

Video Experiments

• 16mm Film loops. Hands on, tactile.

• Video clips collected with a camcorder. Textures, natural observation of the world.

• Scanned images/animation. Natural objects, old photographs, books, etc…

• Post editing w/ layering.

All happened with the help of friends.

Scanner: Affordable Macro Lens! Clippings from the Botanic Gardens.

Layers of Video textures, scanned photographs. Collected and collaged audio clips

Audio ProjectSounds: Uke, book, fork,pine cone, fire, cigar box full of change, buttons, beads.

Old coffee grinder, whistling, piano and sea glass.

Education: Youth, Art, Community & Culture

"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents,it was loaned to you by your children.We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,we borrow it from our Children.We are more than the sum of our knowledge, we are the products of our imagination.”

-Ancient American Indian Proverb

Titwrench 2010Workshop

AXL Academy 8th Graders: Skateboards.

Kinder Observational DrawingErnst Haekle: Scientist/Artist

William Smith High School

Collages referencing visual media and culture.

Collage as random, intuitive choice. Re-contextualization

Empowering students with Media Literacy

Art Practice and Education

Both are:

• Cross Curricular (history, science, technology, media culture, environmental.)

• Hands on processes connected to technology based processes.

• Encourage empowering others with tools/skills.

• Encourage peer-to-peer learning/collaborative skill sharing.

Personal Art Practice

Education Practice

Education Community



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