Aim: What does it mean to be Christian? Do Now: What do you know about Christianity? What do you want to know? NY State Standard 2 Common Core RS 1, 2,

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Did You Know Christianity Evolved from Judaism?

Ancient civilizations worshipped spirits in nature (animism) or many gods (polytheism).

1800 BCE Abraham (from Mesopotamia) made a covenant with God to worship only him, founding Judaism, the first fully

monotheistic religion.

The Jewish Bible is written, consisting of the Torah (the first 5 Books) through Chronicles. The Torah speaks of a messiah

who will bring peace.

Yeshua (Jesus) was born approximately between 6-4 BCE. He was a carpenter and Jewish preacher. He was crucified by the

Romans in 33 CE and died still being a Jew. After his death, his followers believed he would return as the messiah. When this message was

spread to non-Jews, the new religion of Christianity developed.

I How did Christianity begin?A) Christians believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was born to Mary (a virgin) in Bethlehem (a Roman territory). He was the son of God. Most historians believe he was born between 6 and 4 BCE.B) The Magi (wise men) saw a star in the sky and knew the messiah had been born. They traveled to Bethlehem and gave gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts. C) Jesus was raised in the Jewish faith in Nazareth by Mary and Joseph.D) As an adult, in Jesus, a rabbi, preached to fellow Jews in the Holy Land. *He was still Jewish* His followers were known as the 12 disciples.

How Did Christianity Begin Continued…F)The Romans feared Jesus would lead a revolt against Rome due to some of his followers calling him the “King of the Jews”. Jesus was arrested and crucified (hung on a cross and tortured to death).G) The Gospels say Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after his death, remained on Earth for 40 days, then rose to heaven.H) The followers of Jesus (disciples) became known as the apostles. Their goal was to spread the message that Jesus was the messiah.

Crucifixion was a common and painful form of Roman public execution.

Does the Shroud of Turin Show What Jesus Looked Like?

The Shroud of Turin first appeared in the 14th century. It allegedly is the shroud that covered the body of Jesus after his death. Most scientists believe it was a hoax, but many Christians believe that it shows the face of Jesus.

II Christian BeliefsA) Christianity is monotheistic.B) God takes on three forms; the father, the son, and the holy spirit. This is known as the Holy Trinity.C) Jesus is the messiah and will return to Earth to bring peace. *Jews do not believe that Jesus is the messiah as he died before bringing peace.

The earliest Christians were still Jews! They prayed in synagogues and kept kosher. However, St. Paul (5 – 67 CE) argued that because Jesus died for our sins, followers of Jesus no longer need to obey all 613 laws of the Torah. *This is when historians believe Christianity became a separate religion from Judaism.

St. Paul

Christian Beliefs Continued…E) Christians believe in heaven and hell. The devil (Satan) was

an angel who rebelled against god.F) When Jesus returns to earth, there will be a final day of


III Christian PracticesA) Jews observe the Sabbath (day of rest) on Friday nights and

Saturdays, while most Christians observe it on Sundays.B) Instead of prayer in a synagogue, Christians pray in church.C) Baptism: Babies are given Holy Water to wash away original sin.

(Belief every person is born with sin because we are children of Eve who disobeyed God.) *Jews do not believe in original sin.

D) Holy Communion/Eucharist: Christians drink wine (a symbol of Jesus' blood) and eat a wafer (a symbol of Jesus' body) in Church.

Christian Practices Continued…E) Christian Monks and Nuns devote their entire lives to God. They take

a vow of poverty and chastity, and often live in a monastery (isolated religious community). Today many do charity work.

On the left is Mother Theresa, an Albanian born Christian monk. (1910 – 1997) She won a Nobel Peace prize for her charity work with orphans in India and other poor nations. On the right is a modern day Benedictine monk.

IV Christian Sacred TextsA) Christians refer to the Torah and the Jewish Bible as the Old

Testament (Genesis through Chronicles).B) Christians also read the New Testament. Originally written in

Greek, the New Testament contains the Gospels (stories about the life and death of Jesus, written after his death), and ends with the Book of Revelation (about the Day of Judgment).

Unlike Christians, Jews do not refer to the Torah as the Old Testament, as they do not

believe that anything comes after it.

V Christian HolidaysA) Christmas celebrates the birthday of Jesus.B) Easter celebrates his resurrection. It follows the 40 days of

Lent (a time of repentance, when you ask for forgiveness).

DID YOU KNOW? December 25 is not Jesus’ actual birthday! In order to increase converts to Christianity, the church changed the date to coincide with

Saturnalia, a Roman holiday. Santa Claus was not always fat! The image of him as “jolly” became popular due to a Coca Cola advertisement in the 1930s.

Finally, bunnies and eggs are symbols of spring and fertility that go back to ancient pagan rituals.

VI Sacred Christian Places

Via Della Rosa Procession: Worshippers

Carry a cross along the path Jesus may have

walked to his crucifixion.

A) Jerusalem; where Jesus was crucified.B) Bethlehem; where Jesus was born.C) Nazareth; where Jesus was raised.D) Churches

VII All Catholics Are Christian, But Not All Christians are Catholic

Summary Questions1. Fill in your religion chart for Christianity.2. Explain the following quote and what it tells us

about Christianity. “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” - Jesus

Key Vocabulary

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