Advanced Pre Web Editing for GeoSpatial data using - Web GIS ...

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Online Seminar:Advanced Pure Web Editing for Geospatial data using eSpatial’s


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• Welcome & Thank you for joining!

• Q&A at END of today’s Session

• Webinar recording available to download from

Housekeeping Items

• Brief Introduction to eSpatial – Orla Power, Head of Marketing

• iSMART Web 2.0 GIS Web Editing Overview– Eamon Walsh, Chief Technology Officer

– Including brief Case Study - Major Telecommunications company Verizon  


• Questions & Answers


• eSpatial leverages 10 years Oracle Spatial experience to deliver sophisticated & powerful web applications

• We Provide– iSMART software to build applications on Oracle Spatial

– Services – GIS & Oracle expertise;

– Solution development

• iSMART® our award winning software suite, is the most comprehensive solution to complement Oracle’s Spatial Technology platform

• We have a consistent track record of cost-effective solutions that deliver significant return on investment for our Global customer base

• Our goal: “1st choice for Oracle Spatial” 

Who we are

Over to Eamon!

iSMART Web 2.0 GISWeb Editing


Eamon Walsh

Chief Technology Officer, eSpatial

iSMART Web Editing

• Full Web 2.0 GIS– Full GIS Editing functionality in pure web environment

– Edit session management – commit & rollback, undo / redo

– Multi-user editing - locking, versioning

– Rich edit functions

– General GIS functions

• Benefits – lower cost of deployment and maintenance,

– Integration into business systems and workflow

– central control of users and of data update,

• In Use, a major customer is Verizon– Live Use September 2007

– Replace Desktop GIS tools – MapInfo, Bentley

Briefing Flow

1. Web Editing Overview

- Including example deployments, ROI

2. Demonstration

3. Recap & Roadmap

4. Questions

Web 2.0 & GIS…

• More Interactive Applications on Web– Drag pan, pop-ups, etc

• Now Simple Drawing solutions – “Redlining”

• iSMART Web Editing brings this to GIS / CAD use, for Enterprise

Web 2.0 GIS for the Enterprise Editing Requirements

• For real GIS / CAD and for Enterprise use need much more than simple drawing tools

• Full set of drawing capabilities– Digitize, Edit Vertices, Attribute editing, Labelling, Snapping

• Edit session management– Commit, Rollback, Undo / Redo…

• Multi-User Editing– Locking

– Versioning

• Real Data-sets: Complex & large geometries…

• Robust: Use all day…

• Other GIS capabilities– Plot, Thematics, Search, Bookmark, …

Example: Forest Example: Forest inventory Management inventory Management SystemSystem

• Includes pure web digitizing

•Access from any browser – no applets or downloads

• Includes pure web digitizing

•Access from any browser – no applets or downloads

Example: Verizon

• “VEGA” – Verizon Enterprise Geospatial Application”– 1st: Outside Plant Engineering Planning System

• eSpatial iSMART components used in custom application developed by Verizon

• In two Phases– 1: Replaces System using MapInfo Pro (but Bentley

Microstation L&F): Aug’ 2007

– 2: Larger number of users, More functionality – Replaces system that uses Microstation: End 2007

ROI for Web Editing

1. Reduced License Costs (No desktop CAD/GIS licenses)

2. Reduced Development Costs & Time-frames1. Integrate GIS into multi-user web app’ using same technologies

3. Reduced Installation & Maintenance Costs 1. No desktop tools to install & maintain2. Integrated into business application

4. Productivity – Control functions provided to users + script interactions by task

5. Efficiencies & Opportunities1. Consolidated database enforced via web access improves Data

Quality2. Avoids duplication of Effort - “Draw Once”3. Data Availability across the organisation – e.g.

1. Inventory Management – through consolidated system for all stages2. Ready for Sale View…3. Tax management…

iSMART Web EditingProvides:

• Pure Web robust rich GIS / CAD for Enterprise, multi-user use

• Web 2.0 Technologies - AJAX, JSON

• Development Components– Javascript (AJAX) API & Web (JSP) Tags for Web Page

– iSMART also has java API for Server

– AJAX (“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”), JSON…– Javascript/AJAX API calls to iSMART on server

– Rapid Development

• Web Editor application is provided– Shows how to use components in custom application

– Or may be extended or customized

External SystemsXML Web Services

Oracle Database 11g / 10Oracle Database 11g / 10g / 9ig / 9i(Oracle Locator / Spatial)(Oracle Locator / Spatial)

J2EE Application ServerJ2EE Application ServerOracle 10Oracle 10gAS, BEA Weblogic,… gAS, BEA Weblogic,…

iSMART iSMART ServerServer

iSMART Web iSMART Web FrameworkFramework

Other GIS Tools

GIS Applications(OGC Services)RapidRapid


Publish toWeb App’s


Web Administration

Web GISEditing

Javascript Javascript API (ajax)API (ajax)

Architecture Overview

iSMART Web EditSample Application

- Example Application- Shows how to use capabilities in custom application - Or may be extended or customised



Current Web Editing FeaturesiSMART 5.3• Linear Element Placement

• Polygon Placement

• Symbol Placement

• Polygon & Linear Modification – Insert, Move, Delete vertices

• Snapping & Snap Options…

• Labeling: Enter or Automatic, Clash detection, Halo, Box, Anchor point, Offset, Turn labels on /off, Duplicate text, Partial objects…

• Move Label

• Attribute entry and editing

• Selection – Single, Multiple,

Buffer, Boundary

• Move Graphic Element

• Delete Graphic Element

• Save, Discard, Undo / Redo…

• Multi-User Locking

• Complex data-sets, digitize over imagery, map services…

• Pure Web - No applets or plug-ins in browser

• Edit Session management

• Multi-User: Locking

• Rich Editing functions

• Pure Web - No applets or plug-ins in browser

• Edit Session management

• Multi-User: Locking

• Rich Editing functions

iSMART 5.3 Other Features

• Map Viewing - Pan, Zoom, Fence, Fit to Layer, Previous, Layer control, layer precedence,..

• Search

• Bookmarks

• Print - Scale, Plot from web, templates…

• Thematics

• Export View

• Export to Excel

• Feeds from web map services: Yahoo Maps, OGC WMS

• Role Based Access Control

• …

Roadmap: End 2007

• Enhanced Visualisation –Symbol Libraries, Extended custom line styles,…

• Advanced Snapping – dynamic, auto-trace…

• Advanced labelling - Rotated & Custom Labels, Multi-labels,…

• Interface to Microsoft Virtual Earth

• Advanced Role Based Access– Users, Components

• Spatial Query Builder

• GML Export

• Compound Linear Element Placement, including Arcs

• Compound Polygon Placement

• Drop (Split) Compound Elements

• Grouping

• Access GIS & CAD datasets– Vector

– Raster

• Extend Linear Elements to Intersection

• Partial Delete of Elements

• Trim Elements to Boundary

• Rotate element

Thank You

Any Questions?

iSMART Web Editing

• Full Web 2.0 GIS– Full GIS Editing functionality in pure web environment

– Edit session management – commit & rollback, undo / redo

– Multi-user editing - locking, versioning

– Rich edit functions

– General GIS functions

• Benefits – lower cost of deployment and maintenance,

– Integration into business systems and workflow

– central control of users and of data update,

• In Use, a major customer is Verizon– Live Use September 2007

– Replace Desktop GIS tools – MapInfo, Bentley

For Further Information…

• Where do I learn more?– eSpatial Website


• How do I get going? – Needs assessment & consultancy

– Quick Start Projects

– Tailored to your data, your needs!

• Who’ll help me? – eSpatial (Training, Consultancy, support)

– eSpatial Partners

• Who do I contact?–

Thank you for attending today’s Session!

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