Aim: How was Europe divided during the period of feudalism? Do Now: Review quiz - Chapter 8, sections 1,2 HW: Read Chapter 8, section 3 Extra credit do.

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Aim: How was Europe divided during the period of feudalism?

• Do Now: Review quiz - Chapter 8, sections 1,2

• HW: Read Chapter 8, section 3 Extra credit do guided reading or focus questions

Work in Pairs

• Map work, Peoples of Europe, 800-1100


• How was European society affected by the creation of many feudal states?

Aim: How did feudalism represent a response to

changing social conditions? 

Do Now – Feudal Relationships – Do 1-3 on lined paper

 • Underline and put notes in margins

• HW: Chapter 8, section 2

Vocabulary• Feudalism – pledge of service in exchange

for land – decentralized system based on personal loyalty or bonds

• Fief – feudal grant, usually of land

• Vassalage – ties of allegiance

• Subinfeudation – vassals grant lands to their subordinates (their vassals)

• Benefice – grant of land/fixed term for service

• Homage – oath of vassalage

Feudalism and the Manorial System

Feudalism900s - most Europeans were governedby small, independent leaders in a systemcalled feudalism

FeudalismLords granted land to lesser nobles (vassals)in return for loyalty, military assistance, andother services

FeudalismThe grant of land was called a fief – vassalsdid not own the land but used it to maintain themselves and their household

FeudalismA vassal could divide the land and grant it toothers, thus also becoming a lord

A vassal giving homage to his lord

FeudalismFiefs became hereditary, passed fromfather to eldest son under a system calledprimogeniture

Charlemagne’s family tree

FeudalismWomen only had limited property rights butretained control of her dowry if her husband died

FeudalismLocal wars between feudal lords were common; large-scale wars were extremelydestructive

FeudalismKnights wore chain mail or metal plate armorand were armed with a sword, shield, and lance

FeudalismWars offered opportunities for glory and wealthfor nobles, but caused great suffering andhardship

FeudalismThe church tried to limit suffering by issuing decrees that prohibited certain acts ofviolence

Medieval Monk, Bishop and Priest

FeudalismFeudal justice was decided by trial by battle,oath-taking, or trial by ordeal

Trial by the ordeal of fire, where the suspect had to carry a bar of red-hot iron in his hands while he walked nine marked paces. In the unlikely event of no burns appearing on his hand, he was judged innocent.

II. The Manorial SystemManors were self-sufficient farming estatesshared by lords and peasants (serfs) –manorialism shaped the economic structure

A. Function

• Western Europe was much more rural than Eastern Europe

• Manorialism was the economic foundation of feudal society

• The “open field” system of medieval farming

• Origin and status of serfdom

• By 800 AD, nearly 60% of western Europe was enserfed

II. The Manorial SystemSerfs farmed the land and gave crops, services, loyalty, and taxes to the lord

Serfs paying annual taxes to their lord in cash and with livestock

II. The Manorial SystemThe life span of a serf was short due to disease, starvation, and war; upper class lives were not luxurious

Humans by Era  

Neanderthal 20

Upper Paleolithic 33

Neolithic 20

Bronze Age 18

Classical Greece 28

Classical Rome 28

Medieval Britain 33

End of 19th Century Western Europe


Current world average


B. Life in a Medieval Village

• Living conditions of the serfs

• Striking lack of privacy for family members

• Variety of dietary options for peasants

• The central role of bread in the peasant diet—80% of caloric content

B. Life in a Medieval Village (cont)

• Center of manorial life was the village church

• Village church services• Life was short and

frightening for village peasants

• Village life was strictly hierarchical

• Village life was also very communal

• Village life was always very local

II. The Manorial SystemMarriage was viewed as a means to advanceone’s fortune or the way a man mightacquire land

II. The Manorial SystemBy the late 1100s chivalry had begun to bringmajor changes to feudal society

II. The Manorial SystemChivalry was a code of conduct that dictatedthe knight’s behavior toward others

II. The Manorial SystemKnights were expected to be courageous, fair,loyal, honest, gallant, and courteous to women

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