Advisory Advisory period: Mondays & Thursdays: 2:41-3:15pm Executive Functioning Peer Relationships Role of Advisor Your child’s adult advocate at.

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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AdvisoryAdvisory period: Mondays & Thursdays: 2:41-3:15pm

Executive Functioning Peer Relationships

Role of Advisor Your child’s adult advocate at school Can assist with general questions and concerns Help students deal with absences both planned and unplanned

Specific class questions: ask teacher Specific administrative questions: ask Mrs. Wallace

How to reach me: 847-256-5006 ext. 3816

7th Grade English Language Arts

Joseph Sears School2015-2016

Linda Tiesse

7th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards

The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.

The Sears ELA curriculum is aligned with the Common Core (Illinois Learning Standards)

WritingThe writing process: pre-writedraftrevisioneditingfinal copy

Six Traits: idea, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions/presentation


Writing instruction will focus on these forms:• writing good paragraphs• analytical thinking• personal narrative • argumentative• research• comparison/contrast

Helping students at home…

Critical Analysis

Students will analyze texts through a variety of written responses.

The objective is to develop evidence-based explanations to questions.

Instruction will focus on developing strong, well-organized responses.


Text: Elements of Language

Grammar will be taught using mini-lessons.

Lessons will emphasize sentence structure, parts of speech, and punctuation.


Literary Elements and Devices

Close Reading

Critical Analysis



Literary Elements Setting, plot, character, conflict, theme

Devices Symbolism, foreshadowing, flashback, imagery,

metaphor, simile, personification, mood, tone, author’s purpose

Close Reading “Close, analytic reading stresses engaging

with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately.” (PARRC, pg. 7)

Understand central ideas & key supporting details

Reflect on the meaning of individual words & sentences

Understanding the development of ideas

Author’s purpose and meaning

Critical Analysis

A focus in literature instruction is the critical analysis of fiction and non-fiction texts

Literary elements within texts and between texts:

characters, events, setting, themes

Author’s use of literary devices

Finding evidence to support claims

Literature Selections Short Stories

Nonfiction Articles

Realistic Fiction: The Outsiders

Historical Fiction: Civil Rights Unit:

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Nonfiction: Shipwreck at the Bottom

of the World

Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

Nonfiction: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

Fantasy: The Dark is Rising, The

Golden Compass, A Wrinkle in Time

Independent Reading Students will be assigned several Independent

Reading Reports this year. They may choose any book they want to read, however, I must approve the choice.

Students are required to complete a project for each book. Projects will include writing, art and oral presentations.

The focus of the report is following directions and writing clearly about the book.

Due dates for projects will be given approximately one month ahead of time. .


Students are required to use an assignment book.

Time will be given each day in class to record assignments.

Homework includes vocabulary, grammar, reading assignments, and long-term projects.

Long term assignment due dates will be posted on my web page.

Work Expectations If a major assignment is late:

1 day late – 10% grade reduction 2 days late – 20% grade reduction 3 days late – Final Grade 60%. Parents

notified. Students will make up work and possibly receive a detention.

If work is not completed, student will receive a zero.

Daily homework (grammar, vocabulary, literature assignments): Students receive a minus in grade book

for late assignments After 3 late daily homework assignments,

parents will be called.

Students are expected to make up all late work.

Students will not be allowed to retake tests or create extra credit to boost grades.

Neatness counts.

Grading Scale Supplies 100-99: A+ 98-93: A 92-91: A- 90-89: B+ 88-83: B 82-81: B- 80-79: C+ 78-73: C 72-71: C- 70-69: D+ 68-63: D- 60-0: U

•Students are expected to have their supplies in class. These supplies include, but are not limited to: writing utensils, paper, assignment notebook and books.

•Each student must have a spiral for Language Arts.

•I will periodically check to make sure students have their supplies. Missing supplies will result in a “zero” for homework that day. After three zeros, I will call home.


Phone number: 847-256-5006 ext: 3816


I am looking forward to a great year!!

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