Adolf Hitler Rise to Power ADOLF HITLER: How did this little boy on the left become the man on the right? A man who was ultimately responsible for the.

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Adolf Hitler

Rise to Power


How did this little boy on the left become the man on the right? A man who was ultimately responsible for

the death of about 50 million people all over the


ParentsAdolf’s father, Alois Schickelgruber Hitler was a customs official. His father, Adolf’s grandfather, may have been Jewish. He died when Adolf was 14 and left him a small inheritance.

Klara Hitler was very young when she married the older Alois. She showered young Adolf with love and affection. Adolf carried a picture of his mom until the day he died. She died of breast cancer when Adolf was 18 years old.

Birth• Adolf Hitler was

born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau, Austria.

• Adolf was 1 of 6 children - 3 of who died at early ages

Education• He attended a Benedictine (Roman Catholic Church)

monastery school (a house or place of residence occupied by a community of persons) where he took part in the choir.

• When it was time to choose a secondary school (a school between primary (high) school and a college or university), Adolf wanted to become an artist.

• His father wanted him to become a civil servant (a person employed in the civil service), but after his father died, he dropped out of high school and attempted to get into the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts - he failed.

• The following slides are examples of Adolf’s artwork.



This is an Adolf Hitler Watercolor. This painting alone is over twenty-three thousand dollars. This painting is accompanied by a statement of authenticity. Authenticity means that something is trustworthy or genuine. It is what it is said to be.

“Colored Flowers”

“Millhouse Study”

This painting depicts a millhouse with a waterwheel in a landscape orientation. Hitler usually painted in a traditional style: “His typical landscapes, city scenes and still life’s all

clearly indicate how completely he was captivated by conventional forms of expression”, (captivated means to attract and hold the attention or interest of something) and “His intense fascination with architecture was reflected in his numerous drawings of houses, churches, public buildings and city scenes.”

“Rolling Hills”This painting depicts a cloudy mountain skyline in blues and purples on sepia-colored stock (a brown pigment obtained from the ink line secretion of various cuttlefish and used with a brush or pen in drawing). In most of his work, Hitler is well known for his propensity (a natural inclination or tendency) to depict the sky as a rolling—almost living– entity. This painting is from very early in his career as an artist, and shows his experimentation with various styles of sky treatments.

Years in Vienna• After his mother died, Adolf (now 18) decided to move

to Austria to pursue his dream of becoming a great artist.

• Again he failed to gain entrance into the Academy• He eventually sold all his possessions and became a

homeless drifter who slept on park benches and ate at soup kitchens throughout Vienna (age 19)

• Adolf did manage to sell some paintings and postcards, but remained impoverished. Impoverished means that he was reduced to poverty (he was poor).

Vienna -Importance• Influenced by the anti-Semitic mayor

of Vienna, Karl Lueger.

• Anti-Semitism-Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism; discrimination against Jews.

• Became interested in the idea of German nationalism (devotion and loyalty to one’s own nation, patriotism).

• Also received first taste of politics (the practice or profession of political government).

Military ServiceAdolf left Austria at the age of 24 to avoid mandatory (no other options, a must) military service that was required of all men.

However, he did sign up for military service at the start of WW I. He joined a Bavarian (Bavaria is a state in Germany) unit of the German Army. This is a picture of Hitler listening to an enlistment (enlistment is a period of time for which one is committed to military service) speech.

World War I• Excited to fight for Germany.

• Found a home fighting for the Fatherland.

• Highest rank held was corporal.

• Was a regimental messenger, not an easy job at all. A regimental messenger was a messenger for the regimental headquarters. This exposed him to enemy fire daily.

Military Record• Was awarded the Iron

Cross twice. (5 medals overall)

• Highest military honor in German Army.

• Single handedly captured 4 French soldiers.

• Blinded by gas attack towards end of war.

German Loss in WW I• Hitler was devastated when he heard the news of the German


• He was appalled at the anti-war sentiment among the German civilians.

• Believed there was an anti-war conspiracy that involved the Jews and Marxists (one that believes in or follows the ideas of Marx and Engels). Marx and Engels believed in Communism (where everybody is considered and treated equally).

• Also, felt that the German military did not lose the war, but that the politicians (mostly Jews) at home were responsible for the defeat.

Life after WW I• Hitler was depressed after

WW I.• Still in the army, he became

an undercover agent whose job was to root out Marxists

• Also, lectured about the dangers of Communism and Jews

• Communism is when everybody is considered and treated equally.

German Worker’s Party• Hitler was sent to

investigate this group in Munich in 1919.

• He went to a meeting and gave a speech.

• He was them asked to become a member, which he did

NAZI Party is Formed• Hitler began to think big for

the German Worker’s Party

• Began placing ads for meetings in anti-Semitic newspapers

• Anti-Semitism-Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism; discrimination against Jews.

• Hitler changed the name to National Socialist German Worker’s Party or the NAZIS

Party Platform• Hitler drafted a platform of 25

points• Revoked Versailles Treaty• Versailles Treaty-Was one of the

peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers.

• Revoked civil rights of Jews• Civil rights protect individuals

from unwarranted government action and ensure one’s ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression.

• Confiscated (seized-taken away from) any war profits.

Besides changing the party name, the red flag with the SWASTIKA was

adopted as the party symbol

Beer Hall Putsch• October 30, 1923• Hitler held a rally in

Munich beer hall and declared revolution

• Led 2000 men to take over the Bavarian Government

• It failed and Hitler was imprisoned

Trial and Jail•At his trial (Hitler was charged with treason), he used the opportunity to speak about the NAZI platform and spread his popularity. Treason is when one goes against his own country (government).•The whole nation suddenly knew who Adolf Hitler was and what he stood for.•He was sentenced to five years, but actually only served about 9 months.•When he left prison, he was ready to go into action again.

Mein Kampf• Hitler’s book “My Struggle” –

was written while he was in jail• Sold 5 million copies, it made

him rich• Topics included: Jews were

evil, Germans were the superior race, Fuhrer principal (this meant that the country needed a strong charismatic leader who could lead the people in whatever way he though best), dislike of Communism and Democracy and the need to conquer Russia

Legal Rise to Power• Used popularity from

failed revolution and book to seize power legally

• Spoke to mass audiences about making Germany a great nation again

• Nazi Party:

– 1930 = 18% of vote

– 1932 = 30% of vote

– Hitler becomes Chancellor in 1933

• A Chancellor is the title of various official positions in the government of many nations.

Appeal of Hitler• Germany was in the midst of an economic depression with

hyper-inflation. This means that the economy endured a long-term downward spiral in economic activity in one or more economies, and that it was “out of control”.

• Hitler was a WW I hero who talked about bringing glory back to the “Fatherland”

• He promised the rich industrialists that he would end any communist threat in Germany

• Constantly blamed Jews for Germany’s problems, not the German people.

• Hitler was an excellent public speaker.

Strong Arm Tactics• The “Brownshirts” or SA

(Stormtroopers)• SA was used to put down

opposition parties• Threatened and beat up Jews and

ant-Nazi voters• Wore brownshirts, pants and boots• Numbered almost 400,000 by 1932• Brownshirts were members of an

early Nazi paramilitary organization. Their violent intimidation of political opponents and of Jews played a key role in Hitler’s rise to power.

Dictator• “Reichstag fire” gives Hitler

total power

• Reichstag fire - An arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

• In 1933, all parties were outlawed except the Nazi party

• People’s civil rights were suspended

• “Night of the Long Knives” – A purge that took place in Nazi Germany between June 30 and July 2, 1934, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political executions.

Dictator – An absolute ruler.

Dictatorship VS. DemocracyDictatorship – A form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator. In other words, a government controlled by one person or a small group of people.

EXAMPLE: Adolf Hitler made decisions for his people as he saw fit, what he said - went.

Democracy – A political government either carried out directly by the people (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives (voting) of the people. The “majority rule” is often described as a characteristic feature of democracy.

EXAMPLE: Our government here in America. We vote together to decide who will run our country and make decisions for us. We have a voice. Decisions are based upon many different people’s opinions.

Absolute Power• German economy was

improving and people were happy

• Hilter had no political opposition

• 1st concentration camp opened in 1933

• Began rearming German Army for expansion of the Reich

Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30th, 1945. He died by gunshot and cyanide poisoning.

This is the cover of the U.S. armed forces newspaper The Stars and Stripes on May 2nd, 1945.

Hitler’s Death


.......................Until the start of World War II

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