Accessing Materials in Course Compass. Entering the classroom First stop – the classroom! Click on your class.

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Accessing Materials in Course Compass

Entering the classroom

First stop – the classroom!

Click on your class.

Navigations buttons

These buttons take you around the classroom.

Let’s start with the Syllabus.


The Daily Schedule will keep you on track!

Navigation buttons

The Lecture button is the key to success!

Lecture button

The first screen in Lecture is a list of the Chapters that we cover in this class.

Chapter button

The Chapter Button takes you to a list of the Sections that we cover in each chapter.

Section button

Every Section has the same three links.

Let’s look at Sample Problems.

Sample Problems

Think you’re ready to do the problems?

Click on the .pdf file for a short quiz.

Take the quiz

… and check your answers!

Only miss question 5?

Open the PowerPoint to see how to work it.

Textbook Materials

Now let’s look at Textbook Materials.

Textbook Materials

These are the two links that most people use:

Textbook Materials

Your book is at your fingertips!

Good-bye, heavy backpack!

These are the actual pages for this section of the textbook

Textbook Materials

Prefer a lecture to reading the book?

Video Lecture

A QuickTime video will start

And a math teacher will give a lecture.

Video Lecture

She’s a little more “mathy” than I am …

… but she does a good job.

Section buttons

Now for the goodies!

Teacher’s Pets

Different sections have different links.

There are PowerPoints…


My lecture - in pictures!

Teacher’s Pets

There are Cheat Sheets (err… Lecture Notes)

Lecture Notes

These are the notes that I lecture from and the class hand-outs.

Teacher’s Pets

There are links to my favorite websites…


If you find a good website, let me know!


Some of the websites even have games!

Teacher’s Pets

My Lecture - the very best part!


Math lectures can be a little boring …


This way you can pick and chose what’s helpful.

My Lectures

You can hear me talk and watch me write.

You can even replay me if you need to!


You have the tools to succeed in math class!

Sample Problems Professional Videos PowerPoints Lecture Notes Websites Teacher’s Lectures Homework Quizzes

Don’t forget to use them!

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