Abbotsford Mission Chilliwack Times Carrier Handbook 2013

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Abbotsford Mission Chilliwack Times Carrier Handbook 2013



May 2012




Route #

Delivery Days Tuesday & Thursday

Completion Time 6:00pm

Rate of Pay: Paper (1st Piece) .ea

Flyers (Inserts) .005 each

Tandem will advise

Real Estate Weekly .01 each

Samples & Door Hangers will advise

Catalogues will advise

Welcome to the Times Distribution Team!

Dear Carrier,

This may be your fi rst working experience and if so, we are sure that you’ll fi nd

the benefi ts of this part-time job to be quite rewarding!

Being a newspaper carrier for the Times is an important job. Without responsible,

conscientious people like you, our business of delivering community news

and advertising would be pointless. As a carrier you provide a service to your

community that benefi ts your customers with a great newspaper to read and

offers the local business community a great place to advertise their services,

all the while lining your pockets with extra cash in your spare time.

Even more important to you will be the experience of learning the value of

responsibility, self-reliance and being able to take pride in the fact that you

have a part-time job and work hard at it!

This booklet is designed to give you some guidelines on how to properly serve

your customers and answer any questions you may have about the responsibility

you are taking on. Please read it carefully and if you have any questions, call the

offi ce at 604-854-5244 (Abby/Mission), 604-792-9117 (Chilliwack).



Delivery procedures from our warehouse to your home.

Your newspapers, fl yer packs and any other delivery materials (product samples, catalogues etc.) are brought to you Tuesday morning for the Tuesday delivery and Thursday morning for the Thursday delivery. You are required to deliver to your customers by 6:00pm Tuesday and 6:00pm Thursday.

Please provide a dry, safe area for your papers near your front door or in your carport. Do not expect deliveries to be left at the back ofyour house. When your delivery materials arrive, count them to make sure you have enough to cover your route. If you do not haveenough papers or fl yer packs contact the offi ce right away.

With every delivery you will have a delivery slip (shown below) for each route assigned to you. This slip lists your name, addressand all materials that you should have for delivery that day. It also contains important messages about upcoming deliveries and any service requests from your customers. Make sure you refer to it every delivery day.


















• Delivery Days - Tuesday & Thursday. Must be delivered by 6:00 pm.• Deliver the route as indicated on your map.

• Use mail box, tube or slot wherever possible.

• DO NOT cut across lawns or gardens. People take pride in their yards. If there is a gate you have to open, make sure to close it behind you. There could be a pet or toddler kept in by the safety of the fence.

• Leave only one pack per household unless otherwise indicated. If the home owner wishes an extra paper they need to call the offi ce. If you can not deliver to someone’s home you need to contact the offi ce with the address.

• Do not deliver to homes that are obviously empty.

• Act on all delivery requests that have come from the offi ce. If a customer tells you to stop or start, “tell them it is best if they call the offi ce”.

• If you have apartments with bulk drops, you are NOT required to insert the fl yers into the papers. Leave the bundles neatly in the lobby or other arranged spot.

• If you encounter a vicious animal on someone’s property, DO NOT ENTER IT. Make a note of the address and call it into the offi ce. Your personal safety is important to us.

• If you wish to stop your route you must give the offi ce 2 weeks notice.

• Do not throw your papers away until the next delivery date.

DO NOT DUMP YOUR PAPERS, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT WE EXPECT FROM A CARRIER. If you have too many papers you need to contact the offi ce.

• If you are unable to do your route, it is your responsibility to get a replacement. Please call the offi ce at Abbotsford: 604-854-5244, Chilliwack: 604-792-9117, Mission: 604-854-5244 with your replacement’s name, address and phone number, as well as the delivery days you will be away.

• Complaints from the route will determine if a carrier has delivered all of their papers. Please note that all non-delivery complaints are taken very seriously.

• If you follow the above instructions, you should never receive a delivery complaint.

Delivery ProceduresFrom your home to your customer’s home.

When delivering to your customers, you might give some thought to what

will happen to your delivery after you have left it at your customer’s home.

Will it be in good shape when they get home? Will it be readable? Have I

delivered it on time? When you are delivering follow these simple steps and

you’ll always have happy customers. (well almost always!).

Delivery Day

STEP ONE:Make a stack of

papers and fl yer

packs side by side.

Newpapers Flyers

STEP TWO:Insert the fl yer

packs into the


Flyers go inside

the newspaper

STEP THREE:Stack your inserted

newpapers into

your cart.


Your papers & fl yers may arrive separately or together.If they arrive separately this is what you do.


When you are delivering papers, you should always act safely by obeying the rules of the road.

During the winter months, be sure to dress warmly and be prepared for rain or snow. As it gets dark early, wear light coloured clothing or a refl ective vest or stripe to help motorists see you better. It’s also a good idea to carry a fl ashlight.

Always use the sidewalk or driveway year round. Your customers will appreciate it and it is a wise safety practice. If there are no sidewalks, be sure to stay off the road away from traffi c. Always look both ways before you cross the street as well.

On occasion you may come across a loose dog on your route. Please do not deliver if you feel that it is not safe. Call the offi ce.

Everyday should be a safe delivery day by using your common sense and following the rules of the road.

More Serious Stuff





Tandem DeliveryThis means the product is delivered with your papers and

fl yers but may not be inserted into the paper.

When asked to do a “Tandem” delivery a notice will accompany your bundles.

Doorhanger DeliveryThis is an obvious product.

The fl yer needs to be attached to the doorknob or door handle wherever possible.

Under no circumstances can this product be inserted into the paper.

You may deliver this product along with your papers and fl yers.

When you are asked to do a “Doorhanger” delivery a notice

will accompany your bundles.

Sample DeliveryThis is an actual product delivery:

such as soap, food products, cleansers, etc.

You may deliver samples with your regular delivery.

Always leave samples in a dry and safe place.

Your rate of pay will vary according to the samples’ weight and size.

Whenever you are asked to do a ‘sample’ delivery a notice

will accompany the product.

Catalogue DeliveryApproximately once a month you will be asked to do a ‘SEARS Catalogue’ delivery.

These catalogues are addressed and do not go to every house on your route.

Please be sure to read the instructions when they arrive.

Your rate of pay will vary according to weight.

A notice and instruction will accompany your catalogues.


When to call the offi ce1. When you don’t have enough papers or fl yers call the offi ce after you have delivered

and let us know how many homes didn’t get delivery. Any time you need an increase

it must be justifi ed with the new addresses or addresses requesting more than one

copy. We need this information to keep our records accurate.

2. If you regularly get more than two extra papers or fl yers. Waste not, want not! We wouldn’t want to print more newspapers than necessary!

3. If you have a substitute covering your route due to illness or vacation.

We must always be able to contact whoever is covering your route.

4. If you require information or are having problems regarding your route.

5. If you are giving up your route. At least two weeks notice must be given.6. If you have any questions about special deliveries.

7. Anytime you have a question that isn’t covered by this book.

The offi ce numbers are:

If no one is available to take your call please leave a

message with your name and route number.





Dear Carriers, The Times is now using an online route completion form.

The purpose of this form is to help us streamline our route auditing process.

It’s quick, easy and entirely voluntary.

Everytime you complete your route and check-in, you are automatically entered in our monthly prize draw.

Each month one carrier will win a prize. We’ll have some great prizes to

give away as a way to thank our carriers when they do a good job!

Here’s how it works:1. Go to (Chilliwack) (Abby/Mission)

2. Scroll across the top to the right side of our index to where it reads carrier check-in3. Click on CARRIER CHECK-IN and you should see a screen like this:

If you would like to enter but don’t have a computer, you can

get paper copies of the form from your manager and return

to the Times offi ce once you’ve fi lled them out.

Please be sure to check-in for TUESDAY DELIVERY by Wednesday evening and THURSDAY DELIVERY by Friday evening.

Late check-ins will not be accepted.

Please be advised that the Times does a weekly visual verifi cation program for auditing purposes to ensure proper delivery.

4. Fill out the information and click

the submit application button.

That’s it, you’re done and entered to WIN!!!


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