ADP L1 intro

Post on 18-May-2015






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Lesson 1 Academic Discussion and Presentation, Kansai University, Spring 2011


Academic Discussion and Presentation

Kansai University, Spring 2011

PurposeThe purpose of this course is have students

Prepare for academic discussions and presentations.

Read newspaper and academic articles,

Watch and understand videos,

Write papers

Participate in academic discussions

Classroom Rules It’s OK to make a mistake. That is how you will

learn and get better.

Speak English as much as you can.

Ask for help, when you don’t understand.

Treat others with respect.

Help each other.

Relax and enjoy the class.

Today’s Class  In today’s class, we get to know each other.

Students will Introduce themselves and discuss their area of

research. Read and discuss a newspaper article, Watch a video and discuss what they learned.

After class, students will post their reflections and comments on Facebook.

Basic Introduction My name is ______________________

You can call me __________________

I’m a graduate student.

OR I’m a first year master’s candidate.

(at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan).

I’m majoring in Informatics. It’s sometimes called IT.

My area of interest is in ________________________.

I’m from __________ City in _________ Prefecture.

Nice to meet you. I’m glad to meet you.

Student Course Expectations

Please write about at least three things that you would like to learn or do in this class.

For example

In this class, I would like to learn about Social Networking Services (SNS) because I would like to write a research paper comparing SNS in Japan and other countries

In this class, I would like to learn about

a) ___________________ because ________________

b) ___________________ because ________________

c) ___________________ because ________________

A Newspaper ArticleToday, we will read a newspaper article about the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan and how it has increased the use of social networking sites.

ADP L1 The Disaster in Japan Sparks Social Media Innovation.docx

About what percent of the article did you understand when you tried to read it by yourself? _____%

How difficult was the article to read? Circle your answer:

1 (very easy) 2 3 4 5 (very difficult)

Please write about three important points that the author of the article is trying to say.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Watching a VideoWatch a video about the recent events in Japan and how it is resulting in innovation in Japan.

About what percent of the video did you understand when you listened by yourself? _____%

How difficult was the video to understand? Circle your answer: 1 (very easy) 2 3 4 5 (very difficult)

Please write about three important points that the presenter on the video is trying to say. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________  __________________________________________________

Vocabulary and Grammar

Learning vocabulary and grammar are important parts of becoming better at discussions and presentations.

Please write new words or grammar that you learned in today’s class






Posting Reflections and Comments

Post your reflections and comments on a Facebook group page. Only members of the class can see this page.

To post your reflections and comments, please select the document “Doc” button.  

I will post a template for you to copy and paste. Title: ADP Lesson Reflections and Comments Write your reflections by using the following format:

Lesson 1 Today I learned many things in class.

First, I learned ___________________Second, I learned _________________Third, I learned ___________________Fourth, I learned _________________Fifth, I learned ___________________

In conclusion ____________________ Comments about today’s class.


Next Week’s Class Next week, we will do some work in class.

We will talk with Bert sensei on Elluminate.

We will practice having an online class, to prepare you for online discussions and presentations.

If you have a computer, please bring it to class and be sure that you can download Elluminate.

Ask other students if you don’t understand.

If you don’t have a computer, you can share a computer with another student.

Questions and Answers

Mary Kimura

Bert Kimura

Masashi Okada

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