
Album cover - Planning

Miss Lecointe


Here is an example of the font my group and I were thinking of. These fonts are simple. We choose simple designs for the name of our band because we want our audience to be able to read it clearly. As the name of the band is one of the most important pieces of an album cover, we want the audience to easily recognize the name so they will remember it more.

Here are examples of the font my group and I were considering for the name of the album. We choose these fonts because they look hand written and this will make the album cover look more personal. I think this will make the target audience feel more connected to the band because of the more personal feel to the album cover.

List of locations

As we planned to shoot parts of our music video at a cinema, we thought it would be a good idea to do the album cover at the same scene. This will show a connection between the music video and the album cover.

Another album cover idea is to shoot the band at the park on the grass. This is because one of the Indie subculture’s value is to have a ‘no care’ attitude. The grass would represent freedom.

Camera Shots/ Colour

An idea for the camera shot to use for our album cover is a long shot of the band like the examples above. The long shot will be a useful shot because it will show the band and their outfits; which will emphasize their Indie subculture. This is conventional for band album covers.An idea for the colour used in our album cover is a black and white background, but the actual band members will be in colour. This will make the band members more noticeable.

Another idea for a camera shot is a mid-shot. This will be good for the band because their faces will be recognised more and also show how they dress; which will emphasise their Indie subculture.An idea for the colour of our album cover is the background one colour like the example above. Although the above example is black, we would intend to use colours such as green as this connotates freedom. Also the colour of the background can emphasise the band more; like the example above; more of a focus on the band.


This lighting we are planning to use is high key lighting. This is because our album cover will look more professional and our band will look more like ‘stars’ as the quality will be high.

If we aren’t able to produce an album cover with high key lighting, then we will just use natural lighting as this is easier and will create the professional outcome which I desire for my album cover.

Main Image

The main ideal we want our band to look like is Two Door Cinema Club. This is because they are the band of the song we are making a music video for. Although as their drummer isn’t part of the band, the drummer in our group will aspire to the drummer of the script as his part of that band.

I have chosen an image of a Jesus wrist band. I choose this because this is common in the Indie subculture especially many males. Audience’s wouldn’t aspire to this as it is cheap and available in local shops e.g. Topman. I have chosen an image of Dr Dre headphones. I chose this because this brand is expensive and is in many music videos. Audience’s will aspire this these headphones because they are expensive and the quality of them are good.





This male with short hair because this is how the males in my band have their hair. This hairstyle is conventional to the

The age of our band will be between the ages of 17-18 . Our audience may then feel connected with the band because they are of a similar age group.

From my questionnaire I know chinos are similar to the Indie subculture; asking what’s your favourite style in clothing, shirts were 35% with 40% with chinos and 40% canvas shoes. If chinos are worn, they will be brown-beige because this is a common colour in

Indie subculture because most of this subculture are white; there are no statistics to back this up but when I did my questionnaire, nearly all of them were of a white ethnic. This is the typical hairstyle for young white males in the Indie subculture and in general.

chinos. The image of the band will be in shirts with white vans because this is a simple colour. Vans isn’t a brand that the audience will aspire to but they will feel connected as there are common outfits.

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