Louis convaattott.

TamatMy loadar Murphy, It Ifaid, could bo mo of tha dctcswtag

at tertpa ehould ho care tor the hoaor.It ir believed, however, that Mr May.phy prefer to go to Ute MltoasJ easventloa m a atetrlot dategat. wKdrHourke Cockraaa. Oaarlaa A. lawa.

m n . 1 . . ... . .s u. vwriiete mu otaer wai naawademocrat of Mow York City.

R. P. Hall, of tba AMtuqaarMgFoundry k Macbtea work, will enjoya few week wtth kla family at Holly.

OaJ. Ha wm a weetbouadSunday night

Sad her. She explaiM to hr cbama '

mrriee Chrysanthemumv. iu,4.j mtmtam







Pyuoi UmM U Wsmtt, eestotoat eeehlr of

Mm Doming Hadoaal toe, Ml tortea dare at Oovtagtoa, Tom.

too Batop li now Urn BUber of igirt weight 7H poaBda. Tale In whatgeuee that oxtra tore aria oa hietea tkiw daya.

Uttle Joa TV lor, who bee baavery III at the home at Mm. J. B. Mod- -

agoa for eeverel daya pee, la aMa toha out riding.

Han. Btor Btuwtaoa of Ofattec,Aria . la In town. Mr. Iwaaaon waa at(iaa Um a wbeemorae la taw iaaio-rratl- e

raaka of Oraat oauagjr. Mr.famaaon waa couaty commie km or

M sheriff of Omat and a moat Me-ie-

official ha waa too.The Dark Ugeer eeajeaay haa bow

peeeed Into tho head of Lou Yoeag-M- r

Young bought toe piece of Willmm Iprague, laat Wedaaaday. and U

new havlag tha place thoroughly overhauled and remodeled aad whea agatitla akep for bnslaeaa thla will ba onaof lb nooleet and boat raaorta In th- -

Tha editor of iba Headlight vlellcdatlver ORy laat Inter oag fouedbat lowa to ha la a aourtehlag aad

praanormia rond'ttoa. ahhoagh thaMonday law la awettag wtth awash r

among tha eltlaaaa. Daw lag banoa rai udvuatage ever that townm that Silver CRy haa no club roomwhere the cltleeaa caa go to opeed af.'W hoara. oeekiag raat aad pteaaere.

Tha BJeworth League aortal a) rani the home of Dr. W. a Bpeace and

W Jar waa attended by a goo.!raw it and everybody la attendaaenjoyed tbetaeeivee. Tha evening waw

aat in pUylac paaa aad olbramuaiMunu. HafraabMMRta wara aar4 and at a lata hoar tha gaaU

for tbalr heana, aaek axaraaa-- i

as thamaalroi aa hartaK baaa royallynlertalnad.

A lama forra of ntrn wara pal loork laylnK tha atoaa fowdatlow for

the naw oaara honaa wktok la ta ba:rrrtad by the aatararialag ana of

cMark ft Co. A good oaara bonaa haauns been a areat aaad for th eltrf IVmlnn. and whoa It waa aaaoaac-f-i- l

that Clark A Co., wara lo araettafth a btilldlni, oar eltlaaaa ksaw thatiha project waa not mara talk, aa tha-- Implo aaauaaoaNMmt waaat thatiWMnln waa to hava a flrat-ola- play.hoan. aa thla Rrm narar doa thlaga

r halvoa.

Oe Yeu Want gtrenath .

If you waat to taereaae yaurtreagth you moot uv. to aad net tyi

feew the phytcl. in other werda,the food that you eat muK be digeat-d- .

aoatmllatad and rrpropria ed by

tht aerveo, blood and Uaeoee, befarartng espetied from the lutaatlneo.

Kedet iyopepla Uure adua to thei ayeieal. It gtvea atreagth to up atreagth In the humaatow it ta pleaeeat to the taate aadnalataate. aad the out eoaoMaatiaa..f dtgeataato that will digest Ua food

ad eaaMe the eyetem to pprapriateil of its heatlh pad treagth giving

.iaoittteo Mold by all drufgwteo


Krom the Optic.Rkbard Dunn haa returned to Roc-a4-

He baa aalte raooftrad fromb egeeta of hla recent lllnaaa.

A intlMderakM aoeiotr le mrculaUngiteeiala by the emtlaaa ebata ayatomm make wp a gigantic peUtion to havelawa paeaed outVcteat to atop tha oale

f rigarottea to minora. Ionia of tkeaeardo have come to La Vaauw. Thend ta vlw la not a now one, and the

method employed of reaching the endwill, If all roepund. make a giganticlHltlott feat enough.

At a special maatar'a oale concluded

at the door of the court houee W. Biioriner oold to the Ft rot Natkmalimnh au egilty In the property re- -

eutly owned by M. M. Mcgfchooler.urner Twelfth and Lincoln. The price

waa I!, II00. The property eonslat ofthree reetdencp, bare, stable, cor-

ral and tb rcetdue of the traaoferanineoe A conolderable aum on

mortgage U aaaumed by the hank.T J. Kaggo of Wl Pnao, Taaaa. wa

m the city Thursday aad Friday oaprivate buoloeo. Mr. Mutgga ha beauprentdeat of the Texas Indaatrlal Im-

migration aaaoclatloa tha paat Ireyeara and giro a rood report of

condltlono In that state. Theeatlemaii lo an old newspaper man

and experienced town builder aad Ita hla opinio tint Laa Vagaa will al-

ways rank among tha leading cltiee ofhis territory. A great deal depends

be aayo, upon the oo-o- a station of ourpeople. A well patroaleaC board oftrade or buctaeae man's loupe ta al-

ways aa evidence of a wide-awak- e

modem town, aad your advantageaa a heaRk reeort ara a fortune witale tuemeelvee K yon count traaa-pka- t

your "Oraad Onnyon." your hotearlnge and your Hue, pure water toPJ Pnao, you might name your priceaad come back wKk a ialefnotory

m of oaehaaga oa the neat train

Rest Remedy far OeaeticsUea.The aaeet remedy for eooiUpatma

t over need ia Ohanabarisin's awtwnod Urer Taadcta" oys Mr. Mllev, of Prnakvilte. N. r. "Thay aatgcauy aad without aay uapmonHPML aad leave the bowls Mawfeetfar aataral coaattioa." amid hy aU



Pram the Beetmy Re ash, who rereally married

Maaa Hellle Bruylee. laIN at hia home dowa at Laa Oraeaa.

B P IrgalU, of laa Dteo, Oalleft fr hla borne attar a tea days'vblt to dlgereat point la New Mesea While hero h pnrchaaed t.KtO

hei wan.nta and two year oldt

Tha average priee PM wm fctto Lm Angsiuit.

TIM bd iMffl AN 10 COadBCt tilSt. Patrick daare. It la the duty of Forthe pablw to Mtead a liberal Pfttrow-- 1


TU ilawoaratlc primartat through-oa- t

Um aoaaty ara to ha haM oaXarch It, aad tha con raat Ion of thatparty at loeorro oh April t. laf

flaorga aad Marry Aadaraoa anpar thtlataadad tha dMnag and ahlpptag oftwo oara of rattla to Mt Albaa.aorwaabatakar. U. W. Brown waa alao

la tha ahlpauat.Nrv. Mat. Modgaoa, praaMInc aldar,

li to coaawet aartarly noafaraaoobora oa March 17. aad oa that ra- - '

tZfT&MJSr ,h"

Iba kKebaa aad bathroom addl- -

Hon to tha realdeaM of Mr. aad Mr.W n. Howard la near lac completion, rrThie greatly Improvea tha aocomea

faaiareo of aa alraaay aMraa-Uv-a

raaldaaca. aad whan tha latarlorof tha anttra bonaa rati acta tha oklllof the aalatar aad deoaraior row atwork. tMe home will ba ona of thamoat rbarm lac m tha elty.

Mr. aad Mr. J. I. McMurray ar-

rived from Mewtoa. Kaaaaa Mr. McMurray tarried but a abort time, athla datlea aa traveling engineer de-manded hit atteat loo Mra. M Murraybetmaie tha welrojie gneet of her ckmefriend. Mra. J. H Neaeon. bat her anmerotta other frienda have not been ;

neglected In the meairttma. Thla ,

worthy couple have many frteeyeao many thai the fact reealla teott't i

claaalc: "There la porange ao Uaeat which we are dlapoaed to think ao I

Manly of a frieejd. aa when we Bu.l

him oteadlag higher than we aect,1In t;ir enteom of other "

Saved from Terrible Death. i

The family of Mra. M. 1. Bobhtttof gergorton. Tea a., oaw her dyingaad ware powerleaa to aava her. The

killed phyalclau aad eraryfailed, while eoneump

inn waa alowly but auroly taking herUfa. In thla terrible hour Dr. Klag'oNew Diacovery for OoHaumptloa turn-e-d

deapMlr Into Joy. The drat bottlebrought Immediate relief and Ita con-tlaua- d

na completely cured bar. It's'

the moot certain euro ta the world foroil throat and lung trauMa. (luaran-eo- '

bottlea 60c and H.0 Trial net-

tle fre at alt drwggtew.


Prom tlx' (.efuta.rMfbereoa. son of Mr. ami Mra.

Naea of Aibwguarnua, Is visit-la- g

at the home of hia graadeanthur,Mra. Jaa P. Harry, on Naaaa avaane.

Oh at. Matthews haa tha new an-

tral telephone station oa the secondfloor of the poeiomca block in excel-

lent condltloa. Rverytkiag la aeat aadorderly aad worka Ilka a charm,

Borne people are coavtaced that thewater from the apriae; at the foot ofSoeorro mouataln la warmer thmt Itwaa before tha recent earthquakeshook the touadatioaa of tha earth lathis locality

Mra. Lena I. Uaooln of loeton,Maaa.. mother of Proa. P. a aadPbaa. T. Uaooln of Um leaaol afMinea la la laa city and will remainabout a mouth aa a guest in she homeof her aaaa.

The attention of the city authorUlotIs respectfully called to the that thatthe roaUatd between the elty anithe Mhool of Mlaea Is baing made adumpiag tread for dead horaea. Inmot the custom of dranging dead ani-

mals out there and waring the un-

sightly and unsavory oarcaeeee nearthe road haa prevailed a long time.This Is hardly fair to tho away peoplewho travel the road from two to fourtimet a day.

Joa. M. Imlth baa beea a very alckfor the laat tea dam. Ho Hrst

attack of piearnr. Thisdeveloped lato pi Othereomplleatloaa have aow developedand It Is auweediagty doubtful whatthe outaome will be The services ofMlaa Helea Hendricksoa of PltUmarg,Pa., a trained nurse of rare experienceand ability, have been secured la Mr.Smith's behalf Dr. Iwlaher has calledboth Doctor "micas bank of Baa Mar-- ,

rial aad Doctor Bacon of laa AatoaloIn coaptation. If medical .kill aad ,

..r.m. ' WW,rocover.

The Nams WHeri ri acei.The nam Witch Maaal is muoh

abused, a O. DeWtU A On., Uaaga,ara the lavaatora of tha original aadoaly geaalae Wlteh liaaai Satre. Aeartala oara lor Uuta, Baraa, Brattat,Brasma. Tetter, Itlea, eta. Thereara away aoaaterfatta at tala patvt,soma of watoh are deagawaua, whitethey are all wartalass. Ia huytagWlteh Haaaj Baire aae that the aamea 0. DeWitt tt Oo Okie re, is aa thebox aad a ear la certain. Held by aHdruggtets.



Prom the Haw Maxioaa.Aaissser X. A. CBcts la rapartad aa

seriously ill at St. Vtaoaat's hgaahal.A Ruawar of ssritawllats ia Uot eRy

holding aplritnallatto oeaaaaa.Benito Alarid, wao uuaarweat aa oa

eratloa of treahiaamg feaa akuH, haafully recovered aad la able ta ha

Word waa received la the eRy thatthe children of Territorial Oaase Pag B. Otero, who ara III wtthdiphtheria at Los Angeles, are oa theread to recovery.

Mataiaa Nagel aad Miaa Mamie Wal-

ker ware married oa Thursday at theCathedral by Vicar Oeaeral Pou- -

M. J. Nagl tatber of theaad Mlaa Walker, lter of tho

arid, were witnessesN. B. Stevens, gntnd maatar of the

Now Mx grand Idge. I O. O. P., whowa la the city ha tehee ug the ohar-le- t'

aad property of Mytrle Lodge No.I. Daughters of Rebekah, the lodgehavlag beea suapeaded.

Hlnter PunaUnce and Ukwr u( d ihe Blstvrs of Charity, arrivedtmm Hie mother t0'ic at Clnclnna'

lsiclltf8iicm CaUStlCatarrh of tl

Stomach.many yem It h Imn oupoosil met

Oaitttk of the Stemaeh mum mdipsOeadrooiprl. bat th truth ti eiaotty mo

mnIH, indtfcMlan mum cUrB. ru- -

pealed attach tt Indigestion tnflemee lei mtfnbriiYM iininj in aiomaca

umm th mmt r ih 9tomch . ihun Ma'ta slandt la Mcrata mucin Inatitd (

HrloM o Mtuml ditMMan. TMa I

atllad Catarrh o( tha Stonrukoh.

Kodol Dyspepsia Gunrav. all lnflmmatloa of thamambriaM lining th4 tiomach. prataUt laaacrm. aad oara bad traaih. mut rWaaa, amm at fwllnaat tftr attlnf, Indfatiaa,iiiiwili and all atomaea treiblaa.

KcMl4 DiXt What Yoti EattM Stamaah Sweet.

MMdr. Kaaar m 1 00. Maw m ttottPm trM Mm. wkMt Nbt fw M MM.

at k. o. awrrr a. oo wmi, m.

rtii ay it H. Brlna Oo. aad S.Vaan Ion.

Ohio, aad will be tha gneeta at thaaaaltarlam tor a week. They araoa aa laapecfon tewr af the aatabtlibmenta of the gmtoto of Charity inthla art of Um oeawwT.

It haa haw decided by tha govern-ment to araet baJtdlnga for weatherbnreaaa In all cltiea of leea than M,-oo-

lahabltaau. goaiething like000 wilt be appropriated for a bnlld- -

log at Baata Fe. Rwwarer, thla !

not detalte yet, nor the tbae whentha balldlag will ba erected aa It I.the plan to roaetract only gve oretx bulMiaga a year,

The democratic county central oomtnlttee met at the ooa of Judge M

R lughlla for the purpoee of gulagfhc time of hoMteg tha prtmarlaa forthe county eonveuttoa teat will ealertthe delegatea from thla county to theterritorial convention at Hlver 01von April l. Arthur BeHgmaa la chairman aad Juan Delgado aacretary ofthe committee.

Mr. Oliver H. Perry cf GerrtliosRoad, had the mlafsrtuaa a few daysagl of havlag aavaral of her rib fractured la a ruaaway. Ike waa tarewafrom tha buggy 'i which she waa ridlag aad was struck by one of thewhela. Owing to her advanced age.the tnlurr is unite serious, but the at- -

'ending phyalcian, Dr. W. M. Poople- -

well, expecta recovery.United Itatea Deputy Surveyor .1

Tartar ha returned from Mambe lata northern part of thla county wherehe haa been with United Kate exam- -

leer of surreys, W. J. Llgbtfoot. Mr.Ughtfcxrt found that the surveys ofthe bundariea of the Nam be PueblsreaarvnMon have been made la aoaordaaea with Ibstructona and regulaMonaof the Interior department

seeped an Awful Pale.Mr. M. Hagglaa of Memourae, m..

wrltd. "My doalor told me 1 had tasumption aad nothing coeld be dncfor me. I waa given up to die. Theocer of a free trial bo..le af Dr. KIbl'sNew Dtaeovery for OoasumpUon. in-

duced me to try it. Results warestartling. I an nw on tea rott tarecovery and owe all to Dr. King'sNew Dtaeovery. it surely aavsd myUfa." Thla great eure la guaraateedfor ail throat aad laag dloeeae by alldruggietf. Pries (c aad l.M. Trialbattles free.


Articles ef IneerperaUeM.The foUowlag articles of Incorpora

Uon have bean Had In the oMoa ofthe territorial aaeretan-- : The laaJlMn Mi Developmont com.paay. Tha Incorporators are Jay Tar--ley., Santa Pe; Joseph C. Thunaaa,Robert M. Johaaon, Duraago, Colordo; L. Bradford Prince, Baata Pe, aadJuan H Jagaa of Blanco. The compaay Is Incorporated for Mty yearafor tha purpose of ooaatraotlag aadmaintaining reeervoire, canals aadditches The capital stock of Umoomaaay la ll.Oao.aae divided into 41,000 aharee of tha par valae of USeaeb. The principal alaea of hualaasala Blanco. Ian Juaa oouaty. The Bratboard of director eoaaleta nf theIncorporators.

The Hachlta Mercantile companyThe Incorporator! are Johepk A

Leahy, Oarl P. Duaaegan aad WilliamB. Walton all of Oraa! couaty. Thacompany Is Incorporated for It yearafor the purpose of carrying on a gee

, mwx.bandlse baalaaaa. The capitalgtnck of ,n compel- - , U,000 glVlded lato i0 share of the par value of$100 par share. The principal plaee ofbaalaaaa Is Haeatta. Oraat aoaatyThe Bret board of direr or coneletenf tho incorporatora

Be Bweet ana in Taate.Mra. C. tetreoa, ese lm Hreet,

Toaoka, Kaa., apeaklag oi BallardHorehound Syraa. saga: "it asnever failed to give enure saUefae--tiou, aad of ail cough remedies itray favorite, and 1 must ooafses ta mymaay friends that tt will do. aad baadoae, what is claimed for itto saeedlly eure a ough or cold; aad It is sosweet aad to pwaetag la tarte," Me,(Oa aad f I II a botUe at J. M. O HHHty


Llneeln Oeunty Oeurt.The regular term af dietrict court

convened at Uacota Meaday. Itthe court rand haa to Ita

14.100 saougk farterm of court but It 1 ram--

orad that Judge Pope wilt bold eourtla Roaacvatt couaty, baaJaamg thethird Moaday ia thla moak,shoald this prove to ba correct, a Ht

tie lee than two weeks will be ailthat caa be devoted to Uaeala county

waiter a Hertsmaa'a Trtamad oreheatra will raralah the masse for theBrotherhood of Locomotive PfremeaSt Patrick hall at Raton, aad this fata aaSMleat gaaraatee that the oeeaalea will be a moot eajoyebte oneas wei' as oee of the blggeet events' the kjaeon



HiUHArtw OtAYintftii Mi a!

Um if InriHIIi,i



The conventioa wag aailed to orderby Hon a A. MkMA, HMtRber of theterritorial lopahMgan guttral eomrnhV

tee for gaadoval aaapety, who read theofficial roil aaU aM aKMMnrl the mJect of the ninvimlhin

Mr Mlera than aunauaaad that now-- ,

inatmaa were la erwar for a temporary t

chairman and aoereiary. I

Upon motion duly aaoaaged and ear--

rtea Hoa. Marroa C ao mica wao an i

aalpjoualy aeleeted aa temporarrchairman. A eoaualtue of two waaappointed to earort tha chairman lathe otaad Mr. Aac In a aeat and


abort apeeeh achnowledgad hU tbaabeto the couveuUon lor m nominationaad for the aonor of bttag the Prathalrmaa to preetae at a rcnabilcan

eoBveatlon for the new county of Hait- -

doval.I'poa motion Mr. Al m. Herea waa

elected aa oecretary.A committee af one tommber from

very precinct waa onflataiea to acton the committee on eragaatlala. At-u-r

belag out for a half hour the committee on oredeutlaU returned aadaubmltted a Hat of uetegntee from thedlRorent prerincta aa regularly entlU-e-d

to oeata la the coavagtlon.Upoa motion a eomnUttee on per

manent orgaalaaUon waa appelated hythe chair to report at i p. m.. untilwhich hour the convrntlM took a re--

Promptl) at t o clock the rhalrmaaailed the coaveattoa to ardarThr committee oa aaraataeat orgaa.

sation mad the fellow tag report.Par permaaeat chatraaas, A A.

Mlera; tor vice prestdeata, JuaaPraaemoo 0. aa Baca, Cakeo

Sandoval, Joee Rafael Mora aad Paa-teleo- a

Mora; for aerratarr Abel M.

Peraa; for aoslstaat ssorstsry. O. P.Movey. .

A committee waa agogdated, upoamotion, to eaaort the chairmen to thesued. Mr. Mlera uaaa agaumlag thechair taaahea the eaaroatioa lor thehonor conferred aad boh da a very awesneerk upon tke aaaaraa suceass ofhe republican party this year, nation- -

ally, territorially aad locally, com-mending upon the haraoaaj' that sxlat--

ed In the ranks of taa Many la Ban- -

oval couaty a shown at Ike oouvea-lo- a

ty the tall representation fromevery precinct, there being only twopraxle.

The vice preeideaU thanked theconventioa for the honor oa assuaslag

elr seats.Upoa motion a committee on raeolu.

tloaa waa selected aa follow: JoseMaauel Moatoya, chairman; aad oneraemoer from every praclnct rire- -

nted. The committee attar being out'or one hour pressatea to the eoavaa- -

tloa the following reeetution waiehwere uaaatoaoaaly anopted -

Reeelutlene.The republicaas of beadoval couaty

in eoavealkm aeeemoied. do herebyreiterate our adherence and feaRy totee old time-honore- d prlaeipies aadpollelea of the republican party aaenunciated at the last nauoaal republican convention held In the city ofPhiladelphia. In the y ar 1W0

We eadoree aad are la full accordwith the national repuei.aaB admlaUtration at the need of whlok ataaitaforeaonet In true Aatencaatem aad farthe heat Interests of our eouatry, Theo-dore RooaavaR, our prtcelooat, who weexpect shall load the national repubtlcaa party to victory next tali.

Wa deplore alacereiy Um death afthat emlaeat atataamaa aad pbiiaa- -

throat st. oae of the natural bora lead'era of onr nauoa, Hon. Marcua A.Ilaarm.

We endorse aad uphold Um administ ration, headed by (ioreraor at. A.Otero, which haa helped the mater 4aad eduoatloaai tatereata, ataaaiagaad good aaate of oar territory

we commead our juatotary aa aaable, ooaorable aad Impartialtlag a credit to the reaojblloaa ad--

mlaistratloa aad to the people of theterritory of New Mexico

W declare ouraeittM la favor ofotatehood for the territory of NewMexico, coavtaced that wa ara aa titledto admission oa our owa merits aadresource aad aa guaraateed ta as aador the treaty of Ouadalaae Hidalgo

W deetere oaraetvea la favor ofthe couaty oeat of Sandoval

county permanenti at the town ofBeraaliiio. aald town oelag more eek-trall- y

aad conveniently oltuated to alloect.oaa of the couaty ami lo that aadwe shall direct our egorta at tke aeatoaealoa of the territorial lagtelatare,aad ur all honorable mesas la oarpower to attaia this end.

We commend the services i Moa.Praak A. Hubball to Um republmaaparty aa chairman c. tho territorial


We moat emphatically deaouaoePraak w. Claacy, preeoat dlatrtet at- -

torney of t. dlatrtet, fcor aateg hiaoSiro for political ofsome of the leading aad highly re

peeled ciiixena ud oSSetabi ot oldnernollllo count) of wblek we worea ao i his maaa, uader

aw i Um In iiting aad aoadlagbroadcast scuirlloua private letter clrrularo oMr bis official

howlug u i.rJJdlc4 aoi4 lu- -

hm tkt test 25 Avtrago AiumssI SI!Htte. Does this record of merfi grpoeel to you?

KncrMed vwb every bortk k a Tea Ocni, pvskege of Oove

cited hy perooaal rnmlty to the parilea

We endoree the eoadnrt of Hon.Imaale A. Mlera, aa uae of Um bsatgof eowaiy commlaetoaer of gandavairoua, for hla manly otaad uaaa be-fo- r

4d board la the iMraaee at thapeapli of the oouaty agaHtat tha arMtmry action of the rka.rmaa, Mawat- -

KeJeT1'lag of aaaraamenu of taxabley, the said rhalrmaa aad igaaew n

aavlag aajaatly raiaod taa laaaa of aambara of oar oitlaaae, aad ataofor maklag aaother aeecaameat ta taaaaaaa year, which le aot warraatad bylaw.

We ompbaUeallv denounce the area--'oaemy o Um lerrHory of Now MearMO,Beaator Bevertdge of .adiaaa, tar Msuncalled for aad aarauHoat attaokaagalaat taa people of Now Mexteo m j

iur mmwnm is aeuiin eomineiua aa astate.

We slacervly aopmve aad eadoreethe admlalet ration of Um foliowtag ,

ogtciam of the county afHaa. Nicolas de la u, ourJudge: Mr. V. S, Mlera, coaatyor. aad O. P Hover, orehatsmt w emphsticany coaaema taa ar-- 1

bHrary acttoaa of taa beard af aoaatyommlaetouers, Bsaulpuuv Baaa aad lg-- 1

nacm C'ltlerras, akm the school sapor-- 1

loteadeat. J. a Arohaota. IV e akm ge-- 'nouare the action af Maaael Baeati rea urer aad collector, farhavlag placed aa oa hlatax Data some of our beat aaa moathonor!! tarpayere, havtag made adoabae asasaameat aot warraatad bylaw, the board ef alreadyhavlag paaaad am sale aeeeeemeats.

We uaaalmoee.y recommead thatthe delogatkm of thla coaaty ha

to met their vote for Mr. W.B. Dame, clerk of the district court ofthe Sacoad judicial aistnct. lurgate to the aatkMMl rcpuhhraaveatloa at Chicago.

Tha following wore selected aa dote.gate to the territorial coeveauoa atl4M yagao: Saauoval, J M.Moatoya, a a. Mlera. Y. at. Mtorn, A.R. Paroa. Joee I Mllmr. k. M Maaoo- -

val aad fJoraello M. laaootaiAfter the election o. dolagatea the

followlag geatiemea address aaaultahte to th nceaaoa aad ot taaopening t.f ih. . ampaiga for thla year:a A Mlera. J. M. Moat 17a. Ubratfo Baca, Peulla Montoyf:

Upon motloa the con veatloa aeV

joarned alae ale.


Whea police courtlag fifteen touaa mettle oetlsaaa itaadthe heaehea. aad taolr daede variedfrom belag drunk aad disorderly aadguilty of begging iMaoatklaff to aat tothe grave aad cold blooded doad oftaklBK from a sick man hia mat coaton tke pretiarv of belrg a practlclagpbyalaiaB.

John Beltey live nt tue boatU rooming kouae on Plrat street. He la a sufferer of consumption aad the dteoaeeha made auea laroada lato hla bodyaad miad that ha la barely able towalk without aeetetaaee aad caa hardly apeak latellleentty

Had It not been re; aw won meaUlcoaaittoa, William Pierce, a big hueety,liquor swollen, baraaole oa humaaMy.would not have Imposed oa him aadatom from him h laat ! oa thastrength of hla smooth talk aad pretense ot belag a doctor aad prom leeof ready

Pierce tried the alck man's pel,looked wiaa aad said taat be knewwhat hla tioaale was aad that hawou. . cure htm. He evea triad thealck man's pocket aeok, took from ItH aad thoa tried to raa away. Thepolice were aotlded aad Piercewaa uader arreut, aad tor tha TO oeataof the If he speat. ke wi.l do nlaotyday ia the coaaty ja:i. The cour waasorry that he coula aot make the sea-teeo- e

a year. It waa a very cowardlyart aad Pteree amy be Indicted forpractlclag medietas without a Urease.

Koar vagrants were nivea a tana oataa chain gaag aad oae droak w

aad IS.Joae Demi agues, wao rake lato

aaaa aad waa uMoraerty,ebjaod to the eowaiy jailoar


rrotalaa of Mra. Mary AaaBooae. whose tragic deathsome time Wedaeaday aigat iaSaaeaes apart meat aouae oaBecoad street, were laid to root atPalrvlew cemetery yoatarday.

It waa the sag eadlag ef aa eeraiylife; aot a slaglo carriage al lowedthe hear to Um cemetery aad oalythe uadcruker aad Lis helper aad Umbroad Mae New Mox loo sky wltaaaaagtke Mack cloth covered aaakot aa itwa lowered lato tha grave.

Waa ouch a leavlag aa befell the oldlady, struck dowa by aa aooaiela aad

' given nolo the earth wrthoul a loafI of a friend, the reward af a slaful Ufa.or la It mora blood oa tho uaboly pereon who took her life.

, Although the aoilee have beea alert.

y They have soma very well deemed clues and they ail aeem to petatIg the same direct loa, bat foiteaiagteam renntree precautious aad aeiiaatework, so that the public aaa aot expectmuch mora regardlag tho case uatilan erroet lo made However, thla a'occur at a very early date, or It maynot occur until court Is In seestoa aadittdiGiiHnte have beea made

Warm weather aad She annual coali ride will ooon be here

over Out ni Hsif Mntoitho Cure, No Pty. 50ctUtii R.oet Liver MR.

raaaalloaa eeatrel coauadMoo, havlag aotalag of Importance eoaoeralag Umthrong hia good management, leader murder of Mrs. Booae haa beea dfeeev-ahi- p

aad eftorta Mtalaad lor Um The cloalag of toe coroaer'spaelleaa party ia tola territory two of Saturday afternoon left the --

its moat brilliaat vlctorloi; aad w gcora of the law aa much la tho darkhave fall eoaSdeace la hla poUUoal aa whea the releeaed the Trejt.M ram- -



part obownhamtfii

olgaatare,that he





Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonicsiooei yert.





When it a ooufh momtluin t cough ?

Whoa it's r gajttrtd cokl.When it hRrrfB on in ipfte ofall you can mo. Cottgji mixtures won't cure it beesusethev are merely for coughand this is gomething more.

Scott's Emulsion cures thecough because it cures theaomethinf more. 1 1 heaitand repairs the inflamedtissues where the coM hastaken root and prevents itscoming back.

SCOTT a POWNB,M) rwmBM.P)rw4h,


By Mra. Baa 'tt ta purple haa of

Wrapped Mi mrotary Umf j1 ' urehadu wing the Ran


S rough eeatartee af alum let j

Ml aaakaagadh VtgaaaVsaBS Mmm aga sugf faaaneaTe lsnwoeBanj T gaaayaawaasi pnrwvnnBaBnji gaa nenjwg g v aa a

uaow thorn lb ha vac they aaea

The mmory aad :

Prom the dim paat Um vimaas com,The paat that 10 aa ia uaamowa;

ihe oaara ta w eovet they aetd,Aad share them wile aat are etna. J

W kaow aot what Brea ofBora deep la tha

We eaaaat haow what of griefKara beat upoa their areata

u. . ,"7 "'l TZLrZZZ' "atsk tower asm hewer eaon year;

,h'!' lt!W'"r I

ut , toaaaa oom aaa

Will 'bey sleep through com laa agoaAa they have slept la agee aaotf

ir, through long, dark belie or mid- -

night.aWa. la deep tones, their trempet

bluet T

Purpto haea le loot la iwillaOt. j

awatv gag I W'JCMrWoVPlI fV8 ApAMlt

rwtMawt wsigoa lata darkaaalAU my gaomtoalag m la rata


Dr. George P. ammaaoa, a promiaoatpkyalclaa of Wlaalaw. Art., Is la thecity today, taltrkag statehood aadtransaottng baalaaaa.

la Cttiaen le tsmebtad to the doe- - ator for the foilowlBR latercetiag pera-araph- a

Oeorge W. MeAdaaw. Um poaularIndian trader, ban left wteaoow forLoa AageMt, to reooter from aa atBsVa5vX OC awJ'JgTvtwJeo

The supervisor of Um board ofbcarta of Navajo eoaatp naya thatcarlet fever aad dlakUtoria, watoh

aaa baaa pro voleat for soma time, leabout stamped out.

Tho aew bank butldtax la ;

lag rapidly aad will be roaay for ,

paney la about sixty daye.Mra Prank llteka I butldtag a Baa

hrlck reaideace on the old llomaetoodcoraar. Hlaalow.

T. J. Iloaaer, Wlaalow, aaa Ithe Navajo building to O. N

aad Tom la golag to take 1 athroeveral moataa.

Tha ladlea of the Oathollc churchof Wlaalow are prepariag for a greedball oa Neater Moaekty.

very oaterprtalag ritlaea of Win-slo-

le aow buey pattlag oat la waa,the out look for water nolag good olaeo


tke aew oyotem haa beea ta apsraUaa.The railroad company la buay pat-

ting la a aaw lea hooaa oa toe arte oftho oae doctroyed ay Are a few days

Tbe Wlaalow la lacrBMlag itaeircuiatioB aadgar tt aew It M aaat pawa to drop la aadaawe Itease


Terrible meat have beta too oa--alaaght of tho threewho shot aad killedboat la.0 laoeaeihtmy Vlaoar Ybarra,two aatlvea, ia a bag car oa a BaaaaPe train near MeCarty's aiaoa oa laatPrloar alght Tho vtctlma aero erliaally from Laa Oraeaa, bat had beeaompioyed at Oeliap, aad boardtag aSaata Pa freight tram, wore bootlegtheir war to Albueueruue. Near Oraatathree tramps eateroa eo box oar theywere rid Ia la aad attempted to robtbem. They realetod aad a heree bat-tle eaaaed. After Um mono Umtramps pilfered toe omtaiag af toenative aad throw ate beat from theear door, thinking, presumably, thatboth were dead.

Saturday moralax t barra recovered,aad although badly irwJeed aad bet-tered, maaaged 10 roaoh Oabaro,where tho alarm wao tana dad, aada aBovoxaeat waa started lo captorthe murder ero.

A head ear wag aeat aat aad toeroaaalaa of Brea wore tahoo to Lagaaa, whore a soitair lagaaot waa

Toarra was puttrain No I aad brought to tola attf.aad taba to tho Saato Pa iMoaRaJ,where the durtora ear ho will rooovor.m aeaa ia naaiy orawog. ao u aavtagueoa beatea with the beadle of aheavy oieioi Hla arm ara oarelaedaad hla fare and aeah scratched aadl

l Never aHsogaolata. ,

, , WI!!!,!: 9'" MI Sarrav "X: St,

nnly rmif ho ooli tor urampe. ourrhoea aad roiie. fx toe piera rwamat it aver diaappeiato, Par U kfsi! druestoto.


flii Sttfwim, Kmwh m tit StratiRtfitttNM, Oiflwi RiiifitvfR.

(wl. I. E. TWIsmL ENWMEI

After a lively patttleal baatla. Inwhich the etraight raaaaHoaaa oam-plote- iy

oatwRtej aad outgsastalsd thegoo-go-o meUea ot the reaublleaa partr04 bum Miguel coaaty. the teasapjlwiiat La Vegae oSjaaraed at amdatgut

Pot the aaalwaru.

the flgatlag. aad through theirwork Oal. John 8. Clark aad amgate from th. Ity of Laa Vagaaasated la Um tegular coaaty eauraw

Jadga OharlM A Sal sea aad Setae

skoe imM aHhofUfk they poured oat rhet--

erm la large dveee to the mmtlmp wara defeated- - that le,W. Ward aad hla dalagatoa from tactetr af Laa Veeaa failed to secure rerogaRloa.

To ta territorial reeablicaa coarenilea UM gajaowlag dslagatoni ware

lsaMffaa 0 faarTaWMK gamM MlgMlCsMMty

after Um aaaraattoa had sadotusd Oal.a Twlteaell as oae of Ike Haw

kSoaJao oeleautee to the

AJMfto (ion go. PeRpe Dokjndkmgaato RHnr, Paraarias VaMeriregortii Outlorraa, MargarWo BaaMtti. Rpit. lo Qulataaa. J. M. Qaintana. Cleofe Romero, Oaaato

I Olarh, R a Twltcaolt, R. nCoora. C. r. 010. A. T. Jr.D. C Winter, B P. Porsytha loIxipet

Tke republlaaaa of Um coaaty ofSaa Mtguei. la ceeveatloa oaimablsn.faggfai their alkajnwoa to Um prio

of taa reaaaitoaa party of th--"'itt ibiia aaueudOM mm

oa the aocord aad harmoay wawk bancharacterised the dellberatloaa af thtoaveatkM,

We eadoree the oStcinl acta of theaattoaal admlalstnoUoa la all IUhnMrkee la aaaodlag the aatloaathonor, la Ra ataad for drlMaatton aalpr "grass aad la faithfully oarrylngoat the pollelea of tho party aa voicedby Um great MrKlutey aad petot wRhhanar aad aatiafaetioa to Um recor i

of hi eoaatltutlonnl suae seed r. Pre I

deal Roosevelt, in hi four leea admlai-atrntlo- a

of Um datloa of hla groat ofBoo, la hw enforcement of Um mwi.reoavrdloa of the social rank, station.neUUoal or Baaaclal, of those broughtto tha bar of justice for violation

Wa rerogalse la President Rooaevnitmaa of lofty Idaala, faario4

purpose, uaawerviag lategrity, oaaaiadwRh aa appreciatloa of joetlee aevtfair treetment to rich or poor, highor low, which commends him to theant tons ef tho earth aa the tnu eRi- -

We eadoree toe admUlslrutloa ofOoveraor Mlgael A. Otero.

We oadarst Um eoarta of Um ter-ritory aad tha Impartial aad asoeetva

'aaaaaar la which justice la admlaleterod la hoth the crhahml aad rivttVggaVofffJafl.

We eadoroo the upright aad bus I

neae-llk- e maaaor la wktok the affairof the couaty of Baa Miguel havebeea conducted alaea taa admtaietrattoa thereof by the repreoeatatrvaa oflbs MMMklleaj. Metv wt mmmmiIwi nusaavr ia wnwn ine runes or mocounty have been faithfully aad boa-eetl-

collected aad dlebereed aad callpartieuHM- - attoatma to the open mothona of toe preeoat board la Its mt-da-

of all aoaaty aa tloaa I affaire, the poagde of

Now Mexteo have email voice, butassail aa It la tt la lifted ua ia sunport of the prepaali loa oppootag aaytartft tlaheriag by caagguas whetberuader the gutoe of reciprocity of earother nam, belag oaiaiSed to Max-well oaongk aloae, kaowkog that tooprosperity wblek sari sunn aa la

traaaabla to the pefleieo of thmrtyrod MeKlnley nam hla Men

aad declared to Um Ding-

ier ktw.All of which t reepecefelly aulmit


a a Twnvnaaiiii.





Turuatcarl raaorta aaother xaardorIt oeoarrod ea Tharadhy af laat week,the vtetba beta Iee Carroa. a alaeaproprietor, aad too murderer A. Lmona. The latter while droak uredCaaaoa's aalsaa aad started a (Mate rt-eace Caaaoa tried to pat bim oat arleee stabbed him throe tiaae with aaaoall aoafeaM Oaaaoa waa at iatoo right hip. ia the atomaea aad lathe grata, the latter wouad biiag fetaltho eat havlag severed the fomeraiartery Loom, who had a abort Umaofare In aaataor aatoaa, oat a aWtlllaBM of Olebarae. Texaa. la tooarm. gave htaaoK up to Ueoatty Bboi

If Thomas W. Smith. Comaoa woe tooBret ama to atort a salosa 00 utowaalu of iu hiscarl whoa toe tow awas laid out

-BugiBeer l W l.vo of BJaoeti

brought hi elilmt u to Boa Hojetalu save . payaician t hia arga. toelajary being cauoi )y the boy Votaglaawa from . bor aay, the Bee

" W all rigmt. fo.tho glory of ba,

' ,tter than Um yoaag Moihrnn wbvT "saa, Utaa of the agoay

rh breojea arm wao causing ha.

Territorial TopicsPteer Tallowed With

Mr. aode. the danriag master, wmvery ladlgnunt Wedaeeday morningwhoa b noticed that the Roar Ml theKnight of PftMfM ImII, where kaenodueta Ma dentin, aaene wmMHMWf With MMMN. He employed

waver, and wm readyOB tlBM. AlAmOgOrdO

A Jwni. l at 0fhW-W-Vubjwt aeon tea o'etaeh the beta ofH. r. OaWMaa. uaerabie. wm

to he aa Ire. mm! there weemi tmmodlntt etudat treat the eoanlinnte where tho Irat ftoMHaga ofthe Merehaat trial were Mac made,Mgrt the Arum tee atraetare waesaMrofy coaeumed. and (her waa olaeueaace. The loea la hat neatly

aa the exact amount of hayele.. h) Mt kaowa. The hlaae waaaa hteaJf of incendiary origin

Her aback te Onto n. HQkentler and J H Johaae luet

Sunday morning oa hoc-ban- k

to rMe through via of Omaha City to Calcago. The do-air- e

for oerteoor Hfe mm! to oetata aeerreet view of the country baaprompted theee aavtleaMh to uudir-tak- e

the leas horeehaefc ride to Obf- -

Burring ailahaiH thotr tripthe Noohr Mteaaurae will

cmrtataty be eat of varum" aad pleus-Iih- c


Ainiueecrd hate Ball OH Thelever of th great national gams ofheat halt la Ammogordc) he. a meet-le- g

the other eight aad took aecee-aar-y

protimlaarlea to orgaalae a rlub.Walter Hodge waa chosen temporarycantata. H la the lateatloa of theAiamogordo club to net right down toInitiate aad aa aooa aa aefllctentwraeWce la hag and aalforaM arrive,to aead challeag to the surroundingNew Mettee towae ami to HI lueo,Tea, taking far matched gaiaii atdifferent tlatea during tte eammer.

8ey Beans far Sheep Bd. W. MM

lor, of I lanerata, wae m Oar labad mbuttanan and pieueure, lookiag ovmraawy of the Better maehee la thevicinity, aara the Argaa. Mr. Minertut beta trying the mertta of the earbeau the Beat two yeurt aad la verymthaalaatle over the smut aa a faraga staple. "It win produce twocrap a year oa the aaate grtmwhe aalg, "aad yielda from a loa awl ahalf to three loaa aa aare, aeorglBgta the aatara of the toll xad thewater available for Irrigation, tthaogfataaa faeter oa the aaf fodder taaaaar ether feed aad aee to ilk- - itKWar."

"Ire at Wee well Wodaaad-- y Ahoat4:M Ire hroke oat la the ra,ueaceat IM toath arlag Nil - aveaae,aet4 totally deetrortd It. rhe hoaee

oath wae la great daaaer, bat waaWTOa" hy hard work oa the aart of a"eokat briaage" aad the Ire hayaThe haaie waa owned by Mr. Hebe,the Maehaailtb. Tae oatldlag dea-treye-g

waa award by ..lee Joaaeoa, aaeero. Tho origin of the hre H 1

haowa, aad tae loea aaMMtala In abeat9irhM. Ho laauraaoe.

ThMneay RMralag AM o'oooka laata exploded at the reeMaaea ofO. K. Heae aad the rMalUag MaatdaaaUrety deelroyed the hoaae. MrItoda aail Um ohlldraa were aleae Inthe haaee. MY. Koae betag la Cartabag. They had a aarrew aeoaae. Theadjelaiag hew a of A tlea Hall waa atbmmI buraed, bat waa ar4 by thanulek week af the flreatea. Mr.Ho4 km la fl,OM with tW laaer--



Frew the Hiaga.AmIb4bbW MamBMh ULaimaBaBBM ! 1 gag d

laat week froa. a haaaaeaa trip ba learraeeteaa.

The aohool beard haa the aam of?tM go taward the aarrhace of aytaae for the high aehool.

Marry hralaard, eioaaty coauaie- -

haer, haa aold hit oaalaeee at Mlaabethtewa to Maaoa Oeilagbar and laaaw rtaltlac with hla aually la Naioa,

INaiaMlM W. Palghaai arrivedfroa. Chtoago aad laUada

aaahlag hla bobm la Matoa, aaauatlagaa latereat la the Haton lumbereaagaaay with W. A. aad Hdgarrnlcaaai. hla father aad btother.

The flfty-fo- brisk eateaaloa totea aintawlea balldlag. oa whichwork waa begua Taeaday, will great,ly faellltMe the baalaeea of the ofMae, alhtwiag the addlnoa of mbxea. k private oaaoe for the poet- -

aad other needed Improve

Wegaeaday of mat week JudgeO'awteft, of Oalagaala. Mlaaeeota,while eaained la the trial of a oaeeat hla bama. waa atriaea wtiH aaraty-al-a

of the brala aad lay aacaaiateaihK two day A letter reoeivod byh4a aaaghtrr, Mr, j. Uaaf. Jeot atwe go to praea aahoaaoaa taat hehie greatly Improved, aad that hi

la ehtlrety clear aad hla oom- -

noovory la now agtlelaated.Judge crHrlea waa oalaf )gailee ofMow Meiteo for loar year .lunagthe Harrlaoa admialatratloo

Pram the Bepewer.The Beighueiaii eoaaty ooaveaUoa

oall wiU ha taaaed hr CaklrmM M.M. lalaaar aact weak aad pahUahed.It a) preeemad the eaavatlea win heVoid aome time aaoat the eth ofApril

Mr aad Mr. Hugh Ploteher. whohave beea mahlag thotr homh la e,

Aria., alaee they were married,feu Ohrtettaae aay. pateed throaghHatee, M raaie to Okliaema OHy,Oiaja where they wui raaide la fa- -

troeeadlaga before vUllam CWrlgley, referee la bankruptcy, wereJteM at hie ode oit the tvth . Amoag

jthoaa prreent were: 1 no dim Shaw,a nttaknipt; Joan Morrow, receiver;Joseph c. Bell, repreeeutiug BlttonMiwnoi A Oo . R. M. limner & Co.,Md other creditor, Prank M.

of Denver Kimor B. Stud ley,T. D. Lrlb mm Hugo ecaoerg, repree-eatln- c

creditor. Uloima to the aav

ran. luuil of 111 kM kHuMnf It a Ifcraa innrili nf im aouat a hr the aaM bankrupt, were ,

mm. i i au iu nttM tttruetae waa proceeded with. Mr. Mor .

row waa oolected at the traatee. bead'uih mmmd mi ejo rk iiau '

above atated were approved, aad the

from the Oearttr.Mra P. K. utiaaey retaraed from

Ainuejuerono wbreviiltlag for aoveral waeha with herdeagater, Mra. Ooerge Dmit.

Mr .W.lNaaw returned a few dayago from Mara hall. Mo., where he ae- -

fompaaied hla daughter, Mra. Derrel,two weoha ago with the remala ofher Btahead. He Mada H far too eolgthere for hla delicate health. Hla!daughter espect to join him la acouple of mootha.

w...n . 'tw. I

oa mattere coaaected with the Wood-- 1

mea lodge. He aaye the winter aaMa aaaaaaliy open and mild la hlaaeetloa aad taat the atoehaten nowhave oaly aold raiae and aleet tofear. He alea Mate that the littletowa of Folaom la eiperleaclag proe- -

peroua Umea and a eoaeiderabiebuilding growth.

The Chrlattaa havdeavor aoclety ofth. wl.i give t '

at. fttrlokTaoclal. Tbaraaay eveningMarch 17, at the home of Mm AlyaClarh oa North Third atreet ClMdeerefreehmente will he nerved. Atoohome made ready lor tale, for whichthe Praabyterlea ladleo have aeoemtfaatout. The Mndeavor toeiety tel-do- m

cornea before the paUlc, and anthla oooaakm aeka a liberal patroa-a- g

from friend aad atraagwra.


Parmtagte.rroi the Haetlor.

J. Wilkin wae In from hit trad-la-g

poet on the reeervaUon on awtt- -

H ggaaer Aaw from umt

home at the Weet itork of u Uol-or- e

for a abort Tint to hit eonMherlff Klmer.

The drawing for to towa lot wetheld Tueeday afternoon ta front ofthe potbaegce. The wianlag ticketwaa Mo. H , Jn mtmt being thelucky holder. Mlaa Manila Craig drewthe Bumber from the box.

Dr. J. D. Keet eager, of Milan, Mo.waa hara aeveral daya looking overthe couatry with a view of locating.Ho wae mueh pleaaed wlta the coun-try, aad If he oaa ld a taiuale

would like to aettle among ut.Judge Pay bound lew Otllam over

la the aum of M0, to await the ac-

tion of the dlatriet court. Louie hada deatre to aa Into the aheep aadbutcher bualneea, aat taU wae objeet-e- d

to by our loeal aheep mm aadbutcher.

Judge Albert Watte dlea at bithome near Corte. Ooki , lat hMday,Pebruary Nth. JHdge White wat oneof the oldeat reaMenta of thla coua-try. II only tola hla ranrh nearJewett laat a itayaer and moved to theMoatetaiwa valley Hla numerouefrleada In thla county will be palntdto hear of hla death.

Prof. A. Marrlu and Dr. A. I). Bur-bake-

of Hereford, Texaa, arrived Intown by private conveyance. Theyare wetting for a location and arewell pleated with what they haveaeea of the tuaay Baa Jaaa Theyare pleaaant aad aceompllahed gen-tlf-ae-

and we hope they will decideto become a part of our clUteeehlp.

Joha Tenney, of Hammoad, waa latown oa hla way to Prultlaad. Ten.aey la one of the original aetUere ofthe eaterprlalag aatUeaaent oa theupper Baa Juaa. He laforma aa thatthey have made many Improvementoa the Hammoad ditch thla aprlagaad wlater, aad " nive the Utahla good ahape. The day la not fardlataat whoa the eettlemeat will beone oi th moat proapereat ta thecouatry.

M M. Mngleman left for Bllverton,Durango aad Canon City, Goto. Ifbla health remain good he will continue oa to m Paao and other toath-er- a

po'BU. and will take la theworld' fair at ht. Lvult before hitreturn, if. however, ha thowld get tofeeling bad ha will return at onoe toPnrmlngton. Mngleman ear he leoaly living here to eave doctor Utlflaad taaea, m to choaet ParmlngMmlaa hit reeldeace.

Axtee. . i

Prom the Index.kid' Villman told hie harbor thop

to Bay Current laat TnegaHur.Mr. aad Mra. rrauk Baker were

vmttlag oa the Man jaaa the latter '

part of laat weea.Mra. Ooerge- - Lee per of the ta

Plata waa vttltlug Mra. Ron. eetweet of Aatee, the Iret of the week.

Mlaa Pearl Pendleton, who bac beepaaaletlag the Judge, rotaraed to herhome lb Durango laat Buaday

The public tohoola la Aatee wtUopea again Maniay, and It la to hehogag will eoaUaue to the and of thfterm.

The new ecbuol bout on the laPlata waa dedicated Wdaeaaayeight, by havlag a baot aoolal latho aame, the proceed going to thetehooi fund.

Mr. Oee. Mmlth, of aear Ktort V la--

la, who hae beea viarUng frtenda aadrelatirea la Uripple Creek, Colo , for '

the peat mouth, returned home.The toarlet fever In Aatee I a

tblag of the peat, thank to our ivua- -

ty belth ofNcor and aaeltttat Th

laat red Rag waa takea dewa aadquarantine waa lifted. We eaa aewbrealae a breath of freedom.

Mr. iNtvie. who Urea aa what ikaowa ae Barbae mheh near Oedargill, while watting ap a well had

hla linger maabed by the falllag of atarge boaldor. It waa feared at Mret

that the gager oald gave to be am-putated, nut Dr. Uoaoit any UM thepatieat'a lager la aetttag aleenlaely at pre eat aad there will be aaneed of amputating the aataa

A rorpe of aarvtyota have aeeaoa Aat-- e Mnttaaiaa oneh Ma.

for tho peat tea dart aad will lalah,h,p ,MmT ""JJ0f tae eompaay ha held a few

f" hk ''"V. rUMl?..f

""T" " J !T JT:aarvoyon aay tbw a one of the mootpl'u'h y? ..tTTf

Jor a aawll ameaat ofideriag that the eiteh will

about 10.MW aeree atThe propoaed ettek trill have a

bee. i

C. B. path. D. P. Meketa aad Dr.A. D. Miller, all of Hrreford. Tex., ar-

rived la Aiiec laat weak, oom tagoverland. Theee gaatlimn have.teea lookiag over Baa Jaaa eoaatythla weeh aad are vary favorablylmpraaed with oar raaehee aad fruittMm'- - ? ,.ti., ,!!!!!are looking for loeaUano la way

take ap aome Mod wader aome of thew drt"B' ,,,r '

tat aaa oapecio w aiav mmrm. w wn--

rome them to ourH. T. Henry, who Uvea Jeat couth

of towa. la going to eapartmeat thlaaeaeoa with what la'eelt grata.' 'tae teetl.M par pound,, hat it la

that thlt grate, bottle making agood hay feed, le a good fertl liter ax

mTLJ!Tr" ""Lf! ?!reoeated to be Mr. Henry will have aetrouble la dlapoeiag of all the toad haaaa ralae. It la alatertly ea oa honedthat the axpanment will hefal.




Mr. Queer Klein who bae beea IIIts mldly improvra: and In ahle to beaheut

Mra, Jeae Ma Oareta la very IK Vear heme on oeitatee aweet wm anew.

J. N. Bmitt la araaavae to ship hlattoek of good to fetlaa. Arlaaaa,tad open up a eterc la that

John V foaway today ramdved thaIrat touvenlr dollar of the aX. LouUWertd'a Pair The touvenlr dollar I

neatly mounted on a atlok pin and pro- -

eat a very haadeome appea ranreThe prlc of the pin la 1 to.

Mra. Bt. Joha of Colorado Baring,wife of Contractor Bt. John, of Naraee

St Joha, who have the eoatraet forputtiag la the eteam heating apparatut at the United Btatee Indian tehooi.arrived aad will be here tome timewith her butbaad.

R. M. Twltcaell of baa Vegea. duringhla sojourn In town wae dotag tomepoHtloal work trying to tenure theretei of the Banta Pe eouaty dele-gale- a

to the Laa Vegea eaarenUoa forhlmaelf aa a delegate from New MxIce to the Chicago national raeubileanconvention, he belag a eandMate forthat peetttoa.

Dr. Thomaa Btoee Hurr of Ann Ar-

bor, Michigan, aad Oeorge Pleteher ofDetroit, friend of Dr. W. M. Popplewell, who have been In the city forteveral daya alght-eeela- g aad vlewlagthe man: hletorioal attraction ofBanta Pe, left for the MaraJo reeervaUoa In McKinley county. They aremaklag aa x tended trip through thtweet aad are oa their way to Aleak.

Tae following director of the NewMexico Town oompaay and the WofJraade Lead eompaay, auxiliary tothe Banta Pe Railway company, metat the oce of the Plret Nationalbank: K J. Palen, H. L Waldo, ft K.

Twltchell. '. H. Vaughn, R. C. Oortaer and P. A. Hantaan re. After daeiarlng a t per cent dlvidead aa theMew Mexico Town oompaay ateek andI l-- x per cent on the Mt flraaee Landeompaay tiock the mooting ndgoaratd.


Prom the Republican.Mra. Crawford Norman haa gone te

William for a vlalt with revaUree.Pat Uavia la very III. and It la fear

ed that be la la for an attack oftyphoid.

B. fMlllo, who realdaa at the Oteromlnee, la taffanac from a aovere attark of rheumatkHt).

Prank Bwartx ha bean gnHe tickfrom favor thlt week, hat he la mashImproved now

Mra. Oram eft tor her kerne la Kan-tHek-

called there by the iTtneat of

The Odd Pellowa metalled at Nobledread, J. M. Jacobean, and Viae OramOrrta Halliard, oa Tueeday night.

Mr. aad Mra Joeeah Koger, of OalvUn, Mo, who vielted with Mr. aadUr W. P. Kucheaheeher, have peato La Crueea, for a vtelt before re-turning to their borne

John Odlao. 01 the Otero, bad thumiafertaae to have a big chunk ifeel fee) oa htm aad brnlee hit back.

H at thought that be wilt be able towrk m a couple of weoha.

Ur. Taeo. Maxwell and daughter,Mite Mm mm Pattereoa left tor theiraew heme at Bethany, Mo They willvieH la Xanana City, for tour weekbefore getag to Botaaay.

J H. Owen of Baa Pranoteco, peepedIfcreu an the city laat week oa hit wayto Xuel. He waa acgmtlaUhff for theoeaatructlon of the goveramtat balld- -

laga at that placa Mr. Owea I a contractor aad builder aad haa hail"barge of th onnatruutloa of aeveralgovtrawent ihov) bulldlapt


M. 0. Koblaaon, of Hartford, Dona,who la Interested la the Sierra

Miaiag oompaay, la at HlUa-bor- o

oa haelaesa.

it work aw um Catherine ajiie, near Millet ere, haa eevel-epe- d

a tear foot vela of good are.The era waa dlecloeod by a

I. U naher, who U mlniac at Mhvoral Hm, wae la um INajag aaalbrought m gawd report at whet m gelag oa ta that latereetlag part at BaaMagmal oeanty.


Kugeae I. Meal of Btamark, M.

la eapeetad to arrive atMr. Meal u miereeted laaear that towa wHa hie Mater la-la-

Mra. Mowa Blgolow.

The ateekholden of theCopper eompaay will hM their acaualmeeting tar the eleetloa of otgeeraaad treata rib! of troelaeaa la Leraabare M. M . oa the fourth of April.

rraak W. Daniel. aporlat cedent ofthe Aberdaan Oapaer eompaay. fJranteoaaty. ken far Bhamokla, Peaaayl-vaal- a.

far a vtelt with hfa familyHe enpaate to be abeeat ahoat two

Word wat received at Let Crooeea tew day ago that the atotcelelormlaa hag been aaM aa . that tag newrnmpany will at once begtn work inoperating tag mine. The BnitMrtorla a lae copper propoettloe and willno doeat yield prontnola retarna.


Moat latere! lag development rareported from the Mineral Hill mlnIng district. Ban Miguel eouaty. Tatproeaeetort are kmtplag thlagtethom-elve- e

pretty clceeiy. however, prererr- -lag to Bag and keep autet aatM theyhave aeaaethlng to aatoekM tho commuaity..

It hi reported that the Kanawha(Mdd Mtaiag and Ml. ng eompaaywtll eaan tun up oxtenaive dtvehnptaent work oa the Oood-Hnp- o Boa--

eaan mine, Slrrra county. 1 hootpropertea bav beea good produeerala the naat and the rropaitil renew-al of work hrlaga cheer to the oaten,

Dan Taylor, of Miaeoa. It la 11 tile- -

Mr Taylor la the owner ofaome vaiuabl piaaer ground at Pttte-I'ur-

eamp Ha laforma 'he Advocatethat the H 0. Clark, wat wanner. M

doing One worx la the netee. Mr.Taylor aay that oat of tour wagonloada of dirt the Clark maehlae taredM la placer gold.

--OJ. M. Wright, who waa hurt by a

premature explosion In the mlaea atMaloae, Arttona, tome weeka ago. waataken oat to hU father t maoh Wed-aetda-

He haa Improved la atrenatb.One of Ma eyee It all right, and whilethe Mb ta badly Injured there aretrong hope that he will ultimately re-

cover (be nee of It

Hoary Wlamyer, who reeldee laICanaaa. hae beea graatea a pateatoa hla gold aoparatlng maeatae aadhae oratnieed a atoek oompaay tooperate It la piacor miaet la NewMtxieo. The machine which Mr. Wla-myer hat been working oa for tever-al yeara will ae daaenaed In the com-ing number of the BeieatlHe Amerl- -


Partlr are ntgotMUng for a leaseon the Memphie mine, at Organ, DoeaAna county, aad If the deal gathrough will beaja operatioaa veryaooa. The Mem phi la one of thewell kaown copper properties la theOrgan dletHet adjoint the Torpedoon the north, and aome yeara agowae a producer of very high gradeor until water drove the workera

Out at ttonanaa Hill the copper millle grinding away aad hae beaua oathe Boaaaea ore, any the Optic. Aclean-u- p hae not been made yet, hatIndieatkMu aa thai tha raaMlta wtllbe all aad more than expected, il--

though tho wwaet grade rock, oaly,hae beea ran thug far. There la greatpromt for Laa Venae la the oataoameof the now In progree

Lou Oamer and neaoctai K. J, Hreetare employing a force of men on theirgroup of claim near the Oulea, taythe Bllver OHy aterprlae. They aredown 76 feet on the Myrtle and willcrote-c- u' at a depth of 100 foot.aew pumping p'.ast will be Inetalled atoace to handle the water which haagiven them Mmte diMeuity aad aatooa aa thia It doae, ainklng lo theloo-too- t level, will be ruebed.

The coal excitement at Moronci,Arlaona, continue hut aa yet notenough devoJnpmeat work haa bvudone to glva an idea whether thereIt enoeh oaa) lo nay ta work. TheDetroit comnany hat men at workdeveloping Ra prepatiy. It wilt putin diamond IrtUa, aad tapint theproperty thoreughly. UnUl tamr ladone but little wll be knows of theextent of the dtentlt.

T A. 1.!ter, preoldent of the "4ort!iA Miu rluSH AititHaie ahanaaaaadhaaa m mmi w bm! laa i

invi m au vwfffarvi wwiiiiemgi , nag a v naa aga

Lordehurg the other day, after x pend-ing a couple of month in hla oldhome In WUIIamartort Peaaayl vaala.Immediately on kit arrival Mr. LitterIncreased the force at work oa thecompany 'a nilnea, and now hat a dayM a night shift at work, tinIdas' the

ahrft and doing other developmentworh, Work will be pathed an thlaproperty la the future aa rapidly atpossible

New aa received In Stiver Citylaat Baturdav that B. B. Tharer. formerly manager of the Banta Rita Cop-

per company, had been selected tetnaoage the gigantic Interest of tnV

Aa'aPegJftr'Aflpt'jl OOf t&eWrVy 1ft

Montana to tneoeed William Beellon,wbote reelgnMloa will he handed laabortly. The new waa oonlrmed lat-

er by the receipt of a recent lotue ofthe New York Commercial Advertlterwklch hae gull a lengthy article onthe euhiect, headed "Thayer to ear- -

Waener. at WerkMtiM MOBMtap from the WtaMairg gaM

leMe the early part of tag wnak andreamed thet a wet waaber we aatngwonderful work down there, tnyathe Hlllahovo Advocal. According toMMte'i atatataont the weaker worhawith a crank aad la not only raexd,but la a good anver. Ha antd thetfew ieadt at gravel were hnnteddown to the rtver tor treatment hythe aew waeher, and that the entireamount wae treated la three hour,aad the taiilaga reveaied no eater hy ,

panning. With ordinary rocker he)ekeinm that It would have taken allday to cieaa up the four kmde of dirt




Aa atteaalve eeaeett of ateditt labring opened ap aear BaaMrta, whichpromleee to ' a goad producer ofthat mineral.

Blodtto wne Im dieeovered by achemlet named Blode aad aataed af-i-

him. Hhwilte I hydroua sul-phate of maeneeium and neiam andla axtenetveiy need la the mnaurac-tur-n

of eulphurte aad awny of thoother acide and like caemicala.

Htretofor the anppiy haa beea rvcelvij iroai emit, Oertagay, Indexaad othr foreign eonatrlee and verylittle haa ever been found la thatcouatry Those who wn the depoettaear here claim taat whea thoroughlydeveloped It will be large enough taahlp nt leaat four care per day tadpeeetbly, more.

The abipmont will ht ma. e tarhiladelphla aad other eaeteraufacturtttg tithw.




C. 0. 1MI, formerly kaowa in Ainu-luergu- e

a "l.nai." arrived ta the ettylaat night aftet aa abaeace of aeveral

Mr Hall le bow the eonthera Callforala nleman for the Bteteoe-Proa-to- o

Orocery company of Lao Ahgclee,out waa at Paoenii, Arttona, for thepeat two- - wecta on aoeonnt of theleanest of Mr. Vtallace, who ana the

New Mexico aad Arlaona agency forih grocery oompaay. Whea mr. Wal-lace recovered from hla lUneaa, Mr.ilali took advantage of hit trip andame oa to Albuquerque to apead a

of daya amoag hla many Alanttttraue trlende.

Although Jar. Hail did aot notify hlarrlendt here of hit, The Clttsou publlahed a amall Ittm to the offeet that he waa expected aad wheaebe train came la laat alght a delega-tion wae at tfta local depot to greetaim. lilt reception wat warm and hewaa given little rant until after around of the city had been made.

Mr. Hall aald at the Alvarado thlamorulas that he waa here to tee whythe Albuquerque muter wae not be-lag bailt, but he le toiling a few gro-ceries oa the aide. Ha will leave forthe west tomorrow evening. He re-port Mra. llan well and that bbey arela love with touUern California. Theyreelde oa a two acre lemon And or-ange grove, la a pretty home at Holly-woo- d,

eight mile from lum Angelea,and both enjoy excellent health. Mrt.HaH aaa recovered entirety of theheadachee the suffered while a reeldeat of thin higu altitude, aad thatear. which bothered turn ao Mag, hatabout recovered aad It aa coed as anew ear, all of which be attribute tothe lower altitude aad braclag oeeaabTMees of Hollywood, Cel.



The big feature of the uomiux carnival wtll ho the "Royal Ragtag Btadum." Mr Rett hat pared no peineer ea,pv.4 In making tat thow theWeal of everything that tke nameimplies, a monster out door arena ofnew, novel and sensational athleticand porta,

Mr. Keiea baa thlt aeaeoa tenuredTukituo'x troop of eleven Jr aaeea ao- -

robatx, iambic ra and magiclaa directfrom the fatherland, and wonderfulperformera In their respective llnee (work.

KKoMe and Kltchle In their marveleat haad to head halaaeiag, two ofthe faatout athletic that recently par-ticipated la the big Physical ctOiuroeeatceu held at Madison Bgnare Oar- -

sea In New York City, receiving tec-en-

prise in the endurance eonteat.Prof LeoUea' troupe of educated pigs

a late feature act of the Joha Rabin--

en'a Olrcua, aad aa act showing whattea be aeeompltehed in training:, atptga are the herdeet animate ta trainof anything In the animal kingdom.

The famous Oillmore family, Ive Innumber, direct from the Barnam ABeNy elrcnt, In their return and tatti-ng aerial act, working thirty feetla tae air aad reentring a pate theirby twenty toot, throwing eaan otherthrough apace, catching and return-ing each other from hand ta beadwhile high m mid-ai- r aa caaily ag botwould throw a bate hall.

Several other feature acta will begiven la connection with theee men-Hone- d

above, making In all aa axhlbl-ko- u

meting one solid hour. No kmgmtaftaiteioBa or walla , but om ealeu-bvte- d

to lateroet and amnio evey manwoman end child paying it a vlalt

Pvailroad Topicslag aiami'l'j 'liaiLauim'aliaiThe Naooaarl, the oencera' car from

the Bl Paao A Boathweetera, wae InLordehurg Tuetday, with a number ofPhefpe Dodge ofgoora, who were enroue to Morenri.

Conductor J. H. Swallow waa oper-ated oa fir appendleltla at tag Ban-lat- a

Pe hospital, Lap Vegaa. Theetood the operation well aad It

getting aloag satisfactorilyThe Southern PecISc company hat

battt huge boxes around tho treearecently plnntod oa tho south elde ofthe Lerdebarg depot. Their objeet I

not ta add to the beauty of the lend- -

eenpe hat to protect the trrie fromvagrant aalmale.

At the ruMe lot two haadsome oneof Yuma penlteatiary nmnatntJtare.held et the Clifton saloon, Lordehurg.Al Howell, a Southern Pnellc freightbrahomaa, won Irat choice aa AJtaonaIron wood ttlck, and Jack Barora. Mex-

ican Jack" won second choice.Work le pi "grossing rapidly on tke

turn table nt the Laa Vagna thopThe old one waa taken off tae pitaatarday ana a center atone haa ar-rived from !a Junta. The etmiutfloor ht being laid and the now tishtepainted. Thla work sboald tee great

Mr. Toklohl Bado. chief engineer ofthe Mnahl Railway of Jaaan, la la thlaconetry studying Amerleaa railroadpractice. Ho left Japan aome monthsago and haa vieited the principal Buronoauaoaatrle. After speeding amoot! la tho oast b will travel wmta far ns Baa FvancUro from wherebe lateade to tail for Jaiien n Mapllth.

The Rork Itm ' ml' road haa leaneda aeperate mlleagt' hook. In aidltlonto the Intorchnngenhla mileage of theWeateru Paaagn aaeociation. Thenew hook oavetg i,SM guaa aad lasold for m. with no refund, n laon the Rot a ttaad ayatemandonrourteea other 'Inc. mtmi of the Miteourlriver, the Denver end R1igad Co!rdo , --Ingn,

Hil r .event e man, Ru.kf wndown re nMv (ram Tnpeka ao1 madea loot rui n one of the big enginesfrom U Vrgga to Albeauerau.Theee betMavhina are caxalug a goodanal of u.nlnlat aanoag the Iremenaad H waa to gat enact informationfrom experience that Burke made therun. Hi ream. :as not been madapublic yet.

The Artaoea a New Maxlco com-pany's oatcers car left the other dayfor Chicago, where H will he takenby a party of the director of the Art- -

tone Copper ctimpaay. who are overfrom l, to have a look et theproperty. The party will go to Cali-fornia over one of the northern route.aad return about the middle of nextmonth, when they will viait Clifton.

President Prank Trumbull and VicePresident and rienernl Manager J. M.Herbert have returned to Denver fromtheir trip to Port Worth. Texas, wherethe anneal meeting of the Port WorthA Denver City road wae held. Theirarrival in Denver wn wetted for byabout twenty. Ave reuroetalatlv- - ofthe car .ertufactarlag compaaiea ofthe country who are in Denver lobid on a contract for building 1.040ear for the Colorado A Southern rail-road. The mea who are to examinethe nteae and teciloatlona of therlmpany and submit bids began toarrive In Denver Monday. It la bettered that tae contract for the ears willba let to the Amerteaa Oar Pbundrycompany of St. CharM. Mo., and theoaa tract for tuppHoc will be iet tothe leweet acceptable bidder Therew'll He TM tw oan aad soo ilockear.






By meant of a circular the Treat-eeeHaeat-

Pasttagtr aaeociation haemade public the dotal la of a bold attempt by tae De Moat Railroad Ticket agency I Knnaaa OHy to secureadvertising mileage tleket. Tueagercyla aald to be owned hy A. Ottlager,tht wealthy Baa Praaeleoo broker,wboee uperatlona the railroad havebean enable to control.

Ottlngef It appear, purvhaaxd (beKantea City agency aad deposit 1

flt.eea with the NnBuiml Rank ofOeaMnerce la that city. Then he teatletter broadcast to people who wouldbe likely to kaventrieage tlckvta In their nettteelon offering to buy them at libera! ratesprovided delivery wae made withinthe next thirty to aixty daya.

Ottlngor ta aJ-- o aaM to have purcbaaed n Denver agency and It carryIng on hla operatioaa ao exianeivelythat the railroad protective bureauhaa been ordered to make a viaornutfight agalaat himpea



The Weetern Paatenser aaeociationhae readmitted tka Hook inlandrailroad to mtnvearehlp. John Meanttain, tka pa Meager traSle managerof inn tystanx, prohably will he elect-ed a member of the enecutive commit-tee- .

The action of the aeeoolaUoa to inKooord with the deoteion reaehed aomeUme ago when the mileage book y

wne settled to tae aatlafao-tk-

of all the roada oonoerned. TheRock Ialand wat oaa of the wet (tub-bor- n

to get Into line and it waa notuntil tbrep forma of mileage ticket aad

-n uecidod ipon that Mr Sehattam


consented to renew his afflllntlon wi'hthe aaeociation.

In addition to making peaoewltktheRock Island the road represented inthe Western Pam anger annotationdiacueeed at aome length party rateand rates for the ogtoert of the armvand awry. Theee matter have beeaunder oeaeideratloa for toatettrntpaataad the eeeettouc discussed have noparticular bearing on the railroad rit-ual km la gontral except la so far athey touch the nmklng of rntaa toreouveuUous aad large gnthertngt Innrtoat parte of the eoanrty.

a preee dispatch from Chicago taytthai the round trip rate to the BtLooia fair hla aummer from taUeeIn the territory of the Weetern Paaeager aaeociation are to be as

aVmaon tlobota. from mi potate.SI per ceat f doabW t ha one waystandard fare; M-da- y ticket frompoint from which the oao way etaad-ar- d

rate lo St. Iami is I fg 7ft or lees.w per cent or aoubie tae oat wav

etaaaard rate; where the one way ritla more nkna tl.1l. one and one-taln- i

fare: fare aad oae-Sft-h eacura'oae.from pout from which the ataadardone way fare la H or more one au l

one Ifth fareBaH waa lied in the dlatriet rou t

at Denver by Mr. Bora R Hill againthe Denver and Rio Ornnde Railroadcompany tor i,M damage beenof tho death of her hnehnad, Ahjfe Yi

Hill, who wne killed at tkaynrde at Bornham, Ooio , aaher tt laat. Hill waa a ear tlx n i

aad waa eaaght hotwsi n two earwhich wore belag ptanmd toanhher.Negligence on the part of the companin not protecting Hill by signalagalaat the daa'r alleged la thecomplaint.

The Canadian Pad go baa decidedbuijM aearly MM mllea of track daringthe eomlnt, aummer In the uorthwetterritory. The Phnoaant Hill braaebwill be extendud for 100 mllea Hranchoa each twenty-lv- e miles long will bebuilt from the Cnlgary and hWmonlonllnee, one ttartlng from Wetnehiwlnand the other from lacombe In ad-

dition tho Areola branch will be ex-

tended ht HeglUA, a dletancf of It".

Onrpeaier Jehneen Injured N. JJohneoa, carpenter n the car repair-ing department of ibe local yards,who waa Injured yeeterday by falifngfrom a acnaToid knocked from uederhim by a panting switch engine. Itreported today as aot seriously injur-ed. His back end should rt are badlybruited, but not to a tertoii . xteatIt la thought that as will be able -

return to work In a few daya.All. tke employee of the Benin Ke

who wore taken off the Ban Mar-ria-l

division at tht beginning of the coalstrike tome time ago in northern NewMexico and Colorado, owing to thealMkneen of business on the liar,have been put hack to work. Therwere eleven meu nt the time takenfrom Baa Martial aad teat lo eatternKanaaa aad placed on Ibe differentrun there.

A Baggage Itery The Rock Itkndhad mora baggage than It couM han-dle Saturday, and Ifty plecea wereleft la Ml Paao at they could not haplaced on the train, aeyt the Herald.The conductor of the train aald thatAt one statkm In Iowa WO plecea ofbatxage were left on the platform tathey had no room to store them la thebaggage cart.

Rertaa Kunt Maker It the IntplriBgname of a lady from New York, whgwill furnish an attraction at the Kant.Pe reading reams heturday evealag."Reading and Interpretation or UreatAuthor" will be her subject, and willfuraiah good instruction to the youagrender. The lecturer hat the reputa-Ua- a

' oelng one of the beet Beakeg-perm- a

stadeata on the Amerl teaetagk.

The lataretate commer commts-tk-hae authoriaed favorable reperit

on Mli providing for the publicationof a railroad map of the United Stataglvtag the narrow gauge rallroade ad.dltioaal time In which to equip theirrolling stock with safeiv appllaaeegand prohibiting cxpre compearfrom carrying ubaene literature,

Mr. Barrett, a Banta Pe olcotriaelsport who haa been at Newton. Kan-aa- t.

aeveral day, examining aad look-la- g

over the plant tbere went to Hatchtoou to Import the plant whiek sag.Plies the depot tnd Harvey hoaee withtight to be enabled ta make a reportof atmled and nont ampin tsd ehaage

A fcelnht wreck occurred at Bandaiding north of Pulton station betweenPuMan an Laa Vagae Tueeday evestag which uolayed train No. 1 aadT. aeveral houre. Seven freight earnwere ditched and conalderable damagewaa aann but no bodily Injury to anyana eecurreO.

The report that the Mexican governmeat leap cater of rallroade had order-ed we National lo oeaat the eoneirae-tte- a

of the Mala morn branch beeaueelight raiia were being uaed, la unfound-ed Mere than Ml meu are emptorsIn tMcklayluff and work Is proareM- -

J. R. Davta. formerly agent of theDaaver A Rio Orande railroad la aan--

Pe. and who teveral monthe canthe agency for the tame eom-

paay at inma, Rio Arriba eenaV,ka beea trnaatorred lo Lumberian ltht same eouaty.

Tke Denver A Rio Orande and theSanta Pe Central Railway namganlMhave completed amagtmiahti tor

Hack ynrdn m haata Tt0. P. Janet thi taeap. deater at theSapfial City, haa leaeed hhaaame.

The work of retwerlng the aeacerec-Me-maehiMry, need by the a

In oauetrHctloa work en Ueeatern Oklahoma division of the Baa-t- a

Pe le going on rapidly at the thanat Newton, Xanana.

8 Mdmlneton hat returned hM Id-ile- a

at bmktman In the Denver ARte Brando after a short vaeaUonptat at t'Utua


Wirtaift Mk Matties .fSi.tli-i- m

OifRtvftl GiipMj's WaciM,


Whan tlM MW WHOM ot law BanHhSi Oarttivel WWf M araejgBtfrom the Mr groaaai In April, Alba- -

WWW Will h Pieaeed M.

poaraaea, aerpneej at theirmmI agag Willi apareelattoN attmnaty. TIM city win beat tlMlr number aad mmwI H theweaderful growth Ik show has mm

ace tbe Mr IMl Mil.Ret not mill this greed array at

iHHiw whom aad i art MMi othow parapheraalt u braasht from

tbe deaths of floral hall mmI ablaeebright aad glietealag. raBeetlag MmApril New Mtxlco KM, will taa pee-H- e

wabe up to tha fact tkat a elreusbaa grow up right aadcr their Boatsduring taa wlalar.

All wlalar Iom tha south ead ofFloral ball, where durlag prevleaeterritorial fain Meatlla valley pump-bla- a

and Moflolloa mooaiotn miner-at- e

here poaed aa paara ot their res-pective species, baa beea tka MUpai-theate- r

of the aaw Sowtaara Oaralvalroetpaay'a growth Oarpeater bene a-- a

llaa the walla of tha old ball, and adoeee man with hammer aad aawbara kallt wagon aad ooaetractedstages, aad now tkat tka mechanicalwork la about aaiehed, tka artlet baaappaarad wNk brush aad oil. Tkartiet r a Mr. Ina aad tka work ba

la doing ta nighty aruattc. several.4 taa largar wagoaa ere garaieeedwith landarapa vtowa that ara verypretty to look at aad ara aa dearlyImaginative aa any elrtee pester everteelgweu.

M another moin In Floral ball andM',Urd aliout taa lair grouadt arawomen aad man making bow taa laaad patching old teate. Tale workhaa boon going on all wlntor, aad oatu ra waal baa takoa piece at ttiafair groHNda caa aaaitr see taa Im

POftaaoa of eacouraglag Mr. Holaa u,maka Albuquarqua kla porMaaontwlator quaKra.

for montaa tha aoathara Oaralralcoatvaay baa Rapt thirty man in taacity. Tkcao propla havo boardad aadroemod at rarloua ptaaaa. NaawNaa

bara kon purchaaad of Aihaqanrquamorobanu. and In atony roapatta liiba c:ity oldlgatod to Mr. Mowa farbarborlng bla show bora taa paat wta.iw.

Nut Mr. Rolaa aoproeMtaa taa lav-r- a

ba baa racotvod at tha baada ofArfeaqoorqoa paoplo. Ho aaM yaotor-da- y

Umu ba waa mucb ladoatad tortba troatmant bla paoala httd roeatvodbora. H waa ladoatad to tha owaoraof tba fair ground for tba froa uao

f hla quartan aad aa iaala gratofulto tbo landing cltlaaaa for tbatr iuppoK of hla April fair aadortaklag,aad, although It may br a fallara latba way of moaay hmkot for aimaaM, no will grataitoaaay tako tkohaoa aad foal tkat ba la eaty pay

lag tb dabt ba owoa tba paaple oftba oity by gtrlOK thorn bfc

Mr(4 fair oror aaowa la tba word




Upoalal Oorroapoadaaar.OailiiH. N. M , Marab M. Ilar-P- r

jlwo In from Xual yratvrday. 11ala raplaiy gattlng thlag la abapa fortha proaoeatloa of work oa tka Mnlreoorrolr.. Ma baa engaged J. II.Mrown, aa experienced eoal mlaer, topreapeet tor coal la tha rletalty ofBaal. Horeral framo bouaea harebeen bulH aad moat of the machineryla aow on the ground. Horeral build-ing eoatrr uwa bare beea at Mailately looking oror the ground witha view of blddlag oa the eontraet forthe oroethMt of tka eight Indian aoboolbuMlaaa. The aHo far tao bulldlagala aear tha reaerrolr. about four mllot4oV) Oaf 96hmI

Wn. McVlokera, foreman of UOUrk mine, baa gone to AUmquerquato bare bla bead examined by Dr.Wrotk with the X ray. Mr. MeVtekerewaa lajured about a raoatfc ago oa therauraad between here aad OUrkrtMe.

two oarloada ot wire hare betaehtpped bora by 140 roterameat tobud a telaaaoae llaa from OaWop U

way of Otoaoga, aad fart Ooaaaae toKaam'e Oaayoa. on the Moqul rogertk'uaa.

Ura. Dorore aad Mma I'eart Marperof mat neaaace wore hero aa bail- -

ML R. MorrU a aotlag aa day yard-maat-

la tha local yaraa.The maay frieede af B. u Ualmac

are sorry to bear of the eerere laju-rfe- a

reoatrad by him laat traturdayby tha breaking la two of a trala atAah fork. He waa agent far the aata fa bora tar aeveral years.

The laatlmeat of ptaotloallr my-bf- A

aara in tar atataaaad.Ur. tfaU. fomerty i Hau A. Loara

aai, la hare from lea Aagaiat an

6eare Wlakham of Albuquarquabaa beea worklag at Olarkvtlle far afew day.

f. N. Maala, of the depot foree, wiuuk a aiaoty aaya lay off about tktNth af thla taaata.

M. J- - Naaooa aad family will rotortaaay- from a few waaka rlaK la Call- -

Twaaly Moateagaa eaal mlaera leftfor tha aaat a few dap ago. TheWearer mlae haa boon raaalag a aoubie aafJt far aeroral maathi.

U M4aak haa arrtred aare tramWtegetaff aad la worklag for J. A. (tar-dea.

A aae exhibit haa beea prepared bythe pubile aobool for the hX. Loot

The prlaclpal, W. 11. IMek-"-

recflrea fiso pr taoatb aad the' aaburdiaata tcarbm ath are pia

$n per meat for nine mcatht school.It baa beea oetermlaed br tka aebeolto bur a ptaao aaat wrote.

There la ettoag talk ot bavlag anladepeadeat llokot In tba Ikrid for tketown tleatlaa In audition to lira two-- egaiar tlchets.

Tan ot oar ettltraa kava boon eleet-a-d

aMtabara of tha Mia teds of A I--

MatHHtttiels Re 9rOWal, jMttet Of MM fWaaM f

proetAct hp. I 01 (MulM itfn NtftcftttfHit BOOCOaMOT aMM BOi OOOtl AfafalllUNlm

ubwhville aad Otaaaa played ballbora laat htaday. Score, II to 11,

favor of Utaravtlta.





Moadajr afteraooa a telegram fromCambray aaaoaaotd that a oraty Mx-loa- a

bad klllod kla wile, ahot ma Mar-ram, t.ack walhor oa taa aoatkamfacllr, aad roauantad aateMa.

Dr. gwofM aad Jvdea Paaalagtoa,who roealrad taa wnaaagi at I o'akvaktook tko aaat ioaad trala at :M Mrr

tha aoaaa of tha horror and Or. Hwaaabad tha Injurad ma tftkoa dlroetkjr taMl Paao, whara ba could ba en rod farat tba oompaar boapttal.

Judga Paaalngtoa, aa coraaar, aaavmonad a Jarjr and bald aa Inqunat. raarardkl of tha Jary waa to taa actthat tba woman, Doloroa NodrlgaoitOoaaa, dlad from tha afoot of a gaaabot woaad, tha abot batag Rrod brHaaqulrl Ooam, aad that Oonm dladby bla owa haad.

from what osald bo loaraad itaaaam that Qomoa waa drlvaa to dotba dead by Joatoaajr, tha woman bar-ing lafl him at Tacaoa, Arlaoaa, aomwooka ago and earn to unmarar. witanothor man. Htr haaaaad toliowad

thorn aad took vaagoaaoo aa aboraatatad at tko. grat opaortttaltr

Horrara happaaad to b aaar aadto aara tba woman, bat d

a woaad m ka ahaoman whichwill donbtlaaa proro fatal.

Tha bodlaa of Ooatoa aad hla wlfai wara latomd at CMahrar --llagUraphte.

A dlapatoh from W taa atataa tkatHorrara dlad la Iba booattal, laaa Mad-la-g

tha taird mtaMty t urn ahavo

Laaal Notloa.In tb mat tor of tko uatat ot uoorgo

W. Jokaatoa, dooaaaad.Notleo la karaby gfvoa that oa tko

7th day of March. tha uadaralga-- d

waa duly appotatod aa oaaoutrlxof tba laat will aau taatamaat ofUoorgo w Johaatoa, dooaaaad. by lbprobatr court of Bernalillo couaty.

All paraona hi. t lag claims agalaataid oatato ara raqkirod to praaaat tha

aama within oaa yoar from aald ap-pointment to taa probata court for al-

lowance aa provlaou by law.nOMrlCI POTAS JOHMTPON.

hhtaruttii of laat will aad tanaatoatof Ooorgo W. Johaatoa. Jacoaod.


Notlee la heroby gtroa that lawith rbap or It ot tha aeta

of the MgwiaUre Maembly el tke tarrltory of New Meileo ot laa, and laaeeoroaactt with aeeUoa of theotvll code of OaMtorala, the Haata felemc lloapual natoeiatton, a corpor-allo-n

exteUujc under the lawa ot tketerritotry of Now Meil, and tba H. U.llMpilal aeeeciattea, a eorporaUoaaxlatlag uadar tke lawa of the aula ofCallforala. did hereloforo, cm the 16thuay of January, by action of tkolr

eoarda of dlreotora, or traa-loa- a,

aaaealed to la writing by tbroo-founb-a

of the whole number of tree-tw- a

of the Saata fa Paeiae HoaplMlaaaoolatloa aad by ihree-tourta-a ofthe whore numir of dlroctora of theH. C. UoaplU. aaaoelatlon, agree aaddetermlae upon the eoaaolldattoa ofsaid hcapital naaoclauoae, the coaaol-idatlo- n

to be known aad designatedaa SANTA f COAerr UN KM HOftlM-t'A-

AttaKCIAT1tM aad to ue organ-laa- d

uader the lawa of taa atato oftJaliromia. witk Ka priaolpal plaeebualaeaa at Loa Aagalea la aald state.SANTA f fAOinG UOSMTAJv AS-

SOCIATION, by A. Q. WteUJs,lie Obalrman.

Attest;U. HOUTmpUtOff, JK..

teeretair- -

THH S. O. MOgWtTAJj AaWOOtAl lON,Hy A. 0. WftUA,

Its Oaalnaaa.Atloat;

0. IrOCTmWiWK, jm.,Searatary,

Hdward Johneon, Waltaoaaad James Raaaall wore laooort thw maralag la aa war lacharge of being draak nasi dleartleriy.All niaad gaBty aad reaetrad tba aaualaaatanca of five dayn or ?f.




A disaatah from Waaaiagtoa, datedktarah T, says:

Tha eommlealon appointed by thepreetdeat aa October IS, MM, eea-aMI-

af W. A. Nteaarda. eommlsiion-s- r

of the neaerl laad odtoe; OMardriaabat, shlof foreeter of taa departmaat af agriculture, aad V. M. Mew ell.Mef aaglaoor of the reclamatlaa sr--

rios, to maka aiiagaatlaaa regardtagravtolaa of taa lawa raiaUag ta publiclaada. baa made to the arsaldaat apartial report waiah waa seat to caa- -

It raeammaada repeal of the Umber aad ataao act aa4 ta mIuhimiwmiof aaltaale ptwvmJaaa far aetltag. afaaraapriaal. the timber aa public leadsthat Is needed In largo or aawll quea-title- s

for Industrial purposes.The committee also reeommeada ta?

ropeai ( tke law mrmutiag aaaiga- -

moat of tatrtoi uadr tha dotrt Hadlaw, aad argoa tha Importaaoa of amora enrofal admlalatratlon of law,aaaaelaily to thoao prorlatoaa rdrntlagto obUialag aa adoqaato parwaaoatwatar napply it adrooatra tha ratrlrtiag of thr commutation rlaaiaof the homaataad oairy, whoro taohaatrlaa ara located within foroat

or whara tha load la chlatfyralaabla tor tlmbar.

It aagfiaaia tha oatllaaa for a lawpormlttlag homoatoad aaarlMaarlrallural laad ithlaaarraa aad tha aarrar aad daaorlptloaof tuck agrtealtural laada bjr motaaaad boaada rathor thaa by taa rogalarayataaa, tbui panalttlag tha agrtcalttt- -

! ral baada to ba nataetad along aha vafloya aad to imbraea tha good UlMtaUlaad wltaaat taklag ta aattaalra tractaof glao kill.

Tha racommoadatioa alao la aada ,

that whoa laadt ara rratorod to oatryaft or taosporary angragatloa amptatime should ba alkrwad bomantaadarito aaaroMw tholr righta, tiring thornpryaraafKi or or paraaaa wao mayaiaa to aalact tha wad by tka uaa otcrip or otaar farm a aatry.

RODEY A TIRC- -hllaa Fay's boabead aad manager, a

LESS BOOMER!'" " awake aaaiotaau scatteredthroughout the aadleace, a quick manor woman uader the atage at the

flyna, of Oblahaajin. W(U

an strong aaa atrach coagroaa, hat he aoverw to Intense as Beraard Nyod, ofNew Mexloa. If there la aay time,day or night, when Rodey la not hast-liao- j

or alatohood no oo haa ever dU- -

It. Me spent ome time bethe house committee oa tori I

lories aad he pat erery thing uaderthe sua In that addroea that wouldtoad to convince members of coa-groaa that his territory ought to haa state. He devoted oaeMorable apaceto r rating the report of the aaaatacommittee that tare Naw Mexico ablack eye. He defoaded the native,kaowa aa Moxloaaa, aa an boaeat peo-ple.

"They are aa law abiding aa the eo-pi- e

of noma of our alUee, 1 preaome? 'suggested (Aalrataa Hamilton.

"Saoh a easaparlaan would he unfairto tha pooale of New Mexico," aaldMoaay, earnestly The boodlers liveta Uh atataa. It la said dowu withaa taat tha aaUraa know ao dorll-mea- t

nave what waa Unght them bythe Americaaa who havocoma down there."

Oor. ttowera, of the committee, de-clared that because the people, spokeScwalah It should not tell aaalaftthem He rtpresoated a Main dis-trict In which there wore M.OM peo-ple who spoke nothing but freaob.

"Tee" said Hodsr. "and OoaareeIlrouaaard makes speech after

la French to some of his const rtuents la INtiaMaa. In some sec-Uoa- o

of fennsylranla Dntch la moetappreciated, and In the northweetthere are sections whore a candidatewho could aot spoaK Norwogiaa woaldhavo to "rump bla yob.' " Then Kodeytold of hla experieaeee oa the noathahoro of Loag lalaad, aad Ibe num.bara of foreigners of all kada he sawthere, aad. wArmlag ap to his subject,aaM:

"There la no BcmpnHeow betweenthat sort of a critaon aad tka goodaad patriotic Christian people of thegreat territory of New Mexico. Whoredid the preeMeat go far ate KougRidorsT Ilo wont to Okkhomv, NewMorion and Arlsoaa. Only tke beat,the moat virile people take HoraceOreeloy's advice and fro eat; theBat.kiilM atav wluri tkAv w.mLam, umml




What waa probably the moat brutaltight ever wltaeseed la Juaroa tookplace Sunday afteraooa at tba ballring, whea uie Srat bull waa let latothe areaa, aaya the W Paao Newa,

The toro waa raaadoaed whea haleft the peaa aad came furiously latatba areaa. la lees thaa a mlaute aehad aha areaa cleared of matadaraaad haaderlUoroa, oaly the picadoresramalaiag.

It thaa attached each barsaman latura, dbwaouaUag thorn aad aariagaPw0 avwa4aaaaq4v tuv) Bs004Val

Tha aaaaad bores attacked was ahaa toeklag aalmal, about the aalygood moklag hares ever aeea la theareaa. i ae bull buried he aaras latathe shoulder blaae of the horea, Iear-I- n

It lying oa the ground waltariagla a stream of blood, which wf wall-la- g

from Its heart.Thaa, H lay there dying aad sugar

lag agonies, while the angered ballcavorted tround, Anally retaralag tait again. Aa be did so, Ue ball stoodbehind tha helpless, aufferleg horee.digging little moreeie of aeah from Haqolverieg oaroaae, aad eauelag aewstreams of blood to dart from Its dtaemboweled body.

Maay aeraoaa aaahla to stand thaaiaeu. (aft the areaa, wbUe othersvowed that they would aerer againpatronise suck brutality. H waa areatoo dlagaatlng tor the bull agisters,who triad tbatr atmaet to coax thebull away from the bloody eareaes.

Tha ether bghta wars uaereaUui,the bulla refaaliig ta aght aad aaaaaVlag moat of their time tryhwr ta acape from tha areaa. Tha matadordid eoma goad work aad aha naaalaaewere ao well satlatted with tha aaactiuele that they earriod hint from thaareaa to hie hotel aad their ftbouleer.

Mr. Joaoah Prloa. of frtoa brothers,mercaaata aad baakara of Seoerro,arrived laat night from New Toricaad OMoago, where ha aaeat a coupleof moatbe vlalMag aad buying goods.Ho will continue home toalght aocoavpaalad by bla daughter, Mrs I. hStern



v. ., ,

Sttfel li till rMWiMM nklM

fviM mi Mystmn Si

M) Piiffi.


from tt lajao JiaaaM,

Would rw BUM M sack afarmaaro aa Aaaa Sa PayT Yaao it if you tnr. All yaa d t

oral elararTo glra a "mlad riadlag partona- -

aaoa llho that MiasSaVTl. 12aatrrtalaod iua z.Ardboarda with two alias of paper,

" L.L " "uT r mT '- .J--!' !-- .Ti i. '.


voauvwg a afsrarwva aaammaa aw ajaa vaaa ssa teami i

aodteaee aad do tha talag after thelaeaaer of Mr. t1agree, who la really

ether end of the speaklag tab, aad a. saow a ciever no Mias ray caa beglvea

There are a buadrod aad oaa dlfereat ways to gat Ma thaaghu of thespectators, aay oaa of watch oaa beneed with auoeeaa. It g oaa of tbasealeat pertoraMacea erer touted oaaa Amertcaa people, aad yet It Is oaa' taa moot paaailag whoa gtvea by n

compaay aa wall trataea a that oarrled by Mlaa fayCarbon Paper the Important Peatore.

The oardiaal foatara of the per-formance la tas cardboards with thecarbon paper, fbeee cardboards arapassed through the aodiearo for thespectators to uao whea writing theirqaeetloBS, aao whea a queetloa lawrlttea tba pencil, by means of theoarboa sheet, at oace makes the

oa a sheet of paper oa thelaslde of the pad. Sometimes severalnames aad quceiloaa may be wrltteaalmoet la ie aama aaat, but oaaperhaps light aad another darh, torao two people write alike or with thesame dogree of preseure oa the pencil,aad it is generally aa eaay mattertor a haadwrttlag export to decipherall the namea aad all tha quesMaas.Sometime this Is not passible, how-ever, to road every fan naue. aadthat accounts for M km fay sometimescalling a person's Nrat or last nameoaly. or area the lattlata.

OMy heeaa Yeor Name,ir ahe caa get the aama or tbe Ini-

tials, aad a person will rrapoad tothem, aha carat little far the queetloa,for that Is aa eaay matter, aa I wilttell you farther oa la this article,Whea the qaeaUoas are all nalabedby the spectators the cardboards aratahen back oa the stage, where Mtaafay aad her aaalataa'. base aa boarand n quarter to rip thaaV opoa Aaddecipher the aamea aad queattoapthat have been written In the frontThese are transferred to other sheetof paper for ths aaatataat to latercommualcate to Mlaa fay, through aspeaklag twee

Ths Speakl tg Tube.Thla very Important mssaimry is

puahed up through the Hear of theIstage, through a small hate that re--I

mains covered during he root of thei performance, aa soon aa Mlaa fas- -

I tahea her seat and drawsover her farm lor the roaStae- Thetube cornea up from below the stagedoor aad through it taa aaeietaatreads the Beaten, queattoae aadsworn to Mies "ay, who thaa callsthem oat.

QuesMetu Sent Under Mis ataae.Betweea Um operator under the

stage aad the maa in front af thei houae who does the talking aad taketbe questions, there la a means ofcommunication The runway oa whichthe committee of cltlaaaa mount thestage la the early part of tha performaace la not there for the sole purposeor aaaleUag these ladlvldaaia lato theglare of the footlights. It la carefullydraped oa either side aad la aae ofthe maat Imaortaat features of tha en-

tertainment, la the ceater of thisboard, aear tbe ead aeat fa the aadl-eaeo aad where the clever maaaaarso often rest hla head, aa the aadl-eaeo will remember, there la a slot ofsuacieat alee far him to drop aliasof paper aad ha does this aa otto aathe occasion warrants. There la an-other aaatataat who catches them aadcarries them back to tha operator atthe lower ead of the apeakta tube,aad It Is by this maaaa that Mlaa fayreads the queetioas that are aot writ-ten on her cardboards.

Basy to act the Questions.Mr. Plagree gate them from tha

writer aad paaaes them down aadarthe atage, where they are read. I willgive aa axamaw. Oa Friday eveaiagof laat weak Mlaa fay called the aaaseof Albert M. Paters, of tha Oredorftbar, aad he held up aIs bead as othersdo la aaawer to his aama. Meforu hisqueetloa was aarreadered to Mr. Pla-gree, however, aha called taa tame afanother aad began aaawertag Uraother person's question, aalllag stiltanother aad another, la the meantime tha aeoommodatlag Mr. Plagreebad gone to Mr. Pete far his cawUaa aad Mr. Paters had surraaaerod i

it, cgaeetiag to be aaawered atMr. Pi agree, however, returaad ta theranwav. raalail kla haul am M k his.oad aaa then suddealy, aa If laaasrad.wv. hm rmr, jn awve nat ymanswered Mr. Patera' queaetoa.''

lor. Peters le AaswsrSslTkla waa heard aa well by Ue oaer

ator under the atage aa by Mies Pay.aad whea Mlaa Pay replied that abawaa gotag to aaawer t the operatorblow at oace read it o1' to her aadtbe remit waa that Mlrs Pay laid Mr.Patera that he was askiag kaeot aprise Sght aaj gave blm a supposedanswer This mad. a groat hit with

the audience Juit aa it waa pM'tdto da.

Hew She Knew He Wee There.Mr. Patera aad hm Meads

fpwarted aad myettted. for taoy kaewthat be had written bla question atom "a aad aot aaoa bar oard board

They did aot kaow. however, that hehad mad the remarh that day. la tkepreeeac ol o at Mlea fa'way, that he would be then

algal with kla qaeatlaa. He did makesack a rewrh. however, atatlac thathe Intended to write a qurslloa athome aad tkat ha wu gotag to aae itaae couin read It. Mice fay waa tberv-for- e

eaie. whea the member of thecompany reported that Mr. Mterawoald ha la the aedteace, hi calMaghla aaate aad trustlag to her ableaaatataai. Mr. PI agree, to gat theqaeatloa aad gat It uader the stagela thla she waa right. Had Mr. Peters

" uwm,.v?, r?ila fragmoata, ki ho woald not coaeoa

Itrato hla mlad aaMdoatly to aaahlaher lo " w,"i ia or somethtagsimilar ah. wou.d dlsmlaa tha qaesttojj . .atag aat wu'i ggv awivnraj

kafleaa aaakaa ttlaaaaahaVauSbSl ttaaMamh4laau1hI I ap i a ofttj aarsnsvawaevvai as waremmrv as I r

She did the same thing with aw.I wrote a queetlon oa a piece of paper,kept K la my pocket aad she calledmy name, kaowlag tkat I waa la taanruse. bat whea I failed to rurrsaderthe paper whoa It waa called anthe operator below reportlag taat Ithad ant come down ebe declared thatI did aot hoop my mted oa the aabjeetaad that she was tl erefore vaaMe ton ad my qaeatloa.Awow seed When Core sard Waa Used.

I have attended mora thaa twenty-v- e

of her performaacos to the paattwo years aad never did aha answera qaeatloa for me till laat ihuraday.Previous to that lime I had alwayswritten my questions oa my owa pa-

per aad refused to but reader them,but laat Tbureday 1 used her card-

board aad wrote very heavily--- I waat-e-d

to teat her. She aaawered ma al-

most aa soon a ber performance waaco rumen sod,

Ai.'eel by Maay Assistants.rhe carbon paper aad taa uao of

the secret pasaage aadar the stagsare aot the oaly ecaewiea aaed to gatat the thoaghto aad aoeaUoaa of thepeople In the astaienee. Mlae faycarries a compaay of people, almoeta doaea. who do aot appear aa mem-bor- e

of the compaay, aao It la theirhaalaeaa to learn what they caa at allttatee possible, so that aba oaa aaethe Information at taa proper Lose.

Three people are scat red throogh-ou-t

tbe audience whea the hones Is

first opeaed aad they pat la theirtime gettlag Information about thapeople la the houae aad respoadtegto certala name which atlas fay amyca . All this helne aloag with thaperformance waderful!y aad la aaeeaential part When aha waata tomake aa unusually good hit aha callsthe name by which one of her em-ploye la t roapoad. Say It Is a wom-

an-ahe then proceed to deacrtbethe clothing of the person named aadtelle her a great maay detail la replyto the aappoaed queeuea. which neverfalls to make aa Impteaatoa with theroat of the aadleaeo. Thla womanwill then perhhite atove caut'.oaeiy toanother part of tba aoaaa 11 aaw oaawomaa move taret- - times laat Fridayaigbt ) whea she will aaawar to an-

other nnmc aad so oa.OenversatlSfls Overheard.

But tnls is aot the moet Importantfunction of these people. Their moatImportant work la to listen to conver-se t lone aad report them to Mies Kay.for Instance, one of these pi id em-

ploye may be alttlag beside a wellknown womaa aad hear her aay thatahe woald like lo know go aad so, batla afraid to aah It. This employe ofthe compaay ai oace makes a meatalBote of tkla queetloa. aad tl aae doesaot leave to report It aha write Itdowa, pretending to ba aaribhllaK aqueetlon for the "mlad reader." Mhethe rest of the audleaee, later paaelagIt to oaa of the mea who take up tkequest loos oa that one allp ahe mayreport the aamoe of half a doaea paa-ple In her Immediate vicinity. If ahais uaable lo learn all the names ahedoerrioea the persons aad Indicatestheir conversation '-- d the maa whotahea up the paper bade out thanamea The reet la eaay aalllag. Thewoman la the aadleaca who haa beeatalking to her frlead la thaa aatoa-Ishe- d

to hear her aama called aad betold that aha waata to kaow ao aadao. for ahe kaowa that ahe aaa Barerwritten the queetloa Her frlead aadse7eral others la the same sectloamay I aarprlaed la a Ilka manner

tthoat suspecting coilueton,aw'maWwul ROOef ttfHB OrtglpttOlTet

Nor la thla the oaly way they workIt I aat Thursday evening a you egman aat la the flrat row of taa dreescircle aext to me aad ee wrote a qaea-tloa oa his owa sup of paper, refusingthe pad whea progored . Ha need thesame o H. Klag, si though that Is aothla real name, aad aa Mies fay wentoa with her reading ana did aat callbis name aad he became rather agitated. Ifotlclag thla, the aaaiataal toMr PtagToe, tha maa who wore theglaaaea, came over to him aad aald:"Hare you a qaeatloa r "Yaa, "Wenlet ma sec It Perhaps I aaa helpyou. Maybe Mine Fay caa catch mythought quicker thaa the aaa yoars."aad "Mr. hJag" allowed Mr. Aaatataatto read the qaeatloa. If yaw atteaded

'J! ZZTlZtitttZ.LJllJputtiag ther lato hla pocket. Thatwaa all for a bllad, for s aaoa as be

JJ "Mr. Klag's queetloa hahla scnbbUag writraq: bbat

name aad queetloa aa a sheet of pa-per aad a secoad utter he brushedby Mr. Plagree aad 1 aaw him slip thepaper lato Mr. Piagree's haad. Pta--

gree arm aaddealy bseams tired aadafter waader lag oarasaaely to the rua--way he had to reet It agaia Ha didao aad the third quest toa called afterthat waa "Mr. Klag's He waa led tokaow whea be would make up withhla girl, isd Mlsg fay told him thstwaa bis qottou aad at they would

up before Mooter. YM "Mr.Klag" still held hie queetlon la hlahaad la piaia view of the nadreaee.

TeNe Wttat Yaa WHte OrWYoa may woo dor how Mlaa fay m

able to ten what htad of a sheet ofistr I rued for a certala queetloa,a the frequently ooea. That la eaay,too. tor if it la oaa of tha awaauaMthat she meaegfs to get away freethe writer aad uader the tease karassistant oaa tell her all about rt. bat

'if h aover gets the paper asd HiiM"-- n to u ,ae that has beea da--'

ilicatd w her cardboard, all theneeds la wide-awak- e asatataats. forwfcea tke people are wrlllag taetrqueetioaa the aaalataata ara maklagmental aotes of anytking uaueual forfutur aae. for laetaace, a womaala the ceater of tea hoaee with a hitwhito hat ases s aotoaead ta writeher qaeatloa oa. cr better still, ahatarne to the young maa with bar aaasays, "tiive me yoar card; i ll wrttemy quoetloa oa It." Tbe .an who a)Passing the cardboard at oace spatethe yoaag womaa with taa big hat.tie aeoertalBa through somehouse employe, vtrtaoat aroaaias staoicion. who thin woataa ta aad aha laattaalahcrt whea her quoetloa la road,to be told oa what ahe wte It aadmayhap how ahe la dnaeed it aalytahea a few suck laetaacee aa tbeeela aae eveaiag. mixed ap with tkaeaay oaea duplicated with Mtaa Paricarbon paper aad the qeestloaa tap-atle- o

by the aeetetaata la tha audt-BC- taples they woald ba ealied la

war nase to laish with tha eater- -tolBBMSH.

Lear Year Secrete Ouietde.Thea agala. Mtaa Pay.pad her man

agar havo other rays. Boase memberof the company i .ay eagago a peraonoa tba street or In hla place of busi-ness, apparently by eretaoat, la

learn a few t blags aboutthat pereoo aad wind up hy lavtttugblm to tha show, extending at a cojrtaay a aaat. The person feels highlyelated aad attend a. Mlaa Pay ta thaacertala that ha will ba there aad hlaname la catered on the Hat tor aae atthe perfonaaace. la dae time hitaama le called aad ho la told that hala Ibraklag of ao aad ao or wmldBra to kaow about thU or thatsoaaethfas that ha haa meatloaed lahe coavorertlon with the member of

the company Mat day. Perhaps thlavisitor aaa written some other qaea-tloa. hat If ha has. ha aatumllythlaha -- well I waa simply thtakiagharaer oa the aabtoat Mlaa fay aaa-wered than oa the qaeatlaa I reallywroto" aad that settles It be tblubstt la great. Aa a matter of fact a per-'o- n

generally acquainted acoeptawithout queatton wkaiever taa oper-ato- r

aaya asd makes ao talk aboutIt, betas rather lBcliaod to gtre theoperator the advaatags of It thaaotherwise.

Kaowa Where You SR.You waat to know perhaps, ho

Mlaa Kay la able to call out tha exactkicailty of tha house In whlcu a per-son Is sltUag whea tha name lecabled, aad thai la aa eaay to aaawtraa aay of tha reet. Tha maa whenthey pace the boards, each have acertala toeUoa of tha aoaaa to coveraad tka cardboards are aot misadwhea they ara tahea oato tha stageto be ripped opoa. Than of course,whea a "dummy"! paid assistant) re-ports a name aad queetloa from theaudtem. be or ahe always reportthe location in tha hoaaa. Aeeordlaaly Mlaa fay la able to tall taa soeUaaof the hoaee la which the peraoa lasHtlag-- Juet aa softy aa aha la to callhts or bar ansae aad road hit or herquesthta.

Are Her Answers QerveetfYoa will aak how la aha aaahsd to

anewer ao many queetioas. I willreply thai yoa or could So as wail.Md yoa aver see anybody who toaada loot ai tleio--aayo- ne who woaUwear to it whara Mlaa fay toll

them to look tor HT Hag aayaodyfouad aay loot relatlvea by follow lagher directions? Why daea she

tall yoa that you caa Sad a laatrelative la GMoago or Seattle or NowYork or ttoetooT Deeaaee you couldaot wrtte to thoao places aad get aaaaawer before the gets oat af town,aad It la thea ao loager aay ooacaraof bora I have talked with doeoasof people whom Mlaa fay baa toldwhere to Sad loot arise let, bat aoaeof them located the article. That didaot matter to her, however, for herexplicit dlraotloaa araaaad eurtoettyla the houae whoa she gave thaw aadthey kept ap latereet la bar perform-ance, which la what aha wasted.What matters if aae did tail yaawroagtyT Taa ware not goiag to herpertormaace, take the stage aad

her aaa would oaea had yoaarrested for Interrupting tha perfonaaace, aad anyway you would aotthlak of It you would aot have thanerve. She kaow all thla aad eoesserenely oa her way, while the ooa-Sdla- c

public give up Ita moaay aadlietaae to bar "woaderful iwvalauoaa."Her peraemaaoe ta Intereetlag, haw-ave-r,

aa matter what alec may ha sai labout H. and all geaeraily gat tbatrmo acr's worth.Never Aaewer BMfttult ftusetleoiAaetfetr thing I desire to aaa: yoa

la If Mias fay ever res aay of yourquestion that ware really vary dlf-cu- lt

ta aaawar, aad I will aaawar ttby roplylag that aba never will, aa-lea- n

aba haa had Utae to and outabout yoar family in a qaeatlaa that waa aekedaay night, which was aoverread: It wa naked by P. H. Clarkaad he wanted to kaow hla wife'smaiden name, how maay children aabaa. tbe 4eiet of their birth asd taforth. Baa called hit Baeaa. aaat whantba quest tea gat down uader taa etaWfasd vreved a staaaer, she bsid himthat be wouid aot coaoeatreto hitmtad aa hit query aad aba coald aatctieh the thaagait the same aaeweraha gave me whea I woala aat eer-'kad-

my quasttea.Hare la aiUl aaother way that Mhm

fay manes a hM Bnmsbady leUu heror some mesa ber of her compaay. hyaccideat or other vise, aometbiafabout somebody else, aaj whoa ahaa-- t that aomelHMay elee la the operabouae. either by seeding a peas or


TiffHtxIal FiHMi--Kl,rl-M AUIM

--RmI IrtJrallfl HitttK,

aitmiej if vmmum

The UaHed iStataaaad tbe hoard of pettss baada at thetevrllory, bold tbatr regular snggggtlvmeetraga at the copies! build hag yes-

terday. PMatHte aaalneaa waly ws-- i

Tarrtbsvial PueaJs BigerattJTerritorial Treaaarat J, M. Tawt-k-

m rereivod the hsHowlBg pajbilrfrom Hi rmanl . Bsot

urar aad ex oalrlo eelbrter afcouaty. tut tt taaea far ISPt. aa I

flTag taaea for IBM.

ooveraor utero agSalated Hatlowlas aatarlea pahllr: I. BJ,

at, for Otero cassty ;

nobort M Cariay af Oetdea, few faataf .ouaty, Samuel Athi aaoa af Bee-wel- l,

for fJImvva eoaaty; Bgrtslt Bn- -

t of Saata ('rur, for saata r--cnunty.

af lam roiwvwing artmma or laaawajara

ttoa have beea Sled la tbe tSMa ml th.tarrttorlal secretary: The Bwmi aadWei st company Tba tasniajtsailnn srOeorajg W. Boad aad rraaaiia Basd rBepa ante, aad W. Walet df Oaerrof Leoaanl Wood couaty. The prta i

pal place of buslaeea m Cnervo, NewMeilco. The compatny is laoarsuamte I

for flfty years for the purpais af SoaiIng In wool, hldea. porta, abaap, aattl-horae- s

aad other live etrek, aad to earry on a geoerel meMmaaise baataes'The capital stork of tbe divided iato M.oeo agavat ifthe par alu of l eaah. Tbe Srtboard of director ceaeiate of tbe incorporator

Pinal Ham set asd sbtfrhm,No .1M, March i. Maty Y. Jlameri

of frultlaad. BK 1, BW M. ttialaaHW M. NW 1. eecUoa II. TIH.RIB w. to acroa la maa Jaaa aSwatyNo lUl. March I. Baahaio iMil amiof Saarhes. W It, MIHItirfWl i. section tl, T If K, X M I IMserve ib Baa Miguel rnmair

I OfBsJpbqBgjI atAwsfthBo

Th fnilowlng hnmsatead aatrlenhave beea atadt la the Dated State"laad osJce N 7Ui March i. lrcaao Chaves, of Beaa, Bal i, sectionI, T N. R It B. ISt aoraa m BanMhjael couaty. No. TUB, Marah I

fraacisco ortit of Vlliaaaeva, NW 1 i

aaetloo 10, T I N, R II ft, lg aarela Baa Mhruel county No. TSM, MarchI Sabtaa Baacbet of Wasan Moaa-- i

S II. BW I I, NW I t. BW BWI t, NW I t. sovtloa II, T I N. R MU, 10 acree In Baa Miguel eawatyNo. TIM. March b. MUtoa R. Btareaof farmlaajton. 81 M, SH i, aeetionI, NB 11, NBJ 1.4, aectlc- - IT, TH N.ft it W. to acroa la Baa Juaa aaaatyNo. 7IIC. March 7. Domraaa HaBea otMouaialaeJr, BW 11. NW 11, NW I tBW M. sectloa II. N BN sattoa t. T I N. K h IM acres k Yslaacia couaty No. ISM, Marak 7Joert Maker of Piaia Whit, W (.1 BWW, W NW seetsau 3, T I N.RUN, lag acres la Vnieacta eooatrNo. TUI. Maapb T. Swottaao Hadrktuecof Obavea, Nil, NM 11. BW NK

4, SB) NW 4, seotiaa It. T 13 N,K St M, IM ares in Baa Mlgaolcouaty.

The fsHhwiK bom sat end entry hatmawa la the UwMed Stotaa mad

aWmV aMMa Malfl flf ArMMBaaworat af Waaaa Mauad, H t, BE

taettaa tT, B t, M M n?usten14, T II N. K tt N, Ira) aeraw ta BanMiamol eaaaty

utherwlae, she imrtagg It oa him, withihej-eeu- that st makes a great aea- -

Back scbomes aa thlg art aaed oaaad oa. without aad. Thoao ape aalya few that are reoerted to fax hafor-matto-

which are eaally worhewL hutwhich aama ahaoat sapsraatsral wheasaruag oa tbe stage, ami they are

to tbe peraoa m mjiatltt nto the rest of Ue spsrtasara.

Whea She Will Nat Aaewer.In coaelusloa I will aay that If you

wrtte yoar qaeatloa aad beef R inyoar pochet aad aay aotblag at aaybody aboat it, Mia fay will asteraaawar yoa. Mark my ward aad ifyaa erer have a ebeeae la aee baratmia, refuse to let aaybaiy taa you;qaeatloa, dec Mae ta talk ahoat R, keepIt la yoar pochet aad Mum far winaover read It or aaawar K. Baa maycall your name, hat that la as far aaaha will go, for she has varksat waysof getting yoar aaate. It mar We re-ported aa yoa eater tha door, tar theysoeaetimee hire a maa wall soqu Matedlocally to take the names of prsmiaaat people aa they eater taw awors.or It may be oailoo by a Maad whomay perhaps addreas yaa adter yamare la the show and rapartod h thaoperator uader tha stage by aae. afthe dummies, aad to oa far, aa 1

aald at tba oaoaiag. tbaaa psembt aaraa havered aad aaa titter eat wv atraaohiBc the aama asd. bat I UettI have explxlaed etwagM to ssigsty yeathat yoa caa give the same ktad afa aaww aa Mire Pay If yea wantedto, aad yoa do aat bara to belowed with aay tBirattaw. ggft,altber, eras If many dM Ushw artefay waa pastaatsd af gsaVt.


r-ed word that Dr. rmimtrwaj, wgmessortoaa oaaaitlon waa raftrtgd rVsatBaau Roaa Baiurday la dedag waf aadwill reeover. The faailsf aaw k tfsMtha doctor did aot attsaajt to latiliiiuhttulclaa, but that etaaa sttt trhbt homurder blm. H baa lasaSaa, aaat healways sleep with hit dear aeon, itis felt to be extremely eatthety thata doctor would fall la tba alhtsaptFurthermore, bo pamtbls reasaa aaa

advMKd why ha abaait wtah tosa such aa attempt Lai Togaoptic


BIN Pauil bj Kmci FmNI for

AMisfrf TW'IImIiI AM--

lait Justin.


The mmtmt It MM twtl C Mm MUmaHmtA JnmAaBBBsaJ djjiBajt an

Jsjjr Bs'JjNbMJBB' Be bbwjbvwOS Br RfwasaBBBBB SBaBsnBnj BajBf a

at raeseabtlres M WMhlHftM ft

rw um rA Mil to povld tor aa mMIUmm!

muriate Juwuoe ot the ilirmn courtof MM tee iRw i of New MsBJJoo.

1M K enacted by Um nmM mJMM of reprocsahtllvoB of Mm Unit- -

t amum Of America III

That bersaftsr Um

of tlM teirltory of Nowshall eon km of a chief Justice aad Ireaaptomte Justices, Mr four of wkoeieUI eooatHoto quorumThat th Jadg who pr Idsd M.

of a coo la ibo oaortaot sft at tlra heartac of Mm

MM 000 VII appeal Of Writ Of efTOTla Mh saeraas court of tke territory.

Beetle . Tfcet It shell bo Um dutyof Uk-- roaMoat to apafdni one addl- -

qojhh usaesent Justice ofpfOOia court ia aMaaor mhhf tow, who ihall bold kts onto forM Mtio) of four jronn iad aaUl bit

! appelated and mmllAod.I. Tint tko MM territory

ball bo divided Into tlx Jedtolel dls-uM-

and a dhrtrict oonrt shall boMM la each district by oa of tbeJanUtit of too mares court at seenthaw and place aa Is or aay bo pr.

by law. shark Jang, after as--

at, akan real la tbo district10 whrtrh bo It asstgnsd.

Beetl 4 Vhat tbo prceeet chiefJaoMo and hla aaoooiatoi aro herebyvested with power sad sMkority, aadtbojr or kereby directed, to divide

NM territory .. u Judicial dlotrietsssej stake such aMameals of thsmm MwvhUd for la Mm trot aoottoaof twa act a han. In ihelr JudgMsetbo bjom aad ptoper

athMbin & That the ai dlotrk'tfh tit bare and tb

east t hru voatod, t near, tryaM de ermine all Matters and oaaotthat tba i ourt tbo other districtsof tk It Horv now poe sad forneb purponev two term f aJd courtball i f bt-I-

J a&auallr at phiOMwttkln Mid district bmjt ba doataaatod bf Mm eMof JhoUoo and aU

or a Majority of Umm; andaad potlt jarora akall ba sum- -

tboron in tba naaaor now ro-b-r

law.tootiou I. That all offcaaoa roaMOlt-toi- l

bafar tbo aaaoaao of UU aot4MM bo arotactHod, triad and dUr

aalaod In tb mmm maaaar aad withbo aaoo ooot (oaoaat aa to Um mat-no-r

of JaaVai If thla act bad aot

TIM roaort of iba houaa cotamrttM jMMtarr. aaaaa op tk aaoaaaltrfor UM aMaaaro aa Mlowa:

Tko eoMMtl'tM oa tk Jadlokir. towhoa waa roforiwd th bill (N. K.tfM) to provtd tor aa aMH4oaat

Jaatto of th aawroaw ooartof Um torrttory of Now Mostoo. bogW to roaort that thoy ha had UmaoM aaoor eoaatdarattoa, that It waa

r startad to a salhaoaMalttos, whottaaaJMoasly la favor of th

amaaj of tbo saa to tb whoiaoaajojltoo, tmi th whol cotaaUtto

now roapoatfallr rorta to the bona:That thor have aaHB4 Into th

aaotloa of tha necoealty for aa addl-tJoaw- t

tMaoaiat Jostle of the supremeooart, aad la the maauaation had

Umm, aot only many rltlaea ofaid torrttorr who were wall ptnl

aooa soadHlooa tatraln. bat tha deloals la ooaaroM aa wall; aad also ha Ittotor thoaB mapa ahowtna tb alseaad boaadarl of th now eilatinaPMah Jadlelal (list riot of said territoryaad ttJoo had letters from tb aovwra-o- r

aad aaay other proaalnent rlUsensof MM torrttory. aa well aa of th Jo.Vdorr taoroof. all favorlac aad advocat'of Um pMsac of th bill la question!

It isjs i are that th territory la nowdivided Into are dMtricU, the eertloaof oouatry Intended to be batted bytMa MN eoatprlalaf the raatral portloaof Mm territory Hear across from AriMa to Tmaa The roataUttoo esaiaUtH la Bleat detail tk Jury ilsU aa lreport of the United MUUa awshalfor aald territory aad Um doekota oftko several district eoarU. as also tke

r's report whh-- h furs leh lag asyoopsla of Ute lodlekl db

tftola aad Mm baalasss done thereinia tko whole territory.

Tk ooamlUee has aacHruiaad thatth eatml portloa of the torrttory.east of tha Rio Oraade, eoaslstlac ofaiaay soaatlos, Is soduria- - a praoUoatdonlal of justice, and sorb conditioiM ORtotod for avral years last past,

wlag to th fact that tha Ire Judaeawho now hold courts la tbo dtetrtetof Mm torrttory are ao busy la th sev-sa- l

other districts that It Is rttetlrlNpoasele for them to ilv proper

to the central and eaatera pn- -.

tMa of Um Urrltlory. An saaaUsatloaof Mm doehets of the courts la saidcoaArat aad eastora portion of the torrttorr shows thai thor is bestsewnuah tkor to koop oaa court toiniMM satire tlaie aad thai the necessityMr a Jado who eaa be aeelaned tothat section of the territory Is verypfoasteeT laoood. Th cooMalttoa hasoslratatod that If th headquarter ofUm dMtriet U pat la Ik loeos valley,It wfll save U Um United Matos everyyoar In wltaoas foaa aad travatlac

wktek new have to bs paid Vth Daltod Itatos, several tin awrthaa suaVUat to pay th salary andnoart aapoaeea of tba additional Judgeaad court records, bealdet savlag Umlerrttory praetkelly an equal amount

It devotoped that the HtlganU,of the lack of cross railroads la

teeVtory have to oaad for rc.Maad bring wltaeeaei la a roundaboutway, her down through th Riooraade Valley via Rl Paso, Teiaa, andup over th Rrtk Uland railroad oihe Peso Valley Nortbeestwr rati-ren-t,

dletaace of sou PH Hm. la

voirlaa; aooM Uirao 4ra of Uate abwv, WHoa If a orM rallroMl ONtttodbat a fow Noon woo Id ba roMitrod toaoooorallab too aaaao dlolaooo TboraM ao otbor M1o of eoMaaloatlo botwaoa Um Rio Oraado Vailor and UmPoaoo Vailor antra aortkward aroaadbr Trtaldad, Colorado, which la alsoM mUob aad lavelTos aa aaaat aaaoa-dJtar- o

of tlaw aad baa oaaal laeoavon-Masa- a.

Too avldoaco of proealaonterUaoaa, aa wall aa tb roeorda, abowthat la tao Pacoa Vailor Uia laott otroan farlllMoa la prarUeallr a doalalot JoaUoo to tb roaMoaU of aald tar-ava-l

aoaottot ad la aaaaaaaarllrboth to th lonltofy aad to

Um Valtod MUm, aad too aawuatttantharoforo rboorfollr raeawMiada tha

of the Mil wtthoat anaad- -

DfnoM4lol T"hMjIt la wotloa to Nad a fawUr

whara thora aro ao doMoatla raptoroocaaloBallr, bat thaa oaa ba laaiaa-a- d

br hatrlac Dr. Kteft Maw Ufamia aroaad. Maea troabta Umt mtbr thalr groat work la atowata aadllvr trottutoa. Thr aot oalr ratlovyon, but n-r- Mo at ail draaatata.

at. PatHok'a Day.The 17th ot Mare a, Um toaat day

of the groat npooU of lrotaad, willb aa)rop)ftaaolr ooeahratad bw Um pro--

of tbo brllllavt Iiieh playtauaet," oa the stage of

at Mary's hall. A phtlhletarte olibcoaeiatlBg of oatholM hoeao talent atapooar tor Um Iret time boforo theAlbuquerque people. St Patrick's,Dar bs the only ssceptioa, aaacttoaed ,

by Onthullc cuMoats, so the aptrll ofpenitence to be oM served during lent.

A PhsMlan Writes,i am daoiroas of knowing if th

Hiwaiim cm oouun neroiee ia mhfor prsoBflblag parposeeT it ha beenof groat us to m la treating easect dyaacpsla brought oa by oaessissor o erwom. I have never haowa Kto fall la restoring u orgaas asfeofdto their beaiurut seurttr." MM otiie at J. H. O Kletiy k Oo.

iMmaeulate Cpetlfi I eh eel.Ia the reading of monthly bulletins

last Taeeday, March 1, Um followtagpapll dhMtngalshod thsatsslves asIsadars of Um various class oa:

1st grade, Mabel WMneke; ladgrade, Fraah U'RleHy; Id arade, Jos-eph MeCaaaa; 4 th grade. Angle

Ith grade. Matll Dooaoa; Ithgrade, Joeephlnr Lopes; Tttt gradeMom Stevens; Ith grade, MargaretMaker: PU, grade. Irene liurke. 10thgrade. Auguotln Olr. J.

Wenderful Nerve,la dleplajred by many a man endur-

ing pains or accidental cuts, wounds,bruise, burns, scalds, sore foot or UK

Joint Rut there's no need of It. Nuefc-lea'- s

Arnica Salve will kill the palsaad cure tke trouble. R'a the bestsalve oa earth tor piles, too Mc atall druggists.

ePostal drafter tsoteweed.

Waahlagtoe. March I. JusticePrlcharu today overruled the motionof Samuel A. OrosT. one of Um recentlyconvicted defendant In the postaltrial nai. sentenced aim lo two yearsIn Um Mouadvlll pealtaeUary and topay a An of S 10 ,000. Ore Immediate-l- y

furnished a bond tor 10,000 pend-ing appeal tor a new trial.

Per Over aixty Ye'Aa old and wli tried remedyMrs. Wlaslowr's Soothing Syrup hai

beau used for orec siity years by millloaa of mothers for (heir chllJrenwhile teething with perfect saeeesIt soothes Um ohlld, softaa tb gumaltars alt pal, euros wlad colte and Isth heat remedy tor diarrhoea. Ispleasant to the taste. Bold by drug-gists la vry part of th world. Twenty--

are cent a betUs. Its vat ic hi lacaleuMhte. a snr and ask for Mm.Wlnskrw's Sootb'rg Syrup aad Uheno other kind.

Sir Wilfrid Ts Be Here.Quebec, March V -- Many prominent

manufacturer tmaa out ot town orher tor the purpose o. attending thedinner to be given tontght by thQuebec branch of tke Cannoiaa Manufacturers' association St I WilfridlAurler and other member ot hlaratilnet have accepted Invitation toaddress the manufacturers

Cures astatic Rheumatism.Mrs. A at. Simpson, MW Ural St,

Knoivlllr, Tean, writes. Jaae 1Kb,IB: " have been trying th bathsof Hot Beiinajs, Ara., tor atto rbeu- -

mailam, out I got more reUef fromiMllard's Saou Liniment tha anymedlclae or anything 1 have evertried. MacloMd Nad pestoMc orderfor fl.oo Send ma a larae bottM atSouthora amprees Sold hy J II.U'RIslly O.

aDeath ef L, A, Skelty.

U A. Bkotly dmd at Ms iaOtohe, Artiona, wet wee, from con-sumption. Mr. Shelly was a residentof Silver Oity for Many yeara, beingeagasjed la the photographlag bus!-na- .

He waa promlaeat In demo-cratic aad was aotmier atSilver Olty during the saaaad OIvmad admlalatmUon. Per many yearsh was a member of the Knight ofPytkm aad served a term as grandckaaeoltbr of Um grand lodge ot MewMexico. Ho married a daughter of

' 0. W. M. Oarrll and left her a widowwith three children. Mr. Shelly waaa sood oltlsen aad universally pops- -

jlar Hla death will be mourned not1nly by hla family, bat by a large clr-- '! of frieada.

Bnora f Paeumewis.A cold at this tlm If iMgdeotod is

liahle to rauae pneamoaia whlah iss often fatal, nag va when to

has recovered Ike taaga atweakened, hunting Uom awSrtruscsptlWe to th developaeat of a.

PoMy's Hoaay Mat TnrrUI stop tb oough. heal andstreagtaou Us hsnas and prevoatpneumoul for oat by J. H. w'mW


William Smith. rrntly f M Paul.Mian , la a aw tMillermahm at theweal iipa. Mr Smith waa JoinelhH U.i night i Mh - gkj"

Ara r l bacMi aIlia atl aarawat o

ebHMl in n1-'n-

COM On my'i'inffdo n t Y artwoaW iktn raad

di Mother' Fri&nsis i aw av

1 A 'iffwiiwIii0atnt

oftak WHhdfMfa;

I m 9 Int.motharhood



at w omx wonrforfal

Bat I: V a. ' o S ft oo ptiaaaaaa at w aaaaai aaaaw

hood." frw.


Th carpenturs arc now laying theBMria la the new .koaa at Hetoa !

which will be ready for occupancy Ina few 'taye

W. U lM, ani of thePe Oaatral Hallway

Met for a trip of laoportlna songtke Mae of Um road.

John DtlHou, with Um SaaU Pe. laenjoylag a visit from km brotker, M.DtlHou, who arrived from Topoka,

by his wife.John P. Kennedy, agent of tke San-

ta Pe Central railway at Kennedyha been trnnsferred to Matnacla aadPhilip J. Martla of SaaU Pe willbnndl th freight at Kennedy.

J W. Dean, trulamaeter of theTopoka a. Santa P railway at

La Vogaa. arrived la Saata Pe Thurt-1a- y

night. He brought with hla hladaaghter. flertrud aad placed her Inth Ixjrvtto Academy aa a pupil.

Thirty people left Topeha Thuifday ever the Rock IsUad for boAafelea, Cat. The party has taken a

of the lew rate and charter-ed a soorwl tourist oar whlea wiltcarry clear throtegh to OsiHornm.

A train which arrived last atgat(rem lh west brought with It a refrt-aajrat-

car. oaa end of which was onIre. Oa arrlvhuj-- In th yards UmMase was extinguished, with littleda stage to It cargo of wine.

The Atekisoa, Topeha ft Santa Keba placed oa aale MSO mile bookat a rat of 160 with a rokate of II.Mivfter the book has been need In

with atrttctlo. This boohIs good on shout tweaty-dv-e !Uteres:tran(lsaourl line and will he founda great convenience to travelin; men.

hM Newhouae la hack la Ratoa fromthe Ui Vegaa hospital, aad wilt ac-ep- t

a situation with tb Saata P.aa October Mth Itst. Mr. Newhousewent to San Marcial. Now Mexico, toUhe charge of a section, but wheaaHgfatlag from the train In tbe yardsat that point, slipped aad fell underIhe wheels, losing his left toot.

A new ruHux has Just been aad inthe running of the passenger crows onthe Tucson division of the beotheraPaclSc. Heretofore all crews havemen runnrae; oa the mas that saltedahem, aecoralag to thulr sssUoritr,iiut, aocordtax to the aew ruliag, tharat crow la will b th Iret erow oat,exawpt that they mast leave terminala th aam manaer as they left thprerteu tnataat.

Work on Ute installation of the nowtura-lahl- e at the Las Vegas satinswIM probably be dulttyetl for smUme on aocouat f th failure of Umsenior stone on htek Ute table turnslo arrive. One wai-- shipped from Kan-sas several weeks ago, nut did aotaartwer th conditions, owlag to a

law The supplying of a second stoneba been Interfered with by tbe bite-Mi-

lagtag In the east.The cards announcing the approach-la- g

marriaaj of A. N. Rrown, train-mat- r

of the XX laao ft Bo nthwesternfMd Mies Irene Report, daughter efMrs. Margaret leapart, proprtotreas ofthe Pullman hotel nt Douglas, havebeen lasaed. Both tu coatracUagaartiea have a large auarber of Mendsla ka Paso and are very popular. It laaakJerstood Umt after tke weddingthey wilt take a short pleasure triplo California.

V. R. SUles, general freight aadpassseger agent of the Paso ftSouthwestern at III Paao, returned(rem Ohlcago, where ke ha been foreeveeal weeks oa business oonneetedwttfc tks tradtc departmeat of hlaroad. It la uadsratood Umt tkePaao A Southweetem will shortlyate an order lor an additionalamust of ears, as Umbo thai have ty

been received will not beeaeegh to accommodaie R large aadleeMing liuslneai,

Tke Chicago treat Western ha re-

newed .ts attack on th Ohlcaqo ftNorthwestern by announcing a furthersut of two osofa a kuadredwelght lathe rale oa grain from Missouri riverpoints lo Chicago. Th new rates,which will be four cents on wheataad three oa eera. will go la efeetneat Priday. The rate from Missouririror points to Chicago now arc oalrshout one-ha- lf of tbe rats la effectfrom the Mlsaourl river to Ihe Miss-tssto- pt

river.Millard Patterson of M Paao Is do-

ing his utntoet la the court of DistrictJudge J. M. Ooggln to secure a nowtrial of the ease of M. R. Kelly vs. tkSt Paso ft Southwestern railroad, lawhich a judgmcat by default tor II,--m

waa taken br tk plaintiff a fewdays ago. Tke matter kas beea arguedfor tke past two days and Col. P. H.Otark aad Judge T. A. Palvey art--

Um plaiaUlf. Kelly waa areaaa la tke employ of Ike at Paso

ft South wee tarn about a year ago,when ke fall from a steam shovel andeuetalned Injuries. BonMhow or oth-er she railroad Uomys overioaheda technicality la Ulag thstr answer,aad the defendaat't aMoraey tookadvantage of the point to secure theirJudgment by default.

Stockholder Oeaey at SI PeK. I' Cheney, one ot the largest

Istockliiililt-r- s in th Ban it v yttu

mobr If tn do yu rH I

tuflrlg that i womta ijih aal iaa h b '

ia tanaaa laai m woaia jmn wft HfialHa waattn ina cavta r

orvfuUy tvt) otd

wt potaat that h u rtlylaMa tbaaar caaa of lalnn. miir how dMI- -

ihltkalawM. M'hr h.H.IU i baaata?!wttboat M. a alahtmai NaawilMtr- -

moraaiidlaiicar. on patccfai MOMM toan K tin w hi Nit oiwn nr avaa.

rciamal aat. adailnMar tadla raaahi A word la tha wM'

Molhn'a Prtaad." All druat.otth Wt atnd u booh. " MoiaarIf ya aab far It

myuKTon oo.,M

aad a wealthy apitllat from Bos-ton, will arrive here this afternoonmi the delayed Rook Island In hla prl- -

vate car, with a party of cajaHaNeta.

IV pM" wl," T1 ' n1it InPuo d toawrow moratng

over tke M Paso ft Southwestern forhushes and other mining polaU la Arizona. i B. Uolvln. preetdent of UmHudson Vailey railroad, will arrive la

Peso tkls afternoon, aoooapanMdhy hla family. St Paso Henud.

Albwqusrqu Pruetieally Certain efNew Reed W. S, Neal, aa Inaurancemaa of Albuqseruu la at th Orndorif,says the Paso Herald, la apaaklagof stfnlra In Amuquereue Mr. Noelaald: There esems to be ao doubt newbut that Albuquerque will have aaotb.r railroad la tk near future. The

promoter of Um Albuqusrenra asked the citlstas some tlae ago

for a aubecrlptlon of about arty thousnd dollar cjid thla was raised. Justrveeutlr ther ashed Ihe crtlotaa tomake a farther donatio of a sNe torthe terminal of the romp ay, wktekwould coat about ROW mere, a

of cltlaeas wore angola ted aadwb rnlaod tke nsssssarr aatouat tpureha th desired she. Now k Iup to Ike promoters to make furtherarrangd wants.

Ratri Railroader Injured Laat Sua-da- y

aAeraooe Matt Anderson, emptor-e- d

on Um Santo Pe repair track atthla point. trto overland for Pot-Ba-

Union county, with his wife andlittle son, to look after a ranch whl:hMr. Andereon own nvar that townWhen they were golmc off the mesaoa tke Polom aide, tke e beingdriven by Mr Anejersoa took fright,became nnmanageeAle, dashed madlydown Mm hl.Ulde. overturned the bug-gy, throwing the occupants to tbeIround. The little boy received aburp unt on tbe forehead, which nec-

essitated tb tahlng of several stitchesby Um doctor. Mrs. Anderson was un-injured, while Mr. Anderson landed Ina pile of rocks, receiving a brokenshoaMor. a broken collar bono, twobroken ribs and a badly Injured k!p.Mr. Aaderson walked back to A. L.Preetoa ranch about two miles dis-tant aad summoned assist ThInjured ma was tak hack to theranch, tbe PMsom phyatrlan summon-ed and every attention given. Tuesdaynight he was brought back to hla homeIn Raton by Mark lloneySeld. Hla con-dition still serkMM. Ratoa (Msett.



Mbit sko railroad oaclals are In pes.of Information which toads

them to boiieve that aa ornaalaoHgang ot tkfcrve Is at work atealtngitokeU f Um Bkeletea form aad sell-ing th. m to brokers la all parts of theoouatry Tarn form of ticket la moreeaelly manipulated than any other)snd thf losses Matalaed by tke readsthrough such manipulation are veryheavy isdood. Tke Railway TicketProtective bureau la now at work try-ing to run oown the perpetrators oftks fraud and has already eucosedsdlu ceii.ctlag much evidence whtekmay be of nee In the prosecution ofthe thieves when they are arrested.

The method employed, It Is declar-ed, consists ot robblag small stationswhertt access to tb tickets Is eeay,sad thi-- shrposlag ot Um tickets toscalper at widely separated potato,i ichet warak have been taken up ondlffarent road at different Urns re-cently have see tonne to be Sited outin tbe same haudwri'Jng.

Ptakerion detsetlve la tke employof tke bureau are now at work onclews furalaksd by Cuketa Umt havealready boon tasen up, and arrestsare looked tut. More svldaaos Issought hy Um bureau aad Um rail-

road are aoked to fummh mtauts In-

formation la regard lo ach tickettakes up.




Accural to advices received atAustin. Taxae, from tk Olty of Mex-ico, the repreooatatlvss ot aa Ameri-can orupaay. said to be tks Rock lal- -

aad-Prleo- o later, mU apptMaUeto Um Mexiea gerernmeot far a cen

to baltd a railroad item Mata-Meni-

situated bbsssHostownevllle, Texas, to tk port ofTaapl' aad tk apeiieatloa was refused

Tke reason for tk refusal la aaldto have beea that uader Um exclusivecoaseaaloa held by Ue Natlonnl Rail-road company of Mexico, no other

I raUruad could be built across a senof land horderlag on the Rio Oraade

It waa taaoeaced that tk generalctsce ot the MeaJeaa Oaatral Railwaycompany, tooated a tke Baak of Uom-mere- e

bulldtnc St Louts, wilt be re-

moved to New York City during Umeosateg month. Par nearly two yamSt. Louis an been Um oatoial head-- 1

quarter of tke chairman of tke board.H. Clay Pierce; the president, A. A.RttMnson; the vie president aad gen-eral eouneei, Be Richard : viepraolaant and comptroller. OabrielMorhon: the treasurer andagent. C A. Browne, aad thelag agent. P. P. Melatyre Theeral oMcee of th oompaay aad tredepartajeat ot th company are locat-ed In the OMy of Marie.

ChlWren'a OewfH and Oele.Mr Jo MuOratk. 117 huuK Ktret

strest, Mutchinesu. Knn., writes: "ii have given khvunrd s Morehouad Myrup

to my oMIdrea tor couh aad sowstor Ute peat roar years aad and it tkebeat medlclae l ever used." U alikemany cough syrup, it so tain aopium, bat wui soothe sad beat anyaiascs ot tae taroat or lana suiensrthaa aay other remedy, as, ppa aadli es at J. H. CWUr ft Oa.s.




Too late tor pohtlcatlor latw learned of Um sjectmut of Cear-eac-e

Sfsuldlng, eortclk.- - for Camroa's hotel and camps, rrtM U fjraadOaayoa train at Anex, twelve miletMs Ms ef Um Ore jd Ckwyoa, onPrtnay eventug, Pewruary PS, eays UmWlUtams News.

It seema thut the railroad company,with whoru Cameron has had troublerecent' over tk question ot title toUm bright Ansel hotel, has lesusd er-t- rs

that Camsroa. Nvho rua aahotel at Um eaayon, aad hM

employes must rease th soMcRiBg ofbnslasss sltker oa tke train or rail-road right ot way.

On hurt Priday after ClarenceSpnuidlng. employed br Cameron, waaejected from the train br Um conduc-tor at Apex, "for the vsasua thatSpauldlag was seHeiUnc patroanaetor Oamaroa' hotel aad campi samething the railroad omctala hav declar-ed wilt not be tolerated."

In view ot II better right wbMhh beta cari.ed on la Um courtsheretofore over th poeeeeelo of theBright Angel traH, It la more thelikely that this msaaa a renewal efhostilities, aad Umt th matter ef thejectment of Snsnhung from the trainwill h heard ot later la legal proceed-lag- s,

aad th right of tbe company tosject a passenger who ha paid hisfare, tor eeUcKlag bullae, or Umright ot anyone to solicit business con-trary to compaay rules, decided

Happy, Healthy Children.Any ehllU ssn take utile Mariy

Riser with perfect safstv. They areharm tee, never gripe or stoke, aadyet Umt aro a certain ia resell thatrobust oousUtutloas requiring drasmmeans are never btsappolaied. Theyeaaaot faM to perform their mtssMnsad svery oas who uses DeWttt'eUtile Marly Htsera prefer them to aH

other pills. They cureSold by all SruagisU.





Detectives of Um Weatorngor essoemtloa nasartkoi ateeea two clsrgywisa aad a Otarkstreet ticket seal per, uader wMeknearly all tba railroad ruaalag outof Chicago hav been defrauded sineJanuary I. say a dispatch from Ohl-cago dated March I.

UMcial of tbe association believethat the same persoas hav bee pur-suing their frauduUat practices toryears. Tke asm of those psrsoaswill aot bs divulged by oMetaM ot tkeassociation, who have secured posses-sion ot Um cerUScaiea uaHsr whichtke clergymen purchased ticket athalf rales aad dlspsesd of thsm to tkscalper, who la turn sold tkea at kitadvanosd price to kis patrons.

Until tkls year tks wee tern associa-tion gave to clergy men simply a print-ed eard, on presentation ot wktek anyticket agent ot any line In tbe assoolsrUou would sell a licitat at katt theregular fare, no record being made otthe number or value of tickets.

So many cases were fouad of oleray-me- n

mania; their card lo theirfriends, and even loenlag thsm forioag periods to scalper, Umt oa Janu-ary 1 the western association adopt-ed the system Invented by Oerrit Port,when ecretary of tbe Central Pnasen- -

or aeseslatlon, to prevent tueh prac-tices,

Under lata ayatem eh etergrnMnIs given a seek eenmiBMg 1M eeu-pon-

oa ef wkkm Is deUehed by thticket agent wtmaerer he sells a Uekotat half rate, noting oa Um coupon tkedate of sale, origin, umRJnntlon, aadvalue of tke ticket, aad soeurtar UmIgaatur of Um peraoa to whom tbe

ticket was sold. These coupon areforwarded to the Western Pneseugsraooritloa. war tkey are ekeekedap. Aa Um cenpoas are coueeeutl re-ly numbered, a glance telle Just howmany tlekota sack clergyman ha per-- c

based durlag aay period, betweenwhat potala he has traveled, aad oawhat data.

It was da to a dlecrepaaey bat weentbe signatures on Um aonpans hurnedto two clergy at aad Um fact Umtoa the aaao aat two tic seta over dif-ferent roads t polata far apart weresecured on one eertMeate that Umdeal between tk two clot gyms aada scalper aaa been dleeovered. Tkeeeclergyma will never again get ticketat half rat from any railroad.

. Bsdtev that ls thaa l per rentof the cisrgymsn nhnss th privilegeextended to Umm br th radlroada,"said OknlrmeB Melod of tke wsstsrnnsooeiatlofi. 'Tk other day a amkHrnam to a who had not had a halfrate permit for two year, beams wekaew k had 'rented' a permit tosome friends.

"Another ainmtor. an oM friend ofmine, said he kaoed t would ? satorethe oEoadtng hreiksr to Ike eJevg-lle- t.

I proakjed ta da so If ho wouldtoll ae tke truth aad promise to am

right"Well, he came to ae. and began a

lona story about being wrongly neeas-d-.

dsaktrias ke had never abused ourklndaeaa. I told kla tke proof we hadagataot Ma. aad. further, that a aaawho would tell a IM would bent a rail-road, he katt wltkout a clergy permit,aad belt aoror get one."

heit troubled with weak

bew-hln- er sour sumach, see Uhm-Serial- s'

Stem eh sad Mver Taafeesaad ru win act aula relief. Peraale by s.i drussTkiM


Who Is Dr. BrewntLast Monday adternoon Dr. Rrown,

a veterinary sutgsot., of ARiuquerqne.had hi left forearm broke at Dar-enpor- t.

fdx miles oast of here, whileattempting la pull a horse tooth.Brown had rua kla arm in Um horse'mouth to pktM a prop la positionwhen tke korse threw kla ead down,sapping the doctor's arm betwea the

wrist and elbow. He was brought totown and the bones set by Dr. Ronn-evill- e

Williams News.

"I saffared tor month from sorethroat. Betcetric Oil cured ma latwenty-tou- r hours. M M. S. OM, Kmswor-vltto- .







Probate court was a seealoe at Tier-r-a

AmartUa th ether day la specialterm called tor tke puri'tes of affect-ing a cwa promise hstwesn the kkwllsk hair ta tk eetat of tke Ute A.P P. Onape and the hstra ot Mr. A.P. P. Ooap. Aa ardor wee enteredby tbe court whereby the Mngtlakheirs get tk curio aad a quit claimdeed to tke Mining property la

Oolorado. Mta. Mer wander,the nwthsr of Mm. Oeape, gets thresidue of the estate, composedof 1M acres of land, hones,lots aad rsaldsacs ia Lambert on aadmil ejjgmastgajgxl MgjktBjiBaBaV A adBsl AsafSat,o S JJMWSSBaBBaq iWwapnarj em iBSaSt ewBBt

tor tko eetat la naglaad Is sUtl oa Intkls ease. A. B. Rorekna of SaataPe was the attorney for the Ihtgtlshhstra.

O ths statehood question at Tierra Aaartlla peoate desire statehoodhot want etagl. They may acceptJoint statehood it the statehood billcontain psnerous and Just term.They want to retain th nam of NewMexico, have the capital Sxed la San-ta Pe, and Utah tkey ought to hareaa apsaariatlon for th payment ofterritorial aad county dent.




nrvJptissJf Oe slom smf4maj(4m4ms'A rnuf

Bnalmrd ooloaMs hy Mm SaoU P.whkm waa rspsrtsd In TkartdysSlot Journal, Mm ON seen Reeord-Heral- d

says:"Througk PkllUp Bwthart of

lad., the teuakerds of manyht3 hav aaroid ta sett ttair homea

aad recokmlse oa a large scale la thesecttoa named. Contracts have beensigned by tke DunMard oomnMhteeand the land Agents of Um Santa Pe.whereby, th railway has reversed11,000 acres of lead la the PecosValley, botweea Oariahad aad Roswetl,ami 61,000 acre la Northern Tss,between Hertford aad Bovine. On Mm

latter will be colonised the Duakardwho deolre to engafja la cattle rais-ing mainly, aad on the former tractthose who desire to engage In fruitraising"

Reeuhllesn Cauaw Prslnt 11.! The republic of preclact It, oldAlbuquerque, wlU koM a primary meet,lag tomorrow evening at T:M o'clock,to elect etgkt dslsgstse to reprasentthe prectact In a eoaaty coaveaUen tohe held March It.


at M. ohadbenrnsfor the AHmquerqu Traotlna somauy, returned thw aornlaa; from abuittnea trip to Denting W H- - Ureer.prraideat of tb Albuquerque Tractionruniptny will arrive in tb city

Tkeee ly way jnTmemnIa Improve tbgeneral healthof the stomsek 'Is to I rat put

It In a normalcondl'loa. Pnrthis speclslduty the Hittern I highlyendoreed.

Try a bottloaad test It foryourself. Italso csreafVv puu sjBBaej.

llMMfJaJaJVIIa CVHttl'fMlll'SI'i leS CfarMtg


Tk halkrwe'en res g asow variety reeeahint; Um mutssr asaape, but the Sawer are of darkrisseen ar, dkrtiaotly etrlped wUh

pinh aad pare white. H is a haedy,c variety.

Tk pasalon Sower ta a meet desir-able climbing plant. Tke seed aheuMh sown early and If well tended amithe soaeou ia favorable tae via willsend oat magaiaceat Moaeoms of ptak,Mae nnd wktte Um Iret year. Vtaethrow out b turnout when onlyaad twu feet high, followed hy ewMetfmlt about tke sis of a hen' sag. IfWrit in the open ground In winter tkey

have some protection

Par Master Bowrs try soate hya-ciat- k

buiss la glaass. uslag the regu-lar glass for tk purpose. Fill wttkwtter within halt aa Inch of the beetf the bulb, aot away la a dark eoel

piece until Um roots reach tke bottomef tke glees, tkea bring them out ratathe light aad gradually accustom taeetto fmi sunshine. They ca the atandla a sunny window until the bud be-gin to open, when lea nnehleerequired.

Tae verbena la deservedly a univer-sal favorite, nnrivnled In tks splendorsf Ha dMUttac brilliancy of newer,k b) a sanstant bloomer aad If grownfrom seed kas a sweet fragrance. Thlptaata should be treated as tendera manal. Sew the seed la hexes orunder glaea la March aad traasBltMwhen a few Inches high. In this wsythe verbena can be grown from seeds early as aay aaaual aad will pro-

duce much stronger plants thaa cut-Una-

Seed sowa la the onn groundwilt flower In Aagust

Phlox are very hardy aaauals.un-equaie-

la th magalScent display ottheir many and brilliantly coloredlower. They will grow even Is peersett, hut In order lo develop the high-

est perfection they should have richground aad mast be given room.Ptaata from seed sown la the open Inearly spring wilt begin nowrlg aboutJuly 1 and will be literally coveredwith blosiisms until autumn Theygrow to a height of one foot and amunsure, i essa tor masse of parteeefcw or tor cutting Vtuqu!

In Brewing tub roses use very richsoil, half learn and half well decayedmanure. Put one inch of broken char-coal In Um bottom of earn not aad letth but be well covered. Water thorengkly aad piao la a warm situationThe Bret bukm should he started bythis Ume aad pleated at Intorrats soas to secure Moohm until late fallWhen the little green shoots appearsire them plenty of air and all thsaua peeelble. Whea danger of froetI paat plunge the pots In a shelteredsuaay poeiUoa and give plenty ot wa-

ter. Apply liquid manure every weekbut not toe strong. When the budsbegin to open take up the pels, washthem dean and place la a shady leeUoo. The howorn will be larger andwin last longer if kept la the ekade

Per early summer dowering paasyseed SMOuld now be sown In ebtllowboxes. Tke kitchen window ta aa exeellent pUce to set them. Sow tkeseed tkialy so that th plant winbare room to grow quite targe beforetranapmnaJng. ttofoie sowing soaktb seed over night In sllgutly warmwatr to hasten germination. CoreiHghUy with Sao toll, press dowasmoothly aad water from the bottomby piecing th box in a pan of water,rkla wilt probably be an the irrtgailea tkor will need until th yonafptaat appear. Keep a piece ot moistlaaeel over the box la order to retainthe moisture. As soon aa th littleplants can be seen remove the Saaaetaad giro plenty of sunshine, hat denet keep too warm as the weatherbaeome warmer the box should beset out deer la the day tlm aad taken la at night, when ther la daager offrost They thus become hardenedAfter Uauspiaatlng in th openground they should be watered earfully uaUI Ue youag plants beoemtrooted. Pansles win grow almost anywhere la early spring and 1st fall Ifplenty of water la given.

Joee l.uoero. tba sheriff of DecsAaa county, la la ths city on ths

' : a mar., who i charged byBaumgartner, ot las Cruees, of ler-ger- y

aad obtaining money under falsepretenses. The forgery Is said thhave been committed about a yearago. The man waated Is here; hewaa her a few day ago. so itreported. Sheriff I.ucero will rsturato Im Oruoe tonight.

Nothing has ever equalled it.Mothlnfr can ever surpass it.

Dr. King'sNew Discovarjr


A Perfect V r W Tlir- - at anat are I I'nj. I t u'i c

Meney bkif ilfit. Ti i rfeloo free.



Th book mmtttee hne derided toremove the manufacturing Ptonto otth tw Methodist book eoejcarns tramNow York Md Cincinnati, and tolocate thaw In some town ret to botheses. It U said to bo llksty thatasms subnrbea tow Mar Cble willbe selected The aim said to boasaaomy. aBd It la sealed that the

will afloat Um aoJoa sepsrt-msa- u

la the respective eltles. Mot-edic- ts

load all American rollglotMbedto la iba dlaeemtaattoa of semomtoetwaat literature. Book Ooaoora aa business tara Erst appeared laMethedtot parlance la lM-i- . tfeo NowYork Concern, dating from that roar,began, iu work on 100 borrowed espl-tat- .

Tba Cincinnati Concern, at firsta branch, datoa from UM. There arobrsnhi la Sea Prsjietoeo, KaaaniSJty. I'hlrago. Datrott, Pittsburg aadReetoa, aad tba aaloa of all Iba Oon-ivt-

aad brunch roach almosta yar. formerly to Now

Yetk Concern waa Moh tho tarnor,bat It haa hoa distanced by tho

Concern la lota years, aceansoOtoclamvtl la la tho very eoatsr otMethodiat strength. Stoss tholr or-

ganisation thooo Ouneerae bnv aatdto Hothodlota IIterator to tba vatoeat l1t,00o.mM.

OppoeHton to Mm Pton.Tba action of tho book committee

must be approved t Iba Metbadtotgeneral conference before H becomeaffective, aad It la intimated thatatroac objection will ha brought toboar oa that body from Methodists lathe aaat I ha gensrnl conferencemeets In 1 Angeles, Cal., In Ma jr.

H la aald that tho aaatora members ofthe book committee opaoaad tho rec-

ommendations mad la tha report, butbeing a minority tbr woro doroatod.Maatera Mothodiatt feel that a g

houee la Iba east la aa advan-tage to them aad therefore to thoMethodiat body, because It lead aprestla that would ha larking warnha plant t" ha removed to Iba west,

headers feci thai the iPoaoarie advan-tage of such removal would bo morethan offset iy tho loaa to oaatornMethodism Kor thooo reason east-er-a

delegate to the general muter-ea-rwill oppose ibo approval of tho

recommendation of tho book commK- -

ee. aad It la at Iaaat oaatorn optaloai bat tba opposition will prove strongenougk to prev-n- t tha carry!! oatf th commit!' recommendation.

The book rommlttoa la to aMtt againJust before tha meetlni of tho generaloanferenr... and It I likely that thasabjirt will be than again token aptut aa Hfart mado to modif tho re-pe-

U iba general coaforeaae.

RnIMi VbMra Palture.ev R C niltachaai. tha Hkallab

Tlaar wIhi raiao rooaatlr le tain eowa-br-

ta Inaugurate aa aaU'rHaaUatleoraaada. almllar to tho araoada of thoTfloklira prMcbara In Maglaad,

thai ha baa roelva4 no muchadrloe aaalaat KaaaH mothoda la

aaflca that he will, laatoad of a rowla the rhurrbee, aUrt aa edaraUoMlaMtremeat throuah tba aawapapan.He bad uroMtleed the btahoai at Panda Ijte to visit hi dloee aad raiaaa dicta rtanc. but now aaya he willlaatead u to Claelaaatl tor a atay ota week aa the mm in to reat.edfarla to aecure Haptlet, Methodiataad ether pulplta from wbkh to harttareetlTea amlaat rMwallatia hMabo.baM&bi have failed beeattae he haaoaea denied entrance te them, and

etoeepallaaa bare thwarted hta planabeeaaae Ibay areod la adraaee toesdara without protoet any dlgaityha night hap upon them. He aayapaartre "MlaUnoa hi mh to hi liking;that he could aeoontalMi more If ar-rested aad locked up. Pro behindprtoea bare be could talk to all Amor-M- o,

Permitted to talk aa mueh a hoMM, he fell Jbu in hla eraeede Thetwo Mpiacopel biahona to whom hehaa wHttn open letter hare Ignored

Aid ta iMHan UMWrert.Roman Catholic aeetoty for tho

haaeerTatlon of the faith Maeog la--a

ohlldrea la aoeklag to nta amomUrablp of 400.000, eaoh memberto par an annual fee of X eeata. Itaret aaaual report haa toet been pah-Mohe-

aad abowa reoelpte of tM.Mere Uaa half of thhi eame from thodieeeee of Cleveland aad the area-dtoee-

of Philadelphia, In whtoh la-d-

mletlona bare many rrwau. Theaoolety waa auggeeted by the lateArahMahep Oorrlgaa of Now York,ami waa eUrted In 101. Ita work laOtMotad from Waealagton, and la apart of the Indian wor formerly doneU gOTarnment expeate, bat earriod oaby retlgtoua bodlM, OathoUo aadrVoteaUnt. few years ago govern-ataa- t

aepport waa withdrawn from all,oaaelag aome hardship, aiaro ereralKtaWeaa bad ereeted balMlags at largeuoat. Mtpeelally waa thi tho mmwHh mlaelona of the OatboiM ehureh.Hretaato were unaYaltiag, aad nowprirate oontrlbutioag toko the niaooa far aa poaalble of pabllo grant.odia other than OaUwito have with-jknw- a

from tho work aimoat wboUy,leariag It to local Protoataat haadt.The aoelety meatioaed l aeroted towork for the ohlldrea of ladlaa Oath-oHe- a,

conaplcuous among whleh aroike matoiia Coeur dAteaaa of Idaho.

Methaglem to Cuba.W rellgioM bodies ulag up tho

wertt alaee the war, Mothodleto aroMahtog moat pregran In Oaba. Theyare purchasing property la ail priaei-pa- l

towns aad will, K ts now expeotod,ateee a eoetly ehoroh la Haraaa dar-i- g

the oomlag aammor. reertarwaa, fJoagregatloaalleta aad Metaeo-patiaa- e

are either maaieg tima or

gottlag mod eat foethoMc here aadthere. Mapthtta la the oaatorn ead ofIbt lalaad make some progrees, batin Ilaraaa they are stilt handicappedby old trouoloa. They are oMelallyrid of Dr. A. J. Dlai, la toat they areagain In poeseaatoa of their property,a theater centrally located, hat Dr.Dtaa. tholr one-tim- e naator and reare- -

uataJlaa knM nMIOM la Ik ilM I

Immediately In front ot the tbeater,aad haa a dangbtor, a good oornotlat,whom he compels to play her boat Jaataa Rapt1st service begin Inside.Cal hoi lea are not mahtag nay cheapenthroughout tho lalaad. bat la Haraaathey are banding every effort to Amoriraals tholr ehureh. stoaalah Oathoilclem w behig pat lato tho haok- -

gmand aad AaMrloaa ways lato thoforegrouad. Saaemy schools aro open-

ing, the aumber of pHeet to oaohpariah hi being Increased, aad a general brlagtag ap to data la being doacA serious property dtspwte n oa

Oathoilre and tao lepwoito, aadProteataata are watehiat far tha out-

come, for they will, la a way. be affrctod.

Union of rraabjliHt, a.Union between tho lnatbytcrla

church north aad tho lumber landPreobytrrtaa eharch bt h a dmcaa-ee- d

la thooo bodies for ami yoara.aad now ssstas to be on th. point ofacoompllsbment. Joint rumm.'tees oftho bodies met a few days agn andagreed agon a baa Is of uakra whorebythe Cumberlaad ohnrm pracUeailyaccepts the dootriaai etendards o. tholarger body, as adopted la the briefsUtemeal of tho efbrmed faith bytao Preabytorlaa MorU gonerai aaaem-M- y

la 1N1. This removes tho primOpal eauae of dltoreaeo between thetwo India, aa the Cumberlaad branchwere held to be more liberal on someixtlnts thaa the other, aad ap to thlatime seemed uawliltag to accept theitandards of the Northern church.Hefore unloa can be eflooted tae ac-

tion of the committee moat be ap-

proved by th general aaaem biles ofthe two bodlee, aad thaa referred bytbwm to the preabyterlea, two-talra- a

or which moat approve the action tomake it poaalble to carry It oat. Ac-

cording to the report ot the oommlt-te- e

the report! from tha pr ibytorteamust he made to tho gaaeral aaaem-tle- e

In 101. Thla woaaa that thageneral assemblies meeting In May ofthla year must, la order to carry outthe plan, refer It to the preohytertos.The union of those two bodies willhave the affect of making the North-ern Preebyterlna a national organisa-tion, aa the Cumberlaad body haa moatof iu membership In tao south aadout., west. The total membership of

the two bodies Is l.S,S7i, of whichthe Cumberlaad ohnran haa lbt.UI.

Imiweeulat Oeneeptton.All Roman Catholic blsitoos of

America have booa aotlaed fromRome of an Internal loeel exhlbMtonwhich It la planned to hold hi theUateran places irom November nexttill May. IPOs, In connect tow. with thomission of cardinals are In charge of

Moth anniversary of the Deanlttoaof the immaculate Concept ton. A oom-th- e

plans aad k Is ospoeted that therewill he gathered from every point ofthe world article which are In anyway connected with iaa worship ofthe Virgin Mary. Some of the thlagaspecially mentioned are pantinga andataluee. books on the stebjeet, ehurehornaments and voatmeats aad musicalworks. An Interesting exhibit will bea collection of madam, seam and coinsbearing the flgare of the Virgin. Inconnection with the annlrsrsary cele-bration, whleh falls December S next,the oompoeer I'eroal, wbo Is tho friendof the pope, and who Is held to beresponsible for the litter's recentdeclaration regarding ehureh musle,will produce a new oratorio with theImmaeomto OoaesaUon aa the umu.

acred concert will bo a feature ofthe exhibition wktch will be oa thea rat boor of the Interna palace, theInner court ulng rooted with glassaad uaed tor a concert room.

A Favenle Remedy for ffeMes.Its pleasant taste aad prompt euros

have made Chamberlain's uoagn Kem-ed- y

a favorite with the mothers ofsmall children. It quickly cures tholrCOUShs and colda anil nrevtmladnnger of pneumonia or other seriousconsequences. u not only curescroup, but when given as soon as toecroupy rough appears win prereat toeattach Kor sale by ail druggist.



8OT.Jeek Moors haa jaat returned from

a visit of several week at tho hamsot hie brother, W. M Moors, at 1'bee-al-

Ariaoaa. We reoorta tho atookraliers there neing hoary toss as thereesH of the dry weather. Thoueaadoof aattlo are dyiag on the raagoe aadthe sKaation la becoming more seri-ous every day It has esaome a dailypractice for the stochmen to tour theirraaaee with rill a and kill the ani-mals that have fallen from starvation,

ReeenUy quit a large number afmlaee about the oouatry woro boughtup by aa lfagllah syndicate ami sev-eral of those properties were testedby Mr. Moors for .as purchasers.fh Rsrgardino Ttms-ta4a-

ftotoe Osus PnewmSftia.Use ef tha most remarhahio ease ot ;

a eotd, deep seated on the lungs,eanstac pnenmoaU, is tau of Mrs.'ttortmds aV reaner, Marion, lad., whowas entirely cured by the use ef UseMinute Ooogh Cure. She says: 'The '

oougbing aad strain. ag so weakenedme that I rw down a weight fromltd to W paaadf. 1 oled a number,of remedies to ao avail until l used(Ma Minute Oaagh Oars i our bot-U- ss

of this wemdarfai rtmedy earedme entirely of the cough, strength-ened my image aad restored ms to mynormal wet health aad strength."Vow by all draggtsti.

T Y Maynard, tao Jeweler, lett itniHiit n a t.iisioeas trip to Ml Pas-- i


OVmfJXwJT JjLtJm INHERIT.8crofna imtntUats itmrlf Iu many ways. Swelling of the glands of th

actk and tluoat Oal.iiili weak even, white swelling, offeitaivo eti andctuptions I ,sof lrennh and wvabiiees In musclen nnl Joints

It is a uitseiable disease and trm cable In aimoat every instance to somefamily blood t.i.ntRcrofuU ia hml in the r assBBB,

bone, in tratiani'.itr'lfrom pt -- t to clilli!the "rc.l.arc lantilinfant v and utiUtu theblood Is purged and purifled and every at' tu oltbel.imt remriv ISi!')fula ia re to delon .it

" -rperwHli-iyonrl.f- c.

ka a aiva

Noremvy etjiial S R a a a cure for RcrofuU. It cleanses nnd httltdap the Mood, makes it Tit Ii and mire, and under the ton If effertu of thisgreat Mood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive nrgane

strcniithcnetf. there ia a gradual bat ure returnto heiilth The deposit of tuberctilar matter thejoints and glands Is carried off aa boon as the bloodI a normal condition, and tho ores, erup-tions, aad other avmDtoms Scrofula diaaiincnr.

9. S is gnnmnteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal l.lmtdpwriflcr and tonic i :i"vs nil blood taint and bwiida up weak constila-How- s.

Our phyairiHua advise without charge, nil who write us aboutlouk muled free.

twsT Mwtrr

hew yorr hews ifnER!:l:;;,;7vei'r,,M n r,,Mf

ClttilaH. WHi Km Slrmc Frlinis

'R OSMKllie OmymIIm.


New York, Marsh open do--

4afes SCJsH Oa eCataPem'jri was) 0Tammaeiy hall, la favor ot Cwvemad'snomination for tho prealdoacy hasbrought a trifle mors clearaces latothe political atmoepbor. but tha laaioutcome of the complicated situationla not by any mesne removed f om thospecalatlve atage. Tha frlands ofJudge Parker are bogiaalag to fearthat there is trouble coming their wayaad It Is said that ta the hoar of needthey have even tried to obtain sestet-aac-e

from William Jennings Bryan.Although it is quit well known thatMr. Bryan Is not aa enthusiastic ad-

mirer of Judge Parker, so far aa hlaviews on the pilvor question are con-

cerned, hat ft Is believed that hla feel-lo- g

of opposition to Clevelaad will bestrong enough la him to Induce him tointercede for Parker, although ta lat-

ter la not his favorite candidate. Atthe same time there Is trouble brow-ing la the republican raaka. Per omtime there has been friction betweenOovernor Udell aad senator natt aad,although a truoe has been patched apto.' tho time being, It Is believed thata seriooa break la aare to come, it Is

stated in welt Informed circles thatOdell m pretty sure of at least twenty

the lorty-sove-a members ot thostate central committee, while onlyfourteen are conceded to Piatt

Always acromodatlag and obligtagih newspapermen, William J. Mryaa,upon his return to thle city from bislast trip through tho south allowedhimself to ho Interviewed upon thosubject he likes best to discs. Howas aahed how the Clevelaad boomwas proarcaalag down sowth aad an-

swered with surprise that he did notknow there waa seen a boom; hasurely had not disoorered any evid-ence of It during sis south era trip. Inthe name laiervtow Mr, Hvfaa ex-

pressed Ms con riot km that the deate- -

era tic national cosventton would re--

aMrm the Kansas City pMUom, aaIt waa tns only one, according to Mr.Hrysn'a Idea, that cc iM possibly harmonise Ihe different tactions ' thdemocratic party.

There seems to be a good pro pactfor the rapid development of NewYork's subway system. When theBelmont syndicate entered lato nepjo--1

1st ions with tha city for ths coastrws- -

IIob of ths subway ayatom Incourse ot ooastructlon, a great manywiseacre shoo tholr heads aad expressed gravs doubts aa the advise,iiiity or investing such enormoussums In an satorprlse the success ofwhich, at least from a Ansaelet pointof view, aeomed to them rather pre- -

csrloua. Times have chaaged sadwith them the vlewa ot noat conservative capitalists II la quite char-acteristic for this t haage of ortoloa,that even before the completion of thoflrst subway system plaas hare al-

ready been sohmlttx. for a second,equally extensive system, whirs is toconnect the Battery with Harlem bymoans of a tuaael, rnaalag mostlywest of Broadway, rhe plan has boonsuggested by Ihe Metropolitan StreetRailway company, which Intends tomshs a bid for the construction of thssnbway It It can secure the franchise.Ai cording to ths plana of ths com-pany tho tuaael la to connect withtho new Pennsylvania Mailroad sta-tion and with ths atauon of ths NewYork Central. Ta hetropoiltaa of-

fers si a special Indacemeal, to givefree traasfers from the subway to thacrosatowa surface Haas. It la understood that ths Belmont syndicate alsolatsads to make a Md for a simitarsubway ayatsm aad there Isreason to believe that k willalbls tor ths city to obtain come vlasbis ooMssstoas tram the company thatla granted Uw trsmiuiec.


Ths ssasaa of "Paraifal has cknwiaad aow, that It la all over uat thoshouting, it may be aatd, that it wasa groat artistic and ftemaeiai success.Ths net proata from Uw season are.roaservativsty sstlmatsd ai unusua.1y brillllaat result In vtsw


aerefuia apilima vrnaaeitfi, if aasraiill IIH4Hwe rared ah

apt phvalcune were eenaulted, bettouia so aelfelns to reiiava ttm uttle inneeent. ft was then that wa daaiSad tetry 171. 1. net aWdieina nt m nisitear Mdaempleb er. Ih-iir- ae

ran eg lady, and has ae-re- r bador iaa aiaeeeeip reswggk










nwma ao., Atlanta, a.

tn of the BMeabors of New York'sJspanesr: colonise, a ytajag clrk of

una name Tel shavahloe, ha started araovemeat for tha eriitlea of a brndd- -

hist temple la thla sity. At pros cataa Krenrhrco hi the only American

city, which can boast of aach a templeas it Is probably tha only city in thatoouatry with a Buddhistic populsttoularge eaoogh to require the erectionot a special tomato. Aa to New York,the Bomber of Buddhistic Jaoaaeaeand other ossterners la somparatlvelysmall aad It la uoabttui that theywould have accomplished their aim,were It not for tha latsrestlag factthat there are a aambir of wealthyaoelety women ta this ctty who haveeither become cos verted to Buddhismor pretend to be converts to that re-ligion. These women bass con trlbat-ed liberally to the fund which haspassed tho 10,000 point. The templewill probably be built In Harlom.

The Twmmasylt da not expect saytrouble oa March U, Uw any on whtohths primaries aro to eo held, in former yoara regular butties wsrs foughtbetween Tammanyltee sad

especially In some of thetougher wards, but as there is nothingat present to disturb tha peace In tharanks of the democracy of (ireatsrNew York, It la believed the day willpass without bloodshed. Devery Issaid to have expressed ths Intentionof stirring up a little scrap in theNineteenth ward, sat he Is not takenseriously snd It Is not hell red thaibe aad hla eatelIHe can raise muchdust.

haiucstors all ovsr ths country willbe Interested In tho dlseosalon of thsquestion how to deal with the schoolchildren who are mentally defectivesnd not able to heap pace in theiratudlss with other children of thesame age. The question Is rather Im-portant from an educational point ofview, because these defective childrenretard the other, brighter children, Intheir progress. It has been mggsstodto kcgresjete ths defective aad providefor their education by special teach-ers and In separate schools, but ob-

jection has been raised to that planfor economic reasons.

Tho New i ork Tax Reform associa-tion has prepared table hasou uponthla year's aaaeaeed va.uattons of reelestate oca tain some laUrsstlng Mrurea. According to these Mgur thsaverage value of land per aare ia Man.battan ia UNJU; la ths Hrsagc,

la Brooklyn, .(1T; la Qassas,isM, aad la Rlcbmosd, $41. The av-erage value of Improvements per acreIn Maahattan Is !I,I4. Ths presentdensity of population ail over the cityshows aa average of eighteen peopleto the acre.

The health food erase has struckWsll street snd It la eetlnsatod thatmore thaa oaa hundred broker aadbatusrs, meay of them mitttoaairce,have given ap expensive lanebss dur-ing the soon boar and now takehealth lunches In their ofics. k hinot hsrauss they wish to or have toeconomise that they lunch on wholewheat bread, arape Nuts aad similarpatent preparations supposed to be apanacea for nil the Ula that Mesh Isheir to. Mo, they Insist taat they likeIt aad laslst that It la dotag thorn In-

calculable good. There Is even a ru-mor that the tiaJth foods will have atendency to strengthen ths Asrhst.

That there Is eaough unperstlttonamong the big aad email speculatorson Wall street, has bssa known to thsworld for some time. They are ailmors or toss a motors and gamblersars proverbially superstition. Thsxtsnt of superstition common amongthe Wall street fraternity man he

from the fact that la many ofths buildings occupied by brokers aadother men of Isaacs the number thir-teen Is tabooed. There Is neither athirteenth Moor nor a number aa anydoor that eontale thirteen or anycombination of that number.

L grips saaghs yield quiakiy leths wasdsrfnl ears tire quMlttss sfPasty's uoesy and Tar. T--er to

by J. N O'HteUy (to

CpaaajSgT os sssnVgl BsnsqNgg4Je

Tho Yalaaem aoaniy diesrv.t nprtngtana of ooort coavsasd ihls morning

of th fast that the theatrical season at Um Laaas. Jadgs B. E Mahnr, ao-no- t

only In New York, bat practically csmpantod by Mr. Waksr aad CnpC

ITfJcs LaxntSvc Quinine rJPsnhBBnmnaJsBBnnW

W. g). Damr, clerk of tho court; Larryi. owe, atewographer; Wetrtct At-

torney Clancy Mid Neetor Montoya, In-

terpreter, left for Loa Laaae: milela Las Laaaa Jadgs Mahor aad wifewill ha the gueeta of lion. SotomnnImaa.




The Interior department haa reject-ed all the bids submitted several dayago tor ths supply of from 1M.M toIM.OOO barrels of Portiaad ceases toths government for the Salt river Irrigatloa project la Ariaoaa. The act loa!a the result of the excessive pricesubmitted by the cement maaarsctur-era- .

the departmeut aUtlag that fltst-cia- ss

Portland cement caa be maae-fMtnre- d

at the dam site on Baitriver from good saaterisia at handthere for Ices thaa If s barrel. In-

cluding ths entire cost of the plant,fuel, operation, etc.

This Igars would make a saving ulabout t a barrel, tha deswrtSMet re-port snys, an lbs basis iff ths towaetregular hid, of a saving of laso.OOO for1 80.000 barrels, or 1000,000 for IM.000 barrels, the largest asjount lo besupplied.

Ths dspartmsat will now considerths qusstloa of erecting a pmai forths government mnaufaclure of thecessent, Uw purchase of the aappiyIs spea market, or readvert leesnewt ofbid

Raw or mejamed LumsYieM qatekly to the waamerrat ear-atlv- e

and hsnltng qaaittle ot ratoytnoney aad Tar. it prevent assumenis and consumption irom a hard sotssettled oa ths luags. For sale by J.H. O'Rlelly a Uo.





The uehsr nfternaoa s Parmer' Intliats mooting waa held at Was Ora-cs- s,

Dana Asm county. Piiffaser Tins-le- y

waa elected chntrman of the meet,ng and 0. D. Case secretary. P. C.Barker spoke on "Celery," statingthat celery will not do well In NewMexico on account of tho hot, dry cli-

mate Prfeasor Oarsia. however,showed that by delaying the trees-plantin- g

Into the geld until August,hs waa able to sscurn a sac crop Of

Arm stalks, free from blight. Prufas-au- r

Tlaalsy spoke of the successfulgrowing of thla crop In ths Pecos val-ley and drew (he conelastoa that H thsnecessary water could bo had, tho cli-

mate would prove to be all right. Pro-fessor Vernon talked on tho "Rotationof cattle Feeding to Alfalfa Orowlng"and cited the result of ths vartoufeeding testa si the htxpsrlmsnt Sta-tion. Professor Hnrs aad C. D. Casefollowsd, discussing ths same sobtonD Klrcher gave sows point on thegrowing of clover seeds. Prank Will-llam- a

road aa latsrestlag paper nnThs Most Profltnbts Plaid Orop Witsthe Bsteaptton of Alfalfa." ProfessorBeoU and Vernon discussed the samesnhtort.

Year of suffertwg relieved in aalght. Itching piles yield at once totho curative pror rtiss of Boas' Ointment. Never falls. At any drag store,60 coats.

Br. Qesmersls Attempted gwieids.A special to the Optic, trm Baata

Rosa, datod March t, says:Dr. M. P. Dismiiiala attempted to

commit suicide tonight by cutting histhroat with a pan knife. There Is verylittle hops of recover)'.

Iater Dr. Unmsrai la reetirgeasy aad will pull throng unless compMcstlons arise.

IftMemmatery Rheumatism Gursd.William Sbager, a arakemaa of

UsBatoon, Onto, was conMaed to hibed for several weeks with laaamma-lor-

rheumatism "i used man" rem-vjiss- ,"

hs says, "finally I seat toMcUaw'a drag stors for a bottle ot( hamUeriala's Pnla Halm, at whtohtime I was unable to use hand or foot,and la eas wssk's Urns waa able to goto work sa sassy aa a clam' orsale by sll dru gists,

oTypes rtsld Meeting.

Yeetorday artomoon, at the Centrallatbor Uatoa hall, the TypernMenlUatoa. Mo. Mi. held a regular moot-la-

and after traaaaotiag routine bosiboss, sleeted the fottowtag ssBosrs forthe easalng ysnr:

j Preehtont J. g. Blr "k.Vise Prssidsnt 0. M, Btorr.Pinancml gecretary M, if Wya- -

Ishseatlvs Com miUse P. P. Btroth-r- ,

0. W. Orass, J. J. Oriagto.O B. Btorr, P. M. WynhsmJ. 0. W.

Oraao. H M. Aston and II. H. Wyn-hoo-

dt lsgate to th Osatrsl UborTfatoa.

Paeswnla Feltowe a CstdBat nsvsr follows th use of Pwtoy aNosey snd Tar. It stops th esaia,seal aad strengthen the tsxis, aadagorae perfect escnrlty from as attaokof pseameala Refuse aubseMats.Par sal by J M. t.

Asuittd sf teriotN Obsess.T M. HashlBS, at one Urns a resi-

dent of Carlsbad aad Boswsll, tallow-to- g

his trad of harbor la both town,was acq ait tod by a Jary at Tasoeaa,WMhlagton. toet week of tha ehargaof murdering hla whfe A tottsv fssmfriends there nays that H was a nar-row aquerss for Haaklaa, who hadbeeo having serious trowbl with his

Corse Crmsa Two Bet.

tVJ& Oit orvsryatOft

I To Cure a Cold in One DayBromo

wife, which fact Is readily believed bypeople at Carlsbad who remember tbacwple. One night Haaklna came homeand round ills wife with her throatcut, quite deed Hs summonedbora sad was soon arrested, onof doing ths deed himself. Oa accountof a violent quarrel tha day boratethe case was black sgswmet Wat, aadoaly a complete line aetata aad thotact that rigor mortis had sat ta whenhla witnesses si rived nt thacurved, saved hta life. Thotwo children, which are to ha aaat tohis father's bosss at PI. Worth, Tonaa,aatu Hashlas to abw to ears faV thorn.He was so Inoffensive fellow when hswas at Carlsbad sad al Boswafl, sadthere were few who believed him gu'tv of the erinsn alleged to have heiioommltu-- d by him The real perpetralor of the deed I still unknown

mgxico ammcs wmmziILMMmO TO fvOMg ANff) TM



'Pot the purpose ef paying their nepeet to ths now posm, Pius X, ths '

catholic of atootce will mahs a pitgrimage to Rsene, leaving next Oeto-- 1

her. The holy shrlae of Uourde also'

will l- - vialtad sad a tour of Palestinewill ne BMde.

The pilgrimage be uadsr thedirection of Ihe archblshope sad bish-ops of Mexico and Paeato aad theyrraneeted ths other Mahona of therepublic to Join with thorn aad sankths Bilgrlgeage a national one.

It ! egpected that at beast 1.000psrsoBs will mahs ths Joaraey. Thetrip will consume from thro to tourmonth and will coat rom ttou to$1,000, according lo the accommoda-tion sfforded

Bnerlnl trains will . arrsaged forfrom Mexico to New York, throughAlbuquerque eta Bt Psso this amttsrbeing already aador coBsiasraalon,snd from Mow Yarn a charteredsteamer will una the pilgrims nrntto Loardoe. then to Rome, and laatlyto Palestlas.

As sow pinaa I, the trains wul con-

sist ot tourist and Pullman salensMessrs with bogttt aad dialog ears.As argaalaattoa haa boon psrfostsd

to tab charge of all details regardingthe excursion. Pat bar J. TriaMndmwaurto, cure dr regis la presidentof the board of centre, aad haa direstchsrge of admlra. The ether sMearitrs: Pnthsr Lmls O. Oaaiaaula, ascrs-tar- y;

Uuia A. Agullar, trsasareri theRev. Dr. Antonio J. Parenee splrltaaldirector.

A Very Otoe CtoN.

"I stuch to my sagtas, slthoogh sv-cr- y

Joint aehsd and every aerv wasracked with pais," write 0. W. Batto-m- y.

a locomotive Mrman. of Barilng-to-n,

lows. "I waa weak and pals,without say appotlts sad all ran downAs I was about to give up, 1 got a hot-- tl

of Blectric Bitters, aad tok-la- g

It, I flt as wsll as I ever did lamy life." Wash, sickly, run down pea-pi- s

alwaye gain nsw Ufa, atrengtk andvigor from their use. Try them. BatIsfactloa guaranteed by all druggists,trice 10 cents




A psity from Doug la, Ariwons, whovialtad aa old cava la ths monsUto,twesty-flv- s miles east of IMghM,

a vatnahle deposK of gaane,whlsh aooerdlng to a eonssrvatlvs te

eswtalas bo less than XOO.OOU

peuade.The eave proved to be of groat

one of the aswrtntestsmsrlg thirty by forty feet.

Oeerce Rosy, a mwnbsr of the par-

ts' sesa made ths dtoaovery thAt thaItosr ef the oave was savored withgMsss. Th depth of tho deposit laaot yet known, but an estlmats plaesath amoaat at 1,000,000 pounds, whtohhas a market value of lt per ton.

A sempany will be formed for lbpuree of taking out the deposit ,

Pf4" XrfcpTlfri,lt eW

Pnsamoala le too aaagwn a dto--

for sayoas to attemt to Pastorhimself, m though h may havs thsprspsr roatsdies at hand. A physicianshould always be called, it should bsboras la atlnd, howsver, that paeo-Btoal- a

always results from a cold orrrwa an attach of ths grip, and by theproper treatmsat of thee uieeessa threatsasd attack of pneumonia maybe warded og. Taere is no questionwhatever about tni. as daring thsthirty years aad mors that Ohamesr-ibI- b

Cough Remedy aa been aed.w hare yst to Iears of a stogto easeof a sold or attack of the grip bartagrssaitsd in pasumonla when this rom-ed- r

wss used. It is abw used by phy-

sician in the treatment of pm antontowith ths beet results. W. W.J. Batlth,ef slenders. Ala . who la also a drag-gis- t,

says ot It; ' 1 havs boon eetttagChamberlain's Uough Remedy and pro.soribing it in my practice for tao pastsix years. I nee It in eases of paen-moat- o

and bav always gotten thseat results. ' Bold by ail Orasjgtota.

pssss Msker Intored.Word was received at Madrid oa

Monday that William Kllpatrtck. wellbaewn In this part of the torrltory,whs U now living at Priaaor. Onto.,mot with a vsry palaful acclaant lastweek. While at a dancs a row stori-ed aao Mr. Kllpatrtck attempted tostop It, wbsa a shot was Brad whtohwaa probably Btoaat tor another, stria-to- g

him In the arm, o rather la thaband, ranging upward and eaaxlng oatat the tlbow The tost report wasthst be would probably lose bl ana.

g. I,. Bona, mailer mechanic ot thetoeal Santa P machine sbup Is a

host to Itohort Swain, recently ofBralssrd. Mlaa., who U route tuPolat Rlchmoad. Cnl Mr Swam willester the service ut the Santa Pe arorenian ot lb macbtae nhops st PointR bmond


IlM KfW EMrfllltMrl Wk--

uttftg EMmIiInminIi,

shiai uni mm

Ptora M Bihauffsi atrtfOff iaAlbsqoerque oa Monday to taBasMrgo of the warn la etocattoa and

phyueiu eultnre In the Ualveratty. Onruaa day she gavs two eseyaees esNwthxan before the etadesta si thAssembly period. Mms tamnsgpjr id

a splendid reader aad will aaliaBliiby tarry oa tba work saueafatajip. Ather stadlo la the library baiMlag ohewill take private pnpiln aad tovmtassa for each as 4sirs.

Tight deer ribed to UM atu-de-

sa Pbsrsdsy ths wsamnrg ofMmgara Palla. Mia latimtlag mwas assde Bssre so with th aM (

Ta shswr their oentiaoed latere at taaketi aias mater, ths alsmai Bb

iiassalsd to " oao Issue of tao V. N.M. Weehlr. It will appear la abS'iihr wesha.

Prof Hertseg Is now sending outthe advertising malarial for ths) nr-ne-st

Osmble concert toor. Tho ntstdate Is far Paso where the saasgeayw.ll assmnr March II.

To rary their program Mm Bstraiuoetoty haa deeided to andd stock

trial at their aaat nwetmg. It la undsfatood that aa ladtotmont tor svsaiilarceny will hs tried.

Pari sad, ths banjo psrtoraior, willa at the opera boose aaat Msxtdsyeight. Thai Is aaa at tha hBhllgdJ atirasttons of ths local isctnra eanraeaadsr lbs saspk-v- s af the ashaal of

aale.Th Tri Alpha fraternity MM it

regular sesetlag at thetr rsom in thlibrary baiMlag tost atgfeg.

A social club has boas tssgtod iyths stndssU of inn university withP R helley aa prsalnsat. It to Uipurpose of tha orgasisatton to hhldpartodtcal gnthsrlags la ths hail af thischool of music.

The esscattvs oaVe nss Jaat rsasav-s- d

from the gsuaaai Ooppisa stavotopOa. of Bt. Loals. MjbXNJ sbvssssss toto need as sdvertlatag for the .Bet I'm

This sfteraoou at the fairthe Irnt laterscholnstlc baae bad gameis betag played between tha Virtysnd the Albuquerque tndis sehssl.





Although only a smallgreeted Ottokar Maiek, tho snmssntsi.plaaiat, nt ths Bike' insatrs last part of tho lengtbty and esttara-gnn- l

program waa disregarded and altwho saw aim aad heard hie mu'were weM pleased.

It wm exdy the lore of ku4cthat went aad it was only those withthe mueteal ear that could apprsalaicThs program was most els steal,

Ottohnr Malek did aot fasclBnis hi.audloneo with his ungainly aggsaiance, bat the moment Ins Ungues begaa ptoylag over the hoys af ths phtaohla uncouth show of appnial, everlong dark tocha of hair aad stoopedshoe Idem, wsrs forgotten id ahshouse reisased lato a ssml semidsKrondHton, to be aronssd by rag antedapplause aad at ths gnjsh. to reatitethat two hours bad quickly pasnsd andthat th performance was over.

Herr Ottohnr 1 a Bead maoism a, anart tot with much temperament notlavas tonl ability, but sot wMfsont a pcrfor there are many American so )''as arepaau musk-las- who rsmk hisequal, aad he Is aot resily ths grewartist that hta BMaagers would ha-- eths public believe.

However, ths music lovers of Atb'iqosrwas hnvs rvary rsasos to bo gpsirul to Mssers. Lanrnard and Bevtone:la bringing him here, as H m ssMwqthst um aa he coesss this way


Bomes Ototohiy, hot K 9tkm to Btoy.sSBXbsi JVOB AVaBnshsnBhsBUBBnMB anMannnasBSBl' TfsvT sows ntlBaanBnnnBnBpn ayayaBSBpnsj asssnnj

RW sf It,

Corns early, stnga tots.No stronger oaa ho share gawei

Make ills a aaatoir aM djuy tosg.Keep you await nsghto.Irritotea ran; sgdwo yaw htm sr.Do you knew thia anwaleemi ssnftlRwer hews R earns aad slay wvtl

youTKnow what it tot atoasnas.If you ever had any It onto ibm of th

sktaYon know how hard It bt to shake

M off.You would Use to know how to do an Alssqussnoc man tool yoneasas gsV nTaBVngspaVpan 9qs)aC JaweaPt

Bight and Ttlams aasTsaysV "In myaatlBMUion Utota H ao alntmBnt tor thopurposs that K Is oaed that aaa equalitoan'a. There wss a spot eiaw mykao whtoh annoyed mo far ton years.Unllhs esassan It dM aot spread oof,bat at Urns It Itched so esasysrst-ingiy- ,

parties bvriy adtor i went to bedr ant by ths stove, that I swart til

It ustil it smarted eeOar reetof earns.( tried every aaivs sad otoawiat 1

sme serosa; waea so did not hstoa apaVsggyanqi aesnas0aP asAssl snennPttvgl art geam

SjeadiBe; ahost Dana's Ototsnantbm to to to the Alvsjseto Phr-nws-y

and pay four arte tor a hot. Iaa tow days ths Itehtosss ceased asdtho life of ths part sJtootod wss Mned tor op to date, aad It Is saw ajgsealg Biaatks olaeo ' stBBsd toe nssof tha sarra there has not a nysaotsaiof its nppaarsaes "

or aaio by all dealers Price M slat.Pustsr-Mtlhu- nt Uo,. hojala. K. Y,sol agents for tho Uaotod States.

Hemsmbar tha ansrbass aadtake no substitute

..UfiM & MeCRjrrOHT. rnbltahera.

aMtpien Ratestveeary Mum. per year.Petty Orttt. par year


. 3.Mtent




After detlbefatlnc tor two yearn) ta the Fortretgbth district oeartbrand M. B. Mcfoaeaga guiHy of per

ry nad dad hli pealehnesot at hhfeayears 1a the pentteattory. ears a ela-nato- h

from Fort Worth, Tom.Mca)etaMk wm primarily arrested

m a reach of sxposares made ta aH aaaJaat ike OaK, Colorado sad

Awta Fe RjUtraed compear, ta watohMofetocmga soeght to rawer damae tor alleged peraoaal Injuries.

to hi petition MclVmough aaegeithat while a hrahsinan oa the OeK,qteleraeV Md Baata Fe, be wa taen-

ia aaalaat a brake who Ike ekaltbrake Bad haried him to Ike greeadHo cUlamd that be ran' red earnerone Injuries, same or thaw of a perma-nent nature.

In toe trial of tke salt MoDouonghwm hed If he had over been In-

jured before. Me said that ke bad aot,ve ta 1M, wkoN ke received slight

atartae ta aa aoektaat oa the Pitts-tiara- .

Port Weyu and Oblong rail-

road. Than the attorney for tkeltf, Ootarado and Santo Fe showedwhere MDaongh ka4 eollscasd a

of MM (ran tke Missouri. Kaa-ae- e

aad Taaa company oaly a akortttato prior aad tor lajartoa aimltarto these utaiawd ta klc taat potittoaTke mnuoer of tke accident wai the

Tha MkMraaf day McOoaoaghIt waa eoaie ttato baton the

was sat ' ircl the sraad tary kavtagrdamc. ai iitdlctaiont aaalaat klai

"a u.eaattato.:. k. U, the attotaey tor the (Mt,

rototsdo aa l Naata P, eoared aiaehif Ika Th1oae aeMat WeOoaoaak.

Thai wa a-- hoforr t irr.J I'irf.

mmmm mt a hand


Atlvtce recetvod at Auetta,lMa), froai M xtco that Jaa. Sparer( aVaper Co.. of Hew Tor aad If.

Olejr Ptorne, raalnaaa Ike eaeeB'tlva beard of the Montana Oaatralwin aw be a trip over the latter ayitern tab) week. It ta atotod that theirvtaU to Mexico at thla Uaw la toroofer with the Mosleaa aoverwaieataad It la believed la welMetomedflaaaelal olrolot of Mealoo that theMaatoaa Oaatral la aaoat to be addedo the sorerr.aKnt'i ye teat of rail'

roods. U la eoaaliiired abjalaoaat thatMr. Sparer wkoe IIrm rapreaeata theMaatoaa asvorameat latoreet ta theMatisaftl Ratified eoatpaay of Mostoo,ahoaM rant Mofctco la eomaaar withMr. Ptono of the Moxtoaa Oeatoel





WaeWagtoa. Marsh 11 - Eaaeatloanltaejakr tato las obarass aaalaatator Dtotrtoh, of tfsbtastw. began today b store a special ssmmlttse In Senator 1tear's commutes room.

foqulry waa Isatltatod on daenaad ofHeaator Dtotrieh, la tor the purposeof dlaaaprovtag ckargee oa wok theaaator was Indicted last toll In Ms-br- a

aba, and which were dliaaUs'il ondemwner

Waea tho oonimlttee aaeenbtad;Mrtok repealed the wleh tkat thelavnettaatlon ikoaM be the fuTet

Leaaald Haha, poetwnstor ofIts to ISSt, was tke Brat

warn sas. Ho was saesssdsd by Fisherta sdtos. Hake reiatod a osavsraatloawtik Ptabsr oa April It. 101. relativeto Pmaer't appolatmsat as postmastsr.

He sabed me" aald tke wttaeet,' wast tks oatoe paid. I toid him fl,M0He said that waa what Dtotrieh weal-ed aha to pay tor tho oMee. Ma askedma want I paid Thurston sad I repliednot taa ssai."

Ecaiytac to a riestlsn. Haha aaMthai wasa Dietrtoh was stocted ha hadat re ap ail Man af botag coatiaaadla the ottos as ho had It tram varioasiieurssi that Dtotrieh, "waa after Me



Phlladeiaaia, ra March u.

Moastonof Peaaaylvaala today aad took parila tks oaealag mssIob of tks ssosndaaaasl atavsattoa of tke Associationof Hwtory Tsacnere of the Mlddteatatos asm Maryland. Vice President

? '. amlth of the uatveralty wel-th- e

vhdtora aad lcy M. aai- -

of Vaasar oollsaa, prsslssat of

tc bsssatatisa. followed with nareview of taa work of too

asaoetatloa. Prof. 0, B Hasktas ofHarvard unl varsity spoke oa tke hls-torto-al

earricalum la colleges, nasiPrat A. C. atcUug.lo of OsraaBtoaiBMats ton of tos worn aad plana

tat SMt lastituiloa. l.s aeasloas oftRS C80nt!cr. trMI b asdeestoluded twaorro

Esesped, hat Resaatored Levi Cur-rent, who waa arreeted tailedfcome aontbk ago wltk another partyfor paople'a

took French leave from thejailor a Mih-jI- Saturday, say tks

Cepttaa Mew. Me had been Ureaeoeeiderawc liberty about toe prenvlee a tmety. la fne-- ad took

of kla upporlaaltr aad tollwithout enylng fooi-tr- -

BheriC Armetroag wae sHiat atthe Uom. bat returned later ana Mnrl-- 4

in jnsrselt of kla nana. Ke IMmmI

blM Taaaay algal by a snrnll campthe Peton asoafttaias,

Mm to tmaiua that nwfti.him to Ltaeota the PMtowtag

hie trisdnm ae doobthereafter bo rovtrtotoi to a ceil,e



Weeatagtoa. 0. C, Marck U. Theboreaa of ortaUa and eaajrertac taworkiac orertliM too. bow oa theaow atajsae to bo tome ta oaejiaaiarailra of the larehaoe

Thoogh the atoatpa win mtbe phwed oa aale before Mar !

tlaie U repaired to tarethem out. aa tke total aamkar willanmoat to alaioat 40o.WM.0W. 'lHoeewho aave boom aea ,oe pre I hi of theeteape lorlaro then to be.Mpertor,from an arttatie ataanpolat, to eHbertke Ckloaco or Buffalo enpeeUloa boaee. Tke aertea la to laeae a oae-eo-

atoMB, wltk a portrait of HobtrtIt Uvlafltoa; two-oent- , wltk a par-tra-it

of Tkoexaa Jeffereoa; tareo-eeat- ,

with a portrait of Jaatea Moaree;art-cen- t, wltk a portrait of WMitomMcKinley. tea coat, wKk aallmap ovtUaias tke territory of -- etyNilelaaa Parekaae.



WaehlatJtoa. March II The eakt- -

haw of the UaltodRtateo saakaat Hotoaa, aow la ataddook at Okwaat, had protested aaalaatthe alaklac by the Raaetaaa of leakat the eatmaee of the now Chwaackarbor. Thla aoreraaMat baa not roeetved oatotal adrleea oa the aahjoet,bat It la at' l that tke dleeaaaloa by

eaibora of the eablaot ladloate theattltado Ukaa by Oaptola thaw wouldbe eaatataad



Waahlagtoa. D. C . March 11.

ator Arthur IV Oormaa of Mryuadwaa taa recipient 9t maay eoagrats- -

lalloaa (rom kla oolleagasa la tkeaeaato lodajr on tke oceaatoa of klaelsty-ltrt- h birthday Ylth the oncea--

tlon of Nlohard aoy, who la ataty--

eigbt yeara old, aad O rover Olsve- -

land. who Is slatrHMVaa, aoaatorGorman la tke oldest of tks democratic leaders wko bow

tloned aa prldea... possibilities.H la thlrtssa year older taaa aogeParker of Mew ora, .ae year oMerthaa Judge Oray of Delaware, aadtweaty-on- r yar older ihaa WHNaatJ Rryaa

Work There ta aaitrtlst at sash UMiag in AtamoaaMo

sat assa aoiag a laemimoa the whole alaee waaamy

moralag, say the Ataaiogerde Jairaat. The irtt tvMenoe of his wrkwas disoovarad at the lltlbarn Otabroams an Pennsylvania avsaae. Theproprietor nstlasd Monday moraleswhan they entered to open baslaessthat the safe waa wide opea aad onSAamlaattoa found It to be gutted ofIt content and caeh to the amoaatof 11. Ml nan, 'ills artist was eartainly a smooth oas, as tks oomblaHon had been worked aad notcratch of nay klai was ataesraibis.

If there Is aay clew to the Identityov the robber it la heat uader theetrlcteet surveillance.

These thlags, like earthquake aadmtstortaas, never seem to come ita-lic, aad tke Mllbura robbery was fol-

lowed up tke neat aay by the robberyof th moaey drawer In W. H. Oylsr'store on Ninth street, where ail thechange he had waa tahea. amoaatiagto atMuethiag over 1S. The store wascrowded Tuesday moraine; bstwesn

aad II o'clock, aijjl Mr. Oylsr wssbusy waitiag on aad at-

tending to the general order of bust-nt-

He atepped Into tke meat mar-

ket nrat door and when ha retaraedto gat soms ehaags tor a customerbe round the moaey drawer otoaaadoat. A little later the report cantsdowa town that the of Will

rEaOa asaatf aMl sWsrertlil sVosIeI EeW

wife's pocket book emptied of Its eon-te- a

t. Mrs Watsoa tost somsthlngover d.

Death ef Oharlee E. err(fUCharles at Oarrtooa, aged il yeara,

passed away at kia koato aa the Utah- -

laea taaa a moaui a iwa-n- ag irvmi

Bright' dtasase. His Mother, Mrs.Many Jsne barriaoa, wlto aad two

eaasMtars of wide promlaeaes aeasm-- . mall children were present whentod ta of the University death came, aad they will aceompeny


carelssstr haadllag other

morning, sadwill







hsHtke remaiaa to Okerryvatewhere tbey will be interred in tkefamily burial lot.

The assessed and been a residentof Albuquerque eome time. He waaforemaa of tke oral Bants Fe telegraph oEtee aad was highly reapeetediy all wfo knew him

Nat Betas, of the atoathsrm Carat-va- l

has pareassed the oMISSt model bicycle braagbt to Alba-querqw- e

by praaa Hoeing, af Hani eg( set I Mr. Rata aaya taat ks willhave Dievol do tke Inoa-thedoa-a

taat oa It.

, H F. Ylaard, a tonaer brahemaa oathe k4 Hnao aouawaetsra railway,InatHvted salt tor Hjm datMgagagaiaat the Eft po k Boatbwsstoracompany for alleged Injurlea aas-taiae-

at Ooborn atatlon He saysbis ioii- - waa hurt of .our theait a md at i'o




N. T. MrUMto, who arrived ta WPaeo aad la ttata at the Jtatgerwblle In the etty, whoa aebed ae tothe outlook ta tke Rltlaboro, Morraeoaair. N. M., aataliiK dlatrtet, aald;

Ttto boaaaaa sitae, wklek paid dlri-dead- a

to aeveral reara aad Uirneioat over aereral Mlllloa doltaM worthof ore when worktan, atortod ap agaiaraatorday. Tke attae wae atwt downbeaaaaa of poor aiaaaaowaat aa toonaeh ore waa loot aad the arotiortyoaaM aot atoad the loeaaa.

"Mow baeiaet people hare theprryoeittaa aad hare aaeared theoervteee nt Lata Tiaaiil aa oafftria-eadeat- .

who la well qaallaed taevery way tor the poeltloa aad wiltnadeaktodtp pat the property to the

"Tweaty atea, who have ail beenare to go to work at oaee

ao tlmf will be lost ta aMMaihlaatoata of ore.

A larae aaaatlty of valaabto ore laIn Blsht aad the preaoat oaatpaay willelalc their akaft deeper than aay thathave l.ea saak ta that eatfrtet bytore. The waaassweat say that theywill go down at toast l.SSO toot aadprobably tower.

"The Rmptre miae. owned by thoOaaeer brotbers save beea tafelag

list ore oat of a vela raaatag frowsix lackee to foot.

"Tkey bare goae dowa aaoat 11tost aad wttl wake their trsr ehlp-Me-

wtthta a wok As they go towerthe ore laeraaaee aad they are aowptaaalug to an dowa at taut 1,000

The M Oro sMae, whleh la owaedby Heaator Aadrews of Peaaaylvaala,la Jat reopealac aad the propertyhaa been aaadlcappod as thoy f

" i tho mevery good aad toe , aaa

baa been comlag la oa them. Tblta the oaly reasoa why they have notmade large shipments reeeaUy. aoa-ator Aadrewa sold thla mlas a fewyears ago to a Pittsburg beaker for1100.000 aad now la paring the sameamoaat to tho party lo whom he aotdthe miae tor a boad aad lease.

"This mtae bee workrd amuch as aay In the camp.

"Tho Ready Pay miae, owaed hyDr. ttrown, of Now York Oily, haa ao--

eonHag to Ha name, nM extremelywell. other miae la that vhvtalty It waa closed down baeaass ofpoor iBaaansweat. bat aow tke malastockholder have boaaat oat themaltor block of pharos aad are pet- -

tlag the property on a payia: basfo.Thla mine it produeed H.tte.oMworth of ore and there la now probaMy aa equal aaraeat 1a algat

The new maaagsmsnt will asume eharge Moaday aad work wid

begin the same day. The miae hathad ooasiderable dlmeaity la tbs paatbeoaaee of an laauftcleaey of watersupply aa the ator pumped twomile, bat the new maaaaameat spect to ovsreoato that obmael.

"The HUlibora good dtotrtotbat liks aay other district sanest ranwltk




The election of city omctolsuader the laws govsralag clttae tathe territory of Mew Mevtoo. It wUlbe assa that at the elostton to be heldthe Brat Taosdajr la April, a taarsr,

clerk, treasurer, two aldermenfrom each ward and two members oftbs Hoard of Mdaeatlon from sash

will be electedhe folk win are ta lawa relating

to eltr eieettoas;Aot Relative to Mayors of 01-- Annu

ties sad to othsr oncers. Approv-ed Feb. M, ISM "Bocttoa I The qaailaod elector ,

of cities ball on the hirst Taeedayof April, 1PW, elect one mayor, oaeclerk aad oas treasurer, tor the termof two years, and two aldsoasa ofithe ctty eoaacll from each ward, oaeot whom 1a ward shall bead for the term of two yean aadoiaer for the term of

The above aeetloa waafollows


act be ana it is nsrooy ameaaaahy addiag thereto the followlag:"Aad on the Bret Tuesday of April.IMS, aad each two yearn thereafterthe qaaUaed voters of eltlee shallelect oae alaerman aad one memberof us board of edaaattoa fromward, who shall hold their oatoefor tho period af tour years. The pro-vtato-

of that shall apply toall oMtos la tke territory, whether

under gsaeral or speciallawa."


1 a






TRUSTEE'S SALE.Joan II. StJfttto ttd

olya Btiagto bis wife, on tke tin)of ItOI, eaeeutod nadavarod to lac undaralKaed A. H. d

as trustee, their certain dead oftraat af that date, whleh aaM deed oftreat l laaorded In the ofttoe of Iksprobate clerk aad recorderof Bernalillo eoaaty vomeae von

(IS) ef dead af trusu, page which U hereby made, and

did tacrobv then nad there tmavey to

ooaaty of Beraaiiiio. lerneory ot newMeatoo, to-w-

Lot Ive It) ofof HueaaTs Hlgbtaad MtoMton to AI

buqnerque ne the earns tathe slat thereof lied taof tt.e probate clerk aad re-

corder of Bernalillo ooaaty on the1th day of Dervmber, 1M0And Whereas: Taa said doud of

iniet waa made to the payment

of a eertaJa preatleeerr aete of theaald Jeaa H. atiaale aad Mvolya MUa-gt- o

tor tke ram of three naadred aadMty ttoUara, Woveaiaar Had.Itfl aad payable oa or before oaerltf ajiju, apaaawMlJ voaarImI MOOtlonMl datothe order of Mre M. P. tfaleea wltalatoreet at a rate of etaht per eoatper aaaam frwoi date. payaMe ijaarterty.

Aad Where The aald deed oftraat contolaid a oaadtUe theroiathat if the awhera of aM Mote ahoaldfall to pay to aaate at amtartty the L1aaM traetoe at tke roaaast af the legalbolder f aaM note should sell thoabove dsssrlbrd property at public

to the highest bidder at theof the innaaVs 1a the

Oily of eoaaty of Bor--

weoaa pabllc aot ice of the time, terataaad plaee of sale aad of the propertyto be sold adverMseaioat la sosjonewoaaaor prlated aad pabttohod ta

HWIIHIU i, .,,

the OMy of Albaqeemae aad aald ,ro"aale to esaoate aad a dead ta

Shasta the so told to Woaiee aot to thlathe pareaaaor thereof aad receive j eaamlaatloa. except the wives of

of aald aale, aad out of tack wMleaata will ke peraitttea toproceeds aaoatu pay. Erst, the roala: eaawtaauoa aad, If theyaad of executing thai tnwt prstorrod la

raaaon.fal mttorao' swats, provided their aresad fsmrn nasties to the trastee for

srvtcee; aad aext, aanll apply theHn d rwmelnliur near to tka Bar- -

meat at aald aad latoreet. aad 'k tke place o. tee eaaml nationaar. to the makers

of aaid Hat or their legal

Aad Whereon There U due, owlagaa! aaaald froai the maker of saMaotv to said Mr. E. P. Melaon the aaatof three haadred aad Sfty dollar withlatorsst a froai be Madday of MevotBhsr, 1PM, aad the saidMre. E. P Melton the legal bolderof mid ante reqaeote) the nnder-Igne- d

traetoe to I1 said propertyfor the porpoee aad In acoordaiicwwith the torau of aald deed of trnet.

Now Theretore. I, A B McMillan'he nadr. ret good tniatec latioa of the toregolag aad by vlrtae

mu r..i on . pewor vested la byi lead, iron tm win ta or














March. ISM, at the hoar of twelveaooa on aald day nt tho front

door of the poatoalce In the Olty ofcounty of Bernalillo

Bforeeaid. offer to-- sale aad sell tbsabove dasciibed real aetata at public

atoa to the hlajaast aad best biddertor cask to pay aald proatieeory note,aawniRttag wHh latorsst to the day ofmle to tar aum of three haadred aadotaaty ehrkt doltara aad twoaty-fon- r

ceate, aad tor the payment of costsof aad roaooaable feeto aald priHitec aad his counsel.

A. McMlU.aW.Trustee



la announced that the Ben la Kehaa rather lied taa orscttoa of twelve

at the aow shoe thaicity. whleh are to be need lathe yard at Arasattaawhen ooahntsted, says tbs TipskiiStole JourWal. Bach of the samatotodsagine will weigh 140,000 poaada ontho driver aad m,M0 pouada withthe lank. Oae of the engines baa al-

ready bean completed aad waa test-ed Moaday to the atl fac-tion of two tooai shop aHeherltles.

It expected that elaoe the newahope have beea Installed In Topekamuch of thla- - ktad of work will bedone here. Formerly the greatest partof work of the machlas shop son-aleta- d

of renal ring damaged see,tail the oaaaolty of the now anon taso much Rranter than that of the oldaad contains so maay more modernImprovement that Is capaaie atturning oat work of much mors Im-

portant ansnra.

Thi NatlenaJ RaUWMi uve, Stockitatloa. which waa orgaa--

lautt Fan Worth two year nco.mi Md Masted the follow tng ottcsrs:

W. O. Harding, Mobile,Ohio,, Osjsar Bsaveas of

nwretory Warren V. Qalbrnllh.Friii Worth, treeeurer. The nest meet

win he herd Deaver during thelonvcntloa of the National Live Blockair iatoa

'JZ Why all CoughsMayor

Cltlss aad to Omeere.aeetloa t.-- Taat section t of said











locoeaeMvns m




Psnasylva-nla- .




THK Ouugh or ColdmaaOBa aPa awl mfteJJttaEsa4afc45 saTewa'M

the air pamges of the throat, broaohtal

tabes aad luaft.BaoweHrm, Pmbouojiu aad Ooastfur.

nea are eeatraeied ihroagh ihese mem

sraaet aad whea they are interned thegerms efaUktoas which we breath, ledge

ea the iarteM aad eVtsIn afoolhulJ.

Fatoy's Hanay artel TarGaagh tatt soothes and heals

Ike InRamail air paemge aad eBeeta

BpOmlOjSjf, amafs

IT U the oaly preperattoa which ae.ttrays the germs Instead of limply deud.

eataff their steets, ao why take ckeeeciwith others waea

the aald A. B. McMillan aa trustee, e i a lntoiiowlag real eetote ettuate In the BJf(U I nit.btovk









s M PhMtaetne Servlee.The Ualtod ttataa elvil aervtoo eoat-atlaai-

aaaoaaoea aa tsaatlaatloa oaMarch St-i- iaa., tor the paMtloa atMUkM la tk I J IM.

I laeator bareaa of the war depart ateatthat IN adaltloaal teaehert wilt berepaired early la nae. The eateryof thli poattloa raagoe troat ta41,100 p- - aaanat ad wi.. bensoa he aad the retallveataadlag la the esaatlaatloa.

I Thoee appoialed will be eligiblerroejottoa to the higher grades ta toe

leervioe. raaglag from psao to IS.0S0

aaoa 10

deliver J"0 sapenateaaeato.of property will be admitted

the thatproceeds

tkssasaaee wl" appuliit-laclodta- a

feoe ' hasbaaaa




coaaldera- -







ton lasthus



atao eeteeted tor apsaiatatoat.Tble esaailaaUoa la held la vtow

of th aeeda of the eervwe aad wtudebt

chaduled to be sold oa April II.Ae peace ass beea established 1a

the Pblllpaiass aad the coadlttoa ofliving are Improvlag every maatk,tble eaamlaatloa aanrds aa eassilsatopportaalty tor young Men to eateran attractive aervlce la watch therele good prospect for promotion. Taacommtastoa desires, however,porsoai who apply tor thla esamlaa--

hob skoaid be ieroted to taeir .pro-feeeio-

aad coascieatloas, energeticead tuccaeefol worker

The t (amlaattoa will coastal of teaubjet4 There wUl bs

optional auhjiits given nt tbta Uaw,Two nay of aevea boars sack wfh

be alKieed for thla eaamlaatloa. TagBrat Sve (abject win be givsa oa theBret day and tke remalalag saajastsoa tt aeeoad day.

The eaaailaalton will osastat of taaubc't meationed botow, wbtoa win

be weighted to!low:ava4sgaEjgJ ajaaeji

1. thesis (of not isas than tsswords oa either of tw sab-Ject- a

givoa, to testof syntax, styls, aastiiac, nantnation aad caaUnUaatwa) . .

I. Penmanship (rated oa thesis)I. (aa comprised ta

lbs ordinary grammar isansltext-book-

I English (aa treated la the or-dinary grammar aeheal textiMoks, Incladlag aaa.vta aadparslagi

I ireograpay (mataseaattoai,physical aad

d. History aad civil governmentof the Ualtod atotos (no osv-re-

ta the grammar assisttcii-hook- a aad the eenstitn-tlo- n

of tn United atatos)...7 Phyalology aad hygiene

found in the grammar askant

I Mature study aaa drawing(Involving a kjiow ledge the)

developmaat. growth, kebHaaad peealtarltlee of the marscommon animals aad plants,methods of latorseUag pupillathe dkdy of the name, sadbill In Mm sssnltoa of

drawings)9 Bcimcs of toaehlag (comnrle- -

ibf leaoal govera meat, maihods of toaanHag. daUes af feeteacher, ate.)

in. Kwperieace. tmiaiNg andNtaess (rated on Farm )..


St jetton.Ualtod taatos sivM servtos

SeBageag gg4gqs)Ng)a)e94

April mi, sssarefrom which make certHtoatton

vacaacy positionaector woolen textile rabrioa

quartermaster' depart meatlarge. Mass., il.toeannum, other similar vneanetoa

they occur.United BUiea errlce

mlaelon naaouaeee eaamiaattoaApril lS-B- itoi, sscurs sllniato

which rnaae certtaoattoatnree vnceoeles poaittoa

heating ventilating draftomaa,superrtalag arcattost,

treasury department,Amtag ftft ColdS e?,r annum, other aimltar vaoaaeieeretattoa Ik'



twaaty-el- s










teat-bosk- s)




Ualtod Blaise civil ssrvtoemlaelon announce eaamiaattoaApril lS-t- 104, secure allftotos

whloh make certlaoaUoavaeaaetos poaittoa man-

ual training teacher ladtaaaervlce aa tkey occur.





It t

is I







The com- -

ago aage

-- T, toto to

Sll a in tke af laof and

ia ik atRoe too, at per

nada may

The civil oom- -

na eato

from to toall la the a(

aadolBo of the

i nt perAa Act an Act W It- -

nadaa Act la to of . .


Thena oato

from to toBU In tke of

la themay

Peraon wko desire to compete--knolJ ,Um 1 suu. allliAI' Ia UlA

United Btotoa civil service eoaemtaton. Waahlagtoa. . 0., or to tos

eecretary of the torn! board of anasInert, for application forma nad acopy of the manual of esamlaattoas.'u application should bs praperiyexecuted nad Bled with the nommli-alo- n

at Washington. Ia applying farthese eaamlnatloaa the asact Uttoabould be ussd In tbs apelleatioa.

Persons who are uanblc to Ble theirformal appllentloaa aad who notifythe commission of this fact, either byletter or tetagram, with the requestthat tbey be permitted to take theseesamlaattoas, will be examined, aab-Js- t

io the subssqusnt flltaft of theirapplloattoas. provlsed their requestsare received at the lommtaBtoa Is

uMcletii time to ship examinationpaper

Is sate and surs. i w. c. MoMumn. of the ieruiagdepartmeat of the Kaasaa OMy JourOoaiumptien Threatened. nal, was latradaesd at Tho Ottos of--a

Vnh, Ml L m. thl morning by his bratkarda-rXlMl-

A --troop, the paaatarJtTTt ' of theWW . a4 energatie .uperlaleadaatfeMet rkdM for wl Meataa. 1 rHy public achoola, Mr. MoMlltan U

aetdeaabevaeef Foley's Honey and Tar. I here, taking a abort vacation fromHeaHJMMtbaveaMbMetowbUdUae,' hll ttawapper du'.let, aad Ends tbl

For tale by S H O'RieHr Co'

nmate agre with him Immensely

He lb take Atbeaareae oae of tae belttowns It hee over beea hie ptoaeareto vtolt, aad aald seate ntoe waraeabaat tale etty aad the people herela Ma talk thla maratac. Mr. MoMH-ta- a

axaeeta to rotan to Kmwm Oltysett Maaday.


Kannaa OHy, 7. saa-- 1 dtatrtot IS. acoordlag to toe tottowlsg

weak. rrtoM, ofwere Crater naear uahtor re--

eel pu, aad the various Bless gain-e- d

tram M to to coo la daring thewee There waa a literal awpply aftod west m steers, wblsh aold atraagand evaaiy. with the natives at 1116to ft.Ml: Baa staC sold stroag at IIcent higher darlag the week, aadMocker aad feeders advanced le toM reata, arcordiag to qaailty. The

t Inquiry waa tor light stoekos.whica aold. tor westerns, toll.Sfl. The enaalv at IUmh Ottv today i l.uau neadi market etoaay on matter, ao tor ae dsamriag theeverythlag deolrnble. . naa ten we r aoer soiety intochers aad toeders. The mild waath- - aaaas wf toe the m- -

sr the last few vys haa Intoeed eon.deaee In country buyer aad eneaur- -

agd with beaoCt satt- - saelared itrtka eE sadthis class cattle. aosd ,

toey navemaritat taat week m fat etoere atoeproved to be aa element of atreagthIn the atoeker and leeaer market.

dkeep receipt at Kanaae Ctty lastweek were S1.7S. SO par seat morethan Mune week laat year, aad (.000kead akort of prevtoue weak. Ms-

eclata rua largely to yaartlaga aadUrn be, reaultlag In n weakness torlaase kiaaa eaaactnlly as the qaailtyof lambs that have i.eea coming, taaot above medium. Withers aad awsg

up stsady, howove . as snpfHyof theee 1a the country la evidentlyshort. Rub today la SMS head; mackat na iambs aad yearlings Is a ahaaelower agaia, bat wethers aad ewea re-

main Brm. Top prices today are.i oa Idmbe; yaartlaga, S.1;

wethers, ti es; ewea. $4.10; tho sap-pl- y

taat week wae easily absorbed bytke packer, whose aheap killlag cap-acity nt Kaaaaa Olty tkla year la Mper coat ire tor taaa it wae thaitime btet ear. owing to reseat Im-

provements at th paekiag houses.

Seelal Olub TtokeLof local aoeinlistlc clrcloi

mot last night In tks oatoe of W. P.

'',0' to 0ttmHiapproaoh- - )h. .lhirtootten. eiMht i bmThomas Reward waa eetocted aa can- -

:ilZ. 1 . ' The plaintiff formi nn m ianimt, tartreahttrs All are good men and the

over toeir aacessseaOi toet year, wr.aa tbry aacceeded Ineasttoa, bv oae, aa many votes aa thedemocrats, belters that they will bemore nnvossaral this year.

The eoaneil and school board atatoswere aot ort but itUM mnr

eo far elected are aa foltowa: H.IWJ tk.Council W. P. Metoalf. Fourth

Onn Ouetntooa, Third ward,aad Pater Jaeoasoa and WilltamBryan ta Bsesad ward.

Bono at board L. F. Malar aad J. J.Myaa, Firat ward, aad S Ram-an- y

aad Martin Eeleaisn. Fourth ward.



will vtaR. tke betow earned pre- -

elassa oa Htea 4 toMawi:




Ppsslnet Mo St, Mnaaaaan. Marek

Precinct Mo. i. Cwbora, March 1.

Praetaet Mn it, RMo Ootoraeo.March 4.


Precinct Ma. i. los Oarrca. MarchPreeinet Mo. St. Nt Bosque, March

PrMtact Ma. I. Jaratos. Marck t.Precinct Ma. I. Beton, March ) and

Preoiaet Ma. la Chaves. Merck

Precinct No. 1. Las Laaus, Marsh

Preclai Mo. t, Las Laatos, March

Preeiaot Ma. 14, PeraM. March It.Prcctact Ma. It. Valencia. March IT.

net Ma. It, Upper Toms, MarchII.

Preoiaet Ma. tl, Ef Oarvo. II.Praetaet Jfc. II, Lower Tama, March



Precinct No. 71. Colorado ,

March tt.Precinct Mo. II. Panto ea Agaa,

March U.Preclact No. It, Olaaveaa,Preeiaot Na. lt. Kane as, M jh It.Preelsct Na. M, Bt Piaa, March M..Precinct No. X, Met acta, Marek M.Preotaet No. II. Tarreaa, April 1.Preclact No. 14. TaMnae, April I.Precinct No. t, Roboyeto. April I.Preclact No 7, Juaa Tatoya, April

7.Preclact Na. I, Ran Matoc, April It.precinct. Na. II, toe. AprH i

Preeiact No. 17. Baa Rafael, Apr.l

Precinct No. 14. Atarqae, April It.BRM BIRO,

Assessor Valencia Oauniy.



H. A. lilakeeley aad Harry Hanes,two of the moat papular engineeroa the Fritoo road, who have rua outof Fori Worth, Knanas, toryears, will go Into another line ofbaaiaoss. They have Jast com pistolthe parehaee of aa too plant nad eol ltoraae at Weet Ptaluoa, Mo aad tber

will go there at oaee to take char sof the Neither of the gentlemen will give ap their poetUoe onthe road as bat will be atveeleave of absence. If they Ilka thebustnee thee- - will remain ta It aadgive ap rail roadmg, whteh saoms tobe rather uncertain these days.

W. Currle the new artlai pro-aidin-

over the third chair at the oakParlor lrber shop.



The coal etrlke of dletrlet It watchhas been on elnce Morember tostwill not he called oE anises tke mtaera themeelvea through the omosra at

Mare Cattlefrom Secretary Wlieea of tho

aattoaal board, which wae sent satfrom ladtaaapeiis, ladlaaa, yeeteNay.H aars:

"Answering a qasettoa osaeeraiaRn rumor ta Oatarado that the strike ladtotrtot IS would be called eK Mearebvry Wltooa of the Ualtod Miae Workcs of Amertoa today said that themanor waa aatlrsty In the baaJe oftoe dtotrlet otoeial. He haa aa totor-mntto- n

that the etrlke will be onitodoE."

will bs saea by the above that tooaattoaal board will do nothing In too


aawtaia efirlct

Bo tor the oftttota here aave net yetescalator, to the

ere of of Tito that



$ttasSsVeOft aag asBe aWFf erSBJT Patll

eoateadtoff that way will yet win out.Trinidad Obroaicle.



Tke court haa beea eagagad la thetrial of the oass of the town of Tomeagaiaat ; illaa Ohnvee, an etostmeatsalL m taiu oaee 'Jm plalatiaa claimpeaaaiiiaa. by virtue of a pateat orthe UeMed Btetoa of a Tact of Ian ft

of SSO acree, aad the defendantoetored la evtdoaee deeds made long

to the patent, uader welch theclaim to have beea la poeeeeelon vttoe toad alacj ISSS, itad alao claimedthe toad by advene poeeeeelon formore than ten yeara prior to the last)tiitloa of the action. The court upontoo whole evidence ruled that the ilfenaaats' deed were not validshow a record title, betag a deed madeby admlntetratora and laeEectuai aa a

looavsyaaee, aad atoe ruled that thetestimoay did not contain any erld

Sb!m!d ti!ilr"JJl adT,r Possesion, toumu t..Ing muntotpal taj lh

cuRlvatod tor the past twenty yearsabandoaed a claim






damagea, aad the eeuri directed theJury to return a erdlct for ptainUKfor pBMsaelDn of the land, except thecultivated UaeL

Meeers. Marran, MarkharL HttK' taad Wlliams, attomeya, were new srrivato today,

Tu nil a IkA v u I fBllod complete, eaa- - Jom KMera, eaargod with

dldatea i a








March M.








of the court.The grand jury returned several

true btlta.i eadaro Vaidsak aa Jeaaary 1, lbtH

charged with torasry, wae arralgecd,aad piaadsd net gality.



Pram all aammranee It looka aahe aaar of all the Kueeta preparingto laMen nad batten bis AghtlHg menta the far aaat on dainty and toothseme toed from the free land of America, tor a raiber peculiar requestwas made on Oehernl Passenger AgentTr J. Anderson of the SouthernSc. This natotal received a letter fromIt. U Hutting, general eastern paaerngar agaat of 'he Southern I'arlBcNew York, requeatlng that Mr Andemon sand him na nssrotment of sverttotae; metier and menu cards usei

I oa the Bouthem PaclAc dining carwhich operate on the Buneet itinltecThla maltor ao aald Mr Nutting, ha l

bee requested by Mr. H I., Oareev,general eaetern paaeenger agent of

I the Intoraattonal Bleeping Car aa lRhtprssa TraiM company of the TrentWbertaa railway, who I about lo loav,tor Ritrape.


March 1 1 --X

Oritohlaw, ef BaK Uhe City, formerlyasetetoat United Btotos attorney lgUtah, was the Bret witness In thoBatoot oaee today. He resumed hUeta lament ta reward to the conditionIn Utah aad the prosecutions of tonpolygnmlets.

K. K. Reott and family, of Ueltap.tare la the cky oa their way to Phoetilic, AriaWWit


bUUudleCeiewde.llat. awuLwituirM wilt reeit NWll eeS cerelul acuai

RST MONEY glL t ejhwBaSae IWaM. Relies ed i

Jwisi pamen onA







' at



ki- -


IT3S'I73S Lawrence





Ta-- s nTaT

tlHMI .


, t,4, (4M U41lll. I. I

kure- -



oii loadwnu lor urwi

At. C4e.



HMMU ehtW. "

iintwcriCfiK.a -

,Lt ,



, P SdlBx. (

I tot It .

K"W ToriM I (


top related