Post on 11-Oct-2020






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DALLAS, OR 97338 503-623-2569

The season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day:

First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2017 Second Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2017 Third Sunday of Advent, December 17, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve – December 24 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service New Year’s Eve – December 31 7:00 pm – New Year’s Eve Party The candles of Advent serve to remind us to open our hearts and reach out our hands to comfort and help all God’s people so they, too, would be prepared to receive their Lord and Savior.

December 1

Thank You for Everything CCLI song #7059698 Jacob Sooter, Jason Gray, Jonathan Smith

Thank you for the world that awakes In the dawning light that breaks And for the sunlight kissin' my face Thank You And for the stars out on parade At the ending of each day So even in the dark I'm sayin' Thank you

When I look at the world around me And breathe in the breathe You gave Every beat of my heart is singing Thank You for everything If You lead me to still waters, If I'm caught in the hurricane Wherever You lead I'm singing Thank You for everything

Thank You for the gift of friends Who know everywhere I've been And love me back home again Thank You And for the ones who let me down And taught me what I know now Of forgiveness and the freedom I've found, Thank you

When I look at the world around me And breathe in the breathe You gave Every beat of my heart is singing, Thank You for everything If You lead me to still waters, If I'm caught in the hurricane Wherever you lead I'm singing, Thank You for everything Thank You for everything

Every second I live Is a moment You give So I welcome them in, I welcome them in The day after day, The joy and the pain I welcome them in, I welcome them in

Thank You for the hardest parts And the beauty of these scars Even though it broke my heart, Thank You Thank You, Thank You

Marsha Heeter

December 2

The View of Real Love

John 13: 1-9

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Jn. 3:16,17, RSV

It's not a Christmas carol, but it's a song I've enjoyed singing. "O how I love Jesus..." I suppose I feel that I am truly valuable to Him. I do believe that our love for Him is of important worth. He desires us to be His. And truly, we are supposed to love Him. "Love the lord your God with all your heart, mind , soul and strength..." 1st John 4 tells us that we love Him 'because' He first loved us. Paul in Romans 8 tells us of the strength of God's love. "Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus."

It is Advent. The coming 'present ' of 'greatest' worth is the amazing Love of The Father, creator and giver of life. We celebrate not only the promise but the 'Word ' in flesh appearing. "O how He loves you, O how he loves me. O how He loves you and me."

Thank you, Father, thank you with all my heart, Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 3

A Journey to Hope

Mark 13:24-37

I have always thought that including scriptures that talk about the end of times and being ready for the coming of Jesus seem odd and out of place during Advent. Aren’t we supposed to be focusing on the birth, the angels, the shepherds, Mary and Joseph? These images of the end of times just don’t fit.

But there is a theme that seems to weave its way through, a theme of expectation, a waiting for something that is different, better, a theme of Hope for the coming of God’s rule and reign in the world today and forever.

The people before Jesus were waiting for the coming Messiah, we wait for the return of the Messiah. We are all waiting in expectant Hope.

The signs of Christmas are around us (and have been for a while) and the signs of Jesus’ return are around us too. We know when Christmas is coming and hopefully we can be ready for the day. We don’t know when the return of Jesus will be or even what it will look like, but we are called to be ready and be waiting with Hope.

As we begin this Advent season, a season of waiting, let us have the hope of Jesus for a better today and a better tomorrow.

Gracious God, we look forward to celebrating the gift of Jesus, given to us as a baby as well as celebrating the gift of Jesus in His return. Each offer us a new Hope, a new vision of what it can be here on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

Darren Anderson

December 4

The Gift of Riches

All of us are very rich and each time we help one another we become richer. What we do as Christians to serve each other is never forgotten.

All these rich treasures are stored up and kept safe. They are neatly packed away, wrapped in Christ's love and sitting in our hearts. But remember, this storage unit has no lock on it, our riches continue to be shared by all, everyone who needs it. Storage with Christ means no moths rust or theft.

Spiritual wealth is so important in our Christian walk. These treasures, wealth and riches pay big dividends not only in this life, but our final destination, Heaven.

With Christ living in our hearts daily, no one can take these heavenly treasures from us.

Lord, always, show me how I can share your treasures with others. In Jesus name, Amen.

John Dodge

December 5

How do we respond?

Luke 2: 22- 35: "[and a sword will pierce through your own soul also]" RSV

When I think about the Advent stories I see the world today responding the same ways. It's great that we were given 'warning ' by the prophets. It's amazing how slow time moves when we are waiting. I'm astonished that Simeon had spent his life eagerly expecting the Messiah. I'm confused that Simeon could see his hope in this small child. Others did not. When Kathy and I went to the temple area in Jerusalem, it was very crowded. I'm pretty sure that it was at least that crowded when Jesus was there as a baby. Still, Simeon and Anna were the only ones we hear about. The only ones who acknowledged Him. Would we have done better? This time is a most significant time for us and all mankind. It is a time of excitement. The season can be grey and harsh. The crowds just going oblivious from store to store is oppressive. The bills can be overwhelming. Still, we've been waiting for this time even counting the days. With all these things happening, will we remember what we are really looking for? Take some time throughout Advent, Christmas and into the new year to follow Simeon and Anna. Have faith in God's faithfulness. Seek the fulfillment of His promise. Then rejoice and be glad for He has come and you get to Hold Him, in your heart, mind, soul and strength. May your lives be full of your expectation and hope.

God grant us ears to hear and eyes to see. in Christ we pray, Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 6


God is our protection and out strength. He always helps in times of trouble. There is a river of God Brings joy to the city of God The holy place where he lives He stops wars everywhere on earth Ps 96:1, 4, 9 A great gift An ageless gift is given to us All we need is to sing We may not carry perfect tones A melody of grace and love When hearts are filled in love Philippians 2:6 You are teaching what gives life So Christ again, again I can be happy because my work was not wasted I won the race. Love in Christ Maggie Brown

December 7

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believed in Him might have everlasting life. John 3:16

Giving is at the heart of Christmas! We remember God’s great gift by giving to others.

When we celebrate a birthday, we give gifts to the person whose birthday it is. Moreover, we are carful to choose what we think that person needs. Is there any doubt as to what Jesus wants us to give Him? He tells us that in order to give to Him, we must find Him in the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned.

Christ bids us give up selfish ways, to give in to love and give out in services to the needy and lonely.

We can give in a way that honors the birth of Christ and expresses our love to our family and friends.

Lord, we want not only to be aware of our own feelings, but in this season to be aware of the needs of others in the world. Make this Christmas a time for commitment to love as You loved. Amen.

Jean Sarff (Copied from 1992 Advent devotional book)

December 8

What If What Happened Then Changed Everything Now?

Luke 2: 8- 20: The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. Luke 2:20 RSV

When was your first time? When did you hear the story of Christmas for the first time? Did it excite you? The coming of hope, were you hopeful? Was it the presents under the tree that brought joy? When the shepherds left rejoicing was it just a celebration of the 'truth'? When they found their way to the stable, was that the celebration? Were they glad that they were alive to see this thing the angel told them?

"I believe in miracles, I've seen a soul set free. Miraculous the change in one redeemed by Calvary I've seen the lily push its way up through the stubborn sod, I believe in miracles, for I believe in God." Carlton Buck

The stories of advent and Christ's birth are meant to be 'life-changing'. As you remember your first time, the second and all the rest, is it life changing? The Father loves you. He loves us all. This season is to be a time of joyful celebration. Enjoy...

May God bless us everyone. Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 9

On the Receiving End

Luke 1: 46- 55

Have you always been grateful for what you have received? I remember once when I was hurt and hardly able to limp, a group of people

gathered around and wanted to pray over me. Inside me there was a huge turmoil. It's not that I don't believe in prayer, I do. It isn't that I don't pray for others, I do. I think it had to do with acknowledging my frailty. I know that I am broken and in need of help from others but I'm not sure I feel that everybody needs to know that.

For me, Christmas is a yearly reminder of my personal spiritual disappointments. It points out that each of my weaknesses, all my sin is urgently waiting for The Father God to open His arms as far as the East is to the West. The sounds of Christmas are the echoes of His calls for the return of all mankind. The amazing grace gifting and life restoring fulfillment is given unguarded with nothing withheld. I am overwhelmed by His generosity. I am frail and fortunate at the same time. My Father in heaven knows my need. He also knows yours. He gives us what is most needful.

Ask, seek and receive. Christmas is upon us.

Father, Your love is most precious. Our hearts are overcome. We long for the revelation of Christmas and our opportunity to celebrate with all Your children. Thank you, Father. In Christ we pray. Amen

Gary Ivey

December 10

A Journey to Love

Mark 1:1-4 - The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” — “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins

The Advent Scriptures seem to be working backward in time. Last week we saw the return of Jesus, here we see John the Baptist announcing the coming of Jesus in the words of Isaiah the Prophet (40). His message was one of repentance and God’s forgiveness of our sin.

Wow, what a gift of Love that the God of the universe loves us so much that Jesus was sent that through Him we can have a life that is reconciled back to God! (John 3:16)

This is what and more importantly WHO, that John is announcing and who is coming one the scene to speak of God’s Love and God’s Kingdom and to also live out that Love for all the people.

In Advent, we see the gift of Love that is given to the world through the gift of Jesus. Let us receive Jesus and share that love with all around us, announcing to all who would hear that Jesus is coming!

Gracious God, we thank you for loving us even when we don’t love you and those around us. Thank you for Your grace and forgiveness that we know through the gift of Jesus. Amen.

Darren Anderson

December 11

Our Generous Savior

John 3:16

The great God gave us the gift of His son. With that gift comes the example of generosity. He was more than generous. How can we say we love God if we can’t be generous to those around. The word says, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. By being generous to those we meet by helping with their needs, we show God’s love to them.

I look at my health issues as a bump on my highway of life, and it has made me more determined to serve Him, whether it’s helping kids read or sharing the Good News. I feel I have been given the opportunity to help those around me and to pick up where I left off before this stroke happened. Like the song says, “If God is for us, who can be against us.”

Whatever is thrown at us, we are overcomers. We shall not be defeated. Life is too short not to do what we can do.

Merry Christmas! Let’s worship the transformer of lives, the Holy spirit, He who can transform our hearts.

Thank you, Lord, for your generosity and love. Amen!!

Larry Rosen

December 12

Silent Partner

Luke 1: 5- 20: His name is John... and immediately... he spoke, blessing God. Luke 1: 63, 64 RSV

Zechariah had a vision. The angel told him of the coming of God's fulfillment of promise. He didn't believe it. Elizabeth was barren and he was an old man. The possibility of having a child, let alone the voice of "one crying out, 'prepare the way of the Lord'" was not understood by him. How is our understanding?

I have over the years discovered that the things I deem as impossible is possible with our Heavenly Father. I am not always confident that He is working through me however. The other side of that is that sometimes I think He will only work through me. Silence about it all seems the best alternative, lest I cower in the corner with fear or boast aloud and be prideful in the street. We can agree together that our Father God has and is in the miracle business. The biggest of which is the way He pursues us because He loves us. He will never stop watching, waiting and seeking us.

In the Advent time we see glimpses of His plan. The birth of His promise is not limited to 2,000 years ago. Each year He comes. His 'Word is made Flesh'. Every year, the truth is that even though we sing out carols, we grow silent. We are mute. We should be filled with great expectation to realize that this is the story of the 'hope' of the world. It is meant to told. Even more to be believe. Perhaps after the birth of God's Word we too will be able to speak like Zechariah. His son John did and pointed to messiah. The one of whom John would speak is Jesus, the Messiah. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Say it aloud today with John...Jesus.

"Let it be as you have said, Lord, Amen."

Gary Ivey

December 13

It Is More Blessed to Give Than Receive.

At school, each year before we head off to Christmas vacation, I enjoy having a class Christmas party. For many years I have done a secret Santa gift exchange. The kids have always enjoyed it and it causes them to truly think about the person they have drawn, and to find something that person would enjoy. This year, I felt God calling me to change it up. All my students will have plenty of presents under their trees. Do they need many more? The whole point is to emphasize the giving of the gift, but always tends to turn back around to what they have gotten instead, that stays with them. How can I do it differently? I decided to sign our class up to adopt a Christmas family. We will get a list of who to buy for, and do our best to fulfill their wants and needs. The best part is we do not know for whom we are buying, and will never receive a formal “thank you”, but that’s not the point, is it?

Our church also participates in this community outreach. I really enjoy picking out things that this unknown family will be blessed by! I imagine the relief on the faces of the parents who just couldn’t afford gifts this year. I imagine the delight of the children who may not have expected much of anything. I try to picture the scene in my head, and it brings me great joy.

How about you? Have you participated in the Christmas Family gift giving? Have you experienced the joy and blessings that come with providing a gift for someone you don’t know? Maybe you prefer Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministries, or another local outreach, Christmas Cheer. Regardless of the program, I hope that you have engaged in the kind of giving that deeply touches the heart. If you never have, give it a try this year! If you are a veteran giver, then I encourage you to encourage others to do the same. Get your kids or grandkids involved! Get your neighbors or coworkers together and adopt a family! You won’t regret it!

Verse: “And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35

Dear God, help us to find joy this season in giving to others! Let us experience the blessings that come from giving without expecting anything in return. You are the ultimate gift giver and we thank you! In Jesus name, Amen

Heather Ivey

December 14

The Most Precious Gift

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

On a cold, clear night long ago a young mother held her baby son for the first time in her arms. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she watched the peacefully sleeping baby nestled snuggly in her arms. At that moment, her love had no limit, her joy knew no bounds for this child was truly a gift from God.

At the time of his birth, this one child was seen as nearly insignificant in the eyes of man. A mere boy, the son of a peasant girl from Nazareth. The world was yet to realize this boy had come to earth as more than just the son of Mary, but as the Son of God.

Through His Son, Jesus, God came to live among us. He drank from our cups and ate at our tables. That is the most precious gift ever given. God sent His son to live as one of us, when He was worthy of so much more.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending us the most precious gift ever given, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to be worthy of this gift and to live our lives according to His example. Amen

Lisa Austin (Copied from 1992 Advent Devotional)

December 15

Everyday Gifts

At this time of year, we celebrate the greatest gift of all time, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. However, the other day I was thinking about the many small gifts God gives us.

Some of my everyday gifts include The beautiful fall colors I see around me The joy of a baby’s giggle A rainbow after the rain A warm cup of coffee on a cold day A parking space near my destination The right song on the radio as I am driving along Fellowship at church My ability to give to those in need Good times with family and friends Freedom to worship God openly Praise songs Hymns My creative outlets

What would your list look like?

Heavenly Father, help us to be aware daily of not only the amazing gift of your love and salvation through your son, but also the everyday gifts you give me. I am so blessed. Amen.

Marsha Heeter

December 16

The Meaning of Joy

Matthew 2:11b: Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

There is a well-known song that is often sung during the Christmas season that ends with “twelve drummers drumming, ‘leven pipers piping, ten lords a leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a milking, seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five gold rings! Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.”

Both of the above accounts would be very expensive to give. God does not expect us to give in a like manner. Rather the gift He desires of us is both much less expensive and at the same time much more costly. He wants us to give Him our hearts. This means to put Him in first place in our lives and to be ready to say, “Yes Lord, here am I, send me.” That’s the costly part. To have real JOY in Christ means to put Jesus first, others next and then yourself last. Think about it.

Dear Jesus, help us to discover the real meaning of JOY in o ur lives this special season. Amen.

Don Perry

(Copied from 1992 Devotional book)

December 17

A Journey to Joy

Isaiah 61:1-3 - The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

This third Sunday of Advent is focused on the Journey to Joy. Too often we connect joy and happiness when in reality they are not the same thing. Happiness is usually based on feelings, on circumstances being pleasant, on things being the way we want them to be. Joy, on the other hand, can be experienced and received even when things are not as we feel they should be.

The text from Isaiah above, which Jesus reads and says it is fulfilled in Him (Luke 4:18-21), tells us about Joy. No one wants to be brokenhearted, captive, mourning, etc. Yet, as this text is fulfilled in Jesus’ life and ministry, we are lead through the darkness, through the illness, through the mourning knowing that Jesus walks with us.

We are waiting to for the better things to happen; freedom, healing, light; yet because Jesus is there and we have faith in Him, we have joy in the midst of the journey, we have joy not because of our circumstances, but because of WHO is with us and WHO walks with us through life. As we walk in joy, trusting in Jesus, we then show God’s glory and splendor to all who see.

Gracious God, You know that going through life is not easy and You never said it would be. You did send Jesus to walk with us and show us a better way to live our lives. A way that brings Joy and shows others Your glory. Help us today to live lives of Joy as we trust and walk with you. Amen.

Darren Anderson

December 18

A Lesson in Sharing"

John 15: 5- 13: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Take some time today and think about how much God must love you and all the rest of us to send His beloved Son. Understand, if you will, the indescribable frailty of this newborn baby, placed in a trough on straw and poked by the straw through the baby's blanket. Realize the unprepared nature of Joseph and very young Mary. They had no place to stay. They rested in a stable, bare of the conveniences of today. How much love would we have to have for others to send any of our children to a people who didn't even acknowledge us or our love and sacrifice? Knowing the nature of the world, it's morality and hatred, how can we ever care enough? As Christmas approaches, as life goes forward, can we answer the question about sharing? What are we to share? Is there enough of the Gift given to us to share with others? "Oh, to be like Him This is my call. Sharing God's love is my all in all. This Christmas time When gifts are given I pray our lives be worth the living."

Thank you, Father, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 19

Gift Giving

I don’t know about you, but when I think of Christmas, I immediately think of buying gifts. Some of you may dread this part of the holiday, but for Tim and me, this is something we really enjoy! We love to give gifts! We love to find things that are needed, as well as things that will simply bring delight to the receiver. It feels good to us to give gifts and we look forward to it. There is someone else who loves to give gifts, too. We have a heavenly Father who delights in giving us good things! Here are some verses I found that remind us of this truth: “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him.” (Matt. 7:11) “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27) “ And the result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.” (Rom. 5:16) “In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” (Rom.12:6a) “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” (1 Cor. 12:7) This Christmas, I pray that you will find joy in giving gifts to those you love! Remember how God has gifted you with so many good things, and how He delights in giving them to you. I also pray that you will receive His gifts without reservation.

Our Heavenly Father, you are so very good to us. You have called us each by name to be a beloved member of your family, and you have given us so much to be thankful for. Help us to be cheerful givers, full of joy! We thank you, Father. Amen

Heather Ivey

December 20

Trials and Struggles

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of so many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

I walk every step of my life with Jesus. My faith is genuine. After over 15 years of searching for truth from my past, I had no expectations. Then on 11/07/2017 my brother, Abel called and said, “we have a sister.” If there were something greater than being overwhelmed, I was and have been experiencing it. You see I had no sister when I was little. The news wasn't completely out of the blue. God had a plan throughout the years, making us for each other to share life's smiles and tears. I'm so glad that I didn't have a sister in the past. It’s made me much more thankful for a sister I have at last.

I also found these words of wisdom that I’d like to share.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trials and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. Hellen Keller

Discouraged As I was driving home from work one day, I stopped to watch a local Little League

baseball game that was being played in a park near my home. As I sat down behind the bench on the first-baseball, I asked one of the boys what the score was. "We're behind 14 to nothing, "he answered with a smile. 'Really," I said," I have to say you don't look very discouraged," " Discouraged?" the boy asked with a puzzled look on his face. " Why should we be discouraged? We haven't been up to bat yet.". Jack Canfield

I pray that GOD the source of hope will fill you completely with Joy and Peace because you Trust in Him. Then you will Overflow with Confident, Hope through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13. Amen

Diana Ramos

December 21

God’s Special Gift

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:7.

Through the years, I have heard people say, “I just wish I could know what my spiritual gift might be.” A little study will help in the discovery process. (Read Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-31; Ephesians 4:8, 11-12.)

Spiritual gifts are special abilities God gives to Christians to help build up the body of Christ. Look at each gift Paul listed. Are there some that appeal to you more than others? Do you have tendencies that could help you identify any of these as gifts? For instance, do you frequently find yourself offering encouragement to others? Are you anxious to offer hospitality? Do you enjoy teaching? Are you a natural leader? Is generosity one of your common traits? Od gives us gifts that suit our very nature. If you have a hint of interest in a particular gift, search for it within.

The ministry role of believers is rooted in spiritual gifts. What is your gift? Have you considered how you can better use it for the glory of God?

Equipping God, thank you for the bountiful gifts you have given me. May I use them to your glory. In Christ’s precious name. Amen

Dusty Reed, Oakaloosa, Iowa (In Fall 2017 “The Secret Place”. Submitted by John Dodge)

December 22

The Scratches and The Animal Hair

Luke 2: 1-7: and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger. Luke 2:7, RSV

It was a ' living ' crèche set out on the corner of the church property. We were to be there for one hour at a time. It was cold. Very few people came by. There was coffee that was hot inside the church and doughnuts to go with it. Earlier, we had made a decision not to have a real infant in the manger. After all it would be cold and very uncomfortable. I mean , what child would be all right with the dilemma of discomfort. For that matter, I know very few parents that would be all right with that for their child and even themselves. What was the purpose of this display? Was it valuable? Did we get any special rewards from it? Well I guess there was the coffee and doughnuts. Still, for me personally I would rather be comfortable at home with a cup of coffee and a doughnut. And there was the warm house, comfortable chair and my TV programs. Answer me , if you will, why did it happen this way for Him? What is the plan? the purpose? What was accomplished? A man and his wife knew... kind of? Of course there were a few shepherds even some kings. "What can I bring? Where should I go? Is there a plan that we are to see? Why not a palace comfortable and warm? This place reeks with animal smell. It must not be important or can it be the most valuable The most valuable of all, a pearl of greatest price"

Gary Ivey

December 23


I started to think about when I was growing up and how we would celebrate Christmas. So, I decided to write it and put it in the devotional book.

It would start the week after Thanksgiving after we had the whole family, both sides (Daddy’s and Mom’s families), aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and grandparents. It was on a Saturday early in the morning when we had breakfast and had gotten dressed in our heavy clothes, boots and gloves. We would go out with our Dad up on the hill behind our house and get our tree. Of course, my Dad would be the one to handle the axe to cut it down and then w would pick it up and take it down the hill and there is where the fun would begin. While we were up on the hill, Mom would be back at the house fixing some hot cocoa so when we came inside, we could have something hot. Then she would make some hot bread and it was so good. After we had rested, we went into the utility room and Daddy brought the big ladder in the house and put it on the washing machine so he could get up and open the door to the attic which is where the Christmas decorations were. We would line up and take all of the decorations to the living rooms they would be ready when we put the tree up. Afterwards, we would have to wait until Daddy had the tree in the stand and it sure looked massive. Then we would go and put the lights on the outside of the house, after first checking to make sure they all worked. Lights were all over the floor of the living room. Each strand was plugged and if they all lit, we would pick them up and go help Daddy put them up. After we had them up, we would turn them on and it was pretty after dark. After dinner, Daddy bought the tree into the living room and we would decorate it. It was fun and after we were done, the last thing would be for the youngest child of the family to be picked up to put the angel on the top of the tree. That was me until my younger brother was born. Then we would help Mom clean up the living room and we were ready for Christmas. About a week before Christmas we would gather around the kitchen table so we could make cut out cookies and then frost them. It was messy, but it was fun. One rule Mom had was that we couldn’t break any cookies, but if we did, we could eat it. Some cookies did get broken and eaten.

Another thing that I remember is the day I found out that Daddy was Santa Claus. It happened at the school that I attended. The day before Christmas, Before Christmas, my class would have a party and a program and then Santa would come in and hand out sacks of candy. When I went up to talk to Santa, I looked down at his hands and saw the big ruby ring my Daddy always wore when he dressed up. I’ll always remember that ring.

Janice Baker

December 24

A Journey to Peace

Luke 1:26-38 - In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. . . .

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

I’m pretty sure that if I were to receive a visitation and message similar to Mary, I would not have the peace that Mary shows at the end or her encounter. But I’m also not sure she had this peace all throughout her encounter. Luke says that she was ‘greatly troubled’. As the angel continued the message and answered her questions, Mary’s heart changed to one of peace and acceptance of God’s plan.

Mary, in this short time, trusted in God’s plan, in God’s presence and received the gift of Peace (beyond understanding) that I believe carried her through her pregnancy.

We too, can know this peace because we can know the presence of God as we trust in God’s plan and presence in our own life. We also have an advantage over Mary in that we know the end of the story and can ‘read ahead’ to know how it progresses and how God fulfills the promise of Jesus.

Today, on this Christmas Eve, I pray that we all trust deeper in God’s plan for us, for the church, for the world, and know God’s peace in a deeper way that carries us through life.

Gracious God, may Your peace flow over us as we trust in Your plan and presence in our lives. Amen.

Darren Anderson

December 25

A Journey to Christmas

Luke 2:1-14

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

The birth of a baby changes things. Whether it is your first or you have had several children, when that baby is born, your life is never the same. There are diapers to buy, feedings, sleep disruption, visitors, challenges, joys, good times and bad. As your children grow, we realize that their presence also changes the world and others lives in ways we could never imagine or predict.

I imagine it was similar with the birth of Jesus, yet the difference He made was so much larger in scope. The difference that one life made would impact the world in ways we, even today, cannot fully understand. Born that day, laid in a manger in the town of David was a baby who is the Messiah, Christ the Lord!

I pray that this Christmas morning will be one that is full of celebration, fun and joy. Remember why we are celebrating and remember that the birth of Jesus in not just meant for one day, but is to make a difference each and every day of our lives.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”


Lord, may the birth of Jesus continue to transform and change my heart and through me the world around me. Help me not to live in fear but joyful expectation and anticipation of Your coming into the world. Amen.

Darren Anderson

December 26

Luke 2:10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

When I was a child I enjoyed waiting and finally getting to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV. Now you can just put in a DVD and watch it anytime. I choose to watch it on TV every year. I even text my family and they text me when it comes on. It brings me back to a time when I felt the holiday spirit inside me. My favorite part is when Linus stands up on stage with his blanket [ I had one just like him!] and recites these two scriptures and everyone stops fighting and listens to him when he explains the true meaning of Christmas. It really comforts me deep down in my soul.

Heavenly Father-I pray this Holiday Season that everyone stops fighting and remembers the true meaning of Christmas. In your name. Amen

Katherine Berberick

December 27

How sweet to hold a newborn baby..."

Matthew 2:10-11


It was at the birth of all my children and even the grands and great-grands that I was blessed. With God smiling on me, I held them in my arms. Memories of the blessed innocence of each come to mind. Each was perfect in my sight. I was able to be there for many of their baptisms and other celebrations of their births. There was, however, an agony that was also present. You see, from my own experiences I saw that this life could be filled with errors, chaos, loves and loneliness. I knew about loss, disease and depression. Life can seem broken, empty and hollow. Mistakes made would probably be repeated. Hurt can come in the body and the heart of us all. And it does. Have you heard? There is a Savior. The Creator and giver of life has said,"this is happening!" Can you hear the carols sung? "Hark the herald angels sing...""Joy to the world, our Savior reigns..." I'm excited, the Son of the living God, Christ Jesus our Lord is coming to all our celebrations. And because He lives, we too will rise up on wings like an eagle. Our past means nothing. It is our today's that will take us into all our tomorrows. "Praise God from whom all blessing flow!"

May we never lose sight of you and your amazing grace, Father. Open our eyes to see you each and every day. Grant us Your Spirit to go where you lead and be what you desire, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 28

Gift of the throne

Revelations 4 1-11

In this scripture John gives us an account of God sitting on His throne. The focus appears not to be on God but the fantastic sites around the Throne. In our daily lives we can also focus on God's throne and see wonderful things around it.

For example: What John saw was a rainbow resembling an emerald. What I see is how beautiful it is where I can show people Christ and brighten their day. What John saw was flashes of lightning and thunder. What I see is how powerful my kind words are to people. What John saw was 7 lamps blazing. What I see is how each day of the week I can show people Christ's light. What John saw was 4 living creatures. What I see is my responsibility to take care of all God has created. What John saw was a sea of glass clear as crystal. What I see are ways to keep my thoughts pure and clean.

Every day as we face God's throne He reveals to us how we should live and how we can show him to others.

Dear Lord, we embrace your love everyday as you show us your throne.

John Dodge

December 29

Faithfulness revealed

Exodus 33:7-17: the Lord said, 'I will go with you in person and set your mind at rest... Ex. 33:14, New English Bible

All God's people wonder and seek the time that God will fulfill His promise. In Exodus, Moses needed the 'Presence 'of God to go with Him to lead His people. All throughout our lives we need to feel the 'God gap' in us being filled. Unfortunately, we fill it with things that cannot satisfy the real need. Our Father in Heaven knew that, and knows it still. He has provided exactly what is essential for each of us. "It came upon a midnight clear..." "O the wonder of it all..." Turn your eyes upon Jesus..." "O how He loves you and me..."In the Gospel of John we see the vision of a disciple who felt so close to Jesus that he could not leave His side even at the crucifixion. He alone, as a disciple, stood watching with Mary on Golgotha. He was the 1st to enter the empty tomb. He writes these word of faithfulness revealed, " And The Word became flesh to dwell among us..." It is Advent. The revelation of The Father's Words given to His people from the very beginning. We are captured by the lights. We can be consumed by the presents we give and receive. But let us never forget that it is God's faithfulness we are truly blessed with.

Loving Father, You have touched us and made us whole. In Christ we find our worth. As you continue with us through your Holy Spirit we discover the truth of Your faithfulness. Now and forever ... thank you, through Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Gary Ivey

December 30

“Baby Boy” By For King & Country

If you told me all about your sorrows I’d tell you about a cure If you told me you can’t fight the battle There’s a baby boy who won the war The war was won by a baby boy

Alleluia, we can sing it Alleluia, heaven’s ringing, Alleluia! Endless hope and relentless joy Started with a baby boy

Oh, before that silent night No Savior and no Jesus Christ The world cried out so desperately The baby boy was the reply, Heaven’s reply was a baby boy

See the King is coming down And he’s here without a crown The baby boy without a bed Giving life back to the dead And hear the angels shout it out As the people come and bow Unexpected majesty Alleluia, what a king

Alleluia, we can sing it Alleluia, Heaven’s ringing, Alleluia! Endless hope and relentless joy Started with a baby boy

Thank you Father God, for the hope and joy you gave us that night so long ago. Thank you for your Son, Jesus. Amen

Heather Ivey

December 31

Then Comes the New Year...

2 Corinthians 5:16- 21: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 2 Cor. 5:17 RSV

In Ecclesiastes 1:9, Solomon wrote this, "there is nothing new under the sun". What a 'downer'! Of course, maybe he was just overwhelmed with each day looking alike. Enemies may be done in but then others rise up. Jesus tells His disciples that the poor will be with us always. If this is the truth then why bring a can of food to the food bank? Does any of this end? If you're like me, your depression begins, ends and returns again. Your debt is paid only to rear its ugly head again and again. As we hang on to the medical pills and vitamins, when they run out we still have need for them. So it's back to Wal-Mart to continue this life. Please know, that I am not hinting at or telling you to stop any or all of the above. I will tell you that this life has an end-time. There is only one way out and into the future. I want a future without war, disease, poverty, addictions, broken homes and immorality. I want a world of promise for our children, families and even our enemies. My hope is that all of life will be seen as valuable. We are called, in Christ, to bring others to the Father, made 'new', in recognition of the value given by Him. "As we live out our lives for Christ, our arms stretch out like His to us, 'My Father loves you and I will as well. live in Him and the world is made new."

And all God's people said. Amen. Gary Ivey

God’s Gift

Read John 3:16-17

The extra special Story of love God sent to us From Heaven above And the angels that night Sang of His precious Name Who none of us – He would ever condemn of

blame! The Wise men Who came from afar Found Him When they followed that

star That stopped there As He in the manger lay There they worshipped Him As He lay on the hay! God gave His Son For all to acclaim!

Praise the Lord – Jesus is His name! He who gave His life That we might live He made it plain We must forgive No man cometh unto the

Father But by Him May this truth in our hearts Never grow dim! He came to this earth All who believe to free Even to save the worst Sinners like me. Thank you, Father, for this most

special gift of Christmas. Amen.

Beulah Curtiss (from Advent


May God bless you and your family this Christmas season

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