ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at ... · matrix for different mediums, especially for reflection and refraction of a Gaussian beam at parabola of revolution

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Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Innovations

JECEI, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015

Regular Paper

J. Elec. Comput. Eng. Innov. 2015, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-11 1


ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic Paraboloid Interfaces and Studying Laser Beam Reflection from a Tilted Concave Parabola of Revolution Mojtaba Mansour Abadi1, Zabih Ghassemlooy1,*, David Smith2, and Wai Pang Ng1 1OpticalCommunicationsResearchGroup(NCRLab),NorthumbriaUniversity,NE18ST,UK 2MicrowaveImagingResearchGroup,NorthumbriaUniversity,NE18ST,UK *Corresponding Author’s Information:



ARTICLE HISTORY: Received 04 March 2015 Revised 22 March 2015 Accepted22March 2015

Studying Gaussian beam is a method to investigate laser beam propagation and ABCD matrix is a fast and simple method to simulate Gaussian beam propagation in different mediums. Of the ABCD matrices studied so far, reflection and refraction matrices at various surfaces have attracted a lot of researches. However, in the previous work the incident beam and the principle axis of surface are in parallel. As an extension to those investigations, a general scheme that the incident beam is oblique is discussed here and the full analysis of the reflection and refraction of a Gaussian beam at the surface of a tilted concave/convex elliptic paraboloid surface is addressed. Based on the optical phase matching, analytic mathematical equations are derived for the spot size and the wavefront radius of a beam. Expressions are converted into the ABCD matrices, which are more convenient and practical to use. Finally, a practical case is analyzed by applying the obtained formulas. This analysis is important since paraboloid surfaces in optics or terahertz waves are used as mirrors or lenses.

KEYWORDS: Laser Beam Gaussian Beam ABCD Matrix Reflection Refraction Tilted Surface Convex/Concave Elliptic Paraboloid Surface


A solution of paraxial Helmholtz differential equationisGaussianbeam[1]-[2].Gaussianbeamhasbeen applied in different areas like laser propagation model [3]-[4], fiber coupling model [5]-[6], waveexpansion [7]-[8], free space optics propagation [9]-[10], scattering analysis [11]-[12],and synthesis andanalysis of re lectors [13]-[14] and dielectric lenses[3], [15].Whenalaserbeamisre lectedfromamirroror passing through a lens, it is essential to understand the laser beam characteristics before and after the optics, then in this paper reflection and refraction of a laser beam at a curved surface is studied.

As mentioned before, in most areas it is essential to investigate the beam propagation in different

environments and by using the ABCD matrix it is easiertosimulatetheGaussianbeampropagation[1].Therefore, several researches have deduced the ABCD matrix for different mediums, especially for reflection and refraction of a Gaussian beam at parabola of revolution [16]-[19], elliptic paraboloid [17],ellipsoidalsurface[18],andhyperpoloidofrevolution[16]-[19].However, to the best of our knowledge none of the published papers considered a tilted surface/beam.Referringto[20]-[ 21],oncecanrealizethat using off-axis parabolic surfaces in optical antenna or terahertz wave applications, is inevitable. However, in published papers [16]-[19], the authorsassumed that the beam is propagating in parallel to the surface principle axis. In [17], the authors have considered a paraxial beam reflected and refracted

Mojtaba Mansour Abadi et al.


from a convex elliptic paraboloid. Though in their analysis there is an angle between the beam propagation axis and the surface principle axis, during the mathematical manipulations the angle was neglected due to paraxial approximation.

In this paper, a simple analytical method is introduced to deal with tilted surfaces. One of the applications where this analysis is useful is propagation of a laser beam or terahertz wave through a tilted parabolic lens or reflection of a laser beam from a tilted parabolic mirror [22]-[23]. Toinvestigate different cases of surface tilting angle, we consider two different types of paraboloid interface (concave and convex). For each case, separate spot size, and wave front radius are obtained by applying the electromagnetic boundary conditions along interface, and then ABCD matrix is extracted. At the end of each case, the input incident angle is assumed to be equal to Brewster angle and the distinct ABCD matrix for that special problem is presented. Though the investigation is based on Gaussian beam theory of lasers, it should be mentioned that as long as the following assumptions are correct, the obtained equations can be used for different Gaussian beam applications.

Three assumptions are made to simplify the mathematics. First, compared to radiuses of curvature of the wave front and optical surface, a small beam spot size is considered. With this assumption, up to the second order spatial variation which is important in the wave front change along the transverse coordinate is considered [18]. Second, for simplicity,the principle axis of the interface must lie in the plane of incidence. The third hypothesis requires that the beam propagation axis on the incident plane must intercept the interface principle axis. This assumption is more relevant for practical problems.

The rest of the paper is organized as follow. In Section 2, the original problem is simpli ied into anequivalent one. Section 3 analyzes the re lection ofGaussian beam at the surface of a concave elliptic paraboloidsurface.Section4dealswithrefraction and Section 5 represents the problem geometry and principles for an elliptic convex paraboloid.Section6is devoted to study two interesting problems. In this section, first, we find a suitable point for a laser source in front of tilted parabola of revolution reflector which will result in a collimated beam. Then, we study the relation between angle of tilting and reflected beam waist. In the last section, the conclusion is summarized. All the obtained equations are summarized in appendix I.


Consider thegeometry illustrated inFig.1(a).TheGaussian beam in the incident coordinate i is

propagating along the zi axis where the interface principleaxisliesonzandθ0 is the tilting angle.

The x and xi axes are perpendicular to the plane of incidence and all coordinates are right-handed. In Fig. 1 the base coordinate is the incident coordinate andthe interface coordinate is rotated clockwise by the angleofθ0. However, to avoid complexity, it is wise to consider the interface coordinate (x,y,z) as the base and rotate the incident coordinate counter-clockwise by theangleofθ0 to obtain the equivalent geometry, Fig.1(a). AsdepictedinFig.1(b), the beam propagation axis

passes the source point S(xs=0,ys,zs) in the interface coordinate. The elliptic concave paraboloid surface in the (x,y,z) coordinate is written as:











zx nt





Figure 1: (a) Original problem geometry, (b) Equivalent problem geometry

푥푎 +

푦푏 = −2푧(푎,푏 > 0)


where a and b define the curvature of the paraboloid in the x-z and y-z planes, respectively. Considering the beam propagation axis in the (x,y,z) coordinate as a line defined by: 푦 = tan휃 (푧 − 푧 ) + 푦


the interception point and the angle of tangential and normal linesinFig.1(b)aredenotedby P,θt,andθn, respectively. The interception point on the incident

ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic …

3 J. Elec. Comput. Eng. Innov. 2015, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-11

plane is described in the (x,y,z) coordinate as follow: 푥 = 0 (3a) 푦 = −푏 cot휃 + 푏 cot 휃 + 2푏(푦 cot휃 − 푧 ) (3b) 푧 = cot휃 푦 − 푦 + 푧 (3c)

Note that with the assumption that the beam

propagation axis lies on the incident plane, the expression 푥 = 0 is obvious. Also, it is assumed that the interception point is in the 푧 < 0 and푦 > 0 regions of coordinate. Therefore, based on the position of the source point coordinate and assuming that the incident point 푃 is fixed, 휃 > 휃 or 휃 < 휃 . Each case needs separate analysis then in Section 3.1 the casefor 휃 < 휃 and in Section3.2thecasefor휃 > 휃 are investigated.

3. REFLECTED BEAM 3.1:θ0<θn

Assuming휃 < 휃 , the equivalent problem is illustrated in Figure 2. The subscript 푖, 푟, and 푡 are the incident, reflected and refracted (transmitted) beam coordinates respectively and in all coordinates the 푧 axis is pointing to the propagation direction and both the 푦 and 푧 axes lie on the incident plane where the 푥 axis is perpendicular to it. The coordinates are considered right-handed and the origins of all three coordinates lie at푃. The incident angle is mentioned by휙 .

From the literature the complex amplitude of a Gaussianbeamcanbewrittenas[1]: 푈 (푥 , 푦 , 푧 ) = 퐴 exp −푗Φ (푥 , 푦 , 푧 ) (4) where the subscript 푣 refers to one of푖, 푟, and 푡. Φ (∙) denotes the complex phase and has the following form [1].

Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 ) = 푘 푧 +푘2

푥푞 +




i r









Figure 2: Coordinates for interface, and for incident, reflected and refracted beams. Reference unique coordinate for incident, reflected and refracted beams is presented too.

In (5), kv is thewave number and de ined by (6)and subscript S and T represent the sagittal and tangential planes, respectively. The parameter q will be defined later in the text.

푘 =2휋푛휆 (6)

푛 and 휆 in(6)arerefractiveindexofthemediaandthe free space wavelength. For the rest of the paper we assume the refractive index of 푛 and 푛 on the left and right sides of the interface, respectively. Bytakingthederivativeof(1)withrespecttozon

the z-y plane (x=0), the following expressions are obtained:

tan휃 =−푏푦 (7)

푧 =−0.5푦

푏 (8)

Note that for the geometry in Figure 1:,

휃 = 휃 + 휙 .Thensubstituting(7)in(8)willresultinthe following equations.

tan휃 =−푏푦 (9a)

푧 = −0.5푏 tan (휃 + 휙 )


In the next step, the incident coordinate is transformed to a reference coordinate which will be used for applying boundary conditions for all beams. The reference coordinate is denoted by (푥 ,푦 , 푧 ) and its origin is located at 푃 and each axis in the reference coordinate is parallel to the corresponding axis in the interface coordinate (Figure 2). Using the following transformation, one can convert the incident coordinate (푥 ,푦 , 푧 ) to the reference coordinate(푥 ,푦 ,푧 ). 푥 = 푥 (10a) 푦 = + cos휃 푦 − sin휃 푧 (10b) 푧 = + sin휃 푦 + cos휃 푧 (10c)

On the other hand, the interface coordinate is converted to (푥 ,푦 , 푧 ) coordinate by using: 푥 = 푥 (11a) 푦 = 푦 + 푦 = 푦 + 푏 tan(휃 + 휙 ) (11b) 푧 = 푧 + 푧 = 푧 − 0.5푏 tan (휃 + 휙 ) (11c) Substituting(11)in(1)andsolvingfor푧 will yield:

푧 = −푥2푎 −

푦2푏 − 푦 tan(휃 + 휙 )


Now, using the following sequence, the phase complex of the incident beam can be expressed in (푥 ,푦 ,푧 ) coordinate: Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 ,푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 )

(13) Following(13),Φi (x1,y1) is expressed by:

Mojtaba Mansour Abadi et al.


Φ (푥 ,푦 ) = −푘 푦sin휙

cos(휃 + 휙 ) + 푘 푥1푞 −


+푘 푦

21푞 ×

cos 휙cos (휃 + 휙 )

−cos휃푏 + 푓(푥 푦 ) ,푚, 푛 ∈ ℤ,

푚, 푛 > 0,푚 + 푛 > 2 (14) Note that in (14), terms with variations of 푥 and

푦 greater than the second order are expressed in the summation term.

Referring to Figure 2, the phase complex of the reflected beam in reflection coordinate can be converted to the (푥 ,푦 ) coordinate by going through the sequence in (16). 푥 = 푥 (15a) 푦 = − cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )푦

+ sin(휙 + 휙 + 휃 ) 푧 (15b)

푧 = − sin(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )푦− cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 ) 푧


Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 )


Therefore Φ (푥 ,푦 ) would be:

Φ (푥 ,푦 ) = −푘 푦sin휙

cos(휃 + 휙 )

+ 푘 푥1푞

+cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )

+푘 푦

21푞 ×

cos 휙cos (휃 + 휙 )

+cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )

+ 푔(푥 푦 ) ,푚,푛 ∈ ℤ,푚,푛 > 0,푚 + 푛 > 2


As in (14), the terms with variations of 푥 and 푦 greater than the second order are expressed in the summation term.

Based on the electromagnetic fields theory, the phases of incident, reflected and refracted (transmitted) beams must match exactly along the boundary interface, which means: Φ (alongtheinterface)= Φ (alongtheinterface)= Φ (alongtheinterface)


Neglecting high variations in (14) and (17) andusing (18), the phase matching equations for theincident and reflected beams can be written. Equations (14) and (17) are expressed in the same coordinateandalongthesameinterface,so(18)mustbe held for all (푥 ,푦 ) coordinates. It means that the coefficients of 푥 and 푦 variables with the same order

must be equal. Therefore, the following equations are obtained:

푘 sin휙 = 푘 sin휙 (19a)

푘1푞 −

cos휃푎 = 푘


+cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )



1푞 ×

cos 휙cos (휃 + 휙 )−




×cos 휙

cos (휃 + 휙 )

+cos(휙 + 휙 + 휃 )


By replacing 푘 = 푘 = 2휋푛 휆⁄ in(19)anddoingsomesimpli ication,(19)becomes: 휙 = 휙 (20a) 1푞 =

1푞 −


(cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )) (20b)

1푞 =

1푞 −

cos (휃 + 휙 )cos 휙



+ cos(2휙 + 휃 ))


The irst equation in (20) was expected fromoptical physics and the second and third ones are the sagittal and tangential relations for the reflected beam, respectively.

The complex beam parameter 푞 is defined as: 1푞 =

1푅 − 푗

2푘 푤 (21)

In which 푅 and 푤 are the wave front radius of curvature and beam radius, respectively. Using(21), theequationsin(20)arewritteninthe

following forms: 푤 = 푤 (22a) 1푅 =

1푅 −


(cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )) (22b)

푤 = 푤 (22c) 1푅 =

1푅 −

cos (휃 + 휙 )cos 휙



+ cos(2휙 + 휃 ))


By defining a ray vector and ABCD matrix as in [1], theABCDmatrixformof(27)ispresentedby:


=1 0


(cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )) 1



ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic …

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=1 0

−cos (휃 + 휙 )

cos 휙 ×1푏

(cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )) 1


(23b) 3.2: 휽ퟎ > 휽풏

If휃 > 휃 , following the same procedure in Section 3.1willresultsin:

a) The interface coordinate conversion:

푥 = 푥 (24a) 푦 = 푦 + 푦 = 푦 + 푏 tan(휃 − 휙 ) (24b) 푧 = 푧 + 푧 = 푧 − 0.5푏 tan (휃 − 휙 )


b) Interface equation in the z − y plane:

푧 = −푥2푎 −

푦2푏 − 푦 tan(휃 − 휙 )


c) The transformation equation for converting the reflection coordinate in to (x , y , z ) coordinate:

푥 = 푥 (26a) 푦 = − cos(휙 + 휙 − 휃 )푦

+ sin(휙 + 휙 − 휃 ) 푧 (26b)

푧 = − sin(휙 + 휙 − 휃 )푦− cos(휙 + 휙 − 휃 ) 푧


d) The complex phase of incident and reflected beams in (x , y ) coordinates:

Φ (푥 ,푦 ) = +푘 푦sin휙

cos(휃 − 휙 )

+ 푘 푥1푞 −


+푘 푦


×cos 휙

cos (휃 − 휙 )−cos휃푏

+ 푓(푥 푦 ) ,푚,푛 ∈ ℤ,푚,푛 > 0,푚 + 푛 > 2


By equating the same order terms in (27) andneglecting the summation terms, the simplified form of boundary condition equations are obtained as follow: 푘 sin휙 = 푘 sin휙 (28a)

푘1푞 −

cos휃푎 = 푘


+cos(휙 + 휙 − 휃 )



1푞 ×

cos 휙cos (휃 − 휙 )−




×cos 휙

cos (휃 − 휙 )

+cos(휙 + 휙 − 휃 )


The equations for ABCD matrices which are derived as in Section3.1arepresentedinAppendix I.

4. REFRACTED BEAM 4.1: 휽ퟎ < 휽풏

Referring to Figure 2, the phase complex of the refracted beam in the refracted coordinate can be converted to (푥 ,푦 , 푧 ) coordinate by going through the sequence in(30).

푥 = 푥 (29a) 푦 = + cos(휙 − 휙 + 휃 )푦

− sin(휙 −휙 + 휃 ) 푧 (29b)

푧 = + sin(휙 −휙 + 휃 )푦+ cos(휙 −휙 + 휃 ) 푧


Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 , 푧 )

⎯⎯⎯⎯ Φ (푥 ,푦 )


Then, the complex phase of the refracted beam would be as the following:

Φ (푥 ,푦 ) = −푘 푦sin휙

cos(휃 + 휙 )

+ 푘 푥1푞

−cos(휙 −휙 + 휃 )

+푘 푦


×cos 휙

cos (휃 + 휙 )

−cos(휙 −휙 + 휃 )

+ ℎ(푥 푦 ) ,푚,푛 ∈ ℤ,푚,푛 > 0,푚 + 푛 > 2


Neglecting thesummationtermsin(31)andusing(18)and(14),theboundaryconditionequationstakethe following form: 푘 sin휙 = 푘 sin휙 (32a)

푘1푞 −

cos휃푎 = 푘


−cos(휙 −휙 + 휃 )


Mojtaba Mansour Abadi et al.



1푞 ×

cos 휙cos (휃 + 휙 )−




×cos 휙

cos (휃 + 휙 )

−cos(휙 −휙 + 휃 )


Note that the irst term in (32) is Snell’s law. By replacing 푘 with , theequationin(32)becomes: sin휙 = 푛 sin휙 (33a) 1푞 =

1푛 ×

1푞 −

1푛푎 cos휃

− cos(휙+ 휃 ) 푛 − sin 휙− sin(휙 + 휃 ) sin휙


1푞 =

푛 cos 휙푛 − sin 휙 ×

1푞 −

푛 cos 휙푛 − sin 휙

×1푏 cos휃

− cos(휙+ 휃 ) 푛 − sin 휙− sin(휙 + 휃 ) sin휙


where 푛 = 푛 푛⁄ . Note that using the irst equation in (28), 휙 is

replaced by an expression of 휙 . The equations for ABCD matrices are presented in Appendix I.

By considering the condition of Brewster angle incidence (휙 = tan 푛) and letting 휙 be 휙 , it is possible to obtain expressions for refracted beam at 휙 = 휙 . The equations for ABCD matrices at 휙 = 휙 are summarized in Appendix I.

4.2: 휽ퟎ > 휽풏

The procedure for this case is exactly the same as Section4.1exceptthatthefollowingtransformationisused to convert the refracted coordinate to (푥 ,푦 ,푧 ). 푥 = 푥 (34a) 푦 = + cos(휙 − 휙 − 휃 )푦

+ sin(휙 − 휙 − 휃 ) 푧 (34b)

푧 = − sin(휙 −휙 − 휃 )푦+ cos(휙 −휙 − 휃 ) 푧


Following the mentioned method, one can derive the equations summarized in Appendix I.


In the previous sections, it was assumed that the interface between mediums is in the shape of an elliptic concave paraboloid surface and explicit expressions for ABCD matrices were derived (Appendix I). In this section, the interface has the shape of an elliptic convex paraboloid surface.

The method of obtaining ABCD matrix is the same as Sections 3and4.However, in this case, there would be only one condition over 휃 . Figure 3 depicts the geometry of the problem:

t n0









ry rz


Figure 3: Coordinates for convex interface and for incident, reflected and refracted beams

The interface is expressed as: 푥푎 +

푦푏 = +2푧(푎,푏 > 0)


And if the point 푃 is fixed on the interface and the point 푆 moves so that the angle of 휃 is changed, there is no realistic solution for 휃 > 휃 . Since for elliptic convex paraboloid interface 휃 > 휃 then always 휃 < 휃 . Then, it is not necessary to divide the problem into sub-problems.

After following the same procedure mentioned in Sections 3and4,onecanderivetheexplicitequationsof beam spot size and wave front radius of curvature for the sagittal and tangential planes. Also, by setting 휙 to 휙 , it is possible to formulate the ABCD matrix of the refracted beam at Brewster angle. The equations for this section are presented in Appendix I where the ABCD matrixes for different geometries are summarized.




Laser B


Figure 4: Laser beam and paraboloid mirror

ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic …

7 J. Elec. Comput. Eng. Innov. 2015, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-11


In this section, reflection of a laser beam from a paraboloid mirror is investigated. Assume that the laser is placed in front of the mirror as illustrated in Figure 4.

In Figure 4, the laser is placed on the principle axis of the mirror and the distance between the mirror apex and laser beam waist is 푑. The tilting angle, Rayleigh range [1], and beam width of laser at source point is 휃 , 푧 and 푤 , respectively, and 푤 and 푅 denote the beam width and the radius curvature of the incident beam at parabolic surface. Referring to [3] and Figure 4, one can calculate the distance between the incident point and laser source 퐿 . Also, it is possible to calculate beam waist (푤 ) and Rayleigh range (푧 ) of reflected beam (Figure 4) as follow, respectively [1, 24]:

푤 ( , ) =

1 + 휋푤 휆푅( , )⁄⁄ (36a)

푧 ( , ) =휋푤

휆 1 + 휋푤 휆푅( , )⁄


where 푤 and 푅( , ) are beam width and radius of curvature at output plane of mirror respectively which are obtained by using the ABCD matrix for free space propagation and the ABCD matrix element from Appendix I and [1]:

푤 = 푤 1 +퐿푧


1푅 =

1푅 −


[푐표푠 휃 + 푐표푠(2휙 − 휃 )] (37b)

1푅 =

1푅 −

1푏 ×

푐표푠 (휃 − 휙 )푐표푠 휙

[푐표푠 휃

+ 푐표푠(2휙 − 휃 )]


where 푅 is obtained as [1]:

푅 = 퐿 1 +푧퐿


Figure 5 illustrates the variations of 푤, 푤 , and 푧

with respect to 푑. Note that to plot these results the first assumption at the beginning of the paper is considered. To satisfy this condition, the results are plotted if 푤 ≤ 푅 10⁄ and 푤 ≤ 푅 10⁄ , where 푅 refers to radius curvature of the reflector. In both sagittal and tangential modes, it is clear that when the source point is located at the focal length of the mirror (퐹 = 0.05푚) the incident beam width and reflected

beam waists are identical, and Rayleigh range gets its maximum which means the reflected beam is quasi-collimated and also it is obvious that as the angle of tilting increases, beam width and Rayleigh range increase as well. So, it can be deduced that when the radius of curvature of the wave fronts is larger than beam spot size, and the principle axis of the parabola of revolution mirror lies in incident plane, the focal length of the mirror is fixed for different angles of incidence.

In the cases that in specific ranges of distance and angle, it is necessary to find the distance and angle at which the Rayleigh range is maximum, Rayleigh range in(36)canbewrittenas:

푧 ( , )(휃 ,푑) = 푐푤 + 푓 (휃 ,푑)

1 + 푐 푤 + 푓 (휃 ,푑)

× ( , )( , ) + 푔 , (휃 ,푑)

(39) where 푐 = 휋 휆⁄ is a constant and푓(휃 ,푑) = 퐿 . The function 푔 , (휃 ,푑) is defined as:

푔 (휃 ,푑) = −1푎

[푐표푠 휃 + 푐표푠(2휙 − 휃 )] (40a)

푔 (휃 ,푑) = −1푏 ×

푐표푠 (휃 − 휙 )푐표푠 휙

[푐표푠 휃

+ 푐표푠(2휙 − 휃 )]


It is possible to find the maximum of 푧 ( , )(휃 ,푑)

using different numerical methods [25-27]. Using Genetic algorithm [25], the maximum Rayleigh range is obtained for the following parameters:

휃 = 90° 푑 = 0.05푚 for 1° < 휃 ( , ) < 90° 휃 = 90° 푑 = 0.05푚 for 0.1 × 퐹 < 푑( , ) < 2.0 × 퐹

In another calculation, the incident angle 휃 is set

to 45° and the sagittal beam width of the reflected Gaussian beam regarding the distance up to 10푚 between the mirror and the beam is calculated (Figure 6). Different values of 푑 is considered to show the effect of source position on the beam width of reflected Gaussian beam. It is obvious that when the source is placed at the focal length of the mirror, the reflected beam is almost collimated whereas for other distances the beam diverges rapidly. Though this figure is just for sagittal plane, the same result is obtained for the tangential plane.

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(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Figure 5: (a) Beam waist of incident beam at surface (sagittal), (b) Beam waist of reflected beam (sagittal), (c) Rayleigh range of reflected beam (sagittal), (d) Beam waist of incident beam at surface (tangential), (e) Beam waist of reflected beam (tangential), and (f) Rayleigh range of reflected beam (tangential) as a function of source distance to mirror apex. 푎 = 푏 = 0.1, 휆 = 488푛푚, and 푤 = 10휇푚. Different tilting angles are drawn with different line styles; 휃 = 5° solid line,휃 = 15°dotted line, 휃 = 45° dashed line, and 휃 = 90° dash-dotted line.

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10










d [m]

w [m


0 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10










d [m]

w [m


0 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10






d [m]

w 0 [m


0 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg0 0.02 0.040



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10






d [m]

w 0 [m


0 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg0 0.02 0.040



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10







d [m]

z 0 [m]

0 0.02 0.040


0.040 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10







d [m]

z 0 [m]

0 = 5 deg

0 = 15 deg

0 = 45 deg

0 = 90 deg0 0.02 0.040



ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic …

9 J. Elec. Comput. Eng. Innov. 2015, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-11

Figure 6: Beam width of reflected beam versus the distance between the mirror and the beam for incident angle of ퟒퟓ° and different 풅s. 풅 = ퟎ.ퟎퟒ풎 solid line, 풅 = ퟎ.ퟎퟓ풎 dashed line, and 풅 = ퟎ.ퟎퟔ풎 dash-dotted line.


The ABCD matrices of reflected and refracted Gaussian laser beams impinging a tilted elliptic concave/convex paraboloid surface have been

obtained. The method of obtaining matrixes includes simplification level, converting all coordinates into a unique reference coordinates and applying electromagnetic field boundary condition on complex phase of the Gaussian beam. The method was applied to paraboloid surfaces in this text. However, by choosing appropriate transformation, it would be possible to formulate ABCD matrix for other types of interfaces as well. To show the application of such equations, a practical case which consisted of a parabola of revolution mirror reflecting a laser located on mirror principle axis, was studied. It was shown that sagittal and tangential planes have the same imaging focal length and a parabola of revolution mirror has the same focal length for different angle of tilting.

Appendix I

In this appendix each ABCD matrix is represented by 퐌 , where 푢 can be 푟, 푡, and 푏 referring to reflected, refracted, and refracted at Brewster angle beams. The subscript 푣 refers to 푆, or 푇 regarding the sagittal or tangential plane.

퐌 =1 0


[cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )] 1

퐌 =1 0

−1푏 ×

cos (휃 + 휙 )cos 휙

[cos휃 + cos(2휙 + 휃 )] 1

퐌 =1 0

−1푛푎 cos휃 − cos(휙 + 휃 ) 푛 − sin 휙 − sin(휙 + 휃 ) sin휙


퐌 =

⎣⎢⎢⎢⎡ 푛 − sin 휙

푛 cos휙 0

−1푏 ×

cos휙푛 − sin 휙

cos휃 − cos(휙 + 휃 ) 푛 − sin 휙 − sin(휙 + 휃 ) sin휙푛 cos 휙

(푛 − sin 휙 ) ⎦⎥⎥⎥⎤

퐌 =1 0

−(1− 푛 )(cos휃 − 푛 sin휃 )

푛(1 + 푛 )푎1푛

퐌 =푛 0

−(1 − 푛 )(cos휃 − 푛 sin휃 )

푛 (1 + 푛 )푏1푛

Note that above matrices are valid for concave paraboloid where 휃 < 휃 . One can obtain concave paraboloid for 휃 > 휃 by changing 휃 into −휃 . To change the matrices into convex paraboloid case 휃 , 푎, and 푏 must change into −휃 , –푎, and –푏, respectively.

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Mojtaba Mansour Abadi was born in Fasa, Iran, in 1982. He received his B.Sc. degree inElectrical Engineering from Islamic Azad University, Fasa, Iran in 2005, and he wasawarded M.Sc. in Electromagnetic Fields and Waves from K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2008. In 2012 he

joined Optical Communications Research Group, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Optical Communication funded by the University. His research is focused on free space optical (FSO) communication and hybrid FSO/RF systems.

Zabih Ghassemlooy, CEng, Fellow of IET, Senior Member of IEEE Received his B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Manchester MetropolitanUniversityin1981,andhis M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Optical Communications from the University of Manchester Institute of Science

and Technology (UMIST) with scholarships from the Engenieering ResearchCouncil(UK),in1984and1987,respectively.From1986-87worked inUMIST and from1987 to 1988was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the City University, London. 1988 he joinedSheffield Hallam University as a Lecturer, becoming a Reader in 1995 and a Professor in Optical Communications in 1997. 2004 - 2012 was an Associate Dean for Research in the School of Computing, Engineering, 2012-2014 was an Associate Dean forResearch and Innovation in the Faculty of Engineering and Environment, at Northumbria University at Newcastle, UK. He currently is heads of the Northumbria Communications Research LaboratorieswithintheFaculty.2001hewasarecipientoftheTanChin Tuan Fellowship in Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has been a visiting professor at a number of institutions and currently is at University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Optics and Applications, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, and The Mediterranean Journal Electronics and Communications, also is editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He also was an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letters and currently is an associate editor the EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Communication Systems, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iranian Journal Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Research Letter in Signal Processing, and Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has been guest editor of a number of special issues in international journals. He is the Vice-Chair of the European Union Cost Action IC1101 OPTIWISE, is aCollege Member of the Engineering, and Physical Science Research Council, UK, acted as external assessor/examiner for a number of international institutions, and has served on a number of international Research and Advisory Committees including a Panel Memberof theRomanianResearchAssessmentExercise2011.Hisresearches interests are on optical wireless and wired communications, visible light communications, free space optics, and radio over fibre/FSO. He has received a number of research grants from UK Research Councils, European Union, Industry and UK Government, has supervised a large number of Ph.D. students (more than 48) and published over 550 papers (196 journals + 4books) and presented a large number of keynote and invited talks (around70).He isa co-author of a CRC book on “Optical Wireless Communications – Systems and Channel Modelling with Matlab (2012); a co-editor of an IET book on “Analogue Optical Fibre Communications”. He is the founder and the Chairman of the IEEE, IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Network and Digital Signal Processing, the Chairman of 16th EuropeanConference on Networks and Optical Communications 2011,andEU Cost Action IC1101 2nd Workshop on Optical Wireless

ABCD Matrix for Reflection and Refraction of Laser Beam at Tilted Concave and Convex Elliptic …

11 J. Elec. Comput. Eng. Innov. 2015, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-11

Communications2013.He is organizer/co-organizer of a number of international colloquiums/workshops etc and is a member of the steering and technical committees of a number of international conferences. From 2004-06 he was the IEEE UK/IRCommunications Chapter Secretary, the Vice-Chairman (2004-2008), the Chairman (2008-2011), and Chairman of the IETNorthumbria Network (Oct 2011-). Personal Web site:

Wai Pang Ng received his BEng (Communication and Electronic Engineering) from Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in 1997 and Ph.D. (ElectricalEngineering) from University of Wales at Swansea, UK in 2001. He joined NorthumbriaUniversityas aLecturer in2014andcurrently is a Reader (Associate Professor) at the Faculty of Engineering and Environment at

Northumbria University. He is working within the Optical Communication Research Group. His research interests include optical switching, GMPLS, adaptive digital signal processing and cryptography and has published over 56 papers in internationaljournals and conferences. He is the Chair, IEEE UK&RI CommunicationChapter,andPublicityChairforICC2015,London,and was the Co-chair, Signal Processing for Communications Symposium,IEEEICC2009.

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