Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists · 2013-01-13 · Advent Calendar 2012 Day 25 Merry Christmas and I hope that you are resting over the holidays. Here is a scene from Birmingham

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Advent Calendar 2012

Day 25Merry Christmas and I hope that you are resting over the holidays. Here is a scene fromBirmingham to remind you about today

Day 24Christmas Cake is ready but not sure about Santa, Dont Drink and Sleigh Ride

Birmingham in the Rain. Merry Christmaseveryone.

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Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

1 of 11 01/01/2013 10:00

Day 23Let the Bells ring out!

Day 22An Angel

Day 21A Christmas joke

Poor Santa—

Christmas Bells—

An Angel on the Christmas tree—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 20Has Father Christmas been to your house yet!

Day 19A little fun from our friends at Enjoy

Ho Ho Ho—

Father Christmas on his sleigh being pulled by aCar!!

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 18Christmas Tree made from Mince Pies by Professor Deborah White

Day 17All quiet


A Christmas tree of Mince Pies—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 16Toys!

Day 15Which is the Number One Dental School?

Day 14Christmas Tree in the Arcade

The students are away for Christmas—

Toys in the Shop Window—

A happy bunch of students after their AestheticsSSM

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 13Christmas Cards in your Office

Day 12A spider’s web on a winter’s day

Great Western Arcade—

Christmas Cards on an Office Window—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 11A festive mantlepiece

Day 10Winter Berries

Day 9A penguin seen in my drive

A frosty Spider’s Web—

A festive mantlepiece—

Winter Berries in the sun—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 8If you are lost then this noticeboard will tell you where we are

Day 7The Bull who thinks it is a Reindeer

A penguin flown in from the South Pole—

Just in case you want to know who we are.—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 6If you head out to Snow Hill Plaza be aware of this rather large mistletoe

Day 5This suddenly appeared outside the School and Hospital this morning? So it is my Day5 entry into the Calendar.

Someone has given the Bull a red nose—

This was seen at Snow Hill Plaza—

This flag appeared outside thebuilding today!

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

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Day 4Who is in the Christmas Decoration?

Day 3The Turkey has returned to School Office

Day 2It is a Sunday and the sunrise was spectacular this morning.

Day 1

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

10 of 11 01/01/2013 10:00

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A Reindeer I found in my garden—

Advent Calendar 2012 | BrumDentists

11 of 11 01/01/2013 10:00

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