Adoptionof GéantCloud IaaSFramework Sala A (Salón de Actos) ga comora coniunta: mode'o de (2.53 MB) Dr. Francisco Javier Vázquez Matilla, miembro del grupo de expertos en contratación

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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Adoption of Géant Cloud IaaS Framework“TOWARDS THE CLOUDS TOGETHER”


Status (some highlights)

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● R&E Community is aware of the growing relevance of Cloud services.

● The GÉANT IaaS Framework (“the Framework”) has generated a lot of interest due to its multiple benefits (savings, agility, SSO via SIR, direct peering).

● The new Spanish legislation on public procurement, which finally transposes the

EC directive, came into force on March 9th.

● Direct contracting/purchasing of IaaS services on advantageous terms without

the need for tendering, multi-supplier and with no minimum value; that is, an ideal environment to start a pilot project or a proof of concept and grow according to needs and confidence in the solution model.

● 24 institutions are already using the Framework (public ones not directly yet).

Providers in Spain

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Adoption: Users in Spain

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• 24 institutions are already using the Framework (public ones not directly yet)

• All in Education except one Research center (IRAM)

• All with Azure except one with AWS (IRAM)

About Cloud IaaS Conference (Madrid, 28 Nov 2017)

RedIRIS - la red académica y de investigación española 5

• All presentations and recordings available on RedIRIS website

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