
ABC 123Generation A- Part One

Welcome to the ABC Legacy, I’m Lexi and this is Ginny. Ginny say hi to the camera!Where’s Harry! Last time I saw him, he was rolling out of Hagrid’s arms, magically alive and now I’m here in the middle of land and nothing else. What is going on?Well, you see Ginny, the Dark Lord wanted to keep you busy?“Keep me busy? What do you mean keep me busy?Have you ever heard of a legacy Ginny? (:

Well you must know what it is because you have been scowling the six minutes straight. Well meet Ginny ABC, the founder of my lovely ABC wonderful legacy! The characters while being of course named alphabetically, will be named after my four favorite things, Harry Potter, Glee, Castle, and the Mentalist. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen any of those things, I will keep you updated! Well Ginny here has rolled popularity with the lifetime want to be best friends with 20 people (good luck with that) and her personality is 2/3/6/7/7. Her turn on’s are vampires and underwear and her turn off’s are custom hair. Hey Ginny maybe we can get you a vampire boyfriend!

But look, elf ears! I love elf ears, I hope you pass them on to all your children. When you were with Harry Potter, I bet you didn’t have elf ears (:Can you just make me my house?Well I might not have enough money to build you a house….WHAT

Here you go Ginny! A very surprisingly good house!The Burrow is larger then this.I knew you would love it!

You can’t afford to buy me a play station or a book shelf or even a bathroom but you bought me a dishwasher?!I hate it when Sims leave their dishes on the counter, personal pet peeve. I would rather have you starve to death then not have a dishwasher.Noted.

So how’s that dishwasher treating you Ginny? I will use my wand on you and I’m not afraid to hurt you.Good thing, in this world, there is no such thing as magic.WHERE AM I.

“Lexi, where did this random desk and computer come from in the middle of my yard?”You need to get a job, now hurry up and get a job so I can delete the desk and computer and buy your bed back.

I just got a job in politics. I don’t even know what politics is.It’s kind of like the Ministry of Magic, without the magic.But the MINISTRY OF MAGIC IS CORRUPTED BY you-know-who and all of his Death Eaters. I’m Harry’s girlfriend, I would be a huge asset.”How would you feel if I told you (SPOILER ALERT) that Harry beats Voldemort and restores happiness in the country.Not much better.

Tell the audience what you are doing, Ginny.Well, you want me to get married but of course all that people that came to visit me and welcome me to my house are playable sims. YOUR PLAYABLE SIMS.True story.

“I was wondering if you have seen my boyfriend, Harry. He is about six feet tall, messy black hair, green eyes. Here is a picture of him.”Why is he posing next to an everyday kitchen broomWell you see where I come from.Ginny we are trying to get you a date here, not find Harry! I’m saving his name for the H generation.

Hello muggle, I just saw you fall from the sky and I was wondering if you were alright? Ginny, he is your date. He is suppose to fall from the sky!

Well he isn’t very good looking is he now? I was just hoping his face got smashed in when he fell!

And then Voldemort started heading this way, but I shot a spell and it bounces of the mirror and almost hit Bel-”Ginny! Stop scaring your date!

Please Mrs. Matchmaker, help me find a date to make Lexi happy. But don’t send me any more ugly muggles. The last one fell from the sky and messed up his face and was really ugly, so please make this one cute?

Oh hello Stuart. No I will not have a STUART be part of my legacy, good thing he is ugly. Because I will not have a Stuart. No. No not happening.

Saved by the bell, a random man asked Ginny to go on a date with him downtown. So she had to say a quick good bye to Stuart.More of like a good riddance. Something like that. But Ginny it’s pretty sketchy to go on date with random stranger.I could always apparate if it gets sketchy.

He said I stood him up Lexi. I literally took my first taxi here. What did he expect? I can’t use my broom or apparate and muggle taxies are so unreliable.Maybe you can look for cute guys here since you are already here?

Oh yup, this place is full of lookers.Sorry Ginny. Let’s go home since the only thing you can afford here is tap water.

“OH MY GOSH FIRE. WHERE IS MY WAND WHAT DO I DO! HELP LEXI!”Use the fire extinguisher!Oh yeah, I’ll pull that right out of my pocket, what the heck is that?! AND WHY THAT MAN STILL HERE?

Oh my gosh fire fire fire!Stuart, leave!FIRE!

How was work?Good, I thinkGood because I have bills to pay!

Good thing you have the day off today Ginny, because we need to find you a husband. At this rate, you’ll be old before you even get married.Excuse me, but when I was at Hogwarts, I was a little bit of a social girl. I remember dating a few upper classmen.So you weren’t a totally prune.

See any cute men Ginny?Look at that muggle dance…hahaha

Ginny stop, look at his nose. Do you want your children with that nose?He is the only guy here, and we have two bolts, so shh.Think of the children!


You did not just ask Abhijeet to move in.You clicked the button…It was a desperate moment….


Oh brother…

And after a quick underwear-wearing wedding, Abhijeet becomes part of the family. Welcome Abhijeet ABC123!

Well, he doesn’t clean up that bad. It’s just the whole nose thing that upsets me….but well here is Abhijeet. I’m going to call him Abe from now on because this whole Abhijeet thing takes too long and way too many spell checks. Well Abe here is a romance

sim which explains his after-wedding breakdown. His lifetime want is hall of fame but it’s probably not going to happen because has a comfterble job as a desk sergeant. He is 4/8/3/5/5 and his turn on’s are red hair and hats (makes so much sense) His turn

off is gray hair. Welcome ABE!

Abe, if you do not put your dishes in the dish washer, I will feed you to a plant cow, do I make myself clear. You are easily replaced!

“Look Abe brought me flowers. How sweet, Harry never brought me flowers.Probably because he was too busy saving the world. And that’s sweet of Abe but can you ask him to put his dishes away now?

I’m pregnant!Glad you are so excited because you have two more kids after this!

I swear this is all Abe does. Every single time, I don’t give him an action right away, he goes and lounges on the couch. LAZY BUM

Tell everybody what you did, Ginny.Well it’s not my fault. Your computer glitched up and now it won’t let me go to work, or get a job, or do anything.UGHHHHHH

Abe, I am giving birth here, do you think you could get out of bed?????One second honey.

He literally just got out of bed while she is giving birth and went and lounged on the couch. I feel like hitting my head on my keyboard over and over again.

Meet Alexis! Alexis is from the TV show Castle. She is raised primarily by her father, Rick Castle who is a writer. She has always been serious and very smart, while sort of watching out for her reckless father, Rick. She is very tight with her father and doesn’t really know her mother who visited very frequently. The older Alexis gets, she makes friends and even has boyfriends but she is very mature for her age. This Alexis inherited her mother’s eyes, skin tone, and her father’s hair. But since the real Alexis is a red head, she might become a red head. I usually don’t like to switch Sims hair color but this is an important exception.


How would I know we would find you here?

It’s birthday time for little Alexis already and her dad is here to grow her up, and is thinking about his recent woohoo with her mother?

Here’s Alexis. She kind of has a weird face but I think it could grow on her. She has elf ears also which is the most awesomest thing ever. Her personality is 4/8/2/10/7, which I guess should go for the present Alexis. I don’t think Alexis is that outgoing but you never know. She probably is more serious and nicer, but whatever goes!

Alexis has turned into a huge daddy girl, just like Alexis Castle. Glad you are doing something Abe other then working, baby making, and sleeping.I do, do things you know that right? You have a picture of me painting and you just Forgot to add it to the collection.I haven’t done such a thing! And that painting only sold for like $2. Besides, mommy is suffering from some morning sickness shhh so she can’t help out.

I’m excited for another pregnancy Lexi!Good, must be those love potions I slipped you.You did what?Nothing, nothing.

Birthday time. Birthday time. Hurry it up so you can go to bed and Ginny can answer the phone!

Tada! Ginny! I turned her to a red-head and I really like how she looks. She has Abe’s nose (shudders) but it works on her. Her face is interesting but pretty, I think…

Baby time! Baby time! And look who made it this time!

No Ginny. Your baby is in the crib, stop holding your stomach. Do not spin. Stop spinning. STOP GINNY

Let’s welcome our twin girls! Someone please help me. I didn’t have another girls name so the one in the crib is Angelina. Angelina is from Harry Potter also. She is team captain for the Quiditch team, so I see her as smart and athletic but very involved in women rights and very beautiful. The one in Ginny’s arm is Albus. Yeah I know Albus is a boy and this is a girl, but I’m out okay? Albus is very intelligent and wise in an elderly way. He loves riddles and wool socks. Welcome to our twins! They look the same, with brown eyes, tan skin, and black hair!

This twin thing is hard. Two cribs, two bottles, two diapers to change.Oh just wait until they become toddlers, it gets even more fun. Say good bye to your sleep.

And welcome to the twins birthday! Say hello to diapers, talking sims, tantrums, one twin not sleeping because the other twin is awake, and no sleep!

Awww. They are so precious. They even grew up in matching outfits! Angelina is on the left and Albus is on the right. Angelina is 10/8/3/5/4/ while Albus is 4/7/6/7/5. Super nice Angelina, gez. And neither of them are really

slobby so I’m glad for that!

And the toddler skilling begins! Alexis even got in the middle of it with her reading and learning how to cook. Bless their hearts.

Didn’t know…twins…would be so exausting.hahahahahahahaaaa

But thank goodness for twins birthdays! Say goodbye to diapers and hello to homework and skilling little ones!

My heart just melted a little bit. Angelina is on the left while Albus is in the pink pajamas. They aren’t exactly identical…Albus looks like Alexis and Angelina has her own look with little eyes and a cute little mouth. But neither of them have elf ears, which is


Alexis’s birthday already?!

Alexis rolled romance which fits her character pretty well. As Alexis goes on and the series progresses, she has several boyfriends, and deal with numerous of boy issues that her dad and grandma help her deal with, that also helps her dad in his progressing

relationship. Her lifetime want is to be a celebrity chef and her turn on’s are blonde hair and custom hair. Swimsuits turn her off. She has her dad’s nose but I think she is really pretty!

I’ll leave you with this family picture. Check out the nose on Albus! I just love Ginny in the background, such a competitor. Well until next time! Make sure to check out boolprop to vote for your heir once I get that far!

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