Advent and Christmas 2016 - … · Advent and Christmas 2016 Advent and Christmas 2016 ... Tony Hewitt-Jones Welcome and ... our sins

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January 15, 2017

Advent and Christmas 2016Advent and Christmas 2016Advent and Christmas 2016Advent and Christmas 2016

Christ ChurchChrist ChurchChrist ChurchChrist Church

Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West, Canton, Ohio 44702

Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church

We’re so glad that you’re here. We hope that your worship with us today nourishes your spirit and that you will come back to worship with us again. Please be sure to sign the guest pad located at the end of

your pew so that we can follow up on your visit with us.

For our visitors with children: our Nursery (up to age 3) is open and available to you in our lower level where our caring volunteers are ready to watch over your child. You can worship with peace of mind as

you will be given a pager so that you can be contacted immediately should you be needed.

Worship Activity Bags and activity sheets are located in the front of the Sanctuary for children to use. An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Thank you for worshiping with us today.

Please silence all electronic devices prior to the service.

* At these moments, we invite you to stand in body or spirit.

Christ Presbyterian Church Staff Ministers: The People of Christ Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries

Associate Pastor: Rev. Michael Wallace

Parish Associate: Rev. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David Kienzle

Gibbs Music Intern: Mario Buchanan

Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Director of Outdoor Ministries: Chris Harmsen

Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger

Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of

Christ Presbyterian Church

Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Chris Burt

Shawn Campbell

Nancy Irving

Pam Moretta

Jerry Norton

Edith Ophardt

Carol Orin

The Order For Morning Worship

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Preparation for Worship

Organ Voluntary “Fanfare” Op. 85 Tony Hewitt-Jones

Welcome and Worship Notes

Call to Worship

Leader: Sing a new song, Psalm 40:3, 5

a song of thanks and praise.

People: for God has done wondrous deeds,

and is great beyond compare!

*Hymn in Procession No. 299 “You Servants of God”

*Prayer of Adoration (in unison)

Holy God, Isaiah 49:6; 1 Corinthians 1:4, 8

you sent your son to be the light of the world, so that all may know the brightness of your love. Fill us with your grace this day that we too may bear witness to his light and serve your coming reign. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Call to Confession

Let us confess our sins to God,

for the Holy One is steadfast in love

and always ready to forgive.

January 15, 2017 Ten-Thirty O’Clock

Prayer of Confession (in unison)

Forgiving God, Isaiah 49:1, 3, 4, 6

we have chased after foolish things,

and spent our strength on vanity;

our labor has been in vain.

Deliver us from arrogance

and forgive our self-concern,

that we may find our reward with you,

as servants of your vision.

Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Kyrie Alfred V. Fedak

(please stand in body or spirit) *Declaration of Forgiveness

Leader: Beloved, you are forgiven in Christ, Psalm 40:2, 4, 8; John 1:29

the lamb who bears our sin.

People: Happy are those who put their trust in God,

and delight to do God’s will,

for God makes our footing sure

upon the rock of Christ.

Assurance of Pardon

*Response—Hymn No. 581 “Glory Be to the Father”

Children are now invited to walk to the chancel steps for the Message.


Message for Children Children come forward for the Children’s Message. After the prayer, children in

Kindergarten—7th grade may go to the Chapel for Kids’ Church and children ages 3—5

may go downstairs for Kids’ Church. All children are to be picked up in the lower level.

Prayer for Illumination

Hebrew Scripture Isaiah 49:1-7 Called to Servanthood

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 592

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible pages 830-831

*Hymn No. 720 “Jesus Calls Us”

Epistle Reading 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Enriched with Spiritual Gifts

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 926

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible page 201

Anthem Alfred V. Fedak

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us your peace.

Gospel Reading John 1:29-42

The Testimony of John

Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. Pew Bible pages 862-863

People: Thanks be to God. Large print Pew Bible page 112

Sermon “Your Servant Nature” Rev. David de Vries

“It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob

and to restore the survivors of Israel; I will give you as a light to the nations,

that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6)


*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed: page 35

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Baptismal Hymn No. 490 “Wash, O God, Your Sons and Daughters” Baptism Henry Michael Peterson Son of Jon and Karen (Miller) Peterson Offertory

Anthem from Missa Brevis in D (K. 184) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Marilou Berg, Chester Willey, Jon Peterson; soloists

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us your peace.

*Doxology—Hymn No. 606 OLD HUNDREDTH

*Prayer of Dedication (in unison)

We give you thanks, O loving God, Isaiah 49:6; Psalm 40:8

that you have placed in the hearts of your faithful people the gift of generosity and the desire to do your will. Use these gifts to proclaim good news to every nation and restore all people to Christ. Amen.


Being Christ’s Church — Living Our Faith

(Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*Hymn in Procession No. 725 “O Jesus, I Have Promised”

*Benediction Choral Response “May the Love of the Lord” (Hymn No. 549)

*Organ Voluntary “Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne” Diderik Buxtehude

*Greeting One Another

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service

a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.

The flowers in the Chancel vases are given in loving memory of William Carl Holcomb, by his mother and brother, Marna and John. The flowers in the Pedestal vases are given in loving memory of my father, Gerald S. Norton, from Jerry, Linda, and Katie Norton. The Cathedral Hour today is given to the Glory of God by Jack and Phyllis Milligan. Acolytes: Drew DeLap (Crucifer), Maggie DeLap (Acolyte), Hannah Kemper (Acolyte), Taylor McCarty (Bible Bearer) Acolyte Master: Katie Norton

Preparing for Next Week

Scripture Readings for January 22 Isaiah 9:1-4; Psalm 27:1, 4-9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18; Matthew 4:12-23 Consider: What does Jesus mean when he calls his followers to be “fishers of people?” What must I leave behind to be a faithful disciple of Jesus?

Sunday Morning Adult Classes ~ 9:15-10:15 a.m.

The Library Class is studying “Women of the Bible,” by Jean E. Syswerda.

Contemporary Issues and Biblical Thought Adult Class meets in the Quilting Room

Sunday mornings 9:15-10:15 a.m. and is studying a book by James W. Moore entitled, “How

God Takes Our Little and Makes It Much.” Everyone welcome!

Intergenerational Sunday School (ages 13-130): We are a discussion oriented class that

focuses on the weekly readings in scripture (the Daily Grace, printed in each week’s order of

worship). We enjoy sharing our knowledge, experiences, and wisdom with one another. If

you would like a chance to ask questions and share your answers about the Christian faith,

the biblical passages, or the everyday questions about life that arise, we invite you to join

us. The class meets in the upper meeting room, above the Parlor class, and is facilitated by

Michael Ophardt.

The Parlor Class is studying from the Present Word.

The Westminster Class—Jan. 15—Feb. 5: Dr. Keith Lloyd begins teaching a four week

series on Jesus of Nazareth as a historical person. Dr. Lloyd is Assistant Professor of English

at Kent State University. “The Gospels and the Book of Acts often refer to Jesus as ‘Jesus of

Nazareth’, but that title is not used again in any other New Testament book. That title,

however, affirms Jesus as a historical person, a significant element of early Christian

preaching, one that got lost a bit as the church grew in size and importance. This series then

takes an in-depth look at the life and world of Jesus of Nazareth, the enigmatic figure of the

New Testament who called himself ‘the Son of Man.’”

Daily Grace CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship

The Week of January 15, 2017 Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together . . . separately. The Call to Worship The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence) The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence) The Assurance of Pardon Scripture Readings — Worship texts for Sunday, January 22:

Monday: Isaiah 9:1-4 Thursday: Matthew 4:12-23 Tuesday: Psalm 27:1 Friday: Isaiah 9:1-4 Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Saturday: Psalm 27:4-9

Silent Meditation and Prayer (Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence) Prayers of the People (Lifting others before God) Prayer of Dedication Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known stories of scripture, read David vs. Goliath (1 Samuel 17).

Sunday, January 15: “It’s Movie

Time” - 5:00-7:45pm

We will join the church community

for pizza, popcorn, and the

showing of “Hear My Song.”

Sunday, January 22: Sledding or Ice

Skating at Center Ice

(weather dependent)

2-3:30pm $5 for skating, free if we

sled. More details to follow.

Sunday, January 29: High Schoolers

Only! - 6-7:30pm in the Youth Room

A meeting specifically about the

challenges of 9th-12th graders.

Information about the Mission West

will be shared tonight!

Please keep the Food, Clothing, & Prayer Ministry in mind before you toss out those used plas�c bags. We use over 450 plas�c bags each month! We could especially use large, sturdy plas�c bags in the clothing room. Winter clothes are too heavy for small grocery bags so we are always looking for larger bags that can hold more clothing and are sturdy enough for clients who need to walk home.

Camp Wakonda

registra�on is now open!

It may feel cold now, but

summer is just around the

corner! Brochures will be out

soon but you can read all about this year’s

camp offerings as well as register NOW at Sign up early to

take advantage of the early bird discount.

HonoringthePast,BuildingtheFuture With a history as rich as Camp Wakonda’s, there is no debate how important the past is to the future. Along with the programming and the memories, the facili�es of Wakonda have been a vital part of the ministry. Careful planning went into the building of the facili�es, and it shows in the way they have held up for over 57 years. However, many of the facili�es were built during a �me when efficiency was not as important as it is today, and things simply tend to break down over �me. Over a year ago, the Session of CPC decided ac�on needed to be taken on the condi�on of the home for the Director of Outdoor Ministry. Serving the ministry of Wakonda for over 50 years, the home is beginning to show its age. Addi�onally, the home was not built to house a growing family year-round. As the many issues of disrepair and safety were discussed, it was apparent that it would be most cost effec�ve to gut the current building, remodel and add an addi�on to make the structure more energy efficient and safe. A task force was formed and the leadership has prayerfully and diligently developed the most efficient plans for the director’s home. Now is the �me that we are asking for your support, your prayers and your financial assistance. Please prayerfully consider a tax-deduc�ble dona�on (designated to the “Camp Director’s Home Fund”) to help renovate the home at Wakonda. If you have any ques�ons, please contact Randy Bailey, Chair of the task force at 330-224-2698 or

A Message from Food, Clothing, & Prayer MinistryA Message from Food, Clothing, & Prayer MinistryA Message from Food, Clothing, & Prayer MinistryA Message from Food, Clothing, & Prayer Ministry Christmas decorations are put away, but the warm feeling of Christmas is still a soft memory in my mind. As I think about this past holiday I am reminded of our friends who use the services of the Food and Clothing Ministry, and the congregation of Christ Church who so generously supports them each year. I want to thank all of you who helped us in December, both as contributors and as volunteers. Our Christmas gathering this year welcomed almost 140 friends to our 3rd annual Christmas party. We sang carols, drank coffee and hot cocoa and devoured almost 18 dozen donuts and 12 dozen clementines. Afterward, everyone there had an opportunity to select from the hats, mittens and gift bags that were donated by our church family. In addition to our regular distribution of food, each person who attended also walked away with a small fully cooked ham. As an added bonus, your generous donations this year allowed the Food Ministry to purchase and distribute an extra bag of winter break snacks that included items such as cereal, pudding cups, pretzels, peanut butter, crackers, hot chocolate and snack bars. These bags were distributed on December 28, when we would normally not hold a distribution day. The joy of this distribution was enhanced by the fact that we were joined by 9 new volunteers that helped fill in for our regular volunteers who were out of town for the holidays. Thank you! As we move into 2017, I realize that I am as blessed as the families we serve—Christ Church provides for all of us in so many ways. With love- Lorraine Murphy

Engaging Teens in Faith

Beginning TODAY we are offering a Sunday school class that will discuss ways that we can engage teens in faith. The class will be held in a discussion format and will be based on the book “It’s Not Too Late: The Essential Part You Play In Shaping Your Teen’s Faith” by Dan Dupee. Each week will start with a particular discussion subject from the book and we’ll see where the conversation takes us. Books for this class will be available at the first meeting. The initial offering of this class will run through the beginning of Lent and will be held concurrently with the confirmation/youth Sunday school class at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. If you have a son or daughter in the confirmation/youth class, there will be opportunities for you to work with your teen on activities and reflection each week. If your kids are too young for the confirmation/youth class, you are welcome to attend to get a head start on “what’s coming.” If your kids have graduated from high school and are in college or beyond, we invite you to attend so that you can share your experience with the group. If you have questions about the class, please contact either Pastor Dave or Eric Ward (330.495.4527).

Small Groups, Big God!

We are pleased to announce the formation of a new small group specifically for young families and their children. We have agreed to meet monthly in homes (on a rotational basis) and will share dessert together. There will also be childcare provided so that parents can fellowship and talk about topics related to raising children in a Christian home.

We invite you to our first session at Denise and Lucy O'Wesney's home on January 28, 2017 at 5:00 pm. Their home is located at 9401 Paulding St. NW Massillon, OH 44646. Please RSVP to Courtney Wallace or Pastor Michael. Also, please join our brand new Facebook group called, "CPC Young Families" to find out about future events.

Upcoming Communion Class

Communion is a holy �me of worship when we come together as one body to

remember and celebrate Jesus' great love for us. It is a sign of Christ's sacrifice for us.

Help a child in your life learn about the sacraments and the importance of

communion in worship through Communion Classes this winter at Christ Church.

Led by Jennifer George, classes are for children in grades 1st

through 5th

and will begin

Sunday, February 12th

and end on Sunday, March 5th

. Classes will be held during

the 9:15 hour in the Pine Room and children are welcome to aGend even if they have

aGended communion classes before. A parent or designated adult must aGend with

your child and it is very important that the child be able to aGend all classes. Children

who have aGended the classes will par�cipate in the Communion Liturgy during

the 10:30 Worship Service on Sunday, March 5th




8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel

9:00 am Fellowship – West. Hall

9:15 am Sunday School

9:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4

10:30 am Worship Service—Sanctuary

10:45 am Kids’ Church

5:00 pm Pizza & a Movie—Westminster Hall Tuesday

9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor

11:30 am TAG Lunch @ Mulligan’s

1:00 pm Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Session Dinner

7:00 pm Session Meeting

Wednesday Tydings Deadline

4:45-6:15 pm Boychoir Reh.

5:30-7:00 pm Girls Choir Reh.

7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Supervision—Parlor

Thursday 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study– Westminster Hall

7:15 pm Chancel Choir Reh. Sunday, January 22

8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel

9:15 am Sunday School

9:15 am Confirmation

10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary

11:45 am Hearing Loop Training—Sanctuary

2:00-3:30 pm Youth Group Sledding or Ice Skating

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l

Greeting Cards: As an

o u t r e a c h t o o u r

congregational family, we

will have cards each week

in Cloister Hall on a

podium for the “family” to

sign. Please stop in

Cloister Hall and sign the

cards this week for Ed &

N a n c y I r v i n g

(Sympathy on the death of

granddaughter Lindsey

Maxwell), Catherine

F o r g a c h ( H a p p y


Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113

A reminder . . .

Either at home or on the road,

you can listen to the 10:30

service on WHLO 640 AM, or

log on your computer to

The 2017 Chancel flower chart is

now up on the bulletin board in

Westminster Hall. Contact Caryn in

the Church office if you have any


TONIGHT @ 5:00pm

What could be better than pizza and a movie? How about a movie that one of our own young people is in? We will view the movie “Hear My Song” the filming of which David Rauch participated in while a student at the American Boychoir School. The film stars Dustin Hoffman, and tells

the story of a troubled young man who is enrolled at a fictional boychoir school. While there is no rating of the movie available, it is suitable for all ages, but is long at 1 hour, 43 minutes. With that in mind, we will have an intermission. The movie showing is free.

The evening will start with a pizza & salad dinner, followed by a short talk from David about being in the movie. The movie will begin at approximately 6:00pm. We will have popcorn too! And Monday is a school holiday, so no worries about bedtime. All activities are planned for Westminster Hall. Feel free to bring a lawn chair if you will be more comfortable. Please be sure to sign up at the kiosk so we have enough pizza and popcorn! This should be a great evening for all ages.

Tuesday, January 17 11:30am at Mulligan’s

For January and February, TAG is trying something new! We will meet at restaurants while the TAG chefs take a well-deserved vacation. January’s TAG will be held at Mulligan’s Restaurant & Pub (4118 Belden Village Street NW, across from Sears) our top vote getter from the recent poll, in their Library Room. Mulligan’s has quite a diverse menu,

and you will be able to order anything you’d like, and get an individual check. Gathering time is 11:30am for fellowship/greeting friends, with lunch at noon. In the event of bad weather, TAG will be cancelled if the Canton City Schools are closed for the day. Because we will need to give the restaurant a headcount, please sign up for January TAG no later than TODAY in the kiosk area, calling the church office, or signing up online. Thank you!

TAG Tuesday Afternoon Group

Jammin’ Jammies SundayJammin’ Jammies SundayJammin’ Jammies SundayJammin’ Jammies Sunday at Christ Church!at Christ Church!at Christ Church!at Christ Church!

Hey kids! Hey kids! Hey kids! Hey kids!

Put on your comfiest jammies for church Sunday, January 22. We’ll have extra special fun in Kids’ Church that morning! It might be winter outside, but we’ll be comfy and cozy inside with cocoa, treats, games, and stories. Be sure to invite a friend and don’t forget your slippers!

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