Advanced AuthorRank: 25 Tactics, from the individual to the enterprise level

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Behold, my deck from my 4/16 Mozinar for SEOmoz! Very soon, Google AuthorRank will no longer be the "next big thing in search," but the "current big thing" in search. Mike Arnesen will go over specific tactics that you can use to boost your AuthorRank as an individual agent, help enterprise-level sites benefit from AuthorRank, sell the idea into your clients and/or bosses, and creative use-cases from the trenches at SwellPath. This advanced foray into AuthorRank building assumes familiarity with Google Authorship.


Advanced AuthorRank: 25 Tactics from the Individual to the Enterprise Level!

by Mike Arnesen, Senior SEO at SwellPath!@mike_arnesen!

Tweet with Mozinar attendees: #mozinar!!Technical problems or feedback:!Please email!!

Sweet Hashtags: #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Mike Arnesen Senior SEO, SwellPath

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

You’ve heard of AuthorRank

Circle of Advocates

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

       “The  reputa+on  of  a  par+cular  agent                  is  a  func+on  of  the  reputa+on    

                               of  the  content  and  agents  which  refer  to  it.”                - from the Agent Rank Patent


Circle of Advocates

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Notify your advocates…sparingly.


Regular Circle Building

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Spend time building your Google+ circles.

Foster relationships with your advocates and let them know they’re valued.

Regular Circle Building

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

These folks

are ALL

either current

or potential



Regular Circle Building

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Find advocates, but do it quickly! Add the Ripples bookmarklet to your toolkit!

Crawl for Authors

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

I know where you



Crawl for Authors

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

I know where you live write.

Use Tom’s Author Crawler Tool. It’s amazing.


Crawl for Authors

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

These established authors link to you. This is high value information!


Target Engaged Authors

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Now find authors who aren’t linking to you, yet.


Breakdown Recommendation Barriers

Make sharing as easy as possible. @mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


People these authors.

Breakdown Recommendation Barriers

So much better!

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar




Author-friendly Discussions

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Google wants to know who comments on your work &

how your comments are received.

Author-friendly Discussions

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Help Google see which authors are responding!

Google+  Social  Sign-­‐in  

Use  it  for  commen+ng  

Which  theore+cally  +e  back  to  your  author  iden+ty  

Leave  comments  

Remove Inappropriate Authorship

If there’s one thing Google doesn’t like, it’s being tricked by webmasters.

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Remove Inappropriate Authorship

This is definitely not an appropriate use of Authorship. !

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Authorship for Designers & Partners

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Kinda  grey  hat  

Don’t Commoditize Authorship

Once AuthorRank becomes a ranking factor, Google will be

itching to penalize manipulation.

Do it ethically or

get out!

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar



Searchscapes with Low Penetration

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Where’d everyone go?

So much opportunity!


Overcoming Hesitations & Objections

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


But I don’t want to highlight

my employees.

That’s fine, Keanu, but it’s required if you want to enjoy benefits.

Selling the Recommendation

Here’s your recipe for success.

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Google Search Volume x Impression Rate x Avg. Organic CTR = Visits Captured

Visits Captured x Avg. Revenue Per Organic Visit = Expected Return


Selling the Recommendation

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Google Search Volume x Impression Rate x NEW Organic CTR = Visits Captured

Visits Captured x Avg. Revenue Per Organic Visit = Projected Return

Projected – Expected = ROI of Implementing Authorship


Selling the Recommendation

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

120,000 est. searches x 4% impression rate x 6% Avg. CTR = 290 Visits

290 Visits x $1.50 Avg. Value = $435.00

$435 – $285 = $150 ROI on Authorship per Month


120,000 est. searches x 4% impression rate x 4% Avg. CTR = 190 Visits

190 Visits x $1.50 Avg. Value = $285.00

QA Your Implementation

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


<link rel="author" href=""/>

One line to rule them all.

Author Photo Optimization

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


We optimize everything else! Why not this?

Improve that CTR!

Try out different ways to stand out in the crowd.

Author Photo Optimization

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Consistent personal branding across networks!


Monitor AuthorStats

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Focus on these as KPIs of Authorship.


Be Mindful of Automatic Attribution

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

You can’t use rel=author on SlideShare! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!


Screenshot  courtesy  of  

Google wants to know how recent your contributions are.

Just ponder that.

Current vs Past Contributor To

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Build Your Profile’s PageRank

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Google+ pages build & pass PR just like other pages on the web. Build it.

Build Your Authority Offline

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


It’s all about the #RES.*

*Real Expert Stuff  

Check Off Bing’s Authority Checklist

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Do you have unique, useful content?  Check.

Do you produce new content frequently? Check.

Do you have a solid history?  Check.

Do you have trustworthy links pointing at your content? Check.

Do you have an active social presence?  Check.

Do people retweet and like your social content? Check.


Your Site’s Branding & UX Matter

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Rand’s a smart guy, and I consider him an authority. I love visiting Rand’s site because it’s a fantastic experience.

Your Site’s Branding & UX Matter

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Rand’s a smart guy, and I consider him an authority. I love visiting Rand’s site because it’s a fantastic experience.

Your Site’s Branding & UX Matter

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Even if you’re an expert, a bad UX and poor branding can cause your message to get lost.

Demonstrate Your Expertise & Value

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


Invest time participating in communities where you can demonstrate your expertise.

AuthorRank Protects You

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

A site with high PR and extremely low AR could indicate a suspicious link profile.


AuthorRank Protects You

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

A site with high AR Authors and low PR may deserve additional attention.


AuthorRank Protects You

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

A site with high PR and high AR Authors is the perfect combination. AuthorRank could keep you safe from penalties.


Remember the WHY

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


We all just want to connect with other people.

BECOME an Authority

Become the experts, !that Google wants !

! ! !to see promoted !in search results.!

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar


@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Increased SERP visibility, higher CTR, and positive ROI are amazing.

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Yet the value of building real authority and trust with your audience is immeasurable.

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Authorship is just the beginning

AuthorRank lets us make the web a better place.

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

For any tool or post I mentioned, plus some other great stuff…

@mike_arnesen #AdvancedAuthorRank #Mozinar

Thank You

Q&A Time!!


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