Acute systemic lupus erythematosus

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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“butterfly pattern” on the face. This is the typical “malar rash..

Livedo reticularisA mottled purplish discoloration of the skin

Subacute Cutaneous Lupus erythematosus (SCLE

Lupus Symptom: Joint Pain

Who Gets Lupus?• Anyone , But more than 90% of people are women. :• African-American, Latino, or Asian • Aged 15 to 45 • Related to someone with lupus

Types of Lupus• systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)• Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (discoid lupus • Drug-induced systemic lupus

Self-Care for Lupus• Cover up when you're in the sun• Don't smoke. • Exercise regularly. • Improve your stress management skills. • Also be sure to get plenty of rest..

Lupus and Lung Problems

Subacute LE

Drug-induced lupus

Systemic LE

•Livedo reticularis can be a normal condition that is simply more obvious when a person is exposed to the cold.

•Livedo reticularis can also be an indicator of impaired circulation. Livedo reticularis has been reported in association with:

•Autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus .•Abnormal antibodies referred to as phospholipid antibodies.

Examples of these antibodies are the cardiolipin antibody and falsely positive testing for syphilis .

•A syndrome featuring phospholipid antibodies with multiple brain strokes. It is felt that the blood of these patients has a propensity to

clot which may predispose to stroke.

•Erythematous, warm, plaques in light exposed distribution (also on patient's

neck), consistent with recrudesence of known Subacute Cutaneous Lupus

Erythematosus (SCLE). Image courtesy of Diego Jarrin, M.D .

•Joint and muscle pain is often the first sign of lupus. This pain tends to occur on both

sides of the body at the same time, particularly in the joints of the wrists,

hands, elbows, knees, or ankles. The joints may look inflamed and feel warm to the touch. But unlike rheumatoid arthritis, lupus usually does not cause permanent

joint damage.

•A tell-tale sign of lupus is a butterfly-shaped rash across the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Other common skin problems

include sensitivity to the sun with flaky, red spots or a scaly, purple rash on various

parts of the body, including the face, neck, and arms. Some people also develop

mouth or lip sores.

•Lupus can cause the nails to crack or fall off. They may be discolored with blue or

reddish spots at the base. These spots are actually in the nail bed, the result of

inflamed small blood vessels. Swelling may also make the skin around the base

of the nail look red and puffy.

•The symptoms of lupus tend to come and go, and this includes hair loss. Patients

may go through periods where their hair falls out in patches or becomes thinner all

across the scalp. Once the flare-up is over, new hair is likely to grow in evenly

•Some people with lupus develop a condition called Raynaud's phenomenon. Their fingers and toes become painful, numb, and tingly in

response to cold temperatures or emotional stress. This happens when small blood vessels

spasm and restrict blood flow to the area. During an attack, the fingers and toes may turn white or

blue. People can also have Raynaud's without having lupus or any serious health


•When lupus begins, it can look a lot like rheumatoid arthritis, which causes joint

pain and swelling, or fibromyalgia, which causes fatigue and pain. One aspect that

sets lupus apart is the combination of skin rashes with joint pain and fatigue. There

are also lab tests that can help distinguish lupus from other diseases


•Diagnosing lupus can be tricky. The disease can mimic other conditions, and it often takes a

different course in different people. Many people have it for years before developing tell-tale

symptoms. Although there is no one test for lupus, certain proteins usually show up in a patient's blood. A blood test for antinuclear

antibodies (ANAs) can provide a critical clue. Other lab tests may check cell counts, kidney

function, and clotting time. A tissue biopsy sometimes helps with diagnosis.

•Digestive problems are not common with lupus, but some people may experience

belly pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, or inflammation of the liver or

pancreas. This can be related to lupus itself or medications used to treat the

disease. Some people tend to lose weight during lupus flare-ups.

•Depression and anxiety are a risk for people with lupus. This may be the result of the condition's

affect on the nervous system combined with the emotional strain of coping with a chronic illness.

Be sure to discuss any concerns about your mood with your doctor or other health care

provider. There are highly effective treatments for depression and anxiety


•Most women with lupus can get pregnant, though the condition increases the risk of

complications during pregnancy. Because lupus symptoms come and go, the best time to get

pregnant is when symptoms are at a minimum. Women who conceive when symptoms are in

remission are less likely to have flare-ups or complications. Make sure your obstetrician

knows you have lupus. You medications may be modified and you may undergo extra monitoring

to ensure a successful pregnancy.

•Most babies born to women with lupus are entirely healthy. But in rare cases, the

newborn of a mom with lupus may have neonatal lupus. This condition can cause a

skin rash, anemia, or liver problems. The symptoms usually go away after a few

months and don't cause permanent damage. However, some babies with

neonatal lupus are born with a serious heart defect.

•The fatigue and joint pain associated with lupus can make it more difficult to do your

job or care for your children. You may have to cut back on activities or ask for help when symptoms flare up. But most

people with lupus are able to continue with their usual activities.

•Thanks to improvements in treatments for lupus, people with the condition are living

significantly longer. The outlook for any given individual depends on how severe

the disease is, and whether any vital organs are affected. But most people with

lupus can expect to live a normal or nearly normal life span.

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