Adrià Arbués Sangüesa

Post on 17-Jan-2022






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A Journey of Computer Vision in Sports:from Tracking to Orientation-based Metrics

Adrià Arbués SangüesaTESI DOCTORAL UPF / 2021

Directores de la tesiDr. Coloma Ballester, Dr. Gloria Haro

Department of Information and CommunicationTechnologies

I wish basketball was rocketscience sometimes.

Daryl Morey


Per por a deixar-me algú, mai no he sabut com encarar tot allòque impliqui felicitacions o agraïments. De fet, quan vaig fer 18 anysel 28 de desembre del 2011, la meva estratègia per convidar amics iamigues al meu aniversari va consistir simplement a repassar la llistade la gent que m’havia convidat a mi prèviament a la seva festa ifer-ho recíproc. Aquesta vegada no tinc llista, però tot i això, hointentaré fer el millor possible. De tota manera, si llegeixes aquestasecció, t’hi sents identificat/da i no hi surt el teu nom, et pots donarper agraït/da.

Abans de res, volia agrair la confiança, la disposició i el tracte deles meves dues tutores, la Gloria i la Coloma, la Coloma i la Glo-ria (sense cap ordre predeterminat). Tot i que ja existia un biaixque m’assegurava que estaria còmode al vostre grup, les expectativess’han vist superades i heu fet que el despatx 55.116 sigui per a mi undels millors aixoplucs que tinc. Gràcies pels mails a hores intempes-tives, gràcies per no desesperar-vos durant les reunions on començoa disparar tecnicismes de forma inconnexa i gràcies per tots els con-sells. He après moltíssim amb vosaltres, i no només dins del camp dela visió per computador.

Com no podia ser d’una altra manera, el següent agraïment va dedi-cat a la meva família, en especial per a mon pare i ma mare, en Jesús



i la Conxa. Tot i que durant els 2 primers anys de tesi no us hagivingut a veure tant com voldríeu, crec que durant els 2 darrers heutingut sobredosi d’Adrià. En poc més de dos anys m’heu hagut decuinar sopetes després que em traguessin 4 queixals del seny de cop,m’heu hagut de fer de xòfers després que em reconstruïssin el turmelldefectuós, i m’he confinat amb vosaltres. Han sigut moltíssimes horesjunts, i tot i que el planning de Hansel i Gretel no us va acabar defuncionar, no tinc paraules per agrair-vos tot el que heu fet, i les par-tides del Catán durant els dies de confinament. Sou els millors pare/ mare que tinc, i us perdonaré que m’enganyéssiu amb en Baltasarquan era petit. Encara que, per desgràcia, ja no hi siguin, aquestatesi també va dedicada als meus 4 avis i àvies: la iaia Rosa i els platsde macarrons, l’abuela Conxa i els ous amb neula, l’abuelo Ramiro iels llagostins, i l’avi Jesús amb els pinyons i el formatge ratllat. Tot iles connexions amb el menjar, tot el que em vau ensenyar i tot el queem vau cuidar va molt més enllà, i em sap greu que marxéssiu tand’hora. Us enyoro. A diferència de moltes persones, jo també tincun avi no-biològic, en Palle Jacobsen, qui també va saber cuidar-medurant el meu any-i-escaig a Dinamarca; hygge és casa teva, Palle,descansa en pau.

Per animar una mica el discurs, ara toca agrair a aquelles personesqui més m’han hagut d’aguantar durant els anys de tesi. A l’estiudel 2017 buscava un pis on viure, i per X o per Y, vaig acabar ambles desconegudes Vero i Neus. Quatre anys més tard, no sé què fariasense elles i sense en Fabiano. L’etapa Los Viladomat no l’oblidarémai, potser la maleeixo quan als 35 tingui mal d’esquena per culpadel sofà infernal, però tota la resta serà un formigueig inevitable, iMontardit (o Bergamo, donde el aeropuerto) sempre serà un lloc moltespecial. Gràcies per ser-hi, el tito sempre serà vostre, inclús quantingueu un lio-de-dia.

Tot i no haver viscut mai junts, la gent de sempre de Vilassar tambété els meus blessings perpetus: Pere, Fisse, Plando, Ricard, Facund,


Andreu, Sergi, i tota la resta. Tot i que ens coneixem des de l’etapaque pixàvem a l’orinal, i encara que tothom hagi fet el seu propi camí,sou de les persones més incondicionals que conec, i el preu de tenir-vos no es compra ni amb ampolles de Salsa Espinaler. I no patiu,que per molt pesats que sigueu amb les bicicletes, us seguiré estimant.

Agrair a la gent que he conegut a la universitat des del 2011 és moltmés complicat. Per començar, tenim les joies de la carrera, els i les 9,com a la Comunidad del Anillo, van ser moltes hores d’estudi i moltessamarretes empudegades d’olor carregada de biblioteca i peixera. Jafa anys que només ens veiem per Nadal, però em vau ajudar una bar-baritat a trobar-li la gràcia a les matemàtiques, i a no consolar-meanant "als mínims". Escriure una tesi és el més empollón que he fetmai, i és gràcies a vosaltres: Helena C., Tola, Adrià (el bo), Nadia,Guillem, Edu, Andreu i Dani. D’altra banda, durant el doctorat,he conegut altres persones estupendes. Aquí cadascú porta els seustimmings i tothom fa estades a l’estranger, i jo ja em perdo i oblidoqui he conegut i quan, però vaja, ho intentaré. Gràcies a tota la gentdel IPCV, sobretot a la Maria, Patricia, Lara, Juan i Venkatesh, ambles aparicions de gent com en Samuel, Pierric, Alejandro o Ferran;hem fet menys seminaris dels que pensàvem, però tots els vostresinputs han sigut de gran ajuda. Gràcies també al postdoc de con-fiança, n’Adrián Martín; ens ha quedat clar que no ets un fan delspunts i coma, i que la versió moderna del futbol potser no és tanràpida com ens pensem, però igualment, merci. L’Arantxa també hasigut un boníssim descobriment, i és molt millor amiga que jugadorade voleibol (i no perquè sigui dolenta); potser treballo en una cova,i no sóc de fer abraçades, però deep inside t’aprecio. I finalment,també posaré dins d’un mateix pack tota la gent del club del dinara les 13:00: Mireia A., Amelia, Xabier, Mireia M., Juan B., Itziar,Valentin, Pablo... La veritat és que em costarà trobar un ecosistemaon es pugui fer una desconnexió total d’una hora i poc, quan sem-bla que el temps s’aturi. Heu sigut un gran suport durant l’últimtram de doctorat i escoltar-vos sempre s’ha convertit en la millor


font d’inspiració per seguir fent recerca en moments complicats, comun divendres a la tarda; tot i ser uns addictes al cafè, us admiro fort.Així mateix, voldria remarcar la paciència i la immediatesa de totesles persones que treballen a Secretaria Acadèmica, sobretot la Lydia(aka bústia) i la Carme. Per acabar el bloc d’agraïments universi-taris, volia donar les gràcies al tracte rebut dels i de les alumnes (ide l’Adriana F. amb l’organització de classes); preparar les classes ésuna feinada, i el dia abans de la meva primera classe (4 d’octubredel 2017) gairebé no vaig poder aclucar els ulls dels nervis. Quatreanys més tard, considero que he après molt de tots i totes, incloentaquells grups virtuals en els quals no he vist cap cara; estic segur queamb el talent que teniu arribareu molt lluny. Moltíssima sort, esperorecordar tots els noms i cognoms per si mai ens creuem.

Sense sortir del món de la recerca, si mai em pregunteu quin ésl’esdeveniment on més he gaudit i après, ho tindré clar: l’ExporecercaJove. Després de participar-hi el 2011, he tingut la sort (i la voluntat)de formar part de Magma, Associació per Promoure la Recerca Jove,de la qual només tinc coses bones a dir. Que els joves promoguin larecerca d’altres joves és preciós, i tan sols desitjo que l’Exporecercase segueixi reinventant. De tota la gent que he conegut dins aquestmón, volia donar les gràcies especialment a tres-quatre persones: laprimera, l’etern co-director, en Sergi Bonet. La segona, en ManuelBelmonte, que fa 21 anys que és a peu del canó i que, des de laseva modèstia, mai no voldrà que ningú li reconegui la feina feta; hosento Manuel, però ets una meravella, i no ens cansarem de dir-t’ho.També poso dins d’aquest sac en Tomàs Padrosa. L’última, peròno menys important, és en Bruno Gotzens. No vam tenir la sort deparlar gaire cara a cara, però en Bruno sempre serà el director de laXII Exporecerca i el corresponsable principal (amb en Marc Jordana)que ara estigui escrivint aquesta tesi. Des de l’abril de 2011, i gràciesa la gent de Magma, sempre he volgut fer recerca sobre el que mésm’apassiona, i això ho he après de gent com en Bruno, que parlavadels animalons amb uns ulls com taronges i una passió espectacular.


Allà on siguis, Bruno, gràcies.

No em vull oblidar de tota la gent que m’ha donat oportunitats d’ordins del món del bàsquet. Per començar, agrair la confiança a enXavi Pardina, que em va ajudar a fer un salt de gegant dins la mevacarrera com a entrenador: l’any a EBA amb el Cornellà va ser unclínic contínu. De la mateixa manera, també vull donar-li les gràciesa en Juan Llaneza per oferir-me la possibilitat d’incorporar-me alF.C. Barcelona, i per tots els debats estadístics; dins del club, tambéhe conegut gent magnífica, com el staff sencer del Cadet B o en MartíCasals, o la gent del futbol com en Javier Fernández.I finalment, sense cap ordre concret, també volia donar les gràcies atotes aquelles persones que, per motius variopintos, han emergit coma bolets a la meva vida: Mar C. i l’illa de Chichimé, lovely Andy, MarB. i la muntanya balla, Judit P. i els iogurts de papagaya, Mar F. iEivissa sencera, Carme-Ferran com a equip Lassie, Adrià I. i NovoHamburgo, Eva L. i la nostra quedada cada 6 mesos, Ada i els reptesde dades, Marta-Guille i els jocs de taula, Laia B. amb el Pop-Pop!i Víctor DLT i el seus berenars d’atleta.


AbstractAlthough tracking data have completely revolutionized the wholedata science paradigm in sports competitions with the largest eco-nomic resources, its use in a European context is still unexplored.In this thesis, three tracking-related contributions are presented inthe sports domain. First, the creation of vision-based basketballmulti-tracking methods is studied from a single-camera perspective,which could be useful for clubs with low resources or for the recov-ery of vintage games’ tracking. Then, tracking data in the soccerdomain is enriched by adding a novel layer of information: playerbody-orientation, thus complementing 2D location data, which fallsshort in some scenarios. Finally, the effect of proper orientation isdetailed in the most common soccer action: passes. By buildingpassing computational models that express which is the safest passat a given time, the relevance of orientation is contextualized, henceproving that it is indeed a vital skill for soccer players.

ResumTot i que les dades de seguiment han revolucionat el paradigma de laciència de dades esportiva dins les competicions amb més recursos,el seu ús en un context europeu és encara una incògnita. En aquestatesi, presentem tres contribucions dins d’aquest camp. Primer s’haestudiat, a través de la visió per computador, la creació de sistemesde seguiment de jugadors/es de bàsquet utilitzant una sola càmera, elque podria servir per equips amb pocs recursos o per recuperar dadesde partits antics. A més, donat que la manca de context és la princi-pal limitació de les dades posicionals, la segona proposta en presental’enriquiment amb una nova capa d’informació: l’orientació corporalde jugadors/es de futbol. Finalment, s’ha analitzat l’impacte de l’ori-entació mitjançant la creació de models computacionals de passades,els quals esbrinen quina és la passada més viable i demostren quel’orientació és una capacitat clau per als jugadors/es.


The most favorite present I have ever received was an emptysquared teacher-notebook that belonged to my parents. I was 9 yearsold, and although it might seem odd, my main passion was to buildbasketball rosters on paper based on simple player performance met-rics; at that point, I had no clue about any statistical parametersor distributions, but I was truly devoted about naive sports analyt-ics. Apart from basketball, I also made some hand-crafted clusteringside-projects with Pokemon toys based on semantic features, but un-fortunately, the lack of a universal dataset made me give up.Once focused only on basketball analytics, I kept improving my am-ateur General Manager skills, but I could never transfer that knowl-edge into school-related projects: despite enjoying math and physics(and struggling with the athletic side of sports in physical education),I could not see myself talking about basketball statistics with mypeers or teachers. In the secondary school syllabus, there was simplyno place for that. When I was 16, the first opportunity of doing re-search about my main interests emerged out of the blue: during the fi-nal high-school thesis (the so-called Treball de Recerca in Catalunya),I learned the coding basics and I built a digital coach board applica-tion. At that point, my mind clicked, and I realized that, although Iwould have had a blast taking hypothetical sports analytics courses,I was not ready yet; the potential of sports’ advanced statistics goesfar beyond from hand-written teacher notebooks, and its basis re-quires a high understanding level of math, data mining, and sportsscience, as well as proficient dissemination skills. Therefore, during



my engineering undergraduate studies, I also started coaching whilekeeping an eye on doing sports-related research. In this context, mybachelor thesis consisted of a couple of Computer Vision algorithmsthat could automatically detect common basketball infractions, thusbeing a potentially beneficial tool for officials, and two years later, Itrained classical Machine Learning models able to classify basketballplays according to sensor data. By expanding both my engineeringand coaching background, the detail level of the published projectsimproved, hence becoming slightly more relevant contributions to thesports analytics field. Nevertheless, as it usually happens with bach-elor / master thesis, the outcome of the presented papers was almostpurely theoretical and it did not have a direct practical applicationthat could help players / teams improving their performance. Thatbeing said, the nature and the motivation of this PhD thesis are clear:after so many years chasing a research-based career in sports analyt-ics, I could finally spend four years learning and contributing to theresearch field I have always enjoyed the most. During my thesis, Itried not to stop coaching, and as a matter of fact, I managed to takethe assistant coach role in the Senior team of Cornellà (EBA division2017-2018) and in the under-15 Futbol Club Barcelona youth team(2018-2019); being in the actual court definitely made things easierwhen creating projects from scratch.Moreover, it has been proved that versatile skills are vital when work-ing in this research field, and not only when training different modelsof a single specific sport but also when working across sports. Forinstance, Luke Bornn and Dan Cervone, who are two of the mostprestigious sports analysts, switched sports at some point: whileLuke has worked with both soccer (AS Roma) and basketball (Sacra-mento Kings) teams, Dan contributed also to the research fields ofbasketball and baseball (Los Angeles Dodgers). As a consequence,although I have clearly stated that I am a basketball-based person,I also wanted to contribute to another sports analytics field; bearingin mind that I grew up in a town close to Barcelona whilst watchingRonaldinho, Eto’o and Messi on TV, soccer was an obvious and a safe


choice. Athletes of different sports (especially basketball and soccer)share many contextual features, and ideal research outcomes shouldbe able to generalize properly to different scenarios. For this reason,creating soccer-based models was an enriching experience, where Ihad to adapt myself into a whole new analytics-related environment,suddenly feeling like the 9-year-old Adrià together with his teacher-notebook once again.Apart from merging sports knowledge with data mining, another rel-evant topic I would like to briefly discuss is communication. Sincedata is a powerful complementary tool for sports teams, establish-ing a data-driven communication culture is almost mandatory, andalthough it seems a simple and immediate task, it is rather challeng-ing. Once data sources have been identified and exploited, severalhandicaps are faced. The first one is strictly related to the lack ofnumerical-based background evidence: although it might be a hugeinvestment, clubs must be patient when getting started with sportsanalytics, since few conclusions can be made when the gathered sam-ple size is small; however, data scientists must be the ones to createthis non-rushing results-based culture. Moreover, in the vast major-ity of scenarios, the methodology of the coaching staff has little todo with scientific research groups: apart from being volatile, eachone is unique, and there is not a universal communication flow; bylearning how to ask the appropriate questions and by understandingthe coaches’ demands, the connection between analysts and coachesimproves. Finally, the last tricky facet of this data-driven cultureis the argot being used, especially in social networks and media; forinstance, currently, there is not a concrete and general definition ofbig-data or advanced statistics in sports. These type of concepts areuseful to create awareness, but data scientists should be really care-ful when describing and sharing their work, thus avoiding the use ofambiguous trendy concepts. I truly believe that the power of data insports is complementary to the coaching staff knowledge and that itcan automate some scouting processes, so we should establish a faircommunication system where we concisely describe the data sources,


their actual scope, and the possible potential outcomes. Since no onecan claim to have the perfect recipe for winning games, the dissemina-tion of new contributions should be explained and shared accordingly.Despite not having previous experience when it comes to sports an-alytics dissemination, this thesis comes together with a large setof non-academical contributions, where I aimed to create a solidknowledge-plus-communication that could be used by coaches, an-alysts, and fans to speak the same language when it comes to data.First, I published an open-source side-project entitled BueStats, whichextracts automatic state-of-the-art statistical reports for all femaleand male teams in FEB Competitions (Spanish Basketball Federa-tion); I also created an open repository of Python Notebooks thatexplains how to train basic Machine Learning models by using avail-able Euroleague data. Besides, I also approached the complete com-munication pipeline in the Keynote Talk I gave at the ComputerVision in Sports Workshop at CVPR 2021. At the same time, themain core of this presentation was built from several concepts thatwere discussed in a set of talks I moderated, entitled Beyond the 4Factors; in these virtual events, several basketball analysts presentedtheir methodology when building metrics / designing graphics forcoaches / communicating in a top competitive level, etc. Finally, Ihave also been pursuing the awareness creation of sports analytics inseveral talks / clinics / courses, either by presenting general topicsor by teaching from scratch how should data be handled in the veryfirst steps (Catalan / Basque / Spanish Basketball Federations or theCatalan Society of Statistics).Although it might seem a cliche-ish ending sentence, I really hopeyou enjoy / learn while reading this thesis as much as I did whenwriting it, I really mean it. Finding my own path into sports analyt-ics has been a long and tough road, but it has definitely been worthit. We will see what comes next!


Preface xiii

List of figures xxviii

List of tables xxx

1 Introduction 11.1 From the Box Score to Tracking Data . . . . . . . . . 31.2 Manuscript Outline and Contributions . . . . . . . . 111.3 Further Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2 Preliminaries 192.1 Pose Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.2 Soccer Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252.3 Open Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

I Player Tracking 31

3 Introduction 33

4 State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 374.1 Tracking Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384.2 Spatial Analysis of Plays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424.3 Metrics Quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45



4.4 Deep Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5 Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 535.1 Court Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.2 Player Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585.3 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.3.1 Geometrical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.3.2 Visual Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.3.3 Deep Learning Features . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.4 Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

6 Tracking Results 696.1 Quantitative Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

7 Conclusions 797.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

II Orientation Estimation 83

8 Introduction: Beyond Tracking 85

9 Data Sources and Completion 899.1 Homography Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919.2 Automatic Dataset Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

10 Related Work 97

11 Model-based Orientation Estimation 10311.1 Pose Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

11.1.1 Pose Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10511.1.2 Angle Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10511.1.3 Coarse Orientation Validation . . . . . . . . . 107

11.2 Ball Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111.3 Contextual Merging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Contents xix

12 Learning-based Orientation Estimation 11512.1 Angle Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11512.2 Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11812.3 Cyclic Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12112.4 Training Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

13 Orientation Estimation Results 12513.1 Model-based Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12513.2 Learning-based Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

14 Visual Orientation Maps 13114.1 OrientSonars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13214.2 Orientation Reaction Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13614.3 On-Field Orientation Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

15 Conclusions 141

III Pass Feasibility 143

16 Introduction: Exploiting Orientation Data 145

17 State-of-the-Art (Passing Maps and Tools) 149

18 Discrete Pass Feasibility 15318.1 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15418.2 Defenders Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15718.3 Pairwise Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16118.4 Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

19 Pass Feasibility Maps 16319.1 Offensive Team Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

19.1.1 Receiver Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16519.1.2 Passer Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

19.2 Defensive Team Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16719.3 Parameter Choice and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 169


19.3.1 Offensive Gaussian Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17019.3.2 Offensive Angle Compensation . . . . . . . . . 17019.3.3 Defensive Size and Offensive Boost Weight . . 172

20 Pass Feasibility Results 17320.1 Discrete States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

20.1.1 Orientation Relevance in Pass Feasibility . . . 17420.1.2 Players’ Field Position / Game Phase . . . . . 17720.1.3 Combination with EPV . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

20.2 Pass Feasibility Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18420.2.1 Map Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18420.2.2 Players’ Field Position / Game Phase . . . . . 18720.2.3 Weighting Players’ Characteristics . . . . . . . 18920.2.4 Speed as a Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19320.2.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

21 Conclusions 19721.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Closure 201

Bibliography 211

List of Figures

1.1 Chicago Bulls’ box score against Cleveland Cavalierson March 28th 1990. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Play-by-play summarized sample (Chicago Bulls againstCleveland Cavaliers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.3 Michael Jordan’s shot chart data: (left) single game,(right) complete season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.4 Michael Jordan’s playtype data. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.5 Data from different sources are merged in order to

build scouting reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.6 Thesis flow. Visual overview of the context of all Parts

and Chapters. For a detailed explanation of each vi-sualization, we refer the reader to the correspondingmanuscript’s Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1 Architecture of the first Pose Machines model. Imagesource: [89]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.2 Architecture of the second Pose Machine network, in-cluding a convolutional architecture. Image source:[124]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.3 Architecture of the final Pose estimation Model (usingPart Affinity Fields). Image source: [10]. . . . . . . . 23

2.4 Different lineup possibilities: (left) 4-4-2, (center, withspecific position names) 4-3-3, and (right) 4-2-3-1. Inall these distributions, blue, purple, and yellow dotsrepresent different positions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27



2.5 The location of the ball with respect to the spatialdefensive configuration will indicate the current gamephase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5.1 Generic Pipeline: for each frame, players are detected(through pose models) and tracked (via feature extrac-tion and matching). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.2 Line contributions with potential detections (and oc-clusions): (a) sidelines, (b)-(c) right-left baselines, re-spectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.3 Court detection results in different scenarios: (top row)NBA, and (bottom) European games . . . . . . . . . 57

5.4 Detected parts with the corresponding bounding box. 59

5.5 Obtained results in adjacent frames, where all play-ers (and referee) inside the playing court are properlydetected (bounding box) and tracked (color identifier). 60

5.6 Player and Pose Detection: (a) image patch centeredaround a detected player, (b) detected pose throughpretrained models, (c) black contour: bounding boxfitting in player boundaries, pink: bounding box withdefault 224×224 pixels resolution, (d) reshaped bound-ing box to be fed into VGG-19. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

5.7 Feature Extraction of all body parts using the 10thconvolutional layer of a VGG-19 network. . . . . . . . 65

6.1 Player Detections (green boxes) together with its groundtruth (blue boxes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6.2 Obtained tracking and pose results in three consecu-tive frames, where each bounding box color representsa unique ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

List of Figures xxiii

9.1 Several domains are merged in the upcoming parts.(left) Sensor-, (middle) field-, and (right) image-domain.By using corners and intersection points of field lines,the corresponding homographies are used to map dataacross domains into one same reference system. . . . 92

9.2 Orientation references in the field-domain. Besides,since similar orientations will be clustered into bins,their portions are shown as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

9.3 Proposed pipeline to match sensor orientation datawith bounding boxes. Different input sources are merged:(top, image-domain) video footage, which is used forplayer detection and jersey filtering; the resulting bound-ing boxes are later mapped into the field-domain. (mid-dle, image-domain) Corner’s location, which is usedfor building the corresponding mapping homographies,and (bottom, sensor-domain) ground-truth data, whichare also mapped into the field-domain. Finally, play-ers in the 2D-domain are matched through pairwisedistances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

11.1 Proposed pipeline. On the one hand, pose orienta-tion is found by combining a super-resolution network,OpenPose and 3D vision techniques (plus a coarse val-idation); on the other hand, ball orientation is alsocomputed. Finally, both pdf’s are merged into a sin-gle final orientation estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

11.2 (a) Different 2D combinations of left-right mappedparts; (b) same combinations with normal vectors. . . 106

11.3 Pose orientation estimation: (a) OpenPose output andits (b) mapped 2D coordinates. (c) Side check betweenshoulder and hip parts, plus, if required, (d) face direc-tion double-check. Right after, (e) a final estimationis obtained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108


11.4 (a) front-, (b) side-, and (c) back-oriented players withtheir (d) corresponding potential pose orientation. . . 110

11.5 Orientation computation with respect to the ball of 4different players, considering both the angle (direction)and the distance (magnitude). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

12.1 (Top) Three players oriented towards 0o can look reallydifferent depending on the camera pose and orienta-tion. (Bottom) Proposed technique for angle compen-sation: (left) detected player together with his orienta-tion red and apparent zero-vector cyan; (middle-left) mapped apparent zero-vector in the field-domaindashed axes - apparent reference system, continuousaxes - absolute reference system (middle-right) Ap-plied compensation on the original orientation pur-ple; (right) resulting compensated absolute orienta-tion purple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

12.2 Proposed architecture for fine-tuning a VGG-19 ac-cording to the main blocks of the original network. . 119

12.3 Obtained ScoreCam [117] responses. While the 1stblock mainly responds to edges and shapes, the 3rdone has a high response over the players’ upper-torso.The last row shows how the 4th block learns specificfeatures that have little to do with orientation. . . . . 120

12.4 Resized bounding boxes of both datasets; several ar-tifacts can be spotted in youthFCBDS (e.g. JPEG,ringing, aliasing). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

13.1 First and last rows of the obtained confusion matrix(test set) when using the (top) proposed cyclic and(bottom) binary cross-entropy as a loss function (t12and t12CE respectively). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

List of Figures xxv

14.1 OrientSonar of Ivan Rakitic, showing his performancein pass events (both passing and receiving the ball) andreception ones, as well as different offensive phases.Accuracy is expressed with pass accuracy and colorencoding, while portion size indicates the passing vol-ume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

14.2 OrientSonar of the whole team during Pass Eventsas receivers, displayed with different accuracy metrics:(left) pass success metrics, and (right) added EPV. . 135

14.3 OrientSonar of the whole team in all three game phases:(a) build-up, (b) middle, and (c) progression. . . . . . 135

14.4 (left) Leo Messi – (right) Sergio Busquets reactionmaps. The X axis represents the orientation of theplayer at the pass event, and the Y axis the one inthe reception. Accuracy has been expressed with passsuccess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

14.5 On-field orientation map of Alba as a receiver in PassEvents, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracy and(right) EPV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

14.6 On-field orientation maps of Semedo as a receiver inPass Events, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracyand (right) EPV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

14.7 On-field orientation maps of Arthur as a receiver inPass Events, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracyand (right) EPV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

18.1 In order not to take pairwise distances into accountwhile computing orientation feasibility, all players aremoved towards an equidistant distance (unit circle). . 155

18.2 Individual scenarios of intersection given the relocatedplayers of Figure 18.1. As it can be seen, the top-rightplayer is the best oriented candidate to receive the ball. 157


18.3 Computation of Fd,P (Ri) and Fd,R(Ri) for two differ-ent potential receivers. For both cases, (left) generalsetup, plus detection of the 3 closest weighted defend-ers in the scenario of the (middle) left-sided and (right)right-sided player. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

19.1 Procedure to obtain a feasibility map for a given passevent. We can see the spatial configuration (plus orien-tation) of: (top-left) the players in the offensive team,being the red player the one carrying the ball, (top-center) the players in the defensive team, and (top-right) their combination in one same display. The finalfeasibility map M (bottom-right) is obtained throughthe aggregation of the offensive mapMO (bottom-left)and the defensive mapMD (bottom-center). Note thatyellowish regions are the ones with higher associatedfeasibility (safer passes towards these directions), andbluish regions are the dangerous parts of the field. . . 164

19.2 Offensive team map modelingMO. (left column) Givenan initial 2D setup (locations plus orientation) of allthe players: (top and middle row) a receiver map MR

is created by adding together all receivers’ contribu-tions, and it is later combined with (bottom row) thepasser map MP , which takes into account his/her fieldof view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

19.3 Procedure to model the defensive team mapMD, basedon the aggregation of individual reach contributionsMDi. As it can be seen, each individual reach is pro-portional to the pairwise ball-defender distance and itpoints towards the player’s orientation. . . . . . . . . 168

19.4 (a) Level lines of an individual defensive contribution,MDi , without taking orientation into account; (b) finalindividual defensive map for a particular player withorientation β. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

List of Figures xxvii

19.5 Offensive maps MO are adjusted by tweaking σR andσP . Notice that the model is quite robust to the choiceof these parameters, being σ2

R = 103 and σ2P = 104

suitable values in terms of passer / receiver reach. . . 17119.6 Individual defensive maps MDi are adjusted by tweak-

ing σa; noticeable differences emerge in the oppositedirection of the player’s orientation, especially whenσa = 0.75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

19.7 Pass feasibility maps M are adjusted by tweaking κand σ′D. By using a reasonable trade-off (e.g. κ = 4and σ′D = 12.5), the appropriate relevance is givenboth to the offensive and the defensive teams. . . . . 172

20.1 Histogram distribution comparison between Fdp andF ; note that the latter includes the computed orienta-tion feasibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

20.2 Histogram distribution among potential receivers (fea-sibility components). From left-right, top-bottom: (a)proximity Fp, (b) defensive pressure Fd, (c) orientationFo and (d) Combination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

20.3 Histogram distribution, obtained with (left) Fdp and(right) Fdpo, for different player positions. From topto bottom: defenders, midfielders, and forwards. . . . 178

20.4 Histogram distribution, obtained with (left) Fdp and(right) Fdpo, for different game phases. From top tobottom: build-up, progression and finalization. . . . . 179

20.5 (a-left) Pass event and (-right) zoom in the passer re-gion; (b,c-top) output of the pass probability / EPVmodels respectively of [34], typically Ψ equals 0.015,(b,c-bottom) output example made by hand; the com-bination of the existing models with body orientationwould refine the restricting the area of potential re-ceivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181


20.6 Geometrical approach to assign discretized pass proba-bility / EPV field values to particular potential receivers.182

20.7 Histogram distribution of VP and VE, plus the corre-sponding addition of Fo component. . . . . . . . . . . 183

20.8 Different evaluation proposals: (a) disk-, (b) KDE-and (c) bKDE-evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

20.9 Effect of star role biases. (a) Initial 2D distributionof a given play. (b) Baseline output, where the modelsuggests passing the ball to the sideline-player. (c)Output when including weights, with the star playeremerging as the best receiving candidate. . . . . . . . 190

20.10Speed can be included as a feature for both the offen-sive (top) and the defensive (bottom) contributions.The faster the player is moving, the larger space he/shecan reach for a proper reception / interception. . . . 195

List of Tables

5.1 Output size of VGG-19 convolutional layers. In thefirst column, b stands for block number and c standsfor the convolutional layer number inside that block. 63

6.1 Detection Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706.2 MOTA results obtained with α = 0 in (5.5), CFeat2

equal to CDL, and by extracting DL features in theoutput of different convolutional layers. . . . . . . . . 71

6.3 Non-stabilized results obtained from only 4 video framesper second. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.4 Stabilized results, with the same 4 video frames persecond and weights as in Table 6.3. . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.5 Effect of Visual and Deep Learning features in combi-nation with Geometrical ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

6.6 Individual Part Tracking Performance, obtained withα = 0 in (5.5) and CFeat2 equal to CDL. . . . . . . . . 76

6.7 Clustering Part Results (α = 0 and CFeat2 = CDL)without stabilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6.8 Tracking performance with the inclusion of memory. . 77

13.1 MEAE and MDAE given different weights. . . . . . . 12713.2 Obtained results in all experiments, expressed in terms

of the mean / median absolute error, both in the vali-dation and test set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128



20.1 Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passesobtained before (Fpd) and after (F ) including orienta-tion as a feasibility measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

20.2 Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passesobtained with Fo (orientation), Fp (proximity), and Fd(defensive pressure). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

20.3 Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passes,before / after including orientation, split by player po-sition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

20.4 Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passes,before / after including orientation, split by playergame phase (bu - build up, pr - progression, and fi- finalization). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

20.5 Top1/3 Accuracy of the EPV models’ output, plus theircomparison when merging orientation feasibility. . . . 183

20.6 Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps. . . . . . . 18720.7 Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps with respect

to player’s position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18820.8 Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps with respect

to the game phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18920.9 Ablation results: baseline method (E), including weights

(Ew) and speed (Es). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19220.10Individual performance of different players. . . . . . . 192

1 Introduction

Analytics have completely revolutionized the way we understandthe game. By switching from a purely intuition-based decision-makingprocess to a hybrid one, where data-driven processes complementthe existing know-how, professional teams have changed the exist-ing sports patterns. Although the analytics pioneers emerged in thebaseball pitch together with the Moneyball-fever [60], the paradigmshift was also transferred to other sports: it seems that the five well-established basketball court positions do not exist anymore as such[56], Formula 1 cars are constantly outperforming their speed peakwhilst optimizing pit stops, and soccer clubs are looking at brand newfeatures, such as player chemistry [7] in order to optimize their line-ups. Moreover, the application of sports science is not only limitedto the competition itself, but it is also used in other multidisciplinaryfacets of the game, such as injury prevention [78] or notable analysisabout conditions that might influence player performance [37].In the past, assistant coaches were the ones in charge of crunching thenumbers, but nowadays the analyst figure has emerged. We considerthe analyst as a data scientist working for a team / organization, butthere is not a preassigned department for him/her a priori. This an-alyst might be either included in the team’s coaching staff or in thedata science department; he/she can even be an outsourced resourcedirectly in touch with the coaching staff or the General Manager(GM) of the club. But apart from defining the analyst skills and its



role, it is vital to understand the core reasons for this abrupt changein the last lustrum. In order to do so, we might have to analyze andanswer the following questions: what motivated teams to create datascience departments? Why did coaches start delegating certain tasksto analysts?Both answers converge in similar reasoning: the amount of gathereddata in the sports domain has raised substantially; therefore, coachesmust focus on their day-to-day scouting tasks, and complex analysiswill be conducted concurrently. Although baseline statistics such asbox scores have improved and are still a valid resource, what reallymade a difference in terms of generated data was the inclusion ofnew data sources. In this sense, the incorporation of Computer Vi-sion (CV) techniques in sports scenarios [113] notably improved boththe precision and the quality of gathered data. Chiefly, the inclusionof optical tracking data around 2013 in the most powerful leaguesacross sports changed the whole context; i.e. spatial data, capturedby cameras, that indicates the movement of players in the court /field / pitch. For instance, companies such as Stats Perform [103]and Second Spectrum [97] emerged in the basketball domain as themain tracking providers: by installing an array of cameras in theceiling of stadiums, their methods succeed in tracking players at anotable temporal resolution (25 frames per second). Consequently,the National Basketball Association (NBA) acquired their products,and now all teams in the league benefit from this emergent technol-ogy, thus bringing the game to the next level in terms of efficiency.

Tracking is the vehicle that will guide the reader throughout this the-sis and the main common factor among its contributions. First of all,and before getting started with the so-called advanced statistics, thecurrent need for tracking data in a European basketball context willbe studied from scratch from a technical perspective. Once differentlow-cost CV-based suggestions are presented, the intrinsic limitationsof tracking are studied. Although pure tracking data are a powerfulsource able to produce automatic statistics or to train meaningful

1. Introduction 3

predictive models, location information on its own may lack somecontext, which might reflect the individual willingness of a player tosuccessfully interact with their teammates. Finally, by complement-ing 2D tracking data with body orientation estimation, the new gen-eration of analytics is presented in this manuscript. However, beforejumping into the thesis contributions and the corresponding proposedmethods, the upcoming Section aims to disseminate the evolution ofthe sports analytics’ pipeline (in particular, basketball analytics). Bycontextualizing the relevance of tracking data, the reader will be ableto realize the unlocked potential of applications that could be usedwith this brand-new source of information.

1.1 From the Box Score to Tracking Data

Sports statistics themselves are nothing new, and basic studieswere already performed at the beginning of the 20th century. Inorder to create a historical context, in this Section, basketball an-alytics are discussed from the very beginning. Similar reports couldbe written for other sports, especially the ones with a notable statis-tics background, such as football or soccer.

Despite being obvious reasoning, the most important basketball statsare the ones related to scoring. After all, the final outcome of a bas-ketball game is binary and indicates whether a team has won / lost agame, but this flag is always displayed by the final scoreboard, whichcontains the minimum viable summary of a game and shows the totalnumber of scored points per team. Just by checking this scoreboard,one can already make some assumptions: was the game close or not?According to previous knowledge, was the result the expected one?In order to back up all these guesses, more data are required. Teamstats can be a great resource; for instance, rebounding numbers canshow if that team dominated the boards and created extra shootingopportunities, assists and turnovers can be useful to see game-control


facets as well as ball-sharing, and by comparing shooting percentages,it can be deduced if a team performed as expected or not. However,team stats are obtained by adding individual contributions up, sodissecting numbers among roster players might be required to get aproper understanding of the overall game course. A clear exampleof the need for individual performance quantification was providedin March 1990 by Stacey King, former Chicago Bulls’ power for-ward, who claimed: I will always remember this game as the nightthat Michael Jordan and I combined for 70 points. If this sentenceis read straight-forward, one may think that both King and Jordanscored 35 points each (or other similar combinations such as 40-30or 30-40), but the truth is that while Jordan scored 69 points, Kingonly scored a single free throw. The complete summary of individual(plus collective) stats is named box score (Figure 1.1), which is asimple spreadsheet being used since 1930 approximately, and theirmain listed contributions are: minutes, points, field goals (2-pointshots, 3-point shots, including both scored / attempted shots), freethrows, rebounds (offensive plus defensive), assists, steals, turnovers,blocks, committed / received fouls. Moreover, Dean Oliver createdseveral contextualized statistics in his book entitled Basketball onPaper [82], which shows several approaches on how to refine and tonormalize box score data in terms of game pace (possessions).

In order to exploit temporal information, play-by-play / eventing dataare analyzed, which attempts to contextualize the value of all eventsdepending on the game phase. Although the concept of value mightseem ambiguous, a simple example is provided. On paper, all 3-point shots are worth the same in terms of score-board. However,imagine a Player X, who scores three long-range shots in the secondhalf of the game while his/her team is trailing by a large margin,and imagine a Player Y, who scores a 3-point-shot at the last secondof the game when his/her team was trailing by 2. In this situa-tion, the contribution of Player X results in innocuous points thatdo not help his/her team winning the game, while Player Y ’s game-

1. Introduction 5

Figure 1.1: Chicago Bulls’ box score against Cleveland Cavaliers onMarch 28th 1990.

winner was crucial. As seen in Figure 1.2, Basketball play-by-playsummaries include a chronological timeline of events split in threecolumns: (left / right) listed events regarding Team A / Team B,together with a (center) temporal timestamp plus the current resultat the given timestamp. Apart from including stats-related events(shots / rebounds...), eventing data also include game factors, suchas substitutions. Even though interpreting play-by-play data is waymore tedious than simple box scores, several processes have beenautomated on top of temporal data to get valuable digits, such as(regularized) plus-minus / on-off / clutch statistics.

Once analyzed the main contextual (and temporal) statistics, posi-tional data come into play. Imagine the following situation: TeamA is playing against Team B, that have the ball in the last secondsof a tied game. With contextualized and eventing data, the coachof Team A might have some intuition about the player who is going


Figure 1.2: Play-by-play summarized sample (Chicago Bulls againstCleveland Cavaliers).

to attempt the final shot. Nonetheless, where is this player going toshoot from? From box scores, the coach might know if a player islikely to attempt a 2- or a 3-point shot, but deeper profiling of shootertypes is vital. Among all possible 2-point shots, players might excelin short-, middle-, or long-range situations; similarly, the comfortzone of three-point shots also varies depending on the type of player(central / elbow / corner). In the same way that annotators tag allactions with a timestamp to generate temporal data, they also createshot charts, where the 2D location of all shots is tagged. From largesamples of shot chart data, and by using visualization tools such asheatmaps, profiles and patterns are easily recognized. In these maps,both the volume of shots and their accuracy can be printed, thusproviding the coach with key information regarding the opponents’spacing tactics and characteristics. A couple of shot charts are dis-played in Figure 1.3.

1. Introduction 7

Figure 1.3: Michael Jordan’s shot chart data: (left) single game,(right) complete season.

Despite the mix of box score, eventing, and shot chart data results incomplete scouting reports, the overall detail level can still fall shortin elite scenarios. For instance, when analyzing a 3-point shot, ac-cording to the previous sources, its outcome (scored / failed), timing(minute), and 2D location are known, but some details are missing,for instance: was that shot attempted off the dribble or in a staticspot-up situation? This question can be answered with playtypedata, which adds some metadata on top of every event. A summa-rized individual example of playtype data is shown in Figure 1.4.Nevertheless, who adds all these labels to the given events? Sincebasketball is a fast sport with a lot of events in a reduced amountof time, and given that table officials are already in charge of tag-ging each action with its outcome, its timestamp, and (in the case ofshots) its location, this task is usually performed off-line. Not so longago, video-analysis software, such as LongoMatch [64] or NacSports[79], was used to cut video footage into separate specific clips whilesplitting and exploiting playtype data; normally, assistant coaches


Figure 1.4: Michael Jordan’s playtype data.

Figure 1.5: Data from different sources are merged in order to buildscouting reports.

were the ones in charge of this type of time-consuming tasks. Lately,clubs with economical resources have outsourced these processes tospecialized companies like Synergy [109] or InStat [53], that havemanaged to build competitive teams of professional analysts who cutbasketball games from all over the world, thus offering clubs a lot ofplaytype data without time-consuming shifts. A complete summaryof the above-explained statistics is visually displayed in Figure 1.5,where it can be seen how different data sources complement eachother, thus reaching fine-grained scouting reports.

Other concerns regarding shot difficulty or defensive performance canalso emerge when the level of detail is deeper. On the one hand, by

1. Introduction 9

splitting shots between open / contested, coaches might detect shoot-ing patterns that are hard to spot at first sight. On the other hand,few defensive events are gathered in the above-mentioned basketballdata sources: shot chart data are mostly offensive-based, and in-cluded data in box scores and play-by-play only display few defensiveitems, such as steals, blocks, or committed fouls. Although both taskscan also be performed through manual labeling, this time establish-ing visual thresholds is not that simple; for example, it is pretty easyto see (and to label) a pick and roll play that ends up with a scored2-point shot, but what is the main criterion to decide whether if thatshot was contested or not? And more importantly, how can we knowif the faced defensive pressure was hard? Both answers go far beyondfrom playtype, and the most appropriate way to get an automatedsystem that quantifies these facets is through tracking data, whichare obtained with a camera system (generally placed in the ceilingof the arena) that manages to detect and to follow all players on thecourt.

By using an accurate tracking system, apart from obtaining advancedperformance stats, we can also infer the previous analytics layers.That is, a proper tracking system that gets the position of all courtplayers and the ball at a decent temporal resolution (usually 25 framesper second) can be used to automatically generate: (1) a box score,(2) play-by-play data if the gathered data are synchronized with thegame-clock, (3) accurate shot charts, (4) playtype data inferred with-out time-consuming video editing tasks, and (5) tracking statistics.Inside the latter group, the potential of tracking applications is un-locked and may involve predictive models, defensive accurate metrics,strategies and tactics, strength and conditioning factors for injuryprevention (displacements and speed), data visualization tools, etc.Although basketball analytics have been discussed in this Section,note that similar patterns apply to other sports such as soccer, wherethe inclusion of tracking has been an inflection point for clubs andorganizations.


According to the Seth Partnow 1 (former director of basketball re-search for the Milwaukee Bucks), at the end of the 2019-2020 NationalBasketball Association (NBA) season, a total of 138 people wereworking in the team’s data science departments across the league; sci-entists are mainly focused on extracting beneficial numerical insightsfrom tracking patterns, transferring these to coaches, and ensuringthat analytics make a difference in the playing court. However, ifwe compare the number of NBA data scientists with other leagues,there is a huge drop. For instance, in the first division of the Spanishleague (Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto - ACB), although sev-eral coaches such as José Angel Samaniego, Lluís Riera, or DavidGarcia made relevant contributions to the field, there is only onedata scientist (Fran Camba). The main difference is simple: in theNBA, the same association was in charge of acquiring the products oftracking companies in 2013 (Stats Perform [103] and SecondSpectrum[97]), thus offering competitive resources to all teams and, as a con-sequence, revolutionizing the data science departments of all clubs.On the contrary, the Spanish league does not have the required re-sources to perform this investment, hence limiting the total numberof data sources per team; besides, the overall structure of the Span-ish (and European) leagues makes it even more challenging. While inthe NBA all teams have the same salary cap (around 109 million dol-lars per team), and all stadiums are somewhat similar, in Europe thelack of a salary cap creates an unbalanced market (team budgets varyfrom 2 to 40 million dollars), and stadiums differ from each other,hence resulting in camera installation set-ups that are impossible togeneralize. Given the economic cost of camera-systems, companiessuch as RealTrack [91], Catapult Sports [13], or NothingButNet23[80] emerged, offering sensor-based solutions. Their product is a setof small sensors (mainly with Bluetooth technology) that can fit inmany places: while some products are built to be placed on top ofthe player shorts’ cords lace / on the surface of their trainers, oth-


1. Introduction 11

ers come with a wearable sports bra with space to carry the sensor.Nonetheless, the vast majority of leagues do not allow to play officialgames with wearables, thus these devices are mainly used for strengthand conditioning purposes during practices.As a summary, it is crystal clear that, within the sport context, thereis a strong need for tracking data in order to perform advanced dataanalyses, hence mutating to a data-driven decision-making culture.However, since only elite organizations have managed to gather andto share this kind of data, there is an even bigger demand to createaccessible and low-cost solutions that could unblock this bottleneck.

1.2 Manuscript Outline and Contributions

Once stated the relevance of tracking data in sports, this thesispresents several contributions in this research field that, as a whole,constitute a singular Computer Vision journey in sports analysis. Inthis manuscript, those contributions have been split into three Parts:tracking, body-orientation, and pass feasibility. Besides, before get-ting started, Chapter 2 provides the reader with some required details/ concepts regarding important thesis facets, such as a complete de-scription of pose models, soccer basics, or even a list of open datasetsfor the sake of reproducibility. The whole flow of the thesis can beseen in Figure 1.6.

In Part I, we approach the creation of automatic basketball multi-tracking methods through a tracking-by-detection fashion in single-camera video footage. Roughly, the presented contributions stemfrom pose models to detect players; by combining the main outputwith court filtering and contextual / deep-learning features, notableaccuracy is obtained even in challenging cluttered scenarios. The pre-sented trackers show that tracking data can be obtained / estimatedwithout the need for a complex camera setup; in particular, Euro-pean competitions could benefit from this method, and tracking data


Figure 1.6: Thesis flow. Visual overview of the context of all Partsand Chapters. For a detailed explanation of each visualization, werefer the reader to the corresponding manuscript’s Figures.

1. Introduction 13

could also be obtained from vintage games. Regarding this matter,two papers have been published:

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Haro G., Ballester C., Multi-Person Track-ing by Multi-Scale Detection in Basketball Scenarios. Irish Ma-chine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 2019.

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Ballester C., Haro G., Single-Camera Bas-ketball Tracker through Pose and Semantic Feature Fusion. In-ternational Conference of Artificial Intelligence on Sports, 2019.

In the forthcoming Parts, we present an analysis that shows how 2Dtracking data may fall short in some scenarios, since player locationon its own might not be powerful enough to describe the currentgame / player situation and its potential effect in the plays’ / events’outcome. In order to enrich tracking data with an extra layer ofinformation, we decided to study the power of player orientation insoccer. First of all, in Part II, two orientation estimation methodsare detailed. On the one hand, a model-based estimation of orienta-tion is obtained by projecting players’ pose parts into a 2D domain,plus by refining the final estimate with contextual information (balllocation). On the other hand, a learning-based approach is also pre-sented; more specifically, the orientation of each player is obtainedby leveraging geometric and semantic information contained in playercrops via a classification strategy. Regarding orientation estimation,three papers have been published:

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Martín A., Ballester C., Haro G., Head,Shoulders, Hip and Ball... Hip and Ball! Using Pose Data toLeverage Football Player Orientation. Sports Analytics Summit(Futbol Club Barcelona), 2019.

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Martín A., Fernández J., Rodríguez C.,Haro G., Ballester C., Always Look on the Bright Side of the


Field: Merging Pose and Contextual Data to Estimate Orien-tation of Soccer Players. International Conference on ImageProcessing, 2020.

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Martín A., Granero P., , Ballester C.,Haro G., Learning Football Body-Orientation as a Matter ofClassification. AI for Sports Analytics Workshop at ICJAI,2021.

Once again in the soccer domain, Part III attempts to verify and ex-tend our previous claim by: (1) computing -and proving- the impor-tance of proper orientation in pass events, and (2) building and val-idating passing tools, which could asses the decision-making processof coaches through a data-driven computational model. In particular,this type of model estimates the most feasible pass at any given time.First, passes are considered as discrete events where there is just onepasser and ten potential receivers; later on, this model is extendedinto a 2D field, where the core’s model considers that players can passthe ball towards any field spot (open spaces). By building these tools,orientation-based metrics benefit from interpretability, thus comple-menting raw orientation data and turning them into insights thatcould be directly understood by coaches. Both contributions havebeen documented:

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Martín A., Fernández J., Ballester C.,Haro G., Using Player’s Body-Orientation to Model Pass Fea-sibility in Soccer. Computer Vision in Sports Workshop atCVPR, 2020.

• Arbués-Sangüesa A., Martín A., Fernández J., Haro G., BallesterC., Towards Soccer Pass Feasibility Maps: the Role of Players’Orientation. Under Review in Sports Sciences Journal, 2021.

At the end of this manuscript, a final Chapter of closure is included,which, apart from wrapping up and detailing the overall thesis con-clusions, aims to provide the reader with possible lines of work to be

1. Introduction 15

exploited in a near future; it also seeks to state the overall context ofsports analytics at the moment.

1.3 Further ContributionsApart from the academic publications, as stated in the Preface, thisthesis comes along with a set of contributions that fall beyond theresearch scope of the PhD. Among these: (1) open-source repositorieshave been shared to provide coaches and analysts with contextualizedstatistics and machine learning basics; (2) talks have been given / or-ganized in order to disseminate the relevance of data science withinthe sport context, and similarly (3) several courses and workshopshave been directed to a large audience of coaches or statistics enthu-siasts. Finally, the obtained awards are also listed.

Open-Source Repositories

• BueStats: Basketball Scrapper + Reporting Tool for FEB teams,

• Euroleague + Machine Learning: clustering, classification, andregression models from scratch,


• TedxUPF Talk: When the idea meets the passion and becomesa project,, 2018.

• Invited Talk at the 4th Summer School of Deep Learning - UPC:Tracking basketball players through deep learning features, 2019.

• Beyond the 4 Factors (I), with Justin Jacobs, Todd Whiteheadand Seth Partnow,, 2020.


• Beyond the 4 Factors (II), with Mike Beuoy, Nathan Walkerand Andrew Patton,, 2021.

• Catalan Society of Statistics: Layers of basketball analytics,, 2021.

• Keynote Talk at XXII Exporecerca Jove: From the classroomto the stage (youth research dissemination),, 2021.

• Keynote Talk at the Computer Vision in Sports Workshop atCVPR: Bringing Computer Vision to the Court 2021.

Directed Workshops and Courses

• Catalan Basketball Federation - Technical Committee: Artifi-cial Intelligence in sports (basketball). 2017.

• Basque Association of Basketball Coaches: Pseudo-advancedstatistics and Artificial Intelligence. 2019.

• Spanish Basketball Federation - Superior Coaching Course (CES).Responsible for the Advanced Statistics module. 2020, 2021.

• ImproveSports - Advanced statistics course. 2020, 2021.

• Fundación La Caixa - Big Data Challenge (EduCoach, plusdataset creation). 2019, 2020, 2021.


• PhD Workshop (UPF-DTIC 2018) - The Collider mVenturesAward.

• PhD Workshop (UPF-DTIC 2019) - EiTIC People’s ChoiceAward.

• ICAIS (2019) - best paper award.

1. Introduction 17

• CVSports (CVPR 2020) - runner-up award.

• #HiloTesis dissemination contest (2021) - national winner.


• Mundo Deportivo (2019) - Tras el ‘tracking’ de Michael Jordan,

• Mundo Deportivo (2019) - Los números revelan el basket delfuturo,

• Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2019) - La inteligencia artificial alservicio del deporte,

• La Vanguardia (2019) - La UPF controla el partido.

• Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2020) - Los modelos computacionalesaplicados al fútbol calculan la orientación de los jugadores ypredicen el pase más fiable de balón,

• La Vanguardia (2020) - Crean un modelo que predice cuándoun futbolista puede dar el pase más fiable,

• Mundo Deportivo (2021) - Este hilo de Twitter sobre analíticaen el deporte ha ganado el premio CRUE,

• Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2021) - Adrià Arbués ha sido unode los ganadores de la primera edición del concurso #HiloTesis,

2 Preliminaries

This Chapter aims to provide the reader with some required con-cepts and details to make the lecture of this thesis more self-contained.First of all, throughout the whole thesis, the same method for es-timating human pose in given images will be used, encompassedwithin the OpenPose library [21]. Therefore, its basis will be de-tailed together with its evolution and improvements (2014 - 2017).Then, some soccer-related basic preliminaries are explained before-hand, hence contextualizing the obtained results of Part II and PartIII. Finally, several open datasets are listed, which might help thereader to reproduce the presented methods.

2.1 Pose ModelsPose Models (or Machines) were proposed in 2014 in The Robotics

Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, and several features havebeen chronologically added to better detect the pose of humans ingiven frames.The original article was called Pose Machines: Articulated Pose Es-timation via Inference Machines [89], and it attempted to solve thechallenging scenario where the articulated pose of a human must beestimated from an image; the main difficulties were a large numberof degrees of freedom of the underlying skeleton and the large vari-ation of appearance. Until that point, the existing State-of-the-Art



techniques were based on Graphical Models, where dependencies andcorrelations between part locations were computed. Some simplifiedmodels were tree-structured and had a clear double-counting sym-metry issue (human parts counted twice for both sides of the body),while the others tried to perform exact inference, but learning theappropriate parameters was close to impossible. It can be then saidthat there was a complexity versus tractability trade-off. The maincontributions of the original paper were: (1) a complete end-to-endtraining scheme of the whole inference procedure, thus avoiding thementioned trade-off; (2) the merging of richer interaction among mul-tiple variables at a time, plus (3) a novel approach to learning spatialmodels directly with a modular architecture.

The method concatenated different stages; the output of each stagewas a belief map / part (from coarse to fine in terms of stages), whichprovided an estimate that indicated the probability of each image lo-cation to belong to every body part. For the first stage, the inputimage was windowed (in all possible locations), and image features(color- and gradient-based) were extracted. Then, a multi-class Ran-dom Forest predictor was trained for every part of the body, obtainingone belief map / part. Besides, this process was repeated L times forL different levels, hence incorporating a hierarchy by differing in thewindow size to be used (whole body, full limbs or body parts).Afterward, context features were computed for every belief outputmap: (1) patch features told coarse information regarding the con-fidence of body-neighboring parts (i.e. how different were neighborsinside a given window), and (2) offset features expressed precise rel-ative local information (i.e. how far the local maxima was from theglobal one). Context features were concatenated for every level andevery part, and a second multi-class classifier was trained with thesame pre-computed image features. This process was repeated for Tstages, as seen in Figure 2.1. As it can be seen, the predictor wastrained, using cross-validation, at each level and stage; in the firststep, patches extracted from ground-truth images (with annotated

2. Preliminaries 21

landmarks) were used, while in deeper stages, the model was trainedon top of the concatenation of feature maps and contextual data. In-ference could be then performed at test time by extracting featuresfrom patches at different levels and refining the estimate throughcontextual features, hence obtaining confidence maps. The final posewas obtained after picking the maxima of the last confidence map foreach part.

Figure 2.1: Architecture of the first Pose Machines model. Imagesource: [89].

Two years later, the same authors realized that the presented methodcould benefit from a convolutional architecture [124]; in their im-provement, they learned feature representations for both image andspatial context directly from data, whilst setting a training processable to handle large datasets. Their end-to-end Convolutional Net-work repeatedly produced 2D belief maps for the location of eachpart. At each stage, and keeping the previous belief maps as in-puts, the receptive field (patch around the output pixel location)


Figure 2.2: Architecture of the second Pose Machine network, includ-ing a convolutional architecture. Image source: [124].

was enlarged, hence avoiding having different levels. The main con-cern could be vanishing gradients, which occur when the strengthof the gradient diminishes at each step while backpropagating, andit was addressed through intermediate supervision in the suggestedloss function. Besides, implicit spatial dependencies (i.e wrist-elbowconnection) were learnt requiring neither hand-designed priors norcareful initialization.The architecture of each stage can be seen in Figure 2.2, where itcan be spotted how the size of both convolutional and pooling lay-ers changed at the same time the size of the effective receptive field;the last step of each stage was the evaluation of the loss function,and its output was a vector containing the probabilistic score foreach part at each location. This spatial context of easier-to-detectparts could provide strong cues for localizing stronger-to-detect partsin subsequent stages. For instance, if the neck and the right elbowwere properly found, but the right shoulder was placed at the leftknee, the concatenation of parts would provide enough evidence todisplace it in the following stages to its appropriate location. As itcan be observed, neither image nor context features were being used.At this point, the main problem was inferring the pose of multiplepeople in images, as it has three main challenges, namely: (1) thenumber of people was unknown at any position / scale, (2) interac-

2. Preliminaries 23

tions introduced complex spatial interference such as occlusions, and(3) runtime complexity grew with the number of people. For thisreason, a new approach including Part Affinity Fields (PAFs) wasintroduced [10]. Besides, the previous method was based on a top-down-based technique, which has no possible recovery if the persondetector fails; the new technique used a Bottom-Up approach, wheredifferent PAFs encoded the location and the orientation of limbs, anda novel greedy parsing was computed at a fraction of computationalcost.The method computed at the same time part confidence maps andpart affinity fields, and then, a bipartite matching algorithm was ap-plied to get all part correspondences. Besides, the network was fedwith a set of generated feature maps extracted from a VGG-19 Con-volutional Network; the architecture of this network can be seen inFigure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Architecture of the final Pose estimation Model (usingPart Affinity Fields). Image source: [10].

On the one hand, when computing confidence maps for part detec-tion, the network was fed with: (a) individual maps, and (b) their


ground truth landmarks. In the training process, one peak (max-ima) was selected per part and per person; in the testing process,confidence maps were computed, and candidates were obtained withnon-maximum suppression. On the other hand, PAFs were computedin order to have a confidence measure for each pair of associations,hence assembling the full body-pose. A 2D vector field for each limbwas created, encoding the direction of potential points inside the re-gion with respect to both limb parts. First, using the direction fromone part (e.g. wrist) to the other (elbow), their corresponding nor-mal vectors and the region of points corresponding to the limb wereset; then, each of these points was encoded with the unit vector inthe limb direction. During training, ground truth data of all people’slimbs were fed into the network; during testing, the line integral overthe corresponding PAF was computed, thus measuring the alignmentthat would be formed (if all points had the same direction, the align-ment would be perfect).Afterward, in order to integrate multi-person detection, non- max-imum suppression should be applied together with some weightingfor each candidate, but this resulted in a computationally complexproblem. The authors suggested a greedy relaxation assuming thatpairwise association scores implicitly encoded the global context be-cause of the large size of the receptive field. Bearing in mind thatthe goal was to indicate which couple of candidates were connected(optimal assignment issue), the problem was reduced to a maximumweight bipartite matching problem, where weights were obtained withthe line integral; moreover, knowing that two limbs will not shareda part, the number of choices was reduced. In order to perform aK-dimensional problem, two relaxations were introduced: (1) therewas a minimum number of edges, and (2) a decomposition into bi-partite matching independent subproblems. Knowing that the pre-sented convolutional network concatenated all features for each partand stage, the relationship between non-adjacent nodes was alreadytaken into account by the network, whilst adjacent nodes were mod-eled by PAFs. Obtained results outperformed other state-of-the-art

2. Preliminaries 25

methods by using gold-standard MPII and COCO datasets.

2.2 Soccer BasicsSince results of Part II and Part III will contain specific soccer-

based language, this Section aims to help readers understand the ba-sics: player positions and game phases. Moreover, please note that,since this thesis has been written in American English, the term soc-cer will be used; consequently, the term football refers to Americanfootball.

Game roles / positions:Within a soccer team, there are mainly four different positions:

• Goalkeeper, the only player that can use his/her hands duringthe game, and aims to prevent the ball from crossing the goalline.

• Defenders, who constitute the last row of players before theopponents directly face the goalkeeper. Therefore, defenders’main goal is not to allow the other team get past them, eitherby dribbling or by running to open spaces. In fact, differenttypes of defenders exist:

– Centre-backs are the most focused ones on defensive stops,and they do not normally take an active offensive role.

– Full-backs play on both sides of the field (left / right) andface the opponent wingers.

– Wing-backs also play at the left / right side of the field,and they usually take a more active role on offense.

• Midfielders are a hybrid profile; they play in the middle of thefield and are required to combine skills in a large set of gamefacets, both in the offensive and defensive ends. Despite not


discussing the greedy specifics of each type, midfielders can bedivided into center, defensive, attacking, or wide.

• Forwards are the most offensive players and, normally, the onesin charge of scoring goals. Roughly, there are two types offorwards:

– Strikers (or center forwards) play in a central position, andthey are the ones placed in a more advanced location.

– Wingers play either at the right or at the left side of thefield. Their role is also offensive-based, and they usuallytransfer the ball from wing-backs to the striker.

Figure 2.4 shows all the roles and basic soccer roles / positions inthe field. In the central part of the image, a classical 4-3-3 soccerlineup is displayed together with the position-names of each specificspot. Other distribution combinations include tactics such as 4-2-2or 4-3-2-1, as seen in the small side-fields of Figure 2.4.

Game phases:Bearing in mind that in a soccer lineup there are mainly 3 rows ofhorizontally distributed players, by clustering the 2D coordinates ofthe players in the field, the ball position can be found in three gamestates or phases:

1. Build-up phase: the ball is located before the first row of play-ers.

2. Progression phase: the ball is located between the first and thesecond row of players.

3. Finalization phase: the ball is located between the second andthird row of players.

All these phases are shown in Figure 2.5 and will be used a posteriori.

2. Preliminaries 27

Figure 2.4: Different lineup possibilities: (left) 4-4-2, (center, withspecific position names) 4-3-3, and (right) 4-2-3-1. In all these distri-butions, blue, purple, and yellow dots represent different positions.

Figure 2.5: The location of the ball with respect to the spatial de-fensive configuration will indicate the current game phase.


2.3 Open DatasetsIn the upcoming Parts, both basketball-based and soccer-based

experiments will be performed on top of four private datasets, whichcontain a notable sample of games, plus high-quality image- andeventing-data. However, for the sake of reproducibility or just incase that the reader wants to perform similar experiments, some opendatasets are listed in this Subsection.

• SoccerNet [40], and SoccerNet-v2 [26] include video footage(plus audio) of several soccer games, together with labelledevents, thought for performing action spotting challenges.

• SoccerDB [17] is a large-scale soccer database for comprehensivevideo understanding, also complementary to SoccerNet.

• MetricaSports [73] shared a package of open soccer, includingplayer tracking, eventing data, and images.

• SkillCorner also opened a public soccer dataset [101], whichincludes 2D tracking data of 9 complete games (without thecorresponding frames).

• Despite not including video footage nor tracking, StatsBomb[104] created a public soccer repository with eventing data, to-gether with game logs. Similarly, Pappalardo et al. [83] alsocontributed with a large collection of soccer eventing data, in-cluding logs of 7 different soccer competitions.

• When it comes to basketball, few datasets have been publiclyshared; the first one includes data from SportsVU, which con-tains a set of tracking data from NBA games [77] correspondingto the 2015-2016 season, and the second one, created by MikeBeuoy, includes a filtered dataset about individual NBA shoot-ing curves [5]. Apart from professional NBA data, multi-cameraamateur datasets have also been shared [90; 128; 39].

2. Preliminaries 29

What is more, even though open data have not been shared yet, othercompanies such as SciSports [24; 7], Sport Logiq [96], Stats Perform[99; 107] or Genius Sports [88] made a huge investment in researchgroups (in some cases, in collaboration with academia) whilst pub-lishing their findings.

If we want machines to think, weneed to teach them to see.

Fei-Fei Li

Part I:Player Tracking


3 Introduction

The inclusion of tracking data has been a key ingredient in themost powerful sports competitions since several professional clubsand organizations started digging data deeper while creating researchdepartments. These departments are in charge of bringing valuablenumerical insights to the field / court, thus providing the coacheswith novel sources of information that could potentially boost theperformance of a player / the whole team. However, since trackingdata come at the cost of complex and expensive setups, a strongeconomical investment has to be made, not only in terms of infras-tructure but also in terms of personnel. In the case of basketball,the only competition that sends tracking data to teams is the NBA,where all clubs have the same salary cap (around 109 million dollarsper team). Nonetheless, the economical conditions of the NBA havelittle to do with other competitions; generally, leagues suffer fromnotable differences budget-wise, thus creating an unbalanced marketwhere the cost of some products is a tiny / large portion of the clubs’resources. Still in the NBA scenario, Stats Perform [103] and Sec-ond Spectrum [97] are currently the official tracking providers of theNBA, and their setup consists of an array of more than 10 overheadcameras. Nevertheless, since none of these cameras are used a pos-teriori for television broadcasting, their installation is solely thoughtfor tracking purposes.



The main goal of the first Part of this thesis is to study the viabilityof automatic tracking systems on top of European basketball videofootage. As opposed to the technology being used in the NBA, theupcoming Chapters attempt to build a solid and automatic track-ing baseline by only using video footage obtained from the main TVbroadcasting camera, which does not involve an extra cost for theleague or the club. By making tracking data accessible to Europeanclubs, GM’s and coaches could definitely benefit from a data-drivenassessment in several decision-making processes (e.g. hiring or scout-ing), hence potentially boosting the performance of the team. More-over, by creating single-camera multi-trackers based on broadcastingcameras, apart from gathering data from new games, tracking fromvintage games’ footage could be gathered.

Given the broadcasting-camera video feed, a tracking-by-detectionalgorithm is adopted: first, the court is identified, and right after,potential players are detected and outliers are filtered out. In thefeature extraction process, by quantifying how much do players re-semble in different frames, a similarity matrix is obtained. By maxi-mizing the similarity among instances across frames, bounding boxesare matched. Several types of features for establishing the similaritiesare evaluated:

• Geometrical features, which involve normalized distances (inframe coordinates) between detected targets.

• Visual features, which quantify how different bounding boxeslook alike by comparing color similarity metrics in differentsmall neighborhood patches.

• Deep learning features, which are obtained by post-processingthe output of a convolutional layer in a CNN.

Besides, we show that the combination of the whole feature extrac-tion process with camera stabilization techniques helps improve thetrackers’ overall performance, reaching over 68% accuracy in terms

3. Introduction 35

of Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy metric. In particular, the im-plemented camera stabilization method is based on homography es-timation and leads to compensated camera-motion sequences, wheredisplacements of corresponding players in consecutive frames are con-siderably reduced.

The rest of this Part is divided into the following Chapters: in Chap-ter 4, the state-of-the-art regarding sports tracking is detailed, in-cluding both raw-tracking methods and potential applications andmetrics that can be built on top of this kind of data. Then, Chap-ter 5 presents the proposed multi-tracker, including all the requiredsteps: court filtering, player detection, feature extraction, and match-ing. The obtained results are presented in Chapter 6. Conclusions aredrawn in Chapter 7, where future lines of work are also suggested.

4 State-of-the-Art (Trackingand Applications)

In this Chapter, the main state-of-the-art regarding sportsmulti-tracking methods is detailed, together with several ap-plications that can be built on top of this kind of data.

For clarification purposes, the state-of-the-art techniques of thisChapter are split into the following groups:

1. Tracking Methods designed for sports sequences are analyzedin order to compare how players can be tracked from differentpoints of view.

2. Spatial Analysis of Plays (basketball-based). Based on track-ing data, articles included in this group try to reach a high-levelunderstanding of complex concepts, such as ball movement orspacing strategies.

3. Metrics Quantification (basketball-based). In this Section,different basketball-based advanced statistics are quantified stem-ming from tracking data. Articles are divided into offensive,defensive and rebounding metrics.

4. Deep Predictions (basketball-based), which aim to predicta solution of simulated ghosting scenarios by training modelswith tracking data.



4.1 Tracking Methods

Multi-object tracking has been and is still a very active researcharea in CV. One of the most used tracking strategies is the so-calledtracking by detection, which involves a previous or simultaneous de-tection step to identify the desired targets in the given scene, andposterior matching across frames. Some of these works, like the onepresented by Girdhar et al. [41], used a CNN-based detector with atracking step, while others were based on global optimization meth-ods. Among them, a joint segmentation and tracking of multipletargets was proposed by Milan et al. [74], whereas Henschel et al.[49] presented a full-body detector and a head detector that werecombined to boost the performance; similarly, Doering et al. [29]combined Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and a Temporal-Flow-Fields-based method to exploit temporal information. Anotherfamily of tracking methods, which achieves a good compromise be-tween accuracy and speed, is based on Discriminant Correlation Fil-ters. More concretely, features are extracted first, and then corre-lation filters are used. To obtain these features, several approacheshave been used, such as hand-crafted methods or deep-learning-basedones (e.g. [87]). Results improve when the feature extraction processis learned in an end-to-end fashion, such as in the work by Wang etal. [121]. Similarly, Brasó et al. [8] also trained a graph-based differ-entiable framework that was not only used when extracting featuresbut also in the final association step. In this context, a completeoverview of different approaches together with their correspondingstate-of-the-art results, plus future lines of research, can be found inthe survey by Ciparrone et al. [18].Although the vast majority of trackers are presented from a frame-domain perspective (i.e. follow certain targets across frames), re-cent contributions have succeeded when computing 3D multi-objecttracking [125], which might be really useful in the fields of roboticsor autonomous driving. Besides, in the case of tracking humans,apart from following their position on the screen, extra layers of in-

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 39

formation, such as their pose, can be included in the model’s target;for instance, Ning et al. [81] presented a computationally inexpen-sive method based on a siamese graph convolutional network thatestimated pose properly and achieved a notable performance whenmatching instances across frames.

The implementation of tracking methods has a large set of potentialdirect applications, each of them with their corresponding challenges.Among all the researched fields, sports is a demanding one, becausecluttered scenarios produce partial or total occlusions and requirereally precise algorithms. Besides, as it will be detailed throughoutthe whole manuscript, the acquisition of tracking data in sports canprovide really meaningful statistics to the coaching staff. Therefore,sports is a highly defying but extremely rewarding domain for newvision-based tracking methods, not only because of its challenges butalso because of its potential use a posteriori. The remaining articlesof this Section will be chronologically listed and are related to sports-dependent tracking methods. Nonetheless, before getting started, werefer the reader to the book written by Moeslund et al. [114] fora general survey of all existing CV techniques applied to sports se-quences. This book does not only contain a deep study on playerand ball tracking, but other current commercial applications are alsodetailed, such as camera calibration or broadcast enhancements, in-cluding player modeling and analysis of motion players. Anotherdetailed survey about tracking was published by Manafifard et al.[69], where the main soccer-based existing methods were analyzedtogether with the proposed solutions to common challenges, such asfield detection or occlusion resolution.

In order to provide some historical context, the very beginning ofsports tracking is enclosed in the following contributions. In 2006,Perse, Er et al. created one of the first basketball tracking meth-ods to perform data analysis a posteriori [85; 30]. With a 2-cameraconfiguration setup in the ceiling of the arena, a method was de-


signed in order to help planning training sessions based on players’movements. Their method created a play-designer module, whichcontained a playbook of stored templates with different plays. Then,the phase of the game (offensive / defensive / time-out) was esti-mated by clustering the distribution of players on the court with aGaussian Mixture Model [105]. Afterwards, the small-scale parts ofthe game were found: by dividing the court into 9 sections, basicevents were used in order to define the player motion on the court.Finally, recognition was performed by using the stored templates inthe play-designer. Although their dataset was not huge, their resultswere consistent; nevertheless, there was no ball information and thealgorithm did not have the possibility of learning new plays on itsown. Two years later, Fleuret et al. presented one of the most-citedpublications in the tracking in sports research field [36], which usedvideo footage from different cameras to track individuals through aprobabilistic occupancy map. Their method used background sub-traction to estimate the probability of occupancy at each spot of theplane, and a generative model was applied: ideal synthetic imageswere created by modeling humans as rectangles at each spot wherea potential person could be identified. Occupancy probabilities werethen re-approximated by using the Kullback-Leibler divergence; ba-sically, this method computed how the probability of a synthetic im-age changed when comparing with the initial prediction. Once foundmarginal probabilities, individuals were tracked by combining colorand motion cues together. This method differed from previous tech-niques –which pretended to perform detection at every single frame–by computing the global optima of scores when having a long se-quence of frames. Seven years later, authors from the same researchgroup combined the above-mentioned method with a novel techniqueto automatically track the ball in team-sport sequences [68]. Themain challenge to be solved was the complex interactions that hap-pen when players perform any kind of action involving the sphere.Since classical 2D circle detection algorithms might fall short to trackthe ball, their method modeled ball tracking as a graphical problem,

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 41

where (a) position, (b) state, and (c) available image evidence werequantified at each step; its goal was to maximize an energy functionby computing feature correlation and temporal smoothness. Besides,a physical model was used to impose some constraints on ball mo-tion: for instance, they introduced a prior that expressed how zeroacceleration had to be taken into account if the sphere was in a flyingfree state. Their results outperformed existing contributions usingsome basketball datasets such as APIDIS [23].

In terms of action spotting, Ramanathan et al. [90] published amethod to recognize events and key actors in multi-person videos bydetecting the focus of attention of different basketball plays. Thegoal of this research was to amend the lack of a universal method toemphasize attention or include key actors in sport sequences. Oncelabeled a large set of plays, they extracted features for every class,including both scene and particular player information; right after, adeep learning framework was used to classify. To properly track theplayers, the Lucas-Kanade tracker [6] was implemented in combina-tion with a bipartite graph, which was used for matching. Their eventdetection method was done through a sliding window technique thatdisplayed attention with a heat-map. Results outperformed somestate-of-the-art methods, and their dataset was shared publicly. How-ever, the number of classes was simplified to a few similar plays (i.e2-points shot success / failure, 3-point shot success / failure). Still inthe basketball field, two datasets have been recently shared. On theone hand, the authors of [39] created a solid annotated dataset con-taining street-ball footage and compared state-of-the-art trackers totheir approach, which was based on joint detection and embedding.On the other hand, Wu et al. [128] used a relatively more expensivesetup, and created a dataset where cameras were placed at humanheight and contained overlapped regions among them. In the lat-ter, the association step between frames was achieved by a clusteringmethod that computed metrics among tracklets.


Apart from basketball trackers, state-of-the-art tracking methods doexist in other disciplines. For instance, in the case of soccer, Kimet al. [58] succeeded in tracking multiple targets by approachingthe matching process as a multiscale foreground-sampling problem,where dissimilarity metrics could express how much did detections re-semble. More recent contributions in the soccer domain included self-supervised methods, as the one proposed by Hurault et al. [52], whichcan be used in challenging video footage; by training two networksin a student-teacher fashion, notable performance was achieved evenwith low-resolution players. Other tracking solutions have been pub-lished from a general sports perspective using multi-camera setups,such as the ones presented by Zhang et al. [131], which stemmed froma deep player identification, or by Liang et al. [61], which adapteda complete k-shortest framework in order to perform the matchingprocess.

4.2 Spatial Analysis of Plays

In the paper written by Lucey et al. [65], the authors analyzed howteams managed to have open shots in order to improve shooting per-centages. The motivation of this paper emerged when checking thestatistics of the NBA teams, as the authors realized that there isa notable drop in shooting percentages when attempting pressuredshots (almost a 15% decrease in some cases). First, their algorithmassigned a role (position) to every player at the beginning of the ac-tion. Then, the different factors that might affect when attempting ashot were checked from a more analytic point of view; these includedfeatures such as the closest distance from a defender, the shooter’sspeed, the number of dribbles, or the number of seconds the playerkept the ball before shooting. Finally, different plays were retrievedusing tracking data, which clustered similar plays into permutationsfrom the original one (the exact same action will not occur twice ina game). Extracted results showed that one of the most relevant fea-

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 43

tures to get an open shot was the defending switches that might occurduring the game, which generate mismatches1. Although it is rathera statistics-based paper, this project also aimed to extract relevantinformation from tracking data to improve the understanding of thegame.

With Sports VU raw tracking data, Wang and Zemel [119] designedan algorithm to classify a closed-set of plays using Recurrent Neu-ral Networks (RNN), with the purpose of generating detailed reportswith a high-level basketball understanding. Their approach turnedtracking data into pictorial representations in order to deal with animage classification problem. Positions of the players were estimatedby comparing their shooting tendencies and frequencies in differentpositions in the court (e.g an exterior player usually moves behindthe 3-point line and attempts more long-range shots than an interiorone), and they built an anytime prediction system, as one same playmight change due to defensive strategy. Their results (expressed withtop-1 accuracy) seemed to be promising, but the system was thoughtfor a particular team in a specific season, so it was not automaticallytuned to any kind of team.

Miller and Bornn [76] made another relevant contribution. They or-ganized a large set of plays by grouping structural similarities, asthey observed that there was not an efficient scouting method forprofessional basketball teams. Their goal was achieved through: (1)segmentation of short plays to shorter manageable segments (mod-eled with Bezier curves), (2) possession modeling by adapting topicmodels, and (3) a bag-of-words structure. Finally, having clustereddata with nearest-neighbors algorithms, different types of analysiswere done. Although the attached videos showed promising results,no numerical evidence was displayed. This work was an improvement

1A mismatch occurs when a big player has to guard a small one or vice versa.A priori, in these situations, big players can take advantage of their strength,whilst small ones can take advantage of their speed.


of a previous contribution of the same authors (Miller et al. [75]),where the actions occurring in a basketball court were analyzed by apoint process factorization based on intensities.

A low-cost approach towards play recognition was introduced byArbués-Sangüesa et al. [2]. In this work, small sensors gatheredtracking data of youth basketball practice; after the correspondingparsing processes, a classical Machine Learning model was trained(in a supervised way) in order to classify a closed-set of 5 basket-ball plays; the extracted feature vector contained 56 characteristicsof that play, relevant from the coach point-of-view (initial display,distance among players, speed...). Results showed 98% accuracy us-ing cross-validation and principal component analysis [55] in order toavoid overfitting, but the set of plays being used contained roughly100 instances, so there is still plenty of room for improvement in thisfield. This method could be transferred to European leagues withfewer resources.

Finally, Bornn et al. [72] focused on a really challenging problem:do teams have an identity that could be described from displacementpatterns? Having Sports VU tracking data, three experiments wereperformed: (1) to recognize a team from a single possession, (2) torecognize a team from the complete set of possessions of a game, and(3) to see what the star players’ spacing impact is. The deep trajec-tory network took as input the stack of all player trajectories duringa series of time, and two 1D convolutional layers were used (togetherwith two corresponding pooling layers). Besides, in the first coupleof experiments, the origin of trajectories was always considered to bethe ball, so it could be said that the input vector was a set of dis-tances with respect to this anchor. Results showed that identifyinga team from a single possession was really difficult (24% accuracy),but bringing together the set of all game possessions improved teamrecognition to 95%. In the third experiment, the anchor was switchedto the star player, which was manually selected; this case tried to ex-

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 45

emplify, for instance, how different it was to identify Golden StateWarriors from a single possession with the presence of Stephen Curryon the court, and accuracy reached 43% for a single possession. Be-sides, the same network generalized to other sports such as football.

4.3 Metrics Quantification

In this Section, different articles containing novel metrics to quan-tify intangible basketball aspects will be summarized in a chronolog-ical way. First, offensive metrics will be explained; then, defensiveones, and finally, rebounding or other techniques.

One of the first interesting offensive metrics was introduced by KirkGoldsberry [42], who presented new visual and spatial analytics todetermine who was the best shooter in the NBA. The problem hetried to solve was that the league leader in field goals percentage(measured by dividing the number of scored shots by the total num-ber of attempts) tends to be a center who takes no mid- / long-rangeshots; therefore, the goal was to define a metric to determine whowas the player that shot better from as many court spots as possible.His system was built on top of a composite shot-map for all the shotsattempted in 5 different seasons (2006-2011), finding 1284 uniqueshooting cells. Then, spread parameters were defined and weightedby their distance to the basket (number of cells with acceptable ac-curacy), thus favoring those players that attempted long-shots withhigh reward (3 points). This metric definitely penalized those centersthat did not take risky shots, and provided a robust knowledge onhow well players shots. Obtained rankings proved to be precise, asthose coincided with the opinion of basketball journalists when talk-ing about the top-5 shooters in the league.

Cervone et al. [14] presented a new way to mathematically model how


good the decision-making process of players during a game posses-sion in real-time was since basketball IQ is one of the most importantfeatures when GM’s seek for new player hirings. The authors definedExpected Possession Value (EPV) as a metric that expressed the ex-pected points to be scored / received at any moment; then, having theposition of the player driving the ball, they modeled his/her addedvalue by dividing eventing data into macrotransitions (shoot / pass/ turnover) or microtransitions (basic movement). With EPV met-rics, two applications were shown: (a) a ranking of the NBA playerswho made better decisions and (b) an equation to measure the shotsatisfaction, which could help to identify selfish attitudes. Both ap-plications showed adequate results and proved that EPV models area promising baseline when building data-driven tools.

Although neither CV nor machine learning was applied, based on theprevious work of Goldsberry [42], Marty tried to add more dimen-sions to understand why shooters miss [70]. In this high-resolutionmethod, three players attempted a total of 22 million shots, and notonly their position in the court but also the interaction with the rimwere gathered with the Noahlytics system (a sensor placed above therim). The main goal was to obtain a deep analysis of right-left (andleft-right) deviations when shooting from several positions and anglevalues to correct flat shots. Results helped to indicate where playersshould charge for the rebound (i.e. in a left-corner 3-point shot, theyshould generally charge the right side, close to the baseline), but theanalysis of this technique was still naive, as the method was testedonly with three different players of different shooting percentages.

Goldsberry and Weiss [43] attempted to quantify defensive metricsof NBA basketball games. The motivation emerged from the isola-tion of defensive concepts in NBA box scores, where only defensiverebounds, steals, and blocks are annotated. Their contribution wascalled the Dwight Effect, and they wanted to prove that the leader ofthe league in blocks might not be the best defender, but the player

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 47

who changes the shooter’s behavior and efficiency more often. In thisarticle, and using Sports VU tracking data once again, they first sep-arated frequencies and effectiveness of different kinds of shots of everyplayer in the NBA; then, they computed the basket proximity, whichis the balance between the percentage in field goals and the num-ber of avoided shots when a certain interior player contests the shot.Afterward, shot proximity was estimated by checking how often aninterior player was close to a shot attempt. Their results were mean-ingful from the point of view of a basketball coach, as a single metricsummarized several factors regarding rim protection. However, thisquantification was restricted to interior players. In order to comple-ment this work, Franks et al. [38] presented new defensive metricsfor exterior players, including the Volume Score, which contained themagnitude of shot attempts in front of a certain defensive player,the Disruption Score expressing the effectiveness of those shots andCounterpoints, which indicated who was responsible for contesting acertain shot. This analysis was based on: (1) modeling the evolutionof defensive matchups (different swaps when defending a team) overthe course of possession as a Markov Model, and (2) the posteriorcomputation of the mentioned metrics using logistic regression pluspredicting the a priori efficiency of a shot.

Another interesting quantifiable defensive metric was introduced byMcIntyre et al. [71], who analyzed how NBA teams defended ballscreen situations considering 4 different options (over, under, trap orswitch). Their goal was to quantify not only which were the mostrepeated strategies but also the most efficient ones. This contributionenabled novel analysis of defensive strategies using Sports VU track-ing data. Their method had a validation set that comprised manualannotations of ball screen situations of 6 different basketball games (atotal of 199 instances). Then, using an algorithm based on pairwisedistances within players, 270853 ball screen situations were tested,obtaining 69% accuracy on three classes (traps could not be includedbecause of a small number of samples); besides, the defensive effort /


strategy of the teams was shown, which provided interesting metricsto identify the most aggressive teams in the NBA. If the validation sethad been larger, greater accuracy would have been obtained, whichcould have lead to a robust system to be used in professional games.

Reinforcement learning was later introduced by Wang et al. [118] inorder to check if it was worth practicing double-team defense in NBAgames. Generally, all NBA teams have a Star Player who takes a lotof shots. Coaches prepare special defenses for this kind of players: atsome point, instead of opting for an individual defense (five defenderson five offensive players), coaches might want to try the alternativeof double-team defense: two defenders guard the star player whenhe/she has the ball, and the other three defenders try to occupyspaces and to contain the remaining four. The risk is obvious: ifthe double-teamed player manages to give a good pass, it will be aneasy offensive situation for the opponents. Once analyzed all posses-sions of NBA teams during one season, double-teams were detectedby a simple rule-based on timings and distances of defensive players.Then, reinforcement learning was applied: within this framework, anagent observed the current state (offensive situation), chose an action(double-team or not), and transitioned to another state according toa probability distribution and a Markov Decision Process. Besides,the authors introduced a policy to affect the decisions made by theagent, which included game conditions; for instance, it might not bea good idea to double-team the best passer in the last seconds of atied game. Finally, the agent received an instantaneous reward (theother team did score or not). Their results ranked the best and worstdouble-team defensive pairs and teams, apart from analyzing the de-fense of all teams against the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2016-2017season, which had one of the most dominant NBA players (LeBronJames) at that time. However, their conclusions were not that clear,as the trained model suggested to double-team James less and to ap-ply this defense to worse players, but there were not enough data ofdouble-team defenses over non-star players.

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 49

Besides, other metrics were also introduced to contextualize reboundswith the purpose of numerically identifying whether a player capturesa rebound all alone or grabs it after hustling with other players. Mah-eswaran et al. [66] deconstructed the rebound by checking the factorsthat influenced this type of action. First, they filtered Sports VUtracking data to end up only with rebound observations and theybuilt a heat-map with all these locations (around 11000 instances).Right after, rebound location probabilities were checked given theshot position (distance and angle); from these regions, another heat-map was built, containing the coordinates where the ball decreasedfrom 8 feet, which indicated the potential rebound location. Giventhe position of all players, the presented model aimed to predict whohad more chances to catch the rebound as the action went forward.Their results showed that in mid-range shots, the probabilities ofgrabbing an offensive rebound were low and that there was not asignificant directional bias depending on the shot location.The same authors [67] extended their contribution by analyticallydecomposing the rebound into three concrete factors. Positioning(modeled with a Voronoi region) was used to see the position of aplayer when: (a) there was a shot and (b) few seconds after it. Thesecoordinates helped to indicate the player’s intention: he/she couldeither try to capture an offensive rebound (also known as crashing)or he/she could retreat to a defensive position. The second factor wasHustle, which told if a player was able to create a rebound opportu-nity despite not being at the best initial spot. Finally, Conversionestimated if a certain player allowed others to grab rebounds whenhe/she had the best positioning; that is, if a player captured easyrebounds or not. Once again, their results were shown in differentrankings and coincided with the experts’ opinions. However, thesesame experts could argue that Positioning might not be a skill, buta matter of luck or other factors.

Furthermore, Wiens et al. [126] conducted more concrete research


to analyze only offensive rebounds, trying to quantify the trade-offbetween two strategies: attacking the offensive rebound (crashing)and retreating to a defensive position. Having filtered Sports VUtracking data and gathered only offensive rebound situations aftermid- / long-range jumpshots, a reaction time was established. Spe-cific metrics were defined: odds ratio (probability of a good event tooccur) and net gain, which indicated the possibility of scoring hav-ing grabbed the offensive rebound combined with the possibility ofpreventing the other team to score having retreated on the defensiveend. Once modeled threat neutralization (how effective the defensivetransition in terms of pairwise distances between players is), resultsshowed that crashing is a risky strategy, and an early threat neutral-ization limits the negative impact of transitions. Anyway, this articleshould be tested again with the inclusion of more data, as it only hadthe strategies of 12 teams (and few observations were obtained forsome of them).

4.4 Deep Predictions

Another trend within sports analytics has been the need of ob-taining data-driven answers from what-if scenarios, which might helpa priori in terms of strategizing games or competitions.

On the one hand, the work by Seidl et al. [98] introduced the conceptof ghost defenders. This research emerged from the need of coachesto design perfect plays, which is one of the most difficult challengesfor them, as it is almost impossible to take all details into account:the score, the remaining time, the players that have to be on thecourt, the type of defense that the other team may perform. . . Thefirst module of this work was an interface, which worked on any dig-ital surface; once the coach sketched which play does he/she wanted,an animation could be seen with the movements of all players on

4. State-of-the-Art (Tracking and Applications) 51

the screen. Then, a deep learning model predicted how the defensewould adapt to that play at that given scenario (ghost defenders),and finally, the same program suggested similar plays that could op-timize the outcome. The network to be implemented was a RecurrentNeural Network of variable length sequences, where individual tra-jectories were set as the input and were modeled using a two-layerlong short-term memory architecture (LSTM). They determined, ata given point, where the player should go next given a specific role.It has to be mentioned that each player had his/her own policy, andthose were trained by computing the distance between predicted andreal positions on existing Sports VU tracking data. Results provedto be promising, and even complex basketball concepts such as weak-side helps were being taken into account; besides, given that enoughdata of each team were fed into the network, characteristics for eachparticular game were considered.

On the other hand, the work of Sandholtz and Bornn [95] aimed to an-alyze the new trends of NBA games, with teams shooting more long-range shots than ever. In a basketball possession, the ball-handlermight choose within several possible actions: passing, shooting, drib-bling. . . These states could be modeled with Markov Processes, butthe main problem was that transition probabilities are not station-ary: i.e. if there is only one second left in the shot clock, the shootingprobability is almost 1, so a policy was introduced to take the envi-ronment into account. Once again, there was a reward function tobe maximized by altering the policy; this function simply answeredthe question “how many points do we expect to get after player X, ina state S, decides to take action Z?”. The main problem was thenhow to model the shot probability, as it is a latent skill that dependsas well on the position of the shot; the authors proposed a Bayesianlogistic regression model that clustered players with similar shootingcharacteristics. Results, which were obtained on top of data fromthe 2017-2018 season, showed that if teams shot 20% fewer contestedmid-range shots at the end of each possession and took more open


long-range shots at the beginning, the total scoring points per gameof all teams of the NBA would improve. Another experiment showedthat, if teams shot 90% fewer mid-range shots, the expected outcomewould decrease, as these shots would have not been properly selected.

5 Proposed Multi-TrackingMethod

In this Chapter, the proposed single-camera multi-tracking al-gorithm is presented, which aims to track multiple players at atime in (single view) basketball footage. In order to track allplayers on the basketball court, a tracking-by-detection ap-proach is used. First, the court is filtered by merging linedetectors with basic segmentation or color filters. Then, posemodels are used to detect the players in the image; moreover,the underlying location of body parts is later used to extractfeatures, either from a visual or DL perspective. Finally, thematching process is also detailed, which associates detectionsacross frames.

5.1 Court FilteringIndividual frames belonging to basketball footage include much

more content apart from all 10 players and the ball, such as fans, realor tv-synthetic scoreboards, bench players, coaches... Consequently,before getting started with tracking methods, a pre-processing stageis required to delimit the region of interest where the desired targets(players on the court) can be found. In particular, our approach con-sists of segmenting the court region, which is a rectangular area whoseprojection to the camera results in a trapezoid. Thus, the filtering



Figure 5.1: Generic Pipeline: for each frame, players are detected(through pose models) and tracked (via feature extraction and match-ing).

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 55

challenge is reduced to the identification of visible court boundariesin the image: the sidelines and baselines (from 1 to 4 depending onthe camera’s point of view). Frequently, some of these court bound-aries are only partially visible due to occlusions, or even not visibleat all, as shown in Figure 5.1.The method starts by detecting all the line segments in the imageusing a fast and robust parameter-less method [116]. Right after,dominant lines, i.e. lines with the longest visible parts, are esti-mated employing a voting procedure. Those lines will correspond, ingeneral, to the sidelines / baselines or, in cases of strong occlusions,to court lines parallel to the sidelines / baselines. The strength ofthe vote of each line is proportional to the sum of detected segments’length on the line, as seen in Figure 5.2, where the detected segmentsare displayed in yellow. Given that in broadcasting sequences onlyone baseline (or none) can be seen at a time, and that even in casesthat both sidelines are in the field of view of the camera one of themmay appear occluded by the public (e.g. Figure 5.3), the purposeis to find a horizontal dominant line (either a sideline or its orien-tation) and a vertical dominant one (a baseline or its orientation).Horizontal lines are considered to be the ones which intersect theimage at the left and right boundaries (Figure 5.2(a)), while verticalones intersect in one of the following pairs of image sides: top-left,bottom-left, top-right or bottom-right (examples in Figure 5.2(b)-(c)). In order to find the location of court boundaries, the playingarea is pre-segmented and the set of lines with a dominant orientationthat better delimits the court is selected through an iterative process.However, an important facet has to be taken into account once thedominant orientations are found: the detected segments used to de-termine the dominant orientation might not be part of the desiredbaseline / sideline. That is, the mentioned set of lines might not onlycontain the first candidate but also all the other parallel candidatesthat could potentially fit. While in the case of the baseline lines aredistributed from the top to the bottom of the image, when dealingwith sidelines the line distribution goes from left to right. Two differ-


ent solutions are proposed to pre-segment the court in two differentprofessional basketball scenarios: (a) European, and (b) NBA games.For NBA games (Figure 5.3-top), the scenario is challenging, becausethere is almost no space between sidelines and fans. In order to findthe horizontal boundaries, instead of checking for color components,Conditional Random Fields [134] is applied at a coarse resolution tofind the total area of the regions in the image domain containingpeople. Once having this rough estimation, an iterative algorithmis applied to delimit court boundaries: at the very beginning, twoline candidates with the dominant orientation are placed at the topand bottom of the image; then, for each iteration, these lines areiteratively moved towards the middle until convergence. In each it-eration, the product of the following percentages is computed: (a)people-pixels above the top line, (b) people-pixels below the bottomline, and (c) non-people-pixels below the top line and above the bot-tom one. If there is a drop in either the first or the second percentage,the position of the corresponding line is fixed; convergence is reachedwhen both lines stop moving. Potentially, in the horizontal courtlimits, the product of these three terms will correspond to a max-imum, meaning that there is a large contribution of people pixelsabove and below the top and bottom line respectively (correspond-ing to fans), and a small contribution in between (corresponding tothe court with a maximum of 10 players plus 3 officials). Once bothbaselines are set, and having masked the original image, the bestvertical candidate is found in the same way but scanning only fromleft to right or from right to left, depending on the situation. In Eu-ropean games (Figure 5.3-bottom), court surroundings usually sharethe same color, and fans sit far from team benches. For this reason, abasic color filter (in the HSV colorspace) is created; for each possibleline candidate, the contribution of pixels that satisfy filter conditionsis checked at both right-left (vertical) or above-below (horizontal)sides of the tested candidate. The horizontal and vertical candidateswith the highest response will be then considered as court limits.

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 57

Figure 5.2: Line contributions with potential detections (and occlu-sions): (a) sidelines, (b)-(c) right-left baselines, respectively.

Figure 5.3: Court detection results in different scenarios: (top row)NBA, and (bottom) European games


5.2 Player Detection

As mentioned, the presented tracker is based on multiple detec-tions in each individual frame. More concretely, the implementedmethod relies on pose models techniques [89; 124; 11] stemming froman implementation of OpenPose [21] (more details about pose mod-els can be found in Section 2.1). Given a basketball frame, the out-put of the main inference pose function returns a 25 × 3 vector foreach player, with the position (in screen coordinates) of 25 keypoints,which belong to the main biometric human-body parts, together witha confidence score. Note that there might be situations where spe-cific parts might not be detected, resulting in unknown informationin the corresponding entry of the pose vector of the whole skeleton.In addition, 26 heatmaps are returned, indicating the confidence ofeach part being at each particular pixel. By checking all the parts’positions and taking the minima and maxima XY coordinates foreach detected player, bounding boxes are placed around the respec-tive players as displayed in Figure 5.4.Since the presented person detection method does not include priorssuch as a maximum number of players on the basketball court or in-formation on both team uniforms, the set of detected people mightinclude some referees (an example is displayed in Figure 5.5).

Besides, in order to ease the tracking of the players, an additionalcamera stabilization step to remove the camera motion can be in-corporated. Taking into account that its inclusion represents extracomputations, an ablation study is provided in Chapter 6 to discussthe extent of its advantages. When enclosed, the camera stabilizationmethod and implementation proposed by Sánchez et al. [94], basedon homographies, is used.

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 59

Figure 5.4: Detected parts with the corresponding bounding box.

5.3 Feature Extraction

Once bounding boxes are obtained across frames, the forthcom-ing step should consist of assigning individual tracks to each one;nonetheless, prior to that, all boxes must be characterized. With thepurpose of quantifying this process, different approaches can be usedwhilst extracting features. For the remaining part of this Section,Bt1 and Bt2 are considered as two different bounding boxes, detectedat t1 and t2 respectively.

5.3.1 Geometrical Features

A classical approach can be used to measure distances or over-lapping between bounding boxes in different frames. If the temporalresolution of the video is not coarse, it can be assumed that players’movements between adjacent frames are not large; for this reason,players can be potentially found at a similar position in screen co-ordinates in short time intervals, so the distance between boundingboxes’ centroids can be used as a metric. That is, given xBt1 andxBt2 as the centroids of two bounding boxes, the normalized distance


Figure 5.5: Obtained results in adjacent frames, where all players(and referee) inside the playing court are properly detected (boundingbox) and tracked (color identifier).

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 61

between centroids can be expressed as

Cd(Bt1 , Bt2) = 1√w2 + h2

‖xBt1 − xBt2‖, (5.1)

where w and h are the width and the height of the image domain. An-other similar metric that could be used is the intersection over unionbetween boxes, but due to the fact that basketball courts are usuallycluttered and players move fast and randomly, it was discarded.

5.3.2 Visual Features

Distances might help distinguish basic correspondences, but thissimple metric does not take into account key aspects, such as thejersey color (which team do players belong to) or their skin tone.For this reason, a color similarity is be implemented in order to dealwith these situations. Moreover, in this specific case, knowing thatbody positions are already obtained, fair comparisons can be per-formed, where the color surroundings of each body part in t1 willbe only compared to the neighborhood of the same body part inanother bounding box in t2. Nevertheless, it has to be pointed outthat only the detected pairs of anatomical keypoints in both Bt1 andBt2 (denoted here as pk1 and pk2, respectively) will be used for thecomputation. The color and texture of a keypoint can be computedby centering a neighborhood around it. That is, let E be a squaredneighborhood of 3×3 pixels centered at 0 ∈ R2. Then,

Cc(Bt1 , Bt2)= 1255|S| |E|


∑y∈E‖It1(pk1 + y)− It2(pk2 + y)‖ (5.2)

where S denotes the set of mentioned pairs of corresponding key-points detected in both frames, and |S| and |E| the cardinal of S and|E|, respectively.


5.3.3 Deep Learning Features

Deep Learning (DL) is a widely-explored research field with manypossible applications, such as classification, segmentation, or bodypose estimation. The basis of any DL model is a deep neural net-work formed by several layers, which serve to predict values from agiven input. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are special casesin which weights at every layer are shared spatially across an image,and their impact results in a reduced number of required parameters,hence gaining robustness to image transformations. Then, a CNNarchitecture is composed by several kinds of layers, being convolu-tional layers the most important ones, but also including nonlinearactivation functions, biases, etc. This type of layer computes the re-sponse of several filters by convolving with different image patches.The associated weights to these filters, and also the ones associatedto the non-linear activation functions, are learnt during the trainingprocess (in a supervised or unsupervised way) in order to achievemaximum accuracy for the concrete aimed task. It is well knownthat the first convolutional layers will produce higher responses tolow-level features such as edges while posterior layers correlate withmid-, high- and global-level features associated with more semanticattributes.

In the presented experiments, the popular VGG-19 network [100] isused for feature extraction, initialized with weights trained on theImageNet dataset [27]. The original model was trained for imageclassification, and its architecture consists of 5 blocks with at least2 convolutional layers, and 2 fully-connected layers at the end thatoutput a class probability vector for each image. The network takesas input a 224 × 224 × 3 image, and the output size of the secondconvolutional layer of each block is shown in Table 5.1.In order to feed the network with an appropriately sized image, abasic procedure is followed as seen in Figure 5.6: considering thatplayer boxes are usually higher than wider, and having the center of

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 63

Width Height No Filtersb2c2 112 112 128b3c2 56 56 256b4c2 28 28 512b5c2 14 14 512

Table 5.1: Output size of VGG-19 convolutional layers. In the firstcolumn, b stands for block number and c stands for the convolutionallayer number inside that block.

the bounding box, its height HBt is checked. Then, a squared imageof HBt ×HBt × 3 is cropped around the center of the bounding box;finally, this image is resized to the desired width and height (224 and224, respectively). In this way, the aspect ratio of the bounding boxcontent does not change.However, extracting deep learning features from the whole boundingbox introduces noise to the feature vector, as part of it belongs to thebackground (e.g. court). Therefore, features are only extracted inthose pixels that belong to detected body parts, resulting in a quan-tized vector with a length equal to the number of filters. Moreover,apart from its length, the obtained output from a convolutional layeris smaller in terms of width and height with respect to the input im-age, since pooling operations are applied throughout all the networkarchitecture. Therefore, the original 2D location of each body partin the image domain has to be resized according to the convolutionaloutput shape in order to find the corresponding downscaled location.Note that the final vector is normalized with L2 norm. An exampleusing the 10th convolutional layer of VGG-19 is shown in Figure 5.7,where a 1× (25× 512) vector is obtained.


Figure 5.6: Player and Pose Detection: (a) image patch centeredaround a detected player, (b) detected pose through pretrained mod-els, (c) black contour: bounding box fitting in player boundaries,pink: bounding box with default 224 × 224 pixels resolution, (d)reshaped bounding box to be fed into VGG-19.

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 65

Figure 5.7: Feature Extraction of all body parts using the 10th con-volutional layer of a VGG-19 network.

Once all boxes have their corresponding feature vectors, the metricdefined in [122] is used to quantify the cost error; in particular, thecost between two feature vectors f yt1t1,k and f

yt2t2,k, belonging to bounding

boxes detected in t1 and t2 respectively, can be defined as:

CE(f yt1t1,k, fyt2t2,k) =

exp(−f yt1t1,k · fyt2t2,k)∑ exp(−f yt1t1,k · fyt2t2,k)


where k corresponds to the particular body part and yt1 and yt2 tothe pixel position inside the neighborhood being placed around thekeypoint. Therefore, the total cost when taking all parts into accountis defined as:

CDL(Bt1 , Bt2)= 1|S|∑k∈S

minyt1∈Eyt2∈E ′

(CE(f yt1t1,k, fyt2t2,k)) (5.4)

where S corresponds, once again, to the set of detected parts inboth frames, and E and E ′ correspond to the set of pixels in theneighborhood placed around each keypoint.

Nevertheless, two important remarks have to be pointed out:

1. Some of the detected pose parts have a low confidence asso-ciated value; note that the confidence range goes from 0 to 1.Since in the given dataset a mean of 16.2 parts are detected perplayer, the ones with lower confidence can be discarded while


preserving proper performance. In particular, all parts withlower confidence than 0.3 are not taken into account when ex-tracting features. Hence, the subset S in Equations (5.2) and(5.4) considers all detected parts in both bounding boxes thatsatisfy the mentioned confidence threshold.

2. Convolutional layer outputs (as implemented in the VGG-19)decrease the spatial resolution of the input. Since non-integerpositions are found when downscaling parts’ locations (in theinput image) to the corresponding resolution of the layer ofinterest, the features of the N × N closest pixels at that layerare contemplated. Then, the cost will be considered as themost similar feature vector to the N ×N target one given. InTables 6.3 and 6.4 a discussion on the effect of the approximatecorrect location is included.

5.4 MatchingHaving quantified all bounding boxes in terms of features, a cost

matrix containing the similarity between pairs of bounding boxesis computed by combining the different extraction results. In thepresented experiments, the following weighted sum of different costshas been applied:

C(Bt1 , Bt2) = αCFeat1(Bt1 , Bt2) + (1− α)CFeat2(Bt1 , Bt2) (5.5)

where CFeat1 refers to Cd given by (5.1), CFeat2 refers either to CDL in(5.4) or Cc in (5.2) and α ∈ [0, 1]. From this matrix, unique matchingsbetween boxes of adjacent frames are computed by minimizing theoverall cost assignment:

1. For each bounding box in time tN , the sorted list associationcosts (and labels) among all the boxes in tN−1 is stored in anAtN ,tN−1 matrix.

5. Proposed Multi-Tracking Method 67

2. If there are repeated label associations (i.e. two or more boxesin tN associated to the same box of tN−1), a decision is madein terms of cost:

• If the cost of one of the repeated associations is consider-ably smaller than the others (by a margin of more than10%), this same box is matched with the one in the pre-vious frame.• If the cost of all the repeated associations is similar (within

a range of 10%), the box with the largest difference be-tween its first and second minimum costs is set as thematch.• In both cases, for all boxes that have not been assigned,

the label of their second minimum cost is checked too. Ifthere is no existing association with that specific label, anew match is set.

3. In order to provide the algorithm with more robustness, thesame procedure described in steps 1 and 2 is repeated withboxes in tN and tN−2. This results in an AtN ,tN−2 matrix.

4. For each single box, the minimum cost assignment for each boxis checked at both AtN ,tN−1 and AtN ,tN−2 , keeping the minimumas the final match. In this way, a 2-frame memory tolerance isintroduced into the algorithm, and players who might be lostin one frame can be recovered in the following one.

5. If there are still bounding boxes without assignments, new la-bels are generated, considering these as new players that appearon the scene. Final labels are converted into unique identifiers,which will be later used in order to compute performance met-rics.

6 Tracking Results

In this Chapter, a detailed ablation of quantitative trackingresults is provided and discussed, comparing all the above-mentioned techniques and combinations (types of features, theinclusion of memory, camera stabilization...). Besides, the con-tent of the gathered dataset is explained.

A dataset of 22 European single-camera basketball sequences hasbeen used. Original videos have a full-HD resolution (1920 × 1080pixels) and 25 frames per second, but in order to reduce the compu-tational cost, only 4 frames are extracted per second. The includedsequences involve static plays of offensive basketball motion, withseveral sets of screens / isolation play; moreover, different jersey col-ors and skin tonalities are included. The court is a European onefor all situations, and there are no fast break / transition plays. Theaverage duration of these sequences is 11.07 seconds, resulting in atotal of 1019 frames. Ground-truth data has been manually obtainedfor the given sequences, containing bounding-boxes over each playerand all three referees (taking the minimum visible X and Y coordi-nates of each individual), plus their corresponding identifier, in everysingle frame (when visible); this results in a total of 11339 boxes.



Figure 6.1: Player Detections (green boxes) together with its groundtruth (blue boxes).

Precision Recall F1-ScoreOpen Pose 0.9718 0.9243 0.9470YOLO 0.8401 0.9426 0.8876

Table 6.1: Detection Results

6.1 Quantitative ResultsAlthough it is not part of this Part’s contribution, a quantitative

assessment of the detection method is shown in Table 6.1, where itsperformance is compared to the state-of-the-art YOLO network [92];for a fair comparison, only the person detections within the courtboundaries are kept in both cases. These detections can be seen inFigure 6.1 with their corresponding ground truth boxes.From now on, all quantitative tracking results will be expressed interms of Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA), which is de-fined in [4] as:

MOTA = 1−∑t fpt +mt +mmt∑

t gt,

6. Tracking Results 71

Layer b2c2 b3c2 b4c2 b5c2MOTA 0.5396 0.5972 0.6369 0.6321

Table 6.2: MOTA results obtained with α = 0 in (5.5), CFeat2 equalto CDL, and by extracting DL features in the output of differentconvolutional layers.

where fpt,mt,mmt and gt denote, respectively, false positives, misses,mismatches and total number of ground truth boxes over all the se-quence.Another meaningful tracking metric that has been computed as wellis the Multiple Object Tracking Precision (MOTP), which can bedefined as:

MOTP =∑i,t IoUi,t∑

t ct,

where IoUi,t and∑t ct correspond to the intersection over union be-

tween two boxes, and to the sum of correct assignments through thesequence, respectively. The detected bounding boxes for all the up-coming experiments are the same ones (thus the intersection withground-truth bounding boxes does not change either), and know-ing that the total number of instances is large, the MOTP resultsbarely change in all presented combinations of techniques: it remains0.6165± 0.0218.

Starting only with DL features (that is, α = 0 in (5.5) and CFeat2equal to CDL), Table 6.2 shows the obtained MOTA results. As men-tioned, a pre-trained VGG-19 architecture is used, and features aregathered and post-processed after every second convolutional layerin each block. The best MOTA results are obtained with the outputof the fourth block, corresponding to the 10th convolutional layer ofthe overall architecture. For the remaining tests, all DL features willbe based on this layer, which has an output of size 28× 28× 512.Having used a random-search grid [3], Table 6.3 shows the most sig-nificant MOTA results for a non-stabilized video sequence. In this


experiment, a comparison between Geometrical and DL features isshown, thus displaying the performance on their own as well as itsbest-weighted combination. Besides, as explained in Subsection 5.3.3,when extracting DL features, three different tests have been per-formed regarding the neighborhood size around each pose part. As itcan be seen in Table 6.3, DL features outperform Geometrical ones,especially in the case of a 2x2 neighborhood. By combining them, andby giving more weight to the DL contribution, results are improved inall cases, thus indicating that the two types of features complementeach other. In Table 6.4 the same experiments are shown, but thistime using a stabilized video sequence. In this case, the performanceof geometrical-based features outperforms the DL-based ones, but asmentioned, these metrics will drastically drop if the included datasetsequences contain fast camera movements (or even large pannings).From both Tables 6.3 and 6.4 it can be deduced that the best filtersize when extracting DL pose features is a 2 × 2 neighborhood. Apriori, one might think that a 3×3 neighborhood should work better,as it is already including the 2×2 one, but a 3×3 spatial neighborhoodin the output of the 10th convolutional layer is equivalent to a 24×24 real neighborhood around the specific part in the image domain.Accordingly, adding these extra positions will include court pixels,thus resulting in noise-prone feature vectors, and as a result, non-meaningful matches.Apart from comparing Geometrical and DL features through Cd andthe different mentioned CDL, the effect of Visual features (color sim-ilarity Cc, explained in Subsection 5.3.2) is checked too. Moreover,tracking results have been compared with [74], which is a genericstate-of-the-art tracking method by Milan et al.; in all tests, ourground-truth detections have been used, thus starting off with thesame conditions. In Table 6.5, the best-weighted combinations interms of MOTA / MOTP are shown for a non-stabilized and a sta-bilized video sequence. In both cases, DL features outperform colorones by a 3% margin. The combination of all Geometrical, Visual,and DL features outperforms the rest of the techniques but just by

6. Tracking Results 73

0.2%, which comes at a cost of computation expenses. Besides, ob-tained results show how existing literature methods, not trained apriori for sports sequences, perform notably in terms of MOTA, butthere is a large drop in MOTP due to the implicit challenges of clut-tered courts.

Neighborhood α 1-α MOTA— 1 0 0.56891x1 0 1 0.59231x1 0.3 0.7 0.62892x2 0 1 0.63692x2 0.2 0.8 0.65293x3 0 1 0.61713x3 0.3 0.7 0.6444

Table 6.3: Non-stabilized results obtained from only 4 video framesper second.

Neighborhood α 1-α MOTA— 1 0 0.65062x2 0 1 0.63691x1 0.6 0.4 0.67522x2 0.55 0.45 0.68253x3 0.7 0.3 0.6781

Table 6.4: Stabilized results, with the same 4 video frames per secondand weights as in Table 6.3.


Combination of Features MOTA MOTPGeometrical + Visual 0.6233 0.6185Geometrical + VGG 0.6529 0.6276

Geometrical + Visual [Stab] 0.6583 0.6225Geometrical + VGG [Stab] 0.6825 0.6197

Geometrical + VGG + Visual [Stab] 0.6843 0.6238Joint Track. + Segm. [74] 0.6714 0.3375

Table 6.5: Effect of Visual and Deep Learning features in combinationwith Geometrical ones.

In order to break down and to evaluate the contribution in MOTAof every single pose part, Table 6.6 is displayed; these results havebeen obtained with a 2x2 neighborhood around parts, and withoutcombining with Geometrical features. As it can be seen, there arebasically three clusters:

1. Discriminative features, above a 0.35 MOTA, that manage totrack at a decent performance only with a 1×512 feature vector/ player. These parts (shoulders, chest, and hip) belong to themain shape of the human upper-torso, and it coincides with thejersey-skin boundary in the case of players.

2. Features that fall within a MOTA of 0.20 and 0.35, which arenot tracking players properly but their contribution might helpthe discriminative ones to achieve higher performance. Theseparts include skinned pixels of basic articulations such as el-bows, knees, and ankles.

3. Concrete parts that have almost no details at a coarse resolu-tion, thus resulting in low MOTA performance. Eyes could bean example: although people’s eyes have many features thatmake them discriminative (such as shape, color, pupil size, eye-brow’s length), players’ eyes in the dataset images do not em-brace more than a 3x3 pixel region, and all of them look the

6. Tracking Results 75

same shape and brown or darkish. This results in poor trackingresults when checking only for these parts.

Given the mentioned clusters, 3 different tracking tests have beenperformed by taking only some parts into account, in particular, andin terms of MOTA:

1. Taking the top-6 parts (over 0.35 MOTA).

2. Taking the top-12 parts (over 0.2 MOTA).

3. Taking the top-20 parts (over 0.1 MOTA).

Results are shown in Table 6.7, where it can be seen that the sec-ond and third clusters complement the top ones, while the bottom-5parts actually contribute to a drop in MOTA. The drawback of thisclustering is that it requires some analysis that cannot be performedin test time, and different video sequences (i.e different sports) mightlead to different part results.Finally, the obtained effect after the inclusion of memory between tNand tN−2 is shown in Table 6.8. By comparing the extracted featuresacross three consecutive frames, the obtained MOTA results improveby a margin larger than 5%; a particular scenario that benefits frommemory inclusion are missed players in a single frame, which are suc-cessfully recovered due to preserved features of tN−2.

A qualitative visual detection and tracking result (obtained with thebest combination of Geometrical + Deep Learning features withoutcamera stabilization) is displayed in Figure 6.2, where players aredetected inside a bounding box, and its color indicates their ID; as itcan be seen, all 33 associations are properly matched except a missedplayer in the first frame and a mismatch between frames 2 and 3(orange-green boxes).


Part MOTAChest 0.5349

L-Shoulder 0.4726R-Shoulder 0.4707

R-Hip 0.3961Mid-Hip 0.3956L-Hip 0.3867L-Knee 0.3156R-Knee 0.3062L-Elbow 0.2862R-Elbow 0.2545R-Ankle 0.2418L-Ankle 0.2407L-Toes 0.1935R-Toes 0.1920L-Ear 0.1348L-Heel 0.1259L-Wrist 0.1235R-Heel 0.1126

L-Mid-Foot 0.1116R-Wrist 0.1111

R-Mid-Foot 0.0964L-Eye 0.0916Nose 0.0771R-Eye 0.0655R-Ear 0.0677

Table 6.6: Individual Part Tracking Performance, obtained with α =0 in (5.5) and CFeat2 equal to CDL.

6. Tracking Results 77

Min. MOTA No of Parts Total MOTA>0.35 6 0.6105>0.20 12 0.6412>0.10 20 0.6423all 25 0.6369

Table 6.7: Clustering Part Results (α = 0 and CFeat2 = CDL) withoutstabilization.

MOTA MOTPGeometrical + VGG (No Memory) 0.6237 0.6086Geometrical + VGG (Memory) 0.6825 0.6138

Table 6.8: Tracking performance with the inclusion of memory.

Figure 6.2: Obtained tracking and pose results in three consecutiveframes, where each bounding box color represents a unique ID.

7 Conclusions

Once stated the current unbalanced situation regarding basketballtracking data, where only clubs in the NBA benefit from this type ofresource, the first Part of this thesis has consisted in exploring theviability of single-camera trackers. To this end, we have proposed amethod to automatically track multiple targets (players). Roughly,the presented tracking methods have been built from the followingfour main steps:

1. Court filtering, that limits the boundaries where players may belocated. This segmentation has been achieved through differentapproaches depending on the type of video footage. Apart fromusing line segment detection: (a) in the case of European courts,a simple color filter has been applied, and (b) in crowded NBAgames, an iterative approach through coarse CRF has beenused.

2. Player detection, obtained through a pre-trained model, Open-Pose, able to detect not only the location but also the pose ofmultiple humans.

3. Feature extraction. In particular:

• Geometrical features have been obtained in terms of pair-wise distances between players across frames (in pixels).



• Visual features benefit from the previously estimated poseand characterize color features from small neighborhoodsaround key body parts.• Similarly, deep learning features have been extracted by

combining pose information with the output of convolu-tional layers of a VGG-19 network.

4. Finally, player detections have been matched according to theirassociated features by solving a cost minimization problem.

Having gathered a dataset from scratch, and having labeled morethan 11k ground-truth bounding boxes, an ablation study –in termsof tracking metrics, such as MOTA and MOTP – has been includedto justify all the choices of the presented tracker.Several conclusions can be extracted from the presented experiments:

• First of all, detections of OpenPose proved to work better thanother state-of-the-art networks such as YOLO [92], reaching afinal 0.947 F1-Score.

• DL features outperformed Visual ones when combining themwith Geometrical information; in particular, the obtained MOTAboost is +0.03. On the contrary, the combination of all of themhas not implied a significant performance boost (only +0.0018MOTA).

• In the case of VGG-19, DL extracted features from the 10thconvolutional layer have provided the best accuracy; moreover,placing a 2x2 neighborhood around downscaled body parts (in-stead of single pixels) has improved the tracking performance.

• Classical CV techniques such as camera stabilization have im-proved the overall method’s performance, but it might haverelated drawbacks, such as the incapability of generalization toall kinds of camera movements.

7. Conclusions 81

• When extracting pose features from convolutional layers, thosebody parts that are not distinguishable at a coarse resolution(e.g. nose, ears, wrists, heels...) have had a negative effecton the overall performance. That is, instead of considering all25 default body-parts, a combination of the most importantones (for instance chest, shoulders, and hips) might generalizebetter.

7.1 Future WorkDespite obtaining promising results, tracking data require being

really precise in order to train models on top of it and to build track-ing reports that can be interpreted by coaches or GM’s. The pres-ence of missed targets, or even miss-detections, results in noise-pronetracking reports that cannot be used to draw valuable conclusions.Moreover, in the cluttered basketball scenario, there are a lot of sit-uations where miss-detections occur with ease and are crucial forthe play’s outcome. For example, the most common basketball playsnowadays are based on ball-screens, where 2 offensive players, who arewearing a similar jersey, aim to create a scoring opportunity througha screen in a really small space; moreover, two (or even three) de-fenders are also standing in the same space, which generates notablepartial-occlusions of pose parts. The decision-making process in thistype of plays needs to be precisely tracked at high confidence (over0.95 MOTA). Therefore, the presented method should be a solid base-line to be combined with other synchronized video footage a poste-riori. Actually, the effect in terms of accuracy when adding morecameras to the existing set-up should be studied, thus finding outthe minimum number of cameras to get decent results. Hopefully, byincluding video footage from 3-5 existing broadcasting cameras (notonly the main one), accurate tracking data could be gathered withoutincreasing the overall cost. Besides, the presented method should beable to handle fast basketball situations; for instance, during offen-


sive transitions, players (and the ball) move fast from one side of thecourt to the other, thus involving large camera panning that cannotbe handled when stabilizing the sequence.Another line of research could include the refinement of the court-filtering process; so far, the presented approach properly segmentsthe playing area, but we lack specific coordinates or labels that couldindicate where each corner / relevant part of the court is. By hav-ing at least 4 correspondences between the image and a given tem-plate, tracking data could be expressed not only in terms of boundingboxes (pixels) in the given image but also in 2D court-coordinates.Moreover, geometrical features, which consist of pairwise distancesbetween detections, could also be expressed in terms of court co-ordinates instead of pixels. This strategy, which involves computa-tions in the 2D space, will be followed in the upcoming Parts of thismanuscript.Another alternative that could be beneficial in terms of accuracywould be switching from a tracking-by-detection approach to an end-to-end training process. Given the lack of ground-truth labeled data,unsupervised approaches could be helpful to tackle this challenge asa self-supervised method [52]. Some experiments were performed byfine-tuning existing networks such as Unsupervised Deep Tracking[120], but the obtained results did not seem to generalize to basket-ball players. Generally, state-of-the-art tracking networks are able toconfidently track single targets within non-cluttered scenes (or lesschallenging, at least); however, the process of turning the probleminto multi-class classification results in a notable fall in terms of themodel’s performance.Apart from orientation-based metrics, which will be detailed in thenext Parts of this manuscript, other applications could be built us-ing the content of bounding boxes. For instance, action recognitionmodels would definitely improve raw tracking data, by indicating notonly where a player is located, but also detailing what he/she is doing(i.e. running, shooting, dribbling, jumping...).

NBA is a very competitive league,so whatever can give us anadvantage, we try to keep it.

Ivana Seric

Part II:Orientation Estimation


8 Introduction: BeyondTracking

Until this Part, the importance of tracking methods has beencontextualized, and as mentioned, with this brand-new data source,the overall structure of data-science sports departments has changedcompletely. Despite the unlocked potential of tracking data, exhaus-tive post-processing techniques have to be applied in order to use theirinsights. The outcome of tracking a complete game of any sport isa large file that cannot be understood anyhow at first sight; play-ers, coaches, or analysts cannot draw conclusions from raw data as ifthey were analyzing, e.g., a simple box score. Consequently, sportsdata scientists are continuously attempting to build automatic appli-cations from tracking (and eventing) data that could be easily inter-preted. Among many other applications, with this type of tracking-based tools, coaches and analysts: (1) can study the effect of tacticalstrategies, (2) are able to split the player performance into differentgame phases, or (3) can estimate / back-up intangible statistics, thusfinding out who is the player that adds more value to a team insteadof the one with the highest number of scored goals. These models arecurrently the holy grail of soccer analytics and they are solely basedon tracking data, but... Are 2D tracking data powerful enough toencompass all types of events? Do we have unexploited metadata inthe image that could improve the model’s performance? Luckily, yes;if 2D tracking data are used on their own, not enough evidence isobtained to determine if a player is in a favorable condition of prop-



erly acting during the play, since external factors such as the player’sown pose and orientation are crucial. In fact, coach Pep Guardiolaoften explains how elder people claim that, while in yesteryear socceryou had to control the ball, then look and turn around, and finally,make the pass, in today’s faster version of soccer, players need firstto look and orient correctly before controlling and passing the ball.Nonetheless, body orientation is a yet-little-explored area in sportsanalytics research. For the sake of clarification, and despite beingan inherently ambiguous concept, player orientation is defined in thisthesis as the projection (2D) of the normal vector placed in the centerof the upper-torso of players (3D).

An existing type of tool that could benefit from the inclusion ofbody-orientation could be Expected Possession Value (EPV) mod-els. Given that the main reward of soccer players is to score a goal,and knowing that this type of action is a rare event, Fernandez etal. [34] extended the previous basketball-based work of Cervone etal. [14] by creating an EPV framework that values player actions.The main objective of this metric is to predict an expected value ofscoring / receiving a goal at a given time in any field position, basedon a spatial analysis of the whole offensive and defensive setup atthat moment; more concretely, in pass events, having a passer P ,an EPV map can be computed for each field position x ∈ R2, whichestimates the above-mentioned expected-value if P passes the ball tox. The main EPV model consists of different likelihood components,especially emphasizing a passing probability model. Ultimately, theinclusion of body-orientation into EPV models or the creation of com-putational passing models will be studied, but first, this second Partaims solely to estimate body-orientation from soccer video footage,thus enriching tracking data with an extra variable. Note that fromnow on, for both Part II and Part III, all conducted research willbe focused on soccer instead of basketball, since better datasets wereavailable for our purpose in terms of tracking and orientation ground-truth data (extracted from EPTS-held devices). Two different types

8. Introduction: Beyond Tracking 87

of orientation estimation methods are proposed:• On the one hand, a model-based approach is proposed. It relies

on the combination of pose models and 3D vision techniques.Furthermore, extra steps such as enhancing image quality –through a super-resolution network –, a coarse skeleton cor-roboration, and a final refinement based on the ball positionimprove the overall performance. Validated results show lessthan 30 degrees of median absolute error per player.

• On the other hand, a learning-based approach that does notdepend on pose models is proposed as well. Instead, a VGG-19network [100] is fine-tuned to classify players’ bounding boxesinto different orientation bins; the network benefits from anangle compensation strategy and a cyclic loss function. Ourresults show a mean absolute error of fewer than 12 degrees.

Moreover, three novel types of orientation maps are proposed in orderto make raw orientation data easy to visualize and understand, thusallowing further analysis at team- or player-level. More concretely,OrientSonars integrate player orientation and show how players areoriented during pass events. Reaction Maps show how players moveduring the pass, by comparing their orientation at the beginning andat the end of the event. Finally, On-Field Maps merge and comparethe pure body orientation of players with their relative orientationwith respect to the offensive goal.The rest of this Part is organized as follows: since several sourcesof data will be employed, Chapter 9 provides a complete definitionof the given datasets, their corresponding domains, and completiontechniques. Later, Chapter 10 details the existing related work re-garding generic pose and gaze orientation. Proposed methods arethen described in Chapters 11 and 12, where the model- and thelearning-based approaches are described, respectively. While numer-ical results can be found in Chapter 13, Chapter 14 suggests severalvisual orientation maps. Finally, Chapter 15 lists the final conclu-sions regarding orientation estimation.

9 Data Sources andCompletion

Before introducing the proposed method, a detailed descriptionof the required materials to train this model is given. Similarly, sincewe are going to mix data from different sources, their correspondingdomains should be listed as well:

• Image-domain, which includes all kinds of data related to theassociated video footage. That is: (i1 ) the video footage it-self, (i2 ) player tracking and (i3 ) position of the field’s corners.Note that the result of player tracking in the image-domain con-sists of a set of bounding boxes (as the output of the methodsof Part I), expressed in pixels; similarly, corners’ location is alsoexpressed in pixels. In this research, full HD resolution (1920 x1080) is considered, together with a temporal resolution of 30frames per second.

• Sensor-domain, which gathers all pieces of data generatedby wearable EPTS devices. In particular, data include: (s4 )player tracking, and (s5 ) orientation data. In this case, playersare tracked according to the universal latitude and longitudecoordinates, and orientation data are captured with a gyro-scope in all XYZ Euler angles. In this work, sensor data weregathered with RealTrack Wimu wearable devices [91], whichgenerate GPS / Orientation data at 100 / 10 samples per sec-ond, respectively.



• Field-domain, which expresses all variables, such as (f1 ) playertracking, in terms of a fixed two-dimensional football field,where the top-left corner is the origin.

In the upcoming Chapters of this same Part and also in Part III,three different datasets are used:

• A complete dataset, in which all variables (i1, i2, i3, s4, s5, f1 )are available. Note that both image- and sensor-data includeunique identifiers, which are easy to match by inspecting a smallsubset of frames. In particular, our complete dataset containsa full game of F.C. Barcelona’s Youth team recorded with atactical camera that contains almost no panning and withoutzoom; this dataset will be named youthFCBDS.

• An orientation-based dataset, where only part of the informa-tion is available (in particular, i1,s4,s5 ). More specifically, ourorientation-based dataset contains a full preseason match ofCSKA Moscow’s professional team, recorded in a practice facil-ity (without fans) with a single static camera that zooms quiteoften and has severe panning. Similarly, this second dataset willbe named CSKADS. Furthermore, the intersection of field linesand field corner coordinates in the image were manually identi-fied and labeled in more than 4000 frames of CSKADS (1 frameevery 45, i.e. 1.5 seconds), with a mean of 8.3 ground-truthfield-spots per frame (34000 annotations). In order to estimatethe missing pieces (i2, i3 ) and match data across domains, asequential pipeline is proposed in Section 9.2.

• A tracking-based dataset, which contains data from both theimage- and the field-domains (i.e. i1, i2, i3, f1 ), but no sen-sor data. In this research, the tracking-based dataset, namedFCBDS contains data from 9 games of the professional F.C.Barcelona during the 2019-2020 season; by filtering eventingdata, around 6000 event passes have been gathered among 12different players. Note that this dataset will not be used to

9. Data Sources and Completion 91

assess the performance of orientation estimation methods. In-stead, its main purpose is to bring together a large numberof passing events in order to create orientation-based data vi-sualization tools once orientation has already been estimated;furthermore, as it will be detailed in Part III, this large datasetwill be also used in Part III to evaluate pass feasibility.

9.1 Homography EstimationSince the reference system of the image- and the sensor-domain

is not the same, corners’ positions (or line intersections) are used totranslate all coordinates into a 2D template representing the field-domain. On the one hand, obtaining field locations in the sensor-domain is pretty straightforward: since the sensor’s gathered coordi-nates are expressed with respect to the universal latitude / longitudesystem, the corners’ locations are fixed. By using online tools suchas the Satellite View of Google Maps, and by accurately picking fieldintersections, the corners’ latitude and longitude coordinates are ob-tained. On the other hand, corner’s positions in the image-domain(in pixels) depend on the camera shot and change across the differentframes; although several literature methods [15; 20] can be imple-mented in order to get the location of these field spots or the camerapose, our proposal leverages homographies computed from manualannotations. From now on, the homography that maps latitude andlongitude coordinates into the field will be named HSF , whereas theone that converts pixels in the image into field coordinates will benamed HIF . The complete homography-mapping process is illus-trated in Figure 9.1.

For the sake of clarification, in the field-domain, it can be assumedthat 0o / 90o / 180o / 270o are the corresponding orientations of play-ers facing towards the right / top / left / bottom sides of the fields,respectively, as shown in Figure 9.2. Moreover, as it will be detailed


Figure 9.1: Several domains are merged in the upcoming parts.(left) Sensor-, (middle) field-, and (right) image-domain. By usingcorners and intersection points of field lines, the corresponding homo-graphies are used to map data across domains into one same referencesystem.

afterward, similar angles will be clustered into orientation bins forboth the presented methods (orange and yellow lines in Figure 9.2).As it will be enclosed afterward, in our methods and experiments, wewill consider either 12 bins (corresponding to the 12 angular regionslimited by the orange lines in Figure 9.2) or 24 bins (corresponding tothe union of orange and yellow lines). Chiefly, when sorting, the first/ last orientation bins will always correspond to the ones including0o / 360o, respectively. Last but not least, throughout the remainingparts of this thesis, the pink camera of Figure 9.2 will be referred toas the reference camera, in which there is no panning and the viewingdirection points to the center of the field; in some given scenarios, ifthe camera pose does not coincide with the reference camera, somecompensation will have to be applied.

9.2 Automatic Dataset Completion

In this Section, the complete process to convert an orientation-based dataset into a complete one is described. It has to be remarkedthat the aim is to detect players in the image-domain and to match

9. Data Sources and Completion 93

them with sensor data, hence pairing sensor orientation with bound-ing boxes in the image. Note that this procedure has been appliedto CSKADS, which did not contain ground-truth data in the image-domain. The proposed pipeline is also displayed in Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.2: Orientation references in the field-domain. Besides, sincesimilar orientations will be clustered into bins, their portions areshown as well.

• Player Detection: the first step is to locate players’ locationin the image. In order to do so, literature detection models canbe used, such as OpenPose [11] (used in this research) or MaskR-CNN [48]. Once identified all different targets in the scene,detections are converted into bounding boxes. Note that thisstep does not exploit any temporal information across frames.

• Jersey Filtering: since sensor data are only acquired forone specific team, approximately half of the detected bound-ing boxes (opponents) are filtered out. Given that the home /


Figure 9.3: Proposed pipeline to match sensor orientation data withbounding boxes. Different input sources are merged: (top, image-domain) video footage, which is used for player detection and jerseyfiltering; the resulting bounding boxes are later mapped into the field-domain. (middle, image-domain) Corner’s location, which is usedfor building the corresponding mapping homographies, and (bottom,sensor-domain) ground-truth data, which are also mapped into thefield-domain. Finally, players in the 2D-domain are matched throughpairwise distances.

away teams of football matches are required to wear distinguish-able colored jerseys, a simple clustering model can be trained.Specifically, by computing and by concatenating quantized ver-sions of the HSV / LAB histograms, a single 48-feature vectoris obtained per player. Having trained a K-Means model, withK = 3, boxes with three different types of content are obtained:(1) home team, (2) away team, and (3) outliers.

• Mapping: in order to establish the same reference systemfor both sensor and image data, all tracking coordinates aremapped into the field-domain. More specifically, corner-basedhomographies HSF and HIF are used; in the latter, since weare dealing with bounding boxes, the only point being mapped

9. Data Sources and Completion 95

for each box is the middle point of the bottom box’s boundary.

• Matching: once all points are mapped into the field-domain,a customized version of the Hungarian method [59] is imple-mented, thus matching sensor and image data in terms of pair-wise field-distances.

10 Related Work

Since, to the best of our knowledge, there are no existing contri-butions to infer body-orientation of players in the sports domain, thisChapter aims to detail several related works regarding pose and gazeorientation. Note that all contributions are clustered by differentfields of research, and within each field, papers are listed chronologi-cally.

Estimating the pose of athletes from sports video footage is nothingnew. Since these methods can yield to the extraction of valuableanalytics that can numerically answer many coaching concerns, theestimation of 2D / 3D pose has been split into many contributions,each one solving particular sports challenges from the CV perspec-tive. Starting with the 2D pose estimation, in 2013, Fastovets etal. [31] presented a combination of inference algorithms and proba-bilistic prior models to extract athlete pose estimation directly fromTV sports footage. The authors exploited spatio-temporal data in agraph fashion to ensure the consistency of joints across frames. Thatsame year, Hayashi et al. [47] focused on team sports, but their workwas limited to the head and upper body pose estimation methodwhile using low-resolution footage. By detecting and by tracking theplayer’s head and pelvis (without temporal information), an estima-tion of the 2D spine was obtained, and together with its orientation,a 3D spine pose was computed. The presented results of both pa-



pers showed how the head- and upper-body-pose was leveraged forindividual players, resulting in 3D visualizations that could be thenstudied by coaches. Two years later, the latter authors [46] extendedtheir previous work by training a poselet-regressor that produced anaccurate estimation of the spine pose. By introducing priors basedon the spine angle, several body classifiers were trained, which out-put a coarse orientation value of the upper body; note that, oncethe head region of each player was detected, the contribution of thepresented regressor was to estimate the relative pelvis location foreach target. Although presented results (soccer and football footage)showed a promising baseline, orientation was estimated in the image-domain (perceived orientation); therefore, the challenge of estimatingthe absolute player orientation in the field-domain is still unsolved.Another head-pose contribution was made by Chen et al. [16], whoalso attempted to estimate it through low-resolution frames, sincesurveillance cameras may have to operate in scenarios where privacyprotection is required. Similarly, their contribution stemmed from afeature extraction process that combined histogram of oriented gradi-ents features and gradient-based ones, and the resulting vectors wereused in order to train and test a regressor. Obtained results werevalidated with Kinect-based data, which captured depth and alloweda further inspection of the captured frames; the final estimations con-tained less than 13 degrees of mean-absolute error in all roll, yaw, andpitch angles. The last sports-based 2D pose estimation is the one pro-posed by Sypetkowski et al. [110], who focused on soccer data acrossseveral types of video footage, including both high and low-resolutionvideos / frames. Their deep convolutional network showed a notablecapability of generalization when retraining models with unseen data.

By extending 2D to the third dimension, the estimation of the 3Dhuman pose was the main goal of Akhter et al. [1]. By gathering (andsharing) a large capture motion dataset, the existing pose priors thatare assumed to work on joint limits were updated, thus describingthe limits of human joints when it comes to movement-related de-

10. Related Work 99

grees of freedom. However, their main contribution was a detailedparametrization of body poses that allowed the 3D pose estimationusing redundant information. Their results worked fine for generalnon-sport datasets, but when dealing with cluttered sports scenarios(such as the Leeds sports pose dataset), manual annotations wererequired to gather accurate 3D pose data. In order to avoid the te-dious need for extensive manual joint annotation, Sumer et al. [108]proposed a self-supervised learning approach that was based on poseembedding and incorporated spatio-temporal data to learn pose sim-ilarities. The proposed architecture was a siamese convolutional net-work, which provided training labels that were later double-checkedby a curriculum learning step. Besides, the model benefited fromrepetitive poses, which might be used to detect outlier joints. Re-sults were also tested on challenging sports datasets, and the overallpose seemed to generalize properly to unseen bounding boxes. Zhanget al. [132] went far beyond the widely-practiced sports, and pre-sented a multi-view dataset that included images from less populardisciplines, such as dancing or martial arts. Apart from providing atleast 3 color views and their corresponding depth maps – plus cal-ibrated ground-truth poses –, which could be used to estimate the3D pose, the authors also provided baseline pose estimation resultsusing state-of-the-art models (and exploiting temporal information).Their drawn conclusions detailed that, while discriminative modelsperformed better when large sets of data were being used to trainthe model, generative models were more robust to extreme poses.In 2019, another 3D pose estimation contribution was published byBridgeman et al. [9], who attempted to correct the most commoninconsistencies of this type of model, and succeeded in tracking 3Dskeletons through the association of 2D poses between different cam-eras in a greedy fashion. Apart from detecting joints and mergingdata from several cameras, priors – when it comes to joints and limbs– were also considered to correct the existing false positives. More-over, their method was sports-based, and the model had to be ableto: (a) properly handle cluttered scenarios, and (b) reduce the pro-


cessing time as much as possible without dropping accuracy; in fact,this paper also considered the 3D pose estimation of multiple targetsat the same time. The need for fast and efficient models was alsoconsidered by Zhang et al. [130], who proposed a light model basedon fast pose distillation learning. By leveraging pose data with sim-ple architecture, the pose structure was post-processed by a strongteacher network that was in charge of refining all the obtained outputsinto solid estimations. This novel approach resulted in the abolitionof the existing compromise in the trade-off that relates accuracy andefficiency.

Apart from obtaining the 2D / 3D pose of players, other interest-ing challenges in sports involve the identification of player’s jerseynumbers, which might be a key factor to determine the player ori-entation and was studied by Liu et al. [63]. In this work, giventhat in traditional soccer footage the camera shot changes drasti-cally with panning and zooming, and given that players keep turningaround, an R-CNN network was trained to exploit player body cues.Roughly, the presented model classified the bounding boxes’ pixelsinto (a) background, (b) player, or (c) digit; the latter were fed intoanother classifier, which stabilized the given input and ended up in-ferring the number of the given box. Results were validated with realsoccer-match data, and the method outperformed existing numberrecognition models. Note that, by using the segmented image as anetwork input, an unsupervised clustering model could be trained todistinguish between front- / back- / side-poses among players.

Once pose has been estimated, the design of pose-based tools, whichcan help coaches improve the performance of players / teams dur-ing practices or games, is sport-dependent. Stemming from a purelybasketball-based dataset, Felsen and Lucey [32] aimed to find corre-lations between different types of shots and the body position of theshooter. Their motivation was to complement the existing 2D SportsVU tracking data, because when taking only spatial coordinates into

10. Related Work 101

account, some relevant information might be missed. Their methodincluded a quantification of the involved anatomy in a three-point-shot and a machine learning module, where a model was trained bothto identify open / tough shots and to attribute correlations by com-paring them. Furthermore, the authors also performed a deep analy-sis of the shooting parameters of the best NBA shooter at that time(Stephen Curry, 2015-2016 season), and found out that, althoughthere were many biometric correlated factors in open / tough shots,those cannot be generalized into a single model, as Curry had a no-table percentage from long-range, but he attempted more tough shotsthan the vast majority of players. When considering other sports,Zecha et al. [129] predicted the motion of pose kinematics and dy-namics for an automatic swimming athletic performance assessment.In this paper, the authors worked with challenging aquatic footage,where the corresponding left / right pose parts can be swapped eas-ily and some of them might be partially or totally occluded. Bydefining a cost function in a graph fashion and by using integer lin-ear programming, the labels of body parts (mainly shoulders, arms,and leg parts) were constantly double-checked. Meanwhile, Zhi et al.[135] dealt with the estimation of both individual and collective keypose recognition, which has great value for strength and conditioningcoaches. By using a deep neural network, the authors managed tocollect data from weightlifting high-resolution footage and classifiedthe obtained frames into normal / abnormal scenarios, thus limitingthe potential region of interest. Consequently, the key pose was ex-tracted.

Finally, even though body orientation is claimed to be more mean-ingful in the sports context than gaze orientation, a brief literaturereview from the latter topic could also be helpful to obtain meaning-ful player insights. First, Kellnhofer et al. [57] presented a model toestimate 3D gaze in the wild, together with a large-scale gaze-trackingdataset (Gaze360). Given the diverse nature of the shared dataset(indoors, outdoors, camera shots...), their proposed gaze model ex-


ploited temporal information and outperformed state-of-the-art re-sults. Moreover, the authors also tested their model with benchmarkones using a cross-dataset self-supervised adaptation, hence prov-ing that the trained model did not overfit. Also in 2018, Fischer etal. [35] provided robust gaze estimations under natural conditions,hence solving several challenges such as fast lightning changes. Whatis more, the authors also suggested a solution so that the accuracywould not drop while the detected target moved further away fromthe camera. By capturing a solid training dataset with eye-trackingglasses, and once applied semantic image inpainting to make thetrain images resemble the test ones, a deep convolutional networkwas trained. Cross-dataset evaluations were also performed, and re-sults showed that not a lot of accuracy was compromised when thehuman-camera pairwise distance increased.

11 Model-based OrientationEstimation

In this Chapter, the proposed model-based approach to esti-mate orientation from soccer players is detailed. Roughly, thismethod uses pose models, contextual information, and 3D vi-sion techniques to obtain orientation data directly from videofootage.

Our model-based orientation method benefits from two differentkinds of orientation estimation: pose data and ball position, whichwill be detailed in Sections 11.1 and 11.2, respectively. An overallpipeline of the method is presented in Figure 11.1. The output ofall these individual estimations produces both a numerical orienta-tion result and a confidence value. More concretely, orientation ismeasured in degrees and discretized into 24 probability bins usingthe reference system previously displayed in Figure 9.2. Those 24bins correspond to the 24 angular regions limited by the union oforange and yellow lines. While the orientation value indicates thebin with higher probability, the confidence value is used as a prior toquantify, in an inversely proportional way, how many other neighbor-ing bins have a non-zero probability. More concretely, the proposedmethod outputs a probability density function (pdf) of the estimatedorientation, from which we define player orientation as the angle cor-responding to the maximum of the obtained pdf, and its confidence,defined as the inverse of the pdf support. Nevertheless, the aforemen-tioned pdf is refined by incorporating contextual information about



Figure 11.1: Proposed pipeline. On the one hand, pose orientationis found by combining a super-resolution network, OpenPose and 3Dvision techniques (plus a coarse validation); on the other hand, ballorientation is also computed. Finally, both pdf’s are merged into asingle final orientation estimation.

the position of the ball (Section 11.3) to output the final orientationof each player.

11.1 Pose Orientation

Estimating orientation from pose data is a key ingredient of thismethod, and uses pre-trained models and 3D vision techniques inorder to obtain a first orientation estimation of each player. Given

11. Model-based Orientation Estimation 105

temporally-smoothed bounding boxes of players, a combination ofsuper-resolution and pose detection techniques is applied to find thepose of every player. Both the left-right shoulders and the left-rightparts of the hip will be considered as the main upper-torso parts.By projecting these parts in a 2D space, the normal vector betweenthese points is extracted (Figure 11.2(b)). A detailed description ofthis method is given in the upcoming Subsections.

11.1.1 Pose DetectionHaving the bounding boxes for all visible players in each frame,

the OpenPose library [21] is used to extract the pose of every single in-dividual (we refer to Section 2.1 for details of pose models). However,detecting the pose of players in sports scenarios is always challenginggiven the frequent occlusions and fast movements that lead to mo-tion blur. Moreover, the average resolution of bounding boxes aroundplayers in Full-HD frames is around 15×50 pixels. Hence, small im-age crops are not always properly processed by OpenPose, resultingin a null set of landmarks. For this reason, a super-resolution net-work is previously used to preprocess bounding boxes and enhancethe image quality instead of a simpler interpolation technique. Moreconcretely, the applied model is a Residual Dense Network (RDN)[12; 133].

11.1.2 Angle EstimationOnce the pose is extracted for each player, the coordinates (and

confidence) associated with the upper-torso parts are stored to esti-mate the pose orientation. From the output of OpenPose, the coor-dinates of the main upper-torso parts are found in the image domain.By using HIF (Section 9.1), the left-right pair parts (either shouldersor hips) can be mapped into a 2D field, thus obtaining, as seen in Fig-ure 11.2(a), a first insight about each player’s orientation. Basically,in the case of 24 clustered orientation bins, the player can be inclined


Figure 11.2: (a) Different 2D combinations of left-right mapped parts;(b) same combinations with normal vectors.

towards the right (0-90o, 270-360o, bins 0-11) or the left (90-270o,bins 12-23) side of the field. From now on, this first binary estima-tion, which indicates if the orientation belongs to the first or secondhalf of the orientation histogram, will be called LR-side parameter.Figure 11.3 shows in more detail how pose orientation is estimated:first, left-right shoulders and hips are mapped via the estimated ho-mography (HIF ) into the 2D space; then, LR-side booleans (LRSh,LRHi), angles (αSh, αHi) and confidences (CSh, CHi) are obtained,where the suffixes Sh and Hi stand for shoulders and hips, respec-tively. The associated confidences are the product of OpenPose’s in-dividual shoulder and hips confidences, respectively. However, Open-Pose might fail detecting either the left or the right hip parts / shoul-ders; while in the case of a missing hip part, the middle-hip position

11. Model-based Orientation Estimation 107

is used as a substitute, when a shoulder is missing, the chest positionis picked. Then:

1. If LRSh and LRHi agree, both individual confidence values arechecked: in case CSh > CHi, αSh is considered as the poseorientation estimation and CSh its confidence. If not, αHi andCHi are selected.

2. Otherwise, if |CSh − CHi| is smaller than a threshold (set to0.4 in our results), the player’s face direction is checked. Inthe image domain, the difference among the X positions of allface parts and the player’s neck is computed. If most of theparts move towards the origin of the X axis (Figure 11.3(c)),the player’s LR-side will be left; otherwise, the player’s LR-sidewill be right.

Then, given the final pose orientation estimation αP and its relatedconfidence CP , a Gaussian probability distribution is located aroundit, with effective support size

NP = max(⌊Nbins

(1− CP2

)⌋, 1), (11.1)

centered at



+ Nbins4

⌋if αP

360/Nbins< 18⌊


+ Nbins4

⌋−Nbins if αP

360/Nbins> 18


where the second element of the sum is an offset that compensatesthe bin order. The output vector of this orientation estimation willbe denoted as HP .

11.1.3 Coarse Orientation ValidationDespite the notable performance of Open Pose, image quality

problems (e.g. blurry or really small players) are challenging sce-narios where the estimated players’ pose might be flipped 180o: this


Figure 11.3: Pose orientation estimation: (a) OpenPose output andits (b) mapped 2D coordinates. (c) Side check between shoulder andhip parts, plus, if required, (d) face direction double-check. Rightafter, (e) a final estimation is obtained.

11. Model-based Orientation Estimation 109

is, the right-left shoulders (or hip parts) of the corresponding playerare swapped. Inaccurate detection of the player pose results in hugeerrors while estimating the pose angle, as the actual normal vector isthe opposite of the predicted one, thus introducing errors that mightoscillate between 120o and 180o. In order to double-check the poseorientation estimation and to ensure that the upper-torso normal vec-tor is computed in the correct direction, a Support Vector Machinemodel has been trained to classify three types of coarse orientations:front-, side- and back-oriented players (see Figure 11.4):

• Front-oriented players are the ones whose upper-torso is point-ing straight to the camera position. These players usually havean orientation between 200 and 340 degrees (red class in Figure11.4(d)), and chest-jersey advertisements can be easily spotted.

• Side-oriented players are the ones placed almost completely per-pendicular with respect to the camera. These players usuallyhave an orientation that can vary from 160 to 200 degrees (ifthe LR-side parameter points left) or from 340 to 20 degrees(LR-side pointing right and blue class in Figure 11.4(d)).

• Back-sided players are the ones whose upper-chest is pointingin the opposite direction with respect to the camera position.These players usually have an orientation between 20 and 160degrees (yellow class in Figure 11.4(d)), and the number of theplayer in the backside of the jersey is very visible.

Two characteristics are concatenated in the feature vector: color fea-tures in the Hue-Saturation-Value color space (histogram of 36-18-18 bins in the respective channel) and geometrical properties (pixel-wise distances between the 4 upper-torso coordinates). Having theposition of the upper-torso parts, obtained from pose keypoints, theabove-mentioned features are only computed inside the defined trape-zoid, hence discarding misleading features such as the color of thefield. Therefore, this model is used after estimating player pose ori-entation, with two main possible outputs:


• The resulting angle estimation coincides with the coarse clas-sification (e.g. a player oriented towards 90 degrees accordingto pose orientation classified as front-oriented). In this case,the final pose orientation does not change from the previousestimation.

• The player’s pose orientation does not match the output of thecoarse classification model (e.g. a player oriented towards 90degrees according to pose orientation classified as a back-sidedplayer). In this situation, the final pose orientation will bethe opposite angle of the previously computed normal vector(+180o).

Figure 11.4: (a) front-, (b) side-, and (c) back-oriented players withtheir (d) corresponding potential pose orientation.

11. Model-based Orientation Estimation 111

11.2 Ball OrientationThe other performed estimation is related to the position of the

ball. Logically, players close to the ball tend to be strongly orientedtowards it, while players placed far away may not have to be dulyoriented. Hence, having all pairwise distances and the correspondingangles, the orientation of players with respect to the ball can beestimated. Then, for a given player at (Px, Py), in a moment wherethe ball is at (Bx, By), and an angle of β degrees between player-ball,the effective support size of the related pdf is:

NB = Nbins


1−MD −

√(P 2

x −B2x) + (P 2

y −B2y)


+ Nbins

8 , (11.3)

where MD is a maximum distance that regularizes how far a playercan be from the ball without being influenced by it; this parameteris set to w

6 in practice, where w indicates the field width. Then, thecentral bin with the highest weight is:



+ Nbins4



⌋< 18⌊


+ Nbins4

⌋−Nbins if



⌋> 18


Once again, the outcome of this estimation is a discrete probabilityvector, called from now on HB; the overall process can be spotted inFigure 11.5.


Figure 11.5: Orientation computation with respect to the ball of4 different players, considering both the angle (direction) and thedistance (magnitude).

11. Model-based Orientation Estimation 113

11.3 Contextual MergingOnce both histograms are obtained, a simple weighting is per-

formed between them, thus merging pose and ball orientations. Inparticular:

HTOT = wHP + (1− w)HB, (11.5)

with w ∈ [0, 1]; more concretely, several values of w will be testedin Section 13.1. Ultimately, the orientation θ of each player is thecentral value of the bin HTOT with the highest weight, namely:

θ = argmax (HTOT) · 360Nbins

+ 360/Nbins

2 (11.6)

In terms of visualization, orientations can be displayed in the 2Dfield; starting from a 2D point (Pb), which indicates the positionof a given player, another point (Pe) can be projected at a givendistance Tθ having an orientation of θ degrees; as a result, the vectorjoining Pb and Pe will have the estimated orientation and a lengthproportional to the estimated confidence Tθ. Moreover, having bothpoints, the same coordinates can be mapped back into the originalframes by multiplying Pb and Pe by the inverse homography (HF−I),thus showing the orientation vector in the video frame.

12 Learning-based OrientationEstimation

In this Chapter, another approach to estimate orientation di-rectly from bounding boxes is detailed. In this case, instead ofapproaching this challenge with the combination of CV meth-ods, a learning-based fashion is used.

The presented learning-based orientation stems from a fine-tuningprocess where a state-of-the-art network is trained with boundingboxes and their corresponding ground-truth orientation, obtainedthrough ETPS-held devices. More concretely, the method compen-sates angles a priori (Section 12.1), and uses a VGG-19 architecture(Section 12.2); what is more, by including a cyclic loss function (Sec-tion 12.3), and a thoughtful training setting (Section 12.4) the over-all generalization capability of the model improves. Note that withthis proposed learning-based strategy, there is no need anymore tocompute the player’s pose, and instead, orientation can directly beobtained with the raw content inside a bounding box.

12.1 Angle CompensationThe apparent orientation of each player is influenced by the cur-

rent image content, which is drastically affected by the camera poseand its orientation. This means that, if a bounding box of a par-ticular player is cropped without taking into account any kind of



field reference around him/her, it is not possible to obtain an abso-lute orientation estimation. As displayed in Figure 12.1 (top), theappearance of three players oriented towards the same direction (0degrees) can differ a lot. Since the presented classification model onlytakes a bounding box as input, we propose to compensate angles apriori, thus assuming that all orientations have been obtained underthe same camera pose; i.e. the reference camera, described in Section9.1. For instance, if the full chest of a player is spotted in a particularframe, its orientation must be approximately 270 degrees, no matterwhat the overall image context is.

In order to conduct this compensation, as seen in the bottom row ofFigure 12.1, the orientation vector of the player is first mapped intothe field-domain. Then, the apparent zero-vector is considered in theimage-domain; for the reference camera, this vector would point tothe right side of the field whilst being parallel to the sidelines. Byusing HIF , the apparent zero-vector is mapped into the field-domain,and the corresponding compensation is then found by computing theangular difference between the mapped apparent zero-vector and thereference zero-vector in the field-domain. According to Figure 12.1,this difference indicates how the orientation vector differs from theapparent zero-vector.Formally, for a player i with non-compensated orientation α′i at posi-tion Pi = (Pi,x, Pi,y) and being the (unitary) apparent zero-vector Zdescribed by (1, 0), another point is defined towards the zero direc-tion:

P 0i = Pi + Z = (Pi,x + 1, Piy) (12.1)

Both points Pi and P 0i are mapped into the field domain by using

HIF , thus obtaining their 2D position Fi and F 0i , respectively. The

final compensated angle is then found as:

αi = α′i − ∠(−−→FiF

0i ), (12.2)

where ∠ expresses the angle of the vector−−→FiF

0i with respect to the

reference zero-vector.

12. Learning-based Orientation Estimation 117

Figure 12.1: (Top) Three players oriented towards 0o can look re-ally different depending on the camera pose and orientation. (Bot-tom) Proposed technique for angle compensation: (left) detectedplayer together with his orientation red and apparent zero-vectorcyan; (middle-left) mapped apparent zero-vector in the field-domain dashed axes - apparent reference system, continuous axes- absolute reference system (middle-right) Applied compensationon the original orientation purple; (right) resulting compensatedabsolute orientation purple.


12.2 Network

Once all bounding boxes have an associated compensated body-orientation value, the model is set to be trained. In this work, orien-tation estimation has been approached as a classification task, whereeach bounding box is classified within a certain number of orienta-tion bins. As it will be detailed in Section 13.2, orientation dataare grouped into K bins, each one containing an orientation range of360/K degrees. Consequently, the above-mentioned bounding boxesin the image-domain were automatically labeled with their corre-sponding class according to their compensated orientation. Anotherreason for grouping similar angles into the same class is the noisy raworientation signals generated by the EPTS devices.The chosen network to be fine-tuned is a VGG-19 [100]; this typeof network has also been used as a backbone in existing literaturemethods such as OpenPose [11]. However, in order to further ana-lyze and to justify our choice, alternative results are shown in Section13.2 when using DenseNet [50]. The original architecture of VGG-19is composed of 5 convolutional blocks – each one containing either 2or 4 convolutional layers –, and a final set of fully connected layerswith a probability output vector of 1000 classes. For the presentedexperiments, as seen in Figure 12.2, the architecture adaptation andthe proposed method consists of:

1. Changing the dimensions of the final fully-connected layer, thusobtaining an output with a length equal to the desired numberof classes.

2. Freezing the weights of the first couple of convolutional blocks.

3. Re-training the convolutional layers of the third block and thefully connected layers of the classifier.

4. Omitting both the fourth and fifth convolutional blocks.

12. Learning-based Orientation Estimation 119

Figure 12.2: Proposed architecture for fine-tuning a VGG-19 accord-ing to the main blocks of the original network.

By visualizing the final network weights with Score-CAM [117] (Fig-ure 12.3), it can be spotted how the most important body parts re-garding orientation (upper-torso) are already being vital for the sakeof classification after the third block. In fact, the responses of thefourth block do not provide useful information in terms of orienta-tion. Therefore, omitting blocks 4 and 5 is a safe choice to have anaccurate model whilst decreasing the total number of parameters tobe trained.Let us finally remark that image values in bounding boxes are con-verted into grayscale, thus improving the overall capability of gen-eralization, since the model will not be learning the specific jerseycolors as happened with the coarse corroboration of the model-basedmethod (Subsection 11.1.3). In terms of data augmentation, bright-ness, and contrast random changes are performed for all boxes in thetraining set.


Figure 12.3: Obtained ScoreCam [117] responses. While the 1st blockmainly responds to edges and shapes, the 3rd one has a high responseover the players’ upper-torso. The last row shows how the 4th blocklearns specific features that have little to do with orientation.

12. Learning-based Orientation Estimation 121

12.3 Cyclic Loss

An important aspect of the training process is the definition ofthe loss function. A priori, state-of-the-art loss functions such asbinary cross-entropy could be a valid resource, but in general classi-fication scenarios, the order and the distance within classes are nottaken into account. Nonetheless, in this particular scenario, we haveK ordered-cyclic classes and a distance between them that can bewell-defined. Besides, in this classification problem, since similar ori-entations have been grouped into bins, enforcing a one-hot encodingis not the best solution. For example, if K = 12 and each orientationbin encompasses 30 degrees, imagine a player P1 oriented towards 31oand another P2 oriented towards 59o; both players are included in thesecond bin, which encompasses all orientations between 30-60. Withone-hot encoding, it would be assumed that since both P1 and P2are in the second bin, both of them have the same orientation (45o).However, alternatives such as soft labels [28] can describe the players’class as a mixture; in the given example, the soft labels of P1 / P2would indicate that these players are right between the first-second/ second-third bins, respectively. The other challenge to be solved isthe need for this loss function to be cyclic, as the first bin (number1, 0-30o) and the last one (12, 345-360o) are actually really close.Let b1, b2, ..., b12 be the set of orientation classes and letχ = r1, r2, . . . , r12 be the set such that each rj denotes the cen-tral angle of bin bj, for all j ∈ 1, . . . , 12. Then, for a player i withcompensated ground-truth orientation αi, the soft labels representingthe ground-truth probability distribution are defined as the vector yijwith coordinates:

yij = exp(−φ(αi, rj))∑Kk=1 exp(−φ(αi, rk))

, for j = 1, . . . , 12 (12.3)

where φ is the cyclic distance between the ground-truth player’s ori-entation αi and the angle corresponding to the jth bin, rj, defined



φ(αi, rj) = min(|αi − rj|, 360− |αi − rj|)2

90 . (12.4)

Let us denote as xi the estimated probability distribution of orienta-tion of player i obtained by applying the softmax function to the lastlayer of the network. Finally, our loss is the cross-entropy betweenxi and the ground-truth soft labels yi.

12.4 Training Setting

As mentioned in Chapter 9, several datasets have been used through-out this whole thesis. In this case, we are only interested in us-ing those two datasets including orientation data, i.e. youthFCBDSand CSKADS, which were recorded under different camera shot con-ditions. Consequently, as seen in Figure 12.4, the content insideboth bounding boxes differs a lot: while in youthFCBDS players areseen from a tactical camera and have small dimensions, players inCSKADS are spotted from a camera that is at almost the same heightas the playing field, thus resulting in big bounding boxes. Althoughall bounding boxes are resized as a preprocessing stage of the network,the raw datasets suffer from concept drift [123].The proposed solution in this thesis is to build an unbalanced-mixedtraining set; that is, merging bounding boxes from both datasetswith an unbalanced distribution in the train set, whilst using theremaining instances from youthFCBDS and CSKADS on their own tobuild the validation and the test set, respectively. In particular, thepresented experiments of Section 13.2 have been carried out with a90-10 distribution in the training set; that is, the model should be ableto generalize to both different games despite having almost no datafrom one of the games. For each class, a total of 4500 bounding boxesare included in the training set, where 4000 of them are obtainedfrom youthFCBDS and the 500 remaining ones are gathered fromCSKADS. While the validation set includes 500 bounding boxes from

12. Learning-based Orientation Estimation 123

youthFCBDS, the test set is built with the same number of instancesfrom CSKADS.

Figure 12.4: Resized bounding boxes of both datasets; several arti-facts can be spotted in youthFCBDS (e.g. JPEG, ringing, aliasing).

13 Orientation EstimationResults

In this Chapter, results obtained with both presented meth-ods are detailed. Note that, in order to validate the ob-tained results, sensor data have been used: more concretely,youthFCBDS is employed in the model-based approach, andboth youthFCBDS and CSKADS are exploited in the learning-based one.

The obtained classification results will be shown in terms of angu-lar difference for both methods (and confusion matrices in the latter).Nonetheless, it has to be remarked that, when clustering orientationsas bins, an intrinsic error is being introduced: assuming that each bincontains a spectrum of d degrees and that a player classified in bink has an orientation that corresponds to the central value of the bin,players who have been properly classified may have an associated ab-solute error up to d/2 anyway. Note that in the model-based method,there are 24 orientation bins (d/2 = 7.5), whilst in the learning-basedone, it is limited to 12 (d/2 = 15).

13.1 Model-based ResultsBearing in mind that OpenPose detected upper-torso parts in

89.69% of the given image crops, the following metrics were validated



with sensor data:

• Coarse orientation validation: as explained in Subsection11.1.3. a classifier was trained from scratch, using geometrical-and color-based features, in order to distinguish players facingfront, back, or sidewards. 14000 players were manually labeledwith a tag corresponding to one of the three classes; by ran-domly splitting it into train and test (80-20), 85.91% accuracywas obtained. The main limitation of this method is the needfor different trained models for different teams since feature vec-tors include histogram data, which directly depend on the jerseycolors; tuning a new model takes up to 10 hours of manual pro-cedure. Therefore, in the gathered dataset, only F.C. Barcelonaplayers wearing the red-blue jersey from the 2018/2019 and the2019/2020 seasons were included.

• LR-side: this metric shows the accuracy of the LR-side pa-rameter (detailed in Section 11.1.2), which indicates if a playeris facing the left or the right side of the field. Considering asequence of duration T and being it an individual player in atotal of NPt players in frame t, pose orientation αit , and thecorresponding ground-truth orientation ωit , this metric can becomputed as:

LRacc =∑Tt=0

∑NPtit=0 LRVit∑T




1 if |αit − ωit | < |αit + 180− ωit|,0 otherwise.

LR-side performance reached 96.57% accuracy.

In terms of orientation estimation, the error between the obtained ori-entation (αit) results and ground-truth data (ωit) can be computed

13. Orientation Estimation Results 127

w (1− w) MEAE MDAE0 1 35.33 31.591 0 29.98 27.750.3 0.7 33.77 29.870.7 0.3 29.78 27.66

Table 13.1: MEAE and MDAE given different weights.

with their angular error. By using a random search grid [3], resultsin Table 13.1 indicate the error margin of different tests, showing theperformance of each individual orientation estimation and their bestmixture. As it can be observed, ball orientation produces the lessaccurate predictions; actually, pose orientation outperforms this pre-diction by a notable margin. These individual results prove that poseorientation needs to be heavily weighted while merging both estima-tions: by setting w to 0.7, the mean absolute angle error (MEAE) isreduced to 29.78o and the median absolute angle error (MDAE) to27.66o.

13.2 Learning-based Results

The results of six different experiments are shown in Table 13.2.More concretely: (1) t12 and (2) t24 use a VGG-19 architecture thatclassifies into 12 and 24 orientation bins, respectively, both trainedwith compensated angles; (3) t12nC uses the same network as in t12 buttrained without angle compensation, and (4) t12den uses a DenseNetarchitecture – fine-tuning of the fourth dense block – that performsa 12-bin classification, (5) t12CE uses binary cross-entropy instead ofthe proposed cyclic loss, and (6) t12CV shows the performance of themodel-based method (this time with 12 bins as well). Table 13.2contains the mean absolute error (MEAE) and the median absoluteerror (MDAE) of the estimated angles in each experiment.As it can be spotted, the test of 12 classes is the one providing the


MEAEv MDAEv MEAEt MDAEtt12 17.37 9.90 18.92 11.60t24 13.13 7.70 24.34 13.01t12CE 22.34 17.00 28.98 23.00t12nC 21.47 14.16 31.75 24.54t12den 15.22 10.46 25.27 17.29tCV - - 38.23 32.09

Table 13.2: Obtained results in all experiments, expressed in termsof the mean / median absolute error, both in the validation and testset.

most reliable test results in terms of generalization; in particular,classifying orientation into 24 classes produces better results in thevalidation set, but seemingly, the model overfits and learns specificfeatures that do not generalize properly. Moreover, the model bene-fits from the cyclic loss implementation, as binary cross-entropy in-troduces errors both in the validation and in the test set due to theunknown distance between classes and the non-cyclic angular behav-ior. Actually, the obtained boost with this cyclic loss is displayedin the confusion matrices of Table 13.1. The addition of angle com-pensation also proves to be vital, especially in the test set, wherethe corresponding video footage (CSKADS contained a lot of pan-ning and zooming). Besides, the performance of DenseNet does notseem to generalize either; however, it is likely that with an exhaus-tive trial-error procedure of freezing weights of particular layers andperforming small changes in the original DenseNet structure, this ar-chitecture should be able to generalize as well. Finally, it can bespotted how the presented learning-based outperforms the model-based, which has been tested this time without the SVM in chargeof the coarse corroboration.

13. Orientation Estimation Results 129

Figure 13.1: First and last rows of the obtained confusion matrix(test set) when using the (top) proposed cyclic and (bottom) binarycross-entropy as a loss function (t12 and t12CE respectively).

14 Visual Orientation Maps

In this Chapter, the effect of body orientation is visually an-alyzed in soccer passes; more concretely, passing events fromFCBDS have been used for this analysis.

Before getting started, note that this Chapter aims to provide purelyorientation-based insights out of the obtained estimations, so no mod-els are being trained on top of body-orientation data yet. For the restof this Chapter, three types of orientations are considered:

1. Orientation of the receiver in a Pass Event: this value quantifiesthe orientation of a potential receiver right at the moment whenthe passer kicks the ball.

2. Orientation of the receiver in a Reception Event: this valuequantifies the orientation of a player who is receiving the ballat that precise moment.

3. Orientation of the passer in a Pass Event: this value quantifiesthe orientation of the player kicking the ball when performinga pass.

Moreover, the following performance statistics are used in order toevaluate the impact of body orientation in the observed passes:

1. Pass success / accuracy, which indicates if the pass was success-ful or not; this is, if the potential receiver has actually received



the ball. This metric can be used to get an overall picture oforientation, but there might be a lack of context: an easy passbetween two defenders is valued the same way as a difficultassist that ends up in a goal. Besides, a failed pass might hap-pen due to multiple circumstances, such as a bad pass, a badreception, or a remarkable performance of a defender.

2. Added EPV [34], which quantifies the contribution of each ac-tion by modeling the conditional probability of scoring / re-ceiving a goal at a given time and a given scenario. EPV iscomputed both at the Pass Event and right after the ReceptionEvent; the difference between these two values will indicate theadded contribution of the receiving player and exemplifies whathappens after receiving the ball. For instance, a player mightreceive the ball appropriately but he/she might lose it due to adisadvantageous orientation, resulting in an EPV drop.

In order to introduce context in the mentioned visualizations, differ-ent phases of the offensive plays are evaluated individually as well(introductory soccer-based details are given in Section 2.2). Bearingin mind that in a soccer lineup there are mainly 3 rows of horizontallydistributed players, their orientation can drastically change depend-ing on the context: if an almost-static defender is carrying the ball,strikers will not be strictly oriented towards it, but if a midfielderis generating a play in the offensive court, forwards will be highlyinfluenced by his/her position.

14.1 OrientSonarsPassSonars have recently gained a lot of popularity in soccer an-

alytics; this kind of map is used to display the passing frequency andthe accuracy of players in different directions inside the field, just bytaking 2D information from these. In this article, OrientSonars areproposed, which integrate player orientation and show how players

14. Visual Orientation Maps 133

are oriented during pass events. In this display, the following size-color codification is adopted: the radius of each portion in the mapquantifies the volume of passes at a particular orientation, while thecolor displays their associated accuracy. OrientSonars can be per-formed at two levels:

• Individual level: simple visual reports of each player canbe built by combining different OrientSonars in the 3 above-mentioned possible events. These visualizations can be usefulto spot specific details when scouting a particular player. Anexample is shown in Figure 14.1, where the main orientationcharacteristics of Ivan Rakitic are shown.

Figure 14.1: OrientSonar of Ivan Rakitic, showing his performance inpass events (both passing and receiving the ball) and reception ones,as well as different offensive phases. Accuracy is expressed with passaccuracy and color encoding, while portion size indicates the passingvolume.


In this specific example, it can be seen that Rakitic, as a mid-fielder, has a strong duality receiving passes when oriented com-pletely backward ( 270o) and upward ( 90o), as he has to receivepasses from defenders (backward) and organize the forwards atthe same time. In particular, Rakitic excels in reception eventswhen the orientation oscillates between 67.5 and 112.5 degrees,which matches the most natural reception orientation for right-footed players. Moreover, game phases indicate that Rakitic isoriented towards defenders in the build-up phase (especially theleft-side ones), but when the ball is carried towards the middleof the court, he is also oriented towards the offensive goal, thuspotentially generating passes to forwards.

• Team level: as individual performances might be biased to-wards specific team tactics, the whole picture of the correspond-ing lineup has to be evaluated as well. In this map, the individ-ual OrientSonar of all players is placed at the average positionof every single individual. An example can be seen in Figure14.2, where accuracy and added-EPV are compared, and Fig-ure 14.3, where different game phases can be distinguished.

Several conclusions can be drawn from these maps: from Figure 14.2,it can be inferred that the pass success might not be the best accu-racy metric to be used when comparing all kinds of players, mainlybecause defenders perform many non-risky passes among themselves,while forwards receive the ball in fewer situations (and often underthe pressure of defenders) with higher risk and potential reward. Forthis reason, defenders in Figure 14.2(a) have a lot of high-accuracybins, and forwards receive fewer passes at a lower accuracy rate. Thissituation swaps when checking EPV: on the one hand, defenders addless real value to the play, and on the other hand, offensive playershave some portions with high contribution when they receive in ad-vantageous situations (facing slightly upwards).

14. Visual Orientation Maps 135

Figure 14.2: OrientSonar of the whole team during Pass Events as re-ceivers, displayed with different accuracy metrics: (left) pass successmetrics, and (right) added EPV.

Figure 14.3: OrientSonar of the whole team in all three game phases:(a) build-up, (b) middle, and (c) progression.


Moreover, EPV peaks do not appear in random clusters: instead,a notable increment of EPV can be observed when specific couplesof players interact. For instance, when the striker receives the ballfrom approximately the position of the right forward or vice versa,the team not only keeps the ball but also creates potential goal op-portunities. The same pattern is repeated with the center- and left-midfielder. Besides, orientation patterns may be useful to distinguishthe dominant player side: left-sided players (i.e. left full back) tend tobe oriented towards the middle of the field, so right-side clusters havea higher volume of passes (and vice versa). From Figure 14.3, the in-teraction of players is even more detailed according to the context: inthe build-up phase, midfielders are oriented towards defenders, wait-ing for the ball in order to generate an offensive play. In the middlephase, the same midfielders have the highest relevance in terms ofvolume, distributing the ball in potentially advantageous situations;meanwhile, strikers look for open spaces, and rarely receive the ballbackward (except the right-forward in the given example). Finally, inthe progression phase, two possible player roles can be distinguished:while some players are oriented towards regions with high risk buta notable potential reward, the rest occupy safe positions that allowthem to move back to another medium phase if required without los-ing control of the ball, hence generating new offensive opportunities.

14.2 Orientation Reaction Maps

Although there are many different types of soccer passes, the be-havior of players during the ball displacement is crucial for the out-come of that specific play; defenders are always trying to anticipate,so offensive players must orient and move accordingly before gettingtackled. Orientation reaction maps show how players move duringthe pass, by comparing the orientation at the beginning (X-axis) andat the end (Y-axis) of the event; once again, the color represents accu-

14. Visual Orientation Maps 137

Figure 14.4: (left) Leo Messi – (right) Sergio Busquets reaction maps.The X axis represents the orientation of the player at the pass event,and the Y axis the one in the reception. Accuracy has been expressedwith pass success.

racy, and the dot area expresses the volume. If a player keeps his/herorientation, the resulting map will just have dots in a diagonal line;on the contrary, if a player rotates while receiving, off-diagonal dotswill appear in the graph. Figure 14.4 shows the orientation reactionmaps of Messi (right forward) and Busquets (central midfielder).Once again, the visual outcome differs for those players who occupydifferent positions. In the given example, Messi has a main diagonalline with some outliers, as he receives many passes from players whoare in front of him (facing backward) when he is running towardsthe goal (huge blobs in the 75-105o), as well as straight passes from


midfielders when he is facing backward (270-315o). Meanwhile, Bus-quets has more dots in his map, mainly because he receives passesfrom many different positions; besides, being close to the exact mid-dle point of the field makes things even trickier, as he has defenderstrying to tackle him from several positions, thus forcing him to moveeven more to find a safe spot. As it can be seen in the map, Busquetshas a remarkable performance in every single orientation situation,especially in the right-side clusters. In conclusion, there is not anoptimal reaction map, and comparisons have to be performed bycontextualizing the player position in the field together with his/herindividual skills, as it is difficult to establish similarities among play-ers with different characteristics. Instead, this tool could be a greatresource for comparing players or even to keep track of youth players’progress.

14.3 On-Field Orientation Maps

Despite being the goal the most important part in soccer games,all the previous displays were only based on the orientation of theplayer at given non-goal events. Hence, proposed on-field orienta-tion maps merge information and compare the pure body orientationof players with their relative orientation with respect to the offensivegoal. On-field maps can be extracted at a player-level, as seen in Fig-ures 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, where both left-right full-backs (Alba – Semedo)are compared together with of a midfielder (Arthur) in terms of passreception. In these visualizations, the X-axis represents the orienta-tion with respect to the offensive goal (being 0-90 on the left side and90-180 on the right side), and the Y-axis represents the orientation ofthe player. In this type of map, it is even more distinguishable howplayers are clustered depending on their position. Despite the differ-ence in spatial performance, the visualizations of Alba and Semedoshow almost symmetric results for left- and right-sided players. WhileAlba is completely restricted to the left side of the court (0-45o in

14. Visual Orientation Maps 139

goal orientation), Semedo tends to deviate his orientation more to-wards the middle part of the court, which results in regions with anEPV drop. This particular scene shows one of the main differencesbetween experienced players and the rest: in this case, bearing inmind that Jordi Alba has been on the team for 8 seasons in a row, itis reasonable to conclude that he has already found his comfort zonein court, where he manages to fit all his skills without the need oftaking unnecessary risks. Apart from the fullback comparison, theplot of Arthur shows that this type of midfielder operates on boththe central sides of the court at more or less the same frequency;although orientation performance could seemingly be the same whenchecking pass accuracy, EPV can help detect complex patterns. Inthe given example, Arthur adds higher EPV contributions when heis placed on the right side of the court, especially when receiving ina backward orientation (most likely from a defender); nevertheless,this type of conclusion has to be again contextualized with differentprior information (e.g., a player who just started playing in a newspot for the first time in the season and needs some adaptation).

Figure 14.5: On-field orientation map of Alba as a receiver in PassEvents, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracy and (right) EPV.


Figure 14.6: On-field orientation maps of Semedo as a receiver in PassEvents, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracy and (right) EPV.

Figure 14.7: On-field orientation maps of Arthur as a receiver in PassEvents, evaluated both with (left) pass accuracy and (right) EPV.

15 Conclusions

In this Part, two novel techniques to compute soccer players’ ori-entation from soccer monocular footage have been presented.On the one hand, the model-based method combines two differentorientation estimators: pose-based and ball-based. While pose orien-tation is obtained by projecting OpenPose output on a 2D space andcomputing the normal vector to the projected torso, the orientationof all players with respect to the ball is also taken into account torefine the former estimation. Having mapped both orientation esti-mations into probability vectors, a simple weighting is performed andan individual angle (in degrees) is obtained for each player. Resultshave been tested and validated with professional soccer matches; al-though the associated video footage was not optimal, the results arepromising. 96.6% accuracy is obtained in left-right side orientations,and a median absolute error of 26.80o is achieved.On the other hand, the learning-based model learns how to classifyplayers’ crops into orientation bins. The core of this method com-bines a VGG structure with frozen and re-trained layers, an anglecompensation strategy to get rid of the camera behavior, and a cyclicloss function based on soft labels that take the intra-class distanceinto account. The obtained results outperform the model-based ones;more concretely, a median absolute error of 11.60 degrees in the testset is achieved. Moreover, since complete datasets are difficult togather, a sequential-based pipeline has also been proposed, which



fuses data from different domains in order to establish the groundtruth orientation of the player (sensor-domain) in each bounding box(image-domain). The main limitation of the learning-based model isthat only two different games have been used in the given dataset,as ground-truth sensor data (together with high-quality frames) aredifficult to obtain. Nonetheless, this research shows that even withunbalanced training sets it is possible to train a model with a notablegeneralization capability that already outperforms the model-basedmethod, hence promising results should be obtained with a more var-ied and balanced dataset in terms of different games.Being the output of this research a set of raw time-based numericalorientations, different types of visualizations have been proposed inorder to create tools that can provide coaches with useful orientationinsights about their players. In particular, OrientSonars, and Re-action and On-Field maps illustrate the volume of given / receivedpasses at each given orientation together with the corresponding ac-curacy at given game phases.Future lines of research will be addressed in Chapter 21 at the end ofPart III, since that part is closely related, in terms of applications,to the purposes of the current Part II. Nonetheless, in terms of im-proving the presented orientation estimation methods, novel trainingapproaches could be explored. For instance, by training a networkwith two stacked inputs, such as individual player bounding boxesand the complete frame, and by merging their features, the anglecompensation strategy could be avoided, since the network could al-ready learn visual clues about the current camera shot.

A trained human eye sees the gamea lot better than numbers, but thenumbers see all the games, andthat is a big advantage.

Dean Oliver

Part III:Pass Feasibility


16 Introduction: ExploitingOrientation Data

In Part II, tracking data have been enriched with body orien-tation data, and even some purely-based orientation visualizationshave been detailed, but... Does orientation really make a differ-ence? Namely, does a pass between two properly oriented playershave higher chances of reception? And if so, how much?

Once player body-orientation is gathered with the learning-basedmethod presented in 13.2, this Chapter exploits these types of datain the context of soccer and provides quantitative and qualitative ev-idence, which prove that orientation is indeed a vital skill in a largeset of situations. More concretely, we show that the inclusion ofbody-orientation benefits passing models in different key aspects:

• By modeling the passer’s field of view, the potential receivingcandidates are filtered out, since the passer does not generallymove the ball towards a receiver outside his/her viewing area.In fact, the study of the human field of view has a long history[127; 25; 22], and the main associated outcomes explain how thehumans’ field of view splits into central and peripheral vision.In these articles, it is shown how humans deal with cognitiveload in these areas, and among all the presented experiments,a large performance boost can be spotted when handling taskswithin the visible spectrum (central vision, mostly). In thecase of soccer, the so-called no-looking-passes are a rare and



a risky event, so players generally pass to those of their openteammates who can be spotted within their field of view.

• Given the current speed of soccer, receivers who are not prop-erly oriented are prone to lose the ball easily because of badcontrol. By running towards prolific field spots with the appro-priate orientation, receivers can control the ball without decel-erating. Therefore, among all receiving candidates, the playeris more likely to pass to the best-oriented one.

• Roughly, by gathering orientation data, it can be deduced whetherdefenders are approaching the offensive team while running for-ward or backward, hence drastically changing the location ofopen spaces surrounding the defender’s back-side. By bringingtogether the orientation of all defenders, the big-picture of thecurrent event is obtained, which shows the most dangerous fieldspots caused either by faulty movements or by an inappropriateset of orientations.

In particular, we present two different contributions that stem frombody orientation data:

• A novel computational model to compute pass feasibility be-tween a specific passer and the set of potential receivers. Thismodel returns who is the safest ball-receiver at a time; through-out this Chapter, we will refer to this approach as the discretestates model. By merging positional data from both teams, andby adopting a geometrical solution to estimate the orientationfit between the passer and all receivers, notable accuracy interms of TopN measures is obtained. Moreover, the inclusionof orientation proves to boost the obtained accuracy, not onlyin terms of the presented feasibility model but also within thecontext of existing EPV models.

• Since soccer is a dynamic team-sport where open spaces playan important role, an extension of the discrete model is also

16. Introduction: Exploiting Orientation Data 147

provided, thus resulting in 2D pass feasibility maps, which esti-mate the safest receiving spots in the field. As a matter of fact,orientation proves to be crucial when modeling field-of-view andcorrect positioning of players, since it limits the potential re-ceiving area of all candidates. Different proposals are given toevaluate the proposed pass feasibility map; previous results areoutperformed when orientation is included as a map feature.

Note that along this part, the notion of feasibility is used instead ofthe term probability, since the outcome of the pass event highly de-pends on the decision-making process of the passer, who is the one incharge of kicking the ball towards his/her chosen location. Therefore,the main goal of discrete states / feasibility maps is not to show theprobability of a player passing to a particular player / location, butinstead, to compute how safe it is, a priori, to pass the ball towardseach receiver / field-spot based on the position and orientation of allthe players in the field.

The rest of this Part is organized as follows: in Chapter 17 the state-of-the-art regarding passing tools and models is described. Lateron, the discrete-states model is explained in Chapter 18, while itsextension to a pass feasibility map is detailed in Chapter 19. Theobtained results of both presented methods are shown and discussedin Chapter 20; last but not least, conclusions regarding the inclusionof orientation in this kind of applications can be found in Chapter21.

17 State-of-the-Art (PassingMaps and Tools)

This Chapter reviews different soccer pass maps and auto-matic tools for analyzing pass events that have been proposedin the existing literature.First of all, in order to clarify the contributions of other re-

searchers, we would also like to emphasize and explain the differ-ent types of passing tools that have been used in previous literature.Given that there is not a universal term for the vast majority of them,their definition according to our understanding is provided:• Pass Networks (e.g. [84]) show the interaction of players in

terms of passing patterns in a graph style. The output of thismap is the probability of a player passing to another one basedon prior knowledge.

• Pass Maps (e.g. [86]) show where players pass to in a 2D tem-plate by using complementary tools such as arrows. For in-stance, it can display the most common pass directions of eachplayer.

• Pass Probability Maps (e.g. [33]) predict where a player willpass in a given situation and at a given time.

• Pass Feasibility Maps predict which is the safest passing spotat every given moment in a given situation. Note that this kindof map is the one described in Chapter 19.



In 2015, Gyarmati and Anguera introduced a novel automatic ex-traction method to categorize the different passing strategies of soc-cer teams [44]. Their approach consisted of a dynamic time warpingalgorithm to identify spatial passing patterns given the ball 2D coor-dinates, thus reducing by a large margin the amount of time that hasto be spent analyzing video clips when performing scouting-relatedtasks. Using this technique, high-level passing statistics were ob-tained, such as the frequency of a team running a particular play aswell as its accuracy. Using a dataset from the first Spanish Division,results were split into several teams, hence showing its direct appli-cation in the soccer domain.One year later, in order to quantify and evaluate different types ofsoccer passes in a given sequence or strategy, Gyarmati and Stanoje-vic proposed Q-pass [45]. Normally, pass accuracy is evaluated justby a straight-forward percentage that only takes into account if thereceiver gets (or does not get) the ball. Since there exists a largeset of possible passes (e.g. easy ones between centrals against toughones between a central and a forward), this metric usually falls short.Therefore, Q-pass quantifies the quality of soccer passes given theirinitial conditions, such as field spot or defensive pressure. The mainfinding of the analysis of Q-Passes was that sometimes it is worthtaking the risk and committing turnovers, because in the end, if arisky pass is successfully delivered in an advantageous field spot, aclear goal opportunity is generated.Also in 2016, a relevant contribution was made regarding the quan-tification of risk and reward in passing events by Link et al. [62].The authors proposed a real-time approach able to estimate the dan-gerousity in a generic soccer scenario similar to the above-mentionedEPV models [14; 34]. In that article, the concept of pass densitywas introduced, where the location of offensive players and the faceddefensive pressure was modeled for every field spot. The passingrisk was later suggested as an accuracy passing metric, that couldcomplement the binary existing one. Similarly, Power et al. [86] alsoaimed to measure the risk-reward trade-off in those types of events by

17. State-of-the-Art (Passing Maps and Tools) 151

approaching it as a regression problem. By using high-level features(micro, tactical, and formation) on a large dataset, many regressorswere trained for specific situations (different types of passes). Theauthors extracted passing individual statistics such as passing plusminus or passes received added, which provided coaches with mean-ingful insights that indicated which players created the most prof-itable passes in particularly risky field locations.Another statistical model thought for measuring the passing abilityof players was proposed in [111] by Szczepanski et al., where differentpasses were classified depending on several factors such as: location,time since the previous pass, type of pass, game time, current result,etc. Given these diverse scenarios, passes were examined under dif-ferent conditions: control, passing player pressure, distance, receiv-ing player pressure, or familiarity. By statistically modeling everysingle parameter based on tracking data and game knowledge, pre-dictions were made, hence assessing whether passes were likely to bereceived or not. Consequently, the passing ability could be obtainedby measuring how better / worse a player performs in terms of pass-ing given a particular situation and comparing him/her to the restof the league. Despite the dataset being used by the authors was old(Premier League 2006/2007), results were encouraging and its coreshould generalize to modern soccer.From a physics-based point of view, and by quantifying the conceptsof interception and control time, Spearman et al. also presenteda passing model [102]. By treating pass events as Bernoulli trials,meaningful insights were obtained, such as pass value or data-drivenpredictions that indicated, for each event, who was the most likelyreceiver. Predicting where the ball should go during passes was ana-lyzed by Hubácek’s et al. [51], who refined the previous work made byVercruyssen et al. [115]. In their paper, the authors proposed a deeplearning architecture that assessed who was the most likely player toreceive in each event. By building a feature vector of 13 dimensions,including game knowledge of both the offensive and defensive team,spatial relations were converted into convolutional filters, resulting in


a vector of receiving probability for each potential receiver. Using 200random sequences, 0.55 Top3 accuracy was obtained, outperformingprevious methods. Similarly, Fernández et al. also proposed a deeplearning architecture in SoccerMap [33], which used high-frequencyspatiotemporal data in order to output probability surfaces. Theirmodel was able to assess the decision-making process of players aswell as identifying potential passing options and their associated risk.

18 Discrete Pass Feasibility

In this Chapter, we propose a discrete computational modelto estimate the most plausible ball player pass at any giventime based on game factors: player orientation, location, andfaced defensive pressure.

To build the discrete model, we will attribute each potential re-ceiver a feasibility score obtained by defining appropriate estimationsthat take into account player orientation and the configuration of theoffensive and defensive team in the 2D field at that time. Intuitively,it stems from the fact that, in a pass event, there are 10 potentialcandidates of the same team who might receive the ball, each oneof them holding a particular orientation with respect to the passerand at a certain position in the field; besides, the defensive team alsoneeds to be taken into account.Let u(·, t) be a color video defined on Ω× 1, . . . , T, where Ω ⊂ R2

denotes the image frame domain and 1, . . . , T is the set of discretetimes. Given a time t, our method first considers the visible players inu(·, t) (i.e., visible players in the image frame at time t) together withtheir body orientation. In this case, the detection of the players isgiven but, alternatively, as explained in Section 9.2, other approachesand detectors can be used, such as, e.g., [93; 19; 54]. From now on, theposition and orientation of the players will be considered over a 2Dfield template. To simplify the notation, the dependence on t of theconsidered elements will be omitted. Let P denote the 2D position



in the template field of the player with the ball at time t who is goingto execute the pass. Let Ri, i = 1, . . . , I and Dk, k = 1, . . . , Kdenote, respectively, the 2D position in the field of the visible team-mates of P , and the current defenders at time t, with I ≤ 10, K ≤ 11.The former ones constitute the set of visible receivers of the ball attime t+ ∆t, being ∆t the duration of the pass.

Let Hi denote the hypothesis that player P is going to pass the ballto receiver Ri. The main idea is to define a feasibility measure whichis grounded on three elements: (a) the body orientation of everyplayer together with (b) the pressure of the defenders Dk, both on Pand Ri, and (c) the relative position of Ri with respect to P . Then,the most feasible ball pass H is computationally selected as the onemaximizing

H = arg maxiF (i), (18.1)

where F (i) is the feasibility of the event pass in Hi, which can bedefined as

F (i) = Fo(i)Fd(i)Fp(i), (18.2)

where Fo(i), Fd(i), and Fp(i) stand for the orientation, defenders andproximity scores, respectively, defined later in this Chapter. Finally,it must be stated that all feasibility measures are obtained right atthe moment when the passer P kicks the ball.

18.1 OrientationOne of the aspects that drastically affects the outcome of a pass

is the players’ body-orientation. If a player is relatively close to thepasser and without being defended, he/she might still not be able toreceive the ball properly if he/she is facing away. For a given passevent, the orientation of each player is computed in a window of ±Qframes with respect to the exact pass moment t. The median valueof these 2Q+1 observations is considered as the player orientation in

18. Discrete Pass Feasibility 155

the event at time t. In practice, a window of 5 frames is used in 25fps videos. Once obtained this estimation, an orientation-based passfeasibility measure is proposed, which takes into account geometricalquantities and outputs a score of how well a player is oriented in orderto receive the ball. In order to take only the orientation informationinto account (proximity between players will be considered in the 3rdfeasibility measure, as seen in Subsection 18.3) all potential receiversRi are placed at the same distance with respect to the passer whilstpreserving the original angle in the 2D field between the passer Pand each receiver Ri. Note that this angle is only related to relativeposition and not to player body orientation. This step is illustratedin Figure 18.1.

Figure 18.1: In order not to take pairwise distances into accountwhile computing orientation feasibility, all players are moved towardsan equidistant distance (unit circle).

Once all potential receivers are placed at an equidistant distanceZ > 0 with respect to the passer, the body orientation of all players,expressed as φ(P ) and φ(Ri) for the passer and the receiver i, respec-


tively, is considered (it corresponds to red vectors in Figures 18.1and 18.2). Intuitively, φ(P ) provides an insight of the passer field ofview, and by setting a range of ±ψo with respect to the passer bodyorientation, an approximate spectrum of the passer field of view isobtained. By setting ψo> 0 to a fixed value (set to 30 degrees), anisosceles triangle with the two equal sides of length 2Z is defined (seeFigure 18.2). This triangle is denoted by TP and imposes a limit tothe region where the player can pass the ball. The same procedureis repeated for φ(Ri), with the triangle TRi indicating the field ofview of the receiver, which shows in which directions he/she can geta pass from; the length of the two equal sides of triangle TRi is setto Z. Figure 18.2 displays some possible scenarios. We claim, andnumerically verify in Section 20.1.1, that the weighted area of theintersection of triangles TP and TRi gives a measure of how easy itcan be for a player to receive a pass in the given orientation configu-ration: no intersection indicates the inability to get it, whilst partialor total intersection indicates a proper orientation fit. Accordingly,orientation-based feasibility is defined as

Fo(Ri) = 1c


(e−d(P,x) + e−d(Ri,x)

)dx (18.3)

where c > 0 is a normalizing constant and d(a, b) denotes the Eu-clidean distance between a and b normalized so that the maximumdistance in the field is 1.Let us first discuss the terms in (18.3), namely, both exponentialfunctions. The intrinsic geometry of the triangle has an obvious lim-itation when it comes to shape intersection: considering the vertexthat coincides with the passer position as the triangle beginning, tri-angles contain a large portion of the area in regions placed far fromtheir beginning. Hence, the values inside the computed triangles areweighted according to their relative position with respect to the tri-angle beginning, fading out in further positions. This effect can beseen as different color opacity in the triangles displayed in Figure18.2. Finally, the reasoning for setting different triangle heights is

18. Discrete Pass Feasibility 157

Figure 18.2: Individual scenarios of intersection given the relocatedplayers of Figure 18.1. As it can be seen, the top-right player is thebest oriented candidate to receive the ball.

that, if both passer’ and receiver’ associated triangles had the sameheight, players that are located behind a passer who is not lookingbackward would intersect notably, despite being a non-feasible pass(like in the top-centered example sketch of Figure 18.2).

18.2 Defenders Position

Apart from considering all visible players of the offensive team,the behavior of the defenders, Dkk, is continuously changing thedecision-making process. Even if a player is near the passer andproperly oriented, the probability of receiving the ball can be really


low if he/she is properly guarded; however, it is hard to define howwell a player is being defended at a time. Considering only passingevents, defenders close to the line that connects the passer with thereceiver (passing line) are the ones in a more advantageous positionto transform a pass into a turnover. Let us denote by β(P,Ri) theangle in the 2D template field between the passer P and the receiverRi (see Figure 18.1), and by β(P,Dk) the one between the passer Pand defender Dk. Using this angle, the proposed defenders-based fea-sibility will take into account two feasibility scores: (a) the feasibilityFd,P (Ri) of passing in the direction of β(P,Ri) and (b) the feasibilityFd,R(Ri) of receiving the ball from P . For the first case, the distanceand the angle of all defenders with respect to the passer is computed.Therefore, the definition of the feasibility measure Fd,P (Ri) dependson the Euclidean distances of the closest defenders with respect tothe passer:

Fd,P (Ri) =

exp− 1



w (β(P,Dk), β(P,Ri)) (1− d(P,Dk)) (18.4)

where NP denotes the set of the J nearest neighbor defenders fromP , according to the weighted distance dw, defined as

dw(P,Dk) = w(β(P,Dk), β(P,Ri)) d(P,Dk) (18.5)

where d(P,Dk) denotes the normalized Euclidean distance betweenP and Dk. Finally, the weights w are defined as

w(β(P,Dk), β(P,Ri)) =

0.25 if α < 22.5o

0.5 if 22.5o ≤ α < 45o

2 otherwise(18.6)

where α = |β(P,Dk)−β(P,Ri)| (modulus 360o). In practice, we takeJ = 3.

18. Discrete Pass Feasibility 159

Function w is used to model that defenders close to the passing line(and thus with an associated small ω value) entail a higher risk forthat specific pass. This whole procedure can be seen in the left sideof Figure 18.3, where the three closest defenders are highlighted fortwo hypothetical passes.For Fd,R(Ri), the same procedure is repeated with respect to the re-ceiver; however, in order to have two independent quantities, the Jnearest neighbors considered when computing Fd(P ) are discarded.Hence, NRi is the set of the J nearest neighbor defenders from Ri

(according to dW ) belonging to N CP , i.e., the set of the visible defend-ers at time t that are not in NP . The feasibility to receive the ballfrom a given angle can be expressed as:

Fd,R(Ri) =

exp− 1



w (β(Ri, Dk), β(P,Ri)) (1− d(Ri, Dk)) (18.7)

The right part of Figure 18.3 shows a graphical example, where thetop closest weighted defenders are found with respect to the receiveronce discarded the closest defenders found when computing Fd,P (Ri)(Figure 18.3). To conclude, the defender’s feasibility is defined asFd(Ri) = Fd,P (Ri)Fd,R(Ri), and it is a measure of how likely theevent of passing to a particular player is, given the defensive spatialconfiguration.


Figure 18.3: Computation of Fd,P (Ri) and Fd,R(Ri) for two differentpotential receivers. For both cases, (left) general setup, plus detectionof the 3 closest weighted defenders in the scenario of the (middle) left-sided and (right) right-sided player.

18. Discrete Pass Feasibility 161

18.3 Pairwise DistancesFinally, the position in the 2D field also affects the passing op-

tions, as players placed closer to the passer have a higher probabilityof receiving the ball. For this reason, the feasibility of receiving theball based on pairwise distances or proximity can be defined as in-versely proportional to the distance by:

Fp(Ri) = exp (−d(P,Ri)) (18.8)

18.4 CombinationOnce all three independent feasibility measures are computed,

Equation (18.2) is proposed to combine them. Notice that a lowfeasibility value in one of the three features (orientation, defenders,or distance) indicates that the pass has a high associated risk, nomatter what the other values are.

19 Pass Feasibility Maps

In this Chapter, the previously-explained discrete model isextended into a 2D pass feasibility map whilst preserving ori-entation as a key feature in the method’s core.

Since raw orientation data cannot be used by coaches to providethe team with new strategies and tactics, and given that discretefeasibility values limit the location of potential receptions, pass fea-sibility maps get the complete picture of pass events. Once again,by default, our model assumes that the most feasible receiving can-didate is the (a) best oriented, (b) closest and (c) less defended one.Orientation hereby plays a vital role both in the offensive and thedefensive team. On the one hand, the orientation of offensive playersis included in the offensive map MO (defined in Section 19.1), whichestimates the orientation fit between the passer and all potential re-ceivers regardless of the defensive setup. On the other hand, thedefensive map MD (defined in 19.2) is in charge of modeling the de-fensive pressure in every field spot, thus finding out which defendersare creating larger open spaces in their surroundings. The proposedfeasibility map is defined by combining both the offensive MO anddefensive MD contributions as:

M(x) = κMO(x) +MD(x), (19.1)

where x denotes a position in the 2D field and κ ≥ 1 is a scalarparameter that balances the given weight of the attackers’ informa-



tion in the final feasibility map, i.e. a larger / smaller value of κwould favor riskier / more conservative passes. An example is dis-played in Figure 19.1: yellow regions belong to the field-zones wheresafe passes can be attempted, as offensive players are in favorableconditions (proper orientation and location) to get the ball; instead,blue zones represent field parts where the defensive team is likely torecover the sphere.

Figure 19.1: Procedure to obtain a feasibility map for a given passevent. We can see the spatial configuration (plus orientation) of:(top-left) the players in the offensive team, being the red player theone carrying the ball, (top-center) the players in the defensive team,and (top-right) their combination in one same display. The finalfeasibility map M (bottom-right) is obtained through the aggrega-tion of the offensive map MO (bottom-left) and the defensive mapMD (bottom-center). Note that yellowish regions are the ones withhigher associated feasibility (safer passes towards these directions),and bluish regions are the dangerous parts of the field.

19. Pass Feasibility Maps 165

19.1 Offensive Team ModelingDuring pass events, offensive players can adopt two roles: passer

or receiver. On the one hand, the passer controls the ball and theoverall situation; after all, his/her decision-making process will makethe ball move in a particular direction. On the other hand, receivers’goal is to facilitate the passer’s decision by moving towards field loca-tions where the probability of scoring / receiving a goal is potentiallymaximized / minimized. For instance, if the passer is surrounded bya lot of defenders in a dangerous position, the other offensive playersneed to create easy passing lines to avoid committing a turnover; onthe other hand, if the passer is in an advantageous situation in theoffensive side of the field, receivers need to find open spaces and tocreate scoring opportunities. Therefore, the orientation fit betweenthe passer and the receiving candidates (plus their spatial distance) isexpected to influence the outcome of passes. In our proposal, the ori-entation fit is modeled through two maps, namely, the Receiver MapMR, which includes location and orientation data of all 10 potentialreceivers, and the Passer Map MP that only includes data from thepasser. Both maps are then combined into the offensive map MO asseen in Figure 19.2, which is defined as:

MO(x) = MP (x)MR(x). (19.2)

19.1.1 Receiver MapGiven a receiver j at position rj with orientation αRj , the aim of

this map is to model his/her receiving area, which expresses in whichpart of the field the current receiver is likely to get the ball. For asingle receiver, the proposed receiver map, at a generic position x inthe 2D field, is built on Gaussian functions and defined as

MRj(x)= exp(−‖x− rj‖2


)︸ ︷︷ ︸

gRj (x)

exp(−(∠(x− rj)− αRj)2


)︸ ︷︷ ︸


, (19.3)


Figure 19.2: Offensive team map modeling MO. (left column) Givenan initial 2D setup (locations plus orientation) of all the players: (topand middle row) a receiver map MR is created by adding together allreceivers’ contributions, and it is later combined with (bottom row)the passer map MP , which takes into account his/her field of view.

where σR, σa > 0, thus resulting in a function that decreases as pointx moves away from rj and as its orientation with respect to rj differsfrom αRj. The difference of angles ∠(x− rj) − αRj is computed inmodulo 2π. A detailed explanation of parameters σR and σa is laterprovided in Section 19.3.Please also note that gRj and gaRj in Equation 19.3 express the twopriors to define who is the best-positioned candidate, i.e. locationand orientation, respectively. The final receiving map is defined as:

MR(x) =NR∑j=1

MRj(x), (19.4)

where NR is the number of potential receivers. As seen in Figure 19.2,maximum values can be found in MR, where receiver’s contributionsoverlap; besides, it can also be seen how both individual priors gRjand gaRj are displayed in the middle column.

19. Pass Feasibility Maps 167

19.1.2 Passer MapGiven the passer at position p and orientation αP , the proposed

passer map relies again on Gaussian functions and is defined as

MP (x) = exp(−‖x− p‖2


)︸ ︷︷ ︸

gP (x)

exp(−(∠(x− p)− αP )2


)︸ ︷︷ ︸

gaP (x)

, (19.5)

where σP > 0, and once again gP and gaP , are related to the locationand orientation of the player respectively (bottom row of Figure 19.2).

19.2 Defensive Team ModelingThe role that defenders’ orientation plays in the decision of the

passer is significantly different. As it has been mentioned, the goalof some offensive players is to detect open spaces and occupy thembefore the defenders do; these offensive players are usually oriented,since the beginning of the event, towards the open space. Nonethe-less, defenders’ orientation switches more often: although they startfacing the opponent nose-to-nose (moving backward), they mighthave to turn around and recover back to defense at some point (mov-ing forward). Now, instead of talking about a receiving area, theconcept of influence area will be used, expressing the part of the fieldthat is being controlled by each defender. Besides, when modelingdefenders, two other aspects have to be remarked:

• The defender’s current position is crucial for the pass outcome.Nevertheless, the danger of each defender in his/her surround-ings depends on the ball-defender pairwise distance. In shortpasses, defenders who are close to the ball have almost no reac-tion time, so the potential influence area should be limited toa small spatial neighborhood; nonetheless, during long passes,the reaction time is way larger, thus resulting in a broad influ-ence area.


Figure 19.3: Procedure to model the defensive team map MD, basedon the aggregation of individual reach contributions MDi. As it canbe seen, each individual reach is proportional to the pairwise ball-defender distance and it points towards the player’s orientation.

• The orientation of defenders is an important factor in order tomodel the shape of the influence area: in particular, a functiondefined by two parts with smooth contour lines is used. The firstpart corresponds to the front side of defenders (with respect totheir orientation), which is the one they attempt to control andreach. The second part falls behind defenders; since movingbackward is slower than running forwards, its influence area isreduced.

More concretely, given a defender i at position di plus orientationβi, the proposed defensive pass map is defined as:

MDi(x) =


(−‖Rβi (x−di)‖2


)if (Rβi(x− di))x < 0,

−exp(−( 1

2 (Rβi (x−di))2x+(Rβi (x−di))2



(19.6)where Rβi denotes a rotation of angle βi and (.)x, (.)y denote the xand y coordinates, respectively; Figure 19.4 illustrates this map for

19. Pass Feasibility Maps 169

Figure 19.4: (a) Level lines of an individual defensive contribution,MDi , without taking orientation into account; (b) final individualdefensive map for a particular player with orientation β.

a certain orientation βi. Moreover, σDi > 0 depends on the pairwisedistance between the ball and the defender, and characterizes thementioned influence area (check Section 19.3 for a detailed explana-tion).Finally, the sum of all defenders’ contributions is aggregated into onesingle defensive map MD:

MD(x) =ND∑i=1

MDi(x), (19.7)

where ND is the number of current defenders in the field (an exampleis displayed in Figure 19.3). Notice also that the exponential func-tions of the defensive team are negative, as opposed to the positivevalues of the offensive team.

19.3 Parameter Choice and DiscussionThis Section discusses the parameter choice in order to balance

the offensive and defensive contributions within a similar range andreach and, thus, aiming to build an easy-to-interpret visual resourcefor coaches and analysts. The optimization of these parameters has


been approached as the maximization of Top1 and Top3 accuracyin pass events, as it will be later defined in Section 20.2; by usingrandom-search [3], the values for the described parameters have beenset.

19.3.1 Offensive Gaussian SizeThe first two parameters to be adjusted are σR and σP , which

can be found in gRj and gP , from (19.3) and (19.5), respectively;both parameters aim to model, inside the player’s field of view, thespatial reach of every offensive player. In particular:

• For the passer (σP in gRj (19.3)), this reach introduces a prioron how far he/she is likely to pass the ball.

• For all the potential receivers (σR in gP (19.5)), this reach es-timates the viable receiving area around each player. Since thereceiver has higher chances of getting the ball at his/her currentposition or nearby, the map’s values vanish when moving awayfrom the receiver.

Logically, the passer must have a larger reach, since a strong kickcan move the ball far away at a much faster speed than the player’saverage velocity. The effect of different choices of σR and σP canbe observed in Figure 19.5. After the optimization step, σ2

R and σ2P

are fixed to 103 and 104 respectively, which seem reasonable values,since they provide the receivers / passer with a 15- / 50-meters reachrespectively.

19.3.2 Offensive Angle CompensationThe main aim of σa, included in gaRj and gaP from (19.3) and

(19.5), is to boost the pass feasibility in the field positions that matchplayer orientation, whilst decreasing backwards’ locations. Three ex-amples are displayed in Figure 19.6, where the difference between the

19. Pass Feasibility Maps 171

minimum and maximum values in the image domain decreases whenincreasing σa. Among all possible values in the random-search grid,the optimal one in terms of pass accuracy is σa = 0.75.

Figure 19.5: Offensive maps MO are adjusted by tweaking σR andσP . Notice that the model is quite robust to the choice of theseparameters, being σ2

R = 103 and σ2P = 104 suitable values in terms of

passer / receiver reach.

Figure 19.6: Individual defensive maps MDi are adjusted by tweak-ing σa; noticeable differences emerge in the opposite direction of theplayer’s orientation, especially when σa = 0.75.


19.3.3 Defensive Size and Offensive Boost WeightAs detailed in Section 19.2, while modeling defenders, our goal is

to encompass the influence area in which the player might steal theball. Apart from the major role of the own defender’s orientation, thisarea is designed to be proportional to the pairwise distance betweenthe defender and the ball. In particular, given a defender at positionDi and a passer at p, the parameter σDi in (19.6) is defined as:

σDi = ‖di − p‖σ′D

. (19.8)

Thus, the only parameter to be adjusted is σ′D. Besides, σ′D has to beoptimized while taking into account the offensive boost weight κ in(19.1). Suitable values for both parameters lead to understandablevisual pass maps, which can be directly interpreted by coaches oranalysts. Some combinations are displayed in Figure 19.7.

Figure 19.7: Pass feasibility maps M are adjusted by tweaking κ andσ′D. By using a reasonable trade-off (e.g. κ = 4 and σ′D = 12.5), theappropriate relevance is given both to the offensive and the defensiveteams.

20 Pass Feasibility Results

In this Chapter, a complete ablation study of both presentedmethods (discrete states and pass feasibility maps) is given.Note that for all mentioned tests, data from FCBDS have beenused.

Since the problem of building pass feasibility has not been fullyexplored yet, there is still a lack of universal evaluation metrics. Toquantitatively assess it, we extract, for a given play, one feasibilityvalue per player, which are later sorted to get a ranking of the mostlikely receivers. Then, a TopN (N ∈ 0, 1, . . . , 10) accuracy measureis implemented, similarly as [106; 51]. The TopN measure computesthe number of times the actual receiver of the pass is within the firstN options of the given model. For instance, on the one hand, Top1accuracy indicates the percentage of events where the best candidatepredicted by the model matches the actual receiver; on the otherhand, Top3 accuracy returns the number of times the actual receiveris among the best 3 predicted candidates. Note that this type ofmetric has been used for the evaluation of both discrete states andpass feasibility maps.



20.1 Discrete States

In this Section, several experiments will be detailed with one maingoal: to study if proper orientation of soccer players is correlated withsuccessful receptions, thus maximizing the probability of creating apotential goal opportunity. Hence, in order to examine the effect ofincluding the orientation, another baseline pass model will be usedfor testing, which will only use the output of Fp (proximity) and Fd(defense), thus getting rid of Fo (orientation); more concretely, F(defined in Equation (18.2)) will be compared with Fpd, defined as:

Fpd(Ri) = Fp(Ri)Fd(Ri). (20.1)

Moreover, histograms will be plotted for each scenario. In all cases,the number of bins is 9, as it corresponds to the number of potentialreceivers of a play; note the goalkeeper has been excluded becauseit does not appear in the frame domain in many events. The heightof each particular bin Bn (with n ≤ 10) represents the number oftimes that the ground truth receiver has been considered the n bestcandidate according to the feasibility values (for instance, B1 equalsthe number of times that the actual receiver was considered as thebest option). In these Figures, the histograms of successful (blue)and unsuccessful (orange) passes are plotted together.

20.1.1 Orientation Relevance in Pass FeasibilityThe importance of orientation in the computation of the proposed

feasibility F will be shown by comparing the results of F with theones obtained with the baseline feasibility Fpd, which does not includeorientation. As it can be seen in Table 20.1, in both cases the Top1/3metric shows that the introduced features in the feasibility computa-tion are directly correlated to the outcome of the play: the differencein Top1 accuracy between successful and non-successful passes is morethan the double, and in Top3 accuracy, it is more than 0.2. Besides,

20. Pass Feasibility Results 175

orientation makes a difference by complementing distance and de-fenders. Apart from boosting the difference between successful andnon-successful passes by a margin of 0.04 / 0.02, F outperforms FpdTop1 accuracy by 0.07 and Top3 by 0.05. Visually, this difference canbe spotted in the first bins of the histogram displayed in Fig. 20.1.

Figure 20.1: Histogram distribution comparison between Fdp and F ;note that the latter includes the computed orientation feasibility.





Fpd 0.299 0.149 0.650 0.411F 0.367 0.175 0.702 0.487

Table 20.1: Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passes ob-tained before (Fpd) and after (F ) including orientation as a feasibilitymeasure.

Decomposed Fo - Fd - Fp Performance. In order to show howuseful the individual estimations are, the performance of the three in-dividual feasibility measures (Fp, Fd, and Fo) is studied together with


their combination. These results are shown in Table 20.2 and Figure20.2. For the successful passes, the histogram of all three componentsshares more or less the same shape. However, the top bins of Fp havehigher values (0.34, 0.70 for Top1 and Top3 accuracy, respectively);as a result, the bottom bins have low values, which means that it isunlikely to pass the ball to players placed far away with respect tothe ball. For the unsuccessful passes, Fd and Fp components seemto be the most and less relevant ones, respectively. This means thatpassing to a player who is far away does not always imply a turnover,but passing to a well-defended player does (0.14 difference in Top1accuracy). Generally, Fo resembles Fp, but the former histogram ismore distributed (flat shape). Combining all three methods (by com-puting their product) adds some value due to contextualization. Forinstance, orientation by itself does not take pairwise distances intoaccount: this means that, in particular scenarios, players placed faraway in the field might be the best potential candidates in terms oforientation, but as it has been proved, these passes will hardly everexist. Besides, our proposed feasibility measure F (defined in (18.2))combines all three components and keeps the high Top1 and Top3metrics of Fp whilst preserving the difference between the successful/ not-successful passes of Fd. The bottom-right histogram shows thatthis goal has been accomplished.





Fo 0.260 0.232 0.566 0.546Fp 0.340 0.320 0.704 0.665Fd 0.243 0.107 0.604 0.336

Table 20.2: Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passesobtained with Fo (orientation), Fp (proximity), and Fd (defensivepressure).

20. Pass Feasibility Results 177

Figure 20.2: Histogram distribution among potential receivers (fea-sibility components). From left-right, top-bottom: (a) proximity Fp,(b) defensive pressure Fd, (c) orientation Fo and (d) Combination.

20.1.2 Players’ Field Position / Game PhaseOnce analyzed the impact of orientation as a feasibility measure,

in this Subsection, its effect on the different kinds of players and gamephases (explained in Section 2.2) are analyzed. By classifying themaccording to the basic field positions (defenders, midfielders, and for-wards), Figure 20.3 and Table 20.3 show the differences, in termsof orientation-based feasibility, among them, which state that mid-fielders are the ones under bigger Fo influence. When introducingorientation in the feasibility measure, both the Top1 and the Top3accuracy have a boost of 0.10 while preserving a similar differencein successful-unsuccessful differences (first 3 bins of the midfield-ers histogram). Defenders are not heavily affected by orientation,mostly because of the many security passes that they perform: inthis type of pass (usually between defenders), both players have noopponents surrounding them, and they can freely pass to their clos-est team-mates without having to be strictly oriented towards them.Forwards are also affected by orientation, but they give and receive


fewer passes; besides, in their domain, passes do not only have a highturnover risk, but also a high potential reward.

Figure 20.3: Histogram distribution, obtained with (left) Fdp and(right) Fdpo, for different player positions. From top to bottom: de-fenders, midfielders, and forwards.





Fpd (def.) 0.354 0.134 0.724 0.436F (def.) 0.404 0.162 0.720 0.521Fpd (mid.) 0.235 0.114 0.575 0.341F (mid.) 0.341 0.196 0.673 0.456Fpd (for.) 0.278 0.158 0.589 0.426F (for.) 0.315 0.178 0.653 0.459

Table 20.3: Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passes,before / after including orientation, split by player position.

20. Pass Feasibility Results 179

In a similar way, passes can be also classified according to the locationof the passer in relation to the defensive team spatial configuration,thus indicating the game phase: (a) build-up, (b) progression, or (c)finalization. Results are displayed in Figure 20.4 and Table 20.4.Once again, the effect of orientation is vital in the half-court, witha notable difference between successful and non-successful passes inthe progression phase (around 0.2 difference in both Top1 and Top3,and more than 0.7 Top3 accuracy). As expected, the build-up andfinalization game phases are, respectively, the ones with lower andhigher risk, but even in these extreme cases, the inclusion of Fo alsoboosts the pass accuracy metrics.

Figure 20.4: Histogram distribution, obtained with (left) Fdp and(right) Fdpo, for different game phases. From top to bottom: build-up, progression and finalization.






Fpd (bu.) 0.282 0.143 0.610 0.382F (bu.) 0.355 0.162 0.688 0.444Fpd (pr.) 0.297 0.128 0.659 0.365F (pr.) 0.372 0.162 0.712 0.480Fpd (fi.) 0.326 0.185 0.687 0.490F (fi.) 0.376 0.203 0.710 0.534

Table 20.4: Top1/3 accuracy for successful / non-successful passes,before / after including orientation, split by player game phase (bu -build up, pr - progression, and fi - finalization).

20.1.3 Combination with EPV

As mentioned throughout this manuscript, EPV is a recently in-troduced indicator that tries to boost individual / team performanceby assigning value to individual actions, using (among others) a passprobability model. However, the EPV model of [34] does not takethe body orientation of players into account, thus producing resultsthat, despite being notably accurate, can be refined. An example isshown in Figure 20.5; for the displayed pass event, the spatial outputof the pass probability model (left) and the EPV map (right) canbe seen in the middle row. As observed in the original frame, thepasser (white circle) is the central midfielder, who is directly facingthe right-central defender; for this reason, the passer cannot see inhis field of view the left-central defender, hence lowering the latter’sreceiving chances. However, the output of the pass probability modelconsiders the left-central defender as a notable candidate, but EPVdoes not penalize this pass as a risky one. Nevertheless, by combiningour orientation-based feasibility measure Fo with the output of the(a) original probability model or the (b) output of the EPV model,maps could be adapted accordingly, thus enhancing potentially goodreceivers in particular regions as it is displayed in the last row of

20. Pass Feasibility Results 181

Figure 20.5.

Figure 20.5: (a-left) Pass event and (-right) zoom in the passer region;(b,c-top) output of the pass probability / EPV models respectively of[34], typically Ψ equals 0.015, (b,c-bottom) output example made byhand; the combination of the existing models with body orientationwould refine the restricting the area of potential receivers.

The main challenge when combining both methods is the dimensionmiss-alignment: both the pass probability and EPV models extractan output map with a value for each discretized field position (down-scaled to 104× 68), whilst the proposed model defines an individualfeasibility value for each of the 10 potential receivers. In order to geta single probability / EPV value for each player in the field, and be-ing ρ the output map (defined by the pixels of the downscaled field),a geometrical solution is provided; its approach is based on the idea


Figure 20.6: Geometrical approach to assign discretized pass proba-bility / EPV field values to particular potential receivers.

that an individual value can be obtained by integrating the probabil-ity / EPV values on a meaningful area that extends from the passerto the receiver. In particular, for a given receiver Ri, first, a disc Qi

of radius q > 0 is defined around his/her 2D field position, and then,a tubular region Si of fixed-width s > 0 is defined from P (start-ing position) to Ri (thus, its length is proportional to the distancebetween the passer and the potential receiver). The final individualvalue for receiver Ri, denoted here as V (Ri), can be obtained as:

V (Ri) = 1Area (Qi ∪ Si)


ρ(x)dx (20.2)

where Area (Qi ∪ Si) denotes the area of the region Qi ∪ Si. In prac-tice, q and s have been set to 5

Wρand 2

Wρ, respectively, being Wρ the

width of the output map ρ (i.e. 104). Note that Equation (20.2) canbe used for both types of maps, being ρ the output of either the passprobability model (from now on VP ) or the EPV generic model (fromnow on VE). Visually, this whole procedure can be seen in Fig. 20.6for four different receiver candidates.For comparison purposes, the individual probabilities VP / expectedvalues VE are multiplied by our feasibility orientation estimation Fo,(Subsection 18.1); in this way, the effect of orientation itself can betested for VPFo and VEFo. Note that the other components Fp and Fd

20. Pass Feasibility Results 183

have not been used, as both pass probability and EPV models alreadyinclude this type of information in their core. Results are displayedin Table 20.5 and Fig. 20.7. As it can be seen, better accuracy isobtained when taking orientation into account in all scenarios, espe-cially in the Top1 accuracy case, obtaining a boost of almost 0.1 in theoutput of the current pass probability model. Moreover, orientationalso improves the raw performance of VE (0.07 improvement in Top1accuracy), especially by solving miss-leading cases in which playersare located out of the field of view of the passer. In conclusion, it hasbeen proved that merging orientation in the SoA implementation ofEPV [34] could help to get a more accurate model, which can lead toa better understanding of the decision-making process.

Figure 20.7: Histogram distribution of VP and VE, plus the corre-sponding addition of Fo component.



VP 0.243 0.567VP + Fo 0.332 0.612VE 0.266 0.606

VE + Fo 0.337 0.637

Table 20.5: Top1/3 Accuracy of the EPV models’ output, plus theircomparison when merging orientation feasibility.


20.2 Pass Feasibility MapsIn this Section we define the proposed tools to evaluate the pass

feasibility map. We show not only the accuracy of the proposedmodel but also the importance of orientation as a map feature. Anablation study about the role of a star player is also included, in whichthe addition of prior biases is analyzed. In the upcoming examples,non-successful pass events of FCBDS have been filtered out; whilesuccessful passes are well-defined, where a player B receives the ballfrom a player A, non-successful passes are diverse, including severalkinds of failed passes or even dribbling turnovers tagged as such. Thefiltered dataset contains more than 5000 passes and it is split into 80%train and 20% test. Note that, in this Section, both training and testsets only include passes from the tracking-based FCBDS dataset.

20.2.1 Map EvaluationThree evaluation suggestions are displayed in Figure 20.8, which

consist of:

1. The most simple one would be integrating the feasibility mapvalues around each potential receiver rj by placing a diskD(rj, ρ)of radius ρ > 0 centered at rj, that is,

V1(Rj) = 1Area (D(rj, ρ))

∫D(rj ,ρ)

M(x)dx. (20.3)

In practice, ρ = fieldlength20 (∼ 5), being 20 the number of players

that do not play as goalkeepers. From now on, this approachwill be named disks evaluation.

2. The second one stems from the premise that in disks evaluationall surrounding positions have the same weight in the integral.However, defenders receive short passes without moving dras-tically, whereas forwards usually have to sprint towards their

20. Pass Feasibility Results 185

front to get the ball. To obtain a mask that resembles the re-ceiving area of players, first, the displacements of players insidethe training set are analyzed. This is, how does a player moveduring a pass, from the very moment where a player kicks theball until the receiver gets the sphere. More concretely, consid-ering pass events, a single displacement map is built for each(a) player position / role λ (goalkeeper / central / full-back /midfielder / forward) and (b) field side γ (left / right). Then,data are fit with kernel density estimation (KDE) [112], henceobtaining a kernel Kλ,γ that is placed on top of every receivingcandidate rj according to his/her field position λ and side γ:

V2(Rj|λ, γ) =∫

Ω Kλ,γ(x)M(x)dx∫

Ω Kλ,γ(x)dx , (20.4)

where Ω denotes the image domain. This technique will becalled KDE evaluation.

3. The third proposal to extract results out of M is directly re-lated to the latter, and it is obtained by thresholding Kλ,γ witha given threshold τ > 0. A binary mask is obtained whilstpreserving the potential receiving area of players; that is:

V3(Rj|λ, γ) = 1Area ([Kλ,γ > τ ])

∫[Kλ,γ>τ ]

M(x)dx, (20.5)

where [Kλ,γ > τ ] = x : such thatKλ,γ(x) > τ denotes theeffective support of Kλ,γ. This last example will be namedbKDE, which stands for binary-KDE. In practice, τ has beenset to 0.75.

Using the training set, the tuning parameters explained in Section19.3 have been optimized, and the KDE masks have been built; af-terward, test accuracy scores are extracted for the best performanceson the training set. Table 20.6 shows the best results for all threetypes of evaluations plus the effect of orientation in the output fea-sibility maps. In order to assess the importance of incorporating


Figure 20.8: Different evaluation proposals: (a) disk-, (b) KDE- and(c) bKDE-evaluation.

orientation information, the same process has been repeated whilstbuilding oriented-less maps; i.e. gaRj and gaP in (19.3) and (19.5)have been omitted when defining the feasibility map.From the obtained results, several facets and choices can be discussed:• First, it can be spotted that maps without orientation suffer

a huge accuracy drop, both in Top1 and Top3 metrics (around0.2 in both cases).

• Since Top1 and Top3 metrics are similar in both the trainingand testing stages, it can be said that the model is not overfittedregardless of the choice of parameters. Besides, the KDE maskscreated for evaluation also seem to generalize properly.

• Despite using different evaluation approaches, results are akin.This means that, although using a disks evaluation might seema naive approach, it produces similar results (even better insome cases) when comparing with KDE or bKDE evaluation.

• Computing the pass feasibility for each field spot (including spaces) outperforms the presented discrete-states model,which only considers a single feasibility value at the receiver’slocation.

For a more thorough assessment, the upcoming paragraphs analyzeparticular scenarios.

20. Pass Feasibility Results 187

Evaluation σ′D κ Top1 Train Top3 Train Top1 Test Top3 Test

Disk (O) 10 6 0.4591 0.7819 0.4632 0.7852Disk (O) 12.5 6 0.4523 0.7888 0.4690 0.7984Disk 15 6 0.2823 0.6032 0.2614 0.6230KDE (O) 12.5 6 0.4502 0.7812 0.4563 0.7855KDE (O) 15 6 0.4387 0.7806 0.4661 0.7898KDE 15 6 0.2784 0.5871 0.2555 0.5908bKDE (O) 12.5 6 0.4511 0.7709 0.4734 0.7821bKDE (O) 10 6 0.4604 0.7809 0.4567 0.7784bKDE 15 6 0.2819 0.5982 0.2790 0.6135Discrete-States - - - - 0.3710 0.7098

Table 20.6: Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps.

20.2.2 Players’ Field Position / Game Phase

Once again, specific scenarios such as the player’s role or the balllocation are checked to study the effect of orientation under severalcircumstances. In order to do so, the same testing set, the best tuningconfiguration (σ′D,κ) displayed in Table 20.6 and a disks evaluationwill be used. Starting with the players’ field role, four different posi-tions (excluding goalkeepers) are analyzed: defensive (1) center-backsand (2) left / right-backs, (3) midfielders, and (4) forwards. Resultsare shown in Table 20.7.As expected, higher values are obtained for those players that at-tempt less risky passes (centrals), while forwards are the ones withlower Top1 and Top3 accuracy. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioningthat forwards have the biggest difference in terms of accuracy whenincluding orientation in the pass feasibility map. If the orientation isnot taken into account, the pass feasibility in unoccupied free spacesis very low; however, this feasibility increases notably when a playeris oriented towards that same space. This scenario is especially crit-ical for forwards, who receive a considerable amount of long passes.Moreover, midfielders are also notably affected by orientation: sincethey are the ones in charge of organizing the offense, they normally


Top1 Test Top3 Test Diff Top3Central Def. (O) 0.5342 0.8174 0.1689Central Def. 0.2723 0.6485Left/Right Def.(O) 0.4604 0.7723 0.1376Left/Right Def. 0.2420 0.6347Midfielders (O) 0.4340 0.7683 0.1466Midfielders 0.2903 0.6217Forwards (O) 0.4309 0.7724 0.2114Forwards 0.2358 0.5610

Table 20.7: Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps with respectto player’s position.

receive the ball from defenders when oriented towards the defensivefield, and then they move the ball forward, after turning around andfacing the offensive side.

Similarly, passes can be also classified according to the game phase;i.e. location of the passer in relation to the defensive team spatialconfiguration (preliminaries of Section 2.2), since passes from thesame player can be very different depending on his/her situation inthe field with respect to the defenders.Results in Table 20.8 show a similar pattern to the previous analysis.The best results are obtained in the game phase with the lowest defen-sive pressure (build-up), and the region where orientation makes thebiggest difference is the one where riskier passes are given (finaliza-tion). In the intermediate phases, differences can be spotted betweenL1, where midfielders might receive whilst looking backward, andL2, where the pass itself aims to create a goal opportunity, so playersgenerally look forward. Given the fast backward-forward orientationchanges, the first part of progression is the most confusing one, thusobtaining, by a small margin, the lowest Top1 and Top3 measures.

20. Pass Feasibility Results 189

Top1 Test Top3 Test Diff Top3Build-Up L0 (O) 0.4800 0.8010 0.1398Build-Up L0 0.3026 0.6612Progression L1 0.2313 0.6122Progression L2 (O) 0.4910 0.7874 0.1774Progression L2 0.2800 0.6100Finalization L3 (O) 0.4490 0.7880 0.1992Finalization L3 0.2455 0.5958

Table 20.8: Evaluation results of pass feasibility maps with respectto the game phase.

20.2.3 Weighting Players’ CharacteristicsIn this Subsection, we consider the possibility of incorporating

individual players’ characteristics, since, e.g., the role of a star playermight alter the computed pass feasibility map. Take for instance thesituation shown in Figure 20.9. In this event, there is a partially-undefended receiver placed close to the right sideline; according toour model, this is the best available receiving candidate. However,the final passing decision might be altered if the star player is insidethe passer’s field of view. In this ablation, we present an approach toincorporate this type of information through two kinds of weights.

Position Weights Position priors are defined by normalizing thenumber of given / received passes of each player by the number offaced individual opportunities. In order to avoid overfitting, the priorprobabilities of receiving a pass are computed from a position-playerperspective, which answers the following question: according to thetraining set, “what is the receiving probability for a player j, whoplays as a position k′, if the passer plays in a position k?" (beingk′, k ∈ [central defender, left-right defender, midfielder, forward]).From now on, the total of received / given passes by player j will


Figure 20.9: Effect of star role biases. (a) Initial 2D distribution ofa given play. (b) Baseline output, where the model suggests passingthe ball to the sideline-player. (c) Output when including weights,with the star player emerging as the best receiving candidate.

be named as RPj and GPj respectively, and the faced opportunitiesOpj. Two cases might emerge in this situation:

• If k′ 6= k:pj(receive|passer k) = RPj from k

Opj from k(20.6)

• If k′ = k:

pj(receive|passer k) = RPj from k

(Opj from k)− (GPj)(20.7)

Line Weights As seen in Section 20.2.1, checking the game phasemight complement the player position, thus acquiring a better un-derstanding of the passes a player has given / received. In this case,the only probability to be computed is, given all events in the train-ing set, the percentage of passes a player j, placed in the l′ line, has

20. Pass Feasibility Results 191

received from a passer who was at the l line of the field. Once again,two similar cases emerge:

• If l′ 6= l:

pj(receive|(passer in l , j in l′)) = RPj from l when j in l′Opj from l when j in l′


• If l′ = l:

pj(receive|(passer in l,j in l′)) = RPj from l when j in l′(Opj from l,j in l′)− (GPj in l′)


Weights Combination: Once position and line weights are computed,the pre-computed priors can be merged into one receiving prior prob-ability / player pj(receive) for a single event as:

pj(rec.) = pj(rec.|passer k)pj(rec.|(passer in l, j in l′)) (20.10)

To merge this prior with the proposed offensive map (Section19.1), we suggest:

1. For player j, the receiving prior is converted into a boostingweight by:

wj =(

11− pj(receive)


, (20.11)

where w1 is a weighting factor that regulates the impact of thecomputed priors; in practice, this parameter is set to 5.

2. Afterwards, Equation (19.5) can be modified by adding theboosting weight by:

MwRj(x) = wjexp(−‖x− rj‖2


− (∠(x− rj)− αRj)2




σ′D κ w1 Top1 Test Top3 Test

E 12.5 4 - 0.4651 0.7634Ew 12.5 4 5 0.4556 0.7815Es 12.5 4 - 0.4460 0.7729

Table 20.9: Ablation results: baseline method (E), including weights(Ew) and speed (Es).

Player Rec. Passes Top1 Ew Top3 Ew Top1 E Top3 E Top1 Diff. Top3 Diff.Central 48 0.444 0.889 0.500 0.889 -0.055 0Right-Back 204 0.519 0.828 0.544 0.804 -0.024 0.024Midfielder 113 0.469 0.823 0.469 0.770 0 0.053Forward 245 0.486 0.830 0.454 0.812 0.032 0.018

Table 20.10: Individual performance of different players.

Case Study The effect of weight addition is studied in attackingsituations, defined as the events where the passer is over the second(L2 progression) or third (L3 finalization) defensive line. In order toisolate the effect of weights, and using the proposed disks evaluation,two experiments (named E and Ew) are performed: the results ofE and Ew are obtained using equations (19.5) and (20.12), respec-tively. The specific parameters and the overall performance of bothexperiments are displayed in Table 20.9. As it can be spotted, theoverall performance when using weights does not abruptly changethe final performance result; although there is a slight drop in theTop1 accuracy, a +0.02 boost emerges in Top3. To dissect the generalobtained results, the accuracy has been split into individual players;specifically, four different players are examined in Table 20.10.As it can be spotted:

• The chosen forward is the one obtaining the most notable Top1individual accuracy boost; it also has to be remarked that thisforward is clearly an outlier in the finalization phase, reaching a

20. Pass Feasibility Results 193

16% receiving probability both from midfielders and forwards,hence justifying the actual bias when introducing a player’sroles.

• The displayed midfielder’s results do not show an improvementin Top1 accuracy, but a 5% boost can be seen in Top3, since mid-fielders usually have an active role when organizing the team’soffense.

• The chosen right-back has significant Top1 accuracy withoutweights, but prior data slightly downgrade his performance infavor of team forwards; however, this drop is recovered in Top3.

• Finally, since central defenders do not usually participate inplays in the finalization phase, the presented central’s resultssuffer the biggest drop in Top1 accuracy and do not improve inTop3; however, this central defender has only received 48 passesin L2 / L3, which might be a small sample size.

20.2.4 Speed as a FeatureApart from including roles and existing biases, more features can

be added to the models’ core. At the moment, 2D location and orien-tation data have been merged, but the actual conditions / behavior ofeach player at a time are not taken into account; among all physicalcapabilities, in terms of receiving (or not) a pass, speed makes thebiggest difference. That is, while a static player has few chances ofsuccessfully receiving a long pass, since he/she will have to accelerateand then reach the final pass location, a player that is already run-ning towards open spaces is a favorable receiving candidate. For therest of this ablation study, player speed has been computed directlyfrom 2D tracking data by smoothing player displacements across atemporal window of 11 frames (with respect to the pass timestamp).In order to include speed in the offensive map, the contribution of


each reception map can be adapted by tuning the denominator of thesecond factor in equation (19.3) as:

g′aRj(x) = exp(−(∠(x− rj)− αRj)2



where νr = sj/srec, being sj the receiver’s speed in meters per secondat the given timestamp, and being srec a normalization factor equalto the median speed of receivers in all the set of pass events in theincluded dataset (srec = 1.57 meters / second).Similarly, the same reasoning can be followed for the defensive team,since defenders that are standing still are the ones creating the largestopen spaces in their surroundings given their limited reaction time.Consequently, the numerator in the exponential of the second case inequation (19.6) can be adapted as:

−exp−( 1

2νd(Rβi(x− di))2

x + (Rβi(x− di))2y)


where νd = max(sd/sdef , 1); once again, sd indicates the defender’scurrent speed, and sdef is the median speed of all defenders in thegiven dataset, which is 1.86. Note that when dealing with defenders,the back-side of the double-sided Gaussian is not altered with theplayers’ speed, since it corresponds to the opposite defender’s orien-tation.

The effect of speed when modifying the original equations can be seenin Figure 20.10, where both offensive and defensive contributions aredisplayed. In terms of numerical results, Table 20.9 shows how theeffect of speed does not drastically change the obtained results, asthe presented tests perform similarly in terms of TopN accuracy. Afurther study could be done by taking into account short / mid /long passes, and by assessing the relevance of speed as a feature ineach of these. Potentially, long passes will be the ones where speed,together with proper orientation, becomes a crucial factor.

20. Pass Feasibility Results 195

Figure 20.10: Speed can be included as a feature for both the offensive(top) and the defensive (bottom) contributions. The faster the playeris moving, the larger space he/she can reach for a proper reception /interception.

20.2.5 Discussion

From the obtained Top1/Top3 accuracy results, it has been provedthat not including orientation in the pass feasibility map leads to anotable drop (around 0.2). This fall exemplifies that orientation playsa crucial role in pass events, since offensive players have to exploitopen spaces, and also because players outside the passer’s field of viewwill not be able to receive the ball. Overall, the best performanceis achieved by central defenders’ passes and by passes given in thebuild-up phase, and the worst scenario belongs to forwards or passesgiven after in the finalization phase. However, the latter scenariosare also the ones that benefit the most when adding orientation intothe map, meaning that the overall scenario corresponds to a reallyrisky pass where proper orientation makes a difference.Obtaining 0.79 of Top3 accuracy means that, by adding orientation,the safest spots in the field are generally detected. Notice that thepass feasibility map indicates how safe it is a priori to pass the balltowards each field location in terms of keeping the ball; nevertheless,other concepts such as offensive strategy or match timing, which usu-


ally alter the decision-making process of the passer, are not consid-ered. Although orientation is a crucial skill for soccer players, it is ahard feature to teach by coaches; orientation-based drills are toughto design and the best way to improve this particular skill is throughvisual examples. By using 2D feasibility maps, results can be filteredindividually to detect which players react better / worse in particu-lar field positions or even during different game moments; having theappropriate game video clips plus the right tools to explain them cansmooth the communication between analysts-coaches-players, thusfavoring a potentially better performance. As in the case of discretestates, the presented pass feasibility maps could also be integratedinto existing EPV models [34; 33], which would result in a refined andmore realistic output. Besides, apart from coaches benefiting fromthis type of tool, strength and conditioning staff could also obtainmeaningful insights. By checking orientation throughout games andpractices, a fine-grained analysis of each players’ training load couldbe performed, thus detecting running types (front / side / back) andbecoming a valuable tool for injury prevention.Moreover, the output of feasibility maps could be adapted to othersports, even though the aim of the presented model could differ frompassing events. Some suggestions to adapt feasibility maps to otherdomains are given in Section 21.1.

21 Conclusions

In the last Part of this manuscript, the feasibility of soccer passevents has been analyzed with two different approaches: discretestates and pass feasibility maps. In both cases, the main contri-bution is the inclusion of orientation data, estimated directly fromvideo frames, into a passing model, which has proved to be strictlycorrelated to the play outcome and a key feature to characterize thedecision-making process of players.

On the one hand, when dealing with discrete states, orientation fea-sibility is computed with a geometrical approach among offensiveplayers, and it is combined with two other estimations, based on thefaced defensive pressure and pairwise distances between the passerand all potential receivers. Moreover, the combination of the model’soutput with existing pass probability / EPV models has been studied,obtaining confident results which indicate that SoA methods can berefined by including orientation data. Note that this model is reallylight in terms of computational complexity and it could be used inreal-time.

On the other hand, pass feasibility maps provide a plausibility mea-sure that indicates how safe it is to pass the ball towards any 2Dposition of the whole field. The proposed feasibility map is modeledthrough Gaussian functions that depend both on orientation and lo-



cation. For the offensive team, the passer’s field-of-view (or reach) ismodeled and later combined with the aggregation of receivers. Thedefensive contribution is also computed by estimating the individualinfluence area, which also relies on player orientation. By mergingoffense and defense into one same function, the 2D pass feasibilitymap is obtained.Three suggestions to evaluate this type of map are given. In thismatter, 0.46 / 0.79 Top1/Top3 accuracy are obtained, respectively,with a -0.2 drop in both cases when not taking orientation into ac-count, thus showing that orientation is indeed a vital skill for soccerplayers. In the presented ablation study, the first steps to build anaccurate model including player characteristics (speed) and biaseshave been detailed, which results in Top1/Top3 accuracy boosts forindividual star players. The visual information of the proposed fea-sibility map can be directly used by analysts or coaches, who mightdetect strengths and weaknesses in the passing spatial patterns of agiven team.

21.1 Future WorkAlthough the obtained pass feasibility results generalize well to

the vast majority of situations, other soccer-based facets could beincluded in the model’s core to provide even more realistic outputs.For instance, the following factors have not been taken into account:

• Intrinsic player skills that define the passing reach. Since eachplayer has his/her own strengths and weaknesses and given thatpassing might be one of them, several scenarios come into play.A midfielder that excels in passing to open spaces should havea larger associated spatial reach, but a central defender whosemain goal is to recover the ball and to ensure safety passes tomidfielders should have a restricted one. Anyway, large sam-ples of data are required to include all these specifics without

21. Conclusions 199

overfitting the model.

• Similarly, game context also matters. For example, a team thatis trailing by 1 goal is willing to take a lot of risky moves in thelast minutes of the game (e.g. goalkeeper in the offensive areain a corner play). All these contextual cues definitely affect theoutcome of passes and could be considered as game features inthe presented model.

Besides, the model could also benefit from orientation-based Voronoitessellation. In fact, many of the presented passing tools and modelsreviewed in Chapter 17 include these kind of cells in order to assignfield regions to individual receivers; by including orientation, theseregions could be refined according to the player’s actual spatial reach.Apart from improving the consistency of the presented computationalsoccer models, the generalization to other sports could be studied.However, in other scenarios, the aim of the presented model coulddiffer from passing events. In the case of basketball, body-orientationdefinitely affects the passing outcome, but several other aspects couldprovide much more meaningful insights, such as:

• The orientation of off-ball defenders in the weak-side of theplay is vital. These types of defenders need to be in a perfectposition and orientation in case: (a) the player carrying theball drives to the basket, (b) their match-up cuts to the basket(back-door), or (c) they have to perform a close-out defenseafter a skip pass. Likewise, other off-ball defensive clues couldbe obtained, such as the perfect combination of spacing plusorientation in order to build a defensive pressure set (or evenzone defense).

• The orientation of on-ball defenders is also important, espe-cially in the current NBA context, where the defensive strategyof several teams is based on switches. In these situations, twomiss-matches occur: first, there is a big player guarding thesmall ball-handler, and then, there is a small player covering a


big one. With proper orientation, lateral quickness is favored,thus mitigating an unfavorable outcome of the potential miss-match.

• On the offensive end, other practical applications can be built.An interesting one could be the effect of screening angles ac-cording to body-orientation in pick and roll or off-screen plays.Since the body-orientation of the screener is fundamental totrap the ball defender and generate a scoring opportunity, fea-sibility offensive maps could be built. Note that in this scenario,the raw computation of orientation might differ from the origi-nal one, since the lower part of the body is also needed.

Therefore, feasibility maps could be a valid resource for coaches toextract insights, and their power is not only limited to passing eventsin soccer.


You can unfasten your seat belt, we have reached the end of thisparticular journey of CV in sports. During this adventure, severalParts and Chapters have guided us to understand where ComputerVision falls inside this brand new field of sports analytics and whichare the data sources and the potential applications that clubs orcoaches are looking for.

In Chapter 1, the importance of tracking in sports has been contex-tualized, hence proving that the overall situation of data science inelite competitions has shifted completely; in this new decision-makingparadigm, data-driven automated processes attempt to complementthe existing know-how of coaches and general managers. Within thiscontext, the inclusion of tracking data has proved to be crucial, sinceit encompasses other types of data sources, and moreover, severalmodels can be trained on top of this kind of data.

However, since tracking data are still not an exploited resource ina large set of competitions, where teams have unbalanced economi-cal resources, the viability of single-camera basketball multi-trackingalgorithms has been studied in Part I. More concretely, through aCV-based pipeline, involving court filtering and player detection,the effect of different feature extraction processes has been analyzed,with the obtention of color- and deep-learning-based features. Oncematched all the given instances in the scene across frames, the ob-tained results have shown almost a 0.7 multi-object tracking accuracy,



which is a notable performance since (up to) 10 targets have to beidentified and tracked.

In Part II we have seen how tracking data may fall short in givenscenarios since the 2D location of players normally lacks the generalcontext. Under these circumstances, CV is an endless resource oftechniques that can be used to extract metrics and to enrich puretracking data. In this manuscript, a complete research about bodyorientation has been provided, thus resulting in a new dimension thatcomplements raw tracking (2D location + body orientation). Oncedefined body orientation as the 2D projection of the 3D normal vec-tor extracted right in the middle of the player’s upper-torso, twoapproaches have been described. The first one, model-based, stemsfrom pose models and combines classical CV and 3D-Vision tech-niques to map the position of body parts in a 2D template, henceobtaining the desired normal vector with ease. This estimation islater refined with contextual information, i.e. ball location. Thesecond one, learning-based, tackles this challenge as a classificationproblem by fine-tuning a VGG-19 network; by leveraging on a propercompensation of angles with respect to the camera pose, and by in-troducing a cyclic loss function based on soft labels, the network isable to classify bounding boxes into orientation bins. Results havebeen validated through EPTS-held devices, which provide ground-truth orientation data; while the model-based method achieves de-cent performance with less than 28 degrees of median absolute error,the learning-based one improves its performance by a large margin,resulting in an error less than 13 degrees. What is more, some datavisualizations are given in order to make raw orientation data under-standable at first sight; in particular, OrientSonars-maps, Reaction-maps, and On-Field-maps are presented.

Even though the inclusion of orientation is supposed to be benefi-cial for any type of post-processing modeling, its real profit has tobe validated. Consequently, Part III aims to prove the vital impor-

Closure 203

tance of body-orientation in the most common soccer event: passes.More specifically, the notion of pass feasibility is introduced, whichexpresses who is the most likely receiver to get the ball, or which arethe safest field spots. In the first case, a discrete computational modelis presented, which combines (a) the location, (b) the orientation, and(c) the faced defensive pressure of every potential receiver, and endsup ranking the safest receivers. In order to exploit open spaces, thesecond computational model extends the latter by producing passfeasibility maps. In this sort of tool, pass safety is displayed on everyfield spot by merging together the offensive and the defensive team’scontributions, both of them including location plus orientation. Theperformance of feasibility-tools has been studied with a TopN fashion,which indicates if the output of the model matches the real scenario,and promising results have been obtained: 0.36 / 0.70 (discrete), and0.46 / 0.79 (maps) in Top1 and Top3 respectively. Moreover, thesame experiments have been performed without including orienta-tion in the computational model; in all cases, a drop around −0.2accuracy appeared, thus proving that the included variable definitelyhad a relevant weight in the proposed models.

Having listed all the presented contributions, I would like to givesome personal closure to this manuscript with future guidelines andtake-home messages. First of all, apart from the concrete poten-tial improvements described in Sections 7.1 and 21.1, other lines ofresearch that could benefit from the enclosed manuscript’s contribu-tions are listed:

• Individual action recognition is probably one of the most inter-esting ways to enrich player tracking data. By training mod-els from compensated bounding boxes, networks could classifyeach player into a given set of action-related categories. For in-stance, basketball-wise, it would be interesting to know, apartfrom each player’s 2D location and his/her orientation, whatbasic actions players are performing: running, screening, shoot-ing, passing, dribbling... With this new generation of analytics,


several meaningful improvements could be made on existingbasketball layers:

– Playtype data could be automatically collected for eachplayer. At a coarse level, it could be known a priori if aplayer, e.g., takes more shots off the dribble or in spot-upsituations. At a fine level, e.g. novel defensive metricscould quantify the defensive effort of a player in specificsituations (such as weak-side help or pick and rolls).

– Advanced tracking statistics could also be redefined. Themost obvious example are the defensive shot labels: roughly,if a player shoots without a defender close to him/her, theshot is considered as open; otherwise, the shot is consid-ered as contested. At the given moment, this definitionis only based on pairwise distances: if the shooter has aplayer nearby in the 2D space (within a radius of 1.25meters), that shot will be considered as contested. How-ever, without action recognition, it cannot be known ifthe defensive player is truly contesting the shot (jumping,stretching his/her arm) or he/she has a passive attitudethat does not bother the shooter at all. By adding actionrecognition into the equation, a better definition of thistype of statistics would be obtained.

• Collective action recognition could also be really valuable. Al-though individual players perform independent actions by them-selves, the success of team sports’ offensive motions depends onthe overall synergy among players. For instance, when two bas-ketball players are executing a ball-screen play, the ball handleris the one generating a scoring opportunity through the screen,the screener decides whether to roll or to pop, but what is more,there are three other players who have to be in the right placeat the right time, thus producing the desired spacing to end upwith the better shot for the team. Capturing these collective

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patterns could help coaches identifying the playing style of ateam in different game phases.

• If all actions are being labeled with individual / collective ac-tion recognition, the next step is to generate automatic high-lights through action spotting. With this type of tool, not onlycompetitions or broadcasting companies could have accurateand automatic summaries of the game, but also coaches couldsave a lot of film time while preparing scouting reports. Notethat in this case, for the sake of completion, data from otherdomains, such as eventing or audio cues, could even generatemore customized and precise reports.

• During the whole manuscript, we talked about basketball track-ing and soccer body-orientation applications, but there is alarge set of sports-related scenarios to be explored. Obviously,the most competitive leagues, with respect to their economicalresources, will be the ones gathering sport-dependent trackingdata first, but all these tools should be multi-sport soon. Forinstance, in Part 13.2 we have shown how easy-to-adapt modelscould be tested without requiring lots of input data (unbalancedsets, at least), thus boosting the potential generalization acrosssports.

• At the given moment, the vast majority of trackers are gather-ing information only in the 2D space (X, Y coordinates). In thecase of basketball, the main reasoning is that tracking camerasconsist of an overhead setup that considers each player as a dotin the court; by merging data from the broadcasting camera,the Z dimension could be also inferred. Note that this dimen-sion could also be obtained by using ground-truth data comingfrom EPTS-held devices, and its output could also be helpfulfor action recognition models. In this particular domain, the3D pose models detailed in Chapter 10 could be exploited.

• Pose models have been widely used during the whole thesis for


tracking and orientation purposes, but more applications couldbe built from the obtained skeletons. For instance, player sim-ilarity could be brought to the next level. At the moment,similarity is just computed in terms of numerical statistics orbased on human perception through video reports, but by in-cluding pose data, inner patterns could be detected as well: does a player pass in terms of a purely technical biomet-rical perspective with his/her off-hand? How do these playersresemble from the point of view of their shooting mechanics?This tool could be also useful for talent identification (or re-cruitment) in youth sports.

• Until this point, we have mentioned several open datasets thathave been used to train the presented models. Actually, allthese models share one feature: included data belong to realgames and to real players. One source of data that has still notbeen exploited are video games, which could be an excellentresource given that: (a) the perception of reality in video gamesis almost perfect at the moment, (b) the amount of data thatcan be generated with this data source is boundless – in termsof camera pose and also with respect to the number of games–, and (c) metadata could be easily obtained without requiringthe need of sensor-data – e.g. player meshes and normal vectors–. I truly believe that training models from video-game datacould really improve the generalization capability of existingmodels.

• Last but not least, visualization tools of all presented methodscould be built from a computer graphics / UX-design perspec-tive. Even though the vast majority of post-processing anal-ysis is not done during games, with the appropriate graphictools, coaches could have real-time information regarding sev-eral orientation-based metrics, such as printed pass feasibilitymaps on top of game footage. These data could be displayed ona tablet being carried by an assistant coach, and automatic per-

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formance reports could facilitate the decision-making process ofthe coaching staff e.g. during half-time.

Finally, I would like to encourage all researchers working with sportsanalytics in academia to keep sharing their work in order to create asolid state-of-the-art that could encompass many game facets acrosssports. When submitting our work to computer science journals, acommon flaw that some reviewers detected was that, since our workcould not be compared with previous work, it was unclear if theobtained results could be validated. One decade ago, it was hard toimagine that someone could pursue a professional career in sportsanalytics, but once that phase has been surpassed, it is now time toprove that sports analytics’ research can fit in the scope of reputedjournals. Fortunately, a huge effort has been made by researchers /organizations / clubs to create a research-sharing culture in this field,namely:

• In academia, apart from the well-known Journal of Sports Sci-ences and the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (hybridbetween companies and academia), there has been a substan-tial rise in the number of sports-related conferences in the lastdecade, for instance:

– International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sportsat the Computer Vision Pattern Recognition conference(CVPR) - 7 editions.

– Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for SportsAnalytics at the ACM International Conference on Multi-media - 7 editions

– International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysisin Sports at the European Conference on Machine Learn-ing and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discoveryin Databases - 3 editions.

– AI for Sports Analytics Workshop at the InternationalJoint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - 1 edition.


• Besides, topnotch clubs / companies / organizations are alsohosting enriching events where professional analysts and re-searchers discuss their research topics (mainly soccer), such as:

– OptaPro Analytics Forum - 5 editions.– Futbol Club Barcelona’s Sports Tomorrow Congress - 4

editions.– StatsBoom Innovation in Football Conference (first hosted

in 2019 and now scheduled for 2021).– Despite being virtual sessions, the community of Friends

of Tracking is also sharing powerful resources weekly, in-cluding open code or detailed tutorials.

• Upcoming literature will benefit from open datasets, like theones described in Section 2.3. For instance, the authors fromSoccerNet [40; 26] are currently hosting action-spotting chal-lenges performed on top of their open dataset.

With all these limitless resources, there are no possible excuses: thetiming is perfect to research every possible greedy detail of this emerg-ing field. Possibly, the main open question regarding the pursuit ofa sports analytics career is how to get started, and as far as I cantell, since sports-analytics-based undergraduate programs still do notexist, there is not a default-valid answer. It is crystal clear that pro-fessional analysts must be comfortable coding, handling large struc-tures of numbers, so any computer science / data science career willprovide the student with all required technical tools. However, whattruly makes the difference has little to do with computers: analystsmust be sports enthusiasts, and having some court / field experi-ence is definitely a bonus. One of the main challenges for analystswhile establishing data science departments in clubs is to create asolid communication environment. Since insights can be easily lostin the communication transfer between analysts and coaches, both ofthem need to speak the same language, or even better, the analyst

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needs to speak the same language as the coach, and he/she must beable to translate technical sports-based argot into numbers. Bear-ing in mind that each coach is unique, one of the key aspects forthis smooth transfer of knowledge is to ask the appropriate questionswithout getting too technical, thus getting to know their true needs.Therefore, I would say that professional analysts must be hybrid pro-files with the appropriate tools to create, analyze, and communicate.


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