Advisors and counselors

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Advisors and Counselors:Why They are Important in the

Future of College Students?

Who Are They?• Advisors and Counselors are people who advise students in their courses and monitor their progress towards their degrees.

These people are here to answer any questions and concerns throughout each semester of the year. If something isn’t clear, they don’t want students to feel like they can’t come to them. That’s what they’re there for.

• Advisors and Counselors also help students with choosing their majors. They want to make sure their interests are a perfect fit with what they might want to do for a career.

Advisors and counselors help students in picking out courses. They want to make sure their taking the right classes that are required for their degrees.

• These people also help students if they need assistance with their academics. They recommend resources such as tutors and advice centers that can help with any problems that may come.

• Once upon a time, they were a student, so they understand that it can be stressful at times. These people want to make a difference so that the future is bright for each and every student.

• Their focus is on the student and trying to get them to their goal: A degree and a career.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” –Winston Churchill

“Life is too short and you should find something that you want and know you’re going to love.” -Sandra Darnell

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