Agile accessibility: Being digital by default (2013)

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Accessibility and the Gov.UK website, how accessibility works in an agile environment, and being digital (and accessible) by default.


Agile accessibility: Being digital by default

Léonie Watson, Director of Accessibility Nomensa

@LeonieWatson @we_are_Nomensa

Building accessibility into Gov.UK

Gov.UK alpha: Objectives

To openly test a prototype of a UK Government website;

To design and build it using open technologies and agile techniques;

To shape it all with an obsession for meeting user's needs.

Gov.UK alpha: Outcomes

Within two months, 100,000 people visited the alpha;

Nearly 1000 people left structured feedback, and 3000 more gave feedback via Twitter.

Gov.UK alpha : Accessibility

Of the top ten problems reported, accessibility was fifth, and colour contrast was tenth.

Gov.UK beta: Goals

To make the most easy to use, accessible Government website there has ever been;

a box marked "accessible" isn’t enough. It has to be useful for everyone and usable by everyone.

Gov.UK beta: Design principles

Accessible design is good design. We should build a product that’s as inclusive, legible and readable as possible. If we have to sacrifice elegance - so be it.

Gov.UK beta: Accessibility champions

We created accessibility champions, and made inclusive design everyone's responsibility.

Gov.UK beta: Accessibility

Implemented accessibility settings, then discovered nobody was using them;

Switched to a highly accessible font, and moved to a generous default text size;

Simplified the language, and reduced the content to manageable chunks.

Transit typeface

Gov.UK live: Goals

To add new features, test them quickly, and rapidly make changes based on feedback from users.

Gov.UK live: Accessibility policy

BS8878 didn't fit the agile approach we wanted to take.

Gov.UK live: Accessibility statements

No need to present an accessibility statement, because inclusive design is a core principle.

Making agile accessibility


Accessibility champions

Bring people with accessibility knowledge and experience into your team.

Agile testing

Build iterative accessibility checks into every sprint.

Conformance testing

Carry out accessibility audits after milestone sprints.

Accessibility testing

Carry out testing with older and disabled people after milestone sprints.

Maintenance testing

Continue agile, conformance and accessibility testing throughout the lifetime of your service.

Meeting the digital by default


Digital by default: Standards

Your service should aim to meet Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 as a starting point.

Digital by default: Testing

Your service should be tested by disabled people, older people, and people who use assistive technologies;

You should aim to do this at least twice as your service is developed.

Digital by default: Policies and statements

The GDS team is not comfortable with a statement that draws a distinction between accessibility and any other aspect of best practice development.

Digital by default: Why we do it

The services we provide are for the benefit of all citizens of the United Kingdom. As such, no user should be excluded on the basis of disability.

Digital by default: Legal

To do so would breach the Equality Act 2010.

Building accessibility

into SLC

SLC: Part of the team

We work on site with the digital delivery team, and their development partners.

SLC: Sprinting ahead

We prototype interactions, predict accessibility challenges and rapidly iterate solutions.

SLC: Knowledge sharing

We educate designers and developers, leaving a legacy of skill.

SLC: Agile accessibility

We provide fast accessibility checks during sprints;

Comprehensive audits after milestone sprints;

Regular testing with disabled young people.

Enjoying the benefits

Gov.UK: On time

The Gov.UK alpha took 12 weeks to create;

The Gov.UK beta took 15 months;

Both launched on time.

SLC: Happy customers

70% of loan applicants were "extremely satisfied" with the process;

Moving online increased daily applications from 30% to 70%;

People who applied online were 218% more satisfied than those using paper..

Questions?Léonie Watson, Director of Accessibility Nomensa

@LeonieWatson @we_are_Nomensa

T. +44 (0)117 929 7333


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