
Agricultural Job Finderan App

by Esmeralda Lopez and Cinthia Santiago-Villanueva

This app is for people

who are looking for a

job basedin

agriculture. Agriculture workers come from all over to find work but sometimes it is not easy for them to find it.They need help! That is where our app comes from.Our App is made to help both the farmer and the farm worker by matching jobs to those who want them.

Farmworkers cut asparagus, weed crops, sucker grapes, pick fruit, feed cattle and are very important to our lives.


Screen : This is when the person decides if he wants a worker or wants a job.

WORKERScreen 2: This screen is where the person writes what kind of worker he needs.

Screen #5: This screen is when the person writes anything he wants to add to the workers application, and if he has any questions he can call.It is also the end.

Screen 3:Here they will write the name of the job they want

Screen 8: This screen shows the beginning of the application for the job.

Screen 6:Here the screen will show the working possibilities and the worker will be able to select one.

Screen 7: Here is where the app will show extra information of the job they selectScreen 4: This screen is

where the person who is looking for a worker writes his information

Screen 9: This screen is the end of the job application where you submit your application.

SCREEN 1: Agricultural job finderThis is the welcome screen. When you press next you are able to decide whether you are an employer of a farmworker.

this screen is where the person writes what kind of worker he needs a job

Who Needs this App

You do if you are a farmer or a farmworker!

Why would this app be useful?

It would be very useful especially for immigrants who are looking for work.Farmers could post jobs , so that when the workers looked it up then they would come out as working possibilities.

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