ACF UNICEF Wash assessment 122012 editpaolo

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Funded and Supported by:

WASH Assessment

Humanitarian Response to the Syrian Refugees.

Bekaa Valley Eastern Lebanon


(Lebanon) December 2012

Wash assessment ACF-

1. Acronyms ................................

2. Context ................................

3. Objectives ................................

3.1. Previous assessment ................................

3.2. Current assessment ................................

4. Methodology ................................

4.1. Selection of target communities.

4.2. Composition of the assessment team.

4.3. Sources of information

4.4. Criteria's used to respond to the needs of refugees per HH.

4.4.1. Water filter distribution

4.4.2. Distribution of water tanks

4.4.3. Distribution of water vouchers

4.4.4. Sanitation situation

4.4.5. Hygiene situation

4.5. Difficulties and limits of the assessment

5. Main findings ................................

5.1. General information's

5.1.1. Origin of the displaced family

5.1.2. Registration status

5.1.3. Numbers of people per household

5.1.4. Single women status

5.1.5. Rental situations ................................

5.2. Water related information's

5.2.1. Presence of water related

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Contents in Details







4.1. Selection of target communities. ................................................................

assessment team. ................................................................

4.3. Sources of information ................................................................................................

4.4. Criteria's used to respond to the needs of refugees per HH. ................................

stribution ..............................................................................................

4.4.2. Distribution of water tanks ................................................................

4.4.3. Distribution of water vouchers ................................................................

4.4.4. Sanitation situation ................................................................................................


4.5. Difficulties and limits of the assessment ................................................................



5.1.1. Origin of the displaced family ................................................................

5.1.2. Registration status ................................................................................................

5.1.3. Numbers of people per household ................................................................

5.1.4. Single women status ................................................................................................


5.2. Water related information's ............................................................................................

5.2.1. Presence of water related diseases ................................................................

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre


......................................... 4

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........................................ 9

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.................................... 10

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Wash assessment ACF-

5.2.2. Main water source

5.2.3. Acceptability of water

5.2.4. Type of storage ................................

5.2.5. Storage capacity ................................

5.3. Sanitation and hygiene

5.3.1. Sanitation availability and connection to sewage system

5.3.2. Problem related to sanitation

5.3.3. Hand-washing facilities and soap

5.3.4. Availability of cleaning material

6. Conclusion ................................

Annexes ................................

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.2.2. Main water source ................................................................................................

5.2.3. Acceptability of water ...............................................................................................



5.3. Sanitation and hygiene ................................................................................................

5.3.1. Sanitation availability and connection to sewage system ................................

5.3.2. Problem related to sanitation ................................................................

washing facilities and soap ................................................................

5.3.4. Availability of cleaning material ................................................................



Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre


.................................... 15

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Wash assessment ACF-

1. Acronyms ACH/ACFACH/ACFACH/ACFACH/ACF----E:E:E:E: Acción Contra el Hambre, Action Contre la Faim, Action Against HungerHH: HH: HH: HH: Household NGONGONGONGO: Non-Governmental Organization UNICEFUNICEFUNICEFUNICEF: United Nations Children’s FundUNHCRUNHCRUNHCRUNHCR: United Nations High Commission WFP: WFP: WFP: WFP: World Food Program ECHO: ECHO: ECHO: ECHO: European Commission Humanitarian OfficeWASHWASHWASHWASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 2. Context

The Syrian crisis is still affecting the entire region. Since late 2011 the conflict in Syria generated more than 1 million internally displaced people and an estimated 500,000 people seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Far from being over, the recenthe country and cross over to Lebanon: according to number of refugees registered was 128,314 in all of Lebanon, out of whichvalley. Many individuals and families have been deeply affected by a number of them have been wounded by explosions, a large number fled Syria with very limited resources and they are reluctant to return home until the situation stabilizes. By late December 2012, the number of registered and about 95,000 pending registration: compared to the 190,000 refugees registered by 31.08.2012, the net increase is almost 150%. with a number of mobile registration points in several locationsregistered about 80,000 new refugees in the region, othe humanitarian operations are scaling up, the needs of the most vulnerable population are not entirely met yet. Due to the geographical and political situation of the country, the Bekaa Valley and hosted in different communities with heterogenic WASH infrastructures. live with host families, some renting apartments and an increasing numbersettlements, unfinished building, collective shelterprecarious condition, with limited access to basic services.

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Acronyms , Action Contre la Faim, Action Against Hunger Children’s Fund nited Nations High Commission for Refugees Humanitarian Office (Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection)

The Syrian crisis is still affecting the entire region. Since late 2011 the conflict in Syria generated more than 1 million internally displaced people and an estimated 500,000 people seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Far from being over, the recent escalation of the conflict pushed a large number of Syrians to flee the country and cross over to Lebanon: according to UNHCR estimation, on 28number of refugees registered was 128,314 in all of Lebanon, out of which 65 287

Many individuals and families have been deeply affected by the conflict. Many of them lost family members, been wounded by explosions, a large number fled Syria with very limited resources

reluctant to return home until the situation stabilizes.

number of refugees hosted in the region was registered and about 95,000 pending registration: compared to the 190,000 refugees registered by

.2012, the net increase is almost 150%. In Lebanon UNHCR increased its effort to register refugees with a number of mobile registration points in several locations: over the month of December 2012 UNHCR registered about 80,000 new refugees in the region, out of which about 24,000 only in Lebanon, and while the humanitarian operations are scaling up, the needs of the most vulnerable population are not entirely

Due to the geographical and political situation of the country, the refugees’ families are spread along the Valley and hosted in different communities with heterogenic WASH infrastructures.

some renting apartments and an increasing number in alternative shelters (tented ished building, collective shelters like mosques and unused old schools

precarious condition, with limited access to basic services.

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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The Syrian crisis is still affecting the entire region. Since late 2011 the conflict in Syria generated more than 1 million internally displaced people and an estimated 500,000 people seeking refuge in neighbouring

t escalation of the conflict pushed a large number of Syrians to flee UNHCR estimation, on 28th of December 2012 the

65 287 refugees in the Bekaa

the conflict. Many of them lost family members, been wounded by explosions, a large number fled Syria with very limited resources

over 470,000 individuals registered and about 95,000 pending registration: compared to the 190,000 refugees registered by

UNHCR increased its effort to register refugees ver the month of December 2012 UNHCR

ut of which about 24,000 only in Lebanon, and while the humanitarian operations are scaling up, the needs of the most vulnerable population are not entirely

families are spread along the Valley and hosted in different communities with heterogenic WASH infrastructures. Most of them

in alternative shelters (tented s like mosques and unused old schools). They live in very

Wash assessment ACF-

3. Objectives

3.1. Previous assessmentA first assessment was carried out by ACF under UNICEF communities in the Bekaa valley. The main outcomes of the assessment were:

• Access to water: no water network in some communities, shortage during summer;

• Water quality: the bacteriologicalpurposes;

• The most common diseasesproblems. Results were only based on the population’s answers and medical diagnosis. However, the drinking water, bad water storage management at HH or bad hygiene practice.

To respond to those needs, ACF/ UNICEF p

a) North Bekaa and Central Bekaa:

• Voucher for water: water trucking for communities with not access to water asummer time through voucher system;

• Water tanks distribution (1,000 litres

• Water kit distribution

• Ceramic water filter distribution

• Hygiene kit distribution (consumables and full kit for new comers)

b) West Bekaa:

• Water kit distribution

• Ceramic water filter distribution

• Hygiene kit distribution (consumables and full kit for

3.2. Current assessment

The purpose of the current assessment wasconditions of the Refugees families living in Bekaa ValleySyrian's refugees (registered with UNHCR or not), Lebanese returnees, Palestinians refugees or other displaced families (Iraqi and possibly other nationalities) The outcomes of the current assessment will inform ACF’s response strategy for 2013.

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre


Previous assessment A first assessment was carried out by ACF under UNICEF funding from May 21

The main outcomes of the assessment were:

: no water network in some communities, high cost of

bacteriological results showed poor water quality, unsuitable for drinking

The most common diseases according to the people were: diarrhoeawere only based on the population’s answers and were not

diarrhoea problem could be related to the bacteriological pollution of the drinking water, bad water storage management at HH or bad hygiene practice.

To respond to those needs, ACF/ UNICEF planned to put in place the following activities:

North Bekaa and Central Bekaa:

water trucking for communities with not access to water asummer time through voucher system;

litres capacity)

ater filter distribution

(consumables and full kit for new comers)

ater filter distribution

Hygiene kit distribution (consumables and full kit for new comers).

assessment was to identify the needs and gaps in water, sanitation and hygiene conditions of the Refugees families living in Bekaa Valley at HH level. The population assessed included Syrian's refugees (registered with UNHCR or not), Lebanese returnees, Palestinians refugees or other

(Iraqi and possibly other nationalities).

The outcomes of the current assessment will inform ACF’s response strategy for 2013.

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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from May 21st to June 11th 2012 in 53

high cost of water supply and water

sults showed poor water quality, unsuitable for drinking

diarrhoea, common flu and skin were not confirmed by any

problem could be related to the bacteriological pollution of the drinking water, bad water storage management at HH or bad hygiene practice.

following activities:

water trucking for communities with not access to water and shortage during

and gaps in water, sanitation and hygiene The population assessed included

Syrian's refugees (registered with UNHCR or not), Lebanese returnees, Palestinians refugees or other

The outcomes of the current assessment will inform ACF’s response strategy for 2013.

Wash assessment ACF-

4. Methodology

This data collection was carried out from implementation of activities; ACF team put in place a form of onelaborated in December 2012. As we write, refugees are still entering and settling into the Bekaaconsidered as a second step of a work in progress.The assessment unit is the household (HH): all figures in the tables below are expressed in termsAll HH have been assessed one by oneresponse to each HH within the range of the activities

4.1. Selection of target communitiesThe assessment included all the communities in North, Central and West Bekaa Valley reported to host Syrian refugees by UNHCR, other agencies or assessed by ACF. assessed.

The list of assessed communities is list














West Bekaa

West Bekaa

West Bekaa

West Bekaa

West Bekaa

West Bekaa











The total of individual assessed was 19 510

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre


carried out from the 1st of August 2012 till 21st of December 2012implementation of activities; ACF team put in place a form of on-going assessment and the results were

entering and settling into the Bekaa, and therefore this assessment has to be considered as a second step of a work in progress. The assessment unit is the household (HH): all figures in the tables below are expressed in terms

one by one in order to identify the needs of each HH and bthe range of the activities identified and implemented

Selection of target communities. The assessment included all the communities in North, Central and West Bekaa Valley reported to host Syrian refugees by UNHCR, other agencies or assessed by ACF. Tented settlements

communities is listed below:

Area Number of

individuals assessed

Arsal 3612

Adous 400

Doures 235

Shehaymeyah 75

Baalbeck 1577

Fekha Zaytoun Jdeideh 386

Al Aayn 609

Al naanaaiye 114

Al Taybe 489

Al Labwe 280

Hermel 851

Sawiri 156

Jebjanin 505

Rawda 51

Marej 1310

Mdoukha 191

Hawch l Harime 335

Ghazza 486

Saadnayel 1197

Taalabaya 699

Taanayel 102

AL Fayda 529

Dalhamieh 1117

Houch el Komara Karak 373

Bar Elias 1340

Qob Elias 1606

Majdel Anjar 341

Al Faour 544

19 510.

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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December 2012 along with going assessment and the results were

and therefore this assessment has to be

The assessment unit is the household (HH): all figures in the tables below are expressed in terms of HH. o identify the needs of each HH and be able to offer the best

identified and implemented.

The assessment included all the communities in North, Central and West Bekaa Valley reported to host Tented settlements were also included and


Wash assessment ACF-

4.2. Composition of the assessment team. The assessment team was composed ofACF WASH Coordinator and ACF WASH project assistant

4.3. Sources of information This assessment was based on face-towere filled per each HH. The main questions included in the survey were:

• Household Composition (with s

• Access and use of water sources

• Water quality and storage

• State and availability of sanitation facilities

• Availability of hand washing facilities

The questionnaire (Annex 1) used included specific questions onquestionnaire has been translated into Arabic and tested in the field in order to ensure understanding. The questionnaire used has been required.

4.4. Criteria's used to respond to the need

4.4.1. Water filter distribution

Water related disease Assumption

Yes Poor water quality

No Normal

Water is drinkable Assumption

Yes Normal

No Poor water quality

Presence of child < 2



Yes More vulnerable to

water quality

No Normal

4.4.2. Distribution of water tanks

Water storage available

and in good condition


Yes Normal

No Insufficient water


Water storage capacity Assumption

>100 litres/ pers. Normal

<100 litres/ pers. Insufficient water


UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

of the assessment team.

sment team was composed of ACF field officers from Lebanon ACF mission, with the support of ACF WASH project assistant.

4.3. Sources of information

to-face interviews based on a form elaborated by ACF

included in the survey were:

with special attention to most vulnerable individuals


State and availability of sanitation facilities


used included specific questions on water, sanitation and hygiene. The questionnaire has been translated into Arabic and tested in the field in order to ensure

The questionnaire used has been continuously improved and adapted to the type of analysis

Criteria's used to respond to the needs of refugees per HH.

Assumption ACF intervention

Poor water quality Distribution of water



Assumption ACF intervention


Poor water quality Distribution of water


Assumption ACF intervention

More vulnerable to poor

water quality

Distribution of water




Assumption ACF intervention


Insufficient water


Distribution of water tank

Assumption ACF intervention


Insufficient water


Distribution of water tank

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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mission, with the support of

based on a form elaborated by ACF. Single checklists

most vulnerable individuals)

water, sanitation and hygiene. The questionnaire has been translated into Arabic and tested in the field in order to ensure clarity and good

oved and adapted to the type of analysis

of refugees per HH.

Distribution of water

Distribution of water

Distribution of water

Distribution of water tank

Distribution of water tank

Wash assessment ACF-

Note: ACF distributed 1,000 litres capacity water tanks. Considering an average consumption of water for drinking and cooking purposes of about 15 litres/day/person (Sphere Minimum Standards), the tank allows enough water for an average 5 people’s family

4.4.3. Distribution of water vouchers

Water available to

public network or

improved well


Yes Normal

No Lack of water availability

4.4.4. Sanitation situation

While no sanitation interventions were planned at the time of the assessment, questions on sanitation were included for future action if required. Presence of toilets/ latrines


Yes NormalNo Poor sanitation

Sanitation facilities connected to


Sewage NormalSeptic tank Might get fullNothing Insufficient santiation

4.4.5. Hygiene situation

Hand washing facilities available


Yes NormalNo Risk of water borne


4.5. Difficulties and limits Lebanon is a very diverse and complex context: a numpolitical, cultural, religious environment is very articulated and often difficult to interpret. During the assessment the team was extremely careful in approaching communities and local authorities in an appropriate and contextualized manner. The identification and location of refugees was not always easregion, and the identification was done using information from local Mokhtars, municipalities, other international agencies, community leaders/responsible. One of the most challenging aspects was the issue of seasonal workers versus refugees.Most of the tented settlements where Syrian refugees were accommodated were previously used by migrant workers, reaching Lebanon during As a consequence of the conflict, lotsand were not able to return to Syrian in winter time. While a number ofregistration with UNHCR, some of them decided not to: some of them have been interviewed and their replies are part of the current assessment.

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

ACF distributed 1,000 litres capacity water tanks. Considering an average consumption of water for drinking and cooking purposes of about 15 litres/day/person (Sphere Minimum Standards), the tank allows enough water for an average 5 people’s family for about two weeks.

.3. Distribution of water vouchers

Assumption ACF intervention


Lack of water availability Distribution of water


interventions were planned at the time of the assessment, questions on sanitation were .

Situation Proposed ACF intervention

Normal Poor sanitation Provision of sanitation


Situation Proposed ACF intervention

Normal Might get full De-sludging service Insufficient santiation Construction of septic tank

or connection to sewage

Situation ACF intervention

Normal Risk of water borne diseases

Installation of hand washing facilities and HP

imits of the assessment

Lebanon is a very diverse and complex context: a number of different stakeholders are involved; the political, cultural, religious environment is very articulated and often difficult to interpret. During the assessment the team was extremely careful in approaching communities and local authorities in an

ropriate and contextualized manner.

The identification and location of refugees was not always easy: refugees were distributed over a large region, and the identification was done using information from local Mokhtars, municipalities, other

agencies, community leaders/responsible.

One of the most challenging aspects was the issue of seasonal workers versus refugees.Most of the tented settlements where Syrian refugees were accommodated were previously used by

ng Lebanon during harvest seasons (usually from March to November every year). s of seasonal workers have been reached by

were not able to return to Syrian in winter time. While a number of seasonal workers applied for registration with UNHCR, some of them decided not to: some of them have been interviewed and their replies are part of the current assessment.

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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ACF distributed 1,000 litres capacity water tanks. Considering an average consumption of water for drinking and cooking purposes of about 15 litres/day/person (Sphere Minimum Standards), the tank allows

Distribution of water

interventions were planned at the time of the assessment, questions on sanitation were

Provision of sanitation

of septic tank or connection to sewage

and HP

ber of different stakeholders are involved; the political, cultural, religious environment is very articulated and often difficult to interpret. During the assessment the team was extremely careful in approaching communities and local authorities in an

y: refugees were distributed over a large region, and the identification was done using information from local Mokhtars, municipalities, other

One of the most challenging aspects was the issue of seasonal workers versus refugees. Most of the tented settlements where Syrian refugees were accommodated were previously used by Syrian

seasons (usually from March to November every year). been reached by their families in Lebanon

seasonal workers applied for registration with UNHCR, some of them decided not to: some of them have been interviewed and their

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5. Main findings

5.1. General information's

Total registered population: 1,544 HH registered – 1,193 not registered




Baalbeck Arsal 533 52 0

Baalbeck Adous 58 3 0

Baalbeck Doures 21 0 0

Baalbeck Shehaymeyah 5 4 0

Baalbeck Baalbeck 312 13 0

Baalbeck Fekha Zaytoun Jdeideh40 2 0

Baalbeck Al Aayn 84 1 0

Baalbeck Al naanaaiye 20 0 0

Baalbeck Al Taybe 69 0 0

Baalbeck Al Labwe 46 1 0

Hermel Hermel 135 7 0

Rachaya Sawiri 29 0 0

West Bekaa Jebjanin 99 0 0

West Bekaa Rawda 10 0 0

West Bekaa Marej 208 1 0

West Bekaa Mdoukha 29 0 0

West Bekaa Hawch l Harime 47 0 1

West Bekaa Ghazza 67 0 0

Zahle Saadnayel 171 2 0

Zahle Taalabaya 128 1 0

Zahle Taanayel 18 0 0

Zahle AL Fayda 71 0 0

Zahle Dalhamieh 183 0 0

Zahle Houch el Komara Karak51 0 0

Zahle Bar Elias 185 0 0

Zahle Qob Elias 220 0 0

Zahle Majdel Anjar 34 1 0

Zahle Al Faour 22 0 0


Origin of Displaced Family


Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

1,193 not registered – 96 HH no information available


DisplacedNomad Other Yes No N/A Yes

5 0 0 328 250 6 3612 131

0 0 0 2 5 0 400 8

0 0 0 5 0 0 235 3

0 2 0 5 4 0 75 10

0 0 0 281 47 4 1577 26

0 0 0 38 4 0 386 3

0 0 0 73 12 0 609 8

0 0 0 4 3 13 114 2

0 0 0 0 69 0 489 3

0 0 0 25 19 4 280 24

0 0 0 83 57 4 851 19

0 0 0 19 9 1 156 2

0 0 0 55 33 11 505 10

0 0 0 4 5 1 51 0

0 0 0 120 80 9 1310

0 0 0 23 4 2 191 1

0 0 0 30 18 0 335 2

0 0 0 40 27 0 486 1

0 0 0 0 74 7 1197 11

1 0 0 35 86 9 699 63

0 0 0 15 3 0 102 1

0 0 0 41 24 6 529 7

0 0 0 147 34 1 1117 14

0 0 0 10 41 0 373 4

0 0 0 81 103 5 1340 25

0 0 0 59 150 11 1606 28

0 0 0 13 19 2 341 5

0 0 0 8 13 0 544 3

Origin of Displaced Family Registred in UNHCR Number

of person

/ Family

IS The Woman alone ?

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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No N/A Yes No N/A

453 0 301 280 3

14 0 22 4 57

13 20 1 8 13

0 1 3 8 0

209 84 262 66 1

34 5 24 14 4

70 7 65 14 6

2 16 12 8 0

66 0 0 69 0

0 14 0 1 0

124 1 79 49 15

27 0 20 7 2

73 16 93 2 5

10 0 9 1 0

28 0 15 9 5

46 0 35 13 0

66 0 51 15 1

151 11 119 47 7

52 15 88 32 10

16 1 5 13 0

53 10 32 36 3

15 3 108 31 3

47 0 36 5 10

161 2 161 25 1

186 6 126 21 73

30 0 19 10 6

18 1 16 5 0

Paying for Accommodation?IS The Woman alone ?

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre




Registration Status

North Bekaa

Registered Not - Registered

Data not provided

5.1.1. Origin of the displaced family

5.1.2. Registration status

Note : no differentiation was made between not registred and pending for registration. As the assessment was donchanged at the date of publishing this report.















Displaced families

Origin, North Bekaa








Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

between not registred and pending for registration. As the assessment was done from








0% Internal







Displaced families

Origin, West BekaaSyria







Displaced families

Origin, Central Bekaa




Registration Status

West Bekaa

Registered Not - Registered

Data not provided

Registration Status


Data not provided

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 10

e from August onwards, the data might have

Syrian, 10



Displaced families

Origin, Central Bekaa










Registration Status

Central Bekaa

Registered Not - Registered

Data not provided

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.1.3. Numbers of people per household

Village Arsal Adous Number of household assessed 602 61Number of people assessed 3612 400Average of number of people per Household 6 7

Village Sawiri JebjaninNumber of household assessed 29 99Number of people assessed 156 505Average number of people per Household 5 5

Village Saadnayel Taalabaya

Number of household assessed 171 130Number of people assessed 1197 699Average number of people per Household 7

Note: The number of people per household should not be confused with the number of people

Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Doures Shehaymeyah Baalbeck

Fekha Zaytoun Jdeideh Al Aayn

61 21 11 333 42 85

400 235 75 1577 386 609

7 11 7 5 9 7

Jebjanin Rawda Marej Mdoukha Hawch l Harime Ghazza

99 10 209 29 48 67

505 51 1310 191 335 486

5 5 6 7 7 7

Taalabaya Taanayel AL Fayda Dalhamieh Houch el Komara Karak

Bar Elias

130 18 71 187 51 189

699 102 529 1117 373 1340

5 6 7 6 7

should not be confused with the number of people per family, as some HH hosts

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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naanaaiye Al

Taybe Al

Labwe Hermel

20 71 48 145

114 489 280 851

6 7 6 6

Bar Elias

Qob Elias

Majdel Anjar

Al Faour

189 220 35 22

1340 1606 341 544

7 7 10 25

as some HH hosts more than one family.

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.1.4. Single women status

5.1.5. Rental situations




Family Status North


Women alone Women not alone

Data not provided



Rental Situation, North


Not Paying for


Paying for


Data not


Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre




Family Status West


Women alone Women not alone

Data not provided


Family Status Central

Women alone

Data not provided




Rental Situation, West


Not Paying for



Paying for





Rental Situation, Central

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

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Family Status Central


Women alone Women not alone

Data not provided


Rental Situation, Central


Not Paying for


Paying for


Data not


Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.2. Water related information's

Yes No other Public Network

Baalbeck Arsal 133 448 3

Baalbeck Adous 4 7 0

Baalbeck Doures 8 13 0

Baalbeck Shehaymeyah 5 6 0

Baalbeck Baalbeck 74 257 0

Baalbeck Fekha Zaytoun Jdeideh 15 26 1

Baalbeck Al Aayn 6 78 1

Baalbeck Al naanaaiye 2 18 0

Baalbeck Al Taybe 69 0 0

Baalbeck Al Labwe 31 17 0

Hermel Hermel 67 76 1

Rachaya Sawiri 19 10 0

West Bekaa Jebjanin 78 21 0

West Bekaa Rawda 5 5 0

West Bekaa Marej 27 177 5

West Bekaa Mdoukha 14 15 0

West Bekaa Hawch l Harime 10 38 0

West Bekaa Ghazza 25 41 1

Zahle Saadnayel 21 151 1

Zahle Taalabaya 21 109 0

Zahle Taanayel 1 18 0

Zahle AL Fayda 14 57 0

Zahle Dalhamieh 22 157 1

Zahle Houch el Komara Karak 20 31 0

Zahle Bar Elias 35 151 1

Zahle Qob Elias 111 109 0

Zahle Majdel Anjar 18 17 0

Zahle Al Faour 9 12 4

Diarrhea / Skin

DiseasesCaza Area

Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Public Network Cistern Well Other Yes No N/A Plastic Tank

9 575 62 1 551 31 2 387

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

0 0 0 0 0 5 16 5

1 3 9 0 0 11 0 7

285 99 10 2 155 176 0 181

21 0 1 20 18 24 0 13

21 3 23 38 32 42 0 18

0 0 18 2 3 17 0 7

0 0 0 69 0 69 0 0

0 25 2 21 25 23 0 3

82 0 28 35 28 112 0 43

9 0 5 16 13 0 8

0 0 98 1 0 99 0 0

8 1 2 0 0 10 0 3

51 3 150 11 10 199 0 26

16 1 0 13 16 12 0 3

14 0 34 8 17 31 0 22

54 1 4 8 19 48 0 39

14 63 94 10 1 171 0 93

30 64 58 0 5 125 0 72

1 0 18 0 0 18 0 17

0 1 67 3 0 71 0 17

1 1 140 36 0 177 0 0

10 0 2 39 0 51 0 11

50 6 124 8 31 157 0 33

40 9 11 161 11 208 0 36

15 0 6 2 6 28 0 22

6 1 9 5 16 5 0 12

Main Water Source Is The Water Drinkable? Type Of Water Storage

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 13

Iron Cement Barrel Gallon N/A

118 117 0 7 24

10 0 5 22 7

3 8 0 0 5

0 0 2 2 2

114 25 1 0 21

19 2 0 0 8

31 1 0 0 37

4 0 0 3 9

0 0 0 69 0

1 0 2 43 0

33 4 1 33 30

18 10 0 1 1

0 0 81 11 8

5 0 0 0 2

17 0 2 36 131

4 8 0 2 12

10 0 0 13 4

10 1 0 0 17

32 1 17 25 0

35 1 1 22 0

0 0 0 1 1

17 0 17 32 2

0 0 0 0 177

9 1 0 0 30

32 1 1 11 110

24 10 2 0 148

2 2 0 5 4

3 0 5 2 0

Type Of Water Storage

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

Summary table:

Medical conditions Diarrhoea/skin diseases 864

Access to water Public network

738 Is the water available drinkable?


960 Water storage systems

Plastic tanks

1,098 Gallon bottles 340

Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Diarrhoea/skin diseases No medical conditions Other types of diseases 2,065 19

Cistern Well

866 970 No N/A

1,933 18 Iron tanks Cement tanks

1,551 192 N/A 790

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 14

Notes Other types of diseases: possibly not water borne conditions Other (water from neighbours, buy water in shops, use rain water) 498



Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.2.1. Presence of water related diseases

Note: the questionnaire included specific questions on diarrhoea and skin infections, however presence of other diseases was asked as w

5.2.2. Main water source




Water related

diseases, North Bekaa













Main water source, North


Public Network





Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

questionnaire included specific questions on diarrhoea and skin infections, however presence of other diseases was asked as w




Water related

diseases, West Bekaa



other 74%


Water related

diseases, Central Bekaa










Main water

source, West Bekaa

Public Network








Main water

source, Central Bekaa

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 15

questionnaire included specific questions on diarrhoea and skin infections, however presence of other diseases was asked as well .



Water related

diseases, Central Bekaa









Main water

source, Central Bekaa

Public Network




Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.2.3. Acceptability of water

Remark: acceptablity of water refers to the willingness of people to use water from available source cor drinking, cooking and washign purposes

5.2.4. Type of storage




Acceptability of

water, North Bekaa

















Type of water storage

unit, North Bekaa

Plastic Tank






Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

willingness of people to use water from available source cor drinking, cooking and washign purposes




Acceptability of

water, West Bekaa







Acceptability of

water, Central Bekaa













Type of water storage

unit, West Bekaa

Plastic Tank









Type of water storage

unit, Central Bekaa

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 16

willingness of people to use water from available source cor drinking, cooking and washign purposes.

Acceptability of

water, Central Bekaa













Type of water storage

unit, Central Bekaa

Plastic Tank






Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.2.5. Storage capacity

Percentage of Household which have less than 100 liters


10211 333 42 85


14523% 96% 64% 10% 64% 71% 100%100% 50%

Water tanks storage capacity at

Household level, North Bekaa

Total number of Household Assessed


Water tanks capacity/

Household, North Bekaa

Percentage of Households assessed and

they have less than 100 litres storage

unit per person

Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

liters /person water storage unit




29 48 6745% 90% 90% 71% 79% 65% 81%

Water tanks storage capacity at

Household level, West Bekaa

Total number of Household Assessed

Households assessed and they have less than

100 litres storage unit per person 197130

1937% 59% 53%

Water tanks storage capacity at

Household level, Central Bekaa

Total number of Household Assessed

Households assessed and they have less than 100

litres storage unit per person


Water tanks capacity/

Household, Central Bekaa

Percentage of Households assessed

and they have less than 100 litres

storage unit per person


Water tanks capacity/

Household, West Bekaa

Percentage of Households assessed

and they have less than 100 litres

storage unit per person

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 17




201 220

35 2253% 83% 58% 53% 52% 82% 43% 100%

Water tanks storage capacity at

Household level, Central Bekaa

Total number of Household Assessed

Households assessed and they have less than 100

litres storage unit per person


Water tanks capacity/

Household, West Bekaa

Percentage of Households assessed

and they have less than 100 litres

storage unit per person

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.3. Sanitation and hygiene

Septic Tank Sewege System No Toilet Available Yes

1 2 3 1

Baalbeck Arsal 570 2 12 110

Baalbeck Adous 19 16 9 23

Baalbeck Doures 1 0 5 0

Baalbeck Shehaymeyah 0 7 4 0

Baalbeck Baalbeck 14 306 6 218

Baalbeck Fekha Zaytoun Jdeideh 36 0 6 42

Baalbeck Al Aayn 58 18 9 64

Baalbeck Al naanaaiye 9 7 0 16

Baalbeck Al Taybe 0 0 69 0

Baalbeck Al Labwe 18 1 29 42

Hermel Hermel 103 6 31 97

Rachaya Sawiri 13 14 2 15

West Bekaa Jebjanin 0 14 85 61

West Bekaa Rawda 0 9 1 9

West Bekaa Marej 93 81 36 155

West Bekaa Mdoukha 4 24 1 18

West Bekaa Hawch l Harime 10 37 1 47

West Bekaa Ghazza 5 50 12 52

Zahle Saadnayel 46 106 21 22

Zahle Taalabaya 28 99 7 8

Zahle Taanayel 18 0 0 0

Zahle AL Fayda 38 26 7 16

Zahle Dalhamieh 156 0 23 170

Zahle Houch el Komara Karak 20 29 2 46

Zahle Bar Elias 69 71 47 82

Zahle Qob Elias 87 106 28 109

Zahle Majdel Anjar 0 35 0 23

Zahle Al Faour 11 8 2 18

Sanitation Facilities is Connected To Do You Have your own Toilet ?

Caza Area

Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A

2 1 2 1 2 1 2

473 1 472 110 2 332 246 6 491 74 19

6 5 3 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4

105 0 235 91 0 271 55 0 274 52

0 0 29 13 0 23 19 0 17 25

18 0 72 10 0 33 49 0 37 44

0 0 14 1 0 10 4 0 11 4

69 0 0 69 0 0 69 0 0 69

6 0 17 31 0 2 46 0 10 38

17 0 90 24 0 56 82 0 51 83

14 0 23 6 0 7 22 0 1 28

30 0 61 30 0 0 91 0 0 91

0 0 2 7 0 1 9 0 0 10

36 0 155 34 0 40 166 0 36 166

11 0 24 5 0 9 20 0 2 27

1 0 38 10 0 35 13 0 41 7

15 0 60 7 0 44 23 0 21 46

149 0 153 18 0 69 102 0 80 91

122 0 122 8 0 100 30 0 101 29

18 0 18 0 0 4 14 0 3 15

55 0 48 23 0 13 58 0 12 59

8 0 174 2 0 4 171 0 1 174

5 0 33 18 0 20 31 0 5 46

5 0 80 55 0 47 120 0 47 126

108 0 175 44 0 46 173 0 9 210

12 0 23 11 0 20 14 0 1 34

3 0 13 8 0 7 14 0 16 5

Do You Have your own Toilet ? If No, Do You Share?Is There Hand washing facility near the bathroom?There is Soap Available ?

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 18

N/A Yes No N/A Bad Smell Overflowing Dirty Other

1 2 3 1 2 3 4

19 481 90 13 271 104 137 79

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0

0 267 58 7 30 19 20 0

0 17 24 0 17 8 12 0

0 33 47 0 38 22 30 3

0 11 4 0 0 0 0 7

0 0 69 0 0 0 0 69

0 12 35 0 18 1 2 0

0 51 85 1 51 17 8 0

0 0 29 0 16 8 7 10

0 0 91 0 61 14 61 0

0 0 10 0 8 2 5 1

0 35 169 2 132 95 94 31

0 2 27 0 14 2 1 3

0 42 6 0 6 5 2 38

0 21 46 0 25 14 2 0

0 79 78 14 33 1 3 0

0 103 27 0 20 24 1 90

0 3 15 0 14 0 0 4

0 13 58 0 28 0 2 0

0 0 175 0 170 8 161 0

0 6 45 0 32 21 26 0

0 47 123 17 97 78 67 8

0 9 210 1 143 104 102 58

0 0 35 0 8 2 10 5

0 15 6 0 9 4 2 10

Cleaning Item Detergent, brush, etc Problem Related To SanitationThere is Soap Available ?

Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

Summary table: Sanitary facilities connected to

Septic tanks

Do you have your own toilets?


Do you share your toilets?


Do you have access to hand washing facilities?


Is there soap available? Yes

Are cleaning items available?


Problems related to sanitation

Bad smell


Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

Septic tanks Sewage N/A

1,426 1,072 No N/A

1,463 1,297 No N/A

2,143 642 Not N/A

1,200 1,645 No N/A

1,274 1,557 No N/A

1,246 1,566 Bad smell Overflow Dirty

1,241 553


Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 19








Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.3.1. Sanitation availability and connection to sewage system

5.3.2. Problem related to sanitation



Sanitation availability, North Bekaa

Septic Tank Sewage System

No Toilet Available


Sanitation availability, West Bekaa





Problem Related to sanitation, North


Bad Smell




Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

to sewage system




Sanitation availability, West Bekaa

Septic Tank

Sewage System

No Toilet





Sanitation availability, Central Bekaa





Problem Related to sanitation, West


Bad Smell







Problem related to sanitation, Central Bekaa

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 20


Sanitation availability, Central Bekaa

Septic Tank

Sewege System

No Toilet




Problem related to sanitation, Central Bekaa

Bad Smell




Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.3.3. Hand-washing facilities and soap




Presence of Hand


facilities, North Bekaa


Do not Exist

Data not





Soap availbility, North




Data not


Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre




Presence of Hand

Washing facilities, West



Do not Exist

Data not



Presence of Hand

facilities, Central




Soap availbility, West




Data not


availbility, Central

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 21




Presence of Hand


facilities, Central …


Do not Exist

Data not






availbility, Central




Data not


Wash assessment ACF

Acción Contra el Hambre

5.3.4. Availability of cleaning material




Presence of cleaning materials, North





Wash assessment ACF- UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre




Presence of cleaning materials, West






Presence of cleaning materials, Central

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 22




Presence of cleaning materials, Central





Wash assessment ACF-

6. Conclusion The assessment shows that most of the refugees in the Bekaa are Syrianregistered (43.2 %, in terms of HH 1,196 families not registered out of 4,026 total HH assessedof assessment; no distinction was made between not registered and pending registrationabove, this figure might have changed at this date as some meanwhile. Reasons for not getting registered were not asked, but in generalfor security reason. The average HH size is 6.4 persons. This can hosts more than one family. The data collected did not provide estimation of the average family size. Special attention should be given to single assessed were headed by single women. While no specific assessment was done on their vulnerability, it has to be acknowledged that single women might be more exposed to threats and might have less access to income. 27.5 % of the refugee population in Lebanon Refugees renting their accommodation are not necessarily more vulnerable because of the additional cost they have to pay. In fact, it is rather the oppositeenough resources to afford it, while people living in free accommodation often have very little private resources. A significant 28.9 % of refugees reported water related diseasespecifically assessed): there is no medical follow 23.7 % of the population are connected to a public network,require water trucking. The other beneficiaries access to water indicated in the table as “other”) 31.9 % of the refugees claimed the water refugees wouldn't drink from the water to be undrinkable received water filters. Plans for proper water testing are in place for the coming months. It was found that 27.2 % of the refugees didn't have waterAmong those who have storage units, cement tanks, 4.5 % use barrels and 10.8 % using unit or using barrels and gallons were provided with water tanks. 35.6 % of the HH had less than 100 litres storaof water used daily, we estimated that a mi100 litres/person/week. Those not filling Regarding sanitation, 15.3 % of the refugees didn't have access to toilets/ latrines installation.necessarily mean that people weresometimes distant from their dwelling.ACF is currently providing emergency latrines underOut of the remaining 84.7 % having sanitation facilities% have septic tanks. The following problems related to the condition of existing latrines dirty, 18.5 % overflowing and 14.3 % related other problems. in 2013 according to the needs. Desludging activities planned for 2013 will help reducing problems related to overflowing.

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

most of the refugees in the Bekaa are Syrian (97 %), a, in terms of HH 1,196 families not registered out of 4,026 total HH assessed

no distinction was made between not registered and pending registrationabove, this figure might have changed at this date as some of the assessed population

Reasons for not getting registered were not asked, but in general people did not wish to register

The average HH size is 6.4 persons. This should not be confused with the number of families, since The data collected did not provide estimation of the average family size.

single women households. The assessment shows thassessed were headed by single women. While no specific assessment was done on their vulnerability, it has to be acknowledged that single women might be more exposed to threats and might have less access to

population in Lebanon are paying rent, while the rest of them do not pay any rentRefugees renting their accommodation are not necessarily more vulnerable because of the additional cost

. In fact, it is rather the opposite: in some cases people renting accommodation have enough resources to afford it, while people living in free accommodation often have very little private

% of refugees reported water related disease (diarrhoea and skin infection were : there is no medical follow-up on any of the cases.

onnected to a public network, 32.9 % have access to a well and thus don't require water trucking. The other beneficiaries (26.6 % already using water trucking and 16.8 % not having

indicated in the table as “other”), were included in the water trucking activity.

the water available is acceptable for drinking, while rink from the water from source available. Most of the people who claimed their water

to be undrinkable received water filters. Plans for proper water testing are in place for the coming months.

% of the refugees didn't have water storage units. Among those who have storage units, 34.7 % have one or more plastic water tank

barrels and 10.8 % using gallon bottles as storage unit. Refugeesusing barrels and gallons were provided with water tanks.

35.6 % of the HH had less than 100 litres storage capacity per person. For a minimum standard of 15 litres of water used daily, we estimated that a minimum of 6 to 7 days storage to be essential,

filling this requirement were distributed water tanks.

Regarding sanitation, 15.3 % of the refugees didn't have access to toilets/ latrines installation. practicing open defecation: some of them use neighbours toilets,

sometimes distant from their dwelling. ACF is currently providing emergency latrines under UNHCR and Government of

having sanitation facilities, 36.9 % are connected to a sewage system and 47.7

related to the condition of existing latrines were reported: 42.2 % bad smell, 25 % dirty, 18.5 % overflowing and 14.3 % related other problems. Maintenance/ rehabilitation will be

Desludging activities planned for 2013 will help reducing problems related

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 23

, a lot of refugees were not , in terms of HH 1,196 families not registered out of 4,026 total HH assessed) at the time

no distinction was made between not registered and pending registration. As mentioned e assessed population have registered in the

people did not wish to register

should not be confused with the number of families, since a HH The data collected did not provide estimation of the average family size.

The assessment shows that 16.5% of the HH assessed were headed by single women. While no specific assessment was done on their vulnerability, it has to be acknowledged that single women might be more exposed to threats and might have less access to

, while the rest of them do not pay any rent. Refugees renting their accommodation are not necessarily more vulnerable because of the additional cost

people renting accommodation have enough resources to afford it, while people living in free accommodation often have very little private

(diarrhoea and skin infection were

32.9 % have access to a well and thus don't trucking and 16.8 % not having

, were included in the water trucking activity.

ble for drinking, while still 67.7 % of the Most of the people who claimed their water

to be undrinkable received water filters. Plans for proper water testing are in place for the coming months.

water tanks, 17.4 % iron tanks, 5.4 % as storage unit. Refugees having no storage

minimum standard of 15 litres nimum of 6 to 7 days storage to be essential, which amounts to

were distributed water tanks.

Regarding sanitation, 15.3 % of the refugees didn't have access to toilets/ latrines installation. It doesn't icing open defecation: some of them use neighbours toilets,

Government of Navarra (Spain) funding. , 36.9 % are connected to a sewage system and 47.7

were reported: 42.2 % bad smell, 25 % habilitation will be performed

Desludging activities planned for 2013 will help reducing problems related

Wash assessment ACF-

43 % have cleaning material while 67 % do notunder UNHCR funding. 41.1 % of refugees have access to hand washing facilities, with installation of hand washing facilities are currently 42.8 % of the HH assessed had soap available, whileECHO and Government of Navarra (Spain) This assessment clearly shows see that there areValley.

The water provision activities (distribution of water, water filters, water tanks and HP) undertaken in 2012 will continue while more emphasis will be put on sanitation through existing toilets, as well as distribution Bacteriological and chemical water testing need to be performed more regularly, and they have been included in the activities planned for 2013. The number of refugees is increasing in the Bekaa valley: this assessment is aupdated regularly. The current tools (questionnaires in particular) will be revised and aligned to the current UNICEF matrix. The next field assessment will include as well a survey on waste management, which is one of the emerging issues, especially in tented settlements. ACF Lebanon WASH Coordinator – Edith Godefroid WASH Assistant – Adele Elias – aelias@lb.acfspain.orgData entry – Carole XXX and Mohammad XXX December 2012

Annex 1. Check list wash situation, Bekaa Valley 2012Annex 2. ACF UNICEF Wash report June 2012.

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre

43 % have cleaning material while 67 % do not. A distribution of toilet cleaning kit is currently

of refugees have access to hand washing facilities, while 58.8 % do not. A hand washing campaign with installation of hand washing facilities are currently implemented.

soap available, while 67.2 % do not. A distribution of hygiene kit under (Spain) is currently implemented.

see that there are still needs to be met in term of WASH activities in Bekaa

The water provision activities (distribution of water, water filters, water tanks and HP) undertaken in 2012 will continue while more emphasis will be put on sanitation through provision of latrines, maintenance existing toilets, as well as distribution of toilet cleaning kits an HP.

Bacteriological and chemical water testing need to be performed more regularly, and they have been included in the activities planned for 2013.

is increasing in the Bekaa valley: this assessment is a work in progress and will be updated regularly. The current tools (questionnaires in particular) will be revised and aligned to the current

. The next field assessment will include as well a survey on waste management, which is one of the emerging issues, especially in tented settlements.

Edith Godefroid –

Carole XXX and Mohammad XXX


Check list wash situation, Bekaa Valley 2012 2. ACF UNICEF Wash report June 2012.

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 24

. A distribution of toilet cleaning kit is currently activated

. A hand washing campaign

. A distribution of hygiene kit under

in term of WASH activities in Bekaa

The water provision activities (distribution of water, water filters, water tanks and HP) undertaken in 2012 provision of latrines, maintenance of

Bacteriological and chemical water testing need to be performed more regularly, and they have been

work in progress and will be updated regularly. The current tools (questionnaires in particular) will be revised and aligned to the current

. The next field assessment will include as well a survey on waste management, which is one

Wash assessment ACF-

Name of the Surveyor

Name of the hosted family / host address العنوان / اسم العائلة المضيفة المضيف

Address in the village

في البلدة العنوان

Name of the displaced family اسم العائلة المھجرة

Origin of the displaced family اصل العائلة المھجرة

Is the family registered with UNHCR ھل العائلة مسجلة لدى ا مم المتحدة

Number of persons / family عدد افراد العائلة

Men Women

0 to 2

Is the woman alone in Lebanon with their children? ھل ا م وحدھا مع ا و د في لبنان

Do you pay any fees for your accommodation? ھل تدفعون اجار مقابل ا قامة

Diarrhea / Skin diseases امراض / اسھال جلدية

□ Yes □ NoOr disable cases

Main water source المصدر الرئيسي للمياه □ Public water network

Is the water drinkable ھل المياه صالحة للشرب

Amount of money spent/month الشھر / من المياه ث

Type of water storage unit المياه نوع خزان □ Plastic tank

Water tank conditions حالة خزانات المياه □ Rusty

Total storage capacity سعة خزانات المياه

If water tank will be provided, what are the work required foاذا حصلت العائلة على خزان للمياه، ما ا عمال المطلوبة لتثبيت الخزان

For roof tank, Number of floors in the building ) البناية

The sanitation facilities are connected to a المنشآت الصحية متصلة

Do you wish to have a toilet ھل تتمنى ان يكون لك حمامك الخاص

Do you share the bathroom / toilet with other families ھل تتشارك الحمام مع عائ:ت اخرى ؟

Is there a hand washing facility near the bathroom بجانب الحمام / ھل ھنالك مغسلة في

Are there any cleaning items (detergents, brush, etc) أدوات للتنظيف / ھل ھنالك مواد

Problem related to sanitation ھل ھنالك مشكل متصلة بالمنشآت الصحية

UNICEF August- December 2012 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Acción Contra el Hambre


General information

Date of arrival

Phone Number رقم الھاتف

□ Syrian سورية □ Lebanese returnee لبنانية عائدةdisplaced ن الحدود مھجرة قادمة م □ Nomad بدو □ other

ھل العائلة مسجلة لدى ا مم المتحدة □ Yes □ No

3 to 11

12 to 17

non with their children? ھل ا م وحدھا مع ا و د في لبنان

ھل تدفعون اجار مقابل ا قامة □ Yes □ No


□ Yes □ No if not, other diseases were observed اي امرا ض اخرىOr disable casesاعاقة جسدية أو عقلية □ Yes □ No if yes, the number and age ______________

□ Public water network شبكة المياه □ Cistern خزان □ Well م بئر

□ Yes □ No

□ Plastic tank خزان المياه□ iron/ galvanized tanks حديد□ Cement

□ Rusty الصدأ □ Leakage تسرب المياه □ Broken مكسورة □ other

If water tank will be provided, what are the work required for installation اذا حصلت العائلة على خزان للمياه، ما ا عمال المطلوبة لتثبيت الخزان

□ Roof tank على السطح □ Ground level tank other غيره_____________

البناية (الطبقات في المنزل في حال تثبيت الخزان على السطح، ما عدد

Sanitation & Hygiene

المنشآت □ Septic tank جورة صحية □ Sewage system شبكة صرف صحي(Open defecation) )في الفضاء( يوجب حمام

ھل تتمنى ان يكون لك حمامك الخاص □ Yes □ No

□ Yes □ No

It is a common bathroom for men and women ھل الحمام مشترك للنساء والرجال

□ Yes □ No

□ Yes □ No There is soap available ھل يوجد صابون

□ Yes □ No

ھل ھنالك مشكل متصلة □ Bad smell رائحة كريھة □ Overflowing حفرة ممتلئةother/ precise غيره__________

Bekaa Valley (Lebanon)

Page 25

Date _____/ _____/


Internal □ فلسطنية Palestinian □ لبنانية عائدة□ other غيره :

□ Yes □ No

≥ 18

□ Yes □ No

اي امرا ض اخرى _____________________ if yes, the number and age ______________

ه غير other □م بئر _____________

ment باطون □ other غيره__________

□ other غيره_____________

□ Ground level tank بمحاذات ا رض □

Not toilet available □شبكة صرف صحي

Is the bathroom clean? ھل الحمام نظيف

□ Yes □ No

Yes □ No □ ھل يوجد صابون

حفرة ممتلئة/ تدفق □ Dirty وسخة □

top related