About focal theme and sub-theme - krcscbhavnagar.org

Post on 08-May-2022






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About focal theme and sub-theme





Focal Theme

• NCSC is a unique programme where groups of children work research question for a period of 3 to 4 months.

• The research question is built around a Focal Theme and a set of sub themes.

• The focal theme changes every two years and so do the sub themes.• The focal theme changes every two years and so do the sub themes.

• For the years 2018 & 2019, the Focal Theme is

Science, Technology & Innovation for a Clean, Green and Healthy


where groups of children work on a 3 to 4 months.

The research question is built around a Focal Theme and a set of sub

The focal theme changes every two years and so do the sub themes.The focal theme changes every two years and so do the sub themes.

For the years 2018 & 2019, the Focal Theme is

Science, Technology & Innovation for a Clean, Green and Healthy

Idea behind the focal theme

To Encourage our children for

• Assessing the situation of the nation form the perspectives of Sustainable development,

• More specifically, to understand about interlinks of “ • More specifically, to understand about interlinks of “ human wellbeing (������ �� ��� ��� ��х�к���man in maintaining and managing this system”

Idea behind the focal theme

Assessing the situation of the nation form the perspectives of

More specifically, to understand about interlinks of “ Ecology and More specifically, to understand about interlinks of “ Ecology and ������ �� ��� ��� ��х�к���)” and “role of

man in maintaining and managing this system”

Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity

Key aspects Broad view points

Science System of acquiring knowledge, following steps of observation,

measurement, classification,

comparison, analysis, interpretation,

summarization, drawing inferences.

Technology The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use

of technical means and their interrelation with life, society,

solution (in certain cases the environment).

Innovation New idea, process, device or method

Desired dimension of outcome

System of acquiring knowledge, following steps of observation, Leads to – From ‘known to unknown or

General to specific’

The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use

of technical means and their interrelation with life, society,

solution (in certain cases the environment).

Application of knowledge and

understanding for practical ends.

A solution (in certain cases increase

of efficiency) derived through

application of knowledge by certain

processes and devices. Where processes and devices. Where

process stands for principle followed

and device can be means to address

the problem.

New idea, process, device or method It may be a new process/ approach/

means/ device/ product which helps

in managing, maintaining and

facilitating green, clean and healthy


Key aspects Broad view points

Green A concept leading to environmental or eco

sustainability (considering both the physical and

human environment).

Clean State of hygienic condition with absence of

contamination, dirt-free, infection, adulteration, in

desired standard (as per the standard derived by

national norms, rule, law, act etc.)

Healthy State of ecosystem balance and ecosystem Healthy State of ecosystem balance and ecosystem

development and which leads to sound state of

physical and mental condition of human being.

Nation A Nation is country with its physical, environmental,

social and political structure and state. It also stands

for people of the country.

In this context how our issues of study or solution

helps in progress of the nation towards sustainable


Desired dimension of outcome

A concept leading to environmental or eco-system

sustainability (considering both the physical and

An approach/process/means to

attain environmental sustainability

matching with carrying capacity of

physical and human environment.

State of hygienic condition with absence of

free, infection, adulteration, in

desired standard (as per the standard derived by

An approach/process/means to

attain the Clean state linking

sustainability of physical and

human environment.

State of ecosystem balance and ecosystem An approach/process/means to State of ecosystem balance and ecosystem

sound state of

physical and mental condition of human being.

An approach/process/means to

attain good health of physical

environment, human environment

and human being (ecosystem well


A Nation is country with its physical, environmental,

social and political structure and state. It also stands

In this context how our issues of study or solution

helps in progress of the nation towards sustainable

An approach/process/means to

attain national growth and

development with the principle of

“think globally and act locally”.

1. Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services.

2. Health, Hygiene and Sanitation.

3. Waste to Wealth

4. Society, Culture and Livelihoods


4. Society, Culture and Livelihoods

5. Traditional Knowledge Systems.

1. Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services.

2. Health, Hygiene and Sanitation.

4. Society, Culture and Livelihoods4. Society, Culture and Livelihoods

5. Traditional Knowledge Systems.





What is an eco system service?• In simple terms this means

people obtain from ecosystems

• What all we can think of ? Examples?

• provisioning services• such as food and water, fuel,

fodder, medicinal plants and herbs, timber, all forest produce, minerals (from mining), raw materials for rural artisans etc.

• Regulating services• such as regulation of floods, drought,

land degradation, and diseases,

• Supporting services• Supporting services

• such as soil formation and nutrient cycling;

• cultural services• such as recreational, spiritual, religious

and other non-material benefits.

In simple terms this means benefits people obtain from ecosystems.

What all we can think of ? –

such as food and water, fuel, fibre, fodder, medicinal plants and herbs, timber, all forest produce, minerals (from mining), raw materials for rural

such as regulation of floods, drought, land degradation, and diseases,

such as soil formation and nutrient

such as recreational, spiritual, religious material benefits.

Hot Spots of Biodiversity, Refuge of Gene Pool, Resources for Livelihood, Food, Historical Assets,

Pilgrimage, Glacial & Non-glacial water, Carbon Sink, Ecotourism, Recreation,

Hot Spots of Biodiversity, Refuge of Gene Pool, Resources for Livelihood, Food, Historical Assets,

glacial water, Carbon Sink, Ecotourism, Recreation,

Health, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and Sanitation

Waste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to WealthWaste to Wealth

BiodegradableComposed of waste from living organisms

& the actual plant, animal or other organisms when its life ends.

- foul smell as it decays

- breeding ground for mosquitoes

Do not breakdown or decay naturally, i.e., cannot be decomposed by microbes and dissolved by natural agents or biological processes

- breeding ground for mosquitoes

- emits greenhouse gases

Sustainable wealth

- Organic Agriculture

- Biofuels

Non BiodegradableDo not breakdown or decay naturally, i.e., cannot be

decomposed by microbes and abiotic elements or dissolved by natural agents or biological processes

- Does not degrade, strangles animals

- Deplete O2 in marine env.

- Toxic, hazardous- Toxic, hazardous

Sustainable wealth

-Recyclable: Waste put back in circulation

- Nonrecyclable

Landfills, Incineration – solid ash, energy from waste gases

Waste Segregation

Dry Waste I

Waste Management

Organic Paper Plastic Mixed

Waste Segregation

I Wet Waste

Glass Metal E waste Sanitary

Waste Pyramid







Circular Circular


Health, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and SanitationHealth, Hygiene and Sanitation


• Location specific situational study, identification of issues and

experimentation on solution

• Developing model approach with appropriate tools and techniques

Location specific situational study, identification of issues and

experimentation on solution

Developing model approach with appropriate tools and techniques

Society, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and LivelihoodsSociety, Culture and Livelihoods


Framework Traditional Knowledge

system (TKS)

Traditional Ecological

Traditional Technical Ecological



Ecosystem Sustainability Economic Sustainability

Sustainable Use

of Resources

Traditional Knowledge

system (TKS)

Traditional Technical

Traditional Institution and

પરંપરાગત �ાન ણાલી

पारंपा�रक �ान णाल

Technical Knowledge(TTK)

Institution and Values(TIV)

Economic SustainabilitySocial


Sustainable Use

of Resources

Clean Green and Healthy


Scope in the State of GujaratDifferent cuisines in different parts of Gujarat state.


Pearl Millet (બાજર�)Dairy usage maximum

Only brinjals as vegetables

South Gujarat



Sorghum (�ુવા�્)

Dairy usage maximum

Only brinjals as vegetables

Millet s are Earth freindly grains, for farmers to grow and for soil to support.

Scope in the State of GujaratDifferent cuisines in different parts of Gujarat state.


Pearl Millet (બાજર�)Dairy usage maximum

Pearl Millet (બાજર�)Kodo Millet(કોદર� )

Fox tail Millet(કાગં )


(Urban North)



Combination practised Winter: Pearl Millet (બાજર�)Rest of season: Wheat

Opts for foreign produce/ seasonal

and nonseasonal vegetables.

Fox tail Millet(કાગં )

Horse gram(કળથી) Little millet (સામો/મોર�યો)Finger millet (બાવટો)

grains, for farmers to grow and for soil to support.

Some typical tribal foods

• Prickly Pear (ફ!ઙલા)• Prickly pear, also called nopal, any

several species of flat-stemmed spinyof the Genus Opuntia (family- Cactaceaeand their edible fruits. Prickly pear cactiand their edible fruits. Prickly pear cactinative to the Western Hemisphere.

• Several are cultivated, especially the Indianfig (O. ficus-indica), which is an importantfood for many peoples in tropicalsubtropical countries.

• Engelmann prickly pear (Opuntiaengelmannii) Grant Heilman Photography

Bel nu sharbat (Gujarat & Rajasthan)

• Jamboo sharbat

• Kokam Sharbat

• Aegle marmelos

also Bengal

bitter orange

• Cooling of the whole system during summers being so rough and hard in both the states.

(Gujarat & Rajasthan)

marmelos L., bael (or bili or bhel), Bengal quince, golden apple,Japanese

orange,stone apple or wood apple,

Cooling of the whole system during summers being so rough and hard in both the states.

Plant parts used for different purposes regionally







Plant parts used for different purposes regionally

Moringa oleifera is the most widely

cultivated species in

genus Moringa, the only genus

the plant family Moringaceae.

Common names include moringaCommon names include moringa

or Sargavo and drumstick tree.

Gunda Pickle – Cordia obliqua/ clammy berries


and are also


or dosas


and recipe

Culinary Uses

�Gunda is

�The plant

on skin.

�It is useful

relief from

Health benefits

/ clammy berries

Gunda is taken as food and the immature fruits are pickled

also used as vegetable.

Gunda is used in making chutneys which are served with rice

dosas in Southern part of India.

Gunda imparts sour tastes in many Andhra based cuisine


Culinary Uses

is studied to have anti diabetic properties .

plant is used for treatment for delaying effects of aging

useful in the cough, chest diseases and also provides

from severe colic pain.

Health benefits

Earthquake safe construction systems



Its worth mentioning that bhungas are not only earthquake safe, they also demonstrate sensitive understanding of locally available resources, climatic conditions and spatial requirements of people. In fact, all these factors play an important role in the evolution of vernacular architecture at any given place.

arthquake safe construction systems

The typical traditional dwellings ofKutch region; the bhungas, that havewithstood the test of time for centurieshave also withstood earthquakes,.

their circular form, which is very goodresisting lateral forces of earthquakesMoreover, their wattle and daubconstructions, especially where woodconstructions, especially where woodused as reinforcement for the wall,proved to be very effective.

are not only earthquake safe, they also demonstrate sensitive understanding of locally available resources, climatic conditions and spatial requirements of people. In fact, all these factors play an important role in the evolution of vernacular

Maldharis(traditional inhabitants of Gir forest)

They have developed a local breed of buffalo that iswell known in India for its high productivity andstrong resilience to the harsh conditions of the Banniand also registered it.


The literal meaning of Maldhari is keeper(dhari) of the animal stock (mal). HundredsMaldharis (traditional inhabitants offorest), who had moved out of the protectedforest after taking benefit of government'sresettlement scheme in 1980s have returnedto the forest over the past two decades. Theforest department disclosed that over 450



forest department disclosed that over 450families are living inside the Gir forestAccording to an estimate, over 2,000Maldharis have returned into Gir over last twodecades. So, 8500 maldharis inside Gir.

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