
Adventure Games

Genres of Games

Simulation Strategy

Role PlayingAction

What is an Adventure Game?

“To be able to type commands to a computer in something that looked like English and to have it respond to you with lines of text telling you what happens next, that captivated people.”

>GET LAMP, The Text Adventure Documentary

Text-Based Adventures 1970s

Sierra On-Line

Mystery House - 1980

Space Quest - 1986King’s Quest - 1983

LucasArtsLucasfilm Games

Maniac Mansion - 1987

Zak McKracken - 1988

The Secret of Monkey Island -


“Hey, how about a 3D graphic adventure that tells a tale of hard, cold crime and corruption in a wildly surreal and mythical world, combining elements of ancient Mexican folklore, classic film noir movies, and '60s-era custom hot rods? Woooo! Caffeine high!”-Tim Schafer, Designer Diaries

Released 1998 by LucasArts

So what happened?

“And you know, when I started out in the industry, it was very, very niche. If you were not a hardcore game player, you knew nothing about games. But today, pretty much everybody you run into plays games at some level, and I think that's a very positive thing.”

- Ron Gilbert

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