Abihays Groups

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    The Problem and Its Setting


    In an intensified drive against criminality, police visibility certainly

    plays a big role in maintaining peace and order. The mere presence of a

    policeman in a busy area could always deter a criminal from pulling off his

    trade. That is why patrolling, even in remotest areas, has become an

    essentially part of police routine to prevent lawlessness. It cannot be denied

    that criminality thrives in the absence of security. However, crimes of

    different types will never succeed if safety measures are put in place. But

    how safe a certain place is greatly depends on how the police force works.

    Like in Cebu City, police are equipped with modern stuffs that are vital

    to their daily operations. This only means that maintaining peace and order

    has become easier with the help of patrol cars, motorcycles, and street

    cameras, among others. There is no doubt that these pieces of equipment

    are giving the authorities the advantage against criminals.

    With all these resources, however, it would still boil down to visibility.

    The need for police presence in every street around the city is what counts

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    in the heightened battle against criminality. A roving police team cannot only

    deter crime. It can also create a feeling of safety and security among the

    people. A more visible police presence helps to reduce crime and fear of


    The evidence is clear about what happens when the number of visible

    police in an area goes up.

    Crime and anti- social behavior go down and people feel safer. Thats why its

    simply not good enough that less than 12 per cent of police are available to

    the public at a time. The modern police service faces formidable demands,

    with a need to reconcile global challenges, including the threats of organized

    crime and terrorism, with pressing community safety issues. Communities

    are affected by a combination of these factors which impact on their sense of

    personal safety and reassurance. It is possible that in this global climate,

    good work by a force in reassuring the public in relation to the local crime

    situation can be overshadowed by extensive news coverage of a crime

    problem elsewhere.

    The challenge of responding to increasing and competing demands

    places significant pressure on police resources. This involves a police force

    listening to its community, identifying priorities and devising a policing plan

    which strikes the right balance in the deployment of force resources.

    The over- all legitimacy of the police depends much more on citizens

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    perceptions of how the police treat them than on their perceptions of police

    success in reducing crime.

    The reason why the researcher conducted the current study to

    determine the perceive effectiveness of visibility in Talisay Philippine

    National Police by no other than the people who is in contact with them the

    citizens of Talisay Camarines Norte.

    Statement of the Problem

    This study focused on the Perceive effectiveness of Police Visibility in

    Talisay Philippine National Police.

    1.) What is the profile of the respondents?

    a. Age

    b. Gender

    2.) How effective is the Police Visibility program of Talisay Philippine

    National Police in terms of:

    a. Crime Prevention

    b. Community relation

    c. Peace and Order

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    3.) Is there a significant difference between the perceive

    effectiveness of Talisay Philippine National Police as perceived by

    the Male and Female residents of Talisay, Camarines Norte.

    Hypothesis of the Study

    1.) Ho = There is no significant difference between perceive

    effectiveness of Talisay Philippine National Police as perceived by

    the Male and Female residents of Talisay, Camarines Norte.


    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of Police

    Visibility in Talisay Philippine National Police in terms of Crime prevention,

    Community relation and Peace in Order. The researchers focused in Talisay

    Camarines Norte.

    The researchers used a survey questionnaire as a tool in gathering the

    needed data. The researchers used 196 respondents.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    The researchers believed that this study will benefit to the following:

    Criminology Students - This study will help them to be knowledgeable

    about Police visibility in Talisay Camarines Norte.

    Future Researchers - this study shall serve as a guide or source of

    information in conduct of their research that may be similar to this.

    Furthermore, this study will give them better understanding regarding the

    research topic.

    Researchers Themselves- through this study, the researcher will enhance

    their knowledge and acquire much wider insights to the components of

    success that they could use in their future undertaking.

    Philippine National Police (PNP)- it may help to solve the crime in our


    Community- This will serve as an informative document.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    A. To be able to identify the Perceived Effectiveness of Police visibility

    in Talisay Philippine National Police.

    B. To be able to identify how effective is the police visibility program of

    Talisay Philippine National Police.

    Definition of Terms

    Police Visibility. It stands for the law enforcement officer assign to the

    street and wearing their Uniform and it is effective to prevent crime .

    Philippine National Police . It may help to solve the crime in our country

    and to serve to our Nation with full pledge of commitment.

    Peace and order. Stands for unites religions and culture, incorporating

    values of security and harmony together with justice and respect for the

    human dignity.

    Community Relations . It is public relations at the local level or that it is "living

    right and telling about it.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education




    This chapter presents the related literature and studies which have

    bearing on our research. It includes the Theoretical Framework, synthesis

    and conceptual framework.

    This also includes the research of other persons with relevance to our

    research synthesized research from different books, related topics from the

    internet and other websites which has relevance to our study.

    Related Literature

    According to (Myhill & Quinton 2010). Community satisfaction with

    police and community expectations of police were investigated, and

    whether solo policing plays a role in improving community perceptions of

    police services. It is worth nothing that although community expectations

    of police services and their overall satisfaction of these services appear

    related. Available evidence on citizen confidence in policing found that

    effective strategies for maintaining confidence include policing activities

    associated with service-oriented models, such as visible patrols,

    procedural fairness, community policing and problem solving (Myhill &

    Quinton 2010).

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Bailey (2008) stated that Citizen satisfaction with police and attitudes

    towards the police have been well documented, particularly in the United

    States. However, studies rarely use single or two person patrols as a

    variable. Anecdotally, it has been suggested that single person patrols

    improves the general relationship between the police and the public and aids

    in the effectiveness of community policing.

    Gilmour, et.al (2010) they discussed the Training officers in

    communicating more effectively in a courteous manner with citizens (e.g.

    Frank, Smith & Novak 2005; Johnson 2004) and emphasizing the

    importance of procedural justic e were suggested solutions.

    According to Skogan and Hartnett, (2000) his review also offers little

    insight into the effectiveness of enforcement tactics relative to other

    broader-based community problem-solving policing programs

    Thompson (2005) elaborated on the concept of the changing visibility in

    detail, referring to it as a new visibility elaborating on cases in the US

    government and police officers.

    Based on learning theory and differential association explain how society

    plays a role in causing crime. Once a the seeds of crime are planted in a

    community, delinquents and criminals either directly or indirectly teach

    others how to commit crime and the criminals substructure is passed on to

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    future generations. Researchers, such as Edwin Sutherland et.al., have

    made profound contributions by explaining how crime is learned.

    In addition, some minority communities seem to experience a

    disproportionate amount of crime and communities with a lot of crime are

    rich in learning environments for future criminals.

    Anomie Theory advocated by Emile Durkheim this theory states that the

    absence of norms in the society provides a setting conducive to crime and

    other anti-social acts. Durkheim also proposed that crime is a natural thing

    in society and it help society for changes.

    Crime control prioritizes the powers of the government to protect society,

    with less emphasis on individual liberties. Those who take a stance favoring

    tough approaches to crime and criminals may be characterized as proponent

    of crime control, while those who seek to curb government intrusions and

    harassment of suspect favor a due process control model. Therefore, this

    theory is referring to Crime Prevention.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Related Studies

    The police are responsible for trying to make communities safe by

    working to prevent criminal acts and enforcing the law. They are accountable

    to the community and its assessment of police successes and failures in

    preventing, fighting, and solving crimes. The police must also be open and

    transparent when dealing with the community and describing crime-fighting


    This mantle of responsibility for fighting crime carries with it the

    obligation for the police to respect the rights of the community members,

    since the police can only accomplish their task with the cooperation and

    support of the community. When police fail to respect the rights of residents

    and police and political leaders fail to hold those who engage in misconduct

    accountable, the police-community relationship is put in jeopardy.

    According to Catherine Gallagher & Edward R. Maguire (2000).

    Neighborhood residents hold both police and residents responsible for

    controlling crime in the neighborhood. At the end of the 20th century,

    substantial majorities of the American public expressed positive views of

    how police treat the public. Police ranked highest in being helpful and

    friendly and lowest in treating people fairly. The public image of honesty and

    ethical standards of police has improved substantially.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    According to Barry Poyner (2012) crime prevention evaluated into six

    general categories: campaigns and publicity; policing and other surveillance;

    environmental design or improvement; social and community services;

    security devices; target removal or modification. Using objective indices of

    crime, about half of the measures evaluated were found to be effective .

    Community relation states that the relationship of the police to the

    community should be harmonious. The community relies upon the police

    department to protect and serve and the police, in return, rely upon

    community support and cooperation in order to be effective. When

    communication and trust deteriorate, tensions build between the community

    and police and undermine their shared goal of safer communities.

    In addition, Poor communication between the police and communities

    served was the problem listed most frequently, in a variety of ways, by

    police and community members surveyed. When asked what the main

    problems are when it comes to police-community relations, police leaders

    listed language barriers, connecting with the community, and lack of

    meaningful communication on both sides and lack of understanding of police

    practices as o bstacles to better relations. This list is similar to the one

    provided by community members, who listed lack of communication,

    language barriers, and lack of relationships as barriers to getting along

    with the police.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    In the study of Maya Harris (2001) Police leaders are not the only ones

    responsible for improving communication and follow up. Community leaders

    should follow up with the police and should make sure that information

    about police-community efforts is conveyed to the community at large.

    Public Law and Legal theory, the police rely on legitimacy and public

    support, and initiatives to improve police visibility. The point of contact

    between citizens and officers is vital in any such endeavor. They find out

    that personal contacts are indeed associated with less favorable opinions

    about police effectiveness, fairness and engagement with the community.

    Yet, consistent with the procedural justice model we also show that

    positively received contacts can improve perceptions of fairness and

    community engagement. Moreover, seeing regular police patrols and feeling

    informed about police activities are associated with higher opinions of

    effectiveness and community engagement. We conclude that with some

    more positive thoughts on the ability of the police to improve the quality of

    contacts and perhaps the Police Visibility.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    When we link all these together, this entire concept describes

    similarities, differences and relationship.

    In the study of Maya Harris (2001) Police leaders are not the only ones

    responsible for improving communication and follow up. Community leaders

    should follow up with the police and should make sure that information

    about police-community efforts is conveyed to the community at large.

    While it is differ to the studies Maya Harrsis that police are responsible

    for trying to make communities safe by working to prevent criminal acts and

    enforcing the law. They are accountable to the community and its

    assessment of police successes and failures in preventing, fighting, and

    solving crimes. The police must also be open and transparent when dealing

    with the community and describing crime-fighting effort.

    We justify that Police and Communities are the same responsible for

    improving the community relation, because police are responsible to make

    communities safe while communities should make sure the information

    about police community.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Bailey (2008) however, studies rarely use single or two person patrols as

    a variable. Anecdotally, it has been suggested that single person patrols

    improves the general relationship between the police and the public and aids

    in the effectiveness of community policing.

    While it has a similarity on Public Law and Legal theory, the police rely on

    legitimacy and public support, and initiatives to improve police visibility. The

    point of contact between citizens and officers is vital in any such endeavor.

    They find out that personal contacts are indeed associated with less

    favorable opinions about police effectiveness, fairness and engagement with

    the community. Yet, consistent with the procedural justice model we also

    show that positively received contacts can improve perceptions of fairness

    and community engagement.

    We justify that having a contact between citizens and officers is one of

    the effectiveness to have a good community relation.

    According to Barry Poyner (2012) crime prevention evaluated into six

    general categories: campaigns and publicity; policing and other surveillance;

    environmental design or improvement; social and community services;

    security devices; target removal or modification. Using objective indices of

    crime, about half of the measures evaluated were found to be effective .

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Gilmour, et.al (2010) they discussed the Training officers in communicating

    more effectively in a courteous manner with citizens while it has a similarly

    to Community relation it states that the relationship of the police to the

    community should be harmonious.

    Conceptual Framework

    Conceptual Framework represents the Input, Process and the Output

    regarding to perceive effectiveness of police visibility in Talisay Philippine

    National Police.

    The input serves as the loads that consist of all things that enter the

    system; it is also consist of the problem that we want to study.

    The process refers to preparation of data gathering, questionnaire and

    survey, Interpretation and Analysis, and Evaluation.

    The Output system deals with the accomplishment of the research

    where the hypotheses are answered.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Figure2. Conceptual Framework

    Theoretical framework

    This study is based on Crime Control theory derived from the work of Gordon

    Hughis which proposed that criminal justice which places emphasis on reducing

    the crime in society through increase police and prosecutorial powers and In

    contrast, the due process model focuses on individual liberties and is

    concerned with limiting the powers of government.

    The profile of therespondents in

    Talisay CamarinesNorte.

    PerceiveEffectiveness of

    communityrelation, Crimeprevention and

    Peace and Orderin PNP in Talisay

    Camarines Norte.

    Data gathering

    Questionnaire and







    of police

    visibility in



    National Police.


  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Crime control prioritizes the powers of the government to protect

    society, with less emphasis on individual liberties. Those who take a stance

    favoring tough approaches to crime and criminals may be characterized as

    proponent of crime control, while those who seek to curb government

    intrusions and harassment of suspect favor a due process control model.

    Therefore, this theory is referring to Crime Prevention.

    Public Law and Legal theory, the police rely on legitimacy and public

    support, and initiatives to improve police visibility. The point of contact

    between citizens and officers is vital in any such endeavor. They find out

    that personal contacts are indeed associated with less favorable opinions

    about police effectiveness, fairness and engagement with the community.

    Yet, consistent with the procedural justice model we also show that

    positively received contacts can improve perceptions of fairness and

    community engagement. Moreover, seeing regular police patrols and feeling

    informed about police activities are associated with higher opinions of

    effectiveness and community engagement. We conclude that with some

    more positive thoughts on the ability of the police to improve the quality of

    contacts and perhaps the Police Visibility.

    The researchers believe then, that this theory has a connection to

    Effectiveness of Police Visibility.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Figure2. Theoretical Framework

    Crime Control Theory

    (Gordon Hughis)

    Public Law and Legal


    Effectiveness ofPolice Visibility

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    Research Design and Methodology

    This chapter presents the research design, the populations of the

    study, research instruments, statistical treatment and the formula used by

    the researchers.

    Research Design

    The researchers used descriptive method to asses, to analyze and to

    determine the Perceive Effectiveness of Police Visibility in Talisay Philippine

    National Police. The purpose of which was to capture the relevant visibility



    In conducting this study the researchers used a survey questionnaire

    to gathered information. The instrument contains the profile of the


    In determining the level of Perceive Effectiveness of Police Visibility in

    Talisay Philippine National Police the researchers use Likert Scale.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    Rating Scale Interpretation Level

    4.21 above Highly Effective 5

    3.41 -4.20 Much Effective 4

    2.61 -3.40 Effective 3

    1.81 -2.60 Less Effective 2

    0.1 -1.80 Not Effective 1

    Participants and Sampling

    The respondents in this study are coming from Talisay Camarines Norte.

    To get a smaller sample from the initial large sample, t he researchers used

    a double sampling method by Edralin, which gave the result of 196 that may

    represent the total population. A sample size was derived through the use of

    the following formula:

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education



    1. At 99% confidence level Z a/2 = 2.58

    At 95% confidence level Z a/2 = 1.96

    At 90% confidence level Z a/2 = 1.65

    2. Assume proportion p=0.5 (as preliminary statement)

    3. Sampling Error E normally assumes the values: 0.025; 0.05; and


    The confidence level used in this study was 95% (1.96) and the margin

    of error was 0.05.

    Statistical Treatment Data

    Statistical treatment of data used in analyzing the research study.

    Z-Test and Chi-square test are used by the researchers used to determine

    if there is significant difference between the perceive effectiveness of Police

    Visibility in Talisay Philippine National Police as perceived by the Male and

    Female residents of Talisay, Camarines Norte.

    1. Mean

    where :

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    2. Variance :

    [ ] Where :

    3. Standard Deviation

    4. Z-testTwo sample mean is used to determine the significant difference.

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College FoundationCollege of Criminal Justice Education


    where :

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    Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

    COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATIONVinzons Avenue Daet, Camarines Norte

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    5. Chi-squ square test


    OF = observed frequency

    EF = expected frequency

  • 8/12/2019 Abihays Groups


    Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

    COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATIONVinzons Avenue Daet, Camarines Norte

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