Account Reconciliation and Positive Pay - UMB Bank

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Account Reconciliation and Positive Pay

User Guide


Chapter 1: Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Account Reconciliation Services (ARP) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Account Reconciliation options: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Full Reconciliation Service Plan ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Partial Reconciliation Service Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Deposit Reconciliation Service Plan .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Positive Pay options: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6

Standard Positive Pay with Full Reconciliation (Day 2) .................................................................................................................................6

Reverse Positive Pay (Day 2) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................6

Reconciled Positive Pay with Full Reconciliation (Day 1) ..........................................................................................................................6

Payee Positive Pay (Day 1) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6

Unbundled Standard Positive Pay Only (Day 2) ......................................................................................................................................................6

Unbundled Reconciled Positive Pay Only (Day 1) ................................................................................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Account .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Setup Support ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

What We Need from You ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

What You Can Expect from UMB ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 3: Files Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9

Issue File Format for use in Secure File Transfer SIFT (HTTPS / FTP w/PGP / SFTP) ........................................................ 11

Standard Fixed Width File Format for use in UMB Direct……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

Standard Delimited File Format for use in UMB Direct .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

ISSUE Confirmation File (Sample) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 133

Custom Confirmation File Layout ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 144

PAID File ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 155

Outstanding File ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 166

Stop Activity File ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 244

Cancel/Void Activity File ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 277

Using Excel to Create ISSUE Files ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 311

Creating an Excel Spreadsheet from a PAID File .................................................................................................................................................................... 355

Chapter 4: Testing File Transfers ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 388

Testing Process Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 388

Get File Transfer Information from UMB ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 388

Prepare Test Files ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 388

Log In to File Transfer Client ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 388

Alert UMB about Test File Transfer ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 388

Transfer Test Files ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

Receive Feedback from UMB ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

Transition to Production ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 5: Using UMB Secure File Transfer ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 40

Logging In to Secure File Transfer (SIFT) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 40

Transferring Files ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Selecting Single Files ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Selecting Multiple Files ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47

Viewing Transfer History ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48

Accessing Help ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49

Clearing Your Cache ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49

Exiting UMB Secure File Transfer ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

Chapter 6: Using UMB Direct’s Fraud Control Module to Upload an Issue File .............................................................................. 52

Creating an Import Profile………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……52

Creating a Delimited Upload Profile…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………53

Creating a Fixed Width Import Profile………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………55

Importing a Positive Pay Issue File……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..……………………59

Approving Uploaded Issue Files……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………60

Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

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Chapter 1: Overview The Account Reconciliation and Positive Pay User Guide serves as a roadmap to the process by which your

organization and UMB®

will prepare to begin exchanging Account Reconciliation data. This chapter serves as an introduction to this guide. It provides an overview of Account Reconciliation Services at UMB and how your organization and UMB interact to make those services work.

What’s in This Guide?

The Account Reconciliation and Positive Pay User Guide serves as a complete guide to getting your account set up with UMB and then exchanging account data with UMB.

Chapter 1: Overview (this chapter) contains an overview of the guide and of Account Reconciliation Services.

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Account gives you an overview of the account setup process, including the requirements, a timeline, what UMB needs from you, and what you can expect from UMB.

Chapter 3: Files Overview details the files that are exchanged between your organization and UMB.

Chapter 4: Testing File Transfers contains information on testing your files and testing the process by which you transfer files to and from UMB.

Chapter 5: Using UMB Secure File Transfer contains step-by-step instructions on the UMB Secure File Transfer client, which enables you to send and receive Account Reconciliation files.

A Glossary contains definitions and acronyms related to banking and the technologies described in this guide.

An Index is also included.

Setup Process Overview

The diagram below illustrates, at a very high level, the setup process detailed in this guide.

Changes in Version 3.5 This section details the changes to this guide since the original release of version 3.2 in July 2011.

New Multi-Factor Authentication Screens

The Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process, which users must undergo when they first log in to UMB Secure File Transfer, has been updated. See “Logging In” in Chapter 5 on page 39 for more information.

Document Conventions

Options and controls on dialog boxes are in a bold sans-serif font style (for example, OK button).

Links to other sections of this guide are printed in a dark blue color (for example, Chapter 3). In the PDF format, clicking these links takes you to these sections of the guide.

Text that you should enter into a text box is displayed in a fixed-width font style (for example, password).

Web addresses and samples of code are also displayed in a fixed-width font style (for example, ( / If the web addresses are clickable links, they are printed in a dark blue color.

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Account Reconciliation Services (ARP)

The Account Reconciliation Services at UMB are a suite of products and services that can help you reconcile the checks you write against the checks that are presented for payment. The features of this system are designed to increase productivity by automating your corporate check reconciliation process and help improve the speed and accuracy of reconciling your bank accounts, while providing enhanced control procedures to reduce payment risk. The system monitors outstanding items (checks, credits, placed stop payments and voided checks) and collects information on paid and deposited items for reporting at the end of your accounting cycle. Our system uses the serial number, account number and dollar amount to compare paid items to issue items. All of these services are required to begin on the first day of an accounting cycle or when your account is opened at UMB.

UMB offers three Account Reconciliation options:

Full Reconciliation Service Plan This service allows UMB Bank to perform a full reconciliation of paid items to the check issued record and provides the most comprehensive information of all available plans. You submit a data file containing a list of checks you have issued and we reconcile it with our records of checks presented for payment. The issue file must contain the account number from which the check was written, check/serial number, issue date and dollar amount of the check issued for each account to be reconciled. The file must also include codes and a bank number (provided by UMB Bank) to designate if the item is an Issue or a Void item. It can also include a payee name. Our system verifies the check/serial numbers; account number and dollar amounts of the checks issued and reports any problems. UMB automatically researches and adjusts any inconsistencies and produces numerous reports detailing all activity. Full Reconciliation– After receiving the data file of issued items, UMB reconciles the paid items to other issues and creates a transmission which includes: Reconciliation Report, Recap of Posted Items Report, Outstanding Settlement Report and Recon Diagnostic Summary Report. You can also receive a “flat” file of paid items that can be imported into Excel.

Partial Reconciliation Service Plan UMB creates a data file listing checks that are presented for payment. The reports and/or data file are used to reconcile your accounts and is provided to clients at the end of the month. The data file transmission includes a human readable Reconciliation Report (lists paid items in check number order), Recap of Posted Items Report (lists paid items by date) and Diagnostic Summary Report. In addition to the data file transmission; you will receive a paper report via USPS, which includes the summary of debit activity for the month.

Deposit Reconciliation Service Plan

Track and reconcile deposits for multi-location, multi-store or multi-department operations. Deposit Reconciliation allows any of your locations to deposit to a single account at any UMB Bank banking center. The Deposit Reconciliation Report identifies deposited funds by location, store or department. This service increases your control over local depository activity while simultaneously providing an efficient means to concentrate funds into a single account. The success of the Deposit Reconciliation Service depends upon the use of MICR-encoded deposit tickets used by each specific location. This allows our system to track, sort and total by your control number. The Deposit Reconciliation Report is provided at the end of month. Note: UMB cannot provide a file transmission for Deposit Reconciliation.

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Positive Pay Service UMB’s Positive Pay Services help you take a more proactive role in reconciling your accounts. Positive Pay gives you efficient, daily control over all check disbursement activity by allowing you to review all exception items before final payment occurs. Positive Pay is one of the most effective supplemental measures to control check fraud risk and enhance the security of check disbursements. When a check is presented to UMB against your company’s account, we validate the check presented is part of the issue file by validating the check/serial number and check amount. If we are unable to locate the issue record on your company’s issue file, we will treat that item as an “exception” and present the front and back check image for your review and decision. UMB rejects items received for payment that do not match the check/serial numbers and/or dollar amounts of checks submitted in your issue file (“Exception Items”). The Exception Items are then presented to you for review and decision through UMB’s online cash management portal, UMB Direct. Clients are empowered to review exception items and make a decision to reject or accept an item for payment before 2:00 p.m. CT. If no decision is made before the 2:00 p.m. cutoff time, the system will automatically default to the criteria previously established in the system. In addition to Positive Pay Services, UMB can provide an additional point of verification on a check payee line, “Payee Positive Pay.”

UMB offers five Positive Pay options: Standard Positive Pay with Full Reconciliation (Day 2)

You submit a data file containing a list of checks issued. When a check is presented for payment, UMB verifies the dollar amount of the check, the account number and MICR line of the presented item are the same as your issue file. If any variation is identified, you are notified to specify whether the check should be paid or returned through our online cash management portal, UMB Direct.

Reverse Positive Pay (Day 2) Puts more control in your hands. When you subscribe to this service option, you review the entire list of items that have been presented for payment each bank business day. Notify us of any items that should be returned by the specified deadline.

Reconciled Positive Pay with Full Reconciliation (Day 1) When you submit a data file containing a list of issued checks on your Controlled Disbursement account, UMB corrects any encoding errors on the electronic check presentment file we receive from the Federal Reserve Bank, before the checks are posted against your account. This saves you from performing regular adjustments to reconcile your accounts.

Payee Positive Pay (Day 1) Payee Positive Pay added to Standard or Reconciled Positive Pay with Full Reconciliation enhances the validation process by allowing you to include information from the Payee portion of a check as an additional point of comparison between checks presented and your issue file data. As with our standard Positive Pay program, payee exceptions are provided through UMB Direct, Fraud Control module for your pay or no pay decisions.

Unbundled Standard Positive Pay Only (Day 2) You submit a data file containing a list of checks you have issued. When a check is presented for payment, UMB verifies that the dollar amount of the check and the account number and MICR line of the presented item are the same as what is shown in your issue file. Clients have the ability to make a pay/no pay decision on any exceptions. A file transmission that contains the daily paid items can be provided with this service. No paper reports are available.

Unbundled Reconciled Positive Pay Only (Day 1) An additional reconciliation service feature offered is to research and resolve errors and exceptions between issue and paid items and between your bank statement and the reconciliation reports called Reconciled Positive Pay. You submit a data file containing a list of checks you have issued. When a check is presented for payment, UMB verifies that the dollar amount of the check and the account number and MICR line of the presented item are the same as what is shown in your issue file. Clients have the ability to make a pay/no pay decision on any exceptions. A file transmission that contains the daily paid items can be provided with this service. No paper reports are available.

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Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Account

This chapter covers the process of setting up Account Reconciliation Services with UMB. It details the timeline the setup process will follow, as well as what information you will need to provide to UMB to set up the service correctly.

Account Setup Overview

The flow diagram below illustrates, at a high level, the account setup process and the responsibilities of UMB and your organization. The entire process—from the beginning of account setup through testing and the transition to sending production files—typically takes 30 calendar days: 15 days for setup and 15 days for testing.

Note: The timeline in the diagram is only a sample timeline. The timeline for your organization’s particular setup can vary.


Before you begin setting up the service, make sure that you have the following:

A technical contact from your organization who can work with a technical contact from UMB.

These individuals will work together to get the system running on both sides.

An Internet browser that can run Java applets.

UMB Secure File Transfer is a Java-based application that you will use to transfer files back and forth with UMB. See “Using UMB Secure File Transfer” on page 40 for more information.

Information on how your account should be set up.

This information you need to provide is detailed in “What We Need from You” on the following page.

Setup Support

If you have any questions about the setup process detailed in this guide, contact your Treasury Management Officer at UMB.

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What We Need from You When UMB contacts you to set up your account, please have the following information ready.

Street address, city, state, and ZIP Code

Operational contact information

This person should be available to answer operational questions, such as whether to pay a presented item that is in question. For the operation contact, include:

o Full name

o Phone number

o E-mail address

o Fax number

Technical contact information

This person will work with a technical contact from UMB to ensure that the file exchange process is running smoothly. For the technical contact, include:

o Full name

o Phone number

o E-mail address

An estimate of the average monthly check volume for each account

A list of UMB accounts for which you are contracting Account Reconciliation services, including account numbers and account titles

The Reconciliation and Positive Pay services you want

These services are described in detail in the “Account Reconciliation Services Overview” section in Chapter 1.

Recon report preference

The recon report, which includes information on paid and outstanding items, is available in hard copy or electronic format.

What You Can Expect from UMB

After all the information in the previous section has been provided, UMB will assign a technical contact to set up your account. This contact will provide you with the information you need to get started. Among other items of information, UMB will make sure you are aware of:

Your account number or numbers, which must be included in the files that are exchanged.

The bank number. This number is a unique three-digit code that references the bank where you have your account. This number must also be referenced in the files that are exchanged.

These files are detailed in the next chapter. When you have this information, you can proceed to the testing phase, detailed in “Testing File Transfers” on page 38.

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Chapter 3: Files Overview

This chapter details the files exchanged with UMB. It also gives step-by-step instructions on converting an Excel spreadsheet into a standard ISSUE file. Before you can start sending test files, familiarize yourself with what each file should look like. Each file must meet specific requirements for UMB to be able to process the information in the file. This chapter contains detailed tables outlining the required formats, structure, field lengths, and values for each data file. It is critical that your data files conform to these layouts; files that are in inconsistent formats will produce errors and will not be processed. For all files listed below, follow these formatting guidelines:

Data is contained in text files.

All fields are fixed-length.

All numeric data is positive.

Use no special characters (dollar signs, commas, periods, negative signs, and so on) in numeric fields.

Numeric data is right-justified and zero-filled.

Alphanumeric data is left-justified and space-filled.

Product Files Table

The table below lists the Account Reconciliation products offered by UMB, highlighting the files associated with each.







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File Exchange - File Transmission

Account reconciliation data is exchanged between your organization and UMB via two text-based data files, the ISSUE file and the PAID file. Note: Reconciled/Same Day Positive Pay customers may also receive four other data files, detailed in “Files Overview” on page 9.

UMB Bank supports the following transmission protocols for processing:

Secured File Transmission Protocol (SFTP): The path or tunnel where the data flow is encrypted in addition

to encrypting the data file (preferred option).

Internet Upload or HTTPS: Clients can log in to a secured Internet site that belongs to UMB to upload an ACH file.

FTP with PGP Encryption: Files are encrypted by the client using PGP encryption.

You create the ISSUE file and send it to UMB. It contains a list of checks that you have issued and the amount of each check. UMB compares the contents of this file to the actual items that are presented for payment and can prepare various reports that can be forwarded to you on a regular schedule. In addition, UMB can use this file to guard your account or accounts against fraud by notifying you of presented items that are not in the ISSUE file. You then tell UMB which items should be paid and which should be returned. Note: You determine the default of all presented items (to pay or return) if you do not notify UMB by the deadline determined and specified to you by UMB Bank. UMB sends you the PAID file. The PAID file is a list of checks that have been presented for payment. You can use the information in the PAID file to reconcile your account and to notify the bank of any issues you encounter. When the file is ready for your review, you will receive an email notification from UMB. Below is a sample of the email notification:

From: CyberFusion User [] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2015 10:57 AM To: (ARP Client) Subject: UMB Bank File Availability Your file is available for download! File Name: ARP.TEST.TEST.20120611.105714634.TEST Byte Count: 486 Line Count: 6 Date: 11-Jun-2015 Time: 10:57:15 This email has been created by: UMB Bank's File Transfer Server

“Files Overview” on page 9 covers the files in more detail, and “Using UMB Secure File Transfer” on page 40 covers the interface you use to send and receive the files.

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ISSUE File – The ISSUE file lists checks that have been paid from your account.

Each check in the file is represented by one 125-character line of text. The table below details the information that can be found in each line. There are different issue file formats, based on which system will be used to upload or import the issue file to UMB Bank. Below are the different formats and a color coded comparison of how the formats are different.

Issue File Format for use in Secure File Transfer SIFT (HTTPS / FTP w/PGP / SFTP)

Data Element

Data Type Length Position Comments

Transaction Code

Alphanumeric 1 1 Values: D = ISSUE V = VOID

Bank Numeric 3 2 Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. 098 = UMB Bank, n.a.

Account Number

Numeric 10 5 Account number of the account from which the check was written.

Check Number

Numeric 10 15 Check number.

Issue Date Numeric 6 25 Date the check was issued. Format: YYMMDD

Amount Numeric 10 31 Format: DDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal.

Additional Data

Alphanumeric 15 41 Optional. (space-filled to the end of this field) Use these 15 characters for any special identifiers or comments your organization may require. The 15 characters are included in the PAID file when the item is paid.

Payee Alphanumeric 70 56 Optional. Payee name. Must use base 32 Ascii characters if using a payee name. Will not accept extended characters such as “à” or “ñ”, instead use “a” or “n”.

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Standard Fixed Width File Format for use in UMB Direct

Data Element

Data Type Field Length

Position Comments

Transaction Code

Alphanumeric 1 1 Values: D = ISSUE V = VOID

Bank Numeric 9 2 Routing Number which the check is drawn (this number does not change). 101000695= UMB Bank, n.a.

Account Number

Numeric 10 11 Account number of the account from which the check was written.

Amount Numeric 10 21 Format: DDDDDDDD.CC, no implied decimal.

Issue Date Numeric 6 31 Date the check was issued. Format: YYMMDD

Check Number

Numeric 10 37 Check number.

Payee Alphanumeric 70 47 Optional. Payee name. Must use base 32 Ascii characters if using a payee name. Will not accept extended characters such as “à” or “ñ”, instead use “a” or “n”.

Additional Data

Alphanumeric 15 117 Optional. (space-filled to the end of this field) Use these 15 characters for any special identifiers or comments your organization may require. The 15 characters are included in the PAID file when the item is paid.

Standard Delimited File Format for use in UMB Direct

Data Element

Data Type Field Comments

Transaction Code

Alpha 1 Values: D = ISSUE V = VOID If uploading a mixed issue file (issues and voids) do not select a transaction type from the drop down box

Bank Numeric 2 Routing Number which the check is drawn (this number does not change). 101000695= UMB Bank, n.a.

Account Number

Numeric 3 Account number of the account from which the check was written.

Amount Numeric 4 Format: DDDDDDDD.CC, (no leading zeroes, no implied decimal). 10 digit limit.

Issue Date Numeric 5 Date the check was issued. Format: YYMMDD

Check Number

Numeric 6 Check number.

Payee Alphanumeric 7 Optional. Payee name. Must use base 32 Ascii characters if using a payee name. Will not accept extended characters such as “à” or “ñ”, instead use “a” or “n”.

Additional Data

Alphanumeric 8 Optional. (space-filled to the end of this field) Use these 15 characters for any special identifiers or comments your organization may require. The 15 characters are included in the PAID file when the item is paid.

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ISSUE Confirmation File (Sample)

The sample ISSUE file below contains five lines of text, representing five separate issued checks. D098123456789900000012340507010000005000additional dataHANCOCK COUNTY D098123456789900000012350507050000000500additional dataFINDLAY HARDWARE D098123456789900000012360507050000000099additional data99 CENT STORE V098123456789900000012330507010000003001additional dataGREAT SCOT D098123456789900000012480507090000002545additional dataBRIAN J MCNAIR

If you use the Internet Transfer Client to upload check ISSUE files, you receive a text-based confirmation file. The file is typically available within 30 minutes for you to download from the Internet Transfer Client. A sample confirmation file can be found below.

FILE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION DATE: 05/25/2015 TIME: 16:58:24:00 CLIENT: TEST9999 PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT: 98 1234567890 TEST ACCOUNT OF UMB BANK ISSUE BEGIN END ISSUED ISSUED CANCELED CANCELED DATE SERIAL SERIAL ITEMS VALUE ITEMS VALUE 05/24/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 5 7128.85 0 0.00 05/24/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 4 21026.11 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 0 0.00 1 240.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 0 0.00 2 5970.50 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 0 0.00 1 4574.31 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 53 891797.95 1 500.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 18 338220.85 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 23 544845.56 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 55 1099881.26 1 4000.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 4 253707.71 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 10 337582.39 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 9 15782.74 0 0.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 0 0.00 1 1000.00 05/25/15 9999999999 - 9999999999 9 78985.09 0 0.00 ACCOUNT TOTAL 190 3588958.51 7 16284.81 FILE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION DATE: 05/25/2015 TIME: 16:58:24:00 CLIENT: TEST9999 PAGE: 2 FILE TOTAL ISSUE BEGIN END ISSUED ISSUED CANCELED CANCELED DATE SERIAL SERIAL ITEMS VALUE ITEMS VALUE 190 3588958.51 7 16284.81

Note: It is your responsibility to verify the totals in the confirmation file. If you notice a problem, please contact UMB as soon as possible.

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Custom Confirmation File Layout

If you want to receive confirmation of your ISSUE file upload and do not want to receive the standard confirmation file depicted on the previous page, you can instead receive a custom data file; the file is a text file with fixed-length fields. The layout of the custom confirmation file is detailed below.

Field Name Start of Field

Number of Positions

Type Description and Values

FILE DATE 1 8 Numeric Date file received. Format: CCYYMMDD

FILE TIME 9 8 Numeric Time file received. Format: HHMMSSNN

CLIENT 17 8 Character UMB client identifier.

UMB BANK 25 3 Numeric UMB bank number (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 9).

UMB ACCOUNT 28 10 Numeric UMB account number (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 9).

FILLER 38 1 Character Spaces (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 9).

ISSUE DATE 39 6 Numeric Issue date. Format: YYMMDD (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 8 or 9).

LOW SERIAL 45 10 Numeric Low serial number in range (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 8 or 9).

HIGH SERIAL 55 10 Numeric High serial number in range (or high values if RECORD TYPE = 8 or 9).

RECORD TYPE 65 1 Numeric Record type. Values: 1 = For account, issue date, serial number range total 8 = Account total 9 = File total

ISSUE COUNT 66 8 Numeric Issue record count.

ISSUE AMOUNT 74 15 Numeric Issue amount total. Last two characters are implied decimal places

VOID COUNT 89 8 Numeric Void/cancel record count.

VOID AMOUNT 97 15 Numeric Void/cancel amount total. Last two characters are implied decimal places.

STOP COUNT 112 8 Numeric Always Zero.

STOP AMOUNT 120 15 Numeric Always Zero. Last two characters are implied decimal places


135 8 Numeric Always Zero.


143 15 Numeric Always Zero. Last two characters are implied decimal places

FILLER 158 43 Character Filled with spaces.

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The PAID file lists checks that have been paid from your account. The PAID file is typically available for download from the File Transfer Client on the 8th business day after your statement cutoff.

When receiving a file from UMB, you will receive an automated email notification indicating you have a file available to download from this site. A sample of that notification is below:

From: CyberFusion User [] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2015 10:57 AM To: (ARP Client) Subject: UMB Bank File Availability Your file is available for download! File Name: ARP.TEST.TEST.20120611.105714634.TEST Byte Count: 486 Line Count: 6 Date: 11-Jun-2015 Time: 10:57:15 This email has been created by: UMB Bank's File Transfer Server

Each check in the PAID file is represented by one 80-character line of text. The table below details the information that can be found in each line.

Data Element

Data Type Length Position Comments

Bank Numeric 3 1 Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. 098 = UMB Bank, n.a.

Account Number

Numeric 10 4 Account number of the account from which the check was written.

Check Number

Numeric 10 14 Check number.

Issue Date Numeric 6 24 If you do not send an ISSUE file, this is zero-filled. Format: YYMMDD

Paid Date Numeric 6 30 Date the check was paid. Format: YYMMDD

Sequence Number

Numeric 8 36 UMB-generated reference number used for research purposes.

Amount Numeric 10 44 Format: DDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal.

Additional Data

Alphanumeric 15 54 This is space-filled unless you send Additional Data in your ISSUE file, in which case the data is repeated here.

Filler Alphanumeric 12 69 Space-filled.

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Outstanding File The Outstanding File contains all checks that are included in the outstanding ARP account balance. If stopped checks are to be considered as outstanding, the stopped check will report on this file with a STOPPED status. Note: The Outstanding File is Reconciled/Same Day Positive Pay only.

The Outstanding File is an optional file.

Only one file type and frequency allowed per file.

File frequencies allowed:

o None

o Weekly on last UMB business day of the week.

o Monthly on last UMB business day of the month.

o Every UMB business day.

File records are a fixed length of 200 characters.

Multiple accounts allowed in a file.

First record of file is the file header record. File header record is always required.

Last record of file is the file trailer record. File trailer record is always required.

First detail record for an account is the account header record

Last detail record for an account is the account trailer record

If no outstanding check information exists for an account, the file still contains an account header record and an account trailer record.

Outstanding Item Key:

1 - Check paid this period; no issue received. Added into TOTAL PAID.

2 - Check voided; issue removed. Not added into totals.

3 - Check paid previous period; issue still not received. Not added into totals.

4 - Stop payment in effect; check has not been presented. Added into TOTAL O/S only if issue is present, and STOPPED ISSUE IND (CM5, column 44) equals ‘N’..

5 - Stop payment in effect; check has been presented and returned. Added into TOTAL O/S only if issue is present, and STOPPED ISSUEIND (CM 5, column 44) equals ‘N’

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. O = Outstanding File

File Record Type Code Numeric 1 2 Required element. 0 = File Header Record

Processing Date Numeric 8 3 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Processing Time Numeric 6 11 Required element. Format: HHMMSS

Filler Alphanumeric 184 17 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

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File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. O = Outstanding File

File Record Type Code Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098.

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 0 = Account Header Record

As of Date Numeric 8 17 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Filler Alphanumeric 176 25 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. O = Outstanding File

File Record Type Code Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 1 = Account Detail Record

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Check Number Numeric 10 17 Required element. Designates check number. Check number is right justified zero filled. Example: 0000006572 = 6572

Check Amount Numeric 12 27 Required element. Format: DDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. Example: 000000046879 = $468.79 Example: 000000000010 = $0.10

Check Status Code Alphanumeric 1 39 Required element. Valid Values: I = Issued S = Stopped if issued stops are outstanding.

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Check Status Alphanumeric 12 40 Required element. Status element is left justified space filled. Valid values: ISSUED ISSTOP if stops are outstanding

Issued Date Numeric 8 52 Required element. Designates check issue date if check was issued. Issued date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Stopped Date Numeric 8 60 Required element. Designates date check was stopped if applicable. Stopped date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Paid Date Numeric 8 68 Required element. Designates date check was paid if applicable. Paid date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Canceled Date Numeric 8 76 Required element. Designates date check was canceled if applicable. Cancel date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

UMB Reference Number Numeric 8 84 Required Element. UMB generated reference number used for paid research. Can be zero filled if not applicable.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Additional Data Alphanumeric 15 92 Required Element. Additional data element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Payee Name Alphanumeric 70 107 Required Element. Payee name element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Filler Alphanumeric 24 177 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. O = Outstanding File

File Record Type Code Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value assigned by UMB Bank.

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Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 9 = Account Trailer Record

Account Record Count Numeric 8 17 Required element. Includes the Account Header and Account Trailer records in the count.

Total Issued Count Numeric 8 25 Total Issued Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Issued Amount Numeric 14 33 Total Issued Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Total Stopped Count Numeric 8 47 Total Stopped Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Stopped Amount Numeric 14 55 Total Stopped Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Total Outstanding Count Numeric 8 69 Total Outstanding Count (This included stop count if stops are to be considered part of outstanding) Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Outstanding Amount

Numeric 14 77 Total Outstanding Amount (This includes stop amount if stops are to be considered part of outstanding) Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Filler Alphanumeric 110 91 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. O = Outstanding File

File Record Type Code Numeric 1 2 Required element. 9 = File Trailer Record

File Record Count Numeric 8 3 Required element. Total file records including file header and file trailer records. Example: 00000698 = 698

Filler Alphanumeric 190 11 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

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Paid Activity File

The Paid Activity File contains all checks that have paid since the last reporting period.

Note: The Paid Activity File is Reconciled/Same Day Positive Pay only.

File frequencies allowed

o Weekly on last UMB business day of the week.

o Monthly on last UMB business day of the month.

o Every UMB business day.

Only one file type and frequency allowed per file.

File records are a fixed length of 200 characters.

Multiple accounts allowed in a file.

First record of file is the file header record. File header record is always required.

Last record of file is the file trailer record. File trailer record is always required.

First detail record for an account is the account header record.

Last detail record for an account is the account trailer record

If no paid check information exists for an account, the file still contains and account header record and an account trailer record.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. P = Paid Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 0 = File Header Record

Processing Date Numeric 8 3 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Processing Time Numeric 6 11 Required element. Format: HHMMSS

Filler Alphanumeric 184 17 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. P = Paid Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

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Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 0 = Account Header Record

As of Date Numeric 8 17 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Filler Alphanumeric 176 25 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. P = Paid Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 1 = Account Detail Record

Check Number Numeric 10 17 Required element. Designates check number. Check number is right justified zero filled. Example: 0000006572 = 6572

Check Amount Numeric 12 27 Required element. Format: DDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. Example: 000000046879 = $468.79 Example: 000000000010 = $0.10

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Check Status Code

Alphanumeric 1 39 Required element. P = Paid

Check Status Alphanumeric 12 40 Required element. Status element is left justified space filled. Valid status codes: MATCHED PNI

Issued Date Numeric 8 52 Required element. Designates check issue date if check was issued. Issued date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Stopped Date Numeric 8 60 Required element. Designates date check was stopped if applicable. Stopped date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

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Paid Date Numeric 8 68 Required element. Designates date check was paid if applicable. Paid date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Canceled Date Numeric 8 76 Required element. Designates date check was canceled if applicable. Cancel date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

UMB Reference Number

Numeric 8 84 Required Element. UMB generated reference number used for paid research. Can be zero filled if not applicable.

Additional Data Alphanumeric 15 92 Required Element. Additional data element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Payee Name Alphanumeric 70 107 Required Element. Payee name element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Filler Alphanumeric 24 177 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. P = Paid Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 9 = Account Trailer Record

Account Record Count

Numeric 8 17 Required element. Includes the Account Header and Account Trailer records in the count.

Total Paid Count Numeric 8 25 Total Paid Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Paid Amount Numeric 14 33 Total Paid Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

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Total Teller Paid Count

Numeric 8 47 Total Teller Paid Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Teller Paid Amount

Numeric 15 55 Total Teller Paid Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Filler Alphanumeric 132 69 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. P = Paid Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 9 = File Trailer Record

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

File Record Count Numeric 8 3 Required element. Total file record count includes file header and file trailer records. Example: 00000698 = 698

Filler Alphanumeric 190 11 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

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Stop Activity File

The Stop Activity File contains all stop transaction activity applied against an account. Note: The Stop Activity File is Reconciled/Same Day Positive Pay only.

The Stop Activity File is an optional file.

File must be produced every UMB business day.

Only one file type and frequency allowed per file.

File records are a fixed length of 200 characters.

Multiple accounts can be set up on a file.

First record of file is the file header record. File header record is always required.

Last record of file is the file trailer record. File trailer record is always required.

First detail record for an account is the account header record.

Last detail record for an account is the account trailer record.

If no stop activity occurred for an account, the file still contains an account header record and an account trailer record.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. S = Stop Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 0 = File Header Record

Processing Date Numeric 8 3 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example:20151016 = 10/16/2015

Processing Time Numeric 6 11 Required element. Format: HHMMSS

Filler Alphanumeric 184 17 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. S = Stop Activity File

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 0 = Account Header Record

As of Date Numeric 8 17 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 201591016 = 10/16/2015

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Filler Alphanumeric 176 25 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. S = Stop Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 1 = Account Detail Record

Check Number Numeric 10 17 Required element. Designates check number. Check number is right justified zero filled. Example: 0000006572 = 6572

Check Amount Numeric 12 27 Required element. Format: DDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. Example: 000000046879 = $468.79 Example: 000000000010 = $0.10

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Check Status Code

Alphanumeric 1 39 Required element. S = Stopped X = Stop Removed E = Stop Expired R = Stop Renewed

Check Status Alphanumeric 12 40 Required element. Status element is left justified space filled. Valid status codes: STOPPED ISSTOP CANSTOP ISSTCN STOP REMOVAL STOP EXPIRED STOP RENEWAL

Issued Date Numeric 8 52 Required element. Designates check issue date if check was issued. Issued date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Stopped Date Numeric 8 60 Required element. Designates date check was stopped if applicable. Stopped date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

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Paid Date Numeric 8 68 Required element. Designates date check was paid if applicable. Paid date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Canceled Date Numeric 8 76 Required element. Designates date check was canceled if applicable. Cancel date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

UMB Reference Number

Numeric 8 84 Required Element. UMB generated reference number used for paid research. Can be zero filled if not applicable.

Additional Data Alphanumeric 15 92 Required Element. Additional data element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Payee Name Alphanumeric 70 107 Required Element. Payee name element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Filler Alphanumeric 24 177 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. S = Stop Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 9 = Account Trailer Record

Account Record Count

Numeric 8 17 Required element. Includes the Account Header and Account Trailer records in the count.

Total Stopped Count

Numeric 8 25 Total Stopped Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Stopped Amount

Numeric 14 33 Total Stopped Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Filler Alphanumeric 154 47 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. S = Stop Activity File

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File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 9 = File Trailer Record

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

File Record Count Numeric 8 3 Required element. Total file record count includes file header and file trailer records. Example: 00000698 = 698

Filler Alphanumeric 190 11 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

Cancel/Void Activity File

The Cancel/Void Activity File contains all checks that are in a cancel or void status since last reporting. Note: The Cancel/Void Activity File is Reconciled/Same Day Positive Pay only.

The Cancel/Void Activity File is an optional file.

File frequencies allowed:

o Weekly on last UMB business day of the week.

o Monthly on last UMB business day of the month.

o Every UMB business day.

o Only one file type and frequency allowed per file.

File records are a fixed length of 200 characters.

First record of file is the file header record. File header record is always required.

Last record of file is the file trailer record. File trailer record is always required.

First detail record for an account is the account header.

Last detail record for an account is the account trailer record.

If no cancel activity information exists for an account, the file still contains an account header record and an account trailer record.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. C = Cancel/Void Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 0 = File Header Record

Processing Date Numeric 8 3 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Processing Time Numeric 6 11 Required element. Format: HHMMSS

Filler Alphanumeric 184 17 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. C = Cancel/Void Activity File

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File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 0 = Account Header Record

As of Date Numeric 8 17 Required element. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151016 = 10/16/2015

Filler Alphanumeric 176 25 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. C = Cancel/Void Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 1 = Account Detail Record

Check Number Numeric 10 17 Required element. Designates check number. Check number is right justified zero filled. Example: 0000006572 = 6572

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Check Amount Numeric 12 27 Required element. Format: DDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. Example: 000000046879 = $468.79 Example: 000000000010 = $0.10

Check Status Code Alphanumeric 1 39 Required element. C = Cancel V = Void (when check is auto canceled)

Check Status Alphanumeric 12 40 Required element. Status element is left justified space filled. Valid status codes: ICAN CANCEL CANSTOP ISSTCN

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Issued Date Numeric 8 52 Required element. Designates check issue date if check was issued. Issued date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Stopped Date Numeric 8 60 Required element. Designates date check was stopped if applicable. Stopped date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Paid Date Numeric 8 68 Required element. Designates date check was paid if applicable. Paid date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

Canceled Date Numeric 8 76 Required element. Designates date check was canceled if applicable. Cancel date can be zeros. Format: CCYYMMDD Example: 20151023 = 10/23/2015

UMB Reference Number

Numeric 8 84 Required Element. UMB generated reference number used for paid research. Can be zero filled if not applicable.

Additional Data Alphanumeric 15 92 Required Element. Additional data element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Payee Name Alphanumeric 70 107 Required Element. Payee name element if sent with issue. Can be spaces.

Filler Alphanumeric 26 177 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. C = Cancel/Void Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 1 = File Detail Record

Bank Number Numeric 3 3 Required element. Three-digit code designating the bank on which the check is drawn. Value = 098

Checking Account Number

Numeric 10 6 Required element. Designates checking account number. Checking account number is right justified zero filled. Example: 00100004567 = 100004567

Account Record Type Code

Numeric 1 16 Required element. 9 = Account Trailer Record

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Account Record Count

Numeric 8 17 Required element. Includes the Account Header and Account Trailer records in the count.

Total Canceled Count Numeric 8 25 Total Canceled Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Canceled Amount

Numeric 14 33 Total Canceled Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Total Auto-Void Count Numeric 8 47 Total Auto-Void Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Total Auto-Void Amount

Numeric 14 55 Total Auto-Void Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Total Canceled and Auto-Void Count

Numeric 8 69 Total Canceled and Auto-Void Count Count is right justified zero filled. I.E.: 00006572 = 6572"

Data Element Data Type Length Position Comments

Total Canceled and Auto-Void Amount

Numeric 14 77 Total Canceled and Auto-Void Amount Amount is right justified zero filled. Format: DDDDDDDDDDDDCC, implied decimal. I.E.: 00000000046879 = $468.79 I.E.: 00000000000010 = $0.10"

Filler Alphanumeric 110 91 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.


File Type Code Alphanumeric 1 1 Required element. C = Cancel/Void Activity File

File Record Type Code

Numeric 1 2 Required element. 9 = File Trailer Record

File Record Count Numeric 8 3 Required element. Total file record count includes file header and file trailer records. Example: 00000698 = 698

Filler Alphanumeric 190 11 Required element. UMB expansion area. Space filled.

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Using Excel to Create ISSUE Files

If you have ISSUE file data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, you can save the data in the appropriate format to transmit to UMB. Follow the steps below to do so.

1. Within Excel, open the spreadsheet containing the ISSUE data.

The illustration below shows the data from the sample ISSUE file in an Excel spreadsheet.

2. Right-click Column A. A shortcut menu (illustrated below) is displayed.

3. Select Format Cells from the shortcut menu. The Format Cells dialog box (illustrated on the next page) is displayed.

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4. Select General from the Category list and click OK.

5. Right-click Column A again and select Column Width from the shortcut menu. The Column Width dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

6. Enter 1 in the Column width box and click OK.

7. Right-click Column B and select Format Cells from the shortcut menu. The Format Cells dialog box is displayed.

8. Select Custom from the Category list and enter 000 (three zeroes) in the Type box (as in the illustration below).

9. Click OK.

10. Right-click Column B again and select Column Width from the shortcut menu. The Column Width dialog box is displayed.

11. Enter 3 in the Column width box and click OK.

12. Repeat steps 7-11 for Columns C through H, using the specifications in the table below.

Column Select from the Category list Enter in the Type box Column Width

C Custom 0000000000 (ten zeroes) 10

D Custom 0000000000 (ten zeroes) 10

E Custom 000000 (six zeroes) 6

F Custom 0000000000 (ten zeroes) 10

G General Additional data 15

H General Payee information 70

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After you have set the column formats and widths, the Excel spreadsheet should look similar to the sample below.

13. Save the Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Save icon. Next, save the file as a text file.

14. From the File menu, select Save As. The Save As dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

15. Browse to the location where you want to save the text file.

16. From the Save as type list, select Formatted Text (Space delimited) (*.prn).

17. Click Save. The file is saved with the .prn extension.

18. Close Excel.

19. Within Windows Explorer, locate the file you just saved and double-click it. A Windows dialog box (illustrated below) opens, informing you that Windows needs to know which program to use to open the file.

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20. Click Select the program from a list and click OK. The Open With dialog box (illustrated on the next page) is displayed.

21. From the Programs list, select Notepad. Make sure the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file option is selected, so that from now on the file will automatically open in Notepad when you double- click it.

22. Click OK. The file opens in Notepad.

23. From the File menu in Notepad, select Save As. The Save As dialog box is displayed.

24. In the File name box, change the name of the file, eliminating the .prn extension and giving the file a new name to differentiate it from the original.

25. From the Save as type box, select Text Documents (*.txt).

26. Click Save. The file is saved with the .txt extension.

27. Close Notepad. The ISSUE file is now ready to be transmitted to UMB.

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Creating an Excel Spreadsheet from a PAID File If you have PAID file data in a text file, you can import the data from that file to create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Follow the steps below to do so.

1. Within Excel, from the File menu, select Open. The Open dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

2. From the Files of type list, select All Files (*.*).

3. Browse to the location where the PAID file is stored.

4. Select the PAID file and click Open. The Text Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3 dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

This wizard enables you to import the data from the text file into Excel.

5. Select the Fixed width option and specify to Start import at row 1.

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6. Click Next. The next step of the wizard (illustrated below) is displayed.

7. Follow the instructions on the dialog box to mark the columns in the file. Using the mouse, place break lines in the following positions, as in the illustration on the next page:

o 3 o 13 o 23 o 29 o 35 o 43 o 53 o 68 o 80

When you have marked the columns in the text file, the result should look similar to the examples below, with breaks in the same places.

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8. Because you do not need to go to step 3, click Finish. The data from the PAID file is imported into Excel (see the example on the next page).

9. If necessary, add column headings by right-clicking the first row and selecting Insert from the shortcut menu.

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Chapter 4: Testing File Transfers This chapter covers the process of testing the ISSUE and PAID file transfer process, to ensure that the files are formatted correctly and that they are being transferred successfully. This chapter will detail the testing process step by step, including problems you may encounter at each step and how to avoid them.

Testing Process Overview The flow diagram on the right illustrates, at a high level, the file transfer testing process. The entire process—from the beginning of account setup through testing and the transition to sending production files—typically takes 30 calendar days: 15 days for setup and 15 days for testing. Note: The timeline in the diagram is only a sample timeline. The timeline for your organization’s particular setup can vary. The sections below describe each step in more detail.

Get File Transfer Information from UMB

Once your organization and UMB have set up your file transfer account, a technical contact from UMB will call or e-mail you to inform you that you can begin testing file transfers. This technical contact will provide you with the user name and password you need to log in to the File Transfer Client (detailed in “Using UMB Secure File Transfer” on page 40). Make note of the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the UMB technical contact. You will need to contact this person later in the testing process.

Prepare Test Files

After you have installed the applet and familiarized yourself with the File Transfer Client interface, you need to create a test ISSUE file and transfer it to UMB. Transferring a test file gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the specialized format of the ISSUE file and to ensure that the file transfer process will go smoothly once you begin transferring production files. See “Files Overview” on page 9 for detailed information on the format of the text-based data files that will be exchanged between your organization and UMB. If necessary, your UMB technical contact can provide you with electronic file samples. When you are creating the test ISSUE file, keep in mind that while the file does not necessarily have to contain “real” account numbers and check information, it is probably a good idea for you to go ahead and use real account data so that you know how production files will be formatted. You may also want to consult the “Troubleshooting” on page 39 for a list of problems to avoid.

Log In to File Transfer Client

Once the test ISSUE file is ready for transfer, log in to the File Transfer Client as described in “Logging In” on page 40.

Alert UMB about Test File Transfer

Before you transfer the test ISSUE file, call your UMB technical contact to let him or her know that you are sending a test file, not a production file. The contact will watch the system to see when your file comes through, so that he or she can check it and ensure that it does not get processed by the system as a production file. The UMB technical contact is generally available between 7am and 4pm Central time, Monday through Friday.

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Transfer Test Files Follow the step-by-step instructions found in the “Transferring Files” on page 46 to send the test ISSUE file.

Receive Feedback from UMB

When UMB receives your file, the technical contact will look at it and verify that the file is correctly formatted. He or she will then contact you and inform you of the status of the file. If the file is received without any problems and it is correctly formatted, you can then transition to production. If, however, the file is incorrectly formatted or any other problems exist, the UMB technical contact will work with you to correct them. See the “Troubleshooting” on the next section for a list of typical problems and how to correct them. Note that your UMB technical contact will check the format of the data in the ISSUE file, but not the actual content of the file itself.

Transition to Production

Once all technical or formatting issues have been resolved and you can successfully send and receive files, you can then transition to sending and receiving production files. When you start sending production files instead of test files, the UMB technical contact with whom you have been working will no longer be your primary contact. For production-related issues, contact Note: Before you send any production file, always notify UMB by sending an e-mail to


When you are creating test (or production) ISSUE files, keep the following tips in mind.

Make sure that text fields (fields marked with the “C”, or character, data type) are left-justified, with spaces filling the right side of the field. Make sure numeric fields (fields marked as “N”, or numeric) are right-justified, with zeroes filling the empty places on the left.

Double-check the amounts in the Amount field. Note that the field is 10 characters long, with cents taking the last two places. For instance, 0000004500 is $45.00, while 0000000045 is 45¢ .

Do not use a negative sign (-) in the amount field of a VOID record. The amount field in a record must contain only numerals. Instead, use “V” instead of “D” as the Transaction Code.

Do not send an ACH file in place of the ISSUE file. The ISSUE and PAID files are in a specific format and are not interchangeable with ACH files.

Each record can be no longer than 125 characters.

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Chapter 5: Using UMB Secure File Transfer

This chapter covers the process that you will use to upload your files and download files from UMB, using a web-based interface. Note: When transferring files to and from UMB, keep in mind that file names are case-sensitive.

UMB Secure File Transfer is a Java-based interface that you can use to upload and download your files through a secure SSL connection using a Java-supported web browser such as Internet Explorer. Because the interface is Java-based, it requires that Java be installed on the machine that is going to access it. Java is a Sun Microsystems product and is available for free at


This section provides an overview of UMB Secure File Transfer, detailing how to log in to the system and how to use it to transfer files back and forth between your organization and UMB. When receiving a file from UMB, you will receive an automated email notification indicating you have a file available to download from this site. A sample of that notification is below:

From: CyberFusion User [] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2015 10:57 AM To: (ARP Client) Subject: UMB Bank File Availability Your file is available for download! File Name: ARP.TEST.TEST.20120611.105714634.TEST Byte Count: 486 Line Count: 6 Date: 11-Jun-2015 Time: 10:57:15 This email has been created by: UMB Bank's File Transfer Server

Logging In to Secure File Transfer (SIFT)

You must log in to the system before you can begin exchanging files with UMB. To log in to the system, follow the steps below. You access SIFT via UMB Direct. Note: To access UMB Direct, Internet Explorer Version 9.0 or higher is required, or a supported version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

UMB uses the highest industry standards to encrypt your information when accessing your information online. When

you log on to UMB Direct you must enter a user ID, password and authentication passcode. This prevents others

from accessing your information.

1. Access the URL

2. In the Account Sign In section, select UMB Direct from the Sign in to dropdown box.

1 When you click this link, you will leave UMB’s Web site and will go to a Web site that is not controlled by or affiliated with UMB. We have

provided this link for your convenience. However, we do not endorse or guarantee any products or services you may view on other sites. Other Web sites may not follow the same privacy policies and security procedures that UMB does so please review their policies and procedures carefully.

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3. Enter your Company ID and User ID supplied to you by UMB in the appropriate fields and click the Next button.

NOTE: You may be asked to answer one of your security questions if you have already completed the initial online

profile setup. Enter the answer to your security question in the Answer field box. If this is a computer you use

regularly and is not shared between users, you may select the Remember this computer check box. Click on the

Submit button.

4. The Sign In page will then open.

5. Enter your temporary password provided by UMB in the Password field.

6. Click the Sign In button.

7. To fully protect your information while using UMB Direct we require you to enroll in additional security measures.

Security Profile: Select Your Image

The first step in this process is to select a security image and caption. If our system recognizes your computer when you log on, the image and caption is displayed. This verifies that you are on the authentic UMB Web site and that it is safe to enter your password.

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1. Click the Next button to select your image and caption.

2. Select your image from the options displayed on the right side of the screen. You can view additional images by clicking the More Images button.

Once you select an image, enter a caption in the Caption field. DO NOT ENTER YOUR PASSWORD. Your image caption should be a word, phrase, or sentence you can remember and recognize later. It will always appear together with your security image when you log on.

3. To save the image and caption, click the Next button.

Security Profile: Pick Your Questions

Next, you are asked to answer three security questions. If our system does not recognize your computer when you log on to UMB Direct, you will be asked to provide the answer to one of the questions you establish in this step.

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6. Select each question by clicking the associated drop-down arrow. You must provide an answer to these three questions. Answer fields are case-sensitive.

7. To save your questions and answers, click the Next button. You must confirm your Security Profile. You can change the image, caption or security questions/answers by clicking the Change option associated with each.

Password Expired: Change Password

8. When complete, click the Next button. You continue to UMB Direct to change your password.

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To help you protect your information, UMB has put rules in place for your passwords. Following these rules gives you a more secure password.

Your password must contain at least eight characters.

Of those eight characters, at least three must be different.

Any single character can be repeated only twice.

Your password must contain at least one uppercase and at least one lowercase letter.

Your password must contain at least one number (digit).

9. Enter your password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. If the password meets the security rules, “The new password meets the rule requirements” message displays above the password fields. If the password does not meet a requirement, the displayed message indicates how the password must be changed to meet the requirement.

10. Click Submit.

Note: This password is valid for 90 days. When it expires you will be asked to change it using the same procedures. The system updates your password. The process may take several minutes to complete. Do not close the browser session during this time.

Your login is now complete. The UMB Direct landing page is displayed.


From the Services menu select UMB Web Exchange from the drop down menu.

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11. Under Other Commercial Services, click the UMB Secure File Transfer link to proceed to the SIFT


The UMB Secure File Transfer interface (illustrated below) is displayed.

Transferring Files

The file transfer interface supports two kinds of transfers:

Individual File Transfer allows you to upload and download files one at a time. This type of transfer is indicated

by the button.

Directory Transfer enables you to upload or download one or several files at once.

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To upload and download files, follow the steps below. 1. If you are not already viewing the Secure File Transfer interface (illustrated below), click the Transfers button on

the menu at the top of the page.

The interface displays a list of the files and/or directories your account has been configured to send and receive. For each file or directory, the grid displays a description and the local file name, as well as whether the file or directory is configured for upload (to UMB) or download (from UMB).

2. Click Refresh to update the list of files.

3. Select the files to upload or download, as described in the sections below. Follow the instructions in “Selecting Single Files” to upload or download individual files. Follow the instructions in “Selecting Multiple Files” to upload or download multiple files.

4. After you have selected your file(s), click the Upload or Download button to the right of the file or directory to transfer only the files or files on that line. - or - Click Execute All Transfers to transfer all files and directories on the page. The File Transfer in Progress window (illustrated on the next page) opens, displaying the progress of the transfer.

5. To cancel a transfer that has not yet completed, click the Cancel button to the left of the file.

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6. When the transfers are complete, click Close.

Selecting Single Files

Follow the steps below to select individual files to upload or download. A single file download or upload is indicated

by the button.

1. Click the Browse button to the right of a file. A dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed, enabling you to browse for the appropriate file.

In the case of downloaded files, you are selecting where and under what file name the downloaded file should be saved (either on your hard drive or on your network). For files to upload, you are selecting a locally stored file (either on your hard drive or on your network) to upload; the local file you select will be uploaded with the name of the file displayed in the Local File Name column on the interface.

2. Browse to the location of the appropriate file.

3. Select the file and click Open. You return to the interface.

4. To complete the transfer click the appropriate Upload or Download button.

5. If transferring more than one file, repeat steps 1-3 as necessary for each file you need to upload or download, then click Execute All Transfers.

Selecting Multiple Files

Follow the steps below to select multiple files to upload or download.

1. Click the Browse button to the right of the directory.

Note: Download is indicated by the button, signifying that if no files are selected, all files

in that directory will be downloaded by default. Upload is indicated by the button, signifying that directories or files must be selected before the transfer will occur. The Select files to upload dialog box (illustrated on the next page) or Select files to download dialog box is

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displayed, enabling you to select all the files that will be uploaded or downloaded in that batch.

2. Select the files and/or directories to upload or download.

Note: By default, all files or directories in the right pane are selected. If you do not want to select all of the files or directories in the list, click the Clear List button, then follow the instructions below.

Uploading: In the Choose files to upload pane on the left, browse to the appropriate directory where the file or files are located. When you select the file, it is displayed in the right pane. If you select a directory’s check box, all files from that directory are displayed in the right pane. Files in this right pane will be uploaded as part of the transfer. Downloading: In the Select local directory where files will be saved pane on the left, select the directory where the downloaded files will be saved.

3. The files you can download are displayed in the right pane. Select the files you want to download, or click Select All to select all files in the right pane.

4. If you need to clear all files from the right pane, click the Clear List button.

5. Click OK when all files have been selected for the transfer.

You return to the interface.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary for each transfer batch for which you need to specify files.

Viewing Transfer History

To view a history of your file transfers, follow the steps below.

1. Click the History button on the menu at the top of the page. The History page (an example of which is displayed below) opens.

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The History page lists, for each file that has been transferred:

• Audit# - unique audit ID for tracking purposes • Status - status of the transfer (Success or Fail) • Local File Name - file name • Description - brief description of each file • Direction of Transfer - the direction of the transfer action (upload or download) • Transfer Date - date of the transfer • Bytes Transferred - size of each file

2. Click a button on the menu to go to another page.

Accessing Help

Click the Help button on the menu at the top of the page to open a PDF containing brief instructions on using UMB Secure File Transfer.

Clearing Your Cache

Some UMB Secure File Transfer performance issues can be resolved by clearing your Internet cache and your Java cache. To do so, follow the steps below.

1. From the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

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2. In the Browsing history area, click Delete. The Delete Browsing History dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

3. Click Delete All. A message box (illustrated below) is displayed, prompting you to confirm that you want to delete the files.

4. Click Yes.

5. When the process is complete, click Close on the Delete Browsing History and Internet Options dialog boxes.

6. Close Internet Explorer.

7. From the Start Menu, select Control Panel.

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8. Double-click Java. The Java Control Panel (illustrated below) opens.

9. In the Temporary Internet Files area, click Settings. The Temporary Files Settings dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

10. If it is not already cleared, clear the Keep temporary files on my computer checkbox.

11. Click Delete Files. The Delete Temporary Files dialog box (illustrated below) is displayed.

12. Select all available checkboxes.

13. Click OK.

14. When the process is complete, close the Temporary Files Settings dialog box, Java Control Panel, and the Control Panel.

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15. Restart Internet Explorer and browse to UMB Secure File Transfer.

Exiting UMB Secure File Transfer

When you are finished using UMB Secure File Transfer, exit the application by clicking the Logout link on the menu at the top of the page, or by closing Internet Explorer. Once you have exited UMB Secure File Transfer, you must close Internet Explorer and re-open it before you can use the application again.

Chapter 6: Using UMB Direct’s Fraud Control Module to Upload Issue File

This chapter covers the process that you will use to upload your files through UMB Direct’s Fraud Control Module.

Creating an Import Profile

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Creating a Delimited Upload Profile

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Creating a Fixed Width Import Profile

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Importing a Positive Pay Issue File

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Approving Uploaded Issue Files

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ACH Automated Clearing House. The ACH Network is a nationwide batch-oriented electronic funds transfer system which provides for the interbank clearing of electronic payments for participating depository financial institutions. Source:


FTP File Transfer Protocol. An Internet-based method of transferring files between computers. FTPS is a secure version of the protocol, using SSL. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The method by which hypertext files and other files are sent across the Internet. HTTPS is a secured version of this protocol. Java A platform-independent computer programming language created by Sun Microsystems. Typically used for web-based applications, Java programs take the form of applets that can add diverse functionality to web pages. MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. A system used by banks to encode information, such as check numbers and account numbers, on the bottom of checks. SSH Secure Shell. A protocol used to encrypt data sent across the Internet.

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