Advent - Raleigh NC · 2018-11-29 · During the Advent season we pick up the family devotions around church. We setup our advent wreath and do devotions every Sunday evening. We

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Throughout this Advent Season we will journey together to Christmas morning where we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. For many, this season is a season of preparation. There are decorations to go up, gifts to purchase, and food to cook! In the midst of all this physical preparation, we must also remember to focus on the more important task of spiritually preparing for Christmas. We must make intentional efforts to seek hope, peace, joy, and love during this season.

In each devotion, you will find a reflection from several of our Trinity Baptist Church members. They share special memories, traditions, and ultimately ways they prepare for Christmas. Each devotion is connected to the scripture that will be read in our Sunday worship services during Advent. As you read, we hope that you will reflect upon your unique traditions and ways that you prepare for Christmas and that you are able to recognize the hope, peace, joy, and love that flows throughout your Advent Season preparations.

Hopefully Preparing

During the Advent season we pick up the family devotions around church. We setup our advent wreath and do devotions every Sunday evening. We go to church and watch them light the advent wreath.

Our family has a lot of nativity scenes. We have a little wooden one that our friend made, a magnetic one to go on our stove, a toy nativity scene that I use to play with, along with my brothers, and a realistic one that is complete with every single detail. We probably have even more than that. My mom lets us set them up how we want them and then you can see them at various places in our house. At church, the seniors (12th Graders) do the nativity and we always go and see it.

On Christmas Eve we go to my grandparents church. They have another nativity that all the kids can participate in. I’ve been in it since I can remember. Even now I bring my little cousins up to the front of the church, and we get to watch as other kids come up; then Mary and Joseph, and then a kid walks in with a big star. All of the nativity scenes are a good reminder of what the real purpose of Christmas is about.

By Emily Thomas (7th Grade)

But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him

Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign

over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”~ L u k e 1 : 3 0 - 3 3

There is something special about seeing the nativity scene set up. Whether wooden, magnetic, toy, or live, just visualizing Mary, Joseph, and the angels gives us a sense of the hope that was in the air during these moments. As Luke describes, they were not just hoping for the birth of a child but the birth of a kingdom that will never end. A hope that prophetic words would be fulfilled through the birth of the Christ Child.

As we enter into this Advent Season, may we do so with that same sense of hope. As you set up your nativity or look at others, allow yourself to be in that moment in time, when they prepared for the birth of Jesus. Spend some time prayerfully reflecting upon the hope you have in Christ.

December 2, 2018

Peacefully Preparing Him Room

I love Christmastime! The sights, sounds, and smells of the season spark so many memories for me. Advent in itself is full of tradition and offers us a time for reliving memories and creating new ones. But I do admit, the hustle and bustle can overwhelm me. If you’re like me, particularly during the Christmas season, your to-do list seems endless. There are places to be, gifts to buy, decorating to be done, parties to attend, meals to plan and prepare. But in all of these preparations, where on our list does preparing space for Him fall in our minds, hearts, and actions?

Traditions are important to me and to the legacy that my husband and I leave our children. They reinforce our beliefs and values or what is important to us. They allow us to connect with others, be in relationship with others. Traditions give us space, time, and room to pause and reflect and realize what matters most. For me and my family, I must make a conscious effort to keep my attitude and heart in the right place during the Christmas season, to make traditions intentional and meaningful, and to be reminded that I celebrate because the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

As I take a moment to reflect on the traditions that have become my own and those that my husband and I have adopted, adapted, and developed for our family, I first think back to my own childhood. As a young girl I have fond memories at Christmas when we would pause, be still (or as still as children could be) and read scripture and a devotion from the book, Christmas at Home by Elizabeth Swadley. We would sing carols as a family, pray individually and collectively, and light the advent candles set upon a wooden advent wreath that was carved with images of the manger scene. As a child I was included in the tradition. My voice was recognized and welcomed. Now, as an adult and mother of two children, I have adopted this same practice with my own family using the same book and advent wreath gifted to us from my parents. It still serves as a reminder to me to prepare Him room, to slow down, to listen to one another, to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying, and in the process, to build our bond with one another and with Christ.

Another intentional step we take to prepare for the advent season as a family of four is to choose and cut our own Christmas tree. For the last seven years we have celebrated Thanksgiving in the NC Mountains and as part of this tradition we bundle up and go out to a Christmas tree farm to find our family tree. While it can sometimes be seen as a box to check off that holiday to-do list, we try to make it more – for ourselves and for our children. First, we give thanks for time as a family. We are grateful to be outside, enjoying God’s

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

~ C o l o s s i a n s 3 : 1 5

How can you allow the peace of Christ to “rule in your hearts” during this Advent Season?

How can you prepare your home to be a place of peace amidst the chaos of the world outside?

December 9, 2018

creation. Some years, like this one, we find our tree right away, but instead of rushing to get back to our car, we pause, we take in the sights of other families looking for their trees. We talk with others – hearing more about their new or longtime tradition of finding a Christmas tree. It reminds us that memories are being made in these face-to-face moments with the members of our family and with those we meet. We look forward with anticipation, rather than expectation of what’s to come for the season ahead – whose path we might cross, the distractions we may face, and we are reminded – on that quiet mountain – to see even the smallest of things that God has in store for us.

I must make an intentional decision each day, and especially at Advent, not to let my list rob me of these special moments and the surprises that God has for me and my family along the way. I pray that the Lord will help me find stillness and contentment in the quiet. I pray for peace, His peace. For Jesus didn’t come to earth to bring world peace in the way that we imagine it, rather He came to bring peace to those who would call on His name.

By Dana F. Sumner

The Joy of Preparation

Our Christmas season starts each year on Thanksgiving nightBrothers, fathers, sons, and nephews—it’s really quite a site.The men do the dishes and to the lady’s earbuds perilSing each and every verse of every Christmas carol.

From that point on the only songs playing or on anybody’s voiceIs Christmas music, ‘cause that’s the music that’s everybody’s choice.The nativity scene is ready to go except for the wise men threeEach day they move a bit closer across the room on their epic journey.

Three pairs of baby shoes you will easily seeThey’re the parental favorite ornaments on our Christmas tree.Those gingerbread creations came from our yearly competitionEach intrepid team selects a theme and builds a limited edition.

We love our Christmas brunch it brings us Christmas cheerIt’s our favorite foods with our favorite people—it’s our favorite meal of the year.In fact if we had to pick our favorite tradition of allIt’s the cooking and baking we all do together as we laugh and have a ball.

Advent is the season of preparing for our LordThe savior of us all, the One who is most adored.Of all the advent candles celebrating the baby boyFor us, our family traditions match best with the candle joy.

By Dean & Holly Hering

A n d t h e r e w e r e s h e p h e r d s l i v i n g o u t i n t h e f i e l d s n e a r b y , k e e p i n g w a t c h o v e r t h e i r f l o c k s a t n i g h t . 9 A n a n g e l o f t h e L o r d a p p e a r e d t o t h e m , a n d t h e g l o r y o f t h e L o r d s h o n e a r o u n d t h e m , a n d t h e y w e r e t e r r i f i e d .

1 0 B u t t h e a n g e l s a i d t o t h e m , “ D o n o t b e a f r a i d . I b r i n g y o u g o o d n e w s t h a t w i l l c a u s e g r e a t j o y f o r a l l

t h e p e o p l e .~ L u k e 2 : 8 - 1 0

The shepherds were simply doing what they always did. They were doing their job, maintaining their flocks, and protecting their livelihood. When the angels came it shocked them and clearly overwhelmed them. For some of us, this is an all too familiar feeling: Shocked Christmas is less than 2 weeks away, terrified we won’t get everything done in time, and overwhelmed with the responsibility we feel is on our shoulders.

The angels calmed the shepherds with these words, “ Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all of the people.” While it might be easy for us to see that we are preparing for joy, at times we can forget that we should be preparing with joy.

What moments during the Advent Season bring you the most joy? How can you prepare physically and spiritually, not just for but with the joy that Christ brings?

December 16, 2018

Preparing to Love

Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. I love the decorations, I love seeing extended family from far away, and I love how people seem generally happier and friendlier in December than any other month. Growing up I also loved getting presents. The excitement on Christmas morning of unwrapping boxes to see what was inside was unmatched. As we prepared to travel on Christmas day to see family, my parents let us each pick one of our toys to bring along to keep us entertained on the way and once we got to my grandparent’s house.

Over the years that toy changed from a stuffed animal to a beanie baby, or a magnetic building block set, a new book, a Gameboy, and eventually to a cell phone. The point of these toys was to make my sisters and I happy. The older I got, however, the less I wanted a new toy at Christmas. My new favorite part of the season was getting to see my aunts and uncles for a few days out of the year, catching up with my cousins to see how they were doing, and listening to my grandfather’s stories about his interesting life.

As my grandparents got older I realized that the toys and cell phones and social media will always be there, but they won’t. The presents don’t mean as much to me anymore as the people I am surrounded by at Christmastime. So now, as an adult, I still love Christmas. It is a great time to get together with friends, old and new, and check in on each other. It is the perfect chance to spend quality time with family that we normally pass right by in the chaos of day to day living. It is a wonderful reminder of all of the people and blessings that God has placed in our lives, throughout all seasons of the year, and to be grateful for all that we have.

By Summer Swango

F o r I a m c o n v i n c e d t h a t n e i t h e r d e a t h n o r l i f e , n e i t h e r a n g e l s n o r d e m o n s , n e i t h e r t h e p r e s e n t n o r t h e f u t u r e ,

n o r a n y p o w e r s , 3 9 n e i t h e r h e i g h t n o r d e p t h , n o r a n y t h i n g e l s e i n a l l c r e a t i o n , w i l l b e a b l e

t o s e p a r a t e u s f r o m t h e l o v e o f G o d t h a t i s i n C h r i s t J e s u s o u r L o r d .

~ R o m a n s 8 : 3 8 - 3 9

The depth of God’s love for us is revealed so beautifully in the birth of Jesus. He was sent to dwell among us and to show us what it looks like to truly love others. The Advent Season provides us with both an opportunity to be among those who love us and to outwardly show the love of Christ to others.

Which loved ones do you get to spend time with this Advent Season? How can you make that time together most meaningful?

Spend some time reflecting upon how you can show the love of Christ to friends, neighbors, and strangers. In these last few days of Advent, how can you be preparing to share Christ’s love?

December 23, 2018

Preparing to Celebrate

Everyone needs Christmas traditions for which to remember, to anticipate, to smile upon, to reflect on Jesus’ love, to teach the wonder of giving and to experience JOY. Eighteen years ago, when Andrew Higgins appeared on the scene, it was necessary that we modify our normal celebration of Christmas. Why? Because with four families all living in Raleigh, all attending Trinity Baptist Church, and only one precious child/grandchild/nephew, we wanted it to be a coordinated affair (It actually took a couple of years to tweak and work out). Now for 16 years, we have been enjoying these particular WONDERFUL traditions.

Christmas Eve always begins attending Trinity’s Communion Service as a family. Sitting together, singing carols together, and lighting candles together as we anticipate the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Afterwards, we all head to Tonya/David/Drew’s house to enjoy fellowship and delicious homemade chili which has become the norm. Gift Poppers fill everyone’s place settings at the table as a reminder of Gran-Gran. Drew is allowed to open one pre-selected gift that night. Well, did we leave Jesus out?No! All through the day, we have spoken of this Advent seaon and the thankfulness we have for family and friends. Especially we are thankful for God’s SON, the reason for the season. With JOY we have celebrated!

By Ray and Sheila Broughton

I n t h e b e g i n n i n g w a s t h e W o r d , a n d t h e W o r d w a s w i t h G o d , a n d t h e W o r d w a s G o d . 2 H e w a s w i t h G o d i n t h e

b e g i n n i n g . 3 T h r o u g h h i m a l l t h i n g s w e r e m a d e ; w i t h o u t h i m n o t h i n g w a s m a d e t h a t h a s b e e n m a d e . 4 I n h i m w a s l i f e , a n d t h a t l i f e w a s t h e l i g h t o f a l l m a n k i n d .

5 T h e l i g h t s h i n e s i n t h e d a r k n e s s , a n d t h e d a r k n e s s h a s n o t o v e r c o m e i t .

~ J o h n 1 : 1 - 5

There are many names of Christ: Emmanuel, Savior, Messiah, King of Kings, Son of Man. These names allow us to explore and better understand the nature and character of Christ. The beginning of the Gospel of John presents yet another name of Christ: Light of All Mankind. All of our Advent Traditions (the eating, the decorating, the singing, the gift-giving) lead up to the celebration of the light entering the world.

As we celebrate, may we speak these names of Christ and share that light with our friends, our families, and all of those who we have the opportunity see during this Christmas season. As you prepare for all the traditions that come with the celebrations of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, consider how you can be intentional about gloriously proclaiming the many names of Christ.

December 24, 2018

Merry Christmasfrom your T BC family!

1 1 To d a y i n t h e t o w n o f D a v i d a S a v i o r h a s b e e n b o r n t o y o u ; h e i s t h e M e s s i a h , t h e L o r d . 1 2 T h i s w i l l b e a

s i g n t o y o u : Yo u w i l l f i n d a b a b y w r a p p e d i n c l o t h s a n d l y i n g i n a m a n g e r . ”

1 3 S u d d e n l y a g r e a t c o m p a n y o f t h e h e a v e n l y h o s t a p p e a r e d w i t h t h e a n g e l , p r a i s i n g G o d a n d s a y i n g ,

1 4 “ G l o r y t o G o d i n t h e h i g h e s t h e a v e n , a n d o n e a r t h p e a c e t o t h o s e o n w h o m h i s f a v o r r e s t s . ”

~ L u k e 2 : 1 1 - 1 4

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