Acxiom corporate brochure 2010

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Generate more satisfaction and profit at every consumer touchpoint. fill in the blanks.




But in the real world, there are complicating factors. Like the fact that there are millions of customers and prospects. And they’re connected to an unprecedented array of devices and media. So you need to be prepared to communicate across all those channels, delivering thousands — or even millions — of distinct messages to your audience in a given day.

Media profusion, fragMented attention —and Models that don’t keep pace with reality.

The same technology that gives you more ways to reach consumers than ever has paradoxically made it much harder to achieve the impact you need. And marketers are for the most part unaware of the true extent of the problem. Consider: while 80% of CEOs believe their brand delivers a superior customer experience, only 8% of their customers agree.1 Which shouldn’t be surprising, considering the fact that 4 out of 5 online ads (to cite just one medium) fail to reach their intended target.2 The old models of how media and messaging work are no longer workable.

There is a critical need to improve marketing ROI. And the solution is conceptually quite simple: engage with consumers more fully — i.e., profitably — by delivering a better brand experience that serves the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

it’s tiMe for a new Model.

$100,000,000 of roi The need for a new engagement model is quantifiable: shifting just 15% of marketing investments from low- to high-value opportunities can markedly improve a company’s marketing success ratio. And full implementation has generated over $100 million a year in benefit to our clients.

1 Bain & Company, Closing the Delivery Gap, 20052 ComScore, March 2009: Research from eight U.S. brand campaigns with budgets between $400,000 and $2 million

Presenting a new approach to engagement that helps you answer critical questions, act with greater confidence, and execute on a mass scale — to achieve new levels of success.

Reach the right audience in larger numbers Obstacle: Marketers and the “publishing” networks they use (online networks such as Yahoo or MSN, cable companies, mobile providers, etc.) can only share a limited amount of audience data, for privacy and competitive reasons. Relevance-X® multichannel targeting solution acts as a trusted “safe haven” where marketers and publishers can anonymously match up audience data, to target far more precisely at scale, without compromising personally identifiable information.

narrowcastingBy replacing wasteful broadcasting with efficient addressable advertising, you can reach and engage your audi-ence with certainty. But it’s not enough to reach only the right people; you also have to find enough of them, across many channels, to impact sales. In other words, you need scale.

1 MultidiMensional insight How you see your audience influences your expectations of them, and single dimensional views — whether behavioral, contextual, or media-based — usually lead to a false picture. To uncover more relevant insights and filter out false signals, you need to integrate multiple dimensions of insight.

2Seeing consumers — and opportunities — more clearly Multichannel customers — e.g., online and in-store buyers — are 4-5 times more profitable 3 than others. But because they can’t match on- and off-line sources of customer data, many companies perceive such a buyer as two (or more) different people. AbiliTec® Digital recognition technology helps solve this by matching data files from multiple on- and off-line sources, creating a far more real and useful view of customers.

3 According to Acxiom estimates

networked intelligence To utilize insight on a mass scale, you need to use your technological infrastructure as a marketing central nervous system, sending and receiving signals about customer behavior, and recalibrating accordingly.

personalized engageMent Finally, none of the rest matters if it isn’t applied at the moment of truth with a personalized and coordinated engagement, in the form of a uniquely relevant communication that compels each consumer to action.

3 4


Don’t warehouse knowledge, apply it Acxiom provides consulting and turnkey solutions, including MarketEdge-XTM, to help leading-edge marketers configure their infrastructure and processes to remember, learn from, and react to each interaction in every media over time, so they can treat each customer with a level of recognition that feels special — because it is.

Improving the brand experience — and sales results Marketers only have a limited number of opportunities to interact with each individual. Impact-XTM is the engagement optimization platform that makes every touchpoint more meaningful. So companies can deliver the right mobile coupon just as a prospect passes their store, or tailor their site content to each visitor in real time.


The next era in marketing will be won not by those who first put a product to market, then wait for customers to come to them. It will be won by those who proactively use all the data and resources at their disposal to go after the best customers first. Which should come as no surprise, because successful busi-ness has always been about putting customers first.

But more effective customer engagement entails getting myriad details exactly right. As the global leader in interactive marketing services with over 32 billion data records updated monthly, Acxiom is the resource sophisticated marketers turn to for the products, services and expertise needed to give more to their customers at every touchpoint, and get back more in return. And our comprehensive, consultative approach to addressing problems — and opportunities — helps clients get repeatable, scalable results that drive ongoing success.

ask us how our innovative products can help increase your Marketing roi:

relevance-XThis multichannel targeting and engagement solution minimizes the key sources of waste in your programs — and boosts ROI — by delivering the right message to the right audience with certainty, regardless of site, content or channel — online, mobile, addressable TV or social media. Leveraging a vast ecosystem of digital partners, it lets you narrowcast your audience to find high-value targets in scale.

Let Acxiom be your guide to this new marketing reality — and bridge the gaps in your engagement capabilities.

abilitec digitalAbiliTec Digital is a key enabler of multidimensional insight. Leveraging Acxiom’s vast experience in recognition solutions, it enables some of the highest and most accurate recognition rates in the industry — in real time — across all your enterprise touchpoints.

impact-XThe campaign management platform that provides engagement optimization by personalizing and coordinating customer touchpoints across multiple media, online, via email, to permissioned mobile and on social networks.


Customer segmentation solutions that enable you to better know — and anticipate — your customers’ demographics and buying behaviors. So you can analyze markets more accurately, then plan and execute more successful acquisition and retention campaigns.

infobase-XTM The world’s largest compilation of timely, up-to-date customer intelligence, InfoBase-X is the premier consumer database for national, regional and local campaigns.

Marketing strategy and analytics consulting A client-centric approach that can be either diagnostic or prescriptive ensures we meet companies’ specific needs. Whether they require stand-alone products or integrated solutions, we create privacy-compliant, leading-edge strategies for customer information.

download the connected capabilities white paper at

download the connected capabilities white paper at

Acxiom hAs put customer success first since 1969

Our version began with providing the best data to drive our customers’ success. And through the last 41 years, our customers have trusted us to provide the information, products and services to maximze their marketing investment. Today, we stand in a world of changing consumer behaviors and attitudes. Amid such change, we are more dedicated than ever to solving our clients’ most intractable business and marketing challenges through enriched insight and innovative customer engagement.

Learn how to put our insight to work for

© 2010 Acxiom Corporation. All rights reserved.

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