
Alan Fletcher

Other Artwork

Name: Mind over matterExhibition: The art of looking sideways

Date 25th August – 1st October 2011

I chose to look at this piece in more detail because I thought it was very interesting in the way that it has been put together. For example it is very simplistic with minimal colour. This has been done deliberately to enhance the artwork and make the piece less about the style of the piece and more about the substance of the work. This work has appeared in a variety of different places around London.

Design Museum

Name: Alan Gerard Fletcher

Born: September 27, 1931 Nairobi, Kenya Died: September 21, 2006 (aged 74) London, United Kingdom

Clients: Pirelli, Cunard, Penguin books, and Olivetti.

Alan Gerard Fletcher was a British Graphic designer. In his obituary he was described by The Daily Telegraph as “the most highly regarded graphic designer of his generation, and probably one of the most prolific.

Born in Nairobi, Kenya, Fletcher moved to England aged 5, and then went on to study at 4 art schools. Hammersmith school of art, Central school of art, Royal college of art (1953-1956) and lastly Yale school of architecture at Yale University in 1956.

“I find going to bed and pulling my imagination over my head often means waking up with a solution to a design problem. The time between sleeping and waking, seems to allow ideas to somehow outflank the sentinels of common sense. That’s when they can float to the surface.” – Alan Fletcher

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